Cane Corso - description, standard, features of the breed. All about the Cane Corso - a dog devoted to the bones to its owner. To the house with clean paws and a manicure.

(Italian Mastiff) - guard breed dogs. A faithful guard, a reliable friend and bodyguard. The most distant ancestors of the Cane Corso, without a doubt, were the Molossians - the four-legged warriors of the Roman legionnaires. In later times, representatives of the breed were more often used as herders and guard dogs, protecting the herds from predatory animals, and the owner’s house and property from intruders.

Cane Corso photo

The very name of the breed “Cane Corso Italiano” reflects the direct purpose of these dogs - “Italian dog belonging to the yard.” The courtyard does not mean the royal residence, but the domain of a villager. The powerful potential inherent in the breed by its distant ancestors allows the Cane Corso to be used today not only as a family companion. In Europe, for example, representatives of the breed are trusted to guard jewelry stores and expensive boutiques, and are used as bodyguards and escorts.

Description of the Cane Corso Italiano breed and the FCI standard

  1. Country of origin: Italy.
  2. Use: defender, security guard, police and search.
  3. FCI classification: group 2 (dogs such as Pinscher and Schnauzer, Molossians, Swiss Mountain dogs and herding dogs). Section 2.2 Mountain dogs. No operational tests.
  4. Appearance: powerful, strong and elegant, with beautifully defined muscles.

  5. Photo of Cane Corso breed description

  6. Body type: strong.
  7. Basic proportions: the length of the head is almost equal to 36% of the height at the withers. The length of the body slightly exceeds the height at the withers.
  8. Behavior/Temperament: active, mobile and responsible, understands the seriousness of the work assigned to her. Ideal for protecting the owner's property, home or pets.
  9. Head: large, typical of Molossians.
    1. Skull: wide, when viewed from the front it looks convex, from the back from the forehead to the occipital protuberance it looks flat. In the area of ​​the zygomatic arches, the width of the skull is equal to or slightly greater than its length. The frontal groove is clearly defined. The axis of the skull and the axis of the muzzle converge slightly.
    2. Stop (transition from forehead to muzzle): well marked.
  10. Nose: black, large with wide open nostrils.
  11. Muzzle: strong, square, flat, short (muzzle to skull ratio 1:2).
    1. Bridge of the nose: straight.
    2. Lips: The upper lips hang moderately and cover the lower jaw, so that bottom part The profile of the muzzle is completely determined by the upper lips.
  12. Jaws/Teeth: bite - light bite ( lower jaw protrudes slightly forward), the jaws are large, powerful and curved. Teeth white, healthy, full dental formula 42 teeth.
  13. Eyes: dark (color may vary according to color), oval, medium in size, looking straight ahead, slightly convex. The eyelids fit tightly.
  14. Ears: Uncropped ears triangular shape, hanging down, widely spaced, the ear flap fits tightly to the head. Cropped ears take the shape of an equilateral triangle.
  15. Neck: strong, muscular, equal in length to the head.
  16. Body: The body is strong, appears slightly longer than the height at the withers.
  17. Withers: pronounced, protruding above the croup.
  18. Back: straight, strong, very muscular.
  19. Croup: long, wide, slightly sloping.
  20. Chest: wide, well developed, reaching the level of the elbows. Ribs moderately convex.
  21. Tail: Set high, thick at the base. The undocked tail is long, reaches the hocks, is always carried high, and does not curl or rise vertically. The tail is docked at the fourth vertebra.

    Photo of Cane Corso breed characteristics

    1. Shoulder blades: long, sloping, very muscular.
    2. Shoulders: strong.
    3. Forearms: straight, strong.
    4. Wrist and metacarpus: elastic.
    5. Forelegs: oval, cat-type, toes close together. The paw pads are elastic. The claws are strong.
  22. Hind limbs:
    1. Hips: long, wide, the back line of the thigh is convex.
    2. Shins: strong.
    3. Hock joint: slightly angular.
    4. Hocks: powerful, sinewy.
    5. Hind legs: oval, fingers gathered in a ball. The pads are elastic. The claws are strong.
  23. Movement: wide step, large sweeping trot. Preferred movement is trotting.
  24. Skin covering: thick skin that fits tightly to the body.
  25. Coat: The coat is short, shiny, very thick with undercoat.
  26. Height and weight:
    1. Height at withers: males: 64-68 cm; females: 60 - 64 cm. Deviations of 2 cm in one direction or another are allowed.
    2. Weight: males: 45-50 kg; females: 40 - 45 kg.
  27. Faults: Any deviation from the above standards is considered a fault and the severity of the fault will be considered depending on the degree of its development.
  28. Serious disadvantages:
    1. The longitudinal axes of the muzzle and skull are parallel to each other or converge; side surfaces muzzles converge.
    2. Partial depigmentation of the nose.
    3. Scissor bite or overshot bite.
    4. The tail is curled into a wheel or standing vertically.
    5. Movements that constantly turn into ambling.
    6. Growth that exceeds the norm or does not reach it.
  29. Disqualifying faults:
    1. Aggression, cowardice or timidity.
    2. The longitudinal axes of the muzzle and skull diverge.
    3. Complete depigmentation of the nose.
    4. Sunken bridge of the nose, sheep's nose.
    5. Underbite.
    6. Partial or complete depigmentation of the eyelids. Eyesore, squint.
    7. Long or soft, fringed coat.
    8. Coat color unacceptable by standard; large white spots.
    9. A Cane Corso that exhibits clearly visible physiological or behavioral abnormalities will be disqualified.

Note: males must have two developed testes fully descended into the scrotum.

Cane Corso Italiano color

Photos of Cane Corso colors

  • Black
  • Lead gray
  • Slate gray
  • Light gray
  • Light red
  • Red auburn
  • Brindle (stripes of various shades of brown or gray).

The Cane Corso has a red or brindle color, there is a black or gray mask on the muzzle, the mask should not go beyond the eye line. Small white spots on the chest, on the tips of the paws and on the bridge of the nose are acceptable.

Modern Cane Corsos differ in character in many ways from their warlike ancestors. But what remained intact in them was courage, nobility and bravery.

The difficult character of the Cane Corso requires attention. In order to prevent the dog from “sorting things out” with weaker family members, it will be necessary to promptly teach all the necessary skills. Therefore, he needs early socialization and mandatory completion of the OKD course (general training course) from the age of six months.

Upon reaching 1 year, a ZKS course (protective training course) is taught. Be sure to turn to professionals and train your Cane Corso in obedience, this will protect you from the attacker and those around you from the dog.

From the first days a Cane Corso puppy appears in your home, adhere to the rules that you are the owner here. A struggle for leadership may not happen, but it is better to distribute in advance " functional roles"in the family. They love the company of people; it is important for them to feel “needed” and to be close to their owner. The Cane Corso's favorite pastime is spending the blissful bliss of the evening at the feet of his beloved owner. While walking, they never lose sight of the person accompanying them and, as a result, rarely get lost. Emotional contact with the owner is extremely important for her.

Cane Corso breed photo

You should not think that their love is directed only at the owner; Cane Corsos treat other household members, children or pets with no less attention and warmth.

The tendency to “patronize” is a trait inherent in many former herding species. Even with the most “arrogant” fellow tribesmen, the Cane Corso will try to establish friendly relations, but what about two-legged kids? will literally allow you to sit on your neck. Considering large size, never leave small children alone with her.

He is easy to train. A mature and trained dog is not prone to unmotivated aggression in relation to people. Fast and tough Cane Corsos act only in situations real threat. The attacker is attacked silently, lightning fast and decisively. At other times and under other circumstances, a dignified dog will try to avoid conflict. He is more jealous of “his” territory. Be more attentive when there are guests in the house; a stern dog can instill fear in a stranger who accidentally steps onto his “domain” with one glance.

Brindle Corso Italiano - dog photo

It is generally accepted that all dogs of any size have no place in an apartment; their place is in the backyard of a country house. As for the Cane Corso, they get along well in a city apartment, despite their size, they are inactive and do not need a lot of space.

It’s hard to imagine her exclusively as a “street resident.” And it’s not just the light undercoat that doesn’t keep you warm severe frosts. The psychological component should not be discounted. A dog that is too freedom-loving and needs constant human closeness has no place on a chain.

You shouldn’t deprive your Cane Corso Italiano of the joy of active recreation. A dog living on the street needs to be walked. You will have to get out of the area, at least so that the dog does not weaken due to the monotony of living conditions. nervous system. In addition, joint “outings” help strengthen mutual understanding between the owner and the four-legged ward.

In a city, a walk should last at least 1 hour, at least 2 times a day. Due to the tendency of representatives large breeds to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is not recommended to stress Cane Corso under 2 years old with long runs with frequent overcoming of high barriers.

Caring for your Cane Corso Italiano

Cane Corso blue and brindle photo

Caring for the Cane Corso Italiano is not difficult, since it is short-haired with a thin undercoat. Shedding is seasonal, almost imperceptible, and occurs twice a year, spring-autumn. The Cane Corso does not have a “dog” smell spreading throughout the house, however, sometimes owners are bothered by drooling, in which case there is always a towel at hand.

Comb: 1-2 times a week, with a rubber comb or massage mitt. This will improve your pet’s blood circulation and remove dead hair. During the shedding period, brush them every day, and during bathing you can use a rubber glove to quickly remove dead hair.

Bath: quite rarely, once a month or when dirty. Frequent washing with detergents can wash away the protective fatty film from the coat, making it dull. Many breeders prefer dry cleaning, using special dry shampoos that can be purchased at a pet store.

Cleaning your Cane Corso's coat with dry shampoo: spray your pet with a spray bottle, or wipe with a rag treated with a special compound, and then wipe dry with a waffle or terry towel; any cotton fabric is also suitable.

Ears: Check regularly to ensure there is no inflammation. Particular attention should be paid to your pet's hanging ears; they need to be ventilated. Take your ears in your hands and wave them like the wings of a butterfly. Healthy Cane Corso ears are always clean, without excess wax, and do not contain brown discharge And unpleasant odor. Accumulated dirt can be easily removed with a dry cotton pad; do not penetrate deeply into ear canal. If you notice that your pet is shaking his head, his ear seems to be “squelching”, there is an unpleasant odor coming from him, or purulent or other discharge is visible, be sure to seek help from a veterinarian.

Photos of Cane Corso puppies

Teeth: brush 3-4 times a week with a special toothpaste for dogs capable of dissolving deposits that form tartar using a toothbrush suitable size, finger tips or a piece of gauze wrapped around the finger. Even if your Cane Corso Italiano likes to chew food with the required amount minerals, crackers, large bones, carrots or apples, you should not cancel teeth brushing.

Regular visit veterinarian, will keep your teeth healthy for many years. Watch your diet and never let him chew on too hard objects or stones. There are also special treats for cleaning teeth and toys - ropes on the surface of which are applied with a plaque remover. Only a veterinarian can remove tartar.

A Cane Corso puppy's milk teeth begin to fall out at 3.5-4 months. During this period, try to provide the puppy with the necessary items that will help him remove the tooth on his own while the dog chews on them. The main thing is to watch out for small parts that will harm housing and communal services if she swallows them.

  • balls
  • rubber toys
  • large beef bones

The more the puppy has his own objects that can be chewed, the high probability that your furniture or shoes may survive.

Nails: trim once a month with a nail clipper large breeds. Smooth out sharp ends with a nail file.

Eyes: Inspect regularly. In a healthy dog, they are shiny, without discharge or tear tracks. To prevent souring, wash your Cane Corso's eyes with chamomile decoction once a week. Wipe the eyes with a damp, lint-free cloth (do not use cotton wool). Each eye is wiped with a separate piece.

After walks, wipe paws with a damp cloth or wash them in the shower. Always inspect the paw pads for wounds or cracks. Treat wounds with an antiseptic. To prevent the appearance of cracks, include 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil in your diet. daily and rub it into your paw pads regularly.

Tick ​​and flea repellents:

  • drops on the withers (valid for 3 weeks)
  • spray (apply before walks, if infested with fleas, treat beds and things)
  • collar (works with constant wear)
  • tablets (valid for 3 weeks)
  • flea shampoos

The diet of the Cane Corso Italiano comes in two types:

  1. ready-made food (premium class)
  2. natural products

In the first year of a Cane Corso puppy’s life, its diet should include foods rich in vitamins and microelements necessary for a large dog. Any type of feeding has its pros and cons. Ready-made food does not take time to prepare but is also expensive. High-quality products are also expensive and you need to have time to prepare them, but the advantage is that you know what they consist of. Therefore, it is up to you to decide which type of feeding is right for your pet, the main thing is that the food has a beneficial effect on health.

Number of feedings for Cane Corso:

  • From 1.5 - 2 months, the puppy is fed 6 times a day every 3 hours. Dry food is soaked in water or kefir before giving it to the puppy.
  • At 2-3 months, feeding is reduced to 5 times a day.
  • At 4-6 months they feed 4-5 times a day.
  • At 6-8 months they feed 3-4 times a day.
  • From 8-10 months the puppy is transferred to 2 feedings a day.

Regardless of the diet (natural food or dry food), you must adhere to the general rules.

  • The Cane Corso's diet should contain full complex all substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, mineral components and vitamins).
  • Free access to clean, fresh water.
  • It is not recommended to feed an active Cane Corso earlier than 2 hours before and after a walk.
  • When feeding natural food, additional mineral feed is added.
  • An adult Cane Corso weighing 50 kg requires 220-240 g of protein, 50-70 g of fat, and 450-470 g of carbohydrates daily. In addition, about 40 g of fiber and 1 liter of water.
  • The portion should be eaten within 20 minutes; if he refuses to eat, we hide the food until the next feeding.

Useful products:

  • Lean meat (can be given raw after a deep freeze of several days from -18 degrees and below, or poured over with boiling water to avoid infection with worms)
  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Green
  • Fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese, 1% kefir, natural yogurt)
  • Cereals (rice, buckwheat)
  • Turkey and chicken necks
  • Green
  • Vegetable oil (1 teaspoon per day)
  • By-products
  • sea ​​fish boneless

Prohibited products:

  • Any fatty meat (pork)
  • Spicy food
  • Sweets
  • Chocolate
  • Grapes, raisins
  • Nuts
  • Smoked meats
  • Seasonings
  • Legumes
  • river fish
  • Garlic, onion
  • Full-fat sour cream, cream or cottage cheese
  • Pearl barley, millet (poor digestibility)
  • Liquid soups, fatty broths
  • Cheap ready-made feed low grades

Diseases of the Cane Corso Italiano

  • Bloating
  • Allergy
  • Epilepsy
  • Hyperthyroidism (diseases thyroid gland)
  • Cherry eye
  • Eversion of the century
  • Turn of the century
  • Hip dysplasia

Photo of Cane Corso

Videos of Cane Corso

It is distinguished by its devotion and attachment to people; the dog is able to sense the mood of its owner and all family members. By properly caring for a Cane Corso, a person will provide himself with a devoted friend.

Character of the Cane Corso

The character of the Cane Corso is flexible. Being a freedom-loving dog, nevertheless, he quickly gets used to being controlled by his owner, obediently carrying out each of his commands. The dog is completely adequate and, despite its sometimes frightening appearance, the Cane Corso will never show unjustified aggression if it has not been taught this. In order to control the behavior of a Cane Corso, it is necessary to earn authority from the dog. In principle, this breed is quite smart, quick-witted and obedient, so Cane Corso training rarely ends in failure. The dog is able to quickly learn the prohibition of its owner; it is happy to become a good nanny for children and a guard of personal property. The character of a dog is strongly influenced by the upbringing instilled in him from childhood. So, a Cane Corso puppy cannot stay long time alone with yourself. Without the attention of the owners, the baby will become sad, and after a while, will become socially inactive. The behavior of Cane Corso puppies often varies depending on a number of factors. These can be both emotions experienced in infancy, and genetically determined factors that influence the dog’s behavior even with proper training. But this is the exception rather than the norm for the Cane Corso. In principle, these dogs are actively trainable without causing problems.

Caring for Cane Corso puppies

When a Cane Corso puppy appears in the house, many owners do not know at first what kind of care their dog needs. It is very important for a small Cane Corso complete feeding and decent content. The owner must seriously approach the problem of choosing a puppy. It is necessary to evaluate the parents of the future pet, the psyche and physical condition dogs. Having correctly chosen a small representative of the Cane Corso, the owner must take care of the preservation and development of the qualities that the dog is endowed with. Caring for a Cane Corso puppy consists of raising a dog, proper nutrition and provision for the puppy physical activity. To keep your dog's coat always well-groomed, you need to use a comb and a massage brush. It would also be a good idea to purchase a nail clipper for painless nail trimming. A dog kept in an urban environment needs physical activity. Caring for your Cane Corso after birth should be complete. A dog that has recently given birth needs good nutrition and physical exercise to recover. muscle mass and, of course, she feels the need for the love and affection of her owner.

Cane Corso food

When carried out, the breeder gives valuable recommendations to the new owners. The seller can advise the optimal diet for the puppy. Cane Corso puppy nutrition must correspond to his age, be healthy and full-fledged. On the question of what to feed one month old puppy Cane Corso you can't experiment. The dog should eat 5-6 times a day until it reaches the age of 5 months. Then additional carbohydrates and fiber and tougher meat are introduced into the dog’s food. Feeding a Cane Corso 5 months becomes more rare, the dog, as it grows up, needs less feeding, but portions should increase in size. Up to 18 months, the dog needs to be fed 3 times a day. The Cane Corso's diet should contain grains, fiber, proteins and carbohydrates. All these elements are found in cereals, vegetables, dairy products and meat. If you suspect that your Cane Corso lacks vitamins, the dog is inactive, its fur is becoming dull, you can give the dog vitamins for Cane Corso. But first, you definitely need to take your dog to the vet.

The Cane Corso is intelligent and easy to train. The dog can be kept both in an apartment and in a private house. You can choose a Cane Corso puppy and monitor whether it is developing correctly based on its height and weight. This is what we will talk about in our article.

Height and weight are the most important indicators of how well a dog is developing. They are different for males and females. Below is a weight and height table showing the standards for Cane Corso puppies:

Age, monthHeight, cmWeight, kg
For a maleFor the bitchFor a maleFor the bitch
2 44 32 9 8,8
3 49 42 13,5 12,5
4 56 47 16,5 18
5 62 55 24,5 22,5
6 64 57 31,5 28
7 65 58 37,5 33,5
8 65,5 59 40 36
9 66 59,5 42 38
10 66 60 44 40
11 67 61 45,5 41,5
12 67 63 47,5 43
24 68 64 50 45

It is worth noting that all values ​​are conditional. A deviation of 2-3 cm is allowed in height. The permissible difference in Cane Corso weight by month depends on the age of the puppy and is individual. If the dog does not look thin or well-fed, then there is no need to measure its weight, everything is fine with it.

Puppies up to two weeks old

Newborn babies are still very tiny. They are born weighing 300-700 g. In the first 2 weeks, the puppy exhibits only physiological needs: eat, sleep. Now he is completely dependent on his mother.

On the 12th day, the baby’s eyes open, but he still sees very poorly. By the end of the second week, the puppy develops hearing - this is manifested by the fact that he already reacts to sharp sounds. The baby is already standing steadily on his paws.

Two to seven weeks

During this period, the dog’s character is formed and he is ready for simple training. It is already clear who will have the makings of a leader. Depending on this, the method of training for this period. It is recommended to “push” inactive children to move, and to simply observe and make sure that active children do not harm themselves or spoil valuable things. Under no circumstances should you punish them, otherwise they will grow up fearful or aggressive.

It is important that puppies can have contact with people, then they will treat them normally, and strangers in the house will not cause aggression or fear in the dog.

First 2-3 months

This is the ideal period to wean your baby from his mother. He can now fully feed himself. His diet should include meat, vegetables, cereals and dairy products.

At 2-3 months old, puppies are very inquisitive. They enjoy studying the world around us, play a lot and have fun. During this period, they need love and affection more than ever.

You can actively start learning. After the puppy learns its name, you can start using the simplest commands (“Fu!”, “Come to me!”, “Place!”).

4-6 months

At 4 months, the dog has already reached a large size (height at the withers is 47 or 56 cm, depending on gender) and outwardly looks like an adult, but in behavior it is still a puppy who frolics and plays a lot.

Now the baby is not only trying to growl, but is also trying to establish a hierarchy in the family. It is very important to earn the dog’s respect and show that all family members, including children, must be obeyed. Otherwise, the dog will become uncontrollable and will feel like the mistress of the house.

Despite large sizes, this is still a “child” who is often afraid even of familiar things. The owner must support the pet and show that the object or sound that frightened it is not dangerous.

First 4 years

The weight of an adult dog already reaches 45 kg for females and 55 kg for males.

As a rule, the first mating is carried out during this period. After it, the males again try to take leadership positions, but this time not within the family circle, but among other dogs. Due to their strength, Cane Corsos can inflict great harm to the rest of the pets with whom they used to play during walks. Under no circumstances should a dog be allowed to assert itself in this way.

The dog’s character can be adjusted up to three years of age, but the older he gets, the more difficult it is to do this.

Video “Features of the Cane Corso breed”

From this video you will learn about the character of a Cane Corso dog and how to care for a dog.

There is a lot of conflicting information in the descriptions of the contents of the Cane Corso. It is difficult for a new dog owner to know what advice to follow. Will this breed be comfortable living in an apartment?

Is the aviary really an absolute evil? How to maintain dog hygiene if it is constantly in the house next to family members? And many other questions arise for those who decide to own a Cane Corso. In this article we will talk about all the options for keeping the breed, with pros and cons, including in winter. All you have to do is decide which one is right for you.

If someone tells you that the Cane Corso is a shepherd's dog and always feels good in the lap of nature, keep in mind that the birthplace of the breed is Italy. The climate there is generally milder than in most of Russia. That is why domestic experts of the breed are against keeping Cane Corso in kennels. In addition, this dog cannot be chained.

Here are several reasons:
- Cane Corso does not tolerate frost in winter period;
- the dog needs a lot of active movement;
- she needs to freely control the territory;
— dogs of this breed are very affectionate, they require the presence of the owner.

Since the breed was bred in a warm country, its representatives did not need to adapt to the cold. The Cane Corso has a minimal undercoat, which is almost useless in cold weather.

If you are determined to keep your dog in an enclosure, and nothing can shake your confidence, you need to make the enclosure warm. We are not talking about a bunch of straw thrown on the floor of the booth, but about full heating. Otherwise, the dog can get a serious cold, get frostbite and even die.

On the Internet there are sometimes comments from owners who claim that their Cane Corso has a normal undercoat and can withstand even twenty-degree frost well. But this only means that the purity of their breed is questionable. A real Cane Corso cannot have a thick coat. We wrote about how to distinguish a dog with a good pedigree from a “fake” in the article “Cane Corso Breed Standard”.

Also keep in mind that you cannot leave the animal in the enclosure all the time. And the time that the dog spends there or in the yard is not considered a full walk. Cane Corsos are very attached to their owner, so it is still necessary to walk, play, and communicate with him for a long time.

Setting up a warm enclosure

It’s good if the dog’s mini-house is located on a hill from which the owners’ home and yard can be seen. It must be dry there. It is better to have trees or shrubs growing on the back side. This is additional protection from cold winds and drafts, and in summer from the scorching sun. There should be a lot of light.

The back part of the enclosure, facing away from the area protected by the dog, must be closed. Make a lattice around the perimeter. You cannot install a net, because the Cane Corso will chew it, injuring its teeth and gums. In addition, this powerful dog is capable of knocking out the net with its paws if it really wants to go for a walk. For open walls, use metal rods or thin pipes.

To make the enclosure warmer, you can build it close to the house. The main thing is not to place the Cane Corso in a commercial yard, near a poultry house or a pigsty. It's not just extra pathogenic bacteria. Gases generated in such premises are ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide– have a bad effect on the dog’s health.

The area of ​​the enclosure should be about 10 square meters, the length of the shorter side should be at least 2 square meters. A roof is required. The roof can be made from any suitable material.

If you have two dogs, or a female who has whelped, you will have to expand their “personal space” by one and a half times. Also, Cane Corsos living separately in the same yard must see each other, otherwise they will become nervous.

The enclosure also needs a floor, not just dirt. It is better to make it asphalt or wood, providing insulation from moisture. It is not worth concreting - this coating is too cold. If the floor will have a foundation of bricks or stone, provide ventilation.

Naturally, the enclosure needs to be cleaned regularly!

Don't forget the door and feeder. The door must open inwards. The feeder is suspended at a height of 20-30 centimeters from the floor. It's better for her to turn around. Then your Cane Corso can be safely fed by your friends when you go on vacation.

My booth is my fortress

Some people think that bigger dog, the more spacious her booth should be, but this is not the case. Since the Cane Corso loves warmth, it needs mansions just large enough so that the animal can freely enter, lie down comfortably and exit. In a kennel that is too large, the dog will freeze. To know the dimensions for sure, you need to measure the height of the pet when it lies, stands, and also its length.

The best option for a booth is a wooden one with a pitched roof, which can be removed for ventilation and cleaning. Check carefully to see if there are any knots on the tree or if there is any air leaking from the joints.

If there are severe frosts in your region, it makes sense to make double walls of the booth, filling the space between them with insulation - polystyrene foam or sawdust. You can upholster it on the outside with windproof and moisture-proof material. Good option– organize electric heating. Just make sure that the booth doesn’t turn out tropical.

The temperature should be moderate, +10…+12 degrees. You need to turn on the heating at the slightest frost. Even if it is only 2 degrees below zero outside, a Cane Corso can become hypothermic and become seriously ill. Let us repeat: the breed was bred in Italy, where winter temperatures are always above zero.

If you are not a jack of all trades, you can simply buy a suitable booth. It will cost on average from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. More expensive “royal” options are also possible.

The ideal option for keeping a Cane Corso is when the enclosure with a kennel is a summer residence, and with the onset of cold weather the dog is taken indoors.

Apartment for educated people

If you live in multi-storey building, this is not a problem for purchasing a Cane Corso. The dog will feel great in the apartment. True, you will first have to educate him and work on yourself too.

Many people know how terrible it is when your neighbors dog howls alone in the apartment all day long. Cane Corsos are very sociable; they vitally need the closeness of their owner. And so that your neighbors do not write curses on your door, your pet must be accustomed to loneliness.

Even if one of the family members is always at home, someday the dog will still have to be left alone, and this should not be stressful for him.
To avoid such a problem, the Cane Corso should be left alone in the apartment from time to time from puppyhood.

First, for a maximum of half an hour, then the time gradually increases. As a result, the dog will calmly tolerate the absence of its owner throughout the working day. Under no circumstances should you get a Cane Corso and immediately leave it alone for the whole day.

To prevent your pet from chewing furniture, your shoes and other prohibited items, he must have enough toys. This is especially important for puppies during the change of baby teeth (3.5-8 months). But you still can’t do without educational measures, and it’s better to put away especially important things. Although, to the Cane Corso's credit, dogs of this breed usually behave well.

The most important thing for an apartment “Italian” is to provide him with full, long walks with active games.

Then he will direct his energy in the right direction, and at home he will simply relax, enjoy the comfort, and not smoke.

Dog hygiene: grooming

The Cane Corso breed is good for keeping in an apartment because it has virtually no odor and can keep itself clean on its own. The only negative is drooling. But, judging by the reviews of Cane Corso owners, everything is not so bad. Most people do not pay attention to this drawback, especially since the Cane Corso salivates less than other similar breeds.

You need to take care of your dog regardless of where it lives - in an apartment or an enclosure. It won't take much effort. Short and smooth hair is enough to comb twice a week with a brush or a special mitten. The spring and autumn shedding of the Corso is almost unnoticeable, and it is easy to get rid of the falling hair by simply brushing your pet more often.

It is better to bathe less often, about once every two months, and if necessary, if the dog gets dirty. Can be cleaned with special dry shampoo. It is sold in a veterinary pharmacy.

If your dog's ears are not cropped, it is worth looking under the “canopy” from time to time to see if there is any dirt or inflammation there.

To clean or not to clean - that is the question

Many Cane Corso owners are interested in whether it is necessary to brush the dog’s teeth with a brush or whether special devices – toys, bones, etc. – are sufficient. Opinions differ on this matter, but we recommend avoiding this procedure.
To prevent plaque from accumulating on your dog’s teeth, he must have special toys or treats. They are easy to find in pet stores. To prevent plaque, sometimes you need to give your pet a fresh tomato.

If cleaning is necessary, buy a special paste and a brush (there is even a fingertip). First, let the animal taste the paste, then begin to carefully clean. This must be done according to a plan, otherwise the plaque will simply “migrate” from one teeth to another, getting stuck in the gaps.

The upper part, which chews food, is cleaned by making reciprocating movements or scraping. Internal surfaces first they “sweep”, as it were, and then clean with circular movements. External surfaces they also sweep under the lips and then scrape.

The procedure can be performed from 3.5 months. However, if you buy “special equipment” for your Cane Corso in time and monitor appearance teeth, then such cleaning will not be necessary.

There are exceptions. And if you notice old plaque or tartar, your pet has a direct path to the veterinarian - only he can handle it.

To the house with clean paws and manicure

When a Cane Corso lives in an apartment or in a house with an owner, you should always wash his paws after a walk. It doesn’t matter whether it’s dry outside or raining - the rule is immutable.

Claw care is a separate concern. Too long nails will bother the dog, and they can also grow into the flesh or break, injuring the paws. If a Cane Corso spends a lot of time outside, it will naturally wear down its claws on road surfaces. Then additional care may not be needed. However, you still need to inspect the paws.

If necessary, the claws are trimmed special tool- claw clipper. It is sold in pet stores. Just pay attention to the quality of the product. If the blade is dull, the claw will simply crumple, and then peel off and cling to everything. This is fraught not only with inconvenience for the dog, but also with injuries. Before the procedure, the nail clipper must be disinfected. After trimming, the claws are treated with a nail file.

You can’t trim your Cane Corso’s nails without preparing him mentally. To do this, you need to train for several days - lay the dog down as before a haircut, touch the nails so that it understands the safety of the procedure. Be calm and patient, otherwise the first time will end in a battle of the titans and will be the last.

Sometimes when your dog's nails are trimmed, your dog will bleed. This means you grabbed too much. There is nothing catastrophic about this, but the claw needs to be lubricated with iodine, sealed with a band-aid, or better yet, with special glue.

You don’t need to trim much, just the tip, placing the nail clipper not from the inside of the paw, but from above, at an angle of about 45 degrees. It is easy to determine the border of the haircut: as soon as you see a dark point inside the claw, stop - this is the main vessel.

Haircut is not the only task. You need to pay attention to the condition of the claws. They should not break, crack, or peel. If this happens, try lubricating them with natural animal fat. If there is no effect, the Cane Corso may not be getting all the nutrients it needs from its food. Contact your veterinarian to review your diet or choose vitamin and mineral supplements.

Dogs of the Cane Corso breed are distinguished by their external beauty, enormous strength and proud posture. The founder of this breed was fighting dog, but despite this, Cane Corso is great friend family, a good protector and a real watchman.

The pet will become an assistant for the owner and a nanny for the kids.

Description of the Cane Corso breed

The Italian Cane Corso is a compact, but athletic and agile dog. It has a stretched format, in which the height at the withers for males reaches 64-68 cm, and for females - 40-45 cm.

The breed standard includes:

Gallery: Cane Corso (25 photos)

Character of the breed

Noble and beautiful dog is distinguished by incomparable facial expressions and a penetrating, intelligent gaze. She has a very balanced character. If the pet sees that the guest in the house is friendly, it will simply control the situation, but will never attack or show aggression without a reason or command.

At the Italian Corso well developed security qualities . He knows even without training that his main task is to protect family members, territory and property. The pet quickly understands and follows the owner’s commands. He is loyal to all family members and does not pretend to be a leader. The dog's voice can only be heard when it is really necessary.

The breed is very gentle with children, loves to tinker with them and is a good guard for kids. The dog will protect and take care of them, not allowing anyone else near the kids. If small child plays with your pet, he will endure it or try to hide.

Corsas try to make friends with other pets. They get along well with small dogs, cats and parrots.

Italians are monogamous people, so they do not tolerate changes of owners well. They love company and cannot stand loneliness.

Raising and training a puppy

The Corso, like any other dog, must be raised with early age. At approximately two weeks of age, the puppy acquires new family, where he must be made to understand that he is safe. You need to be patient with your baby licking and sniffing family members. A place is allocated for the new pet, which should be inviolable for children and guests.

By two months, the puppy should know the commands “Fu” and “Place”. At four months, the little Corso is given vaccinations, so he can go outside. By this age, the pet should be able to follow the commands: “Come to me”, “Nearby”, “Stand”, “Lie down”, “Sit”. The breed does not have the instinct to present objects, so the corresponding commands can be omitted.

During a walk, the baby should be in contact with strangers and other dogs. He needs to be taught to understand when to trust and when to be wary of a stranger. Any aggression must be stopped.

By six months, the Corso has matured and begins to look for a place in the “pack.” The owner must show that he is the leader, and the pet must obey him.

At seven to eight months the puppy develops awkward age, and it may not respond to commands. There is nothing wrong with this, you just need to be more tolerant of the dog. At this age, sometimes you have to re-teach your pet commands that he previously performed perfectly.

The breed reaches maturity at four years of age.. If upbringing and training were done correctly, then an adult dog will follow all commands, respect the owner, will not run away during a walk and will not get into fights with other dogs.

When raising a Cane Corso The following points need to be taken into account:

  • To prevent the animal from growing up aggressive, cowardly and unsociable, the puppy must be socialized. Getting to know animals, people and different situations is important stage in education.
  • The Italian Corso is a thinking dog that does not mindlessly follow commands. Therefore, training and teaching it should be like a game.
  • Full mental formation in the breed occurs only by the age of three.

Features of caring for the breed

The dogs are unpretentious in keeping and are in good health. When a puppy is brought into the house, you need to allocate a place to rest, which should be away from heating devices and drafts. The bed should be in the form of an elastic mattress with a removable cover.

While the dog is still small and its musculoskeletal system is not yet strong, it is not allowed to jump up stairs or overcome obstacles. You can walk with the puppy only after the second vaccination. The breed does not have an undercoat, so it cannot be kept outside in winter. But you need to walk your pet every day.

Caring for an Italian is easy, but some procedures are necessary:

Italian Corsos are active dogs, so they need to be provided physical activity and games. It is recommended to walk your pet several times a day. Otherwise, the renovation and furnishings of the apartment may suffer.

Feeding the Cane Corso

Every dog ​​owner faces a choice - to feed their pet natural products or dry food. It all depends on the financial capabilities and availability of free time of the owner. But in any case, the diet should be balanced.

Diet for a puppy

You need to pay attention to your baby's nutrition special attention, since it is the foundation of the health of an adult dog. For the first two weeks, the puppy is given the same food that the breeder fed it. After this, the diet can be gradually changed.

Dry food contains vitamins and that's it nutrients . In addition, it is very easy to feed your pet with them, since you do not need to spend time preparing food. Therefore, many dog ​​owners choose dry food. They must be of good quality.

From natural food The animal's diet should include meat and dairy products. Minced meat It is not given to dogs because their stomachs cannot digest it. Therefore, for the baby, the meat is cut into small pieces. Veal, beef, rabbit meat and boiled poultry are suitable. When teeth begin to change, you can give your pet beef bones.

You can give puppies fish, but only sea fish and without bones. It will be enough to introduce fish into your diet twice a week. Once every seven days, a raw egg is added to the food.

A puppy needs calcium during growth, so he must be fed cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, and kefir.

From six months, tripe is introduced into the dog's diet. which helps to work well digestive system. Tripe replaces half daily dose meat.

The puppy should not be overfed, otherwise it will constantly full belly There will be an additional load on the still fragile joints, and the paws may become crooked.

Up to five months, puppies are fed 5-6 times a day. Until six months of age, they are fed 4-5 times a day. At the age of six to eight months, the baby is given food 3-4 times a day. Until the tenth month of life, meals should be three times a day, and after that the pet is fed twice a day.

The diet of an adult dog should be balanced. It should include meat and offal. Every three or four days they give one kilogram of fish. We must not forget about fermented milk products, which should also be in the diet. To meat or fish add porridge cooked in meat or vegetable broth, seasoned vegetable oil vegetables. You can give your pet pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, cabbage and fresh herbs.

As a treat, you can feed your Corso low-fat yogurt and seedless fruits (peaches, apricots, pears, apples).

You should not feed your pet the following foods:

  • pork;
  • tubular and boiled bones;
  • goose and chicken skin;
  • lard;
  • river fish;
  • baked goods and confectionery products;
  • smoked, salted and pickled products;
  • spices;
  • food from the human table, which can be harmful for a dog.

You should definitely add vitamins and minerals to your pet's diet. mineral complexes, which are sold in pet stores.

Canne Corso are great friends, faithful companions, good bodyguards and friends. They do not require special maintenance and are easy to care for. Therefore, this breed is loved and adopted by many dog ​​lovers.

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