Why do you dream about a pregnant belly? Why do you dream about your stomach in a dream? Full interpretation of dreams about the stomach.

Dreaming about your belly encourages you to think about your life and well-being.

Seeing a stomach with wounds in a dream means losses and losses.

If you dream that your stomach has become larger and fuller than usual, then your condition will increase in proportion to the size of your stomach in the dream.

And vice versa: if you see that your stomach has retracted and fallen, then such a dream predicts that you will lose your fortune as a result of some accident.

If you dream that your stomach is swollen but empty inside, then your wealth will melt away like smoke.

The more your belly swells, the poorer you will become.

If you dream that your stomach is grumbling from hunger, then you will have to work hard to have a condition corresponding to the size of your stomach.

Abdominal pain is a sign of trouble.

According to other versions, such a dream foreshadows health and increased prosperity, which will correspond to the strength of the pain that you feel in the dream.

To see your stomach ripped open and with your insides turned out in a dream means that shame, ruin and the imminent death of you or your loved ones await you.

Seeing a naked belly in a dream is a sign of loss and betrayal of loved ones. Such a dream warns you not to be too gullible.

See interpretation: yes.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Belly

Attention! Very typical and most characteristic feature black magician and obvious demonic influences, periodic sensations of pressure, pain, overexertion and cramps in the stomach both in sleep and upon awakening. Sometimes the cause of demonic transformation is serious training in martial arts. In the author's collection there is even one wonderful dream told by a karateka. He reported that one night his stomach began to twist violently painful cramp. And he, not knowing what to do in this case, gave himself a abdominal massage, after which he fell asleep with great difficulty. But when he woke up in the morning, he was very surprised to discover that some unknown force (without his participation) had tightly bandaged his stomach with a sheet, leaving him in different places torso hard knots. He himself swears there was no way he could do this. After this incident, the karateka’s family began to treat him with caution, because such a pronounced demonic influence on him was obvious.

Interpretation of dreams from

A pregnant belly is a symbol of the continuation of life and is always a joyful event for future parents. Developing in the womb, the child completely changes the life of the mother, so for a woman this sign is always frightening, but invariably pleasant. Find out why you are dreaming pregnant belly, not difficult at all.

If you dream about your stomach, don’t panic. Most compilers of dream books agree that a pregnancy seen in a dream indicates to the sleeper that the best and most favorable moment has come to begin implementing his most daring plans. A person who saw himself pregnant in a dream, in their opinion, will have good luck in any of his endeavors. True, depending on gender and other details, the interpretation of such a dream may vary.

If a young person had a dream about an upcoming addition to the family unmarried girl, then this most likely means that her lover is not completely honest with her or does not treat her as sincerely as girls usually want.

If in a dream a woman sees herself in the role of a future mother, but this has nothing in common with real life, then in reality a series of minor troubles or disappointment in the sincerity of friends and relatives may await her.

Girls are usually extremely suspicious. There is no need to panic or sound the alarm just because you had a dream. As psychologist Sigmund Freud said in one joke: “Sometimes there are dreams that are just dreams, without meaning.”

It is also believed that bloated belly, which became a temporary home for little man, - nothing more than a harbinger of easy money, which in the near future will literally fall on the sleeping person. True, the joy of a financial gift from fate can be overshadowed by gossip, which envious people will inevitably not spread.

It is also believed that a pregnant girl’s belly dreams of unexpected discoveries or good news. If a pregnant woman visited you in a dream, then the dream also has a positive interpretation. This means that soon there will be an opportunity to solve an important problem or quickly pay off creditors.

For men, a dream involving girlfriends who are in an “interesting position” will most likely be interpreted differently. Such visions foreshadow for them some changes in the household or in everyday life. And the compilers of some dream books suggest taking a closer look at your beloved; sometimes such a dream is interpreted as prophetic.

Other interpreters believe that for a woman to dream that she is pregnant means that she will be unhappy in her marriage, and her offspring will be ugly. For an innocent girl who has never experienced the joys of sex, such visions promise shame and other misfortunes.

However, the prognosis changes when the sleeping woman is actually pregnant. For those who are pregnant, such a dream predicts an easy birth and a speedy recovery.

It is also believed that being pregnant in a dream means making bold plans, and seeing a pregnant woman means running into minor troubles. If married woman sees herself pregnant in a dream - this signals the birth of twins.

It is also believed that pregnancy in a dream will result in personal happiness for a young girl, and illness for an older woman; for a very old woman, such a dream can mean a quick death.

According to psychologists, in many cases, pregnancy in a dream means a “restructuring” of the psyche from a child’s to an adult’s. A man who sees himself as “in a position” may doubt his masculinity and is not allowed to be active.

Sometimes the events predicted by interpreters are so obvious that it resonates in the subconscious. The body seems to be preparing for stress or unexpected joy.

However, you should not draw conclusions only on the basis of one or several dreams you have seen.


Dream Interpretation Pregnancy, why you dream about Pregnancy in a dream


Why do you dream about Pregnancy in a dream:

Why in the dream did I feel like I was pregnant, I didn’t really have a belly, but I felt the baby in it and stroked my belly?



My mother always told me that seeing yourself and others pregnant means caring. To take care of business, meetings, work. etc.

Mary M

Seeing yourself in a dream while pregnant: foretells wealth for the poor, ruin for the rich; married man- a sign that he will lose his wife; to a single person - that he will have a wife; for a girl such a dream is deception, shame; for a woman - pride, joy; For elderly woman- death. Frequent dreams about your own pregnancy - to illness, about childbirth - to liberation from debts, worries and sorrows, as well as to the fact that many secret affairs will become apparent. Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream is a sign of unexpected profit. The birth of a son is a quick profit; daughters - new events on the path to happiness. If a woman who dreams about pregnancy is actually pregnant, this dream means a successful birth for her. If a man sees his wife or mistress pregnant in a dream, it means that he loves her very much.

For a woman to dream that she is pregnant means that she will be unhappy with her husband and her children will be unattractive. For a virgin similar dream promises shame and misfortune. If the sleeping woman is really pregnant, then such a dream will serve as a prognosis for her successful delivery of the burden and a speedy restoration of strength.

Anna Karenina

this means that you have a plan that you really want to implement, but your grandmother and mother will dissuade you

Erika ___

This dream was nailed down...



I dreamed that I was telling my former colleague that she was pregnant and that I was expecting a boy, and I would call him Vitalik, her two children were nearby, boys

Daria 12 years old:

I saw myself pregnant. I was in the store. And I ate everything in a row, then I didn’t notice and they pushed me into a dark room, something like a demon was sitting there and he told me to scatter white salt around the room, you are not my friend. Then I found myself in the apartment where I live now, we had a grandmother. She said to scatter black salt in a circle, supposedly it would save us from the demon. I scattered it and then the demon jumped out, I poured salt on him and he fell in agony and screamed. My grandmother told me the words were a conspiracy so that I would read and he would die. I read it, brought a toy stroller and started driving around it. They told me that it had disappeared, but I understand that it didn’t. Then I woke up.


Hello, I dreamed that I was pregnant and I felt movement child, and then turned out to be little kitten in your arms.


Hello! That night I saw myself in a dream as pregnant, and in real life I don’t have a loved one and I’m not thinking about pregnancy (I’m only 17).
In my dream, when I learned about pregnancy, I was happy. I was in a great mood. I kept looking in the mirror and stroking my belly, smiling at the same time. Then, after a while, I gave birth to a girl, and she was very beautiful. Oh yes, in my dream I didn’t tell the person I was pregnant with about the pregnancy and the child.


I was pregnant for 9 months and gave birth to a girl, everything was fine and my husband and parents were nearby, and then I gave birth again and my husband was not nearby


I dreamed that I was pregnant and felt the fetus moving and as if I was lying at the doctor’s and he was giving me an ultrasound


I dreamed that I was pregnant and my belly was big. I am married and have an adult son. Yes, in a dream I cried when I saw my stomach (it was big), out of surprise or some kind of hopelessness. Tell me, what is this dream for?


I'm 4 months pregnant. walking with my ex-husband along the road in high heels. stopping the car old seven blue. We get to my husband’s house, the door is opened by my mother-in-law, my husband comes into the house, I stay on the street. standing on the street ironing board I iron the T-shirt for my husband, ring the doorbell, give the T-shirt to my mother-in-law (while stipulating that it is unwashed and smells like a fire) She asks if I found the earrings, I answer yes, the earrings are there (and it’s as if I see two gold earrings in the shape of a heart)


I saved people from a burning building, I had a huge belly and I was very worried that everyone would get out, but there was no fire or smoke


I'm pregnant with mine young man, according to the results of the gynecologist, 4 weeks. But they say there are problems. I am very happy with my pregnancy.


From Thursday to Friday I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins (boys), my belly was already big and I was going to give birth soon. What does this mean


I was pregnant by some wealthy Kazakh (he seemed to be my husband), and felt positive emotions towards him. gave birth to twins and they were taken by him and his mother


Hello, I saw myself pregnant for a long time, I was even surprised in my dream that the doctor told me about this during the examination


I dreamed about my late husband. My dad and my relatives, in a cafe-dining room, sitting at the same table with my husband, tell him that I am pregnant from the current man with whom I currently live together (in fact, I am not pregnant), my husband gets up upset, in my opinion he even cried and leaves, I shout at my relatives, why did they tell him, and leave for my late husband... (I don’t remember later), after which I have to leave with coffee - my relatives call and the person with whom (in the present I live now), they get into the car, and I forget my bag and go back to the cafe, and look for my late husband with my eyes, and he sits with his dad and drinks vodka from glasses, I take the bag and go up to them, and he, upset, says to his father, let’s have 2 drinks at once, and drinks... I look and I want to kiss him... then my sister runs in and calls me quickly, allegedly, they are tired of waiting and my roommate and my relatives in the car are not comfortable... I go out and walk towards the car, turn around and see my late husband and his parents walking and he screams me and his mother come at 8 or 8:30…. My email address mail: [email protected]


Hello, I have a dream that I’m pregnant, and then the hospital, I see a lot of pregnant and giving birth women, but this is not private clinic and the state government and everyone is running around giving birth, bustle, and my belly has a baby moving, I feel the baby moving inside, then it’s like I’m giving birth and I’m calling home to tell them about it, but it didn’t work out, I didn’t see who I gave birth to, I just know that I gave birth and everything is fine with the child, that’s just a dream


I dreamed that I was 3 months pregnant and had a miscarriage


I'm 17 years old, I have a boyfriend, I've been with him for 4 years, and I'm not a virgin. I dreamed that I was 4 months pregnant and told this to my boyfriend. And he said go ahead, I won’t leave you anyway, it’s too early to have a child! I agreed and took some pills and the pregnancy stopped! What is this for??? I dreamed from Friday to Saturday!


I dreamed that I was pregnant, I knew it for sure. Then she sent me for an ultrasound, they said it was some kind of allergy, what does this mean?


I dreamed that I was pregnant for 5 or 6 months, and in the dream for some reason I slept on my stomach, I really wanted to sleep in the dream


I am pregnant. I think I’m having a girl and I see the baby moving. But I was bitten by a sick dog or a tiger.


From April 8 to April 9, I had a dream that I was pregnant, the term was short, I decided not to tell the young man. We sat on a bench with three friends and just talked, the friends talked about men, and I listened. Then we went to the store, I met another one there my friend and she introduced me to her fiance, although in real life she is married, and I do not have a boyfriend.


Good day!
I had a dream that I gave birth to a child again, although 4 months ago I gave birth to a daughter.
I didn’t see the gender of the child, I remember that I was breastfeeding the child.


Good afternoon In a dream I very clearly saw myself pregnant, at 5 months. It was as if I was in some kind of boarding house, camp, with a lot of children around. I didn’t know who I was pregnant with, I’m not married, I don’t have a man in real life, the pregnancy in the dream was very real and I still couldn’t understand how it happened, I was upset about it, but my loved ones were in the dream all the time They supported me, they told me - don’t be afraid of anything, we will help.


Hello... I dreamed that I was pregnant... There were a lot of actions in the dream.. At first it happened in the house where I grew up... my parents... we talked and smiled.. then it moved to the forest near our house... that everyone was looking for someone... but I I’m just looking out... I’m pregnant, I don’t need unnecessary movements... Then I continue to sleep on the seashore... the sea is calm. azure...a river flows into the sea...usually it is large. and then it narrowed to a small stream that I could step over... I stepped over it and moved on... and everywhere I was pregnant and holding my belly... then once I showed two men my belly, saying I was pregnant... according to my perceptions, one of them is my father ..and I don’t understand who the second is...


I dreamed of myself as pregnant. I saw my belly and stroked it. It was New Year and I was visiting relatives. it was dark and I was going to go home to prepare the festive table


I saw myself pregnant in a dream, felt pregnant, and eventually gave birth to a boy, but I didn’t see the birth itself. Everything was fine, a sea of ​​happiness


I dreamed that I was pregnant and many people told me about it in my dream, but in general I broke up with a guy whom I told him 2 days ago that I would give birth to children with the same ears, then we broke up and I had this dream, I want to be pregnant so bad


I am pregnant. The deadline is set at 15 weeks. I feel like a child from someone I don’t know. And that I am confused and scared.


Hello. I dreamed that I was 3 months pregnant.


It was as if I got pregnant and didn’t want to give birth to a child and thought that if I didn’t give birth now, then soon I wouldn’t have children because this would be the second abortion, then I came to my grandmother, they went to the dacha, and at home It was not clear to them that there was some kind of repair, not repair, everything was knocked down, destroyed.


I dreamed that I was pregnant from my ex-boyfriend, and I really wanted this child.


I had a dream from Saturday to Sunday that I was lying on my back, touching my stomach and feeling that my uterus was very enlarged, which meant that I was pregnant. I’m all glowing with happiness, joyful, I stroke my belly, I see my man, he’s also joyful and suddenly I remember that I drank alcohol the day before and I feel worried whether this will harm my baby. In fact, I’m not pregnant, but I really want it, I’m 44 years old, and I’ll soon be meeting my man, but we’re not married, we have children from my first marriage


Hello, I dreamed that I was pregnant, this pregnancy both made me happy and did not make me happy in the dream. In real life I have a child and no husband. So in the dream I was pregnant again, but without my husband. In the dream, I was very worried that I could not bear the child. On last week From Wednesday to Thursday I already had a similar dream.


I dreamed from Monday to Tuesday that I was pregnant. it seemed like everything was fine in the dream. I'm single. I'm starting a new relationship with a young man.


Hello. I dreamed that I was 12 weeks pregnant and the gender was determined to be a boy. And according to the dream, this is my 4th child, although in reality I have two. I dreamed about my belly growing on time. In the dream, my husband is so happy that he will have a boy ( us son and daughter)


I dreamed that I was pregnant and one doctor said that I should give birth and the other that I should do a cesarean section, and I answered that I would give birth myself, but I also said that it was creased days, but I don’t remember whether I saw blood or not


In a dream, I dreamed that I was walking down the street, and I had such a belly, not very big, but it was already clear that I was pregnant. And outside everything is covered in such white snow, it’s so beautiful. And I go, look at all this beauty, smile.


I dreamed that I was pregnant (virgin), on last month. The birth process was skipped, then I held the newborn in my arms, I had the idea that I needed to get in shape


I had a dream that I was pregnant at 66 years old, I understand perfectly well that this should not have happened, but I was very happy about this pregnancy.


I dreamed that I was pregnant and I knew that I was expecting twins, a boy and a girl, walking down the street next to my ex-classmate, we stumble and fall, then we get up. A friend asks me what kind of husband I have, is he well off? I answer that everything is fine with him in this regard, but I understand to myself that I don’t know him yet. I myself am not married. Pregnancy is not expected.


I dreamed that I was pregnant and very early in my pregnancy, I was so happy. Then I felt pain and saw blood. While the ambulance was arriving, I realized that I had lost the child.


I dreamed that I somehow found out that I was pregnant. And I tried to get rid of the child, took pills. Someone else was in the dream, I remember very poorly, in my opinion ex-husband and his mother. She was happy, even though she doesn’t really love me in real life. I also dreamed about a guy whom I love very much. I don't understand what the connection is here?


I dreamed that I had 3 days left before the wedding and also dreamed that I came home from the hospital and they told me that I was pregnant


I was lying on the bed, my husband hugged me from behind and stroked my belly and said “look how beautiful you have become, you have such a tummy” I look at my belly and see myself pregnant for 5-6 months


I saw myself pregnant with twins, as if I had an ultrasound and I saw them: there was a boy and a girl


Today I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins, I had an ultrasound and I saw them, a boy and a girl, but the due date was small, there was no belly


Hello! I dreamed that I was pregnant and already heavily pregnant. I dreamed of friends that they were close during pregnancy.


I was pregnant, but by another man, and I was thinking about whether to leave it or not, but I still left it because I wanted a second child!

The mystery of sleep has always attracted people. How will a person’s life change, what awaits him? How many children, will there be wealth?.. Many questions arise in humanity after sleep and bright emotions sleepy kingdom. Not every dream is remembered and not all details can be reproduced later.

Often a young woman may dream of pregnancy, namely a rounded tummy. Why does a pregnant woman dream about her belly? Let's try to figure this out.

Why does a pregnant woman dream about her belly according to Miller’s dream book?

If the girl is unmarried and pious, then such a dream can promise troubles or various annoying incidents. For an accomplished adult woman, such a dream may mean that she will be unhappy in her marriage, and the children born in this marriage will be unsuccessful and even ugly.

But for a truly pregnant lady this is favorable dream. He foreshadows fast recovery after birth and that the baby will be healthy and happy.

Pregnant belly - Vanga's dream book

According to Vanga’s dream book, pregnancy in a dream for a lady who is married can foretell that she will have twins in the future, and for a girl who is not yet in a legal relationship with her loved one, it can promise some quarrels and disappointments. The other half can be a deceitful and unpleasant person.

Pregnant belly according to Freud's dream book

Seeing herself pregnant with a belly in a dream means for a girl an early acquaintance with the person with whom she will establish stable and long term relationship. The acquaintance will be successful and prosperous.

Sometimes a man can have such dreams. This may mean that he really wants a child from the woman with whom he is in serious relationship on at the moment. If a man is free, then soon he will meet the woman who will give birth to an heir or heiress.

Pregnant belly - Nostradamus' dream book

According to Nostradamus’s dream book, seeing yourself with a pregnant belly means suffering losses in finances and business matters.

Having a large pregnant belly in a dream can also mean carrying some kind of pregnancy promising idea, creative project. These ideas may take a lot of time and effort, but they are the ones that will lead to success and stability.

If in a dream you dreamed of another person’s pregnant belly, then you need to try to remember the figure of that person and his family ties. If this is the pregnancy of a rival, then this may indicate envy and anger. If you dream of a gypsy with a belly, then this is a sign of joy and profit. If a pregnant woman dreams of her grandmother or mother-in-law, then such a dream promises wealth and cash flows.

Sleep well and may you only have good dreams!

A woman of any age can see herself pregnant in a dream. To understand why you dream of pregnancy, you need to remember everything that happened in the dream: the emotions experienced, the characters, the chronology of events. There are both positive and negative interpretations, but it depends on the details of the dream.

Real pregnancy?

Dreams about pregnancy rarely foreshadow it in reality. Sometimes this is how the desire to become a mother or envy of women in position is expressed. If a couple for a long time I tried to have a child, but nothing worked, then there is a double interpretation: either the subconscious is trying to realize the desire, at least through a dream, or I still managed to get pregnant.

The movement of a child in a dream is a signal of imminent motherhood.

Why do you dream about pregnancy - all possible interpretations

Positive interpretation

Pregnancy in esotericism is a symbol of transition to new level, the birth of something new, the completion of old things. Many dream books reveal a positive interpretation of such dreams:

  1. 1. B psychological aspect this is a signal prophesying the completion of plans, the fulfillment of desires, the embodiment of ideas into which a lot of effort was invested. If the dream was accompanied by joy, congratulations, and anticipation, then we can talk about the successful completion of business.
  2. 2. If a woman gives birth to a boy in a dream, it may mean that she needs to take on a new work project. This project will bring a lot of profit and positive emotions. New useful business acquaintances are possible, which will have a positive impact on career growth.
  3. 3. The birth of a girl is a symbol of the happiness that a dream come true will bring.
  4. 4. For a woman who is already carrying a child, such a dream speaks of an improvement in her financial situation, success in all areas of life, and childbirth occurring without complications.
  5. 5. Pregnancy test with positive result- an ambiguous sign. He can be dreamed of by those women who dream of becoming a mother, and sometimes he can talk about the fact that the dreamer will soon become pregnant in reality.
  6. 6. Childbirth - an unexpected increase in income.
  7. 7. Contractions indicate that everything planned will be realized with ease, without unnecessary efforts and problems.
  8. 8. If a married girl had a dream like this, it indicates the birth of twins.
  9. 9. Feeling pregnant means it’s time to take on long-delayed tasks.
  10. 10. Stroking your belly is an activity that will soon justify the expected results.
  11. 11. Seeing yourself without a belly means the search for new ideas and work will be crowned with success.

Negative meaning

Pregnancy appearing in a dream may be a sign of impending bad events in life. You should beware and listen to a dream that:

  1. 1. I dreamed about mature age. For a woman of that age, a dream indicates kidney disease and gastrointestinal tract, troubles that will cause loved ones.
  2. 2. The married dreamer saw it. Soon she will be betrayed by her chosen one, because he has another woman. During pregnancy, this indicates the unwanted sex of the child. For example, I wanted a girl, but a boy will be born.
  3. 3. Dreamed of a virgin. Chaste girls should pay more attention to this. The lover just wants to take advantage of the girl and does not see her as a life partner. Someone around her wants to deceive her or spreads false rumors.

Scenarios next dreams hint at unfavorable developments in reality:

  1. 1. Married with a big belly. The marriage will not last long, and the children born will be ugly and sick.
  2. 2. There was a reflection in the mirror with a small belly. Minor troubles and financial losses are expected soon.
  3. 3. The dreamer is pregnant. Perhaps the secret she has been hiding for a long time will be revealed.
  4. 4. The young girl became pregnant. This suggests that the dreamer is facing separation from her loved one on his initiative. Someone is gossiping about her, trying to harm her.

I dreamed that I was pregnant. What is this for? This question interests many representatives of the fairer sex who have seen a similar dream. And this is not without reason. After all, everyone knows that dreams almost always mean something. Quite often they warn us against upcoming troubles, tell us what to do in a given situation, and also give us hope for a bright and happy future. This is why many girls and women turn to the dream book with the question of what to expect if they see themselves pregnant in a dream? This is what this article will be devoted to.

Modern dream book

Being pregnant in a dream promises great wealth for a poor girl, and complete ruin for a wealthy woman. It is also worth noting that not only the fairer sex, but also young people can see it. Thus, a married man faces a scandalous divorce, moreover, on the initiative of his other half. As for single young men, for them such a strange and unnatural dream means that they will soon meet the girl of their dreams, who will later become their legal wife.

Other interpretations from the modern dream book

I dreamed that I was pregnant. What is this for? Modern dream book interprets this vision completely differently. For example, for an innocent girl such an event promises shame and humiliation in reality. For older women, the dream presented, on the contrary, predicts very early recognition and pride from family members, colleagues, close friends, etc. If such a vision came to an old grandmother, then this is for her imminent death.

Constantly dreaming that you are pregnant is not very good good sign for a person. After all, such an event foreshadows illness, including quite serious ones. If your dreams are directly related to childbirth, then this is a sign of immediate liberation from all sorrows and moral experiences, material debts, as well as the revelation of someone else’s secret.

Seeing yourself (or another woman) pregnant in a dream is a sign of unexpected monetary gain. If such visions come to a girl who in reality is in an “interesting” position, then this only means one thing - her childbirth will proceed favorably, and the baby will be born strong and healthy.

For a man to see his wife or mistress in a dream means that the feelings he experiences towards his other half are mutual.

Miller's Dream Book

As you can see, there are quite a few interpretations of dreams about pregnancy. That is why, to decipher them, you should carefully analyze the real situation in your life, and only then compare all the events and draw certain conclusions based on the dream book.

In a dream, according to Miller, it means that a representative of the fair sex will soon have a quarrel with her beloved husband. In addition, such a vision also foretells that her children will be ugly.

What does the dream mean that I am pregnant? If a virgin asks about this, the answer will be this: she should be careful in society, since very soon she will face general condemnation, shame and even humiliation. It is also worth noting that Miller’s interpretations explain this vision of a woman in an “interesting” position by the fact that she will soon have healthy baby as a result of a favorable birth.

I dreamed that I was pregnant. What is this for?

As you noticed, a pregnant woman or even a man in a dream has huge amount different meanings. In this regard, it is quite difficult to decide which definition is suitable for your situation. In order to make it easier to decipher your own visions, you should understand that their interpretation depends on several circumstances. Let's look at them in more detail.

Firstly, a representative of the fairer sex, who in real life is already in an “interesting” position, can see herself pregnant in a dream. As a rule, dream books interpret such visions with reluctance. This is due to the fact that girls, who are so worried about the upcoming birth, transfer their violent emotions and feelings from reality to a dream, which makes them not particularly significant.

Secondly, to find out that a representative of the fair sex can be pregnant in a dream only for the reason that in reality she really wants to be in this position.

Thirdly, such visions come to men or women as harbingers of events that have nothing to do with the past, present or future pregnancy. It should be especially noted that these dreams are actively interpreted by modern interpreters. After all, only such visions can warn, warn, rejoice or predict.

Detailed interpretation of dreams (woman's pregnancy)

If you clearly saw yourself as pregnant in a dream, but in reality you are far from such a situation, then this may mean the following.

Firstly, at the moment you are at a stage in life when you are open to something new and are capable of doing things that are not typical for you. Such a dream means that you will very soon make an important discovery for yourself, which will subsequently turn your life into a real holiday. But this is only if the pregnancy you saw became a joyful event for you and you felt a surge of strength and energy.

Secondly, seeing yourself in a dream in an “interesting” position may mean that you subconsciously want to become good and caring mother. Thus, if you are an active young woman who periodically looks at other representatives of the fair sex and dreams of such happiness as a child, but is actually not yet ready for this, then a dream about pregnancy speaks about your complete transition to another stage. In other words, you gradually become aware of possible birth baby and, quite likely, you will very soon approach this thoughtfully the most important event in the life of every woman.

"What does the dream mean that I am pregnant?" - a question that often worries women. It should be especially noted that such an unusual vision quite often comes to those women who are very active in sex life. In this regard, such a dream may become some result of your constant worries“What if?” Especially if at this stage of your life you do not want or are not ready to become a mother.

Vanga's Dream Book

I dreamed that I was pregnant. What is this for? The presented dream book gives a comprehensive answer to this question. But, like other interpreters, he recommends evaluating such visions from 2 sides - do you think about an “interesting” situation in reality or is such a dream a complete surprise for you? If you dreamed about this event during your pregnancy in reality, then there is no point in deciphering it. After all, such visions do not carry any forecast, but are only a kind of continuation of your emotions and feelings. More interesting for Vanga’s dream book are unexpected events that have nothing in common with reality. It is precisely such dreams that interpreters add the deepest meaning to.

So, let's look together at what lies beneath the dream where you saw yourself or someone else pregnant.

Seeing yourself in an “interesting” position in a dream means pregnancy in reality

Such visions quite often come to the fair sex reproductive age shortly before the baby is conceived. It also happens that a woman who is already pregnant but does not yet know about it sees a similar dream. By the way, in this situation, the girl may dream not only or the feeling that there is someone in him, but also, for example, images small child or even baby animals. After that vision, the woman is advised to check whether she is actually pregnant.

Subconscious desire to become a mother or father

Not only women, but also men can see such dreams. And the more people think about creating a strong family, including the birth of a child, the greater the chance of seeing this story at night. This is not surprising. After all, the desire to become a mother or father is quite natural for young people. All that remains is to implement it.

Seeing your own or someone else's birth in a dream

After an interesting and exciting night story, you just want to look into the dream book. Pregnancy and childbirth, according to Vanga’s interpretation, does not always mean that you want a child or are already carrying one under your heart. After all, such an unexpected dream is often preceded by events that have nothing to do with the “interesting” position of the woman.

If it came to a girl or a man, then most likely this person is currently in a wait-and-see position. This can also be connected with love, business, friendly relations etc. In addition, pregnancy is often dreamed of by those who are ready to give birth to something new in their life. So, in reality, you can come up with something creative, implement it, and then be content with your own creation. Thus, a dream about pregnancy and the immediate birth of a child should serve as some kind of impetus for you and give you the confidence that is sorely lacking for self-realization and self-expression.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean if you see yourself with a “belly”? Surprisingly, it is often the representatives of the stronger sex who have visions of their own pregnancy. Such an event psychological dream Nick gives two transcripts.

Firstly, this is a new and quite promising project. After all, pregnancy is an unnatural process for representatives of the stronger sex. In this regard, interpreters equate this vision with some large-scale undertaking in real life. Moreover, the emotions in the dream and its outcome determine how the project will turn out in reality - successful or failed. For example, if a man saw himself pregnant, and then giving birth to a healthy and strong baby, then, most likely, his life’s work will fully justify itself. If in a dream such an unnatural process only brings negative emotions and alienation, then in reality it is better not to tempt fate and abandon all planned plans regarding any monetary projects.

It is also worth noting that according to one version, a man who sees himself as pregnant actually has rather weak sexual activity. In addition, such representatives of the stronger sex may be sick with something, as a result of which they have no chance of impregnating a woman. However, in reality, a man may not even be aware of this problem. In this regard, after such a dream, it makes sense to contact specialists and undergo a series of tests to identify relevant diseases.

By the way, such dreams can indicate not only the infertility of a young man, but also talk about all sorts of sexual problems(for example, about weakened sexual function, unsatisfactory and irregular sex, etc.). In this case, a man who feels the presence of the listed deviations subconsciously tries to fill this rather offensive gap, and therefore tries on the state of pregnancy. It should be especially noted that this is a deeply psychological dream. If this vision comes very often and begins to disturb a man, then it is best to seek advice from an experienced sex therapist, otherwise the person may have other, very real problems.

Seeing a fetus or embryo in a dream

As in the previous case, such a vision can be interpreted in different ways. Firstly, seeing the process of conception itself, as a result of which the embryo is attached to the uterine cavity, symbolizes the birth of a new and quite promising idea. Whether it will be realized in life or you will have to face a lot of problems depends entirely on the emotions with which you watched this process in your dream. So, if a healthy and strong embryo began its further development, then this indicates upcoming successful endeavors. If the embryo is rejected by the woman’s body, then it is likely that great difficulties await you on the path to success. But this does not mean that your project will be a failure.

Secondly, dreams with a human embryo often indicate the development of some serious disease. At the same time, you should be especially wary if such a vision came to a child (boy or girl) or a woman of non-reproductive age. In this situation, it makes sense to go through the full medical examination. After all, your own body, with the help of such a clear signal, reports that you are starting to serious illness, but for now it is in the initial (or embryonic) stage.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, today there are an incredible number of interpretations of why you dreamed that you were pregnant, giving birth, etc. Of course, you cannot rely entirely on similar interpretation dreams The pregnancy of a woman or man does not always appear to us in a dream as a warning or warning. In addition, you can understand why you saw this event without using all kinds of dream books. To do this, you just need to think about your life and the situations that bother you very much, and the interpretation will draw itself. It is also extremely important to remember all the emotions in a dream. After all, this is the only way to understand what kind of events await you ahead - joyful and happy or anxious and sad.