The child's hands are sweating and cold. Reasons why it is necessary to treat conditions in a child accompanied by cold sweat

In children, this may indicate that the child is sick. This symptom should not be overlooked. Perhaps this is the first sign that you should pay attention and immediately visit a doctor. The therapist should prescribe a test general analysis blood and urine, and only after that the picture will become clearer. Perhaps this is due to age-related changes, passing through the child’s body. We'll talk about all this in the article.

Why might a child sweat?

Cold sweat in children can be caused by natural factors environment. Among them the following can be noted:

    High air temperature in the room or outside.

    The bed is too soft to sleep on.

    The child is dressed warmly.

    The baby is very active.

In all these cases there will be active sweating. To prevent this from happening, you just need to eliminate the reasons:

    Always ventilate the room. The temperature should be no more than +18-20 °C.

    Use orthopedic mattresses for sleeping. Forget feather pillows.

    Dress your child according to the weather. Remember: children are more active than adults and are constantly on the move.

Before you run to the doctor with a question about why your child has cold sweat, it is important for parents to familiarize themselves with the above information. Perhaps the reason lies in natural factors.

Worth paying attention

If all the factors described above have been eliminated, but the child continues to break into a cold sweat, this may indicate a serious illness and infection. There are a number of diseases that cause sweating. Among them are:

    Rickets- a disease in which a disorder of the musculoskeletal system occurs due to a lack of vitamin D. It is quite rare in our regions, since there is no shortage of ultraviolet rays. As a rule, premature babies suffer from it.

    Metabolic disorder. In addition to sweating, there will be sudden weight loss or gain.

    Problem in the endocrine system (diseases) thyroid gland) .

    Viral diseases. Associated symptoms are fever, cough, vomiting, diarrhea.

    Problems with the cardiovascular system. In this case, you cannot do without an ECG and ultrasound.

As you can see, if a child experiences cold sweat, the reasons can be quite serious. You shouldn’t put off visiting a doctor; it’s better to play it safe and be sure that everything is fine with your baby.

Sweating in babies

Separately, we need to raise the topic related to babies. In relation to newborns, the expression “baby in a cold sweat” is quite acceptable. This is how the body regulates body temperature. It is not for nothing that doctors recommend putting a hat, booties and armbands on the child in the first weeks. Whichever high temperature Whether it was on the street or in the apartment, the baby’s heat exchange is not yet working at 100%. The body only adapts to environmental conditions.

Many mothers sound the alarm when their baby sweats during feeding. Remember: the baby doesn’t just eat, but makes every effort to get milk from the breast. This is hard work for him, so in this case sweating is considered normal.

But if they are present associated symptoms, such as cough, runny nose, sneezing, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the baby is diagnosed with an allergy. Unfortunately, in lately this is a fairly common occurrence. Children's immunity is weak due to environmental factors.

Another reason could be teething. Everything is very simple: the body goes inflammatory process, the baby is experiencing unpleasant painful sensations, he starts to sweat.

Don't put off visiting the doctor

If a child does not always need to rush to the doctor, perhaps he is simply too hot or had a dream bad dream. But there are situations when consulting a specialist would not hurt:

    Sweat has bad smell ammonia or vinegar.

    Sweating occurs unevenly.

    Bodies all day long.

    There is a cough or sore throat, runny nose.

    Stands out from the eyes clear liquid or pus.

    Appetite has decreased sharply.

    Sleep was disturbed.

    To begin with, you should consult a therapist, and after passing the tests, you may need to consult a neurologist.

    An endocrinologist can help you

    Very often, cold sweat in children may indicate problems with the thyroid gland. The symptoms are as follows:

      The sweat is sticky.

      There is an ammonia smell.

      Sweating occurs even at rest.

      During sleep, the child shudders.

      The baby takes antibiotics or other medications.

    In this case, you can immediately contact an endocrinologist.

    When you can't waste a minute

    There are situations when cold sweat in a child may indicate a serious malfunction occurring in the body. Then there is no time to wait, you need to call urgently ambulance. This must be done when, in addition to sweating, the following clinical picture is observed:

Cold sweat in a child may indicate problems with some internal organ. But you shouldn’t sound the alarm right away: you need to observe the child’s behavior, his general condition. Sometimes this can be a temporary phenomenon not associated with pathology.

The child has a cold sweat if there is wellness And usual behavior doesn't say anything. If a two-year-old child develops cold sweat on some part of the body, external provoking factors must be excluded.

They could be:

  • clothes that are too warm;
  • a stuffy room where a child sleeps and plays;
  • high physical activity;
  • insufficient water procedures.

The reason may be related to the use of certain medications, especially when the dosage and duration of the course are not followed (painkillers, vasoconstrictors and antipyretics are most often to blame). After changes are made, the problem ceases to bother you.

Why does my child continue to sweat even after adjustments have been made? If the child continues to sweat, then it is important to determine in what situations (during sleep, after waking up, while eating or playing), how often and on what parts of the body sweat appears.

The reason that the baby suffers from increased sweating may be associated with the disease:

  1. Rickets. The disease develops against the background of a deficiency of vitamin D in the body, and is not excluded even in children 2 years old. Noted restless sleep, appetite decreases, sticky sweat appears. Clothes are wet, so you have to change them extra at night or during the day.
  2. Hyperhidrosis. Malfunction sweat glands leads to increased secretion sweat, which bothers you even in a calm state. Highlight local form when a specific area sweats, such as sweat on the forehead or only on the extremities, and general hyperhidrosis.
  3. Cardiac and vascular system accompanied by the syndrome increased sweating, weakness, lethargy.
  4. Allergic condition.
  5. Decreased or increased thyroid function.
  6. Infectious and inflammatory foci in the body (the cause may be either common cold, and more serious illnesses, tuberculosis or pneumonia).
  7. If sticky sweat appears on certain parts of the body, and at the same time the child is irritable and excitable, then you should go to a neurologist.

If we're talking about about viral or bacterial diseases, then cold sweat accompanies not only during the period of manifestation acute symptoms. After an illness, it may take about a month for the body to recover and begin to function normally. All this time, the child may feel weak and sweating.

Cases of emergency assistance

Other signs may indicate that the problem is serious and requires immediate help:

  • the body sweats often, even without active movements, there is a rise or fall in body temperature;
  • the body sweats in certain areas (for example, only the palms or head);
  • a sweaty body smells unpleasant;
  • sweat secreted changes color;
  • the body is covered with sticky sweat;
  • an obsessive, barking cough develops;
  • nausea, vomiting, headache.

You should also consult a doctor if your child coughs due to sweating, is bothered by watery eyes, runny nose, rash on the body, sleeps poorly and eats less than usual.

Problems of infancy

Children under one year old still have an unformed thermoregulation system. The sweat glands of a newborn begin to actively produce sweat in response to the slightest external changes.

The reason that a child sweats may be due to the following unfavorable factors:

  • choosing bedding or underwear from low-quality, poorly breathable material;
  • stress, fear;
  • prolonged stay in an active state (crawling, playing);
  • hot, stuffy room (the optimal air temperature in the room where the baby is located is considered to be 21 degrees);
  • excessive fluid intake;
  • taking medications;
  • the baby may break out in a cold sweat while sucking at the breast (little milk, uncomfortable position during feeding).

Teething is often accompanied by pain, discomfort and inflammation, so children during this period become capricious, whiny, beg to be held, sleep poorly and eat little. Against the background of all these signs, sweating is observed.

Cold sweat in a baby can occur due to health problems:

  • diseases affecting the nervous system (the baby often shudders, stretches his legs, clenches his hands into fists);
  • the cause may be a disease such as rickets;
  • increased intracranial pressure.

Provide urgent medical care necessary if the child develops other signs against the background of cold, sticky sweat:

  • breathing becomes difficult;
  • hothead;
  • body temperature drops below 35 degrees on the thermometer;
  • severe cough;
  • lethargic or overly excited behavior of the baby;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • change in skin color (skin may turn pale and limbs may become bluish).

In most cases, hospitalization for further examination is indicated. It will be necessary to take tests and do an ultrasound internal organs. They study the sufficient presence of vitamin D in the body, blood sugar levels, and examine the lymph nodes.

Night problem

Perspiration in a dream can cover the entire body or only a specific area, for example, a cold forehead, armpits, back or feet. In the morning, sweaty clothes are found and bed sheets.

Why can the body sweat during night sleep? The causes of cold sweat in a child during sleep are the following factors:

  • warm clothes or a warm, soft blanket;
  • bad, scary dreams cause sweating and crying at night;
  • presence of infection in the body;
  • taking medications that have side effect excessive sweating was noted;
  • cold sweat in a dream may be due to heart disease, while the nasolabial triangle turns blue, breathing becomes heavy, there may be a cough;
  • at diabetes mellitus The head often sweats at night (sticky sweat appears on the forehead, neck, and back of the head);
  • the child is overweight;
  • vivid emotional experiences during the day - this can be not only fear, but also intense joy;
  • late dinner;
  • apnea (a condition characterized by stopping breathing);
  • cold symptoms: cough, nasal congestion.

To eliminate the cause or reduce the manifestation unpleasant symptoms, you need to follow a number of simple rules:

  • ventilate the room, especially before going to bed;
  • monitor the temperature and humidity in the room;
  • Do not give your child food just before bed; throughout the day you should refrain from eating sweet, fried, and spicy foods;
  • choose clothes and bedding from natural, lightweight fabrics;
  • You should provide the baby with a calm environment without stress and conflict.

The cause of the problem is sometimes due to heredity. In this case, measures will be aimed at reducing sweat production and other symptoms.

Only an experienced specialist can identify the real reason problems, so don't bother self-diagnosis and treatment, but you need to entrust this matter to a doctor.

The occurrence of cold sweat in children is a reason for panic among parents who take their status responsibly. Since any uncharacteristic change in the child’s normal condition can cause the development of more serious diseases or infections requiring urgent medical intervention and further treatment.

Possible causes of cold sweats in children

If a child’s body secretes cold sweat, this may be a sign of a lack of vitamin D (especially scary in children under two years of age, as it can cause the development of rickets), cardiovascular failure, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, if present colds or be a consequence of taking any drugs or medications.

It also happens that cold sweat that occurs due to a cold (or other acute process) can persist for several months (1.5 - 2), after which it disappears on its own.

If your child's sweat is sticky and cold, this may indicate a neurological problem. Frequent cold sweating is a consequence of the child’s increased emotionality.

Often, young mothers in panic resort to the pediatrician with the phrases “horror, cold sweat on the baby’s head during feeding, what should I do?” You shouldn’t worry so much, as this is a normal baby’s reaction to intense labor, as he tries to get as much as possible from his mother’s milk. Additionally, you can drink vitamin D.

Important! A child, starting from 3 to 6 months, experiences active metabolic processes, including phosphorus-calcium. Cold sweat that occurs during sleep or while awake in an infant may be a consequence of disturbances or deviations in the metabolic processes occurring.

Also, sweating in an infant (sticky sweat) may be a consequence of the removal of under-oxidized products from the body, which occurs as a result of metabolic disorders. If phosphorus-calcium metabolism is disturbed, it is necessary to determine it in advance and make a correction, otherwise the child’s sweating will intensify and progress.

Cold sweat in the head area during sleep may indicate the development of rickets, so you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Why does my child have cold sweat? This may be a consequence autonomic dysfunction. You can correctly determine the reasons why a child sweats if you do an ECG, ultrasound of the thyroid gland, ultrasound of the heart. It is necessary to undergo an examination by pediatric neurologist and a cardiologist.

Why does a baby sweat while sleeping? Monitor the room temperature; as a rule, the most optimal temperature for a baby is no higher than 20-22 degrees.

ICP (intracranial pressure) can also provoke cold sweat on the baby's head. In this case, you need to seek help from an ophthalmologist, who will examine the vessels of the fundus, after which you need to consult a neurologist.

Most often, a child sweats when he has a cold. If you observe sweaty discharge all over the body during sleep, while the child is capricious, and there is an increase in temperature, then this may indicate pneumonia.

Also, possible tuberculosis should be excluded. The most common question asked at the tuberculosis clinic for sweating is how to perform mantu.

Causes of cold sweats during pregnancy

Cold sweat during pregnancy is an uncommon but pronounced phenomenon. As a rule, during pregnancy a woman sweats due to the onset of fainting, which is also accompanied by severe dizziness, a feeling of severe weakness, ringing in the ears, darkening of the eyes. This phenomenon occurs as a result of decreased blood flow to the brain and manifests itself in the form of a short-term loss of consciousness.

During pregnancy, dizziness is common, which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and loss of coordination.

Occurs due to toxicosis, decreased hemoglobin or glucose levels, with vegetative-vascular dystonia, with osteochondrosis, diseases cardiovascular system, at arterial hypotension, diseases nervous system or due to compression of the blood vessels of the growing uterus.

On early stages(with a delay and in the first weeks) sweating during sleep may indicate ectopic pregnancy. Accompanied by increased pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, hiccups, and vomiting. Hospitalization required.

Cold sweating during pregnancy may also indicate placental abruption, which is accompanied by blood loss, premature contractions, and attacks of pain radiating to the lower back. Required immediate hospitalization and taking blood tests.

Sweating can occur with a cold.

Hypothermia is defined as pathological condition when body temperature drops to 35.0° when measured in armpit, or up to 35.5° when measured in the rectum.

In children low temperature the body can often be accompanied by cold sweat.

By itself profuse sweating, or hyperhidrosis, may be a variant of the norm in children under 3 years of age, because sweat glands are not yet very well developed and do not always function correctly, however, the combination of both phenomena causes extreme concern for parents and forces them to seek help from specialists.

Cold sweat in combination with low temperature in children can be a consequence of many serious pathologies various organs and systems, so it is quite difficult to clearly identify the cause.

The thermoregulation system, as well as the functioning of the sweat glands, in children under the age of 6 years cannot be called completely developed.

It can be affected by any changes in the body, for example:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • pathologies of organ development;
  • reaction to infections and allergens;
  • stress in any of its manifestations.

All this can contribute to the disruption of heat exchange processes in the body and lead to an incorrect reaction in the form of a low body temperature of up to 36.0-35.5.

It is also necessary to slightly separate the causes of hypothermia depending on age, because The thermoregulation of children under one year of age works worse than at an older age.

In infants, a periodic drop in temperature to 36.0° and cold sweat can be observed during sleep, which should not bother parents. This only indicates the imperfection of heat exchange processes in the baby’s body.

It is also common for babies to sweat profusely when feeding because they have to exert a lot of force while sucking at the breast.

Some doctors even consider the normal range of body temperature for infants to be from 37° to 35.8° in the absence additional signs diseases. However, if cold sweats and hypothermia are regularly detected in children under one year of age, this may be a consequence of certain pathologies:

  • lack of vitamin D and its most common form in children under one year of age is rickets;
  • disturbed metabolism minerals, namely the exchange of calcium and phosphorus;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels (heart defects, infectious inflammatory diseases, anomalies of vascular development, etc.);
  • congenital and acquired pathologies of the nervous system (infections, tumors, developmental anomalies, hemorrhages, etc.);
  • illnesses endocrine system, especially the thyroid gland.

Children older than one year have more perfect system thermoregulation, however, they often have various diseases there is a low temperature combined with cold, profuse sweat.

Among the causes in older children infancy the following can be distinguished:

  • taking antipyretic drugs and antibiotics during a cold;
  • some infections of various natures can cause disruption of thermoregulation and the occurrence of hypothermia;
  • decreased functioning of the immune system, weakness and intoxication of the body can provoke hypothermia and profuse sweating after a recent illness;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems;
  • allergic reaction;
  • reaction to a recent vaccination;
  • increased emotionality, reaction to stress.

What should parents do?

If a child sweats profusely and at the same time hypothermia is detected, then parents should not panic first of all, but rather pay attention to the condition and behavior of the baby. If it is active, it has good appetite and no symptoms possible illness is not observed, then you should first:

  • create temperature comfort (18-22C) in the room;
  • avoid foods that increase sweating: smoked foods, spicy foods, sweet carbonated drinks;
  • think through his wardrobe more carefully, dress according to the weather;
  • Do not “wrap” the baby in warm, woolen blankets while sleeping.

If parents regularly note that their child excessive sweating, and when measuring body temperature the thermometer mark does not rise above 36.0, it is also necessary to check whether it has additional symptoms, such as:

  • unpleasant odor of sweat and its excessive stickiness;
  • uncontrollable shuddering at rest, increased excitability, bad dream or lack thereof;
  • decreased activity, feelings of nausea and dizziness, decreased or lack of appetite;
  • lacrimation;
  • skin rash.

If these symptoms are detected, you must urgently contact your local pediatrician for further diagnosis and timely elimination of disorders in the body.

Cold sweat and hypothermia up to 36 and below in children can be dangerous symptoms of various diseases, therefore, at the slightest deviation in condition, it is better for parents not to search for causes and treatment on their own, but to contact specialists for timely diagnosis and elimination of pathology.

If the condition does not cause concern, and sweating and decreased body temperature are irregular, then first you need to take care of a comfortable temperature in the room during sleep and wakefulness, monitor the baby’s diet and daily routine.

The process of sweating in children is considered completely natural. If a child experiences cold sweat, it causes concern among parents. Intense sweating can occur in absolutely any condition of the baby, so it is necessary to monitor him. Cold sweat - indicates the presence of a cold or an infectious disease. In infants similar symptoms may be caused by age-related changes.


The causes of cold sweat are often due to natural physiological process sweating. They may be hiding in serious illnesses, For example:

  • rickets;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • colds caused by viruses.

If your baby has cold sweats and a cough, this may indicate a viral infection and you need to see a doctor to diagnose the disease. Sometimes children sweat for no reason, and low body temperature is quite normal phenomenon, due to the characteristics of the organism.

Many complex and dangerous diseases provoke intense sweating, signaling the presence of disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. If you experience cold sweat and vomiting, you must call an ambulance, as this can lead to severe intoxication of the body.

Important! To understand why a child sweats, you must monitor his general condition.

To determine the presence of serious disorders, it is worth considering symptoms such as:

  • during sweating, the smell of ammonia is felt;
  • sweats unevenly;
  • low temperature bodies.

Observed similar condition Maybe during teething, as the baby experiences pain. Dr. Komarovsky notes that if children experience cold sweats and low temperatures, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. Sometimes such a manifestation can be provoked by the presence of tuberculosis or increased intracranial pressure, so it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination.

During sleep

Often, parents are concerned about cold sweat during sleep, which occurs in a child of any age. This phenomenon may indicate overheating. The baby may react to changes in temperature three weeks after birth. Sometimes increased sweating at night is considered a sign of serious disorders of the body.

If children experience significant sweating during sleep, it often indicates increased excitability nervous system. If in the room normal temperature, but the baby is sweating, which means that the baby’s nervous system is not able to cope active development body. The condition of children can also be influenced by the emotional shocks experienced, impressions or experiences received throughout the day.

Important! Parents need to ensure that the baby does not play active games before going to bed and does not experience strong emotional turmoil.

During and after illness

Many parents wonder what cold sweats in a child mean and what reasons can trigger it. Often, intense sweating is observed if the baby is sick. In particular, this phenomenon can cause:

  • pneumonia;
  • ARVI;
  • cold.

Pneumonia is not always accompanied elevated temperature, it can be completely asymptomatic. During illness, significant sweating often occurs. It is also important to consider the following symptoms:

  • lack of appetite;
  • malaise;
  • chest pain;
  • dyspnea;
  • dry cough.

Asymptomatic pneumonia is caused by poor immunity, so the body cannot cope with the infection. Pathogenic microorganisms are transported through the blood throughout the body and cause disruption in the functioning of all organs.

One of the initial signs of colds and acute respiratory viral infections is cold sweat, especially at night. When you sweat, your body tries to get rid of accumulated toxins. This means that immune system trying to fight off the infection. Profuse sweating during ARVI indicates the presence of complications caused by the disease. If during a cold the baby was given a lot of antipyretics, then after the illness significant sweating may occur because the body temperature drops significantly.

A lower temperature can be observed after antibiotics and then intense sweating occurs. If during treatment with antibiotics the body temperature drops significantly, then you need to visit a doctor and he will select another medication that does not cause such a reaction in the body.

Cold sweat often occurs after a fever if it was very high. This counts normal condition, if the sweating is uniform, otherwise you need to consult a doctor.

Important! Profuse sweating indicates that not all pathogens were destroyed after treatment.

Cold sweat in infants: causes

Cold sweat in a child under one year old can be dangerous, because it indicates the presence of a number of disorders occurring in the body and the occurrence of dangerous diseases. Sometimes you need to show your baby to an endocrinologist or neurologist, since excessive sweating is considered the cause of serious pathologies. You should contact a neurologist if:

  • heavy sweating is observed when the child is in a calm state;
  • the baby shudders periodically;
  • the baby is taking strong medications;
  • The discharge feels like paste to the touch.

If the baby has disorders of the nervous system, then his head sweats a lot. However, such symptoms may indicate problems with the endocrine system and cardiac dysfunction.

Excessive sweating can be observed in infants even after vaccination, because some vaccines provoke the occurrence of side effects. It is necessary to consult a doctor after vaccination when conditions such as:

  • cold sweat;
  • redness or pallor of the skin;
  • dyspnea.

If you do not consult a doctor promptly, a significant allergic reaction may occur and serious violations in the body.

How is the treatment carried out?

If there is a problem heavy sweating, low temperature in a child, many wonder what to do and how to treat. During treatment, it is important to eliminate the cause that provoked profuse sweating. The treatment process may take long time, because such a manifestation can be triggered by the presence of complex diseases, for example, diabetes.

The doctor selects special ones for treatment medications. These are drugs that slow down the secretion of cellular level and affecting the functioning of the sweat glands, as well as taking medications that affect the functioning of the nervous system.

When treating infants, it is necessary to undergo examination by a neurologist and psychiatrist, and also use a mild sedative.