Little Dusya's great friend. In the Leningrad Zoo, a cat is friends with a lynx

Lynx Linda and cat Dusya are real friends from the zoo in St. Petersburg. They do everything together: eat, sleep and play. It would seem that such a large and dangerous predator as a lynx cannot get along with its smaller relative from the cat family, however, even among animals, sometimes impossible friendship becomes possible. See for yourself!

1. A lynx named Linda was born at the Leningrad Zoo in St. Petersburg in 2007. When she was only two months old, a small kitten of the same age was placed with her. (Photo:

2. When the cat and the lynx were very tiny, they differed little in size. (Photo:

3. Since Dusya and Linda met, they have been almost inseparable. (Photo:

4. The cat Dusya and the lynx Linda love to do everything together: eat, sleep, and play. (Photo:

5. Zoo staff decided to “tame” a lynx with a domestic cat to show visitors the difference between these animals. (Photo:

6. It seems that Linda and Dusya differ only in color and size. However, in the wild, the predatory lynx, which feeds mainly on hares or small rodents, sometimes attacks domestic animals - cats and dogs. (Photo:

7. As you can see in this photo, Linda and Dusya love each other very much. And it doesn't look like the lynx was the least bit dangerous to his little friend. (Photo:

8. Dusya and Linda love to cuddle. (Photo:

9. Lynx Linda from the Leningrad Zoo. Unfortunately, lynxes, the northernmost species of the cat family that live even beyond the Arctic Circle, have been almost completely exterminated in Europe. (Photo:

10. Linda and Dusya are inseparable friends from the Leningrad Zoo. (Photo:

11. Interestingly, a lynx never attacks a person. According to Russian zoologist Mikhail Kretschmar, not a single such case has been confirmed. (Photo:

12. It is surprising that lynxes do not attack people, since an adult can easily deal with trained shepherd dogs, whose weight can be twice their own. (Photo:

13. Interesting: lynxes are considered one of the most easily tamed animal species. You can even tame an adult animal caught in a trap. (Photo:

14. Sometimes lynxes get so used to the person who takes care of them that they even allow themselves to be picked up and purr. True, this purring is more reminiscent of the hum of a small electric motor. (Photo:

15. Considering the above facts described by zoologists, it is not surprising that the lynx was tamed to the domestic cat, because, as it turned out, they have a lot in common. (Photo:


Meanwhile, the Leningrad Zoo also has an unusual couple - the lynx Linda and the cat Dusya. They have been tender friends for 9 years now. the site tells how this unusual union came about and what other unusual couples live together in zoos around the world.

The cure for loneliness

A lynx named Linda was born at the Leningrad Zoo on June 26, 2007 and a month later was transferred to the contact animals department, where she still lives in her own separate enclosure.

Employees of the contact animals department decided to place a domestic cat with the lynx.

Zoologists wanted to show visitors the difference between a lynx and a domestic cat. In addition, such proximity is a means to diversify the life of the lynx in the zoo. She can observe her neighbor's behavior, play and interact with her. This practice of interspecific boarding is quite common in many zoos around the world.

Employees were worried that the animals might not get along. Photo: Leningrad Zoo

“We were not afraid that the lynx would harm the kitten, Linda was only two months old, and cubs are known to be very friendly,” she said Olga Volkova, head of the contact animals department of the Leningrad Zoo.

When Linda the lynx was about 2 months old, zoo staff chose a pet kitten of the same age and similar color. This kitten was a female named Dusya. At that time, the lynx and the cat were almost the same size. They found a common language pretty quickly.

Linda and Dusya were not accommodated right away. Despite the slight difference in the size of the kittens, employees were worried that the animals might not get along. Therefore, at first they were gradually introduced to each other - they were left in the same room for a short time so that the lynx and the cat could get to know each other, get used to it and play together. This interaction took place in the presence of staff who carefully observed the cats' behavior. And only when zoologists were sure that the animals got used to each other and got along well, they were put in the same enclosure.

Lunch apart

Today the lynx is 10 times larger than the cat. But this does not interfere with their friendship. The cats have an apartment, large and small, one might say, three-room. One common room with a glass wall through which viewers can see the animals from the street. And a separate inner room where the stars can go if they get tired of public attention.

Moreover, the cat has a small opening into her room, and the bowl with food is kept far away - the lynx cannot get into it and cannot reach it with its paw. However, she doesn't even try. Minced meat, small pieces of meat and chicken are placed in the cat's bowl. And the lynx is offered larger pieces for lunch, according to its teeth. So they live as if in a friendly communal apartment, but dine separately.

A lynx is 10 times larger than a cat. Photo: Leningrad Zoo

“Linda and Dusya communicate and behave like ordinary cats - they caress, rub and lick each other,” continues Olga Volkova. “They got along great and now can’t live without each other.” Together they happily pose for the zoo audience. In general, in different zoos around the world, they often pair one animal with another. For example, at the Leipzig Zoo, rhinoceroses and cheetahs walk in the same area. And in the zoo in Malaga, Spain, orangutans live with otters.”

According to St. Petersburg experts, the friendship between the tiger Amur and the goat Timur is very strange.

“As unexpectedly as it began, it can also end unexpectedly,” admits Olga Volkova. “Still, they are too different, because a tiger is a predator, and a goat is a prey.”

The other day a goat was separated from a tiger. As they said in the Primorsky Safari Park, due to the obesity of the goat and due to the fact that in the neighboring enclosure there is a tigress Taiga, who has begun to heat. This means that in anticipation of mating, Cupid has become more aggressive and may accidentally eat Timur.

Lynx Linda and cat Dusya are real friends from the zoo in St. Petersburg. They do everything together: eat, sleep and play. It would seem that such a large and dangerous predator as a lynx cannot get along with its smaller relative from the cat family, however, even among animals, sometimes impossible friendship becomes possible. See for yourself!


1. A lynx named Linda was born at the Leningrad Zoo in St. Petersburg in 2007. When she was only two months old, a small kitten of the same age was placed with her. (Photo:
2. When the cat and the lynx were very tiny, they differed little in size. (Photo:
3. Since Dusya and Linda met, they have been almost inseparable. (Photo:
4. The cat Dusya and the lynx Linda love to do everything together: eat, sleep, and play. (Photo:
5. Zoo staff decided to “tame” a lynx with a domestic cat to show visitors the difference between these animals. (Photo:
6. It seems that Linda and Dusya differ only in color and size. However, in the wild, the predatory lynx, which feeds mainly on hares or small rodents, sometimes attacks domestic animals - cats and dogs. (Photo:
7. As you can see in this photo, Linda and Dusya love each other very much. And it doesn't look like the lynx was the least bit dangerous to his little friend. (Photo:
8. Dusya and Linda love to cuddle. (Photo:
9. Lynx Linda from the Leningrad Zoo. Unfortunately, lynxes, the northernmost species of the cat family that live even beyond the Arctic Circle, have been almost completely exterminated in Europe. (Photo:
10. Linda and Dusya are inseparable friends from the Leningrad Zoo. (Photo:
11. Interestingly, a lynx never attacks a person. According to Russian zoologist Mikhail Kretschmar, not a single such case has been confirmed. (Photo:
12. It is surprising that lynxes do not attack people, since an adult can easily deal with trained shepherd dogs, whose weight can be twice their own. (Photo: 15. Considering the above facts described by zoologists, it is not surprising that the lynx was tamed to the domestic cat, because, as it turned out, they have a lot in common. (Photo: