Stray cats before and after rescue. Cats rescued from death: “Before” and “After” photos Eleanor was found seriously injured in a garbage container

Love works wonders! You can once again be convinced of this by looking at the photographs of these rescued cats. Doomed to death, thrown out by people and born on the street, these animals received a second chance at life.

Dasha was born on the street from a stray cat and was already on the verge of exhaustion when she was picked up. Anemia from a large number of fleas, viral conjunctivitis - she had several days to live. However, fate decreed otherwise. Now this beauty lives in love and care with her sister, who was chosen at the same time.

Bunny was found after being severely electrocuted. A few months later, this kitty looked absolutely healthy!

Kitty was found half dead in a box on the street. A few months later the girl came to life.

This cat tried to stay warm in a car engine, but when the car started moving, he suffered burns. Having lost one ear, Mr. Biscuit recovered and became very handsome.

Dirty, with bedsores and mats, with immobilized hind legs, the kitten ended up in the apartment of new owners, who picked him up. After long treatment, the cat recovered and turned into a snow-white purr!

This red-haired kid was beaten by someone on the street, but thanks to the kind people who did not pass by, he survived.

The kitten was left outside in a box, where it was found in very poor condition. Now the baby has grown and recovered.

This gutter cat was rescued along with three other kittens. Unfortunately, the baby remained blind due to infections, for which she received the name Slepusha.

Varya was in a very poor condition this summer. She lay near the entrance, breathing heavily. There was blood coming from the mouth, eyes and nose. One can only guess what happened to her. After several months of treatment, Varya turned into a real Varvara the Beauty!

A domestic cat brings joy and comfort to the home, but its presence next to people becomes even more special if this pet was once saved from certain death. In our review there are 15 touching stories about how people did not leave in trouble and saved cute and unfortunate cats, which in turn, after care and a huge dose of love and attention, turned into charming guardians of the hearth.

1. Bunny was found with multiple wounds after being electrocuted. On the right is him a few months later

2. The kitten was found half dead. On the right is a picture just a month later.

3. Mr. Biscuit was trying to keep warm under the hood of the car and was badly burned when the car started moving. Now he has recovered

4. Justin, saved from fire

5. Louis was found in a drain, just a couple of weeks old. Now he feels like a king at home

6. A whole box of kittens was left near the shelter, only one of which was alive, and he was half-blind. Six months later, this cat is completely healthy

7. This kitten was found completely soaked in the freezing rain. Now Utopia the cat has a warm home where she is loved.

8. Kodama was found in terrible condition with a wound in which worms were already swarming. Now, 6 years later, she is a beautiful healthy cat.

9. Little Stuart on the day he was found, and after, when he was “brought to his senses”

10. Rescued cat before-and-after

11. Rescued kitten before-and-after

12. Tyrion was found with a terrible eye infection. Now this is the cutest furball in the world

Every day, millions of people pass by small defenseless creatures without paying any attention to them. And at that time they suffer from hunger, thirst, cold, various diseases and attacks from other, stronger animals.

Most people are indifferent to the fate of our little brothers, but there are a few who are ready to take a cat from the street and turn it from a “little runt” into a family pet. A warm home, good food and loving owners can transform a once unhappy little furball into a beautiful, happy cat.

Illness is not a vice

Animals, like people, are susceptible to various diseases, only humans are able to help themselves, and our smaller brothers are powerless in this. Many turn away with disgust when they see a sick, furry poor creature on the street, but some open their hearts and save the unfortunate. In return they receive love and endless devotion.

Timona Found on the street as a small blind kitten. His eyes were seriously infected and he poked himself into all corners out of fear. Kind people took him in, and although his eyes could not be saved, Timon is now a happy, well-fed, plump cat who is no less active than his sighted brothers.

To the cat Vare She was also lucky enough to meet a kind heart that was able to save her from a terrible fate. The cat was brutally beaten by unknown assailants and lay on the street all day, blood flowing from her mouth and nose. But after several months of persistent treatment and the love of her new owner, Varechka came to her senses and turned into a gorgeous beauty!

cat Bocha was in a very poor condition - exhausted, hungry, with a broken tail. The veterinarian gave practically no chance of recovery, but the woman who sheltered him decided not to give up! Thanks to her efforts, Bocha lives a happy cat life and looks just great!

Baby Duncan also suffered at the hands of cruel people; multiple fractures and severe bruises indicated that he was kicked mercilessly. But a kind person helped him turn into a beautiful, gentle and loving redhead.

Cat Dasha was born on the street and from birth the hardships of street life awaited her. When she was very young, she became infected with fleas, which caused her to develop anemia. The situation was complicated by severe conjunctivitis, the animal had to live for several days, a week at most... But she was saved! Now you won’t even recognize the former dying lump in the beautiful Dasha.

Good deeds come back like a boomerang

Cat by name Max he was picked up in a terrible state - someone tore off his tail along with the skin on his back. The wound festered terribly. Not indifferent people undertook to treat the spruce.

Now he looks completely different.

Kota Justina miraculously rescued from the fire. Life itself gave him a second chance to find a warm home and loving owners. After a while, he turned into a huge cat with gorgeous fur.

Until recently, the cute baby evoked only pity. But just a little time spent in the new house worked real miracles! Just look into these incredible eyes!

A box with three unfortunate fluffies was found not far from the trash. They suffered from eye infections and lots of fleas, but a kind-hearted woman picked them up, cleaned them, nursed them back to health, and placed them in loving homes.

Animals sometimes find themselves in difficult situations. And sometimes people behave disgustingly and cruelly towards four-legged creatures.

Fortunately, most people tend to do good rather than evil. They save animals, bringing them back to life and giving them hope.

Here are 20 cats rescued by kind-hearted people:

1. This cat hid from the cold in a car engine and received serious burns. Now he has a home and he doesn't freeze!


2. This cat was found while still blind in a whole box of kittens. She is the only one who survived.


3. Little Justin was rescued from the fire. Now he has a weird hairstyle!


4. This cat was dying when she was found. The second photo was taken just a month later!


5. Poor Louis was found in a gutter. But now he is the king of the house!


6. Bunny suffered electrical burns. But now she's doing well!


7. When Kodama was found, she had an infected wound in which worms were swarming. 6 years later she feels great!


8. Utopia was found chilled in the pouring rain.


9. Scout was homeless and very skinny. There is only a year difference between the pictures!


10. This stray cat had pus on its face. But now he has found a home!


11. When Stuart Little was rescued, he was the size of a tube of lipstick. But now - a healthy kitten!


12. Tyrion had an eye infection. But now he is much better!


13. Another cat with a sore eye, which was cured.


14. Little Spider was hiding in the drain, but a kind person picked her up.


15. Diamond was in terrible shape, but two years of love and care yielded results.


17. Bea had been hit by a car and was dying on the side of the road when she was found. There is a month difference between the pictures.


18. Duncan also got hit by a car. A month later he looks like a completely different cat!


19. Eleanor was found in a trash can with severe injuries. Now she has a happy, satisfying life!


20. This abandoned kitten was dying of hunger. Now he has a home and access to the Internet, where he loves to look at photos of dogs!


Do you help homeless animals?