Which greenhouse gas stays around longer. Greenhouse gases

Based on materials from the State reports "On the condition and protection environment Moscow region in 2002-2003" the main sources of air pollution in the Moscow region are thermal power engineering facilities, utilities, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemistry, petrochemicals, construction materials production, as well as all types of road and air transport. The share of emissions into the atmosphere from Mobile sources of pollution account for about 70% of the total volume of all emissions into the atmosphere.

Largest quantity pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere by thermal power plants, state district power plants, various boiler houses, as well as public utilities (solid waste landfills and treatment facilities). According to authorities state statistics The Moscow region is approximately two times ahead of Moscow in terms of emissions from stationary sources.

In 2003, gross emissions harmful substances into the atmosphere, according to the State report, is about 550 thousand tons. The largest emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere occur in Kashirskoye (gross emissions - 122.6 thousand tons), Shatursky (gross emissions - 105.9 thousand tons), Lyuberetsky (gross emissions - 50 thousand tons) and Stupinsky ( gross emissions - 18.6 thousand tons) areas. On the territories of these districts there are Kashirskaya State District Power Plant, Shaturskaya State District Power Plant, Thermal Power Plant-22 and Thermal Power Plant-17, respectively. At the same time, for each resident of the Kashira district there are 2.32 tons of harmful substances, including 0.83 tons of suspended substances.

A noticeable contribution to the gross emissions from stationary sources is made by municipal enterprises of the MP "Teploseti", boiler houses of industrial enterprises and organizations. The share of emissions from thermal power engineering facilities is 50% of the total gross input of pollutants into the atmosphere from stationary sources. For the main emissions from thermal power facilities, individual substances: nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, the contribution is more than 75%.

Anthropogenic human activities lead to emissions greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases include: carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, nitrous oxide, hexafluoride, halocarbons. Greenhouse gases the atmosphere traps infrared radiation from the Earth, which can ultimately affect the Earth's climate.

It should be noted that sulfur emissions from thermal power plants operating on coal and oil, combustion of organic materials lead to the formation of microscopic particles that are capable of returning to space sunlight, and also influence the clouds. The resulting cooling process partially counteracts the warming caused by the greenhouse effect. The resulting aerosols remain in the atmosphere for a relatively short time compared to persistent greenhouse gases, so the cooling effect is local. These aerosols are the cause acid rain and poor air quality.

Carbon dioxide is one of the significant greenhouse gases. This gas appeared in the atmosphere naturally, but burning coal, oil and natural gas releases the carbon stored in these fuels at an unprecedented rate. Currently, the contribution of carbon dioxide to the "enhanced greenhouse effect" is more than 60%. The supply and consumption of fossil fuels accounts for approximately 95% of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from human activities, as well as significant amounts of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Supply and consumption of fossil fuels fuel also leads to emissions of nitrogen oxides (NO2), hydrocarbons (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO), which are not greenhouse gases, but affect the chemical cycles in the atmosphere that result in the formation or breakdown of other greenhouse gases. released into the atmosphere during the extraction, processing, transportation and distribution of fossil fuels.

New technologies and energy policies are helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These include: increasing the coefficient useful action power plants, wider use of renewable energy sources (wind, sun, small hydroelectric installations) for the electricity sector. Industry can further reduce the energy intensity of its products while reducing production costs.

More energy efficient technologies can be implemented in the residential and commercial sectors. These improvements include, among other things, new types of control over the operation of buildings (heat loss through walls, roofs) and over utilities (heating plants).

Scientists say greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activity have already upset the global heat balance by about 2.5 watts per year. square meter. This represents approximately 1% of the resulting solar energy that determines climate.

The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convection on Climate Change, adopted in December 1997, should be an important tool for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This Protocol should stop and reverse the trend of increasing greenhouse gas emissions. Developed countries must reduce their total emissions of the six major greenhouse gases by at least 5%. The protocol calls on governments to cooperate with each other, improve energy efficiency, carry out reforms in the energy and transport sectors, and promote the use of renewable energy resources.

After long discussions among environmentalists, climatologists, economists and politicians, Russia signed the Kyoto Protocol in 2005.

Figures 1, 2. Fragments of images of the city heating network (Ramenskoye, Desantnaya street area), obtained in the autumn period of the year in the visible (a) and infrared (b) ranges of the electromagnetic wave spectrum.

Greenhouse gases absorb the sun's reflected energy, making the Earth's atmosphere warmer. Most of the sun's energy reaches the planet's surface, and some is reflected back into space. Some gases present in the atmosphere absorb the reflected energy and redirect it back to Earth as heat. The gases responsible for this are called greenhouse gases because they play the same role as the clear plastic or glass covering the greenhouse.

Greenhouse gases and human activities

Some greenhouse gases are released naturally as a result of volcanic activity And biological processes. However, since the advent of the industrial revolution in turn of the 19th century century, humans have released increasing amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This increase accelerated with the development of the petrochemical industry.

Greenhouse effect

Heat reflected from greenhouse gases produces measurable warming of the Earth's surface and oceans. This has widespread impacts on ice, oceans, and...

The main greenhouse gases of the Earth:

water vapor

Water vapor is the most powerful and important of the Earth's greenhouse gases. The amount of water vapor in cannot be directly changed by human activity - it is determined by air temperature. The warmer it is, the higher the rate of water evaporation from the surface. As a result, increased evaporation results in a greater concentration of water vapor in the lower atmosphere, which can absorb infrared radiation and reflect it downwards.

Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Carbon dioxide is the most important greenhouse gas. It is released into the atmosphere as a result of the burning of fossil fuels, volcanic eruptions, decomposition organic matter and movement of vehicles. The cement production process results in the release of large amounts of carbon dioxide. Plowing the land also releases large amounts of carbon dioxide normally stored in the soil.

Plant life, which absorbs CO2 into , is an important natural store of carbon dioxide. can also absorb CO2 dissolved in water.


Methane (CH4) is the second most important greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide. It is more potent than CO2, but is present in much lower concentrations in the atmosphere. CH4 can remain in the atmosphere for a shorter time than CO2 (CH4 has a residence time of approximately 10 years, compared to hundreds of years for CO2). Natural springs methane include: wetlands; biomass combustion; vital processes of large cattle; rice cultivation; extraction, combustion and processing of oil or natural gas, etc. The main natural absorber of methane is the atmosphere itself; another is soil where methane is oxidized by bacteria.

As with CO2, human activity increases CH4 concentrations faster than methane is absorbed naturally.

Tropospheric ozone

The next most significant greenhouse gas is tropospheric ozone (O3). It is produced by air pollution and should be distinguished from naturally occurring stratospheric O3, which protects us from many of the sun's damaging rays. IN lower parts ozone occurs in the atmosphere when other chemicals(for example, nitrogen oxides). This ozone is considered a greenhouse gas, but it is short-lived and although it can contribute significantly to warming, its effects are usually local rather than global.

Minor greenhouse gases

Minor greenhouse gases are nitrogen oxides and freons. They are potentially dangerous for. However, due to the fact that their concentrations are not as significant as the above-mentioned gases, the assessment of their impact on climate has not been fully studied.

Nitrogen oxides

Nitrogen oxides are found in the atmosphere due to natural biological reactions in soil and water. Nevertheless large number released nitric oxide makes a significant contribution to global warming. The main source is the production and use of synthetic fertilizers in agricultural activities. Motor vehicles emit nitrogen oxides when running on fossil fuels such as gasoline or diesel.


Freons are a group of hydrocarbons with various types use and characteristics. Chlorofluorocarbons are widely used as refrigerants (in air conditioners and refrigerators), foaming agents, solvents, etc. Their production has already been banned in most countries, but they are still present in the atmosphere and cause damage to the ozone layer. Hydrofluorocarbons serve as an alternative to more harmful ozone-depleting substances, and make a much smaller contribution to global climate change on the planet.

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Human production activities entail harmful effects on the atmosphere. This factor It has already become a banality and only specialists in the environmental field pay attention to it. Meanwhile, harmful emissions pose increasingly pressing issues for organizations involved in global changes climate. The list of the most pressing problems at conferences dedicated to ecology regularly includes greenhouse gases as one of the most dangerous factors influencing the atmosphere and biota. The fact is that gaseous compounds of this type cannot transmit thermal radiation, which contributes to heating of the atmosphere. There are several sources of formation of such gases, including biological phenomena. Now it’s worth taking a closer look at the composition of greenhouse mixtures.

Water vapor as the main greenhouse gas

Gases of this type form about 60% of the total volume of substances that create As the Earth's temperature increases, evaporation and total concentration in the atmosphere also increase. At the same time, the same level of humidity is maintained, which contributes to the greenhouse effect. The natural essence that greenhouse gas possesses in the form of vapor undoubtedly has positive aspects in the natural regulation of atmospheric composition. But there is also negative consequences this process. The fact is that against the backdrop of rising humidity, there is also an increase in cloud mass, which reflects the direct rays of the sun. As a result, an anti-greenhouse effect occurs, in which the intensity of thermal radiation and, accordingly, heating of the atmosphere decreases.

Carbon dioxide

Among the main sources of emissions of this type are volcanic eruptions, human activity and processes occurring in the biosphere. Anthropogenic sources include the combustion of fuel materials and biomass, industrial processes and other factors leading to the formation of carbon dioxide. This is the same greenhouse gas that actively participates in the processes of biocenosis. It is also the most durable in terms of staying in the atmosphere. According to some information, further accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmospheric layers is limited by the risk of consequences not only for the balance in the biosphere, but also for the existence human civilization generally. It is precisely such ideas that are the main motivation for developing measures to counteract the greenhouse effect.


It persists in the atmosphere for about 10 years. Previously, it was believed that the effect of methane on stimulating the greenhouse effect is 25 times greater than carbon dioxide. But recent scientific research has yielded even more pessimistic results - it turned out that the potential impact of this gas was underestimated. However, the situation is mitigated by a short period during which the atmosphere retains methane. This type of greenhouse gas occurs as a result of anthropogenic activities. This could be rice growing, digestive fermentation, deforestation, etc. According to some studies, an intensive increase in methane concentration took place in the first millennium AD. Such phenomena were associated precisely with the expansion of cattle breeding and agricultural production, as well as with the burning of forests. Methane concentrations declined over subsequent centuries, although the trend is reversed today.


Greenhouse gas mixtures contain not only dangerous components, but also beneficial parts. These include ozone, which protects the Earth from ultraviolet light. However, not everything is clear here either. Scientists divide this gas into two categories - tropospheric and stratospheric. As for the first, it can be dangerous due to its toxicity. Along with this increased content tropospheric elements contribute to the growth of the greenhouse effect. In this case, the stratosphere layer acts as the main protection against the effects of harmful radiation. In regions where greenhouse gas of this type has an increased concentration, strong effects on vegetation are observed, which are manifested in the inhibition of photosynthetic potential.

Counteracting the greenhouse effect

There are several directions in which work is being done on methods to curb this process. Among the main measures, the use of tools for regulating the interaction of greenhouse gas accumulators and sinks stands out. In particular, environmental agreements at the local level contribute to active development forestry. It is also worth noting the reforestation measures, which in the future will help minimize the greenhouse effect. Gas released into the atmosphere from manufacturing can also be reduced in many industries. For this purpose, measures are being introduced to limit emissions in transport, in production areas, at power plants, etc. For this purpose, alternative methods fuel processing and gas removal systems. For example, in lately A recovery system is being actively implemented, thanks to which enterprises optimize their waste disposal processes.


Human activity does not play the most important role in the formation of the greenhouse effect. big role. This can be seen in the share of gas volumes that are produced by anthropogenic sources. However, it is these harmful emissions that are most dangerous for the atmosphere. Therefore, environmental organizations consider greenhouse gases as a factor negative change climate. As a result, means are used to curb the spread and accumulation of harmful substances that contribute to an increased risk of global warming. Moreover, the fight against harmful emissions is carried out in the most different directions. This applies not only to factories and enterprises, but also to products intended for individual use.

A greenhouse gas is a mixture of several transparent atmospheric gases that practically do not transmit the Earth's thermal radiation. The increase in their concentration leads to global and irreversible changes climate. There are several types of main greenhouse gases. The concentration in the atmosphere of each of them affects the thermal effect in its own way.

Main types

There are several types of gaseous substances that are among the most significant greenhouse gases:

  • water vapor;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • nitrous oxide;
  • methane;
  • freons;
  • PFCs (perfluorocarbons);
  • HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons);
  • SF6 (sulfur hexafluoride).

About 30 leading to the greenhouse effect have been identified. Substances influence the thermal processes of the Earth depending on the quantity and strength of influence on one molecule. Based on the nature of their occurrence in the atmosphere, greenhouse gases are divided into natural and anthropogenic.

water vapor

A common greenhouse gas is its amount in the Earth's atmosphere exceeds the concentration of carbon dioxide. Water vapor has a natural origin: external factors are not able to influence its increase in the environment. The temperature of the world's oceans and air regulates the number of molecules of water evaporation.

An important characteristic of the properties of water vapor is its positive inverse relationship with carbon dioxide. It has been established that the greenhouse effect caused by the emission is approximately doubled due to the effects of water evaporation molecules.

Thus, water vapor as a greenhouse gas is a powerful catalyst for anthropogenic climate warming. Its influence on greenhouse processes should be considered only in conjunction with the properties of a positive connection with carbon dioxide. Water vapor itself does not lead to such global changes.

Carbon dioxide

It occupies a leading place among greenhouse gases of anthropogenic origin. It has been established that about 65% of global warming is associated with increased emissions of carbon dioxide into the Earth's atmosphere. The main factor in increasing gas concentration is, of course, human production and technical activity.

Fuel combustion ranks first (86% of total carbon dioxide emissions) among the sources of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. Other reasons include the burning of biological mass - mainly forests - and industrial emissions.

Carbon dioxide greenhouse gas is the most effective driver of global warming. After entering the atmosphere, carbon dioxide travels a long way through all its layers. The time it takes to remove 65% of the carbon dioxide from the air envelope is called the effective residence period. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide persist for 50-200 years. It is the high duration of the presence of carbon dioxide in the environment that plays a significant role in the processes of the greenhouse effect.


It enters the atmosphere through natural and anthropogenic means. Despite the fact that its concentration is much lower than that of carbon dioxide, methane acts as a more significant greenhouse gas. 1 molecule of methane is estimated to be 25 times stronger in the greenhouse effect than a molecule of carbon dioxide.

Currently, the atmosphere contains about 20% methane (out of 100% greenhouse gases). Artificially methane enters the air due to industrial emissions. The natural mechanism of gas formation is considered to be excessive decomposition of organic substances and excessive combustion of forest biomass.

Nitric oxide (I)

Nitrous oxide is considered the third most important greenhouse gas. This is a substance that has negative action to the ozone layer. It has been established that about 6% of the greenhouse effect comes from monovalent nitric oxide. The compound is 250 times stronger than carbon dioxide.

Dinitrogen monoxide appears in the Earth's atmosphere in a natural way. It has a positive relationship with the ozone layer: the higher the concentration of oxide, the higher the degree of destruction. On the one hand, reducing ozone reduces the greenhouse effect processes. At the same time, radioactive radiation is much more dangerous for the planet. The role of ozone in global warming is being studied, and experts are divided on this matter.

PFCs and HFCs

Hydrocarbons with partial replacement of fluorine in the structure of the molecule are greenhouse gases of anthropogenic origin. The total impact of such substances on global warming is about 6%.

PFCs are released into the atmosphere from the production of aluminum, electrical appliances and solvents various substances. HFCs are compounds in which hydrogen is partially replaced by halogens. They are used in production and in aerosols to replace substances that destroy the ozone layer. They have a high global warming potential, but are safer for the Earth's atmosphere.

Sulfur hexafluoride

Used as an insulating agent in the electrical power industry. The connection is characteristic for a long time persist in the layers of the atmosphere, which causes long-term and extensive absorption of infrared rays. Even small quantity will significantly affect the climate in the future.

Greenhouse effect

The process can be observed not only on Earth, but also on neighboring Venus. Its atmosphere currently consists entirely of carbon dioxide, which has led to an increase in surface temperatures to 475 degrees. Experts are confident that the oceans helped the Earth avoid the same fate: by partially absorbing carbon dioxide, they help remove it from the surrounding air.

Emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere block heat rays, causing the Earth's temperature to rise. Global warming is fraught with serious consequences in the form of an increase in the area of ​​the World Ocean, an increase in natural disasters and precipitation. The existence of species in coastal areas and islands is becoming threatened.

In 1997, the UN adopted the Kyoto Protocol, which was created in order to control the amount of emissions on the territory of each state. Environmentalists are confident that it will no longer be possible to completely solve the problem of global warming, but it remains possible to significantly mitigate the ongoing processes.

Limitation methods

Greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by following several rules:

  • eliminate inefficient use of electricity;
  • increase the efficiency of natural resources;
  • increase the number of forests, prevent forest fires in a timely manner;
  • use environmentally friendly technologies in production;
  • introduce the use of renewable or non-carbon energy sources.

Greenhouse gases in Russia are emitted due to extensive power generation, mining and industrial development.

The main task of science is the invention and implementation of environmentally friendly fuels, the development of a new approach to the processing of waste materials. Gradual reform of production standards, strict control of the technical sphere and careful attitude of everyone towards the environment can significantly reduce Global warming can no longer be avoided, but the process is still controllable.

Data scientific research provide information that without reducing the mass of greenhouse gases in the earth's atmosphere, humanity cannot avoid climate deterioration on the planet.

Where did they come from?

Greenhouse gases, being in the atmospheres of planets, contribute to some dangerous effects. It is named accordingly - greenhouse. On the one hand, without this phenomenon our planet would never have been able to warm up enough for life to arise on it. On the other hand, everything is good in moderation and up to certain moment. Therefore, we will talk about the problems of civilization associated with the phenomenon of greenhouse gases, which, having played its positive role, changed its quality over time and became a topic for discussion, research and general concern.

Many millions of years ago, the Sun, heating the Earth, gradually turned it into a source of energy. Some of her warmth went into outer space. In addition, it was reflected by gases in the atmosphere and warmed the layers of air close to the ground. Scientists gave this process, similar to heat conservation under a transparent film in greenhouses, a name. And they also named the gases that provoke it simply. Their name is “greenhouse gases”.

At the dawn of the establishment of the Earth's climate, the emergence this effect contributed active work volcanoes. Emissions in the form of water vapor and carbon dioxide remained in the atmosphere in huge quantities. The result was a hypergreenhouse effect that heated the World Ocean almost to the boiling point. And only with the advent of the green biosphere, which absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, temperature regime The planet gradually returned to normal.

However, general industrialization constant growth production capacities were changed not only chemical composition greenhouse gases, but also the essence of this phenomenon.

They are known firsthand

A greenhouse gas is a compound that lingers in the Earth's atmosphere and becomes a barrier to its thermal radiation on its way to space. The heat given off by the planet comes back again. As a result, average temperatures are steadily rising, which can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Excessive heating of the planet occurs due to differences in the transparency of the layers of the atmosphere. sun rays pass through them easily. The atmosphere is transparent to ultraviolet light. Teplov infrared radiation it is difficult to break through its lower layers, where greenhouse gases accumulate. The point is that they create a seal.

The Kyoto Protocol contains a clear list of greenhouse gases, the presence of which in the Earth's atmosphere should be combated. These include:

  • water vapor;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • methane;
  • nitrous oxide;
  • freons;
  • ozone;
  • perfluorocarbons;
  • sulfur hexafluoride.

Dangerous Potential

Water vapor is classified as a natural gas, but its participation in the formation of the greenhouse effect is quite large. He should not be underestimated.

Carbon dioxide is considered one of the main factors influencing the planet's climate. Its share in the atmosphere is about 64%, and its role in global warming is exactly that great. The main sources of its release into the atmosphere are:

  • volcanic eruptions;
  • metabolic process of the biosphere;
  • burning biomass and fossil fuels;
  • destruction of forests;
  • production processes.

Methane does not decay in the atmosphere for 10 years and is serious threat Earth's climate. Its greenhouse effect is 28 times greater than that of carbon dioxide, and in the next 20 years, if its emissions are not stopped, this superiority will reach 84. Its main sources are anthropogenic in nature. This:

  • agricultural production, in particular rice cultivation;
  • cattle breeding (increase in livestock and, as a consequence, sewage);
  • burning of forest.

Part of the greenhouse methane appears as a result of leakage during the development of coal deposits. It is also released during natural gas production.

Freons pose a particular danger to the environment. They are mainly used in aerosols and refrigeration applications.

Nitrous oxide is a greenhouse gas, which is one of the leading places in terms of quantity in the atmosphere and influence on global warming. Sources of its origin and application:

  • production of mineral fertilizers in the chemical industry;
  • the food industry uses it as a propellant;
  • in the mechanical and rocket engineering industries it is used in engines.

Ozone, or rather that part of it that is classified as harmful gases that create the greenhouse effect, is located in the lower layers of the troposphere. Increasing near the ground, its amount can harm green spaces, damaging their leaves and reducing the ability to photosynthesize. It is mainly formed as a result of the interaction of carbon oxides, nitrogen oxides with water vapor, sunlight and volatile organic compounds in the presence of oxygen. The main sources of these substances in the atmosphere are greenhouse gas emissions from industrial facilities, vehicles and chemical solvents.

Perfluorocarbons are a result of the production of aluminum, solvents and electronics. They are used in dielectrics, heat carriers, coolants, lubricating oils and even as artificial blood. They can only be obtained by chemical synthesis. Like most fluorinated gases, they are hazardous to the environment. Their greenhouse potential is estimated to be hundreds of times higher than that of carbon dioxide.

Sulfur hexafluoride is also one of those greenhouse gases that are listed as potentially hazardous in the Kyoto Protocol. It is used in the field of fire extinguishing, in the electronics and metallurgical industries as a process medium, its role as a refrigerant is known, etc. Its emissions remain in the atmosphere for a long time and actively accumulate infrared radiation.

Ways to solve the problem

The world community is making a lot of efforts to develop a unified program of action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

One of the serious components of environmental policy is the approval of standards for emissions of fuel combustion products and the reduction of fuel use due to the transition of the auto industry to the production of electric vehicles.

Job nuclear power plants, which do not use coal and petroleum products, indirectly already makes it possible to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by several times.

Multinational gas and oil processing companies are coordinating with international environmental organizations and governments to combat methane emissions. They have already been joined by many large oil and gas producing states, such as Nigeria, Mexico, Norway, the USA, and Russia.

A significant reduction or ban on deforestation can also have a significant impact on improving the environment. As trees grow, they absorb enormous amounts of carbon dioxide. During cutting they release it. Reducing the percentage of arable land in tropical countries has already made a significant contribution to optimizing global greenhouse gas emissions.

New European restrictions on the technological characteristics of boilers and water heaters are part of the global environmental program. All developments of such household appliances must henceforth comply with the requirements for controlling carbon dioxide emissions during their use. It is expected that, subject to the introduction of new technologies over six years, this greenhouse gas will reduce its presence in the atmosphere by 136 million tons.

Renewable energy – a challenge to greenhouse gases

Recently appeared fashion trend invest in the development of renewable energy industries. The percentage of its use in global consumption is slowly but steadily growing. It is called “green energy” because it originates in natural regular processes that occur in nature.

Resources such as water flows, wind, sunlight, tides, man has now learned to use for technical needs. The percentage of global energy consumption from renewable sources had already reached 20 by 2014. Every year, 30% more wind energy is used worldwide. The production of photovoltaic panels is increasing. Solar power plants are growing in popularity in Spain and Germany.

Running car engines emit greenhouse gases into huge quantities. Proof of this fact has become an incentive to search for “green” types of gasoline. Recent studies have shown that bioethanol can be considered as an alternative motor fuel from petroleum products. As part of an environmental program, Brazil has been producing ethanol from sugarcane for several years. It is produced in large quantities from US grain, rice and corn pulp. Biofuel is already beginning to partially replace gasoline in many countries around the world.

Everyone's contribution

Greenhouse gases and their destructive work cannot be seen or felt. It’s still hard for us to imagine all this. However this problem may already concern next generation. By thinking beyond themselves, people can take part in solving this problem today. If each of us plants a tree, puts out a fire in the forest in time, and switches to a car powered by electricity at the first opportunity, he will definitely leave his mark in the future.