Earthquake today. Interactive map of volcanic activity

Where can I find the forecast for Ecuador?

On your website I only found information on aftershocks (replicas), but they
here they repeat 10-20 per day.

1. The main impact of 7.8 points and 4 times more powerful than Japan occurred not in the mountains, but in the ocean!!!
2. Pendulum vector = north-south, then west-east, and then sharply downward, like in a cyclone.
The feeling was that it wasn’t the ceiling that was moving, it was the floor. Like a vacuum under your feet.
3. Typically, the 1st-4th floors of high-rise buildings were destroyed. The top floor was the least damaged.
4. The volcanoes of Ecuador did not respond. What if they answer? Andes, Cordillera, Iceland, Kuril Islands,
Japan, etc. , the entire Pacific Rim is in turmoil. It won't seem enough.
5. I don’t see an analysis of the situation. Or the actions of scientists can only be seen in movies like "2012"
San Andres Fault...?

IN recent years 20-25 on planet Earth the process of its compression intensified, i.e. reducing its volume. Accordingly, the number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions throughout the ball increased sharply.

Moreover, a pattern is noted: volcanic activity replaces seismic activity and vice versa. Minor shaking of the earth around erupting volcanoes does not count.

MizVasilina writes:

Let's take an area with increased seismic activity - the Kamchatka Peninsula.

Statistics of events by year or by century where?


I would like to hear the forecast for Antalya; this month there have already been three significant earthquakes, and there is a clear upward trend.

12/28/2013 there were 6.0 points in the Mediterranean Sea

12/25/2013 was 4.3 points Serik (Antalya)

12/08/2013 there was 5.0 points in the Mediterranean Sea

Smaller ones are 3-4 points almost every day, but they are not felt, but we felt these ones.

I noticed one more pattern. I’m not sure whether we can talk about an increase in gravitational attraction in the regions. I don’t run around the Planet with instruments. But this is what is observed! In areas marked by seismic activity, the number of cases increases noticeably:

1. Emergency situations associated with cars falling from bridges and cliffs.

2. Falling from a height or into holes, cracks, ravines...

2. Cases of suicide associated with jumping into the abyss, from bridges and high-rise buildings.

3. Spontaneous destruction of buildings for no apparent reason.

BUT cases should not be isolated!

There is an increase in seismic activity in the Vrancea zone at the end of November 2013. Above 4.0 I predict 100 percent. Entrance in Romania (using the elastic recoil method), it is likely that the epicenter is within a 150 km radius. By dates: November 27,28.

Nice surprise about this shorter form. Can you tell us what it is you are talking/writing about?Has any info. about this shorter form was posted before (and i just missed

Most of the largest earthquakes occur according to one scenario: rigid plate structures consisting of earth's crust and mantles move by colliding with each other. There are 7 largest plates in the world: Antarctic, Eurasian, Indo-Australian, North American, Pacific and South American.

Over the past two billion years, the movement of plates has accelerated significantly, which, accordingly, has increased the chances of such a catastrophe. On the other hand, based on displacement studies tectonic plates, scientists can, albeit roughly, predict the occurrence of the next major earthquake. Based on publicly available data, we have compiled a list of cities where the likelihood of such an event is already very high.

San Francisco

A powerful earthquake with an epicenter in the Santa Cruz Mountains, about a hundred kilometers from the city of San Francisco, is just around the corner. Or rather, over the next couple of years. However, most residents of the City by the Bay prepared for the disaster by stocking up on medicines, drinking water and food products. In turn, the city authorities are busy urgently carrying out work to strengthen the buildings.


Fremantle is a port city located on the west coast of Australia. According to seismological studies by specialists from the University of Sydney, a strong earthquake of about 6 points on the Richter scale is expected there between the end of 2016 and 2024. However, main danger is that a shock could occur on the ocean floor near the city, causing a tsunami.


According to experts, a major earthquake with an epicenter in the Japanese capital has a 75% probability of occurring at any time over the next 30 years. According to the model created by scientists, about 23 thousand people will become victims of the disaster and over 600 thousand buildings will be destroyed. In addition to increasing the level of seismic resistance of buildings and demolishing old structures, the Tokyo administration will introduce non-combustible building materials. The Kobe earthquake in 1995 showed the Japanese that people more often become victims not of collapsed buildings, but of fires that occur after a disaster.

Los Angeles

Earthquakes happen quite often in the City of Angels, but there haven't been any truly major ones for over a century. The gloomier is the forecast presented by seismologists and geologists from the US Geological Society. Based on the analysis of soils and tectonic plates under central part California, scientists have concluded that an earthquake of magnitude 6.7 may occur here before 2037. A shock of such force, under certain circumstances, can turn a city into ruins.


Within a few next years A powerful earthquake measuring more than 8.5 on the Richter scale will occur in the area of ​​the Isthmus of Panama. Experts from the University of San Diego came to these conclusions after conducting seismological studies of faults adjacent to the Panama Canal. The effects of an earthquake of truly catastrophic proportions will be felt by the inhabitants of both Americas. And most of all, of course, the capital of the republic, Panama, where about 1.5 million people live, will suffer.


A strong earthquake in the medium term, i.e. in the next 4-5 years, will occur in the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky area. Such data were reported in the seismology department of the Schmidt Institute of Earth Physics. In connection with this forecast, work is being carried out in Kamchatka to strengthen buildings, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations is checking the seismic resistance of buildings. In addition, a network of stations was organized to monitor the symptoms of an approaching earthquake: high-frequency vibrations of the earth's crust, water levels in wells, and fluctuations in magnetic fields.


According to the same seismology department, a major earthquake in the period from 2017 to 2036. may occur in the North Caucasus, on the border of Chechnya and Dagestan. Unlike the situation in Kamchatka, no work is being carried out there to reduce possible damage from earthquakes, which could lead to more human casualties than if such work had been carried out.

New York

New research results from American seismologists from Columbia University indicate a high seismic hazard currently in the vicinity of New York. The magnitude of the earthquake can reach five points, which can lead to the complete destruction of old buildings in the city. Another cause for concern was the nuclear power plant located right at the intersection of two faults, i.e. in an extremely dangerous region. Its destruction could turn New York into a second Chernobyl.

Banda Aceh

Indonesia is located in the most seismically active zone on the planet, and therefore earthquakes here will not surprise anyone. In particular, the island of Sumatra constantly finds itself almost directly at the epicenter of tremors. A new earthquake, predicted by seismologists, with an epicenter 28 km from the city of Banda Aceh, which will occur in the next six months, will not be an exception.


A strong earthquake in Romania could be triggered by blasting of shale rocks carried out in the Carpathian Mountains region. Geophysicists from Romanian national institute They report that the epicenter of the future earthquake will be located there, at a depth of 40 kilometers. The fact is that work to search for shale gas in these layers of the earth can cause displacements of the earth’s crust and, as a result, earthquakes.

Society, March 17, 04:51

In Indonesia, 42 people died due to floods. At least 42 people became victims of floods in the Indonesian province of Papua. Another 21 people were seriously injured, Reuters reported, citing the local emergency management agency. According to department spokesman Corey Simbolon, flooding in the Shintani area, located near the provincial capital Jayapura, was caused by...

Society, 06 March, 05:44

An earthquake of magnitude 5.8 occurred off the coast of the Philippines. An earthquake occurred off the coast of the island of Mindanao in the southern Philippine archipelago, the European Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC) and the US Geological Survey report (... from the municipality of Barcelona in the Philippine province of Sorsogon. USGS reports an earthquake of magnitude 5 ,7. According to the service, the source was located at a depth... no tsunami was declared. In December 2018, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 occurred near Mindanao, after which a warning was announced about a possible...

Society, 02 Mar, 09:04

At the southern part Kuril Islands an earthquake of magnitude 6.2 occurred... Kuril, an earthquake of magnitude 6.2 occurred. This was reported by the Japan Meteorological Administration. According to the department, the depth of the earthquake source was 10 km..., the source was at a depth of 37 km. According to the department, the magnitude of the earthquake was 5.9, depth - 32 km. Residents felt the tremors...

Society, 24 Feb, 06:11

An earthquake of magnitude 5.1 occurred in southwest China. An earthquake of magnitude 5.1 was recorded in southwest China, in Sichuan province. This was reported by the seismological service of the Hong Kong Observatory. ... in turn, the European Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC) reports that the magnitude of the earthquake in Sichuan was 4.9. According to him, the epicenter was recorded... there were no casualties or destruction. In 2008, a major earthquake of magnitude 8 in a Chinese province killed more than 70 thousand people...

Society, 22 Feb, 14:33

Two earthquakes occurred in Ecuador An earthquake of magnitude 7.5 occurred in eastern Ecuador, according to the website of the United States Geological Survey (​USGS). According to the service, the earthquake occurred in damage was reported as a result of the earthquake. At the same time, at 10:40 UTC (13:40 Moscow time) another earthquake occurred in the west of Ecuador... the magnitude was 5.5. The source of the earthquake lay at a depth of 82.1 km. In early February, an earthquake of magnitude 6.6 occurred in Mexico...

Society, 21 Feb, 01:24

An earthquake of magnitude 5.1 occurred in western Turkey An earthquake of magnitude 5.1 occurred near the city of Canakkale in the western... . The epicenter of the earthquake was located 20 km south of the city. There were no reports of destruction or casualties. February 1 earthquake with a magnitude of 6...67.9 km. Local representative emergency services reported to Reuters that the earthquake was felt, but no destruction followed.

Society, 02 Feb, 03:33

An earthquake in Mexico partially destroyed the parliament building of El Salvador. Staff of the Legislative Assembly (Parliament) of El Salvador were evacuated due to a powerful earthquake that occurred in Mexico. El Mundo reports this. The tremors ... were a reminder that the building had already suffered minor damage from other earthquakes that had occurred over the past few years. According to them, in this... the parliament is in another building, since the current one is no longer suitable. An earthquake of magnitude 6.6 occurred on the border of Mexico and Guatemala in the evening...

Society, 01 Feb, 23:05

An earthquake of magnitude 6.6 occurred on the border of Mexico and Guatemala. An earthquake of magnitude 6.6 occurred in the Mexican state of Chiapas. This was reported on the website of the US Geological Survey. The earthquake occurred on the border with... 67.9 km. A local emergency services spokesman told Reuters the earthquake was felt but caused no damage. The witness reported... to Salvador. According to Reuters, some office buildings located in the earthquake zone were evacuated. The Associated Press reports that in elementary school in... A second earthquake occurred off the coast of Indonesia... an earthquake of magnitude 6.4 occurred on the island of Sumba. This was reported on the website of the US Geological Survey. According to the service, the earthquake occurred at 05 ... it follows that it was located 20 km from the source of the previous earthquake, which occurred at 23:59 UTC (02:59 Moscow time). Its... ,3 km. At the end of September, a magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, followed by a tsunami. As a result, they died... An earthquake of magnitude 6... occurred off the coast of Indonesia, Reuters reports citing the US Geological Survey. The epicenter of the earthquake was at a depth of 25 km, 219 km to the south... and no deaths were reported. In September 2018, as a result of an earthquake of magnitude 7.5 and the subsequent tsunami in the Indonesian... An earthquake of magnitude 6.7 occurred off the coast of Chile A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.7 occurred off the coast of Chile, reports the Geological Survey... of the city of Coquimbo, whose population is more than 148 thousand people. The source of the earthquake lay at a depth of 53 km. Information about victims, injured or... follows from data from the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. On January 19, an earthquake occurred in the northern part of Peru, near the border with Ecuador... An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 occurred in the north of Peru An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 occurred in the northern part of Peru, not far from... or no damage was reported. January 9 at Novosibirsk region An earthquake of magnitude 4.3 occurred. The tremors were recorded 16 km from... The Ministry of Emergency Situations named the cause of the man-made earthquake near Novosibirsk Seismologists classified the earthquake in the Iskitimsky district of the Novosibirsk region on January 9 as man-made. About... this area happened in July last year. Then seismologists recorded an earthquake of magnitude 4.6 6.5 km from the village of Elbashi... An earthquake of magnitude 5.5 occurred off the coast of the Philippines An earthquake of magnitude 5.5 occurred in the Sulu Sea in the southern Philippines, ... a strong earthquake of magnitude 7.2 . The epicenter of the tremors lay at a depth of 60 km east of the Philippine city of General Santos. After the earthquake there was... An earthquake of magnitude 6.6 occurred off the coast of Indonesia... Tobelo. On at the moment there are no reports of casualties as a result of the earthquake. At the end of December 2018, in the Sunda Strait of Indonesia between... After an earthquake off the coast of the Philippines, a tsunami threat was declared...) from the epicenter of the earthquake along the coasts of Indonesia and the Philippines,” the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said in a statement (quoted by Reuters). Magnitude 7 earthquake... earthquake over last week. On Monday, December 24, a similar phenomenon occurred in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of the island Kingdom of Tonga. Magnitude of the earthquake... Near Tonga in Pacific Ocean an earthquake of magnitude 6.4 occurred An earthquake of magnitude 6.4 occurred in the Pacific Ocean near the coast..., in the east from Niue, and in the west from Fiji. The last earthquake occurred there in August 2017. Its magnitude was 6... Earthquake in Kamchatka without destruction There was no destruction after the earthquake that occurred off the coast of Kamchatka. RBC announced this in... 2 to 3 points, in the village of Nikolskoye - up to 5 points. The earthquake occurred at 20:01 Moscow time east coast Kamchatka. The center... in the Pacific warned about the possibility of education big waves after the earthquake. After the earthquake off the coast of Kamchatka, a tsunami threat was announced..., at about 20:01 Moscow time, an earthquake of magnitude 7.3 occurred off the eastern coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula (the service later corrected these data - the magnitude was... USA) issued a warning about the possibility of large waves forming in earthquake region. Later, the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Kamchatka Territory told RBC... that they were clarifying the information about the earthquake. In October and November, earthquakes were also recorded near the peninsula, but the magnitudes in both cases were... An earthquake of magnitude 5.5 occurred in Indonesia. On the Indonesian island of Lombok, which suffered from a number of major earthquakes In the summer-autumn of 2018, new tremors of magnitude 5.5 were recorded. ...not received. In July-September, more than 500 people became victims of a series of earthquakes and tsunamis on the island of Lombok. Almost 500 thousand people... An earthquake of magnitude 7.5 occurred off the coast of New Caledonia An earthquake of magnitude 7.5 occurred near the overseas community of France New... time (07:18 Moscow time). There are no reports of casualties, casualties or destruction from the earthquake. According to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC ... Trump declared a state of emergency in Alaska after the earthquake After a magnitude 7 earthquake in Alaska, US President Donald Trump announced state of emergency in the state. The earthquake temporarily shut down the Anchorage airport and damaged roads. US President Donald Trump declared a state of emergency in Alaska after the earthquake... the earthquake-stricken state. ​ Earlier, Trump wrote on Twitter that the US authorities “will not spare any expense” to provide assistance to local residents. An earthquake occurred... Police reported the consequences of the earthquake in largest city Alaska ... - during the earthquake of magnitude 7, recorded on November 30, many administrative buildings and residential buildings were destroyed in the city. According to them, the earthquake led... about whether the earthquake led to casualties. Alaska Governor Bill Walker declared a state of emergency. “After a strong earthquake, I declared a regime networks published videos filmed during and after the earthquake. According to CNN, the earthquake occurred at 8:30 local time (20:30... The number of victims of the earthquake in Iran reached 640 people. western border An earthquake of magnitude 6.3 occurred between Iran and Iraq. 646 people were injured, most of them escaped... the rubble is being cleared there at the moment. ​ It is noted that after the earthquake, two more aftershocks occurred with a magnitude of 5.2 and 4.6... In Iran, 420 people were injured as a result of the earthquake... in the Iranian province of Kermanshah, 420 people were injured as a result of the earthquake. Tansim agency reports this. It is noted that the earthquake occurred at 20:07 p.m. ... four aftershocks occurred after the earthquake. Two of them were magnitude 4.0, and the other two were magnitude 5.2 and 4.1. Earlier, an earthquake occurred in the Caribbean Sea, off the coast of Nicaragua. Its magnitude was 6.0. At the end of September, an earthquake occurred on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi... An earthquake of magnitude 6 occurred off the coast of Nicaragua. An earthquake of magnitude 6 occurred in the Caribbean Sea, off the coast of Nicaragua. The US Geological Survey reports this. The epicenter was... tsunami monitoring declared that there was no threat from this phenomenon. The last time an earthquake of comparable magnitude occurred in Chile was in early November. Then it... Residents of Buryatia felt an earthquake on the coast of Lake Baikal An earthquake of magnitude 3.5 occurred on the coast of Lake Baikal, which was felt by residents of several settlements in... to the Baikal branch of the Unified Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences. According to him, the earthquake occurred at 5:44 local time (0:44 Moscow time... in the village of Ust-Barguzin, which is located 10 km from the epicenter of the earthquake. The earthquake was also felt by residents of the villages of Adamovo and Gusikha, located within a radius... An earthquake of magnitude 5.7 occurred in Kamchatka. An earthquake of magnitude 5.7 was recorded in Kamchatka, the regional emergency department reports. The epicenter of the earthquake was located south of the Ust-Kamchatka region at a depth of 77 ... was not associated with the earthquake and was not called a tsunami. valid until November 16th. last time earthquake off the coast... An earthquake of magnitude 6.8 occurred off the coast of Greenland and Iceland A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.8 occurred in the Arctic Ocean near... center (EMSC) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS). According to the USGS, the earthquake occurred 119 km northwest of Norway... at a depth of 10 km. EMSC provides the same data, specifying that the earthquake occurred 941 km from the capital of Iceland. About the destruction and... An earthquake of magnitude 5.9 occurred near the Southern Kuril Islands An earthquake of magnitude 5.9 occurred in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk near the Kuril Islands. ... the island of Hokkaido. It is noted that it was located at a depth of 10 km. The earthquake occurred on November 5 at 06:26 Sakhalin time (22... "The Sakhalin branch of the Unified Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences reported that the epicenter of the earthquake was 57 km northwest of the city of Yuzhno...

Earthquakes of magnitude 5.4 and 4.1 are reported on the website of the main... . “The earthquake was felt by residents of Yuzhno-Kurilsk. According to the information collected, the seismic event felt up to 3 points,” the Ministry of Emergency Situations said. The second earthquake was registered...

An earthquake in Greece caused a tsunami in the Mediterranean Sea. A strong earthquake occurred off the coast of Greece. The European Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC) warned of a tsunami. An earthquake of magnitude 7.0 was recorded... nearby regions should not go close to the sea. It is indicated that after the earthquake several aftershocks followed, which were felt not only in Greece... An earthquake of magnitude 6.6 was recorded off the coast of the Canadian island of Vancouver. This is reported by the US Geological Survey. By... . Later, another earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 occurred 232 km from Port Hardy. The source was located at a depth of 21 km. It is noted... no damage has been reported yet. In early October, a magnitude 5.9 earthquake struck Haiti. The epicenter was near the island of Tortuga. As a result... Indonesian authorities estimated damage from the earthquake and tsunami at $911 million ... disasters (BNPB) estimated that the earthquake that occurred in September on the island of Sulawesi and the subsequent tsunami caused the state damage to 13 ... injured, homeless More than 223.7 thousand residents of the region remained. The earthquake and tsunami affected the cities of Palu, Dungala, Sigi and Parigi Mutun... now the local authorities will be guided by the principle of “building better and safer”. ​An earthquake of magnitude 7.5 and the subsequent tsunami on the island... An earthquake of magnitude 5.4 occurred in China An earthquake of magnitude 5.4 occurred in northwest China, data on casualties, deaths and destruction not... -Uyghur Autonomous area. In September, an earthquake of magnitude 5.9 was recorded in southeast China. The epicenter of the tremors was at a depth of 11... near the city of Pu'er in Yunnan province. Later, two more earthquakes with a magnitude of more than 4 occurred. There is no data on damage, deaths or injuries... An earthquake with a magnitude of 4.7 occurred in the Sea of ​​Azov ... Moscow time. The epicenter of the earthquake was 58 km from the Ukrainian city of Berdyansk. The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory confirmed information about the earthquake, Interfax reports. It is noted that the earthquake did not lead to casualties or destruction. "Evacuation of the population...

The greenhouse effect has tripped
Vladimir Erashov

In recent decades, the greenhouse effect has become the talk of the town; it is blamed for the increase in all earthly disasters. But here's a sensational surprise - THE GROWTH OF THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT AND THE NUMBER OF EARTHQUAKES COINCIDED ONLY UNTIL 2005, THEN THE PATH diverged, THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT CONTINUED TO GROW, WHILE THE NUMBER OF EARTHQUAKES STARTED TO DROP SHARPLY. Moreover, the statistics of earthquakes are as follows, we will present them below, which does not leave the slightest doubt about the presence of the indicated trends. The number of earthquakes on Earth increased significantly until 2005, and then began to decrease significantly. Earthquakes in modern times are recorded by many tracking stations with great accuracy and very scrupulously. From this side, any error is excluded in principle. Consequently, the indicated trend is an indisputable fact, a fact that allows us to look at the problem of climate warming in a very unconventional way.
First, let's look at earthquake statistics: this statistic obtained after processing (summarizing) the daily number of earthquakes stored in the archive of the site
Let us clarify that the site stores earthquakes of magnitude four and above, starting in 1974. It has not yet been possible to process all the statistics, it is very labor-intensive, we present statistics for January earthquakes; for other months the picture is similar.
Here are the statistics:
1974 -313, 1975-333, 1976 -539, 1977 – 323, 1978 – 329, 1979 – 325, 1980 – 390, 1981 -367, 1982- 405, 1983 – 507, 1984 – 391, 1985 – 447, 1986 – 496, 1987 – 466, 1988 – 490, 1989 – 490, 1990 – 437, 1991 – 516, 1992 – 465, 1993 – 477, 1994 – 460, 1995 – 709. 1996 – 865, 1997 – 647, 1998 – 747, 1999 – 666, 2000 – 615, 2001 – 692, 2002 – 815, 2003 – 691, 2004 – 915, 2005 – 2127, 2006 – 971, 2007 – 1390, 2008 – 1040, 2009 – 989, 2010 – 823, 2011 – 1211, 2012 – 999, 2013 – 687, 2014 – 468, 2015 – 479, 2016 – 499.
And so in 2005 there was a radical change in the number of recorded earthquakes; if before 2005 the number of earthquakes, albeit with minor stops, only grew, then after 2005 it began to steadily decline.
Main conclusion:
The catastrophic increase in the number of earthquakes that occurred on Earth until 2005 greenhouse effect not connected in any way, it occurred for other reasons, these reasons remain to be determined.
An interesting fact is that in 2005, in parallel with the increase in the number of earthquakes, a radical change occurred in the speed of the Earth’s rotation; the Earth began to slow down its rotation. Now it is still impossible to state unequivocally that these facts are connected with each other, but it is also very unlikely that they coincided by chance. Moreover, short-term surges in the number of earthquakes correlate very well with surges in the Earth’s rotation speed.
From the works of scientist Sidorenkov N.S. It is known that the speed of rotation of the Earth has a very good correlation with the temperature on the Planet; a higher speed of rotation of the Earth corresponds to a higher average temperature - this has been established experimentally over a fairly long period of observations. Then a completely logical question:
Will a decrease in the Earth's rotation speed be followed not only by a decrease in the number of earthquakes, which has already followed, but also by a decrease in average temperature, that is, do not these factors signal us about the beginning of an era of cooling?
Apparently it is too early to put an end to this issue, but Russian science has no right to leave this issue without attention, the stakes are painfully high. Of course, no scientist will cancel the future cooling of the climate, which may be about to begin, but this cooling should not fall on Russia out of the blue.
In this regard, I ask readers not to be lazy, but also re-read the article “Transparent Climate”.
Isn't it time Russian science wake up?
24.05. 2016

The destructive power of an earthquake depends on its magnitude (at the hypocenter, i.e. at the source), the depth of the earthquake source and the distance from the epicenter (the point of projection of the source onto the surface of the earth).

Examples of media reports and explanations of terms:
“According to ***, there, at such and such Moscow time, an earthquake occurred magnitude in the outbreak M=4.3 points on the nine-point Richter scale, at a depth of 15 km from sea level.
The epicenter of the earthquake was located 100 kilometers southeast of the city ***. Tremors were felt in the village of *** by force up to four points, and in the city *** - three points (on a 12-point scale). According to the latest data, there are no casualties or serious damage. Over the course of a week, 4 earthquakes with a magnitude from 2.3 to 4.3 on the Richter scale were recorded in the indicated area, which were also felt in neighboring regions. According to statistics provided by seismologists, the average interval between series of earthquakes with a magnitude of up to four in this area is approximately *** years."

“An earthquake with a magnitude of 4.3 at the source occurred there. Its epicenter was located one hundred kilometers southeast of the city ***. The depth of the source was 15 km” from sea level.

The four-point earth happened today somewhere.

The magnitude of an earthquake (not to be confused with “strength”, and leave the points alone) - quantitatively characterizes its energy at the source, on a nine-point Richter scale (0-9). Calculated based on the results of measurements by instruments (seismographs) at the seismic stations closest to the epicenter different countries. An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.0 or higher, with a nearby epicenter and a shallow source, is considered strong and can cause significant destruction and lead to casualties among the population, especially if buildings and residential structures are not designed for proper seismic resistance or were built by low-skilled migrant workers, with rough violations of construction norms and rules.

The strength of earthquake tremors (intensity) is a qualitative (felt, visible) characteristic of the degree of destruction and other manifestations on earth's surface, at a specific point on the surface of the earth. For this, a twelve-point scale (1-12) or a modified Mercalli scale is used. They differ little. Real danger represent tremors with a force of four or more.

Forecast. Before a strong earthquake, a few minutes or even hours later, domestic animals and birds begin to scream and rush around, trying to run away from the house to the street, to hide. The dogs try to take their owners and children to a safe place. Cats carry kittens away. Aquarium fish- they are worried, trying to jump out of the water of the aquarium. Rats and mice are running outside from the basements of houses. Wild animals, in advance - several hours or days before the earthquake, leave the dangerous area in packs. Snakes and lizards crawl out of their holes (even in winter, at night and in bad weather), Birds constantly scream, fly in circles for a long time and randomly. Animals and birds lose their appetite, their behavior changes greatly - they, without attacking each other, move away from danger together.

Those who were born, raised and lived (in natural conditions) in earthquake-prone areas. The skill lasts a long time. Their reaction is more often selective, only to close (local earthquakes) and dangerous in strength (more than two to four points).

Seismologists and volcanologists use scientific, instrumental forecasting methods and early warning methods: constant monitoring seismic activity a network of sensitive sensors, regular measurements and detection of increases in the concentration of helium and radon in surface air and at depth, etc.

Dependence of earthquake intensity. from the distance to the epicenter. From nearby earthquake epicenters great strength(if a “seven” magnitude strike or higher) - very sharp shocks and impacts, intense shaking are felt, glows and sparks are visible, an underground rumble, crackling and roar of collapsing buildings and falling, broken trees are heard, a sharp increase in wind occurs. At distances of hundreds of kilometers from the epicenter, echoes of an earthquake reach - low-frequency, relatively slow vibrations, wave-like swaying of the daytime surface of the earth. The farther away, the smaller their vertical amplitude and longer period(up to a minute or more, at a distance to the epicenter of several thousand kilometers), with the exception of anomalously intense and resonant manifestations at certain distances from the epicenter and along large, deep tectonic faults.

Influence of tidal (gravitational) effects. Seismicity increases - during the new moon and, especially, during the full moon, as well as when the Moon is at perigee (closer to the Earth). There is also a seasonal dependence: in autumn and, especially, in winter, it shakes stronger and more often than in spring and summer.

Geological factor. The greatest damage from an earthquake occurs at rocky outcrops rocks and if they are covered with loose sediments of small thickness, which are thrown up at their base. Safer ground conditions are areas with thick layers of loose rocks. rocks in which the seismic wave weakens and is extinguished until it reaches the earth's surface.

Tsunamis occur when the earth's epicenter is near sea ​​coast. At the first impact, the water first moves away from the shore, and then, accelerating, hits the coast in the form of a large wave. Glow brightness marine organisms- increases sharply two to three minutes before the tsunami.

The seismic activity map is updated every 20 minutes. To take a closer look at the area and scores, click on the earthquake source, you will be taken to an enlarged area of ​​the map Automatic GEOFON Global Seismic Moniton Map

red - last 24 hours
orange - last 1-4 days
yellow - last 4-14 days

Earthquakes over the last 30 days with a magnitude of 4 or more EMSC+Google Map Earthquakes in the World

red - last 24 hours
orange - from 24 to 48 hours
yellow - for the last 3-17 days
purple - from 2 weeks to 5 years

Seismicity of the Atlantic Ocean

Pacific Ocean. Far East. Kuril Islands. Pacific ridge fault lines

Russia and Central Asia


Indonesian region


Tabular data for the selected period:

Live Earthquake Mashup

Excellent map, a direct analogue of Google planets with attached KML files

Earthquakes Canada Seismic activity map of Canada. All earthquakes in the last 30 days. To view the area and scores, click the cursor on the source of the earthquake, you will be taken to the information of the map area. Updated list of earthquakes - online. Geophysical Service RAS

Shows the last 15 earthquakes

World tectonic plate map

Scientists have compiled a map of the largest tectonic plates:

  • Australian;
  • Arabian subcontinent;
  • Antarctic;
  • African;
  • Hindustan;
  • Eurasian;
  • Nazca Plate;
  • Plate Coconut;
  • Pacific;
  • North and South American platforms;
  • Scotia Plate;
  • Philippine plate.

From theory we know that hard shell The earth (lithosphere) consists not only of plates that form the relief of the planet’s surface, but also of the deep part - the mantle. Continental platforms have a thickness from 35 km (in flat areas) to 70 km (in mountain ranges). Scientists have proven that the slab is thickest in the Himalaya region. Here the thickness of the platform reaches 90 km. The thinnest lithosphere is found in the ocean zone. Its thickness does not exceed 10 km, and in some areas this figure is 5 km. Based on information about the depth at which the earthquake epicenter is located and the speed of propagation of seismic waves, the thickness of sections of the earth’s crust is calculated.

Map of faults and seismically dangerous places

The map shows the locations of seismically hazardous zones. The zones are highlighted in color - from green to red. The closer the color is to red, the higher the likelihood of strong and destructive earthquakes. The map was created using data from earthquakes that occurred since 1973.
Nuclear power plants are shown on the map. Finding nuclear power plant in a seismically dangerous zone increases the danger to the population.

Gradation of danger. Enable/Disable

Seismic activity scale. Richter scale. Earthquake by type of activity.
Mercalli scale Richter scale Visible action


0 -4.3

Vibration from an earthquake is recorded only by instruments


Earthquake vibrations felt when standing on stairs


Tremors from the earthquake are felt in indoors, slight vibrations of objects



The clanking of dishes, the swaying of trees, the tremors of an earthquake are felt in stationary cars


The creaking of doors, the awakening of sleepers, the transfusion of liquid from vessels



During an earthquake, people walk unsteadily, windows are damaged, paintings fall from the walls


It’s hard to stand, tiles on houses are falling off, large bells are ringing from the earthquake



Damage to chimneys, damage to sewer networks during such an earthquake


General panic from earthquake, damage to foundations


Most buildings are damaged*, large landslides, rivers overflow their banks



Bent railway tracks, road damage, large cracks in the ground, falling rocks


Complete destruction, waves on the surface of the earth, changes in river flow, poor visibility
* Specially designed buildings with earthquake protection can withstand shocks up to 8.5 on the Richter scale
The amount of energy released during an earthquake
Earthquake strength on the Richter scale Amount of energy during an earthquake (trinitrotoluene equivalent), t
4 6
5 199
6 6270
7 199’000
8 6’270’000
9 99’000’000
Map of earthquakes in Europe over the past 24 hours

Seismic activity on the planet over the past 24 hours

Seismic activity on the planet over the past week

| >>> Seismic monitor (superimposed on the map) | >>> USGS Seismic Monitor (superimposed on map) | >>>Seismic monitor (clickable map) | >>>Seismic monitor EUROPE |

Earthquake map according to Google

Seismic activity map online, updated every 20 minutes. In addition, you can always find out whether there was an earthquake today or not. This allows you to more clearly evaluate the information provided.

Seismic activity map of EMSC service and Google Map

The map of seismic activity of the world allows you to select an area of ​​the earth's surface by clicking the mouse button. In this case, the selected area will be separately displayed in the window, in which the epicenters of earthquakes are indicated in detail. The online seismic monitor allows you to obtain comprehensive data when selecting any source. The table shows the coordinates of the epicenters and the power of tremors, ranging from 24 hours to 30 days. The seismic recording stations located in the selected area are also displayed on the map of the area.

Earthquake map from Earthquake map from Behavior before, during and after an earthquake

The vast majority of earthquakes last about one, rarely more than one minute. However, the intensity of the oscillations during this time is not the same. As a rule, an earthquake begins with relatively weak vibrations (sometimes imperceptible), which last 10-20 seconds, then the main phase of the earthquake begins, in which the vibrations reach their greatest intensity, then a gradual decline follows.

Well-constructed and well-maintained buildings, which do not have special anti-seismic measures, can withstand earthquakes of up to magnitude 6 without much damage. Buildings in unsatisfactory technical condition and dilapidated, under threat strong earthquakes doubly dangerous.

Before the earthquake

Inside your home, firmly attach cabinets, shelving, and cabinetry to the walls and floor. Furniture, standing and hanging objects in residential premises are placed so that if they fall, the sleeping persons will not be injured and the passages and exits from the apartment will remain free. All heavy objects should be moved to lower shelves and places. Shelves with dishes must be closed. Attach chandeliers and overhead lights securely; do not use glass shades.

Do not block passages and exits from rooms and apartments with things. Flammable, caustic, toxic liquids and powders must be securely sealed, closed in strong, secured containers and boxes.

All family members should be well aware of the most important dangerous places residential premises: in the openings of internal main walls near these walls, at supporting columns and under frame beams, in the corners of internal main walls and under durable furniture (tables, beds). And dangerous places too: near large glazed openings and partitions, corner rooms of buildings, especially the top floors.

During an earthquake

Don't panic! Quickly focus on executing previously thought-out actions, but be prepared to act according to circumstances.

In the house/apartment:

If you are in a low building, up to 2-3 floors, then it is better to leave it quickly. Moreover, this should be done if the building is not earthquake-resistant. Run out quickly but carefully, beware of falling objects, downed wires and other sources of danger, and immediately move away from the building to an open area.

When on the upper floors of a multi-story building, do not rush towards stairs or elevators. Most likely, they will be crowded with people and the elevators will be disabled. Therefore, it is better to stay in the building and, after opening front door, which in the future may become jammed from distortions, quickly take the safest place in the room: under durable furniture, at the support column wall closest to the center of the building, in the doorway of the main walls, in the corner of the room. And always away from windows, heavy objects and equipment that could tip over. Provide assistance to the disabled and elderly.

Do not enter or run around buildings. Once near a tall building, stand in the doorway, this will protect you from falling pieces of glass, balconies, cornices and parapets. It's best to be on open place, away from buildings and power lines.

In transport

Any vehicle must be stopped calmly and quickly, as far as possible from tall buildings, overpasses, bridges, power lines or anything that could collapse from strong shocks. Bus and tram drivers must open all doors after stopping their transport.

After the earthquake

While in the building, remain calm and assess the situation. Examine yourself and the people nearby, and if necessary, provide medical care those in need. Wear sturdy shoes to avoid damaging your feet from splinters and debris. When going down the stairs, check the reliability of its structures.

Check for fire hazards. Any fire that occurs must be extinguished immediately. If you notice damage to electrical wiring, turn off the power if you have not already done so.

Based on materials from the State Committee of the Republic of Buryatia
on business civil defense and emergency situations