Project "May 9 - a holiday of memory and glory." Project “May 9th Victory Day” when the sun’s rays were just about to illuminate the earth on the western border of the USSR, the first soldiers of Hitler’s Germany set foot

Pedagogical creative project

"Victory Day"

on moral and patriotic education

Vmiddle group.

1.Relevance of the project.

The problem of patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most pressing problems today.

The relevance of the problem is due to the fact that the social significance of such a quality as “civic consciousness” in society is increasing, and in to the fullest effective and systematic means to improve performance educational process on this issue are missing.

Without the memory of the Great Patriotic War, of the great Victory in this war, neither the dignity of Russia nor humanization is conceivable Russian society, nor the humanitarization of Russian education, because the Great Patriotic War is a spiritual feat of our people, without which there would be neither you nor us, nor Russia.

To educate the patriotic feelings of the younger generation, it is very important that the surrounding adults involved in creating a social situation for development teach children to love their native places. This line of interaction with children should be present in all moments of interaction between teachers and children. Because at the very beginning of life, when the foundation of a child’s personality is laid, this should become a prerequisite for the formation of important human qualities of a highly moral, harmonious personality

In this regard, we, teachers of a preschool educational institution, are faced with the task of developing in children citizenship, a sense of love and pride for their Motherland through the construction of an optimal pedagogical system aimed at developing the civic and patriotic qualities of preschoolers using modern technologies.

Therefore, in the middle group, many questions arose before me: what forms and methods to choose for raising children as conscious individuals, how can I teach them to appreciate, understand and know everything that surrounds us. At the same time, always remember and take into account that the sixth principle of preschool education of the Federal State Educational Standard is “introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state.”

The creation of the “Victory Day” project is aimed at instilling in preschoolers a sense of pride in their people, the gradual formation of love for their Motherland and loved ones. The implementation of the project allows you to use various types children's activities, involves the involvement of children and parents in the study of significant dates of the Great Patriotic War.

2. Project passport:

Project type: creative and informational.

Project participants: children, parents, middle school teacher.

music director, senior teacher, museum workers.

Project duration: two weeks.

Project goal: development of civic position, patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland in older preschoolers based on expanding children's ideas about the victory of the defenders of the Fatherland in the Great Patriotic War.

Project objectives:

To form in preschoolers a positive attitude towards the glorious defenders of our Motherland.

Enrichment spiritual world children through an appeal to the heroic past of our country.

Expand your vocabulary of words denoting the names of objects, actions, signs, listen to songs and poems about the Motherland.

Fostering love for the Motherland.

To establish interaction with parents in instilling patriotic feelings in preschoolers through fiction, theatrical activities, and through musical and artistic-aesthetic education

Integration of educational areas in the process of project implementation:

Cognitive development, speech, artistic and aesthetic, physical, social and communicative development.

Type of activity and its content

Cognitive development:

View illustrations depicting monuments to fallen soldiers, illustrations about the war.

Review of the album “Children - War Heroes”.

Examination of the album of the order and medal of the Second World War.

D/I “Who walks in the parade?”

Introduction to military equipment.

Excursion to the obelisk of Glory to the fallen soldiers of the Solnechny region.

Excursion to the Solnechny Museum (meeting WWII veterans).

Meeting with WWII veteran Shaidurov A.A. , his story about the difficult war years.

Speech development.

- Getting to know and learning proverbs and sayings about war, honor, valor, glory.

Reading fiction on a military topic:

All-Russian Action “We read to children about the war”

Y. Yakovlev “How Seryozha went to war”, K. Paustovsky “Steel Ring”, I. Turichin “An Extreme Case”, N. Khoza “Road of Life”, S.Ya. Marshak "Boy from the village of Popovka".

Memorizing poems on a military theme

Listening to poems about war, reading competition "Poems about war";

Artistic and aesthetic development

Making postcards as gifts for veterans.

Making Doves of Peace;

GCD application - origami “Airplanes”;

Examination of illustrations and photographs on the battlefields, the album “Orders and Medals of the Second World War.”

Participation in the regional competition “Portrait of a Veteran”.

Application: military equipment - “Tank”

Listening to songs: “Fire curls in a cramped dugout”, “Katyusha”

Learning the song “May there always be sunshine!”

Final event “Victory Day Holiday

Social and communicative development:

Role-playing games: “Sailors”, “Border Guards”, “Hospital”

Excursions to the museum, to the Obelisk of Glory

Communication games: “Guide”, “ Nurses", "Transfer the wounded."

Plot-role-playing games: “Sailors”, “Border Guards”, “Hospital”.

Final event “Victory Day Holiday

Physical development:

Sports competition “Strong, Agile, Brave”

Relay "Obstacle Course"

Outdoor game “Walking in the Parade”.

Sports exercise "Salute"

Final event “Victory Day Holiday”

Description of the product resulting from the project.

Decoration of a patriotic corner;

Album design: “Our Heroes”, “Military Equipment of the Second World War”;

Excursions to the regional museum;

Action “Reading to children about the war” This event was formalized and a report was sent to the organizers of the action. Received a Diploma;

Participated in the all-Russian project “Memory Card”,

received a Certificate of Honor;

Participation in the All-Russian competition “Portrait of a Veteran”;

Participation in the regional competition “Portrait of a Veteran”;

Article for the newspaper Solar Meridian;

Exhibition of children's creativity - applique "Tank", military "Airplane";

Reading competition “This holiday with tears in our eyes” (children, under the guidance of their parents, learn their favorite works about the Second World War);

Making a Dove of Peace for a WWII veteran (on the eve of the Victory Day holiday) Shaidurov A.A. ;

The final event is the Victory Day holiday.

Organizational forms of work on the project.

Forms of work


Direct educational activities

"What is war?"

"Children of War"

“Victory Day holiday?”

Experimentation, modeling

Simulation of situations in communicative games: “Guide”, “Nurses”, “Carry the Wounded”;

outdoor games “Walking in the Parade”, “Obstacle Course”, in role-playing games: “Sailors”, “Border Guards”, “Parade”.


Didactic games: “Who needs what?”, “What for what”, “Say the opposite”, “Who can name the most qualities of the hero”, “Whose uniform?”, “Who marches in the parade?”;

Independent activity children

Didactic games: “Name the type of troops”, “Who needs what?”, “What for what”, “Say the opposite”, “Whose uniform?”, “Who marches in the parade?”;

Communication games “Guide”, “Nurses”, “Carry the Wounded”;
Outdoor games “Walking in the Parade”, “Obstacle Course”;

Role-playing games: “Sailors”, “Border Guards”, “Hospital”, “Parade”.

Interaction with parents

Design of an information corner by the teacher for parents on the following topics:

“These days the glory does not cease”

Participation in the design of the exhibition “Let there always be peace”

Participation in entertainment for Victory Day.

Festive parade to the Obelisk of Glory.

Purchase of balloons in three colors of the Russian flag for launching balloons into the sky

Presentation form

As part of the project, an exhibition of children's drawings dedicated to the Second World War, an exhibition of crafts made by children and their parents, greeting cards for fathers and grandfathers, and a Dove of Peace for World War II veterans were prepared.

Excursions: to the Obelisk of Glory, to the museum. Action “Reading to children about the war”, poetry reading competition. Meeting with a WWII veteran. Final event “Victory Day Holiday

Material and technical resources required to complete the project:

*District Museum of Military Glory in Solnechny


*library methodological office preschool educational institution

*group book corner

Step-by-step joint activities to solve project problems



Immersion in the project

1. Definition of the problem field and search for resources, preparation for implementation: pedagogical diagnostics, analysis of the subject-development environment, study of literature (magazines, books, Internet), selection of mobile, speech, board-printed, didactic games. Selection of illustrative material on the topic, materials, attributes for games, selection methodological literature, fiction for reading, audio recordings.

2. Stimulating the interest of children and parents in the upcoming activity: problem situation “What can we tell children about the Second World War?”

3. Introduction to the problem: examination of illustrations and photographs about the Second World War. Conversation: “What is war and what is Victory Day?”, developing a web project together with children: What do we know? What do we want to know? Where will we look for information?

First week

Activity planning

1. Working out a scheme of sequential actions together with children. Organization of children's activities (Who will do what.)

2 Organization of parents’ activities:

design of a selection of stories “For children about the war”; learning poems with children; assistance in organizing a subject-development environment, visiting a museum with a child, watching films about the Second World War at home, preparing works for the exhibition “Children’s Creativity” on military topics.

Second week

Carrying out activities to solve the problem

Acquaintance with the history of the region and the country during the Second World War is based on visual material presented in the form of illustrations in albums. At this stage, work is being carried out in the following directions:

1) Creation of a subject-development environment:

*production of attributes, costume details (caps, scarves);

*production of Dove of Peace, postcards;

*Album: “My beloved Sunny”;

*exhibition of children's creativity "military equipment"

2) Work to enrich the child’s life experience:

*conversations about the Second World War with viewing of presentations;

*examination and discussion of illustrations from the albums “Our Heroes”, “Orders and Medals of the Second World War”, “Military Equipment of the Great Patriotic War”, “Children - War Heroes”;

*reading fiction about the Second World War;

*listening to war songs and songs about war;

3) Work to enrich the child’s gaming experience:

*didactic games: “Name the type of troops”, “Who needs what?”, “Say the opposite”, “Who can name the most qualities of a hero”, “Whose uniform?”, “Who marches in the parade?”;

*communication games“Guide”, “Nurses”, “Carry the Wounded”;
outdoor games: “Walking in the Parade”, “Obstacle Course”;

role-playing games: “Sailors”, “Border Guards”, “Hospital”, “Parade”.

Third week

Presentation of results

*Exhibition of children's creativity;

*Reading competition “This holiday has tears in our eyes.”

*Album: “My beloved Sunny”

*Greeting cards, Doves of Peace to WWII veterans;

Final event “Victory Day Holiday”

Fourth week

Presentation of results

*Parent survey

*Observation of the progress of the role-playing game.

*Analysis of the results of children's activities.

*Analysis of children’s activity in presenting project materials.

Fourth week


The “Victory Day” project is designed to develop children’s knowledge about the historical past of the Motherland, establish the historical continuity of generations, and give them the opportunity to gain a holistic perception of the events associated with the Great Patriotic War.

The implementation of the project allows not only to increase children's interest in the people who defended their Motherland many years ago, but also contributes to the formation of a truly civic-patriotic position among preschoolers, which will then form the basis of the personality of an adult - a citizen of his country.

Russia has a history rich in heroic events. Therefore, in the future, I plan to continue working on introducing older children preschool age with the heroic pages of the history of our country, to form patriotic feelings, to cultivate love for the Motherland.

Expected result (for all project participants)

At the child's level:

*Children’s understanding of the exploits of the Soviet people, the defenders of the fatherland and the heroes of the Great Patriotic War will expand;

*Exhibiting a sense of pride in the perseverance and dedication of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War;

*Preschoolers will develop an attentive and respectful attitude towards veterans and elderly people, and a desire to provide them with all possible assistance.

*Ability to present a creative search product of individual and collective activity.

At the teacher level:

*The quality of methodological support and self-improvement will increase professional excellence included V new activity and its introduction into the practice of kindergarten work.

*The level of responsibility of teachers for the formation of patriotic feelings and civic position in children will increase.

At the level of parents of pupils:

*The level of parental responsibility for the formation of patriotic feelings and civic position in children will increase.

At the level of pedagogical technologies:

*Enrichment of methods, techniques, means and forms of patriotic education of preschool children.

At the level of the subject-spatial environment:

*Creation of material and technical base for fruitful work on this topic.

Applications to the project


Fundamental question:

Why do we remember the Victory Day holiday?

Problematic issues:

*Why do our people celebrate Victory Day?;

* Why is Victory Day a holiday with tears in our eyes?

*Who can be called a veteran of the Great Patriotic War?

*Who can be called the defender of the Fatherland?

Study questions:

*What is the eternal flame, honor guard?

*What is a monument, obelisk, Glory?

*What is feat, heroism?

*What is an order?

*What military professions and military equipment are there in our Army?

*What is the Fatherland?

At the beginning of the project

indicators of moral and patriotic education.

At the end of the project, indicators of moral and patriotic education.

Excursionto the Obelisk of Glory On a tour of the museum

The Story of the Obelisk of GloryMaking the Dove of Peace

WWII veteran A.A. Shaidurov came to kindergarten

A veteran's story about difficult times. Photo as a souvenir.


International campaign “Reading to children about war”

Application "Tank"Teamwork of children

“Planes are flying” “Fireworks in honor of Victory Day”

Our achievements

on moral and patriotic education in the preparatory group


Victory Day…"It's joy with tears in your eyes", - said the poet. And indeed, this day joy and sorrow are nearby. There is no family in Russia that was spared by the war. Therefore, this day Every family remembers those who remained on the battlefields and those who established a peaceful life after the war. They also congratulate the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War who live today. and there are fewer and fewer of them. It was they who stood to the last - defending their Motherland. They stood and survived. And those who were not taken to the front forged victory in the rear. The women who replaced the departed men built tanks and airplanes, plowed and sowed, and also raised children and saved the future of the country. That's why Victory Day truly a national holiday.

It is very important to remember the history of your Motherland - especially its sad and significant pages. This fosters the spirit of patriotism in the child. During our childhood Victory Day celebrated annually - memorials of glory, laying flowers at the Eternal Flame, stories and honoring of veterans, fireworks, films and programs about the war. It was a real holiday - without false patriotism. And we adults need to tell children about the Day Victory, in the Great Patriotic War, about the heroes of the war, both veterans and children of the war, about events and defeats, about what ruins our Motherland turned into, and how quickly and unanimously the survivors of the Great Patriotic War restored their Homeland.

Passport project

View project: creative and informational.

Duration project: short.

Participants project: children, parents, preparatory group teacher.

Educational area: patriotic education of preschool children, familiarization with the surrounding reality.

Educational areas Type of activity Contents of activity


Communication Educational - Excursion to the monument to the fallen, along the streets named in honor of the heroes of the Second World War. Conversation "Our Motherland", lesson "What is heroism", "There was a great Victory Day"

Educational lesson "They fought for their homeland." Registration geographical map indicating the hero cities.

Reading fiction


Communication Reader - Reading fiction literature: “The Soviet Army” by V. Saussure, “The Name of the Hero” by L. Barbas.

"War has no baby face" (Preschool education No. 2, 2005)

Listening to poems about war, reading competition "Poems about war"

Guessing riddles.




Security Communication - Conversations about the war, about war heroes, about orders and medals;

Conversation "Why is the Great War so called"

Artistic creation


Socialization Productive - Application (making a collage with St. George's ribbon).

Gouache drawing on the theme “The enemy will not pass”, “We are for peace”, “Holiday fireworks”

Communication Musical - Musical lounge "Songs of the war years". Musical and literary composition "They defended the Motherland" (about heroes of war and home front)- Listening to a song about the war “Do the Russians want war.” Matinee "Hail, Victory Day".



Socialization Interaction with parents Recommendations on the topic “Read with your children”, advice to parents “What and how to tell preschool children about the war. Looking at photographs relating to the period of military service. Watching filmstrips and videos.

Relevance of the topic: patriotic education of a child is the basis for the formation of a future citizen. The task of educating patriotism is currently difficult. To reach a certain result, must be used unconventional methods impact on the child, on his emotional and moral spheres. Moreover, such methods would harmoniously and naturally fill his worldview with moral content, would reveal new, previously unknown or incomprehensible aspects of the surrounding reality to the child, and would be accessible to perception.

Patriotic feeling does not arise on its own - it must be nurtured in a child. That's why great job on instilling patriotic feelings in children must be conducted in preschool educational institutions.

Unfortunately, every day the connection between generations is lost, very few front-line soldiers and war heroes remain alive. Children need to be told about the Great Patriotic War, about the defenders of the homeland - veterans, about how life went in wartime, military weapons, about military uniforms, about victory. From here, on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the celebration of the Day Victory is a problem: how to help the younger generation develop in them a sense of duty, a sense of respect for the glorious defenders of our Motherland, a sense of pride for our great people, gratitude for the fact that they gave us a happy life.

Goals project:

To determine the pedagogical foundations of the problem of forming patriotic feelings in children of primary preschool age.

Introduce the symbols of the state during the Second World War, orders, medals of the heroes of the Second World War.

To evoke a desire to imitate warriors, to be as courageous, courageous, courageous, courageous.

Express feelings and consolidate knowledge in creatively, having completed a poster - collective work for the holiday, draw festive fireworks using an unusual drawing technique, make crafts as a gift to veterans, which children will give at the holiday.

Tasks project.

Formation in preschoolers of an active positive attitude towards the glorious defenders of our Motherland.

Fostering love for the Motherland.

Enriching the spiritual world of children through reference to the heroic past of our country.

Expand your vocabulary of words denoting the names of objects, actions, signs, listen to songs and poems about the Motherland.

Foster the need to defend and perform feats in the name of the Motherland.

Listen to the children's stories about relatives of WWII veterans, if any.

Prepare parents about the upcoming conversation with their children about loved ones who went through the Second World War.

Expected result:

Children should receive the necessary ideas that they understand about children - heroes and heroes of the Second World War, the exploits that they performed.

Participate in preparations for the holiday through creative activities.

Have the simplest ideas about events aimed at instilling patriotic feelings. (Parade Victory, Fireworks, laying flowers and wreaths at obelisks and monuments, meetings with veterans).

Preliminary work:

Listening to music works: Soviet song by composer David Tukhmanov and poet Vladimir Kharitonov « Victory Day» , "Darkie" A. Novikov, "Katyusha" M. Blanter, "Holy War" A. Alexandrov.

Examination of wartime posters, photographs, illustrations, presentations.

Watching cartoons dedicated to children of war "Memory" V. Danilov;

"Soldier's Lamp"(E. Agranovich, "A Soldier's Tale" 1983 "Firework" (1975)

Use of didactic games: "Guess and name", “Find out and name the military equipment of the Second World War”, “Count and count out the medals within five.”

Work in classes and in everyday life in visual arts activities: creating drawings "Fireworks on Red Square"(gouache, collective appliqué newspaper-poster for the holiday of May 9.

The role of parents in implementation project:

Collection of information and material about the Great Patriotic War (songs, poems, posters, display of real awards).

Conversations between parents and children about relatives who participated in the Second World War, if any.

Creation and visit of an exhibition in a group on patriotic education at topic: "May 9 - Victory Day» .

Participation of preschool educational institutions specialists in the implementation project(music director, physical education worker for certain thematic plans classes on the topic of the Second World War).

Conducting a lesson "They fought for their homeland".

Selection and screening of films, photos about the war.

The work of educators.

Cognitive activities: “They fought for their homeland!”, "Holiday Victory» .

Product project activities:Drawings, applications.

Models of lesson notes.

Presentation project.

Design of an exhibition dedicated to "Day Victory» .

The lesson is educational.

Subject "They fought for their homeland"

Victory in the Great Patriotic War - the feat and glory of our people. May 9 - Victory Day- remains unchanged, loved by everyone, dear, tragic and sorrowful, but at the same time a bright holiday.

Great Victory The victory that our grandparents won over Nazi Germany in World War II has no analogues in history.

Great Holiday victory– May 9 is one of the main holidays of our country, the most tragic, the most beautiful and touching. In every city near the eternal flame this the day those gather, who came to lay flowers, remember our defenders and heroes, hold a minute of silence and once again say THANK YOU... Thank you for our peaceful life, for our children and grandchildren, for their happiness! Thank you - heroes, low bow and eternal memory to those who have not made it to this day...

There is hardly a family that has not been touched by the war. We tell from generation to generation about their noble feat and honor their memory. We pass on our grandfather’s medals and tell our children about each of them. This one is for courage, this one is for courage... This is our history, the history of the family, the history of our country. We bring you (children) May 9 to the eternal flame and talk about Great Victory Day, Victory Day of our people over fascism.

Physical education minute.

The teacher includes on the slide a popular Soviet song by composer David Tukhmanov and poet Vladimir Kharitonov « Victory Day» , speaks:

Guys, let's imagine that you and I are also at the parade and are walking with veterans along the city street. We'll march to the music « Victory Day» .

The teacher distributes flags to the children, they march along the rectangle one after another, then line up in 3 units and perform exercises with the flags, then again line up in 1 column and march one after another, holding the flags in front of them until the music ends.

Job title: teacher

Place of work: MBDOU d/s 56 "Teremok"

Location: town. Krasnobrodsky, Kemerovo region.

MKOU Shatunovskaya Secondary School

Completed by: 2nd grade creative team.

Head: Snegireva Lyudmila Vladimirovna

Project « MAY 9 – VICTORY DAY » project participants

*Cultivate civic-patriotic feelings.

*Feel a sense of pride for the heroic deeds of the people in the Great Patriotic War.

  • Expand knowledge about the Great Patriotic War.
  • Contribute to the formation of interest in the history of your homeland.
  • To form moral and patriotic qualities: courage, courage, love for the homeland, pride in one’s country.

* Develop cognitive abilities in the process of practical activities.

  • Develop creative abilities.

Many decades have passed since the terrible war ended. The defenders of the homeland are passing away, and there are fewer and fewer of them left every year. But we must not forget about the war, all generations must remember it, we must not forget the feat of our grandfathers. And if people know what war is, they will be merciful, reasonable and wise, then there will be fewer wars.

When creating a project about the Great Patriotic War, we tried to feel all the hardships of the war in order to understand the whole tragedy of our people, admired the exploits of Soviet soldiers and felt pride in our people.

Are there any heroes of the Great Patriotic War among these people?

What feats were accomplished by these people during the Great Patriotic War?

What feats did our fellow countrymen accomplish during the Great Patriotic War?

Great Patriotic War... We only know about her from stories and films. But we must carefully preserve in memory the feat of the people who defended our freedom and gave us life.







with the teacher.






are taken away



This year our people celebrate

70th anniversary of the Great Victory.

pioneer holiday

I'll come back to you, mom

Wait, dear son!

May 9 - This is a national holiday. The soldiers fought, and the women raised children - the future of the country. Through joint efforts, victory over the enemy was achieved!

For many of today's boys and girls, the Great Patriotic War is a distant past. A past that they know about from the stories of their grandfathers or learn about the war from films and books.

We learned about our fellow WWII veterans


15 / 02 / 1924

Born in the village of Zhuravlikha, Altai Territory, in a peasant family. From 1940 to September 1942 he worked at the Barnaul plant. Before the war, he made carriages, but when the war began, the workshop was converted into a foundry where shells were poured for the front.

In September 1942, he was drafted into the army into the 5th training cavalry regiment of the Novosibirsk region, Tatarka station. He started the war in the city of Bryansk and ended in the city of Bialystok, Poland.

During his time at the front, he took part in combat operations, where he was wounded. After treatment in the hospital, he was sent to the anti-aircraft artillery of the 6th regiment in Belarus. From 1944 to 1947 he was in Poland.

Victory Day was celebrated in the Polish city of Sieradze.



PRIVATE 6 / 0 7/ 1927

Born in the Volyn region of Kamen-Kashira district. There were 10 people in the family. He completed only 5 classes and was an average student. In 1942, when he was 15 years old, he was drafted into the partisans. He served in the United Central Base near Minsk. All the brothers were partisans. Following the denunciation of provocateurs, the mother and older sister, the father was hanged. Then the brothers swore to take revenge on the enemy. Ten trains and two bridges were blown up, three brothers were killed. Boris Efimovich remained with younger brother and sister. In Lutsk he was a messenger; through him information was transmitted to the underground.

Once, Boris Efimovich recalled, the following incident occurred: the Germans attacked a detachment in the village of Troyanovka, the residents, having learned about the attack in advance, went across the river. A few hours later I was sent to see if the Germans had left. It seemed to me that they left, but it was a mistake, they hid. When the residents returned to the village, they were surrounded and shot, I managed to escape. Two weeks later I learned that 450 people had died, only three remained alive - me and a woman with a baby.

In 1944 he was drafted into the ranks Soviet army. He served in the infantry, had no rank. Participated in the battles for Poland, in the crossing of the Bug.

After the war he worked as a carpenter and driver.

In 1961 he met his future wife, Poptsova Anna Nikolaevna, in Mezhdurechensk. In 1965 they got married, lived in Mezhdurechensk for two years, then left for Kazakhstan, and 11 years later they came to the village of Shatunovo.



1/08/1919 - left for Pavlovsky district 10/26/1994

Born in Shatunovo, graduated from 5th grade. In 1937 he worked as a tractor driver. In 1939, he was called up for active service in the Pacific Fleet, serving in the north of the Chukotka Peninsula, on a border boat, Provedenie Bay. From the army in 1941 he went to the front. In May 1942, he was transferred from the Primorsky Territory to the Marine Corps near Stalingrad. On November 7, 1941 he defended Stalingrad and was wounded. Then the regiment was transferred to the Central Front to Rokossovsky's army. For the extraction of “tongue” and courage in the battles near Kharkov, he was awarded the ORDER OF THE RED STAR in 1943. In August 1943, near Kharkov, he was wounded for the second time. The wound was very serious, in the head, and he lay unconscious for a month and a half. Spent 8 months in a hospital in Tambov. On January 14, 1944, he was demobilized home due to his unfitness for combat service. He worked as a military commander in the village and was awarded the medal “FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF VIRGIN LANDS.”





Born in Kirov region village Maksimovka. Before the war he worked as a lumberjack on a forest plot. Called to the front on September 20, 1941, he ended up in the 61st Infantry Brigade. On January 26, 1942, he was seriously wounded in the arm. He was in a hospital in the city of Nizhny Tagil. On May 15, 1942, he was discharged due to injury. He stood on the defensive. There were no memorable battles.

Awarded medals:





Poems dedicated to Victory Day

Even then we were not in the world, When you came home with Victory. Soldiers of May, glory to you forever From all the earth, from all the earth! Thank you, soldiers, for life, for childhood and spring, for silence, for a peaceful home, for the world in which we live! (M. Vladimov)

1. During the implementation of the project, we formed initial ideas about the Second World War, the soldiers who defended the Motherland, about Russian army reliable defender of our homeland, about the holiday of May 9.

2. Organized an exhibition creative works"Glorious Victory Day"

3. They laid flowers at the monument to the Unknown Soldier.

BPOU "Nazyvaevsky Agro-Industrial College"

Our newspaper

The newspaper was founded in October 2014. May 2015 No. 2

The Ministry of Defense has opened access to the largest online portal on the planet about the fate of WWII heroes. Project"Memory of the People" is a unified electronic database about the soldiers of the Red Army of those heroic years, Vladimir Popov, curator of the defense department department for perpetuating soldiers who fell for the Fatherland, explained to journalists.

- “Memory of the People” together with previously launched Internet resources of a similar focus"Feat of the People" and "Memorial" will allow anyone to determine the fate of their relatives, learn about the exploits they accomplished and compile their military path for the family archive.


in 1964-1965

No one is forgotten

nothing is forgotten

Photo project “Creators of the Great Victory”

His battle path

stretched out to Berlin

A resident of the city of Nazyvaevsk, Natalya Ivanovna Nadezhdina, for a long time did not dare to bring photographs of her father, Ivan Sergeevich Pobedash, to the editorial office of the regional newspaper. The topic of the Great Patriotic War is too exciting. But still, she found strength in herself and shared her memories of her father and his front-line roads.

My dad, Ivan Sergeevich Pobedash, was born on July 29, 1917 in the village of Sokolovka,” said Natalya Ivanovna. “As a teenager, he joined a collective farm, worked at various jobs, and then, on the recommendation of the district Komsomol committee, he was sent as secretary of the Zhirnovsky Village Council. In 1938 he was drafted into the army. He served on the Far Eastern borders of our country, in Primorye. As an excellent student in combat and political training, he was promoted to the position of deputy political instructor of the unit.

When the Great Patriotic War began, my father, among millions of Red Army soldiers, stood up to defend his native country. And his battle path stretched all the way to Berlin. He fought as part of the 1st Belorussian Front of the 47th Army of the 334th Guards Verkhnedneprovsky Red Banner Order of Kutuzov heavy self-propelled artillery regiment, where he was the commander of a battery consisting of 5 vehicles. Pobedash's battery was involved in line breakthroughs

defense of the fascists, they had the opportunity to cross the Oder River and take the cities of Schneidemuhl, Writzen, and Bernau with battles. In the latter, my father even freed prisoners of war from

concentration camps. But already at the end of the war, on April 26, 1945, he was seriously wounded, and celebrated Victory Day in a hospital in the Polish city of Poznan.

For courage and courage shown in the battles of the guard, Lieutenant Ivan Sergeevich Pobedash was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War War I degrees, medals “For the Capture of Berlin” and “For Victory over Germany.” In peace

Over time, labor orders and medals sparkled alongside these awards.

Fate measured out my father’s life at 80 years old,” says Natalya Ivanovna. “And the memories of the war were always exciting for him. But we tried to protect our father and therefore did not ask for details about his front-line life. I know one thing, Victory Day was and remains a sacred holiday for him and our entire family. My father prepared for this day in advance, and on May 9 he took out a jacket with awards, put it on and went to the ceremonial meeting. And when the celebration ended, he always met with his fellow countrymen and front-line friends - Ivan Mikhailovich Roskoshny, Ivan Fedorovich Regida, Ivan Filimonovich Rakityansky. This tradition existed for many years, and we all revered it.

It also happened that I caught my father taking out his military awards, sorted them out, laid them out on the table and froze for a long time, remembering something he had suffered through. Only the shadow that crossed his face at that moment made it possible to understand at what high price these prized pieces of metal had come to him. And how can one not appreciate the feat that he, and my mother, who worked in the rear, and the entire Soviet people accomplished in the forties?

Natalya Gladysheva.

Issue 2 Student newspaper page 5

No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten

The Book of Life is the greatest book, and the names of people are the names of heroes. We know about war from books and movies. We cannot understand the full horror of war, we cannot experience the fear of death, because you took it all upon yourself.

IGNATENKO ALEXEY ROMANOVICH, director of SPTU No. 33 in 1965 – 1968 .

Rank: ml. sergeant
in the Red Army from 09.1942 Place of recruitment: Nazyvaevsky RVK, Omsk region, Nazyvaevsky district

Alexey couldn’t find a place for himself when everyone his age was drafted into the army. On August 28, 1942, Sokolovites sent eleven people to defend their homeland. The summons from the military registration and enlistment office did not take long to arrive. It was brought on August 30 right into the field, where Alexey and his fellow villagers were harvesting the crops. And then the Nazyvaevsky military registration and enlistment office, the Lobkov club in Omsk and sending to Kansk to the regimental artillery school. At the beginning of 1943, young cadets were transferred to military camps in the Gorky region. Lieutenant Colonel Penkovsky selects Siberians from among the recruits to train them as artillerymen. Young soldiers begin to study a new cannon weapon, which is too tough for German Tiger tanks with armor up to 100 mm. At training combat shooting under the command of Marshal of Artillery Vorontsov, the leadership noted the accuracy of gunner Alexei Ignatenko. Roads of war... The artillery anti-tank regiment had to cross the Dnieper, on the opposite bank of which a heavily armed enemy was fortified. “The German hit with all types of weapons,” the veteran recalled. - It was at nightlighter than during the day. For the first two days, our crews did not dare to cross the river, the enemy fire was so strong. On the third day they were ordered to cross the Dnieper. In the evening all our 24 gunsThe crew began to move towards the shore. And at night, they began to cross the river on rafts under incessant enemy fire. While crossing, one of the crews was completely destroyed by a direct hit from a shell. At about 4 o'clock in the morning our crew had already dug in on the opposite bank. Here I heard a roar and saw that an avalanche was moving straight towards us German tanks. The command was heard: “Don’t shoot.” I was terrified: behind me was the Dnieper, in front of me was a column of Tigers. But I pulled myself together and began to wait for the command

"Fire". Suddenly a rocket shot up into the sky, and immediately a salvo of ours was heard

"Katyusha". And we started firing cannons. It seemed as if the earth was burning all around. I didn’t expect to come out of this hell alive.” But the gun commander, Alexei Ignatenko, who replaced the deceased gunner in this battle, remained safe and sound, and was awarded the Order of the Great Patriotic War, 2nd degree, for the courage and bravery shown in the battle for the Dnieper.

Order of the Patriotic War, II degree

So in the self-propelled artillery regiment, which after the war became a training regiment, Alexey Ignatenko served until demobilization - until 1947.

Based on materials from the book “They Went Through Pitch Hell”

(See the document on the portal “Memory of the People”)

Issue 2 Student newspaper page 6


LINES FROM ESSAY “This holiday with tears in our eyes”

We are seventeen years old or a little older. We were born and raised in a peaceful land. We know well how noisy spring thunderstorms are, we see how new houses are built, sports complexes and playgrounds are opened, roads are laid, and we do not suspect how easily they are destroyed by bombs and shells.

But how much do we know about the war? How much do we know about what life was like in the concentration camps, in the rear? How did children grow up in villages occupied by the Germans? And not from books with dry facts, not from dramatized films, but from the lips of those very people for whom the Great Patriotic War was a separate life lived, who themselves “plowed” and suffered through that war...

Yes, we here, of course, have a lot of shortcomings, a lot of things happen around us that quarrel us, disappoint each other... But stop for a minute, throw away all the politics, insults, bad thoughts, and try to imagine: how we would live now, if one day all our people had not come together and brought this country a peaceful sky above its head? No one, fortunately, can answer this question. It is important that people do not forget about those great deeds of our ancestors who gave us life, when the last moldy cracker, a sip of water and a pinch of tobacco was shared by everyone, even if everyone got only one crumb, one drop, one snuff.

May 9 is a big and bright day. This is a holiday of the saved world, which remembers its defenders with tears in its eyes. This is our victory, albeit with tears in our eyes, but it is Victory! Great Victory Day! We are in reading room school library. Here I see people with gray hair.It was the war that broke into their youth and childhood. Together with hundreds of thousands of Omsk residents went to the front former directors our school, and then very young guys, Ignatenko Alexey Romanovich and Pobedash Ivan Sergeevich, instrumentalist Ovchinnikov Ilya Andreevich. The words “they went through absolute hell” can be applied to these people. Having withstood “all deaths in spite”, they did not and could not live only for themselves, ask for themselves, complain about life.

And today Ignatenko Pavel Romanovich, Pavlichenko Ellina Danilovna, Divak Valentina Ivanovna, Bobirova Lidiya Grigorievna, Kotlyarov Alexander Vasilyevich, Rybakova Lyubov Petrovna, Golovey Olga Avramovna met. With tears in their eyes, smiling, hugging each other, they asked: “Well, how are you?..”Children of war are a special generation. They suffered a painful childhood, scorched by grief.It is difficult to write truthful lines about the war without experiencing all its severity in your own life. But, listening to the memories of the survivors of the terrible meat grinder, you walk along their front-line roads with them and feel what moved our peers and older people when they, without sparing their lives, went into battle, defending every inch native land, when, regardless of age, teenagers replaced their fathers. Loving life infinitely, these ordinary, non-heroic people did everything to bring victory closer. “I’m resting now,” says Olga Avramovna Golovey, “and enjoying life. The store is nearby, the room is warm, there is water on tap... What else do we old people need?” Years, of course, heal the wounds inflicted. But even after 70 years, Olga Avramovna Golovey is a disabled person of group 2, a prisoner of fascist camps, no, no, and she will remember, with a shudder, those blows of forged boots that did not break her spirit and did not force her to hand over the partisans.

Once again you are convinced that Russia cannot be conquered because of the Russian people, their heroism and willingness to give the most precious thing - their lives for their Motherland. There may be fewer such people now, but they exist. And finally, you understand why our veterans cry... With their tears they wash the eternal glory of the heroes who gave us life, peace and hope, hoping that it will not fade in our memory.

Strunina Yana, winner of the regional essay competition “I dedicate to the Great Victory...” within the framework of the All-Russian game “Heirs of Victory”

Issue 2 Student newspaper p.7

Our news

My opinion

Once upon a time, literary artists were in demand, and works performed by them were performed at every concert, especially on significant dates. Now, more often than not, songs or performances by comedians flow from the stage. The literary word is not one of the most popular today. It was all the more interesting to attend the school competition of amateur readers on April 24, 2015, masterfully organized by teacher Svetlana Vladimirovna Dudaladova. In advance, 14 people announced their participation in the reading competition called “Memory - Forever”: students representing groups No. 12, No. 14, No. 22, No. 24, the class teacher of group No. 11. The jury noted that almost all participants knew the text well, and if they forgot something, it was only out of excitement. There were many poems about the war. Yes, this is understandable, because the competition took place on the eve of Victory Day - a holiday loved and respected by everyone. It turned out to be sincere and wonderful, which was confirmed by the applause of those present. It was not easy for the jury members to choose the winners, the gap in points between one reader and the other was so small. But a competition is a competition. Winners have to be chosen. Laureate diplomaIdegree was awarded to Sergei Stepanov, student of group No. 12, for his vividly read poem “Children of the Concentration Camp.” Goosebumps crawled over his skin when he read lines about the atrocities of the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War. On a high rise, the poem “And May Again” sounded especially solemn, performed by a student of the 14th group, Brug Nadezhda, who became a laureateIIdegrees. And the third place was taken by Gulnara Kochubaeva, a student of group No. 12, who very soulfully read Robert Rozhdestvensky’s work “Hospital” about little artists, whose program also included “reading, a couple of military songs,” but “in the distant forty difficult year” in the ward of the seriously wounded in the Omsk hospital . Those present liked and were surprised by the manner of execution and extraordinary clarity of Dmitry Pavlinov’s reading of Yulia Drunina’s poem “Boys.” It seems Dima tried to bring a piece of his youthful soul into the performance. It should be noted the deep understanding and beautiful pronunciation of such performers as Ausheva Galina and Roslyakova Yulia (group No. 14), from whose lips we heard poems born on our land of Nazyvaev. Poems that eventually become popular songs always sound special. V. Vysotsky began many of his concerts with the song “Mass Graves,” and A. Surkov’s “Dugout” flew around the entire front,sounded at the walls of the defeatedand y. Not everyone will take on such a difficult task. But Ekaterina Solovyova, Gibrat Zhusupov and Timofey Maltsev took a chance... and did not disappoint! We heard a work about the war by our contemporary Igor Rasterev. The girls of group No. 24 Syryeva Anastasia, Maltseva Alexandra, Vorotnikova Anna seemed to, together with the author, get used to the image of his beloved grandfather Agvan. The competition is completed by the class teacher of group No. 11, Natalya Apollonovna Novikova. I think that's exactly life experience, maternal love, concern and skill helped her deeply feel the poem and convey its essence to the listener. Director of the technical school N.A. Before presenting Diplomas to the laureates and sweet prizes, Sitnikov thanked all the competition participants for their creativity.

The competition has ended. I need to say thank you class teachers Portnykh A.V., Rakitina S.A., Bondarkova T.V., Kozlova O.V., who took an active part in preparing the children for the competition. And he showed that in our educational institution There are many lovers and connoisseurs of the artistic word. Let it become a good annual tradition.

T.V. Bondarkova, jury member


As long as there are masters and teachers who know how to preserve and transmit age-old wisdom, nothing threatens our planet. We see these people now. Look at these faces: despite all the external dissimilarity, something in their gaze unites them. Only people who are in love with their profession can look at the world and those around them so tenderly, caringly, motherly. Each teacher teaches differently. Everyone has their own secrets of mastery, their own appearance, their own face.

Happy man knows how to give.

And that makes him richer. A happy person will not become discouraged when solving even complex problems.

These lines can be attributed to the teacher Svetlana Alekseevna Rakitina and the master of the training center Lyubov Filosofyevna Pulyaeva.Therefore, the results of our educational institution’s participation in the regional Olympiad of professional excellence in the profession “Cook” are no coincidence - 4th place.

I.A. Krasnolobova, deputy director

Students bring glory to her

Strunina Yana, 24 group

Conversation with the master

Lyubov Filosofyevna, what do you remember about the Olympics?

We were preparing - we were worried. As we drove, we were worried. But the warm welcome of the hosts of the BPOU “Omsk College of Trade, Economics and Service” set the mood for calm. We immediately plunged into the familiar working atmosphere. Of course, they were jealous, but out of kindness, a very rich base, the latest equipment in laboratories, inventory, equipment. I was impressed by the “Thematic Tables” master class organized for teaching professionals and teachers.

What was the mood of our Olympiad participant?

The honor of the technical school was defended by Yana Strunina. It was all there, one thing replaced another: excitement, indifference, worry, and it seemed like she was “burnt out.” That is, what is inherent in man. But the main thing is knowledge and determination.

Conversation with L.F. Pulyaeva hosted by T.V. Bondarkova

Issue 2 Student newspaper p.9



On the eve of such a holy and great holiday, we chose the time to visit our veteran Olga Avramovna Golovey. The former concentration camp prisoner today amazes with her kindness, optimism, and efficiency. He rejoices in every day lived under a peaceful sky. Seems to never get tired. These mugs are connected by her. At 85, she is also a hospitable hostess who will seat you at the table and give you tea!

Portnykh A.V., Novikova N.A.

Issue 2 Student newspaper p.10

Dedicated to the May holidays

Reconnaissance in force

On 05/06/2015, young men from groups No. 11, 12, 21 and 22 took part in a military entertainment game, talentedly organized by history teacher Anna Vladimirovna. Each reconnaissance group that went on reconnaissance across the Victory Fields had senior comrades in the person of N.A. Sitnikov, A.S. Kozhakhmetov, A.V. Ivanova, N.A. Novikova. Everyone has their own call sign and password. Despite the spirit of competition, an atmosphere of warmth and goodwill reigned around. We crossed the minefield. The opponents' attention focused on knowledge of the main events of the Great Patriotic War, historical figures, understanding the enemy’s language and even the soldier’s ability to relax at a rest stop with a song. And the song is always a pleasure! Of course, all this is in a playful way! Rinat Madyarov was impressed by his exceptional knowledge of Russian history and earned the Audience Award. I would like to say that our youth are not indifferent to the past of their homeland. The results of the exploration are as follows:

Iplace - reconnaissance group No. 22 (senior comrade Sitnikov N.A.)IIplace - reconnaissance group No. 21 (senior comrade Kozhakhmetov A.S.)IIIplace - reconnaissance group No. 12 (senior comrade A.V. Ivanov)

I.A. Krasnolobova, jury member

The whole group is off to the start!

Organization, unity, competitive spirit - all this could be seen on May 6th. “The whole group to the start!” The name of track and field cross country speaks for itself. The entire technical school stood up treadmills. Girls at a distance of 1000 m, for boys - 1500 m. Congratulations to the winners!Girls:Iplace – Evgenia Kozlova (group No. 14)IIplace – Elena Melnikova (gr. No. 24)IIIplace – Tulilinova Nursulu (gr. No. 14) Boys:Iplace – Borovkov Vyacheslav (gr. No. 14)IIplace – Zhusupov Gibrat (gr. No. 22)IIIplace – Evstigneev Kostya (gr. No. 12)

K.T. Japarov, competition judge

Promotion "St. George's Ribbon"

started on April 22, 2015 in all regions Russian Federation. Participants of the Volunteer Corps, of their own free will, attach the St. George Ribbon - a conventional symbol of military glory - to their clothes, publicly demonstrating their respect for the soldiers who fought for the Fatherland and national pride in the Great Victory.

Promotion "Lilac of Victory"

Lilac is a symbol of spring, a bright holiday. This is the memory of those who defended our country in the Great War, it is a symbol of Victory! In May 1945, Soviet liberation soldiers returning home were greeted everywhere with lilac branches. Planting lilacs on Victory Day has become a tradition. Military-themed varieties were chosen for the alleys. The grand opening of lilac alleys is planned for May 9.

Promotion "Soldier's porridge"

On Victory Day, in places where daytime public events and folk festivities are held, guests of the holiday will be treated to the legendary soldier’s porridge and tea prepared according to the best recipes army cooks.

« Our newspaper" Publication address: 646104 Nazyvaevsk st. Lenina 133 Newspaper curator: T.V. Bondarkova

Municipal state preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten "Fairy Tale"

(senior group)

Teachers prepared:

Gubanova Irina Vasilyevka

Yuryeva Yulia Evgenevna


Project type : research, personality-oriented.

Relevance of the project

In your family and under your leadership
the future citizen is growing. Everything that happens
in the country, through your soul and your thought must
come to the children.
A. S. Makarenko

Patriotism - complex and high human feeling, it is so multifaceted in its content that it is indefinable in a few words. This is love for family and friends, and for the small Motherland, and pride for one’s people. Therefore, patriotic education is integrally connected with familiarization with the world around us.

One of the most effective methods Patriotic education is a project activity that allows you to create a natural situation of communication and practical interaction between children and adults. Implementation of the project “May 9 - Victory Day!” made it possible to involve various types of children's activities. The project implied the unity of children and adults, so parents also became full participants.

Project goal

Instilling patriotism in older preschoolers, a sense of pride in the feat of our people in the Great Patriotic War.

Project objectives

  • To form a civic position, a feeling of love for the Motherland and carry out work on the patriotic education of preschoolers.
  • Expand and systematize children’s knowledge about the Great Patriotic War.
  • Maintain a reverent attitude towards the Victory Day, respect for the merits and exploits of the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.
  • To give an idea of ​​the significance of the victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War; introduce to historical facts war years;
  • Enrich and develop vocabulary introduce children to works of fiction and music of the war years; - work with parents, involving them in patriotic education in the family;
  • To instill in children a caring attitude towards family photographs and awards, and a respectful attitude towards the older generation.

Project implementation stages

Stage 1

1. Identifying children’s initial knowledge about the war and the victory holiday.

2. Information for parents about the upcoming project.

3. Selection of literature, presentations, photographs, posters.

Stage 2

1. Conducting educational activities and conversations about the Second World War.

2. Involving parents to participate in the project.

3.Organization of role-playing, didactic and outdoor games.

Stage 3

1. Organization of a competition for an exhibition of works for Victory Day (joint work of children and parents).

2. Excursion to the “Military Glory” museum, laying flowers at memorable places.

Project participants:

  • children of the older group;
  • teachers;
  • parents of pupils;



Slides “The Great Patriotic War”, family photographs of the war years, photo album, cardboard, glue, colored paper(for making memorial cards, camera, tape recorder, Russian folk costumes, military uniforms, front triangles (letters).

Expected result:

  • maintaining interest in the history of one’s country, in the Great Patriotic War, consciously showing respect for the merits and exploits of the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.
  • parents' awareness of the importance of patriotic education of preschool children.
  • knowledge about the Great Patriotic War has been expanded and systematized.
  • skills in productive activities were consolidated in making postcards and designing the album “Grandfather’s Victory is My Victory.”
  • a respectful attitude towards war participants and home front workers has been formed; careful handling of family photographs.

Conclusion: During all the events dedicated to Victory Day, children learned to navigate the history of our country, children formed such concepts as veterans, defense, invaders, fascists, Nazi Germany; a sense of pride in one’s people and their military achievements was formed; respect for the defenders of the Fatherland, veterans of the Great Patriotic War.





Artistic - speech

1 day

Lesson “For children - about the Great Patriotic War”

Goal: To acquaint children with the events of the Great Patriotic War; to give an idea that it was liberation, conducted in the name of peace, prosperity and well-being of our Motherland; to cultivate a sense of pride in our people, the desire to be like those soldiers who defended our Motherland.

Plot- role play


Didactic game “What’s in the military package?”

Outdoor games “Target wall”, “Who’s next?”

Drawing “Fireworks over the city”

Application “Branches of Troops”

Listening to the music of F. Schubert “Military March”,

A. Pakhmutova “Our heroic strength”,

Examination of the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”

Day 2

Lesson “Hero Cities”

Goal: To introduce children to geographical location hero cities on the map of Russia, introduce children to the heroic deeds of the inhabitants and defenders of these cities, develop an understanding

the significance of the patriotic feat of all citizens of the country

Role-playing game "Nurses"

Outdoor game "Crossing the Bridge"

Didactic game “Find the city on the map”, “What city am I talking about?”

Making flags to decorate the group and area for Victory Day

Drawing “Moscow is a heroic city”, “This is our country”.

Listening to music

B. Mokrousov “March of the Defenders of Moscow”,

Reading the works of S.P. Alekseev "Brest Fortress".

Day 3

Laying flowers at the monument to fallen soldiers - fellow countrymen.

Goal: to instill in children the desire to honor the memory of fallen soldiers - fellow countrymen, by laying flowers at the monument;

to cultivate respect for the military exploits of fighters and commanders, pride in one’s people, and love for the Motherland.

Role-playing game "Radio Operators"

Didactic game "Orders of War"

Outdoor games

“Writing on the go”, “Who can collect it faster”

Modeling "Orders and medals"

Application " Greeting card for veterans."

Listening to music by A. Arensky “Victory Day”

Reading the works of P. Lesnikov “Our Flag”, A. Igebaev “Victory Day”, A.P. Gaidar "Hike"

S. Baruzdin “A soldier walked down the street”;

4 day

Excursion to the “Battle Glory” hall of the local history museum.

Topic: “Frontline triangle”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the Great Patriotic War. To expand knowledge about how mothers, wives, and children waited for letters from the front. To cultivate respect and a sense of empathy for people who survived the Great Patriotic War.

Role-playing game "Warship"

Russians folk games"Tugs", "Fortress",

Training games: “Parachutists”, “Captains”,

Didactic game “Define the type of troops.”

Drawing "St. George's Ribbon",

Modeling "Military equipment"

An evening of poetry reading dedicated to Victory Day.

Goal: To prepare children for the Victory Day holiday, to cultivate respect for the heroes of the Second World War, a sense of pride in the people who defeated the enemy.

Project implementation model

Educational area

Types of children's activities

Physical development

Outdoor games

"Intelligence. »
Goal: to develop endurance, observation, and accuracy in children.
"Counter dashes"
Goal: to strengthen children's ability to run a race.
"Hit the target"
Goal: continue to learn how to combine a swing with a throw when throwing. Maintain order in the game.
"Sharp Shooter"
Goal: to develop the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of your partners.

Social and communicative development

Role-playing games

"On the Border"
"We are military"

"Border Guards"

  • Organizing an excursion to the Museum of Military Glory.
  • Excursion to the library.
  • Excursion to Victory Square, laying flowers.

Cognitive development

Didactic games

“Pick a picture.”
“A soldier has his own weapon.”
"Wheel of History".
"Whose form."
"What has changed."
"Military transport."

Conversations using illustrations

- “Let us bow to those fallen soldiers...”
- “Soldier is a winner”
- “What is heroism?”
- “About heroic cities”
- “Moscow is a hero city” NOD

Looking at posters “The Motherland is Calling!” THEM. Toidze, “Letter from the Front” by A. Laktionov;
- examining illustrations, books, photographs about the war;

Speech development

Reading fiction:

E. Blagina “The Overcoat”;
reading chapters from S. Baruzdin’s book “A Soldier Walked Down the Street”;
N. Dilaktorskaya “Why was mom nicknamed Grishka”;
A. Mityaev “Dugout”; "Bag of Oatmeal"; “Why is the army dear?”
L. Kassil from the book “Your Defenders”.

Making military-themed riddles;

Artistic and aesthetic development


Listening to musical works: “Holy War”, “Victory Day”, learning songs, dance movements;
- musical lesson “Acquaintance with songs of the war years.”

Visual activities

Modeling on the theme “Border Guard with a Dog”;
- application on the theme

"Defenders of the Fatherland";
- design on the theme “Warship”;

Making holiday cards;

Working with parents

Stand design “Glory to you, conquering soldier”
Consultation for parents on the topic: “Introduce children to the heroic past of Russia”
Design of the moving folder “May 9”.

Involving parents in holding a drawing competition (in a group), theme: “Victory Day!”


Lesson notes on the project topic.

Lesson “The Great Patriotic War: faces of victory, children of war.”

Target: Introduce children to war heroes who accomplished feats for the sake of the lives of other people, to cultivate a respectful and grateful attitude towards warrior heroes.

Equipment: portraits of WWII heroes, children of war, pages of the album “Soldiers of Victory”.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: War is the most terrible event in the history of mankind. Streams of blood and tears washed our long-suffering land during the difficult days of the Great Patriotic War. The whole country rose up to fight the fascists.

Let's listen to the messages of the older guys about the heroes of that terrible war (about I.N. Kozhedub, A.P. Maresyev, A.M. Matrosov).

Educator: And I’ll tell you about the children who, along with adults, bore all the hardships of the war. Teenagers worked in plants and factories, standing at machines instead of adults who went to the front. There were cases when, due to their small stature, teenagers could not reach the machines and benches were placed under their feet. They knew that with their work they were helping their fathers and brothers at the front.

Where before they made tin soldiers and toy pistols, they now made fuses for hand grenades, colored flares, and smoke bombs.

The children wanted to help the fighters in some way. Schoolgirls knitted warm socks and mittens for the soldiers, sewed and embroidered pouches - beautiful little bags in which soldiers stored tobacco.

They also came to hospitals where wounded soldiers were lying, looked after the soldiers, wrote letters to their relatives, and organized concerts in hospitals.

Schoolchildren and postmen helped. A lot of unsorted letters have accumulated in post offices, including from front-line soldiers. How the mothers, sisters, wives and children of the fighters waited for them! The guys began to sort out the letters and take them home.

But among the children there were also those who fought shoulder to shoulder with adults on the fronts and in partisan detachments. Listen to stories about children almost your age. The exploits of all children and adults will never be forgotten.

Many poems have been written about them and about the heroes of the war.

“Requiem” by R. Rozhdestvensky


Through centuries, through years, -

About those who will never come again,- remember!

Don't cry!

Hold back your moans in your throat.

Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!

Eternally worthy!...

People, as long as your hearts are knocking, remember!

At what price is happiness won? - Please remember!

Draw how you imagine children - war heroes.

Lesson "Countrymen - front-line soldiers."

Target: To introduce children to WWII veterans who lived and are living in our city, to cultivate a sense of compassion and respect for older people.

Equipment: album “Soldiers of Victory”, about fellow countrymen - war heroes.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, these people lived and live in our city, they, just like other Russian people, defended our Russia from enemies.

Let's see what medals and orders sparkle on their chests.

Listen to what the kids will tell you about some of these people (messages from older children)

Educator: And I want to tell you about my neighbor, he also participated in the events of the Second World War. Every year on May 9, my children and I congratulate him on Victory Day.

Maybe WWII veterans also live near you?

(listening to children's stories)

Or maybe you have grandparents who also fought in the war?

Let's look at the drawings of our city's schoolchildren about the Great Patriotic War, and I'll read you the stories they wrote about their grandparents.

I invite older children to draw portraits of our fellow countrymen - front-line soldiers - from photographs in order to arrange an exhibition for their parents.

Lesson "Symbols of Victory - orders, medals and banners."

Target: Introduce children to the military awards that were awarded to soldiers during the Great Patriotic War, to the Victory Banner that was hoisted over the Reichstag; to cultivate respect for the military exploits of soldiers and commanders, pride in one’s people, and love for the Motherland.

Equipment: collection of stories “Children - Heroes of the Great Patriotic War”; stand with photographs of orders and medals; image of the Victory Banner, visual didactic guide “The Great Patriotic War in the Works of Artists” (Mosaika-Sintez publishing house), reproductions of paintings by O. Ponomarenko “Victory”, V. Bogatkin “Storm of the Reichstag”, musical recordings of songs from the times of the Great Patriotic War.

Progress of the lesson.

At the beginning of the lesson, we listen to a fragment of the song “Victory Day” (music by D. Tukhmanov).

Educator: What holiday is this song talking about? (This holiday is called Victory Day.) What kind of victory was this? (It was a victory in the war.)

What is this war called? (This war is called the “Great Patriotic War”.)

What do you think the word “fatherland” means? (The country in which we were born and live. The country of our parents - fathers and mothers and our ancestors. Our homeland is Russia.)

Educator: Children, soon our country will celebrate Victory Day. On this day, on the streets of the city you can meet veterans - warriors of that distant war. The May holiday - Victory Day - is celebrated by the whole country. Our grandfathers wear them. Military orders. Today we will see awards - orders and medals that were awarded to soldiers during the Great Patriotic War. (Looking at photographs with orders.)

Educator: The Great Patriotic War lasted four and a half years.

It brought a lot of troubles and grief to the Russian people - many cities and villages were turned into ruins, thousands of people died. Defending their homeland, soldiers and commanders fought without sparing their lives.

Educator: Why do you think a warrior could receive an order or medal?

In the first years of the war, fighters and commanders were awarded the Order of the Red Banner, the Red Star, and medals “For Courage” and “For Military Merit.” (Look at the illustrations.)

During the battles, it was necessary to highlight the exploits of the fighters and celebrate the art of the military leaders. Then the Orders of the Patriotic War, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Alexander Nevsky and others were approved.

For the valiant defenders of the hero cities, special medals were made “For the Defense of Leningrad”, “For the Defense of Sevastopol”, “For the Defense of Moscow”.

Even children were awarded orders and medals (photos of children).

Educator: Guys, do you think awards were given only at the front? And those people who worked in the rear also performed feats? Were there any female heroines among the defenders of the Fatherland? Today we have learned a lot about the awards that were used to honor heroes during the Great Patriotic War. We will preserve the memory of these people forever.

To preserve the memory of the war heroes, monuments have been erected in cities and towns; at the Kremlin wall in the capital of our Motherland, the hero city of Moscow, a fire is burning at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Eternal Flame. This is the fire of our memory, a symbol of what we remember about those events. There is another very important symbol - the Victory Banner.

Educator: Let's look at the image of the Victory Banner.

What color is the Victory banner? (The Victory Banner is red.)

What is shown on the banner? (The Victory Banner depicts: a star, a sickle and a hammer, inscriptions.)

In those days, our country Russia was part of a state called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. National flag Soviet Union was red with a gold star and a gold sickle and hammer. The hammer and sickle are symbols of labor and workers, those who work in factories and factories, grow bread, the star is a symbol of the defenders of the Fatherland. These symbols are also depicted on the Victory Banner, only they are painted on the panel with white paint. The inscriptions on the Victory Banner indicate which military unit this banner belonged to.

Events related to the Victory Banner took place at the very end of the Great Patriotic War. And before that, in difficult battles Soviet troops liberated their homeland from cruel invaders. They liberated many other countries: Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Austria, and finally took the capital of Nazi Germany, the city of Berlin, by storm.

In the center of the city, battles broke out for every house, for every street. The storming of the fascist government building, the Reichstag, was especially difficult. To overcome the stubborn resistance of the Nazis, we had to fight for every floor, for every room. And finally, assault groups of Soviet soldiers climbed to the roof. The Victory Banner fluttered over Berlin - this meant that the war was over and the long-awaited victory had been won. Then the Victory Banner was transported to Moscow to participate in the Victory Parade.

I propose to draw the Victory Banner.

Conversation "The History of the St. George's Ribbon."

Target: Introduce children to the new symbol of Victory Day, talk about the history of the St. George ribbon, and cultivate interest and respect for the historical past of their homeland.

Equipment: St. George ribbons according to the number of children, illustrations with Orders of Glory, historical events Russia.

Progress of the lesson.

I hand out ribbons to the children, look at them for a while, and feel the ribbons.

Educator: Guys, what kind of ribbon are you holding in your hands now? What colors are on the ribbon, what do you think they mean?

Educator: Black represents the color of gunpowder and yellow represents the color of fire. And it is called St. George’s because the Order of St. George was attached to it. The Order of George was established in 1769. It was given only for specific feats in wartime “to those who... distinguished themselves by some special courageous act or gave wise and for our military service useful tips". This was an exceptional military award. The St. George Ribbon was also awarded to some insignia awarded military units, - St. George's silver trumpets, banners, standards, etc. many military awards were worn on the St. George ribbon, or it formed part of the ribbon. During the Great Patriotic War, continuing the military traditions of the Russian army, on November 8, 1943, the Order of Glory of three degrees was established. Its statute, as well as the yellow and black coloring of the ribbon, were reminiscent of the St. George Cross. Then the St. George ribbon, confirming the traditional colors of Russian military valor, adorned many soldier and modern Russian award medals and badges (we are considering the Order of Glory).

Educator: Where did you see such St. George ribbons, why do you think they were there? On the eve of the celebration of Victory Day, each person puts a St. George's ribbon on his clothes, hand, bag or car antenna as a sign of memory of the heroic past, expressing respect for veterans, paying tribute to the memory of those who fell on the battlefield, gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War.

Educator: Do you want to wear such ribbons on your clothes, why?

You can take these ribbons and hang them on your clothes in honor of the memory of those who died and won in the Great Patriotic War!

The memory of a generation is unquenchable

We don’t want war anywhere, ever,

And the memory of those whom we honor so sacredly,

May there be peace everywhere and

Come on people, let's always stand for a moment!

And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

Complex lesson “This Victory Day!”

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about the events of the Second World War. Cultivate the ability to express respect for veterans, gratitude to people who gave everything for the front.

Equipment: illustrations with the events of the Second World War, St. George’s ribbon, photographs on the topic “making the St. George’s ribbon”, poster “Victory Day”.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator : Guys, why do you think we got this poster? Why does our country celebrate this holiday every year? Why is the St. George's ribbon drawn on the poster, what does it mean?

Educator: Do you already know that the “St. George’s Ribbon” campaign has been held in our country since 2005? Why do you think?

Educator: Yes, residents of many countries around the world take part in the “St. George’s Ribbon” campaign. The “St. George Ribbon” has become a tradition and an integral part of the Victory Day celebrations. The ribbons have become a symbol of nationwide respect for victorious soldiers, the Great Victory, the Great Feat, a sign of reconciliation and unification of generations. This symbol is an expression of our respect for veterans, a tribute to the memory of those who fell on the battlefield, gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front. To all those thanks to whom we won in 1945.

The use of original St. George's or Guards ribbons in the promotion is not allowed. "St. George's Ribbon" is a symbol, not a reward.

"St. George's Ribbon" cannot be an object of purchase and sale.

"St. George's Ribbon" is distributed free of charge.

The “St. George Ribbon” has one or two inscriptions: “” and the name of the city/state where the ribbon was produced. Other inscriptions on the ribbon are not allowed.

Educator: Do you want to know how St. George ribbons are made? The material for the manufacture of the St. George Ribbon is dyed polyester of satin weave. After the double-sided printing process, rolls of St. George's ribbon are subjected to heat treatment to increase the paint's resistance to weathering. Printed and cut into pieces St. George ribbons, are collected in a stack, 250 pieces each (other quantities - according to pre-order), and then packed into plastic film(showing illustrations).

Educator: Today we will also try to make such ribbons from fabric for our holiday, and then you can give them to your loved ones or veterans (ribbon making)

Didactic and outdoor games.

Didactic game “Name the proverb”

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of proverbs about soldiers, military duty, and the Motherland, and cultivate interest in Russian folklore.

Every child who gets a ball in their hands remembers and pronounces a proverb about courage, strength, courage, and explains its meaning.

“Die yourself, but save your comrade”

“From your native land - die, don’t leave”

“Stand to your death”

"Stand boldly for what is right"

“To live is to serve the Motherland,”

“The happiness of the Motherland is more valuable than life,”

“It’s not the hero who expects a reward, but the hero who goes for the people.”

Didactic game “Before and Now”

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the history of Russia and the way of life of our ancestors; introduce children to antiques; learn to find an analogue in the modern world; cultivate interest in the past of our country; develop speech, logical thinking preschoolers.

Equipment: 10 A4 cards depicting antiques and modern world; Cardboard circles with a diameter of 4 cm in two colors: blue and red.

Played by 2 to 10 players. Each player has one large card depicting objects of antiquity and objects of the modern world; cardboard circles of two colors. The role of the leader is performed by the teacher. Children are asked to cover pictures depicting objects with red circles. modern life; Use blue circles to cover pictures depicting antiques. Consider the objects of the modern world depicted in open pictures; give them correct name and explain their purpose.

Didactic game “Defenders of the Fatherland”

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about different kinds troops of the Russian army; consolidate knowledge about the characteristics of military service and the necessary conditions for its successful completion; cultivate a sense of pride in the defenders of the Fatherland; develop speech, the ability to classify objects.

Equipment: 9 A3 size cards. In the center of each card is an image of a soldier of various branches of the military (pilot, artilleryman, paratrooper, sailor, submariner, tanker, border guard), as well as a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. The free space around the warrior is divided into 6 squares. Handout cards showing various items and military-themed events (tank, gun, machine gun, binoculars, cap, ship, tablet, parade, Eternal Flame, etc.).

From 1 to 9 children can take part in the game. The presenter (teacher or child) distributes the game to the participants large cards, mixes small cards among themselves and shows them one at a time to the children. The children’s task is to determine whether the object or event being shown belongs to a representative of one or another branch of the military, and to justify their answer. If the child answers correctly, he receives a small card and covers the empty square on the large card with it. The game continues until all the small cards have been dealt.

Didactic game “Great People of Russia”

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about great compatriots; teach to select the necessary items for the appropriate portrait that relate to to this person, his type of activity; cultivate interest and respect for the historical past of Russia, pride in great compatriots and their achievements; develop speech and logical thinking of preschoolers.

Equipment: 11 cards (25x20 cm) of different colors, on which portraits are depicted in the center: A.V. Suvorova, M.I. Kutuzova, I.N. Kozhedub, A.P. Maresyeva, A.M. Matrosova. Under each portrait there are 3 free white circles.

Up to 11 children can take part in the game. The teacher hands out large cards with portraits of great people on them. Shows children small circle cards with drawn objects characteristic of a particular type of activity. The teacher invites the children to determine which of the historical characters depicted in the portraits would suit this item and explain why. The child who answered the question correctly takes the card for himself and covers the circle under the portrait with it. The game continues until all the circles on the cards are covered.

Outdoor game “Who is faster?”

On chairs arranged in several rows, as in the army, there is a tunic, overalls, cape, budenovka, and cap. On command, children must dress or dress dolls as quickly as possible. The winner is the one who performs all the actions faster than others and correctly. The winner is appointed commander. He opens the envelope and announces which military unit the children will visit next.

Outdoor game "Tug of War"

The children of both teams are divided into pairs. Each pair is given a gymnastic stick. Members of one team stand on one side of the designated line. At the leader’s signal, team members try to pull the enemy to their side.

Outdoor game "Sappers"

Two teams move from one side to the other, stepping only on the planks.

Poems about the Great Patriotic War.

At the Kremlin wall,

Where is the park located?

People stand silently, taking off their hats.

There's a fire burning there

And sleeps in the ground nearby

Eternal sleep unknown soldier.

We come to you and bring flowers,

A modest gift from Russian guys,

We promise you

To love our native land so much,

How the unknown soldier loved.

Today is a holiday - Victory Day!

Happy holiday - spring day,

All the streets are dressed in flowers,

And sonorous songs are heard.

Where the guns don't thunder,

The sun is shining brightly in the sky.

We need peace for all the guys,

We need peace for the entire planet!

People celebrate Victory!

The news flies everywhere:

From the front they go, they go, they go

Our grandfathers and fathers.

It was a great Victory Day

Many years ago

Grandfathers remember Victory Day,

Each of the grandchildren knows.

Honors the great Victory Day

The whole huge country.

On Victory Day our grandfathers

They put on orders.

Our grandfathers defended

Labor and happiness on earth.

Shine brighter on Victory Day

Stars of the world on the Kremlin.

For the native country people

They gave their lives.

We will never forget

Those who fell in valiant battle.

Everyone needs peace and friendship,

Peace is more important than anything in the world,

On a land where there is no war,

Children sleep peacefully!

Where the guns don't thunder,

The sun is shining brightly in the sky,

We need peace for all the guys,

We need peace for the entire planet!

The dawns sparkle in the order's rays,

The medals glow like suns.

No, it’s not allowed in desks

The Light of Victory was locked for a year.

The country is not for your personal glory

She gave out awards without regret:

Get orders more often,

The world becomes brighter from them.

We have tankers, we also have sailors,

There are artillerymen and sharp shooters.

We have missiles, we also have ships,

Our cosmonauts are a miracle of the whole Earth.

Our Motherland is strong

She protects the world.

Was great

Victory Day

Many years ago.

Grandfathers remember Victory Day,

Each of the grandchildren knows.

Summer night, at dawn,

When the children were sleeping peacefully,

Hitler gave the troops an order

And he sent German soldiers

Against the Russians, against us!


Our people fought against enemies for four years.

The path to victory was difficult,

It was a brutal battle to the death

But the Nazis miscalculated

The people are not broken by the war.

For everything that we have now,

For every happy hour we have

Thanks to the valiant soldiers,

That they once defended the world.

On Victory Day, early in the morning

Go out into the city and take a look:

Veterans walking down the street

With orders on his chest.

Both tankers and artillerymen,

Both rocket men and infantrymen,

And sailors.

Honors the great Victory Day

All beloved country.

On Victory Day our grandfathers

They put on orders.

We are talking about the first Victory Day

We love listening to their story.

How our grandfathers fought

For the whole world and for all of us!

To prevent explosions from being covered up

The sky is a black veil,

Our white-winged dove,

Fly around the entire globe.

Sad willows stand by the pond,

The moon looks down from above,

Water whispers to the sleepy shore

The name of the country's hero.

Together with Victory, calm days

These lands have returned.

At night, lights on a quiet outpost

Friends are lighting up again.

No! - we declared to the war,

To all evil and black forces.

The grass should be green

And the sky is blue.

I want everyone to laugh

So that dreams always come true,

So that children can dream

Joyful dreams.

May it be a good morning,

So that mom doesn't be sad,

So that there is no war in the world.

Let's save the planet

There is nothing like it in the entire Universe,

Let's be friends with each other

How the sun is friends with grass and meadow.

This holiday

Let's sing a song about peace together.

Advice for parents “How to tell children about the war.”

First way - talk about this with your child!

Second way - watching thematic programs on TV with the children. Only here comes a caveat - not everything in a row. Ideal for viewing will be old war films that reveal the meaning, that carry kindness, light, and faith in Victory. These are “Only Old Men Go to Battle”, “Maxim Perepelitsa”, “Officers”, “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet”, “Cranes”. At the same time, watch a military parade and concerts of military songs with your whole family.

Third way - communication with veterans. Often, older people find contact with children easier than parents. And they will definitely pick you up the right words, telling the child about the experience.

Fourth method- tell us about your ancestors who fought.

Fifth method - focus on the young age of the soldiers who went to war. Constantly mention in your stories that those who are now called heroes were at that time ordinary guys, the same age as your children, with the same interests.

Sixth method - agree with the kindergarten teachers that on May 9 they will hold matinees with the children on the theme of the War. Carrying out such events leaves a deep imprint on the child’s soul, makes him feel and live a piece of that military life himself.

Seventh method - visiting memorable places.

Sports festival dedicated to Victory Day. "School of a Young Fighter"


Even small children should know that war means grief, suffering and death. Preschoolers need to begin to develop a sense of patriotism, love for their Motherland and respect for the people who forged the Victory. Therefore in kindergarten There is always a matinee, a holiday dedicated to Victory Day.


1. To form a stable interest in performing physical exercises, to develop basic physical qualities.

2. Develop a sense of love for the Motherland, pride in the heroism of our people.

3. Tell children about Victory Day, introduce them to the heroic past of our people.

4. Foster dedication, perseverance and a sense of camaraderie during collective relay races.

5. Foster a sense of respect for the defenders of our Motherland, love for the Motherland.

6. Promote the psychological rapprochement of children and parents, the development of positive emotions, a sense of mutual assistance.

Attributes and equipment:Elements of the uniform by branch of service; cubes, fireworks and flags according to the number of children; 2 packages with reports, a rope, two backpacks, baskets, machine guns, wooden planks, skittles, arcs, bandages, rope, balls, musical accompaniment.

Preliminary work:Looking at illustrations about the war, Victory Day, talking with children.

Reading storiesS. Baruzdin “For the Motherland” from the book “Soldiers Walked Along the Street”, L. Kassil “Monument to the Soviet Soldier” from the book “Your Defenders”.

Reading poetry G . Rublev “Soldiers”, T. Trutneva “Soviet Warrior”, “The War Ended with Victory”, etc.

Progress of the competition:

Fanfares sound solemnly (phonogram). Children, to the music of a song (music by D. Tukhmanov, words by A. Kharitonov “Victory Day”), solemnly line up on the sports ground.

Leading: Hello, dear guests! We are pleased to welcome you to our seminar dedicated to VICTORY. Every year our country celebrates an unforgettable holiday - Victory Day of our people in the Great Patriotic War. The last salvos of the most terrible and bloody war in the history of mankind died down 68 years ago. This is both a sad and joyful holiday. Joyful because we won! But the victory came at a high price for the country - millions of soldiers died. We don't know the names of many of them. But we honor the memory of those who defended our Fatherland from the fascist invaders. In many cities the Eternal Flame burns, we lay flowers at it. No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. On May 9, on the Victory Day of our people in the Great Patriotic War, thousands of people took to the streets and squares of cities. Everyone's eyes were filled with tears of joy and sadness at the same time. People rejoiced at the Great Victory and were sad about the loss of loved ones. We dedicate it to everyone who fought for our Motherland.


The sun is shining on Victory Day

And it will always shine for us.

Our grandfathers were in fierce battles

They managed to defeat the enemy.


We will be brave like our grandfathers

We will protect our native land,

And the bright sun of Victory

We won't give it to anyone.

Leading: Yes, guys, people will never forget this day. For the fact that you and I are now rejoicing, laughing, playing together, we owe it to our grandparents, who fierce battles They defended this joyful day in battles and asked us never to forget about it. So, guys, let's rejoice and take care of this wonderful world in which we live.


When fireworks thundered from one end to another.

The soldiers gave to the whole planet

Great May, victorious May.


Even then we were not in the world,

When you came home with victory.

Soldiers of May, glory to you forever

From the whole Earth, from the whole Earth.


We want the birds to sing

So that the forests around make noise,

So that the skies are blue,

So that the beautiful river is reflected in them.


Let the stork build its nest on the roof,

Cranes are crowing in the sky,

Let there be peace, we need it so much

Children all over the world need it.

Leading: And very little time will pass, and our children will grow up and take the place of those who are now guarding our homeland. And today we will conduct a training session for the school of a young fighter. And the guys will help us in these exercises.

Leading: . The “Sailors” team and the “Border Guards” team will compete in an irreconcilable struggle. Greet them with loud applause. Our soldiers, officers, generals are ready at any moment to defend our Motherland and you and me. Our boys really want to be like them, to become as strong and brave. I invite you to get to know our teams better. Now, squads, greet each other!

Greetings from the Sailors team

Captain: Team "Sailors".

Our motto: We can handle any task

We are easy to rise.

Well, let's try,

Come on, let's press on!

Greetings from the Border Guards team

Captain Team: "Border Guards".

Our motto All: Not a step back!

Not a step in place!

Just go ahead!

And only all together!

Leading: And so we begin our combat exercises! Our glorious warriors were strong and brave. And you guys, of course, want to be like them. We have two teams: the “Sailors” team and the “Border Guards” team. Hard to learn, easy to fight! Regular training and tactical exercises help soldiers bear the rigors of service and fulfill their military duty with honor.

Relay race “Drill drill”

The commanders run to the landmark, put on hats (caps), take their “machine guns” - return to the starting point and pass the baton to the next participants. The winner is the squad whose fighters, wearing headdresses and carrying weapons, lined up along the starting line faster.

Leading: - Well done! And now your troops are heading out for target practice.

Relay "Snipers".

Each team has 6 people participating. Children run to a landmark, take a bag of sand and throw it into a hoop. Then they run back and pass the baton to the next participant. Those with the most bags in the hoop win.

Leading: On behalf of the command, I express gratitude to the snipers. Did a great job! - When the Germans attacked cities and villages, residents built barricades, so we must build a barricade so that the enemy does not enter our territory.

Relay "Barricade".

Each player has a die. At a signal, children take turns running up to the indicated place and placing a cube, building a barricade. The team that completes the task first wins.

Leading: And how brave and fearless the nurses were, carrying the wounded straight from the battlefield when explosions thundered and bullets whistled overhead. In battles there are losses, many wounded people. Let's see if our dads know how to provide first aid to victims.

Relay race “Bandage the Wounded”.

(Two girls each are nurses, one boy is wounded, and one dad is taking part - he must deliver the wounded to the finish line.) The participants’ task is to bandage the “wounded soldier”. And dad must deliver the wounded man to the finish line. The one who does it more accurately and quickly wins.

Leading: There are times in life when you need to urgently evacuate (carry, take to a safe place) people. For example, in case of fire, flood, explosion, etc. In these cases, we call the rescue service. Now our dads will be rescuers. And our dads will save their children

Competition "Rescuers":

(on the floor, at different ends of the hall, there are two hoops, in one of them there are children. Dads are located between the hoops. On command, dads take turns passing the children from hand to hand. Whose team evacuates people to a safe place faster.)

Leading: Guys, during the war it was necessary to obtain various information. For this purpose, there were scouts who bravely made their way through enemy territory and obtained the necessary information.

Relay race: “Deliver an important message”:

Participants stand in a column one at a time. On the opposite side of the hall there is a cube with a large envelope on it. When the whistle blows, the first participants run, crawl under the arc, take the envelope and run back, giving the envelope to the second. The second place the envelope in its place, the third repeat the task again. Let's see what's in the package? There are mysteries here!

Competition "Combat guesses".

Children take turns calling out the guess words (by command)

1. I'll grow up and follow my brother

I will also be a soldier

I will help him

Protect your...(country)

2. The brother said: “Take your time!

You better study at school!

You will be an excellent student -

You will become ...(border guard)

3 . You can become a sailor

To guard the border

And serve not on earth,

And on a military ... (ship)

4. The plane soars like a bird

There is an air border there.

On duty both day and night

Our soldier is a military man...(pilot)

5. The car is rushing into battle again,

Caterpillars are cutting the ground.

That car in the open field

Operated by... (tanker)

6. Can you become a soldier

Swim, ride and fly,

And I want to walk in formation -

Waiting for you, soldier...( infantry)

7. Any military profession

You definitely need to study

To be a support for the country,

So that there is no...(war)

8 .Far from your country

They go to sea... (ships)

9. The sea ice has split

Our military... (icebreaker)

10. Deftly taxied for takeoff


11 .Without fins among the depths

Iron floats.(dolphin.)

12 .There are no wings, but she

Born to fly.

This bird is rushing towards the goal,

Overtaking the sound of the planet(rocket)

13. There are no clouds on the horizon

The umbrella did not open in the sky

In a few minutes

Dropped (parachute)

Leading: Since the time of the Great Patriotic War, our land still contains terrible treasures: mines and shells. To neutralize them, these munitions must be taken far from residential areas and detonated. How attentive and careful sappers must be so that the shell does not explode in their hands! Can you be as careful?

Relay "Sappers".

Children participating in the competition run like a “snake” between the cubes, carry two balls in their hands and pass them to the next one. And dads carry two balls in their hands, and kick the third ball.

Our Russian army is armed with newest tanks, missiles, cruisers, submarines, airplanes. Previously, horses helped the military. We will check how our children and fathers can stay in the saddle.

Relay race "Dashing cavalrymen".

Children and adults jump on stick horses, first the first participant, then passes it on to the next one. The first team to complete the task wins. Don't forget to jump on horses.

All soldiers have time:

And serve and relax.

Dads will show us now

How they can dance!

Leading: And now we will test our teams for stamina, endurance, strength and dexterity. Six people are invited from each team. The competition is called “Tug the Rope.” And now our boys-captains will show their skills. Military people must be able to navigate in any difficult situation. Let our captains show if they can sort the ammunition at night.

Relay race for captains.

Each team captain is blindfolded and scattered cubes and balls. You need to sort the items, one captain must put the cubes into a basket, and the other captain must put the balls into another. The participant who completes the task faster and collects the most ammunition wins. Captains in the spotlight sea ​​ships. The sea is not calm, our dads need to save the drowning sailors.

Relay "Brave Sailors"

The captain takes the boat (a large hoop), runs around the buoy (cone), a passenger gets into the boat, dad takes him behind the buoy on the boat, then runs after the second passenger, until the whole crew is saved.

Leading. In our city, on every holiday, colorful clusters of fireworks soar into the sky in the evenings! On May 9 there will be fireworks in honor of the great Victory Day! Let them sparkle in our hall now bright stars festive fireworks!

Relay "Salute"

The captains at the finish line face the teams. In the hands of each player there is a “salute” (several balloons). At the signal, the first participant runs to the captain, gives him a salute, returns to his team and passes the baton.

Well, the competition is over.

It's time to sum up our sports results.

All the children did an excellent job,

And sport certainly helped us with this!

And I would like to conclude our combat exercises with the words:

Let our children know about the war only from hearsay.

Let them only play at war,

May there be peace throughout the entire Earth,

“Yes!!!”, - let’s say to the World,

“No!!!”, - War!

Methodological literature used:

Aleshina N.V. Patriotic education of preschool children: methodological recommendations/ N.V. Aleshina. – M.: TsGL, 2005. – 205 p.

Veraksa N. E. Project activities preschoolers: a manual for teachers of preschool institutions / N. E. Veraksa, A. N. Veraksa. – M.: publishing house MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2008. - 112 p.

Kondrykinskaya L. A. Preschoolers about the defenders of the Fatherland: a methodological guide to patriotic education in preschool educational institutions. L. A. Kondrykinskaya. – M.: TC Sfera, 2006. - 192 p.

Nechaeva V. G., Makarova T. A. Moral education in kindergarten [text]: for teachers of preschool institutions / V. G. Nechaeva, T. A. Makrova - M.: Education, 1984. - 272 p.

A. P. Kazakova, T. A. Shorygina “To children about the Great Victory” Moscow 2010 T. A. Shorygina “Victory Day” Moscow 2010