Barsik Physics Olympiad personal account. Methodological library on physics: Internet Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics

Link to the Olympiad website:
Organizer of the Olympiad: St. Petersburg State University and National Research University ITMO
Olympiad level: 2 (gives benefits when entering universities)
Stages of the Olympiad: distance round 1, distance round 2, final (face-to-face) round
Olympiad participants: 7-11 grades
Participation fee: For free

Brief overview

The Olympiad is organized by St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU) and the National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (NRU ITMO). It was created by a group of scientists and methodologists from St. Petersburg who actively used computers in teaching physics.

The Internet Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics is for those students in grades 7-11 who are interested in physics and who know mathematics at a fairly high level and are proficient in computer technology. Its main difference from other Olympiads is the use of virtual laboratories. Of course, we cannot provide everyone with real installations; our experiment is based on models. But we tried to reproduce as accurately as possible those features that are inherent in a real physical experiment. The Olympiad participant is given a set of tools with which he must complete the tasks. For almost all tasks, there are a large number of ways to obtain the correct solution. The Olympiad participant must independently choose which tools to choose and what actions to take.

As happens in science, technology, and everyday life, it is not always possible to immediately obtain the correct result. Especially in an experiment. The Olympiad participant, immediately after sending the report to the server, receives computer-generated information about the correctness or incorrectness of the results, and can redo incorrectly completed parts of the task. True, he receives small penalty points. In addition to virtual laboratory models, our Olympiads have tests that allow you to test the basic knowledge of participants. Passing the test allows you to increase your scores, but without successfully completing several tasks in virtual laboratories, it does not give you the opportunity to become an Olympiad winner.

The Internet Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics helps to find students with abilities in the field of experimental activities who can apply their knowledge in practice. What the Unified State Exam and most other Olympiads do not provide. Conducting a real experiment on a large scale on such a scale (with free access for all participants to the same type of equipment) is extremely expensive and unrealistic. But participants with outstanding theoretical abilities can also receive a diploma from the Olympiad, since complete solution of complex theoretical tasks during the full-time round allows them to score enough points to receive a diploma.

Our Olympiad is designed for both very talented participants and ordinary students. The tasks have different levels of difficulty, and almost anyone can complete some tasks - especially the test ones, as well as the initial parts of the tasks in each model. But there are also very difficult tasks - with the level of complexity of the All-Russian Olympiad. Only a few out of thousands of participants can cope with them. For example, in 2010, at the full-time round of the Olympiad, only 3-5 people completed some tasks, and some of them not on the first try. Performing such tasks requires not only knowledge and skills, but also great creativity.

The qualifying stage of the Olympiad is conducted via the Internet in the form of two distance rounds, the final (face-to-face) - using the same technologies as distance ones, but in display classes of universities that are the regional organizers of the Olympiad. Information about upcoming tours is announced on the Olympiad home page and in electronic mailings to educational institutions and participants of previous Olympiads, as well as through the St. Petersburg Education Committee no later than a month before the start of the tour. Immediately after registration, training sessions open (participants have access to training tasks).

Registration for the Olympiad is free and is carried out via the Internet by the students themselves. Participation in the Olympiad is free and free.

The first remote round of the Internet Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics will be held from December 11 to December 17, 2011 (on any of the specified days, but from the moment the passage begins, a fixed time is given, after which the participant’s access to the tasks is automatically closed).

The Internet Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics is one of the largest Olympiads in physics not only in Russia, but also in the world. In the 2010/2011 academic year, 24,053 students from all 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as from 18 other countries, took part in it. In the 2011/2012 academic year, as in previous years, the Olympiad is included in the List of Olympiads, which gives graduates benefits when entering universities. Not only those who expect to receive a diploma can participate in the Olympiad: one of our tasks is to show that physics is interesting and exciting. The difficulty of the tasks varies from very simple to very difficult, so each student will be able to cope with part of the tasks.

Students register independently; the procedure is outlined on the page. Registration and participation in the Olympiad is free and free. Immediately after registration, participants receive access to training tasks, and when registering during the tour - to Olympiad tasks.

Teachers are registered in the same way. After registration, teachers have access to view training tasks, and after the end of the next round - to view Olympiad tasks so that they can be discussed with students. Also, teachers who indicated their email address during registration are sent information about events related to the Internet Olympiad.

Those participants who have already registered, but have not completed the training, are strongly recommended to complete at least one task based on the model - so that if there are technical problems, they have time to solve them before the start of the Olympiad round.

Olympiad schedule:
distance tour1: December 11-17, 2011,
distance tour2: January 22-28, 2012,
In-person tour approximately March 24-25, 2012 (to be confirmed)

Participants who have scored the highest number of points based on the sum of the results of two distance rounds are invited to the in-person round (in 11th grade up to 35% of participants, in junior grades a smaller percentage).

We encourage you to invite all schoolchildren in grades 7-11 you know to participate in the Olympiad, even if they are not interested in physics and Olympiads. After working with the tasks of our Olympiad, they may become interested in physics, and they will understand that physics classes can be interesting. And for those who know physics well, thanks to an increase in the number of participants, their chances of getting a diploma will increase!

Olympiad diploma holders who showed the best results in the full-time round are awarded prizes (laptops, netbooks, etc.) - see pages 21-26 in the document 2011/2011_4_common_info_v2.pdf
Teachers who trained the largest number of Olympiad winners are also awarded valuable prizes and diplomas.

The basis of the Olympiad consists of tasks from virtual laboratories - software models of physical systems with bodies, liquids, electrical elements, physical devices, etc. Therefore, you should pass the Olympiad using the special BARSIC program, which allows you to complete tasks based on models - details are indicated on the registration page It is advisable to set up work with models in advance - registered participants already have access to completing training tasks.
If there are problems, you should read the instructions for eliminating them on the Questions and Answers page

Detailed information about the Olympiad is on the home page of the Internet Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics

Homepage of Internet Olympiads in Physics

The transition to the Olympiad page is carried out from the BARSIC player - see information on the registration page

Theory is when everything is known, but nothing works. Practice is when everything works, but no one knows why. We combine theory and practice: nothing works... and no one knows why!
Albert Einstein

Are you interested in physics? Are you proficient in computer technology? Do you like to experiment? Do you want to learn how to build models and apply physical laws in practice?

Take part in the Internet Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics! The goal of the Olympiad is to introduce students to practical physics, the opportunity to solve problems and conduct experiments in “virtual laboratories.” Once you become a winner, you will receive benefits when entering any university in Russia.

General information

The organizers of the Olympiad are St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU) and St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (SPbSU ITMO) with the assistance of leading regional universities.

The regional organizer in the Nizhny Novgorod region is Lobachevsky University, where the final in-person round of the Olympiad will be held.

The Olympiad is open - any student in grades 7-11 can take part in it. The Olympiad is held in three rounds: 2 distance rounds and the final in-person round.

The Internet Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics is suitable for those students in grades 7-11 who are interested in physics, know mathematics at a fairly high level and are proficient in computer technology...

The main difference from other physics Olympiads is the use of virtual laboratories. The tasks are designed in such a way as to reproduce those features that are inherent in a real physical experiment.

The Olympics takes place in two stages. The distance course is conducted online and includes two correspondence rounds. The final (face-to-face) stage is organized on the basis of computer classes of the organizing universities.

What's new

How to participate

  1. Wait for information on the Olympiad schedule on the official website. Preliminary schedule of the Olympiad →
  2. Register on the official website and start completing training tasks.
  3. On a convenient day, take part in the first distance tour. Don't forget that you only have one attempt and time is limited.
  4. Find out the preliminary results. If you do not agree with the points given, please appeal.
  5. Solve the tasks of the second distance round. This is mandatory, because the result of the selection is the sum for both correspondence competitions.
  6. Wait for the results, if necessary, file an appeal.
  7. Download the certificate of the winner or prize-winner of the qualifying stage on the official website.
  8. Register for the final by choosing the most convenient venue.
  9. Come to the face-to-face stage.
  10. Stay tuned for preliminary results. If you do not agree with the points awarded, file an appeal.
  11. Find out the final results and criteria for determining the winners and runners-up.
  12. Bring your parents and teacher to the awards ceremony so that there will be someone to take a photo of you with your diploma in your hands on stage.

What's special

How to prepare

Solve problems from previous years Go through difficult parts with a teacher. Ask questions. The school is interested in your success - this increases its prestige. Tasks and solutions →

Internet Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics

In the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren for the 2012-13 school year. year

Registration for the Internet Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics for the 2012/2013 academic year is underway; students and teachers can register on the page

Registration and participation in the Olympiad is free and free.

The Olympiad is organized by St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU) and the National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (NRU ITMO). It was created by a group of scientists and methodologists from St. Petersburg who actively used computers in teaching physics.

Students are re-registered each year. Immediately after registration, participants receive access to training tasks.

Teachers do not need to register again - if a teacher has already been registered in the Olympiad system, he will be able to gain access using his previous credentials. After registration, teachers get access to training tasks, and after the end of the next round - to Olympiad tasks. Teachers are also sent a mailing with information about events related to the Internet Olympiad.

The Olympics consists of two stages, remote (qualifying) and final (full-time).

Remote stage consists of two tours, each of which can be taken from anywhere in the world. Before each round, training tasks are available, the completion of which does not affect the results, but allows you to get used to the Olympiad system and practice completing tasks.
Final stage consists of one round - full-time, conducted in the same form as distance ones, but in a display class at one of the sites of the full-time tour under the supervision of representatives of regional organizers.

All participants of the Olympiad receive in electronic form, convenient for printing, participant certificates, certificates of commendation or diplomas for the distance stage - depending on the results at the distance stage.
Based on the results of the full-time round, the winners and prize-winners are awarded diplomas from the Russian Council of Schoolchildren Olympiads, as well as certificates of commendation from the Organizing Committee of the Olympiad.

Olympiad diploma holders who showed the best results in the full-time round are awarded prizes (laptops, netbooks, etc.) - see

The following schedule for the Olympiad is planned(the schedule of the in-person tour may be updated):

Grades 7-11 - tour 1: December 9-15, 2012,
Grades 7-11 - round 2: January 20-27, 2013,
Grades 7-10 (Russia) - full-time tour: March 23-24, 2013,
Grades 7-10 (Kazakhstan) - full-time tour: March 26, 2013,
11th grade (Russia) - full-time tour: March 23, 2013
11th grade (Kazakhstan) - full-time tour: March 26, 2013

Proposed venues for the in-person tour:
in St. Petersburg on the basis of St. Petersburg State University, National Research University ITMO, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen
in Moscow - based on:

MPEI (TU) - Moscow Energy Institute (Technical University)
MATI - Russian state Technological University named after. K.E.Tsiolkovsky

Perhaps MSTU named after. Bauman - approval is in progress;
in Belgorod - on the basis of Belgorod State University - BelSU
in Biysk (Altai Territory) - on the basis of a branch of Tomsk State University (TSU)
in Volzhsky (Volgograd region) - on the basis of the branch of MPEI (TU)
in Voronezh - on the basis of Voronezh State University
in Izhevsk - on the basis of the Udmurt State. University (UdSU)
in Irkutsk - on the basis of the Irkutsk State. those. University (ISTU)
in Yoshkar-Ola - on the basis of the Mari State. those. University (MarSTU)
in Krasnoyarsk and Lesosibirsk - on the basis of the Siberian State Technological University (SibSTU)
in Nizhny Novgorod - on the basis of the Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I.Lobachevsky (Nizhny Novgorod State University)
in Petrozavodsk - on the basis of Petrozavodsk State University
in Pskov - on the basis of the Pskov Regional Center for the Development of Gifted Children and Youth
in Rostov-on-Don - on the basis of the Southern Federal University
in Stavropol - on the basis of the North Caucasus State. those. University (SevKavGTU)
in Tomsk - on the basis of Tomsk State University (TSU)
in Chelyabinsk - on the basis of the South Ural State University (SUSU)
in Yakutsk - on the basis of the North-Eastern Federal University named after. M.K. Ammosov (NEFU = YSU)
in Kazakhstan - on the basis of the Daryn center
in Ufa - on the basis of Bashkir State University;
as well as in Belarus and Ukraine - coordination is underway.
The basis of the Olympiad is the tasks of virtual laboratories- software models of physical systems with bodies, liquids, electrical elements, physical devices, etc. Therefore, you should pass the Olympiad using the special BARSIC program, which allows you to complete tasks based on models - details are indicated on the registration page It is advisable to set up work with models in advance - registered participants already have access to completing training tasks.
If there are problems, you should read the instructions for eliminating them on the Questions and Answers page

Detailed information about the Olympiad is on the home page of the Internet Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics

Registration page

To improve results, we strongly recommend that all participants take training rounds.