Is there any benefit to a treadmill? Treadmill - health benefits and harms

Regular physical activity is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. Today there are many exercise machines that allow you to keep your body in good shape. One of the most popular and easiest to use exercise equipment is the treadmill. It is used to warm up muscles before the main workout, cool down after sports, and also as an independent basic exercise.

Treadmill - what is it?

Treadmill, or treadmill– a specialized sports simulator that simulates a treadmill. The treadmill is classified as cardio equipment, which are capable of providing the body with powerful aerobic exercise. The prototype of a modern projectile appeared in the middle of the last century. In 1968, an American doctor Kenneth Cooper published a report detailing the health benefits of aerobic exercise. He proposed using the treadmill in medical and rehabilitation institutions, as well as at home.

Modern treadmills are multifunctional and very easy to use:

  • The main element of the unit is engine. The maximum speed of movement of the main web and the maximum weight of a person depend on its power.
  • The running belts of the devices are covered non-slip dense material, the principle of their operation is simple - they are stretched on two moving rollers.
  • Many models are equipped with mechanisms that adjust the angle of the canvas, allowing you to simulate walking or running uphill.
  • In order to avoid excessive stress on the knee joints and spine, the design of the exercise equipment includes elastomers that provide shock absorption.
  • An important component of the track is control Panel. It allows you to track your workout time, heart rate (if the machine has a heart rate sensor), incline angle and belt speed. This helps you create the right training regimen and strictly adhere to it.
  • Handrails are necessary to maintain balance and support while walking and running.
  • To avoid injuries and falls from the surface, many models of exercise equipment are equipped with security key. One end of it is attached to the unit’s display, and the other to the athlete’s clothing. If the person's body deviates sharply to the sides or backwards, the key falls out of its socket and the treadmill belt stops.

Health benefits of treadmill

Correct and intelligent use of the simulator allows you to achieve impressive results. The positive aspect of fast walking or running is not only a slim and fit figure, but also support for the health of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

  • Stereotypical movements. Running in open areas (in a park, at a stadium) has a wide range of intensity and speed. During training on the simulator, the athlete is forced to adhere to a single rhythm, and also make his step softer and smoother in order to avoid excessive pressure on the surface. This method of aerobic training is more effective and avoids injury and excessive compression of the spine and knee joints.
  • Help with weight loss. Fast walking and running are very energy-intensive forms of physical activity. It has been proven that steps on a treadmill can burn up to 300 kcal per hour, and running at a moderate or fast pace can burn from 500 to 750 kcal per hour.
  • The benefits of aerobic exercise. With this type of load, oxygen is the main source of energy to maintain physical activity. The mechanism is that the breakdown products of muscle glycogen combine with oxygen in the Krebs cycle, resulting in energy. During training, muscle fibers are in constant tone, becoming more elastic and resilient.
  • Improved blood circulation. The heart rate during walking or running increases by approximately 15-30 beats per minute, which allows increased blood flow to organs and tissues. In addition, muscle contractions play the role of an active pump that maintains vascular tone.
  • Acceleration of metabolism. Aerobic training helps to accelerate, first of all, the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. The process of glucose utilization is accelerated, which prevents the development of diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance. And activated lipolysis helps in getting rid of subcutaneous and visceral fat deposits.
  • Reduced appetite and improved mood. Physical activity promotes the production of serotonin and dopamine. These biologically active substances are called “hormones of joy”; they are natural antidepressants. And leptin, a hormone produced by fat cells, dulls the feeling of hunger.

Harmful effects of running on a treadmill

Physical activity does not always have health benefits. An incorrect training regimen, some concomitant chronic diseases and non-compliance with safety precautions while running can cause problems in the functioning of the body.

  • Excessive stress on the cardiovascular system Contraindicated for people with congenital and acquired heart defects, coronary artery disease and heart failure. It can cause angina and heart attacks. In case of cardiac pathology, you should avoid fast running on the treadmill and limit yourself to walking at a moderate pace.
  • Rhythmic compression of intervertebral discs when running, it can cause the development of osteochondrosis, protrusions and hernias.
  • Intense exercise on the treadmill is dangerous development of arthrosis and arthritis. The most vulnerable are the knee joints, which bear the main load. Choosing a model of exercise machine with a good shock absorber and exercising in sports sneakers can reduce the load on your joints and avoid injuries.
  • The constantly changing tone of arterial vessels during running has a bad effect on patients with hypertension.

Correct training technique

  1. Before you start walking or running, you should stretch your muscles. To do this, just do a basic warm-up.
  2. You should start your workout by walking at a moderate pace; it is better to set the inclination angle of the path in a position parallel to the floor. After just a few minutes, you can speed up the pace of movement and change the angle of inclination.
  3. The optimal time of exercise will be determined by the state of the body and the age of the person, but usually does not exceed 50 minutes.
  4. Compliance with drinking regime during training is an important point. During half an hour of physical activity, it is recommended to drink at least 500 ml of clean water. Many treadmills come with a water bottle holder.
  5. Cooling down after a workout is just as important as warming up. Stretching your muscles and taking a few minutes of deep breathing will help you recover from exercise.


A treadmill is an easy-to-use exercise machine that will be an excellent assistant in losing weight and maintaining good physical shape. Not every person has the opportunity to run in a park or stadium; moreover, air pollution in large cities does not make aerobic training so effective.

Morning jogging... What could be better and more beneficial for health and maintaining good physical shape? Especially if it’s summer outside, it’s warm, light, birds are singing, green leaves are rustling and everything is conducive to an active start to the day. Another thing is a gloomy autumn morning or winter darkness, when not only on a working day, but also on a day off, you crawl out from under the blanket with difficulty and don’t even think about any activity in the next few hours.

However, the need for sports activities does not disappear even in the cold season. And perhaps even increasing. Fortunately, today everyone can afford to exercise, regardless of the time of year, the weather on the streets or whether they have a subscription. And for this you don’t even have to leave home to get to the nearest fitness club. You just need to buy a treadmill for your home, the benefits of which, like any sports equipment, are simply enormous.

Running is a joy

This excellent device will provide the necessary physical activity and help maintain a toned figure. Naturally, subject to regular exercise on the treadmill. So don’t think that with the onset of cold weather you will have to postpone your morning runs until better times (read, until next year). By getting on the exercise machine, you will forget about poor health and extra pounds, and at the same time get rid of negative emotions and even aggression.

Don't believe me? In vain! Scientists have proven that any workout on treadmills contributes to the production of joy hormones - endorphins. After all, playing sports is an undeniable benefit for the body. This is a break from mental stress, psychological problems and even physical fatigue. True, rest is not passive, but active. By training, you relieve stress, get a charge of vigor and good mood, and are ready to get to work with renewed vigor. You don't need a better antidepressant than a treadmill!

Treadmill for weight loss

You won’t have to exhaust yourself with endless diets and reproach yourself for eating a couple of cakes or a hamburger. All the extra calories can be easily spent on this exercise machine. The main thing is to adjust the degree of load.

Perhaps not everyone knows, but treadmills are not designed exclusively for running, you can also walk on them. At the same time, the second option has practically no contraindications, and even heart patients, who for obvious reasons cannot run, can allow themselves to burn calories in this way.

What are the main differences?

  • Walking on a treadmill allows you to burn up to 350-400 kcal per hour. The benefit of this exercise is that it increases endurance, strengthens the buttocks, leg muscles, back and abdominal muscles.
  • Running is a more serious exercise and an effective aerobic workout, during which calories are burned much faster. You can get rid of 550-750 kcal per hour by using the treadmill in jogging mode. Also during the training process, the muscles of the back of the thighs and buttocks and, to some extent, the abdominal muscles are actively involved.

Another beauty of training on treadmills is that the machine allows you to adjust the level of inclination of the moving belt, simulating an uphill climb, and the speed of movement. Depending on the level of preparation, you can independently choose the intensity of the exercises. There are even special programs, for example, for accelerating the consumption of calories or for beautiful buttocks, in accordance with which it will not be difficult to achieve the desired result.

Please note that a treadmill for weight loss should be used only after consultation with a doctor and in the absence of heart disease, bronchial asthma, spinal or ankle injuries. If you have headaches, high blood pressure, or even a cold, you should refrain from exercising.

Arguments for

There are many arguments in favor of working out on a treadmill at home.

The benefits of exercising on a simulator

So, we found out that training on treadmills helps you lose weight, strengthen your leg and back muscles, and relieve mental and psychological fatigue. What else is attractive about this simulator?

As a result of regular training, which is recommended every other day, you can:

  • improve the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • ensure proper functioning of the heart and organs of the cardiovascular system;
  • give the necessary load to the back muscles and spine, the so-called muscular frame;
  • “teach” cells to use nutrients and oxygen more economically;
  • improve metabolism;
  • warm up before performing strength training or, conversely, relax your muscles after exercises with dumbbells.


The benefits of active training on a treadmill are obvious. However, do not forget that for some people they may be unsafe. Those who have:

  • problems with the musculoskeletal system, including osteochondrosis;
  • joint diseases - arthritis, arthrosis, etc.;
  • cardiac diseases (heart disease, VSD, stroke, heart attack, etc.);
  • blood pressure surges;
  • diseases of the respiratory system.

Women should also minimize the load while they are expecting a baby. Of course, the above categories of citizens should not completely abandon physical activity; the best option is to replace running with walking that does not cause discomfort.

Video about the benefits and harms of treadmills

The benefits and harms of a treadmill are a pressing issue, since this sports equipment is in great demand for home use. To give the correct answer, you need to understand what health benefits the treadmill provides and how to properly use its properties.

Types of treadmills

All treadmills for running at home can be divided into three types.

  1. Mechanical. Such models are the cheapest because they have the simplest design, consisting of a running belt, hand support and rotating parts. The canvas moves due to the efforts of the athlete himself.
  2. Magnetic. These are slightly more complex models, differing from mechanical tracks in that the movement of the canvas occurs due to large magnets, which ensures the track runs smoothly and removes part of the load from the athlete.
  3. Electrical. Tracks of this type have the highest cost because they are equipped with an electric motor that drives the track. The capabilities of electric-type tracks are noticeably expanded - here you can set up specific training programs and the speed of the belt, track your own heart rate in real time and change the inclination of the track.

Despite the high cost, it is the properties of electric exercise machines that are best suited for beginners. But mechanical models are best left to professionals, since their use requires good physical training and good health.

The benefits of running on a treadmill

The health benefits and harms of running a treadmill can complement each other. But if used correctly, the device will bring much more benefits. Namely:

  • strengthens blood vessels and the heart, thereby increasing endurance and immunity;
  • will improve the tone of the body and give vigor, good mood and energy;
  • will speed up digestion, metabolism and removal of toxins, which will significantly improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • will help get rid of fat deposits - the treadmill is considered the best way to lose weight by getting rid of excess fat;
  • will contribute to the development of the respiratory system;
  • will have a beneficial effect on the functionality of the whole body, improve the condition of the nervous system.

The properties of a high-quality jogging on the track can replace a full-fledged workout, but the running will be much more dynamic and take less time.

What are the benefits of a treadmill for weight loss?

During intense or calm but prolonged running, the heart rate increases. The benefit of a treadmill for weight loss is that exercising on it speeds up blood circulation and metabolism. Accordingly, the body begins to intensively break down fat deposits in order to obtain the necessary energy.

How many calories are burned

The effectiveness of a treadmill for weight loss depends on your running speed. In a relatively calm rhythm of movement, the body loses about 400 kcal per hour, with intense running - up to 600 kcal. In combination with proper nutrition, useful equipment gives an excellent effect and helps to quickly make the body lean, slim and beautiful.

Treadmill for children

On sale you can find electrical and mechanical devices not only for adults, but also for children and teenagers. Children's treadmills are inexpensive, and they are very easy to install at home.

The benefit of the device for children is that the track helps to instill in the child good habits and a love of mobility from a very early age. Sports equipment will be very useful for children in the cold season - natural activity is reduced during this period, and the track helps compensate for the lack of movement. Also, the properties of the track are very useful for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, the treatment of which requires physical activity.

Of course, the intensity of exercise on a treadmill for a child should be reduced. If there is no goal to turn your child into a professional athlete, then short but regular healthy runs will be enough to improve health.

Attention! Since the properties of running can bring not only benefits to children's health, but also harm, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary.

A doctor must confirm that the treadmill is safe for your child to use.

How to properly train on a treadmill

In order for the properties of running not to cause harm, but to reveal all their benefits, the treadmill must be handled correctly. It is necessary to adhere to safe loads and monitor your own well-being.

How long should you run?

Many people believe that to effectively lose weight you need to run as often as possible and for as long as possible. But this opinion is wrong. In fact, the duration of a useful workout should not be more than 40 minutes, otherwise the properties of running will begin to cause harm to the body, since overwork will occur.

In addition, you do not need to use a treadmill every day - 5 sessions a week will be enough. The body needs time to recover after exercise.

What muscles work

The main benefit and valuable property of running is that during it, almost all the muscles of the human body are comprehensively worked out. The main load during classes is received by:

  • gluteal and thigh muscles;
  • shins;
  • feet.

However, while running, your upper body also works actively. Therefore, regular training helps improve the condition of the biceps and triceps, back and shoulder muscles, and also improves the tone of the abdominal and lumbar muscles.

Heart rate and speed values

It is essential to monitor your heart rate throughout your treadmill exercise. The maximum healthy value is 140 beats per minute. If the indicators rise higher, then running should be slowed down - too much stress causes harm to the heart and blood vessels.

The optimal running speed is about 10-12 km per hour. During useful exercises, you can speed up from time to time, but the main part of the workout should take place at a calm pace, without extreme load. At the end of the lesson, you cannot stop right away - you need to switch from running to a fast walk and continue moving until your heart rate drops to 100 beats per minute.

Important! Electric treadmills are convenient because the speed and heart rate when using them are measured by special equipment.

When using mechanical and magnetic models, you have to monitor the indicators yourself.

Exercises on the treadmill

You can do more than just run on your home track. The properties of other exercises bring great benefits.


The benefit of running on a treadmill is that such moderate exercise also promotes weight loss and overall strengthening of the body. In just an hour of training, if done correctly, you can lose more than 400 kcal, especially if you alternate calm walking with fast steps.

The properties of walking perfectly develop muscles, train the cardiovascular and respiratory apparatus. The benefit of walking on a treadmill for women is that the fair sex does not have to experience excessive stress, but the training result remains very high.

In addition, the walking properties are ideal for people who are prohibited from running for health reasons. Walking at a brisk pace fully replaces jogging, but does not harm an already weakened body.

The exercise program when using walking can be built in exactly the same way as for classical running.

  1. You should start with a warm-up step at a speed of about 5 km per hour and continue walking for about 8 minutes.
  2. Then you can accelerate to 7 km per hour - for about a minute.
  3. Then go to an intensive step up to 9 km per hour, also for no more than a minute.

Like running, race walking should end smoothly - at the end of the session, the step should be slowed down and walked at a calm pace for about 5 minutes.


The benefits and harms of running on a treadmill depend on your health status. But if there are no contraindications to jogging, then training will bring enormous benefits. The best properties of running will manifest themselves if you practice according to the classical scheme:

  • warm-up - walking at a brisk pace for 8 minutes;
  • easy running on a flat horizontal surface of the track - about 7 minutes;
  • brisk walking for 5 minutes;
  • light jogging again for 7 minutes.

If you alternate between walking and running throughout your workout and carefully monitor your heart rate, jogging will give you a feeling of vigor and good mood.

Walking with bends

A very useful feature of electric treadmills is the ability to adjust the inclination of the running belt. The benefits of training will only be greater if you periodically run “uphill” or “downhill.”

It should be noted that the slopes of the path should not be too strong. You only need to raise the canvas 1-2° from the horizontal; even such a load will be very noticeable for the body. If you tilt the belt too much, the workout will begin to be harmful.

When bending, the benefits of fast walking on a treadmill are best demonstrated. The load on the body is quite sufficient, and the risk of injury is much lower than during regular running.

Treadmill training program for weight loss

If the treadmill is used specifically for weight loss, then it is better to adhere to a special training program aimed at quickly burning calories. This program looks very simple and consists of just a couple of steps.


Before any workout, the body needs to be pre-warmed, but especially careful attention should be paid to warming up before running in order to lose weight.

The warm-up is not anything complicated - for 15 minutes you just need to walk on a treadmill, either increasing or decreasing the speed. While walking, it is useful to swing your arms to fully warm up both your lower and upper body.

Interval running

The benefits of a treadmill for home use for weight loss are most clearly evident during interval running. You need to move on to it immediately after warming up and carefully monitor your own speed and time of movement.

  • When doing interval running, after warming up, proceed to a healthy jog for 1-2 minutes, the speed should not exceed 6 km per hour.
  • After jogging, you need to sharply accelerate and run for another 30 seconds at the limit of your capabilities, at a speed of up to 13 km per hour.
  • After this, you again need to switch to a fast step and walk at this pace for about 2 minutes.

The entire cycle is repeated over and over again for 30-40 minutes. If you do the exercises correctly, you can burn up to 800 kcal in one workout.

Important! Interval running puts a serious strain on the body.

Its properties will be useful and will not cause harm only if you are in good health and have minimal physical training.

Treadmill workouts for beginners

The intensity of the load when exercising on a treadmill needs to be adjusted. You cannot immediately move on to training at the limit of your strength with zero physical preparation - this will cause harm and cause an aversion to exercise.

  1. Beginners are advised to exercise no more than three times a week for a month - the body will need time to get used to useful exercises.
  2. At first, walking on a treadmill will bring maximum benefits to the body; only after a couple of weeks does it make sense to switch to running.
  3. The running speed must be alternated - start at about 4 km per hour, then accelerate to 5 km and, finally, move to 7 km per hour. In each mode you need to run no more than a minute.

In total, a useful workout should take beginners about half an hour. As the muscles become stronger and the cardiovascular system improves, the duration and intensity can be increased.

The properties of running at home depend on how responsibly a person approaches the implementation of basic rules. You need to pay attention not only to the exercises themselves, but also to the equipment for exercise, as well as to the mode of water and food consumption.

Clothes and shoes for classes

You should use a useful treadmill only in carefully selected sportswear, otherwise the training properties will be harmful.

  1. You cannot exercise on the track barefoot or wearing random house shoes - only lightweight sneakers with soft soles and breathable uppers are suitable for running. They will soften the shock load on the joints and prevent the appearance of calluses on the feet.
  2. For training clothes, it is best to choose running shorts and a sports T-shirt with mesh inserts - such things will not chafe the skin during long sessions and at the same time allow the body to breathe.
  3. Since your feet sweat a lot during intense running, you need to wear socks. It is better to choose synthetic products that wick away moisture well - cotton socks will quickly get wet, bunch up and rub the skin.

Water during training

On a treadmill, the human body rapidly loses fluid reserves. When the body is dehydrated, it becomes very difficult to run, and the heart experiences excessive stress and is damaged because it is forced to pump hard the clotted blood.

Therefore, before starting a useful activity, you should definitely drink a glass of water. It is recommended to take a few sips of liquid during training. Of course, you shouldn’t overdo it - drinking too much will also cause harm and make it difficult to train.

Advice! To replenish your fluid supply, you need to choose plain drinking water.

Sugary soda or juice contains too many calories and also makes your stomach feel full.

Food before and after workouts

Running on an empty stomach is harmful, however, you should not start a healthy workout immediately after eating either - this will interfere with the digestion of food. It is best to eat 1.5-2 hours before a run, and it is recommended to choose protein foods or complex carbohydrates.

After training on the treadmill, you can eat almost immediately. But to prevent the beneficial properties of jogging from being reduced to zero, you should choose small portions and avoid consuming fast carbohydrates and fatty high-calorie foods.

Mistakes when exercising on a treadmill

The benefits of running and the effectiveness of walking on a treadmill depend on how correctly a person performs the workout. There are several common mistakes that are made not only by beginners, but also by athletes with decent experience.

  • Uniform and constant loads. Over time, the body gets used to jogging - the exercise becomes too easy, and this reduces its benefits. In order for the properties of jogging to bring maximum effect, the pace and intensity of exercise must be increased from workout to workout.
  • Handrail support. The handles of the treadmill are needed in order to grab onto them in case of a fall, but you cannot constantly hold on to the handrails; this shifts the center of gravity while running and harms the musculoskeletal system.
  • Improper breathing. During training, you need to breathe through your nose, and it is desirable that the breathing rhythm be calm and uniform.
  • Landing on the heel. To avoid harm to your joints, you need to transfer your weight to your toes.

A big mistake is made by those who exercise when they feel unwell - the properties of the exercises do not bring any benefit. But the harm to the body is very great - primarily to the blood vessels and heart.

Possible harm from a treadmill

In general, exercise on the track differs little from healthy jogging in the fresh air. However, training indoors can have a negative impact on the respiratory system if the room is too musty and the temperature is too high. During training, the room must be ventilated.

A useful path can be harmful for any problems with the musculoskeletal system. If you have injuries, osteochondrosis or any other problems with the spine and joints, you should avoid running altogether. Otherwise, the treadmill will only aggravate the problems and aggravate the disease.

Contraindications for exercising on a treadmill

The beneficial properties of running can cause definite harm if you exercise on a simulator in the presence of strict contraindications. The track cannot be used:

  • for any diseases of the spine and joints;
  • for serious illnesses of the respiratory system;
  • for hypertension;
  • for severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with varicose veins.

You should stop exercising if you have a cold or any noticeable ailments.

How to choose the right treadmill for your home

When purchasing a useful exercise machine, you should not focus only on price. The following factors need to be taken into account:

  • your own physical training, for example, mechanical tracks are not recommended for beginners, as they require great effort;
  • the weight of all household members who will exercise on the simulator - the track should be designed for the weight of the heaviest family member;
  • height and step width - the paths vary in length, it is necessary to ensure that the length of the canvas allows for comfortable movements;
  • the presence and number of additional functions - electric tracks with several modes and sensors for measuring heart rate and speed are more expensive, but will be much more convenient to use.

The financial factor should also be taken into account, but it should not become a priority.

Which is better: an exercise bike or a treadmill?

The treadmill and exercise bike are two of the most popular useful exercise machines for the home. Each device has its own unique properties and advantages. For example, an exercise bike has fewer contraindications, and even those who are prohibited from running can exercise on it.

However, the benefits of a treadmill are that it allows you to work more muscles. During training, the buttocks, legs, abs, back and shoulders, and arm muscles are used, while when exercising on an exercise bike, the main load falls on the legs, abs, thighs and calves. In addition, the load on the treadmill is distributed unevenly, and this is much more beneficial for weight loss.

Thus, from the point of view of benefits, the treadmill has superior properties. If there are no contraindications to its use, it is better to choose a running belt for your home.


The benefits and harms of a treadmill are determined by the state of the musculoskeletal system and the cardiac system. If there are no contraindications to using the simulator, then it will bring great benefits to adults and children.

“A person’s biography becomes his biology...”
Caroline Miss

Running is the most accessible and easiest way to restore and maintain shape. Only running can restore the naturalness and ease of movement lost in childhood. After all, movement is life.

Rice. 1 - The main benefit of running is strengthening the heart and blood vessels.

Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Positive changes in the body occur very quickly. In the first month of training, you may notice a decrease in blood pressure and a decrease in resting heart rate, which indicates an increase in cardiac output. The contraction and relaxation phase of the heart muscle is prolonged.

Acceleration of metabolism. With systematic jogging, metabolism increases - the process of degeneration of complex organic substances to simpler ones with the release of energy. The need for insulin decreases during the oxidation of carbohydrates, and the amount of glycogen in the liver increases.

Improving endurance, strengthening muscles. The aging process is directly related to the loss of muscles, reducing their tone and endurance. It has been proven that systematic stress on muscles reduces degenerative processes in them. In this regard, running is an almost ideal type of physical activity, since it is natural and loads a large number of muscles. Even greater involvement of muscle groups can only be achieved by swimming.

Rice. 2 - Running helps cope with stress.

Emotional relief. Stress and depression are the scourge of modern society. Along with poor diet and lack of physical activity, negative emotions undermine our health. The worst part is that this enemy is not so obvious and therefore overlooked by many. Running helps relieve tension after a working day and promotes the release of hormones responsible for a positive emotional background.

Improved sleep. Physical activity helps improve sleep and fall asleep quickly. Just remember that you should jog 2-3 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, heavy physical activity will have the opposite effect.

You need to start running gradually, increasing the load over time. The duration and frequency of jogging is selected individually, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the body. Usually, 3-4 workouts per week for 30-40 minutes are enough to get good results. Systematic loads when running are very important.

The harm of running

Rice. 3 – Incorrect running technique and unsuitable shoes are causes of injury.

Risk of injury. Running is a physical activity that involves complex coordinated activities of skeletal muscles and limbs. The main reason for the aging of the body is the loss of muscle mass with age. Moreover, bone density decreases. Let's combine these factors together and we get a high risk of causing even more harm to our body.

Oxygen starvation. At rest, the tissue need for oxygen is at least 250 ml per minute, and during exercise, the need for oxygen increases several times. The bulk of the oxygen binds to hemoglobin and is transported through the bloodstream to the cells, where the so-called “energy stations” of the mitochondria carry out the synthesis of ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid). For an untrained heart, excessive exercise can be harmful, since low cardiac output, as well as low hemoglobin levels, are unable to adequately deliver oxygen.

Common causes of injury are poor running technique and improperly fitting shoes. Most modern sneaker models are not anatomically suitable for running; it often happens that the heel part is much higher than the forefoot (see). As a result, this leads to microtraumas of the ankle, hip joint and knees.

Are there any differences between running on a treadmill and running on the street?

The movements on a treadmill are significantly different from natural running. The exercise machine is even superior to regular running in terms of the effectiveness of cardio training. The running belt is driven by an electric motor; during such running, the user expends significantly less effort, and long-term workouts are much easier to endure.

Rice. 4 - On some models you can carry out heart rate-dependent training.

Many treadmills have the ability to adjust the load depending on your heart rate, thereby supporting. In the heart rate range of 60% of maximum heart rate, the most effective fat burning occurs. To strengthen the cardiovascular system, you need to keep your heart rate in the range of 80% of your maximum heart rate. The maximum heart rate is calculated: MHR = 220 - age.

Negative factors include limited running space and monotony of running. Over time, the body adapts to the stress, during which the effectiveness of training decreases.

Tips for running

People start running at different ages. Motivation can be different: for some, the determining factor is exclusively sporting ambitions, for others, especially in adulthood, there comes an awareness of the gap in physical and spiritual integrity.

The merciless abuse of one's own body consists of everyday, seemingly unremarkable, emotional and physical stress. Having traced the chain of your actions during the day, you can draw disappointing conclusions. In most cases this is:

  • disturbing sleep;
  • heavy lifting;
  • poor and unhealthy breakfast;
  • traveling to work that is not enjoyable;
  • sedentary office work;
  • huge consumption of sugar, fat and salt immediately before bed.

Stress becomes a frequent companion of such a life. The consequences of the negative influence of stress are well known to doctors. The trouble is that many of them are not exceptions themselves.

Factors that cause damage to the body, with age, lead to muscle weakness and muscle degeneration (reduction in the diameter of muscle fibers), affect posture, healthy sleep (and this is rest), the functioning of all organs without exception, and cause various kinds of diseases. The benefits of running on a treadmill or street can help prevent or slow down all of these negative effects. The main thing is to choose the appropriate training program and follow it systematically.

What to remember when running on a treadmill

  1. The main condition for the effectiveness of training is systematicity. If you miss one lesson, you can compensate for the result only by doubling your energy costs. A month without training reduces all results to zero.
  2. Has a huge role to play motivation. Therefore, find sources of motivation for yourself.
  3. Good literature on the topic of running can provide food for thought.
  4. Bad habits and sports are incompatible.

Running, like any physical activity, will bring a lot of positive emotions, save you from depression, and restore harmony and love for life.

Let's make a date with the treadmill! Let's look at our companion from all sides and in all respects to understand the benefits of a treadmill and how it will help you be beautiful, fit and active.

To go for a run, just go into a room, put on your sneakers and run - take a break from troubles, mental stress and even a bad mood. Tighten your body, saturate it with oxygen, relieve stress and start a new day with renewed vigor.

What are the benefits of a treadmill?

Let's look at the basic facts why it is worth playing sports.

Benefits for your figure

Run and you will be fit and slim. Regular and correct running, of course, is reflected in the condition of the figure - fats melt, muscles are given tone and strengthening, and metabolism is normalized. Due to training, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood increases, this is what helps you feel energetic and fat cells burn (that’s what they need). Do not forget about proper nutrition and then it will become even better.

Benefits for training

Run before and after an active workout. If you are planning strength training, after jogging on the treadmill, the loads will be more effective, as your metabolism will increase. The benefits and help of a treadmill are tangible! You remember your workouts at the fitness club: first we get on the treadmill to warm up and finish the workout on it - what a relaxation it is after strength exercises with dumbbells!

The benefits of exercise for muscles and body

Run and strengthen your muscles. When we run, the whole body works - the muscles of the thighs, ankles, abs, arms. Running especially strengthens the muscles of the back and legs. It doesn’t matter how old you are - 15 or 55, you want to look great at any age. What are the benefits of a treadmill? She is your best assistant who wonderfully keeps your body in shape.