Catering in the RF Armed Forces in comparison with the Soviet Army (from personal experience). Catering for military personnel

Military personnel serving arrest in disciplinary procedure in the guardhouse, are provided with food according to the standards required for military personnel undergoing military service by conscription, military unit, where the guardhouse is assigned to provide food.

Military personnel receiving free food (and not food rations on hand) are credited for food at the guardhouse according to food certificates.

The rest of the military personnel receiving food rations in their hands or in exchange for rations monetary compensation, are credited for food at the guardhouse according to arrest notes. During their detention in the guardhouse, they are charged for food based on the cost of food rations at discounted prices. In the same manner, payment for food in the guardhouse is collected from military personnel (with the exception of military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription) who have the right to free food, but who did not present a food certificate when admitted to the guardhouse.

IN in some cases is being organized food according to the situationNutrition during exercises, on the road, during combat operations, in different climatic conditions





Uninterrupted supply personnel Good quality food and food preparation are carried out by the food service. Monitoring the adequacy of nutrition, compliance with sanitary rules at all food service facilities, as well as monitoring the health status of persons working at these facilities is carried out by the military medical service.

The concept of rational nutrition and the principles of its organization. For military personnel, it is rational to

Rice. 15. Principles rational nutrition personnel of the Soviet

A diet is created in which the qualitative and quantitative ratio of substances in the food taken and its distribution among meals during the day correspond to the needs of the body and ensure the high combat effectiveness of the soldier and officer. Diet, or ration, of a military personnel must provide the body with energy material and nutrients necessary for normal functioning, and consist of a set of food products that allow for quick preparation large number varied and tasty food with minimal risk of contamination or contamination (Fig. 15).

Food service for military personnel is public in nature, food supply is centralized and is carried out according to established ration standards. In addition, the nutrition of military personnel is characterized by two more features: cooking according to food layouts and constant monitoring from the command and medical service.

There are boiler allowance rations, dry rations and additional ones. Boiler allowance rations are intended for preparing hot food

both during barracks and field deployment. Dry army rations are completed using concentrates and canned food. They are intended for food in conditions where cooking hot food in the kitchen is excluded. The high-altitude ration contains dry alcohol tablets intended for heating canned food and making tea.

Boiler allowance rations and dry rations fully compensate for the energy costs of military personnel. As shown by numerous studies carried out in different times According to domestic scientists, in peacetime the energy consumption of military specialists is generally 3500-4500 kcal. Accordingly, army rations were compiled.

The exchange of energy in a real combat situation has not yet been studied. According to some reports, energy consumption during combat exercises is 5,700 kcal. At the same time, it was found that a person can tolerate a significant calorie deficit - up to 2500 kcal, while maintaining combat effectiveness, if the water supply is adequate to working conditions and homeostasis is not disturbed.

Additional rations exist for military personnel airborne troops, for those who are content with high-altitude rations and serving in areas at an altitude of 3000 m and above sea level; for crews of jet, turbojet and turboprop aircraft, for officers, divers and other specialists. They compensate for either the adverse effects of harmful factors in working conditions or increased energy costs.

A military unit may have the following allowance standards. For privates and non-commissioned officers there is one, for example, the basic soldier norm, and one norm for officers. Patients being treated in the unit's infirmary are fed according to the hospital norm. Food for them is prepared in the kitchen of the regimental medical center or in the soldier's kitchen.

In addition, for those suffering from chronic gastrointestinal diseases, gentle nutrition (dietary) is organized, in which kitchen fats are replaced with butter; barley, pearl barley and some other cereals - rice, buckwheat or semolina; rye bread - wheat. Dietary nutrition depending on health status

prescribed for a period of up to 3 months. Responsibility for organizing dietary nutrition and nutrition in military hospitals according to hospital standards rests with the head of the medical service. Layout of products according to hospital norms and dietary nutrition, compiled with the participation of the head of food supply or a cook-instructor, is approved by the unit commander.

For persons working in conditions of contact with toxic substances or exposure to harmful physical factors, there is additional therapeutic and preventive nutrition, which is provided through canteens.

The diet for military personnel is as follows. In military units, with boiler allowance, hot food is given 3 times a day - for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and tea 2 times - in the morning and in the evening. Breakfast is provided before the start of classes, lunch - after the end of main classes, dinner - 2-3 hours before lights out. The intervals between meals should not exceed 7 hours. Meal hours are determined by the daily routine approved by the unit commander. The daily allowance for three meals a day is distributed according to calorie content as follows: for breakfast - 30-35%, for lunch - 40-45% and for dinner - 20-30%. The diet is set by the unit commander depending on specific conditions - the nature of combat training or the characteristics of the combat situation - taking into account the recommendations of the doctor and the deputy for the rear.

Responsibilities of officials. The Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the USSR obliges commanders of all levels to take care of preserving and strengthening the health of their subordinates and their material and living support. The deputy regiment commander for political affairs is obliged to take care of the nutrition of soldiers and officers. The deputy regiment commander for logistics, to whom the food supply service is subordinate, is obliged to organize high-quality nutrition for personnel and ensure that the required types of food are delivered to each serviceman.

Directly supervises the work of kitchens and canteens, food warehouses, bakeries, glaciers, utility and kitchen facilities.

Head of food supply unit. He is obliged to organize the delivery and proper storage of food, ensure the correct preparation of hot food and bring the required rations to soldiers, sergeants and officers; together with the head of the regiment's medical service, draw up a food layout, at least once a month personally conduct test cooking of food with the cooks and check the quality of food in the regiment's warehouses.

The head of the regiment's medical service is obliged to participate in the development of a diet, carry out systematic medical control over its organization and quality, monitor the sanitary condition of economic services and submit to the regiment commander reports on soldiers, sergeants and officers in need of dietary nutrition.

The medical service of a military unit, carrying out current sanitary supervision in the field of nutrition, is guided by the relevant general and special regulatory documents on nutrition issues. A military doctor needs, in addition to the regulatory documents for the medical service, to have a good knowledge of all the documents defining the norms of food rations, the procedure for receiving, storing and issuing them, the norms for replacing one product with another, types and purpose technical means food service. The doctor of the military unit must have a firm knowledge of the responsibilities of the officials responsible for organizing nutrition.

Nutritional deficiencies are most often associated with low qualifications of food facility personnel. Therefore, the doctor should not only demand from the head of the food service to carry out work to improve the qualifications of staff - cooking classes with chefs, sending cooks to catering establishments, organizing the exchange of experience, but also conduct classes with food (and medical) service personnel on various issues. food hygiene of a military personnel, explain the importance of complying with hygiene requirements to prevent food poisoning and cooking.

Persons who disregard the doctor’s instructions should be subject to administrative sanctions or

public condemnation. Such measures may also be applied to them, such as, for example, depriving cooks of salary bonuses given for good food preparation and excellent kitchen maintenance based on the doctor’s notes in the food quality assessment book. The unit doctor also participates in assigning to cooks qualification categories, on which wages depend.

Great help Party and Komsomol organizations can help doctors improve nutrition. Political workers always energetically support activities aimed at improving nutrition, understanding that nutrition, satisfying physiological needs, has a very strong impact on the well-being and morale of a soldier.

By exercising control over nutrition, the doctor ultimately relies on the authority and power of the commander. Therefore, it is necessary to systematically broaden the horizons of the unit commander, as well as the political and logistical deputies in matters of nutrition. The most convenient way to do this is during the next report on the state of nutrition in the area.

Meals for personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are organized in accordance with the Guidelines for organizing meals for personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by the head of the Central Food Administration of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation.
IN military units To provide food (hot food) to military personnel who have the right to receive food at the expense of the state, the regulations provide for appropriate canteens (soldiers, cadets, officers).
In canteens, the content of cooks is established based on the following standards: up to 150 eaters - 3 cooks, from 151 to 200 eaters - 4 cooks, subsequently 1 cook is added for every 125 eaters. Total quantity cooks is determined taking into account the cooks contained in the units of the military unit. An instructor (cook) is kept when there are more than 500 people eating and is not counted in the estimated number of cooks, and a food preparation technology master is kept when there are more than 1000 people eating.
Military personnel serving under contract are provided with food through the canteens of military units. A separate room from the dining room is equipped for meals.
Each canteen of a military unit must have all the necessary food, auxiliary, household and technical premises, a dining room, refrigeration and other equipment providing normal conditions preparation of food and its consumption by personnel.
Food in the canteens of military units is prepared strictly according to the food layout of military units, in which personnel receive food according to the combined arms ration; hot food is issued and prepared three times a day (for breakfast, lunch and dinner). Meal hours for personnel are determined by the commander of the military unit.
Rations for three meals a day are distributed according to energy value(calorie content): for breakfast - 30 - 35%, for lunch - 40 - 45% and for dinner - 20 - 30%. Depending on the conditions of combat training and the daily routine of the military unit, the distribution of rations can be changed by the commander of the military unit.
For military personnel serving on conscription and on guard duty, four meals a day are provided at the expense of food products daily norm: breakfast, lunch and dinner - at normal times and a second dinner - at night. It is allowed to provide these military personnel with additional food from the monetary fund of the military unit (Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 200 of 1992, Chapter 8, p. 115).
The food layout is compiled by the head of the food service together with the head of the medical service of the military unit, the head of the canteen and the food preparation technology master or instructor (cook), and where the latter are not available, with the senior cook.
The food layout is signed by the deputy commander of the military unit for logistics (assistant commander for supply), the head of the food service, the head of the medical service and approved by the commander of the military unit. The layout of products, as a rule, is compiled for a week, separately for each norm.
The issuance of food for additional food to individual military teams and units leaving the military unit is carried out according to invoices on the basis of a written order from the commander of the military unit.
Products from the military unit's warehouse to the canteen for food preparation are weighed and released to the chef-instructor, senior cook in the presence of the canteen duty officer using invoices. The food is placed into the cauldron by the cooks in the presence of the dining room attendant.
Before hot food is served on the tables, the quality of its preparation is checked officials military unit.
The doctor (paramedic), together with the unit on duty, checks the quality of prepared food directly in the hot shop (places of its distribution), the sanitary condition of the dining room, tableware and kitchen utensils. The results of the check by the doctor (paramedic) are recorded in the food preparation quality control book. After which the unit duty officer gives permission to distribute food to the personnel. In addition, prepared food is tested daily by the commander of the military unit or, on his instructions, by one of his deputies. Tasting food is about identifying it. taste qualities and volume, weight of meat (fish) portions, cold appetizers, first, second and third courses.
The commander of the military unit (deputy commander of the military unit for logistics) tastes the food directly in the dining room at one of the tables together with the personnel during meals.
The results of food testing are recorded in the food preparation quality control book, with ratings given separately for each dish. If a discrepancy is detected in the volume, weight of portions and dishes issued to personnel in the direction of reduction relative to the calculated data specified in the layout of the products, the reasons for their discrepancy are identified and appropriate measures are taken. Visiting the canteen of a military unit by unauthorized persons is permitted only with the permission of the commander of the military unit or the person replacing him. Persons inspecting the catering organization are required to wear a clean robe (jacket) when visiting workshops and other canteen premises.
A daily allowance is allocated to the canteen of a military unit to perform auxiliary work at the rate of: up to 100 people eating in the canteen - 3 - 4 people, for every subsequent 100 people eating, an additional 2 people are allocated.
A daily outfit assigned to work in the canteen of a military unit is subject to a medical examination by a doctor (paramedic) before going on duty. Persons who did not pass medical examination, are not allowed to work in the canteen.
Persons on daily duty assigned to the dining room for processing meat and fish, preparing and distributing food, portioning cow butter, pouring jelly, compote, milk and fruit juice, peeling and cutting boiled potatoes and vegetables, as well as for washing cooking pots without medical control are not allowed. Persons on daily duty eat their meals at a separate table until general admission food for the personnel of the military unit. A bread slicer is used for slicing bread, portioning sugar, butter and dispensing them. The grain cutter is appointed by order of the commander of a military unit from conscript military personnel (only where there is no full-time bread cutter) for a period determined by the unit commander, but not less than a month.
The preparation of the dining table for meals is carried out by persons on daily duty under the guidance of the head of the dining room and the dining room attendant. The temperature of the prepared food at the time it is consumed by the personnel should be: for first courses - not lower than 75°; for second courses - not lower than 65°; tea - 80°.
The bread is cut into thin slices weighing 50 - 75 g and issued as needed within the norm. Rusks instead of bread are allowed to be given to the first course no more than three times a week. If food intake is carried out in several shifts, with breaks between shifts exceeding an hour, then food preparation is carried out separately for each shift. Unit duty officers meet their units in the canteen, are present at meals and keep order in the canteen.
Eating in overcoats, hats and special (work) uniforms is prohibited. By order of the military unit, permanent dining tables are assigned to each unit. A table leader is assigned to each table. The responsibilities of the head table include monitoring the return of dishes after meals. He also monitors the order and discipline of military personnel during meals and prevents the table from being contaminated by food debris.
At the end of the meal, the tableware is placed on the edge of the table strictly according to its type. The cleaning of dishes from the dining tables and their delivery to the washing room is carried out by persons on daily duty in the dining room on carts, and where self-service lines are used - by those eating.
For military personnel performing various tasks and not being present at breakfast, lunch or dinner, the appropriate food consumption is left. Applications for leaving food are submitted by the foremen of the units through the battery (unit) duty officer and the canteen duty officer, indicating the time of servicemen's appearance at the canteen.
Food left for absent military personnel is stored in a separate sealed container in a refrigerator for no more than 4 hours, and in the absence of refrigeration - no more than 2 hours. At the same time, meat and fish portions are stored separately from the side dish. Delivery of food is permitted after repeated heat treatment and inspection by a doctor (paramedic).
For personnel who are unable to arrive at the canteen before the expiration of the established food shelf life, food is not placed in the cauldron. In these cases, on the instructions of the canteen duty officer, the food of absent military personnel is prepared separately by the time of their arrival at the canteen.
Military units receive bread from military bakeries and civilian bakeries.

Catering for personnel in the field

Meals for the personnel of the military unit are organized by the head of the food service of the unit from the field kitchens for the subordinate units. The units that are satisfied are those that have standard means for preparing food in the field (battalion, division, separate company, etc.). Units that do not have the specified funds are, by order of the deputy commander of the military unit for the rear, assigned to food units with provisions, taking into account the tasks performed and the convenience of obtaining food.

Responsibility for organizing meals, timely and complete delivery of the required daily allowance standards to the personnel lies with the unit commander. He organizes food personally, as well as through the chief of staff and support platoon commander, and takes all measures to ensure that hot food and drinking water were issued to the personnel in full and in set time. The commander of a battalion (division) support platoon or a regiment's economic platoon organizes the work of the platoon's economic department and is responsible for the safety of food, the timely and high-quality preparation of hot food, its delivery and distribution to units.

In peacetime, food for personnel is carried out according to standard 1 (combined arms rations), established by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

For preparing hot food, issuing it, providing personnel with bread, sugar, tea, tobacco products, matches and drinking water the economic department of a battalion support platoon deploys a battalion food point (BPP), and the economic department of a regiment economic platoon deploys a regimental food point (RFP).

The head of the food point is the commander of the economic department, who organizes the work of the point in accordance with the tasks received from the battalion commander (chief of staff) directly or through the support platoon commander.

Units assigned to the battalion are provided with food, as a rule, through food points of their units (units). Units that do not have their own standard means of preparing food are provided with food through the food station of the battalion to which they are assigned.

Depending on their combat mission, units are equipped with trailer or truck-mounted kitchens.

For each trailer kitchen, the relevant standards provide the following basic equipment: six TVN-12 thermoses containing 17 servings of the first course or 26 servings of the second course, a frame tent, a folding or removable kitchen table, a box for storing and transporting food, various kitchen utensils. In addition, for storing and transporting water, each kitchen is equipped with a TsV-4 tank with a capacity of 320 liters.

The battalion food point is deployed in the area designated by the battalion commander at safe removal from objects of possible enemy attacks and probable sources of pollution (landfills, cemeteries, transport highways, etc.), taking into account the maximum use of the protective and camouflage properties of the terrain, existing engineering structures and other shelters, the availability of access roads and water supply sources, the possibility of rapid deployment, collapse and moving to a new area, as well as observing fire safety.

To locate a battalion food station, an area measuring 80 x 100 m is selected. The kitchens are detached from the vehicles and dispersed from one another at a distance of up to 30 m. Towing vehicles are placed at a distance of up to 10 m from them. Kitchens are installed in working position, cleaned of dirt, washed, put in order, frame tents are deployed over them and places are equipped for washing the hands of cooks.

At a distance of 15 m from the kitchens, a place is set up for peeling potatoes and vegetables: a pit is opened for peeling, benches are made from scrap materials. At a distance of 50 m from the kitchens, a waste pit is opened and closed with a lid, also made from scrap materials.

Separately, at a distance of 20-25 m from the kitchens, tables are equipped for meals for personnel, and also at a distance of 50-70 m - a place for washing individual pots, where a boiler for boiling water or thermoses with hot water is installed.

Distribution of water for washing pots is carried out only by the staff of the food point.

At the same time, a place for preparing and eating food for the battalion officers is equipped: a tent, a stove with the necessary set of kitchen utensils and a set of field furniture are installed. A set of tableware is provided for meals.

The procedure for deploying a food station for a tank battalion is the same, only instead of four trailer kitchens, one PAK-200 automobile kitchen with a PS-2 storage trailer is located on the site.

Storage of established food supplies and food service property is carried out in the bodies of vehicles towing kitchens, or in a storage trailer. Food and property are placed in such a way as to ensure the autonomy of each kitchen, protection from weapons of mass destruction and quick unloading when deploying a food point.

The supply of food to units to replenish supplies to established quantities is carried out by transport of the military unit from the unit's food warehouse. When receiving food, its quality and quantity are checked.

Food is prepared according to a food layout that is uniform for all units of a military unit, compiled by the head of the food service with the participation of the head of the medical service and a cook-instructor, which is approved by the unit commander.

When creating a layout, relatively constant sets of products are used. In field conditions, as well as when troops are stationed in barracks, meals should, as a rule, be three times a day. Energy value by meal daily ration distributed as follows: for breakfast - 30 - 35%, for lunch - 40 - 45%, for dinner - 20 - 30%.

If, due to the conditions of the situation, it is impossible to organize three meals a day with the permission of the unit commander, the personnel are provided with hot food at least twice a day (at breakfast and dinner) with the provision of intermediate meals at the expense of the daily allowance. For intermediate meals, military personnel are given bread, meat, canned meat and vegetables, and sugar. Other non-perishable, ready-to-eat products (lard, semi-smoked sausage) may also be provided. In this case, the energy value of the daily diet among meals is distributed as follows: for breakfast - 40%, for dinner - 35%, intermediate meals - 25%.

With three meals a day, hot food should be provided as follows: for breakfast - before the start of main events or combat operations, for lunch - during the hours of decline in the intensity of combat training activities or combat tension, for dinner - at the end of the day or after completing assigned tasks. When developing a diet in combat, you should strive to ensure that the main meal occurs during the hours when combat tension subsides.

If hot food is provided to personnel twice a day, then it is planned to prepare one dish for the first reception, and two dishes for the second reception. For intermediate meals, each serviceman is given 250-300 g of bread or 150 g of crackers (biscuits), 15 g of sugar and one or one and a half cans of canned meat and vegetables (265 - 397.5 g).

Based on the conditions of the situation, it is necessary to strive to prepare food mainly from fresh products and only during periods of deterioration of the situation, provide meals from concentrated and canned products. It should be taken into account that in field conditions, crackers, dried vegetables, including potatoes, food concentrates, barley and pearl barley become boring especially quickly.

Meals for battalion officers are carried out according to the norm of combined arms rations with the issuance of additional products (in peacetime for a fee, in wartime - free of charge). Food for officers is prepared according to a separate food layout, also common for all units, which is drawn up and approved in accordance with the established procedure. The first lunch courses are prepared communally in field kitchens, the second courses are prepared, as a rule, separately, on the PP-40 stove.

There is a set of tableware for meals. In cases where, due to the conditions of the situation, it is not possible to equip a place for officers to eat, the officers of the battalion units receive hot food with their personnel from the field kitchens.

Products for preparing hot food are provided to the cook for each meal. Products that do not require heat treatment (bread, sugar and tobacco allowance), as well as products for intermediate nutrition, are issued to unit senior officers once a day.

Providing the economic department of the supply platoon (economic platoon) with water for drinking and household needs is carried out from the battalion water supply point and the regimental water supply point. It is prohibited to use water for these purposes from other sources. The supply of water from water supply points, as well as to water collection points and to battalion food points, is organized by the deputy commander of the military unit for the rear. To maintain the required supply of water at food stations, all available containers are used, including kitchen boilers and thermoses for food distribution.

Meals are taken by personnel directly at the battalion food station using individual cooking pots. If necessary, hot food can be delivered to the personnel location in thermoses. Food should be stored in thermoses for no more than two hours.


Department of General Hygiene with Ecology, with a course of hygienic disciplines MPF

Head Department: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Zulkarnaev.T.R.

Teacher: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Shakirov.D.F.

Student's educational and research work:

"Food hygiene for military personnel in hospital settings."

Completed by: VI year student

Faculty of Medicine and Prevention

601A groups

Gimadieva S.R.

Checked by: Shakirov D.F.

    Basics of food hygiene for military personnel.

    Allowance standards

    Power mode.

    Product layout.

    Organization of a food supply system for military personnel.

    General requirements for the design and equipment of canteens.




Food is important factor maintaining and strengthening health, maintaining high combat effectiveness of troops.

Redox processes continuously occur in the human body to maintain body composition and generate energy (metabolism).

To maintain life, it is necessary that all the body's expenses are fully reimbursed. This is achieved by taking in various nutrients from food - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts and water.

Proteins form the basis of life. They are the main integral part all tissues and organs, enzymes and hormones. Sources of proteins are food products of animal and plant origin: meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, bread, cereals. The daily protein requirement of an adult is 80-100 g.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body (50-60% of the energy cost of the daily diet) and determine the energy value of food. Their dietary sources are bread, cereals, vegetables, and fruits. The daily requirement for carbohydrates is 400-500 g.

Fats - important source energy. Each gram of fat provides the body with twice as much energy as proteins and carbohydrates. This allows you to increase the energy value of food without increasing its volume. Fats, in addition, are a source of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and biologically active substances(sterols). The daily requirement for fat is 80-100 g.

Minerals (salts) are part of tissues and organs and have a significant effect on metabolic processes. They are not synthesized in the body and therefore are essential components of nutrition. The most important salts are calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. Lack of salts contributes to the occurrence of a number of diseases (anemia, toxic goiter, dental caries, etc.). Sources of minerals are a variety of foods - meat, fish, milk, vegetables, bread, as well as water and table salt. The body's daily need for sodium chloride (table salt) in temperate climates is 10-12 g, and in hot climates - up to 20 g.

Water is necessary for the functioning of all organs and systems of the body, all metabolic processes. It is found in varying amounts in food products, however, a significant part of it is consumed in the form of drink. Important water plays a role in maintaining the body’s heat exchange when working in the heat. Under normal conditions, the daily need for water is 2-2.5 liters, but when physical activity in hot weather it can reach 10 liters or more.

Vitamins are various biologically active substances that act as activators and regulators of metabolic processes. They promote better functioning of all major body systems, increase performance and resistance to infectious diseases. Insufficient consumption of vitamins leads to hypovitaminosis, which manifests itself in malaise, decreased performance, poor health, and poor resistance to various diseases. Hypovitaminosis can be caused by insufficient food consumption (especially vegetables and fruits), as well as violation of food storage and cooking rules. To prevent hypovitaminosis, especially in winter and spring, Hexavit vitamin tablets are included in the daily diet.

Allowance standards.

Existing standards for food rations meet all the basic requirements for the nutrition of military personnel, both in terms of energy value (calorie content) and the content of necessary nutrients. In accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense, the basic soldier's ration contains 108 g of protein, 103 g of fat, 653 g of carbohydrates with a total energy value of 4246 kcal. Separate rations are provided for personnel surface ships and submarines, flight personnel, as well as for patients undergoing treatment in hospitals and military hospitals. They ensure replenishment of energy and nutrient consumption for the main categories of military personnel during various periods of combat training and service.

It is important to follow the correct diet, which helps maintain health and increases the body’s resistance to various types of combat training load. The diet is ensured by the daily routine and the rational distribution of products and dishes among meals, which is practically carried out in the form of a food layout. The food layout is compiled for the week, separately for each daily allowance, etc. hung in the lobby of the dining room to familiarize those eating, as well as to monitor the organization and condition of nutrition. The layout is compiled by the head of the food service of the unit together with the head of the medical service, the head of the canteen and the instructor-cook. When drawing up the layout, the required composition of products and their correct distribution among meals are taken into account: for breakfast - 25-30%, for lunch - 40-45%, for dinner - 20-30% of the energy value of the daily ration.

Dietary requirements are implemented in product layout, which allows the most correct and rational use of food ration products for preparing a variety of food. The food layout is compiled by the head of the food service together with the head of the medical service, the head of the canteen and the instructor-cook. The layout of products, as a rule, is compiled for a week separately for each norm in triplicate. When drawing up the layout of products, the following are taken into account: · the features and nature of combat training for the planned period; · diet established for a given contingent of eaters; · availability and range of products available at the food warehouse of the military unit; · norms of food rations according to which personnel are fed; · the possibility of using farm products for additional nutrition; · qualifications and number of cooks; · availability and condition of technological, refrigeration and non-mechanical equipment in the canteen of the military unit; ·wishes of those who eat. The technique for creating a layout is to vary the diet.

Variety of food– an important condition for its biological usefulness. It is achieved using various dishes and cooking techniques. During the week, the same dishes should not be repeated more than two or three times, and dishes from the same products should not be repeated throughout the day. The absorption of food by the human body largely depends on its taste, smell, and appearance.

Organization of a food supply system for military personnel

In the internal service troops of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, it is the duty of commanders of all levels to take care of preserving and strengthening the health of subordinates and their material support. The deputy regiment commander for logistics, to whom the food supply service is subordinate, is obliged to organize high-quality nutrition for personnel and ensure that the required types of food are delivered to each serviceman.

The work of the kitchens and canteens, food warehouse, bakery, glaciers, utility and kitchen facilities is directly supervised by the head of the regiment's food supply. He is obliged to organize the delivery and proper storage of food, ensure the correct preparation of hot food and bring the required rations to soldiers, sergeants, officers, together with the head of the regiment's medical service, draw up a food layout, and at least once a month personally conduct control demonstration cooking of food with the cooks and check the quality of food in the regiment's warehouses.

The head of the regiment's medical service, responsible for the medical support of personnel, is obliged to participate in the development of a diet; carry out systematic medical control over its organization and quality; monitor the sanitary condition of economic services; submit to the regiment commander conclusions regarding soldiers, sergeants and officers in need of dietary nutrition.

The medical service of a military unit, carrying out current sanitary supervision in the field of nutrition, is guided by the relevant general and special regulatory documents on nutrition issues.

"On approval of the Guidelines for food supply for military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and certain other categories of persons, as well as the provision of feed (products) and bedding materials for regular animals of military units in peacetime"


The canteen of the military unit is located in a special building built according to a standard design. The dining room is built no more than 3 floors, preferably of brick. The site is selected with dense soil, a low groundwater level, and away from roads with heavy traffic. It is also necessary to take into account the relationship with the sides of the horizon, the direction of the prevailing winds, and the installation of access roads. The placement of technological equipment is carried out in such a way as to ensure strict flow of products during their processing. By equipping canteens with modulated equipment, better working conditions for cooks are created and space is used economically. This equipment has the same height, width (depth) and length, which allows it to be installed close to each other. Posters on the processing of relevant products are displayed in frames under glass at the workplace.


To solve the problem of improving the quality of food for military personnel, it is necessary to continue the construction of new and reconstruction of existing canteens, equipping them with modern technological and refrigeration equipment that allows mechanizing and automating the process of food preparation and food processing.


    Melnichenko P.I., Ogarkov P.I., Lizunov Yu.V. “Military hygiene and military epidemiology”: Textbook. - M.: OJSC “Publishing House Medicine”, 2005

    Shakirov D.F., Zulkarnaev T.R., Muryseva E.N., Zigitbaev R.N., Salimgareeva A.I. “Military hygiene”: Educational and methodological manual for students, Ufa-2010.

    Internet resources.