Disciplinary action. Disciplinary sanctions: procedure for application

Benefit for the first child in 2019 in Nalchik: who can apply for benefits for the first child, how the amount of the benefit is calculated, what documents will need to be provided and how much payments will be calculated.

About the benefit

The news about payments for the first child was first heard in Vladimir Putin’s speech at a meeting of the coordinating council for the implementation of the National Strategy of Action in the Interests of Children for 2012-2017.

Putin made a statement at the very end of 2017, however, both the government and relevant ministries quickly responded to the president’s words. The Ministry of Finance stated that there is no money provided in the budget for these purposes, but the ministry will find it, and Pension fund The Russian Federation, which will become the operator of the allocated benefits, has already calculated how many families will receive “ maternity capital for the first child” and how much money will be required for this. The law was submitted to the State Duma, considered and signed quite quickly.

The amount of payment will be calculated based on the child’s regional subsistence level. According to the Ministry of Labor, the cost of living for children in the second quarter of this year was 10,160 rubles. According to the calculations cited by the president, the average payment amount will be:

  • in 2018 - 10,523 rubles,
  • in 2019 - 10,836 rubles,
  • in 2020 - 11,143 rubles.

According to Rostrud's forecasts, 336 thousand families will receive payments. The funds have already been sent to the regions.

Who can claim payments

Rostrud explains which families will receive the new allowance. Not everyone will receive money for their first child.

To assign a monthly payment, the following requirements must be met:

  • the child was born (adopted) after January 1, 2018;
  • is a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • the size of the average per capita family income does not exceed 1.5 times the subsistence level of the working-age population established in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic for the second quarter of the year preceding the year of application for the specified payment.

When assigning payments, it does not matter where the parents are employed - in the public sector, civil service or private sector. Only their total income is taken into account.

It is not yet clear how child benefits will be calculated for those families in which the parents are divorced.

How much will they pay for their first child in 2018?

It all depends on the region in which the family lives. The subsistence level is a monetary assessment of the consumer basket, which includes not only products, but also necessary payments and services. On average for the third quarter of 2017 for the working population it was 11,160 rubles.

However, in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic this figure differs slightly from that established in federal level. Residents of Nalchik will be able to find out the exact amount when applying for benefits.

What documents need to be provided

But there is no clarity yet regarding the package of documents that are necessary to obtain the benefit. The law so far only talks about the application that the father, mother or adoptive parent will have to send to the Pension Fund at the place of residence.

The paper can also be sent to the department through multifunctional centers (MFC).

Logically, parents or adoptive parents will need income certificates from the employer and child's birth certificate(certificate of adoption), which are issued by the registry office.

The departments promise to announce soon complete package documents required to receive benefits for the first child. And they report that parents will receive payments in full for those months when it was impossible to obtain government assistance.

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Kabardino-Balkaria is a unique subject of the Russian Federation with three official languages. At the same time, the birth rate in the region significantly exceeds the national average, and the mortality rate is low, which ensures good natural population growth. Birth rate in recent years here there are 15.5-15.7 children born per 1000 inhabitants of the Republic versus 13.3 newborns per 1000 population on average in Russia.

However, for several years in a row the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR) has been called one of the poorest regions of Russia. Often parents have enough money to support even two children.

Therefore, the majority of families with children in the region are in dire need of providing them with material support, and various children's benefits are in great demand among the population here. Some of them are paid throughout Russia from the state budget (i.e. fixed), others operate only in Kabardino-Balkaria (and are financed or from mixed sources).

At the regional level, there are many payments for those in need, but their size is mostly small and does not correspond to the real needs of families with children. Special attention in the republic is given to the following categories:

  • family with insufficient income per person ();
  • student;
  • young;

Payment of federal benefits to families with children in Nalchik

In Nalchik and the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the same federal benefits apply as in other regions of Russia. Their list is approved by Art. 3 of Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995. Child benefits at the federal level are assigned according to the principle of categoricality, i.e. without taking into account the actual needs of the family. Moreover, most of them can be issued not only by the mother, but also by the father of the child.

Features of the payment of federal child benefits in the CBD:

  • Payments for children annually are indexed in accordance with the inflation that has occurred. Now indexation is carried out not from January 1, as it was before, but from February 1. In 2017, the indexation coefficient was 1.054 (an increase of 5.4%).
  • In most of the region, including the administrative center, Regional coefficients do not apply. An increasing coefficient of 1.15 on salaries and benefits is valid only in Tyrnyauz for employees of the copper-molybdenum plant.

For working citizens, most child benefits are issued at the place of work and paid through the Fund social insurance(FSS). Unemployed people are not eligible to receive maternity payments and apply for benefits at the Social Security authorities at the place of residence.

Name of federal benefitAmount of benefit at the federal level from 02/01/2017, rub.


(in 140 days maternity leave) 34520,55


3065.69 - for the first child
6131.37 - on the second and subsequent

At the federal level, there is another significant payment not listed in the table - maternity capital. It is provided to the family after the birth or adoption of the second or next child.

The size of the maternity capital is 453 thousand rubles, until 2020 inclusive it will not change. Maternity capital, as well as maternity benefit for pregnancy and childbirth, can only be issued by the mother.

Regional child benefits in the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria

Local child benefits in Kabardino-Balkaria are paid according to need criteria- that is, only to families with low incomes or recipients who meet a number of other material conditions. Parents who permanently live with their children in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic can apply for payments.

The Republic has the following regional child benefits(additional to federal):

Characteristic Features of payment of regional benefits:

  • provided from the republican budget;
  • are appointed regardless of the citizenship of the parents (unless otherwise specified);
  • are provided for children in respect of whom the parents are not deprived of rights;
  • can be issued by both mother and father;
  • monthly payments are subject to indexation by the inflation factor once a year.

An application in the prescribed form and documents should be submitted to the Social Security authorities at your place of residence or a multifunctional center (MFC). The responsible authority reviews the documents and makes a decision within 10 days, sometimes this period can be extended.

Standard list of documents required for registration of child benefits in the CBD:

  • passport and SNILS of the applicant and spouse;
  • certificates of residence with the child and family composition;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • documents confirming the relationship between family members (marriage or divorce certificate, decision to change the surname);
  • documents on adoption or transfer of a child to a family for upbringing (if relevant);
  • service contract bank card, to which payments will be transferred.

In 2016 regional benefits received 70.4 thousand families for 97.3 thousand children, including:

  • 17.8 thousand families - monthly benefits to the poor;
  • 8.9 thousand - monthly republican allowance for child care up to 3 years old;
  • 5.6 thousand - one-time payment at the birth of a child;
  • 657 families - monthly allowance for a disabled child;
  • 4 families - payment for the birth of triplets.

Monthly child benefit

Monthly social benefits are assigned for each child age up to 16 years old from low-income family . The payment period is extended to 18 years if the child continues to study. As in most regions of the Russian Federation, the size of the benefit is very small due to the local budget deficit.

Features of provision:

  • assigned to relatives, adopted children, or ward children;
  • needs to be renewed once a year;
  • is not assigned simultaneously with payments for the maintenance of orphans under guardianship;
  • assigned from the date of application and for the previous 6 months, if there was a reason to receive it.
  • Art. 17-1 of Law No. 21-RZ of August 17, 1996 “On the protection of family, motherhood, paternity and childhood” in CBD;
  • accompanying resolution No. 63-PP dated 04/08/2008.
  • 110.29 rub. - standard;
  • RUB 165.44 - if the parent is serving in conscription or evading child support;
  • RUB 220.58 - for each child of a single mother
Required documents
  • standard package;
  • certificates of parental income for the previous 3 months;
  • a certificate from school for a child over 16 years of age;
  • for a single mother;
  • confirmation of father's military service or evasion of child support
DeadlineAt any time after the family can be considered

In Kabardino-Balkaria a family is considered poor, in which the income per person does not exceed the established subsistence level (ML). The latter is installed quarterly. In the 1st quarter of 2017, the subsistence minimum per capita in the CBD is 10,753 rubles.

One-time payment upon birth, adoption of a child or placement into guardianship

In addition to the federal payment for the birth (adoption) of a child, there is an additional local payment in the region. It is provided for every baby born in a family. And also for everyone adopted and taken into custody an orphan child or one left without parental care, regardless of his age.

  • The payment is indexed annually.
  • Provided regardless of the federal counterpart.
  • It is calculated regardless of the parents' income.

One-time payment for the birth of triplets

If a family is born at the same time three or more children, parents can apply for another payment in addition to the previous one. The specified amount is assigned for each of those born simultaneously. The payment is not indexed annually. There is no payment for adopted children.

Monthly payment for child care from 1.5 to 3 years

To mothers who are on maternity leave, students and unemployed women are entitled to a special payment. It is provided for each child in the family aged 1.5-3 years. Features of providing benefits:

  • is calculated regardless of the family’s wealth;
  • provided regardless of other payments;
  • assigned from the month of application and for the past 6 months, if the applicant had the right to receive benefits.

The right to payment is lost if you go back to work full time. But it persists when working a reduced schedule or receiving unemployment benefits.

Monthly allowance for a disabled child

If one of the parents or another family member is forced leaving work to care for a disabled child, he is entitled monthly payment. It is designed to compensate for the inability to work, but due to its small size it does not cope well with the task.

Features of the manual:

  • provided for every child with a disability under 18 years of age;
  • paid regardless of other social benefits or alimony;
  • benefits can be received by working part-time.

Families raising a disabled child are provided with other types of assistance:

  • Monthly compensation payment for utilities.
  • Free trips to sanatoriums and health camps.
  • Providing subsidies for the construction of your own housing.

Monthly payment for the maintenance of children placed in a family for upbringing

If a child is left without parental care and is transferred to a foster or guardian family, the state pays benefits for its maintenance. It is provided on each such child under 18 years of age, and if he continues his studies at school, then until graduation.

In addition, adoptive parents are entitled reward for the work of raising a child. It is not provided to guardians, since a guardianship family implies a free form of upbringing and child care.

What law establishes
  • No. 9-РЗ dated January 17, 2007 “On the procedure and amount of monthly cash payment foster family for child support";
  • No. 6-RZ dated 04/09/2004 “On the amount of monthly remuneration for adoptive parents”

Maintenance payment:

  • 5,000 rub. for each of the children;
  • + 3,080 rub. - additional payment for a child under 3 years old or a child with a disability


  • 5,000 rub. - for each adopted child;
  • + 20% - bonus if the adoptive parent is raising more than 3 children;
  • + 20% - another allowance for each child under 3 years old, disabled or with physical/mental disabilities
Required documents
  • according to the standard list;
  • confirmation that the child is an orphan or deprived of parental care;
  • decision to place a child in a family;
  • certificate from school for a student over 18 years of age

Foster families can count on the following benefits and types of assistance:

  • 50% discount for payment utilities and telephone.
  • Providing cash subsidies for the construction or purchase of housing in the first place.
  • 1,800 rub. - an annual payment for each child intended for the purchase of office supplies and textbooks.

Other types of assistance and benefits for families with children

Other types of assistance designed to improve living standards are also relevant in the CBD individual categories families Among them:

  • For large families:
    • Monthly compensation of 30% for utility bills (laws No. 57-RZ of December 29, 2004, No. 83-RZ of December 29, 2008, resolution No. 14-PP of February 6, 2009).
    • Medal “Maternal Glory” and 10 thousand rubles each. lump sum payment for each child of a mother raising 5 or more children.
    • Free provision of a Gazelle car to a family with 10 or more children (relatives, adopted children).
    • Free travel for children to their place of study on intracity and suburban transport.
    • Extraordinary admission of children to kindergartens.
    • Providing free plot land for construction.
    • Payment for the purchase of a cow from the local budget for rural families.
  • Additional types of assistance to the poor:
    • Health vouchers are free.
    • Children travel to school free of charge in the city and on suburban transport.
  • For young families: program “Providing housing for young families” for 2015-2020 (Resolution No. 291-PP dated December 19, 2008).

Regional maternity capital

Kabardino-Balkaria has a regional support measure similar to state program maternal capital. However, it differs significantly from analogues in other regions. The fact is that local maternity capital in the CBD is issued after birth in the family fifth or subsequent child.

  • Payment can be processed only the mother of the children, which is Russian citizen.
  • The decision to provide maternal capital or refuse is made within 30 days.
  • Officially, the payment is not called maternity capital. It is issued as social targeted assistance to improve housing conditions for families with 5 or more children.
  • The payment is not subject to annual indexation.
What law establishesNo. 175-PP dated 10/03/2016 “On the procedure for providing funds for one-time targeted social assistance to improve living conditions for large families raising five or more children"
Size250,000 rub.
Required documents
  • standard;
  • confirmation of the Russian citizenship of the parents and the child who gave the right to payment;
  • birth certificates for all children
DeadlineWithin a year after the birth of the child - receive a certificate

The applicant is issued a certificate valid for 12 months, which cannot be cashed. Money can be used on it for the purchase of housing(but not from close relatives), repayment of a housing loan, as well as construction or reconstruction of a house.

The Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR) is one of the subjects of the Russian Federation with a fairly high birth rate and low mortality rate. The task of local authorities is to maintain the demographic level as it is and to increase the main wealth of the country - children being born. For this purpose, benefits for financial support of families are available in the region. They are divided into federal (from the state budget) and regional (from the republican treasury).

Payment of federal benefits to families with children in Nalchik

In accordance with Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995, all state benefits that are typical for the KBR are paid. Payments are subject to annual indexation. The last one took place on 02/01/2019 (Resolution), due to which it increased by 4.3%.

In one of the cities of the Republic, Tyrnyauz, for workers of some specialties there is regional coefficient 1.15. It is used for local increase salaries and social benefits. In the rest of the region, benefits are paid in a standard amount.

Table federal benefits per child in 2019

Name of federal benefit Benefit amount, rub.
in Nalchik and most of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic from 02/01/2019 in Tyrnyauz (+ 15%), rub.
(minimum 140 days of maternity leave)51919 59706,85
655,49 753,81
, 17479,73 20101,69
27680,97 31833,12
3277.45 - minimum for the first child for the unemployed;

4512.00 - minimum for workers

3769.07 - for the unemployed

5188.80 - for workers

6554,89 - 7538,12
11978.00 - in the amount of the subsistence minimum per child
11863,27 13642,76

Schedule for registration and payment of child benefits

    • From the beginning of pregnancy

      • 12 weeks pregnant
    • When is it processed and paid?

      28 or 30 weeks pregnant

      • End of maternity leave
    • When is it processed and paid?

      Birth of a child

      • 0.5 years
      • (unlimited)
      • 3 years
    • When is it processed and paid?

      End of maternity leave

      • 1.5 years
      • 3 years
    • When is it processed and paid?

      From birth or from 1.5 years

      • Up to 16 or under 18 years old
    • When is it processed and paid?

      Adopting a child

      • 3 months
      • 1.5 years
      • 3 years
      • 3 years
      • 18 years old
      • 6 months after adoption
      • (unlimited)
    • When is it processed and paid?

      180 days of pregnancy for a military wife

    • When is it processed and paid?

      Birth of a child

      • 3 years
    • When is it processed and paid?

      The death of a soldier

      • 18 years old
    • When is it processed and paid?

      Transferring a child to a family for upbringing

      • 6 months after transfer
      • 18 years old


Schedule of child benefits according to the timing of their registration and payment

    • 12
    • 28 or 30
    • Birth
    • End
      maternity leave
    • 0,5
    • 1,5
    • 3
    • 16
    • 18
    • regional benefit
      per child*
    • One-time payments
    • Monthly payments
    • Payments are possible*

    * the start and end dates for payments are set at the regional level (most often from 1.5 to 16 years)

    • One-time payments
    • Monthly payments
    • Payments are possible*

    * the start and end dates for payments are established by regional laws (most often from 1.5 to 16 years), but not earlier than the moment of adoption of the child

    ** the right to receive benefits does not depend on the age of the child at the time of adoption

    • One-time payments
    • Monthly payments
    • Payments are possible*

    * can be paid from the moment the child is born until he reaches 3 years of age, but not earlier than the beginning and no later than the end of the father’s emergency military service

    ** paid from the moment of death of a military personnel until the child reaches 18 years of age or until the end of full-time training, but no later than 23 years old

    • One-time payments
    • Monthly payments

Regional child benefits in the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria

Republican benefits in Kabardino-Balkaria are assigned only to families who live in the region permanently or predominantly. Part of the payments is due only Russian citizens. Parents can apply for other benefits regardless of citizenship.

  • Benefits may be provided any of the parents or legal representatives child.
  • You must apply for payments at social protection authority at your place of residence.
  • In general, the responsible body is given 10 days to make a decision.
  • Benefits are subject to annual indexation based on the projected inflation rate.
  • Cash social assistance is not assigned to children whose parents deprived of rights, as well as stillbirths.

Social benefits are provided from the republican treasury. When applying for any benefit, you submit a basic set of documents and papers required in each specific case.

Basic package includes:

  • Statement.
  • Passport (other identification and registration document).
  • Birth certificate of the child for whom payments are made.
  • A certificate confirming the joint residence of the applicant and the child.

Monthly child benefit

Low-income families for each child up to 16 years old a special republican allowance is paid. If the child has not yet graduated from school, the payment of social benefits is extended until the age of 18.

  • Social payment is issued for each child in the family.
  • The benefit is assigned not only to natural children, but also to adopted, guardianship. For the latter, when applying for maintenance payments, the monthly allowance will have to be waived.
  • Income certificates must be updated and submitted at least once a year.
  • No. 21-RZ dated August 17, 1996 “On the protection of family, motherhood, paternity and childhood”;
  • Resolution No. 63-PP dated 04/08/2008 “On the regulations on the appointment and payment state benefits citizens with children"
  • 110.29 rub. - basic size;
  • RUB 165.44 - for the child of a parent who evades payment of alimony, as well as a conscript soldier;
  • RUB 220.58 - for children of single mothers
Required documents
  • salary certificate of parents (for working people) or work book(for non-working people);
  • data on income from farming (if any);
  • certificate from school (only for children 16-18 years old);
  • basic set of documents;
  • other papers as needed
Deadline Recommended for 6 months. after the birth of the child

In the Kabardino-Balkaria, a family in which the average per capita income does not exceed the subsistence level (ML) is considered low-income. The latter is established for the past period. For the 1st quarter of 2016 in Kabardino-Balkaria, the PM amounted to 11,711 rubles. per child, RUB 8,192. for a pensioner, 10,942 rubles. for an able-bodied citizen.

One-time benefit for the birth of a child

In addition to the same name federal payment, the woman who gives birth is paid benefits from the local budget. It is assigned when every newborn in the family.

The benefit is not paid for children adopted by parents, taken under guardianship or guardianship.

One-time benefit when transferring a child to a family

The benefit is paid to citizens who have adopted or taken guardianship of a child into a foster family, deprived of parental care. The payment is assigned for each child transferred to foster parents.

One-time benefit for the birth of three or more twins

The mother or the person replacing her has the right to apply for this benefit for each child of triplets or more children born at the same time.

This payment, unlike all others, not subject to annual indexation and is paid in a fixed amount.

Monthly allowance for child care from 1.5 to 3 years

Payment can be made by a person located on maternity leave up to 3 years. The benefit is also provided to student mothers studying part-time and to unemployed mothers.

  • Social benefits are paid for each child in a family, regardless of average per capita income.
  • It sums up with the usual monthly allowance per child.
  • The right to benefits is lost when entering work, but is retained when working part-time (for non-workers - when receiving unemployment benefits).
  • The payment is assigned from the month of application, as well as for the previous period lasting no more than 6 months.

Workers/students must apply for benefits at place of work/study, unemployed - to the social security agency.

Monthly allowance for the maintenance of guardianship and adopted children

The guardian, trustee, and adoptive parent are paid funds for the monthly maintenance of the person adopted into the family. orphan child and left without parental care at the age of up to 18 years old. In addition, adoptive parents are also entitled to reward for labor.

What law establishes
  • No. 6-PЗ dated 04/09/2004 “On the amount of monthly remuneration for adoptive parents and benefits provided to the adoptive family”;
  • No. 9-РЗ dated January 17, 2007 “On the procedure and amount of monthly cash payments to a foster family for child support”
  • 5,000 rub. - funds for the maintenance of one child when placed under guardianship or in a foster family;
  • RUB 3,080 - additional payment for each child under 3 years old or disabled child
  • 5,000 rub. - remuneration for the adoptive parent;
  • +20% - bonus for raising more than three children;
  • +20% - additional payment for a child with physical or physical disabilities mental disorders, disabled person or child under 3 years old
Required documents In addition to the basic package, you need:
  • documents confirming the absence of parental custody of the child;
  • agreement on foster family (decision on transfer into guardianship);
  • edit from school (for students 16-18 years old)
Deadline Not installed

Other types of assistance to foster families with orphans or children without parental care:

  • 50% discount for communal apartment, telephone and fuel.
  • The primary right to receive subsidies for the construction (purchase) of housing.
  • State scholarship in the amount of 600 rubles. receiving vocational education on a full-time basis.
  • Annual purchase allowance educational literature and stationery - 1,800 rubles.
  • Extraordinary receipt of residential premises under a social tenancy agreement.

Monthly allowance for caring for a disabled child

A monthly benefit can be obtained by an able-bodied person stay-at-home parent(another family member) who, due to the health status of his disabled child, must provide constant care for him.

  • Benefit is paid for children up to 18 years old.
  • Right to social benefits saved when working at home or on a part-time basis.
  • The payment is assigned subject to compliance with the agreed conditions, regardless of the receipt of a pension, child support and other payments.
  • You should apply for payment at the place of work(for part-time workers), to the social security authority (in other cases).

Republican maternity capital

Maternity capital in the CBD is issued on the fifth or next child who was born after 01/01/2008. A one-time targeted social payment is assigned to the mother of the children.

In the event of the death of the mother, incapacity or for a number of other reasons, the right to maternal capital passes to the father (adoptive parent).

  • The applicant submitting documents for payment must be a citizen of Russia.
  • The application is reviewed within 30 days. After this, the applicant receives a certificate or a refusal to provide maternal capital.
What law establishes Resolution No. 2-PP dated January 18, 2012 “On the Rules for directing one-time targeted social assistance to improve housing conditions for large families raising five or more children”
Size 350,000 rub.
Required documents
  • basic set of documents;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • when submitting an application by the father or adoptive parent - documents confirming that the mother cannot apply for maternity capital
  • for a certificate - within a year after the birth of the baby;
  • for money - at any time after issuing the certificate

One-time targeted assistance can only be spent on improvement of living conditions families:

  • Purchasing housing through any transaction that does not contradict the law, including on credit or through a housing cooperative.
  • Construction (reconstruction) of a private residential building.

Other payments and benefits for parents with children

In a region, a family with many children is considered to be raising three or more children under 18 years of age. There are many such families in the CBD, and there are various benefits to support them. Among the payments:

  • A one-time reward for the mother (father) of 5-9 children awarded the “Maternal Glory” medal - 10,000 rubles.
  • Providing a minibus for medal recipients“Maternal glory” for 10 or more children.
  • . Support is provided. Particular attention in Kabardino-Balkaria is paid to providing housing and organizing health improvement.

To apply for a subsidy from a veteran, in general, the following documents will be required:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • veteran's certificate;
  • extract from the passport office on family composition;
  • certificate from Rosreestr about the presence/absence of housing;
  • additional documents confirming the citizen’s need to improve living conditions.

Veteran's ID. How is veteran status determined?

  1. 50% discount on living space payments.
  2. 50% discount on utility bills.
  3. 50% discount on the purchase of fuel for heating living space.
  4. The right to avoid layoffs at your official place of work.
  5. Joining the circle of participants in construction and/or garage cooperatives out of turn.
  6. Extraordinary allocation land plot if necessary, construction of living space.
  7. Purchasing a summer house out of turn.
  8. Right to receive medical care out of turn.
  9. The right to priority service at points and pharmacies.
  10. The right to provide children with priority places in sanatoriums, medical institutions, as well as educational and preschool institutions. In this case, the state is obliged to allocate 90 rubles for food and child maintenance in these institutions.
  11. Providing places in boarding houses for the disabled and the elderly, as well as veterans' homes.
  12. The right to priority employment after relocation to a new place of residence.
  13. Children of Chernobyl victims have priority when applying to universities.

Participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986-1987 are entitled to next help from the state:

  • monthly monetary compensation for the purchase food products in size 881.9 rubles;
  • 881.25 rubles;
  • monthly monetary compensation for payment of housing and utilities in the amount of 50%;

Family members who have lost a breadwinner who participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster (widows, children) enjoy the following social support measures:

  1. Monthly compensation for the loss of a breadwinner - a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of a disaster in the amount of 222.91 rubles.
  2. Annual compensation for children who lost their breadwinner who participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the amount of 293.76 rubles.
  3. One-time compensation to family members of citizens who died as a result of Chernobyl disaster in size 29,374.68 rubles.
  4. One-time compensation to the parents of citizens who died as a result of the Chernobyl disaster in the amount of 14,687.38 rubles rubles
  5. Funeral allowance - to family members or persons who took upon themselves the organization of the funeral of citizens who died as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, who died as a result of radiation sickness and other diseases arising in connection with the Chernobyl disaster, as well as deceased citizens from among the disabled as a result of the Chernobyl disaster in the amount of 11 176,72 rubles.

Citizens resettled (resettled), including those who left voluntarily, from the resettlement zone in 1986 and in subsequent years have the right to the following assistance:

  • annual compensation for health improvement in the amount 291.76 rubles;
  • use of regular annual paid leave in convenient time, as well as receiving additional paid leave of 14 calendar days.

One-time benefit in connection with moving to a new place of residence – 1,468.74 rubles for every migrant.

Social support for donors

Provided to a donor who donates blood and (or) its components free of charge:

  1. The donor is provided with free food.
  2. A donor who donates blood free of charge during the year in a volume equal to two maximum permissible units of blood is given the right to priority purchase at the place of work or study discounted vouchers on spa treatment. The volume of the maximum permissible dose of blood is determined by the doctor when medical examination donor.