Speech therapy self-massage of facial muscles, lips. Children's speech therapy massage for speech development Self-massage during speech therapy sessions

Inga Eitener
Play massage and self-massage in the work of a speech therapist with children preschool age with ONR


IN Speech therapist's work with preschool children with special needs development

Report at an open seminar – workshop: “Speech disorders due to lesions of the nervous system”

Made up:Teacher - speech therapist

Eitener Inga Grigorievna

MBDOU « Kindergarten No. 207"

As is known, massage is a powerful biological stimulant that affects skin functions, the level of oxygen supply to the body and nutrients, for the release of decomposition products, for contractility And performance of the muscles of the massaged body part, as well as on the elasticity of joints and ligaments.

Speech therapy massage aimed at normalizing the pronunciation side of speech (speech breathing, intonation and melodic side of speech, sound pronunciation). Main reason disturbances in sound pronunciation - disturbances in muscle tone, which covers not only the peripheral speech apparatus, but also overall change muscle tone.

Goals speech therapy massage:

Formation of voluntary coordinated movements of the articulatory apparatus by normalizing muscle tone, reducing the manifestations of paresis and paralysis, synkinesis, hyperkinesis, speech convulsions, tremor deviations, etc.

Stimulation of proprioceptive and kinesthetic sensations.

Improving the volume and amplitude of movements.

Species massage:


Spot (activating and relaxing)




Self-massage is a massage performed by the child himself (teenager, adult). Self-massage is a means, complementing the impact of the main massage.

Purpose speech therapy self-massage is primarily the stimulation of kinesthetic sensations of the muscles involved in work peripheral speech apparatus, as well as, to a certain extent, normalization of muscle tone of the thigh muscles.

In practice speech therapy work use of techniques self-massage quite useful for several reasons. Unlike speech therapy massage conducted speech therapist, self-massage can be carried out not only individually, but also frontally with a group of children at the same time. Besides self-massage can be used repeatedly throughout the day, including it in various regime moments. So, self-massage can be performed by children after morning exercises, nap, can be included in organized correctional and educational activities, as well as complete or precede articulatory gymnastics, A self-massage hands and body can be included in the structure of any organized educational activities as a physical education break or finger exercises.

Duration of one session self-massage for preschool children can be 5 – 10 minutes. Each movement is performed on average 4 – 6 times. In one session self-massage Several of the suggested techniques may be included. Moreover, they can vary throughout the day. Children learn techniques self-massage under the guidance of an adult. Before performing it, children should take a calm, relaxed pose. They can sit on chairs, or lie on mats or in cribs (after nap).

Teaching children self-massage, the teacher demonstrates each technique on himself and comments on it. Children perform the technique on one's own, if necessary, you can use visual control (mirror). When are the receptions self-massage will be mastered by children, it is possible to carry out movements to a poetic text or specially selected quiet music at a slow tempo. This method is especially useful because it provides tactile-proprioceptive stimulation in a certain rhythm, which generally contributes to the formation of a sense of rhythm, which is basically motor in nature. Also, the use of poetic text is an additional stimulating factor in speech development and creates a positive emotional mood in children and a desire to study. Funny poems and songs, vivid images, beating massage movements , their simplicity and accessibility, the ability to use in various settings and at any time contribute to changing the child’s position from an object to a subject, pedagogical influence, and this is a guarantee of the success of rehabilitation, correctional and developmental work.

When executing speech therapy self-massage, as indeed the classical and speech therapy massage and self-massage hands and other parts of the body must be kept in a row requirements:

The room should be well ventilated;

Clothing should not restrict movement;

Be sure to wash your child’s hands and face;

The directions of movement are always from the periphery to the center, or to the lymph nodes;

The child's nails should be cut short, without burrs;

The child’s somatic condition should not cause him discomfort (no massage techniques for elevated temperature, rashes, viral and infectious diseases, diathesis);

Job should be carried out in an emotional form, giving children physical and psychological satisfaction.

To the basic techniques self-massage The same techniques apply as in classical massage:

Stroking - the hand slides over the surface of the skin without moving it or collecting it into folds;

Rubbing – displacement, stretching, movement of tissues in different directions;

Kneading - displacement of tissues with grip - a stimulating effect even with local influence. Kneading is similar to passive gymnastics;

Vibration - transmission of hand vibrations to massaged baby tissues, can be intermittent or continuous.

Procedure speech therapy self-massage is carried out, as a rule, according to the recommended scheme: head massage, facial muscles, lips, tongue.

Self-massage of head and neck muscles:

1. "I'm good"- place the palms of both hands on the head area, closer to the forehead, connecting the fingers in the center, and then run the palms through the hair, going down through the ears and side surfaces neck to shoulders.

2. "Let's put on a hat"- And. n. too. Movement of both palms down to the ears, and then along the front side surface of the neck to the jugular fossa.

Self-massage of facial muscles:

1. "Drawing paths"- movements of the fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

2. "Drawing apples"- circular movements from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

3. "Rain"- lightly tapping or tapping your forehead with your fingertips.

4. "Drawing eyebrows"- run along the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the temples with each finger in turn, starting with the index.

5. "Let's put on glasses"- easy movement from the temple, along the edge of the cheekbone to the bridge of the nose, and then along the eyebrow to the temples.

6. "Let's draw a mustache"- movement of the index and middle fingers from the middle upper lip to the corners of the mouth.

7. "Beak"- movement of the index and middle fingers from the corners of the upper lip to the middle, and then from the corners of the lower lip to the middle.

8. "Let's stroke the chin"- stroke the back of your fingers from the middle of the chin to the ears.

9. "Comb"- stroking lips with teeth.

10. "Hammer"- tapping lips with teeth.

11. Chewing alternately the upper and lower lips.

12. "Finger shower"- draw air under your upper lip and lightly tap it with your fingertips, do the same the very movement, taking a breath under his lower lip.

13. "Let's draw three paths"- movement of fingers from the middle of the lower lip to the ears, from the middle of the upper lip to the ears, from the middle of the nose to the ears.

14. "Let's draw circles"- circular movements with fingertips on the cheeks.

15. "Let's warm our cheeks"- rubbing movements with palms on the cheeks in different directions.

16. "Locomotives"- clench your fists and point them back side to the cheeks. Make circular movements, shifting the muscles of the cheeks, first clockwise, then counterclockwise, accompanying words: "chuh - chuh - chuh".

17. "Finger shower"- draw air under your cheeks and lightly tap them with your fingertips.

18. "Let's bake pancakes"- clap palms on the cheeks.

19. "Wash your face"- use the palms of both hands to make light stroking movements from the middle of the forehead down the cheeks to the chin.

Self-massage of the tongue:

1. Stroking the tongue with the lips.

2. Slap your tongue with your lips.

3. Stroking the tongue with your teeth.

4. Biting your tongue with your teeth.

These techniques self-massage tongue exercises can also be considered as part of active gymnastics.

Besides speech therapy self-massage in correctional health system preschool educational institution also effective means as general physical development so speech development is self-massage of hands, legs and body. And also play massage conducted by children to each other. The latter technique is especially effective when working with children with psychological complexity: lack of contact, isolation, timidity. He helps children with game form to enter into direct physical contact, and on its basis establish communicative and emotional interaction.

Game self-massage of the hands is a universal and effective means of rehabilitation of fine movements, a means of correcting disorders writing for children with local problems and developmental - a health remedy for normally developing children. In addition, it is a means of increasing immunity, since nerve endings are located on the palms, and when their activity is activated, it improves functional state internal organs. Besides this self-massage hands - this is an important component of sensory education - into the cerebral cortex (in speech-auditory, visual, emotional zones) information is received that not only has a tonic effect on the central nervous system, but also helps to increase the reserve capacity of the brain. Interhemispheric interaction develops, the activity of associative fibers synchronizing, connecting individual parts of the same hemisphere. Projection fibers that are part of the descending and ascending pathways are mobilized, along which bilateral communication of the cerebral cortex with the underlying parts of the central nervous system is carried out.

Traditional finger gymnastics causes stimulation of local areas of the brain, and play self-massage has a total effect on the cortex, which protects its remaining zones from overwork, evenly distributing the load on the brain.

Positive emotional motivation for an activity increases general level functioning nerve structures in ensuring their mobilization readiness to perceive information from the outside world. Game self-massage is an effective means of improving such mental functions, such as attention, memory, hand-eye coordination, as well as the development of speech and creative spheres.

Another direction in teaching children preschool age self-massage techniques is the use of various special and improvised devices and natural materials ( massage balls, Su-Jok balls, massage mat and brushes, as well as nuts, clothespins, pencils, etc.). Their use allows you to diversify the child’s kinesthetic sensations, enhance massage effect, and of course to interest the child gaming action or plot.

Expected results of application massage:

in the educational direction:

mastering the rules (knowing that movements must be made along the blood flow, not massage the lymph nodes)

skill master simplest techniques;

in the health direction:

expansion of skin capillaries;

acceleration of blood and lymph circulation;

strengthening the functions of the sweat and sebaceous glands;

influence on metabolic processes;

improving the mobility of the ligamentous apparatus;

encouragement to activity;

in the educational direction:

tonic effect on the central nervous system;

development of positive emotions.

List of used literature:

1. Babushkina R. L., Kislyakova O. M. Speech therapy rhythmics: technique working with preschoolers suffering from general speech underdevelopment. – St. Petersburg: "Karo", 2005.

2. Volosovets T.V., Kutepova E.N. Program logorhythmic activities with preschoolers With disabilities health. – M: RUDN University, 2007.

3. Vorobyova T. A., Krupenchuk O. I. speech therapy exercises . – St. Petersburg: "Litera", 2009.

4. Dyakova E. A. Speech therapy massage. – M: "Academy", 2005.

5. Kartushina M. Yu. Notes logorhythmic activities with children 5-6 years old. – M.: "Sphere", 2009.

6. Krupenchuk O. I., Vorobyova T. A. Correcting pronunciation. – St. Petersburg: "Litera", 2010.

7. Firilyova Zh. E., Saikina E. G. Sa-Fi- Dance: dance- gaming gymnastics for children. – St. Petersburg: "Childhood - Press", 2006.

Abstract: Children with speech disorders often have insufficient innervation of the muscles involved in the functioning of the speech apparatus. One of the most effective methods Corrective and pedagogical influence aimed at normalizing muscle tone and stimulating the kinesthetic sensations of the muscles involved in the work of the peripheral speech apparatus is speech therapy massage. Many speech therapists do not have special skills to conduct speech therapy massage. Therefore, I offer you self-massage techniques (as one of the types of speech therapy massage that does not require special skills), which can be used by a speech therapist both on individual and frontal exercises with children who have speech disorders. The use of speech therapy self-massage techniques when correcting sound pronunciation helps in the work of a speech therapist, prepares the child’s speech apparatus, and helps reduce the time of correctional treatment

This development is intended for speech therapists, educators correctional groups and parents of children suffering from speech disorders.

Speech therapy self-massage. Basic techniques and techniques

Why do you need speech therapy self-massage?

Speech therapy self-massage is a massage performed by a child or an adult suffering from speech pathology. Purpose of this massage is the stimulation of kinesthetic sensations of the muscles involved in the work of the peripheral speech apparatus, as well as the normalization of muscle tone of these muscles.

The use of speech therapy self-massage normalizes the muscle tone of facial and articulatory muscles, stimulates kinesthetic sensations, thereby reducing the time of correctional work.

Self-massage can be used multiple times throughout the day, including it at various times during the child’s day.

Contraindications to self-massage:

  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • nosebleeds and tendency to them;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • various diseases skin and scalp;
  • stomatitis and other oral infections;
  • excessive mental and physical fatigue
  • increase in body temperature.

Indications for speech therapy self-massage

Speech therapy self-massage is indicated for children with speech disorders. Especially for those children with speech pathology who are most difficult to correct. pedagogical methods, this procedure is especially necessary.

Therefore, if your child is diagnosed with one of the following:

  • delayed speech development,
  • dyslalia,
  • dysarthria,

then in these cases you can use this correction method.

1. Before self-massage, the child must be thoroughly washed.

2. Duration of one self-massage session for preschool children
can be 5-10 minutes.

3. Self-massage can be included in a speech therapy session, while self-massage techniques can precede or complete articulatory gymnastics.

4. Each movement is performed an average of 4-6 times.

5. Children learn self-massage techniques under the guidance of a speech therapist, and then can perform it independently.

6. The self-massage procedure is carried out according to the following scheme: massage of the head, facial muscles, lips, tongue

7. While performing the movements, the child should not feel any discomfort; all self-massage movements should bring pleasure to the child.

Basic methods and techniques for self-massage

1. Self-massage of the head and neck muscles.

- “I am good.” Movement of both palms, located on the forehead, through the hair, moving down through the ears and sides of the neck to the shoulders.

- “Let’s put on a hat.” Movement of both palms down to the ears, and then along the anterolateral part of the neck to the jugular fossa.

2. Self-massage of facial muscles:

- “Drawing paths.” Movement of the fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

- “Finger shower.” Lightly tapping or tapping your fingertips on the forehead.

- “Drawing eyebrows.” Run along the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the temples with each finger.

- “Let’s draw a mustache.” Movement of the index and middle fingers from the middle of the upper lip
to the corners of the mouth.

- “Let’s stroke the chin.” Use the back of your fingers to stroke from the middle of the chin to the ears.

- “Let’s warm our cheeks.” Rubbing movements with palms on cheeks in different directions.

- “Wash your face.” Using the palms of both hands, make light stroking movements from the middle of the forehead down the cheeks to the chin.

3. Self-massage of the ears.

- “We warmed our ears.” Place your palms on your ears and rub them.

- “They pulled my ears.” Grab your fingers earlobes and pull them down 3-5 times.

- “Let’s listen to the silence.” Cover ears palms. Hold them in this position for 2-3 seconds.

4. Self-massage of the tongue muscles.

- “Stroking the tongue with the lips.” Place your tongue through the narrow gap between your lips, then relax it.

- “Slap your tongue with your lips.” Slap your tongue with your lips, saying “five-five-five”

- “Biting the tongue with teeth.” It is easy to bite your tongue with your teeth.

- “Stroking the tongue with teeth.” Insert your tongue between your teeth and move it back into your mouth.

Conclusion: the use of self-massage techniques when correcting sound pronunciation helps in the work of a speech therapist, interests children, as it is carried out in game form, prepares the child’s speech apparatus and develops speech.

Sergeeva S.V.,
speech therapist,


IN Speech Therapy Practice

Self-massage is a massage performed by a child (teenager or adult) suffering from speech pathology.

Self-massage is a means of complementing the effects of the main massage, which is performed by a speech therapist.

The purpose of speech therapy self-massage is primarily to stimulate the kinesthetic sensations of the muscles involved in the work of the peripheral speech apparatus, as well as, to a certain extent, to normalize the muscle tone of these muscles.

In the practice of speech therapy, the use of self-massage techniques is very useful for several reasons. Unlike speech therapy massage performed by a speech therapist, self-massage can be performed not only individually, but also frontally with a group of children at the same time. In addition, self-massage can be used many times during the day, including it at various moments in conditions preschool. Thus, self-massage can be performed by children after morning exercises, relaxation classes ( autogenic training), daytime sleep. Self-massage can also be included in a speech therapy session, and self-massage techniques can precede or complete articulatory gymnastics.

The duration of one self-massage session for preschool children can be 5 - 10 minutes. Each movement is performed on average 4 - 6 times. Only a few of the proposed techniques can be included in one self-massage session. Moreover, they can vary throughout the day. Naturally, before performing self-massage, the child must be thoroughly washed.

Children learn self-massage techniques under the guidance of a speech therapist. Before performing self-massage techniques, children should take a calm, relaxed position. They can sit on chairs or be in a lying position (for example, in a crib after a nap). When teaching children self-massage, the speech therapist demonstrates each technique on himself and comments on it.

Children perform massage appointment independently, first with visual control (mirror), and then without it. When self-massage techniques are mastered by children, it is possible to perform movements accompanied by a poetic text or specially selected quiet music in a slow rhythm. This method is especially useful because it provides tactile-proprioceptive stimulation in a certain rhythm, which generally contributes to the formation of a sense of rhythm, which is basically motor in nature.

The self-massage procedure is carried out, as a rule, in a playful way according to the scheme recommended by the teacher: massage of the head, facial muscles, lips, tongue.

While performing the movements, the child should not feel any discomfort; on the contrary, all self-massage movements should bring pleasure to the child.

Self-massage of head and neck muscles

1. “I’m good.” Place the palms of both hands on the head area, closer to the forehead, connecting the fingers in the center, and then run the palms through the hair, going down through the ears and sides of the neck to the shoulders. Hand movements should be simultaneous, slow, stroking.

2. “Let’s put on a hat.” The starting position of the hands is the same. Movements of bothpalms down to the ears, and then along the anterolateral part of the neck to the jugular hole.

Self-massage of facial muscles

1. “Drawing paths.” Movement of the fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

2. “Drawing apples.” Circular movements of the fingers from the middle of the forehead to

temples. "Drawing Christmas trees." Movement of the fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples. The movement is directed somewhat diagonally.

3. “Finger shower.” Lightly tapping or patting the tips fingers on the forehead.

4. “Drawing eyebrows.” Run along the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the temples with each finger in turn: index, middle, ring and little fingers. “Let’s put on glasses.” Lightly move your index finger from the temple along the edge of the cheekbone to the bridge of the nose, then along the eyebrow to the temples.

5. “The eyes are sleeping.” Close your eyes and lightly cover your eyelids with your fingers. Hold for 3 - 5 s.

6. “Let’s draw a mustache.” Moving the index and middle fingers away fromthe middle of the upper lip to the corners of the mouth.

7. "Cheerful Clown." Moving the index and middle fingers away fromthe middle of the lower lip to the corners of the mouth, and then up to the cheekbone.

8. “Sad Clown.” Movement of index and middle fingersfrom the middle of the upper lip to the corners of the mouth, and then to the corners of the lower jaw.

9. "Beak". Movement of the index and middle fingers from the corners to the topher lips to the middle, and then from the corners of the lower lip to the middle.

10. “Let’s stroke the chin.” Stroke the back of your fingersfrom the middle of the chin to the ears.

11. “Comb.” Stroking lips with teeth.

12. "Hammer". Tapping lips with teeth.

13. Suction the upper and lower lips alternately.

14. Chewing alternately the upper and lower lips.

15. “Finger shower.” Inhale air under your upper lip and lightly tap it with your fingertips; do the same movement, inhaling air under your lower lip.

16. “Let’s draw three paths.” Movement of fingers from the middle of the bottomlips to ears, from the middle of the upper lip to the ears, from the middle of the nose to the ears.

17. “Let’s draw circles.” Circular movements with your fingertips on your cheeks.

18. “Let’s warm our cheeks.” Rubbing movements with palms on cheeks in different directions.

19. "Locomotives". Clench your fists and place the back of them againstcheeks. Make circular movements, shifting the cheek muscles first alongclockwise and then counterclockwise. Can be accompaniedcircular movements with a rhythmic pronunciation: “Choo, chug, chug.”

20. “Finger shower.” Take air under your cheeks and lightly taphim with his fingertips.

21. “Let’s bake pancakes.” Clap your cheeks with your palms.

22. “Wash your face.” Using the palms of both hands, make light stroking movements from the middle of the forehead down the cheeks to the chin.

Self-massage of tongue muscles

These techniques for self-massage of the tongue can also be considered as part of active gymnastics.

1. “Stroking the tongue with the lips.” Stick your tongue in as far as possiblethrough the narrow gap between the lips, then relax it so that the sidesthe edges of the tongue touched the corners of the mouth. Gradually remove the tongue into the oral cavity.

2. “Slap your tongue with your lips.” Pushing your tongue forward through your lips,spank it with your lips, while the sound “five-five-five” is heard, just like thator move your tongue inside your mouth.

3. “Stroking the tongue with the teeth.” Stick your tongue in as far as possiblethrough the narrow gap between the teeth, then relax it so that the side edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth. Gradually remove the tongue into the oral cavity.

4. “Biting your tongue with your teeth.” It is easy to bite the tongue with your teeth, sticking it forward and retracting it back into the oral cavity.

5. “Let’s chew a pear.” Use syringe No. 1 for the exercise. Fold it in half, dip the folded part in sweet syrup, and place it in the child’s mouth so that the tip remains outside. Offer to chew. This exercise is used not only to massage the tongue, but also to activate movement. masticatory muscles and stimulation of kinesthetic sensations coming from the muscles of the oral cavity.

Self-massage of the ears

1. “We warmed our ears.” Place your palms on your ears and rub them.

2. “They pulled my ears.” Grab your earlobes with your fingers and pull them

down 3 - 5 times (Fig. 136).

3. “Let’s listen to the silence.” Cover your ears with your palms. Hold them in this position for 2 - 3 seconds.

Many modern parents are faced with speech development disorders in their children. Speech therapy massage for a child activates articulatory muscles, increases voice strength, improves speech breathing, forms the correct bite. It has a complex effect on muscles, nerve endings, blood vessels and tissues of the speech apparatus.

Speech therapists often use articulation massage for hypotonicity or hypertonicity, which has a beneficial effect on speech development, eliminating deficiencies in sound pronunciation.

Possible contraindications for the following diseases:

  • viral colds;
  • eye infections (conjunctivitis);
  • skin diseases;
  • stomatitis, gingivitis, etc.

A specialist’s massage, like speech therapy massage for children at home, must meet hygienic requirements.

Before carrying out the procedure, you need to ventilate the room. It is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the child in the room.

Duration depends on individual characteristics child's health. It is recommended to start with 1-2 minutes, towards the end of the course maximum duration one session can be 15-25 minutes.

Scheme of session durations by age:

  • 0-3 years – 10 minutes;
  • 4-7 years – 15 minutes;
  • 7-10 years – 25 minutes.

The course usually consists of 10-30 daily sessions, which can be repeated after 1.5-2 months.

To carry out the procedure, it is important to place the child in a comfortable position. This is either a lying position with a bolster under your head or a semi-sitting position - in a reclining chair.

Main types of logomassage

The following types of speech therapy massage are distinguished:

  • Manual, called classic, is performed next to problem area or directly on it with the help of stroking, kneading, rubbing and vibration. When conducting manual massage The speech therapist uses a spatula, pacifier, and toothbrush.
  • Acupressure is an effect on active points associated with speech problem areas.
  • Hardware massage involves the use of special vibration devices.
  • Probe massage was introduced by the famous speech therapist E.V. Novikova, who developed special probes.
  • Self-massage involves the child performing the procedure independently.

Method E.V. Novikova

For dysarthria, a speech therapist usually prescribes a probe speech therapy massage. A set of probes developed by E.V. Novikov, are eight devices in the form of forks, hatchets, etc.

Speech therapy massage for children at home involves the use of probes if the parents have undergone special training. If you have doubts or have any questions after learning speech therapy massage, it is strongly recommended to clarify them with specialists in their field - speech therapists, and not try to experiment on your child

It is important to remember that probe massage of the tongue is carried out only by an experienced specialist who has undergone professional training!

Probe speech therapy massage allows you to correct speech and achieve the following results:

  • normalization of speech breathing,
  • sound pronunciation correction,
  • increasing the strength of the voice,
  • improvement of the nervous system.

The sequence of exposure to problem areas with probes is determined by a specialist. The child should not experience painful sensations. Probe procedures are contraindicated for children under 6 months.

Probe massage of the tongue is carried out using the following techniques:

  1. The fork probe is used to pierce the tongue, which leads to rhythmic contraction muscle fibers. After this, oscillatory and rotational movements with a probe placed at a certain point on the tongue for 5 seconds.
  2. A figure-eight probe is used to press on the tongue.
  3. Sled probes (3 different types devices) allow you to press on the tongue, stimulating muscle fibers.
  4. Using a hatchet probe, pressing and sliding movements are performed.
  5. The cross probe, by pressing on the tongue and pushing back, promotes muscle contraction.
  6. The pusher probe allows you to apply pressure on the tongue for 5 seconds, then relax.

Probe speech therapy massage is used in a course for 2-3 weeks. Each exercise is performed 30 times. Sometimes one course of treatment is enough for children. Logomassage can be repeated after 1.5-2 months.

Logomassage at home

Facial massage for children for speech development can also be done at home. Parents should definitely consult with a specialist about how to do speech therapy massage, paying attention special attention possible contraindications.

Speech therapy massage for children at home involves massage of the face (using fingers and teaspoons) and tongue, including relaxing, gymnastics for the articulation and breathing apparatus

Speech therapy facial massage is based on rubbing, stroking, kneading. It is necessary to take into account that the child should be comfortable.

Facial massage for children for speech development is carried out in stages:

  1. Forehead. First, strokes are used from the middle of the forehead to the temples, then from the eyebrows to the hair. After stroking light movements warm up the forehead.
  2. Cheeks. Kneading and stretching movements are performed from the corners of the mouth to the temples along the cheeks, from the cheekbones to the lower jaw.
  3. Nose. The wings of the nose are stroked, gently stretched, after which strokes are applied from the nose to the corners of the mouth.
  4. Mouth. The upper and lower lips are alternately stroked and stretched towards the corners of the mouth.
  5. Chin. Stroking and kneading are performed from the middle of the mouth to the corners.
  6. Neck. Stroking and kneading movements are performed in the neck area.

Speech therapy facial massage can be performed using teaspoons.

Speech therapy massage with spoons is one of the modern effective methods for children's speech development. It is important to use smooth spoons to avoid hurting your baby's face.

Speech therapy massage with spoons is performed using the following techniques:

  1. Stroking the baby's temples with spoons.
  2. Stroking the eye sockets.
  3. Stroking the cheeks.
  4. Rubbing your temples with heaps of spoons.
  5. Rubbing the area between the eyebrows with heaps of spoons.
  6. Rubbing the nasolabial area with the end of a spoon.
  7. Stroking the upper and lower lips with gentle pressure.
  8. Kneading the chin and cheekbones.

To make the procedure easier, you need to prepare 4 teaspoons in advance.

Tongue massage for speech correction

Speech therapy tongue massage for children is prescribed for dysarthria, characterized by the presence of a short sublingual frenulum.

Before you start massaging your child’s tongue, you need to do relaxing gymnastics:

  1. The tongue is turned first to the right, then to the left, slightly pulling it, taking it with your fingers: thumb lies on top, middle and index - below.
  2. The tongue is slowly curled forward onto the index finger.

Effective speech therapy massage of the tongue for dysarthria is impossible without relaxation neck muscles, collar area and jaw, because they directly affect the functioning of the speech apparatus.

The procedure is performed in the direction from the root to the tip of the tongue using fingers, a plastic or wooden spatula or a soft toothbrush.

Speech therapy massage of the tongue for dysarthria is performed in a strict sequence:

  1. Spatula or index finger The longitudinal lingual muscles are stroked 9-10 times.
  2. Use a spatula to press rhythmically along the entire length 5-6 times.
  3. Using an index finger or a toothbrush, perform transverse strokes 5-6 times.
  4. The lateral muscles of the tongue are stroked with the thumb and index finger.
  5. Use your fingers to warm up the entire area of ​​the tongue for 7-9 seconds.
  6. The fingers perform movements in the form of rubbing.
  7. Use your fingers to gently shake the tip of the tongue, followed by light and vigorous pressure with a spatula.
  8. Use your fingers to lightly squeeze the lateral muscles of the tongue, holding for 1-2 seconds.
  9. Lightly pinch the tongue with your fingers, then pat with a spatula for 10 seconds.

Speech therapy massage for dysarthria at home must meet hygiene requirements. The rooms should be ventilated and warm.

Effective speech therapy massage for children at home means strict compliance with the specialist’s requirements. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 2 to 3 times a day in combination. You cannot skip sessions, because... only painstaking regular work can lead to positive changes in speech development child.

Relaxation of speech muscles

Relaxing speech therapy massage is used for spasmodic conditions speech muscles(muscles of the face, lips and tongue). Increased muscle tone is relieved with gentle stroking and light pressure.

The procedure begins with relaxation of the neck muscles, for which smooth rotational movements of the head are performed. Next, stroking movements are carried out for the facial muscles, then for the labial muscles. The session ends with light rotating and tapping movements of the fingers on the lips.

Relaxation of the facial and neck muscles helps reduce hypertension and improve speech activity child.

Speech therapy massage for children at home is effective together with articulation gymnastics.

Articulation gymnastics is performed in front of a mirror. As a rule, the child repeats the movements after the speech therapist or the parent if speech therapy massage is used for dysarthria at home.

Gymnastics for a child’s articulatory apparatus includes the following exercises for the tongue and lips:

  • shows his tongue, stretching it out as much as possible,
  • pulls it gently towards the chin and nose,
  • shakes to relax muscles,
  • pulls aside
  • collects lips with a tube,
  • stretches, fixing with fingers in the corners of the mouth,
  • raises upper lip
  • lowers his lower lip
  • squeezes,
  • licks.

Speech therapy massage for children at home also includes gymnastics for development correct breathing child.

In speech therapy, there are many exercises aimed at developing the child’s correct breathing in a playful way:

  • « Get the ball into the goal" Smiling, blow so that the stream of air goes in the middle of the tongue lying on lower lip. You need to blow the cotton wool onto the edge of the table.
  • « Blow away a snowflake" Place a small paper snowflake on the tip of your tongue and try to blow it away. The mouth should be slightly open and the tongue should stick out.
  • « Soap bubbles" You need to blow a big soap bubble. Or arrange a competition among children to see who can blow up the most soap balls.
  • « Inflate the toy" You can arrange a competition for children to see who can inflate the toy faster.

For a child with speech problems, especially stuttering, it is useful to buy toy wind instruments to correct breathing.

Work on correcting a child’s speech is necessarily accompanied by learning tongue twisters. Constantly learning tongue twisters will allow you to cope with complex words that are difficult to pronounce. These may be difficult to pronounce sonorant sounds “R”, “L”, hissing “Shch”, “Sh”, etc. In addition, the child masters the tempo-rhythms of speech, because he not only needs to pronounce the “insidious” sounds correctly, but also do it as quickly as possible.

Thus, speech therapy massage for children at home includes probe and relaxing massage of the face (using fingers and spoons) and tongue, as well as gymnastics for the articulation and breathing apparatus. To carry out the procedure with probes at home, parents must undergo special training. Experts recommend using several types of influence on the articulatory apparatus to effectively correct speech in children.