Synopsis of frontal lesson: pets. Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior speech therapy group "pets"

Olga Tyapugina
Abstract speech therapy session V senior group By lexical topic"Pets"

Summary of a lesson on speech development in high school speech therapy group .

Subject: “On a visit to the village of Prostokvashino”


Correctional educational:

1. Expand and deepen children’s understanding of domestic animals and their babies.

2. Consolidate knowledge about external signs animals what they eat, how they voice, where they live, what benefits they bring.

3. Improve grammatical structure speeches (formation of possessive adjectives).

4. Activate and expand your vocabulary lexical topic.

Correctional and developmental:

1. Develop auditory and visual perception.

2. Improve thought processes.

Correctional and educational:

1. Instill love for pets.

2. Cultivate the ability to listen carefully, develop cognitive interest.

3. Develop communication skills.

Equipment: speech therapy cube for playing“Which one, which one, which one?”, speech therapy chamomile, blank drawings animals, houses animals drawn on cardboard, electronic presentation.

Progress of the lesson:

Children stand in a circle.

Speech therapist:

Early in the morning someone strange

Looked through my window

appeared on the palm

Bright red spot

This sun has come

It was as if a hand had been extended.

Let's stand side by side in a circle

Let's say "Hello" we are each other.

Children say hello.

Guys, we are in kindergarten an audio message arrived. I wonder from whom. Yes, this is from the cat Matroskin from Prostokvashino. Let's listen to him.

Letter: Dear guys! I invite you to the village of Prostokvashino, where I live now, for fresh milk. Not far from the village you will find many pets, whom you will probably recognize. See you in Prostokvashino.

Guys, do you want to go to Prostokvashino? (Yes)

Let's hit the road!

Music sounds children along with speech therapist go to the group. A horse's neighing is heard.

Speech therapist: Oh guys, what do I hear. I wonder whose voice this is?

Children: This is a horse.

There is an image of a horse on the screen.

Speech therapist: It really is a horse. Let's stop and take a look.

What kind of horse is this? wild or domestic animal?

How does a horse benefit people?

Where does the horse live?

What is a baby horse called?

What is a horse's body covered with?

What does a horse eat?

And I know a tongue twister about a horse. Listen:

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Let's teach her.

We repeat.

Music sounds children along with speech therapist go to the group. A cow is heard mooing.

Speech therapist: Guys, who is this? (cow)

Which animal cow, wild or homemade? (homemade)

Where does the cow live? (in the barn)

What is a baby cow called? (calf)

What is a cow's body covered with? (wool)

What does a cow eat? (grass)

What benefits does a cow bring? (gives milk)

What can you make from milk?

Game "cube"

Guys, look what an interesting cube. Let's play with him?

There are pictures on each side of the cube. I will give you a cube and you will name the parts animals you will see.

This is a goat's beard, what kind of beard is this? (goat beard)

This is a cow's tail, what kind of tail is it? (cow tail)

These are cat paws, what kind of paws are these? (cat's paws)

This is a horse's head, what kind of head is it? (horse head)

These are dog paws, what kind of paws are these? (dog paws)

These are ram horns, what kind of horns are these? (ram's horns)

Music sounds children along with speech therapist go to the group. The voice of a sheep is heard.

Which animal sheep? (homemade)

Where does the sheep live? (in the barn)

What is the name of a baby sheep? (lamb)

What do sheep eat? (grass)

What benefits do sheep bring to humans? (sheep provide wool)

What can be made from wool? (warm things)


What a wonderful clearing, let's relax here for a while.

Here is a clearing, and around

Linden trees lined up in a circle

With a wide gesture, spread your arms to the sides.

The linden trees are rustling,

The winds hum in their leaves

Raise your arms up and swing them from side to side.

The tops are bent down

And rock them, rock them

Leaning forward, swing your torso from side to side.

Chock - chock, heel!

A cricket spins in a dance.

Stomp your feet.

And the grasshopper is without a mistake

Performs a waltz on the violin.

Hand movements as when playing the violin.

The wings of a butterfly flicker -

She flutters with the ant.

Hand movements like wings.

Under a cheerful hopper

The spider dances wildly.

Dance movements, like in hopak.

Hands clap loudly!

Clap your hands.

Oh! Tired legs!

It's time for us to go.

Music sounds children along with speech therapist go to the group. The voice of a goat is heard.

What is this animal, wild or homemade?

Where do goats live? (in the barn)

What is a baby goat called? (kid)

What benefits do goats bring to humans? (give goat milk)

What is a goat's body covered with? (wool)

What do goats eat? (grass)

Guys, look what a magical flower has grown in the grass.

And in the middle of the flower sits the cat Murka

What a cat animal? (homemade)

What is the baby cat's name? (kitty)

Where does the cat live? (in a person's house)

What benefits does a cat bring to humans? (catches mice)

Game "Cat"

Each petal of our flower has a picture. What do you think the cat and these pictures have in common?

The table has 4 legs and the cat has 4 paws.

The needle is sharp, and the cat's claws are sharp.

Dog pet, and a cat pet.

The scarf is soft and the cat is also soft.

The boy washes himself and the cat washes herself too.

The fur coat is warm and the cat’s fur coat is warm.

Articulation gymnastics

Guys, when a cat is angry, she arches her back. And you and I know how to bend our tongue like that. "Pussy is angry"

Let's lick our lips as if we were pussies and lapped up the delicious milk. "Lick our lips"

Show me how long the dog's tongue is “Pull the tongue down”

Let's imagine that we are riding a horse "Clicking our tongue"

Now let’s turn into bees and buzz around our flower "The beetle is buzzing"

Guys, if a cat lives in a person’s house, then we are already very close. Let's move on.

The music is playing, the children are walking along group.

And here is the village. And who is meeting us?

You can hear a dog barking.

Who is this? (it's a dog barking)

Which animal dog? (homemade)

What is the baby dog's name? (puppy)

Where does the dog live? (in the booth)

What benefits does a dog bring? (guards the house)

What is a dog's body covered with? (wool)

Let's see what our dog is protecting.

Guys, look at everything the animals went into the yard, and now they can’t find their houses, let’s help them.

Speech therapist brings the children to the painted houses.

Guys you need to finish drawing animals missing body parts and place each pet to your home.

The children sit at the tables. Draw, paste animals to the desired house.

So who can we call pets?

Children: TO we will take them to pets,

With whom we live in close contact;

Cows and horses, sheep and goats

We shelter them warm from the frost.

We feed and water them, if we need to cut them,

We stroke them tenderly and always take care of them.

They are attached to us, very obedient

Some give us milk and sour cream.

Others take us everywhere tirelessly.

And others guard our house,

They save food from mice.

You guys are great, you helped everyone animals, and the cat Matroskin and his cow gave you fresh milk. Drink for your health.

Speech therapy lesson summary - Topic: Pets.


- expand and deepen children's understanding of pets.

Correctional and developmental:

Develop coherent speech, visual attention, phonemic awareness, general and fine motor skills;

Improve the grammatical structure of speech;

Develop the ability to answer questions clearly and competently.

Correctional and educational:

Instill a love for pets.



Subject: Pets.

Goals: Correctional and educational:

- expand and deepen children's understanding of pets.

Correctional and developmental:

Develop coherent speech, visual attention, phonemic perception, general and fine motor skills;

Improve the grammatical structure of speech;

Develop the ability to answer questions clearly and competently.

Correctional and educational:

Instill a love for pets.

Equipment: colored pencils, album sheets, pictures depicting domestic animals and their babies.

Progress of the lesson

  1. Organizational moment.
  2. Main material:

- You will find out who we are going to talk about in class today by guessing the riddles.

A) Guessing riddles:

  1. Soft paws, scratches on paws.(Cat).
  2. He is friends with the owner,

The house is guarded

Lives under the porch

And the tail is a ring.(Dog).

  1. Hungry - mooing,

Full - chews,

Little kids

Gives milk. (Cow).

  1. Crochet tail,

Heel nose. (Pig).

What animals are these? Where do they live? How does a person care for them? What's the use of them?

B) Task “Continue the sentence”:

The dog barks, chews bones, guards...

The horse neighs, grazes...

The cat purrs, catches mice, washes itself...

The cow moos, eats grass...

C) Task “What is common and how is it different?”

Look carefully at the picture and tell me what the cat and the dog have in common and how they differ? goat and cow?

D) Physical exercise “Calf”:

Guess the riddle:

This little child

Sleeps without sheets and diapers,

He has four legs

He walks without a coat.

He cannot say: “Mom,

I want to eat!” And therefore

All day long he moos stubbornly:


This is not a child at all -

This is a little... (calf).

Let's rest a little - we'll do itExercise "Calf":

Mu-mu - I'm horned.(jump 2 times, show horns with fingers)

Mu-mu - I am tailed.(jump 2 times, show tail with one hand)

Mu-mu - I have big ears.(jump 2 times, show ears)

Moo-moo is very scary.

Mu-mu - I'll scare you. (jump 2 times, scare)

Moo-moo - gore. (jump 2 times, butt)

D) Conversation “Domestic animals and their young”:

Tell me, whose child is the calf?

Look at the picture, tell me who is drawn here? Name the baby domestic animals. (The teacher shows the children pictures of domestic animals and their babies.)

E) A game to develop visual attention “Who is hiding in the picture?”

Guys, look carefully at the picture and tell me who is hiding in the picture? (Children are invited to look at a picture with silhouettes of domestic animals). What animals are these?

G) Finger gymnastics:

Exercise "Cat"(fingers clenched into a fist, stroking the hand from the fist to the elbow).

Kitty, kitty, kitty!

Julia called the kitten.

Don't rush home, wait!

And she stroked it with her hand.

H) Drawing your favorite pets.

Now you should draw your favorite pet.

3. Summary of the lesson.

- What animals did we talk about today in class?

How does a person care for them?

Summary of a speech therapy lesson for students in grades 4-5

according to the program " Special child»




Develop visual and auditory attention;

Practice prosodic components of speech;

Develop phonemic awareness;

Strengthen spatial orientation skills;

Automate the sounds in speech.


- Expand and enrich vocabulary;

Learn to construct phrases based on a plot picture;

Develop verbally - logical thinking

Teach the use of prepositions: u. V. on. By.

Learn to coordinate parts of speech in number, gender and case;

Teach practical skills of word formation and inflection.


Learn to say hello when entering the office;

Develop perseverance and inhibitory reactions;

Create an emotional mood;

Cultivate interest in the activity.

Equipment: cash register letters. Magnetic board. Pet toys. Plot and subject pictures. Computer.

Progress of the lesson.

    Organizational point:

– Hello guys, we have guests today. Let's say hello.

    Speech exercises. (allows children to concentrate)

    Gray cat walks (tongue left, right)
    Sweet, sweet yawn (mouth wide open)
    She laps the milk (stick out her tongue, then remove it)
    The cat licked its lips (lick lips)
    The cat showed her teeth (smile)
    And “SPA-SI-BO” told us” (say “Thank you”)


Whoever wants to talk must speak out.

Everything is clear, clear, intelligible, so that everyone can understand it!

We will talk and we will reprimand

Everything is clear, clear, intelligible. And it will be clear to everyone!

    Goal setting:

If we guess the riddle correctly
We will learn the topic of the new lesson.

Mystery: The furry, mustachioed one drinks milk and sings songs

Let's say affectionately about her: “Kitty”

Who does the cat catch?

What is the name of a baby cat?

What kitten? (small, fluffy, funny, cheerful)

The cat has a tail, but what about the kitten? (tail)

A cat has paws, and a kitten has paws!

The cat has whiskers, and the kitten has whiskers!

Today we will get to know pets.

Look at the computer screen.

Who do you see in the barnyard?

Where is the barnyard?

What are the names of the animals that live near their owner's house?

Mystery: She is motley, eats green, gives white (cow).

Where does the cow graze? (A cow grazes in the meadow);

- Let's say about her affectionately: “Cow”;

What does a cow butt with? (horns);

What are baby cows called? (calf, bull);

What does a cow treat its owner with? (milk);

How does the little bull respond to the cow? (mu – mu – mu);

What's on a cow's legs? (hooves);

5. Dynamic pause: Tilts the body to the left. Mu-mu-mu!!!

Tilts the body to the right. Me-me-me!

Bend forward: woof-woof-woof,

Circular movements: E-go-go!

What animals have hooves?

Whose hooves does the horse have? Whose hooves does the pig have? Whose hooves does the cow have? Whose hooves does the sheep have? Whose hooves does the goat have?

Mystery: I'm pounding my hooves. I'm jumping, jumping, jumping! I’ll gallop around the yard, my mane curling in the wind! (horse). Look at the hint on the screen.

What is a baby horse called? (foal);

Where does a horse and foal graze?

How is a horse useful to its owner? (she is carrying cargo);

Where is the horse harnessed? (in a sleigh, cart);

Mystery: you look - he caresses, you tease - he bites (dog)

Why does the owner need a dog? Where does the dog live?

What is the name of a baby dog?

How does a dog bark? How does the puppy answer her?

Whose teeth is the wolf afraid of?

7. Game “Who is the odd one out”" Name which picture is the odd one out and why?

8. Logorhythmics:

We live in the same yard:

you are in the stable, I am in the kennel.

I give milk to everyone.

Your barking can be heard far away.

We are glad to serve people.

Come out! You should drive!

9. Game "Think and name." What are the names of animals that start with the sound “K”? (cat, goat, rabbit, cow)

10. Exercise “Lay out the word.” Now let’s put the letters into words: cat, goat, cow;

11. Create a sentence outline:

The dog has puppies in the kennel. (└─ ─── ─ ─── ─── .)

The cow has horns on its head. (└─ ─── ─ ─── ─── .)

A horse gallops across the field. (└─ ─── ─── ─── .)

12. Lesson summary:

Who did we see in the barnyard?

What animals can be called pets?

What animals give milk?

Who meows, neighs, bleats, barks, moos?

Why do pets need to be looked after?

Who would you like to look after (water, feed, wash, graze)?

Summary of a speech therapy lesson on a lexical topic

prepared by: Davydova Elena Yurievna
teacher - speech therapist
Municipal budget preschool educational institution
kindergarten "Alyonka"
Nikiforovsky district, Tambov region. Dmitrievka

Correctional and educational:
- clarify and activate children’s vocabulary on the topic “Pets”;
- learn to use the preposition y in speech through exercises. “Who has who?”, “Who has what?”;
- teach to form nouns. pl. hours from units hours through exercise. "One-many";
- teach to form nouns. with diminutive suffixes - in the exercise “Call it kindly.”
Correctional and developmental:
- correct thinking through exercise. “Collect a picture”;
- strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus.
Correctional and educational:
- cultivate cognitive interest in the world around us
- instill a love for pets.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: - You will find out who we will talk about in class today by guessing the riddles.

I'm crawling along the fence
I'm going out hunting.
The mice hid in holes,
I've been watching them for a long time. (Cat)

The nose is round,
And the perky tail is crocheted.
Mom is a pig, dad is a pig.
He is their favorite son. (Piglet)

To a person true friend,
I can hear every sound very clearly.
I have an excellent sense of smell
Keen Eye And keen hearing. (Dog)

Champion in fast running,
Sometimes I drive carts.
Uncle groom brought me
Water, hay and oats. (Horse)

Hungry - mooing,
Full - chews,
Little kids
Gives milk. (Cow).

Speech therapist: - What would you call all these animals in one word?
Speech therapist: - That's right, homemade. Today in class we will talk about domestic animals. And so that our tongue can help us with this, let’s do gymnastics for the tongue.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

The cat laps milk.
Stick your “wide” tongue out of your mouth. Push the tip of your tongue up into a “cup” and hide your tongue in your mouth.
The calf sucks milk.
The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Place the wide tip of the tongue under the upper lip and tear it off with a click.
Horse snorting.
Vibration of lips.

3. Exercise “Who has who?”

Speech therapist: Mothers and their babies have lost each other. They really want to be together. Let's make sure they meet. Children complete the task.
Speech therapist: Now let's check. Who has whom?

The cat has a kitten.

The horse has a foal.

The dog has a puppy

The pig has a piglet.

The cow has a calf.

4. Exercise “Who has what?”

Speech therapist: - Guys, which of the pets have horns? (In a cow, in a ram, in a goat)
Who has a mustache? (In a rabbit, in a dog, in a cat)
Who has soft paws? (at the cat)
Who has an udder? (At the cow, at the goat)
Who has a snout nose? (At the pig)

5. Exercise “One-many”.

Speech therapist: - Now let's play the game “One - Many.”
Cat - cats,
Dog - dogs,
cow - cows,
horse - horses,
sheep - sheep,
kitten - kittens,
calf - calves.

6. Exercise. “Call me kindly.”

Speech therapist: - Now, guys, come on - call the animals affectionately.
Cat. What would you call her affectionately? (kitty)

7. Physical education minute.

That's what a cat is like, (They walk at a “catlike” step)
Round face, (Stroke the face)
And on each paw (represent claws)
Claws are scratchers.
All his toys - (Jumping in place)
Cube and reel. The cat is like a ball (They jump after each other in a circle) Jumping around the apartment.

8. Exercise. "Collect pictures."

Speech therapist: - Collect pictures and name the animals you got. (Pig, cat, ram, dog, cow, goat)

9. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: What animals were discussed in class today?
What animals are called domestic? (Children answer).
Give examples of domestic animals.

Information resources:›logopedist/logopedicheskiy-konspekt…›articles/627480/›publ/sjuzhetnye_ kartinki…kartinki

Dynamic and educationally rich

The scenario is presented directly - educational activities By speech development in a preparatory school group for children with general speech underdevelopment on the topic: “On the farm.” Game form training, consolidation of prepositions, compilation of a descriptive story about an animal, ICT, formation of possessive adjectives and prefixed verbs.

Scenario of direct educational activities on speech development in a preparatory school group for children with general speech underdevelopment on the topic: “On the farm.”

Program content:

Correctional educational tasks:

  • Clarification and generalization of children's knowledge on the lexical topic “Pets”. Assigning a profession name (farmer)
  • Formation of the skill of composing a descriptive story about a pet based on a plan diagram, the skill of coherence, development and continuity of statements
  • Use of nouns singular in T.p.
  • Formation of possessive adjectives and their practical use in speech (coordination with nouns in gender and number)
  • Understanding the spatial meaning of prepositions on, with, under, from under, for, because of, to, from
  • Formation and use of spatial verbs in speech using prefixes:

-you, -about; -about, -pere; -for

Correction and development tasks:

  • improve the psychological basis of speech: auditory, visual attention and memory
  • develop fine motor skills of hands
  • to form a dynamic organization of a motor act (“kinetic melody”): coordination, switchability of movements
  • correct symptoms of ADHD
  • improve the mechanisms of voluntary regulation of behavior and activity

Correctional and educational tasks:

  • awaken emotional responsiveness in children - help the character, express their attitude to the observed phenomenon
  • improve personal qualities, collaboration skills
  • develop cultural behavior skills

Vocabulary work:

nominative vocabulary: names of domestic animals and their young, names of body parts, animal dwellings (kennel, pigsty, stable, cowshed), hay, oats, grass, potatoes, apples, meat, bones, milk, cottage cheese; farm, farmer

predicative vocabulary- cares, gets lost, meows, moos, neighs, barks, grunts; ran out, ran, ran around, jumped over, climbed.

adjective vocabulary - equine, cow, dog, rabbit, pig, cat

Materials and equipment:

Demo material-

  • laptop, presentation “On the farm”
  • Puppy toy
  • author's visual and play aids: “On the Farm”, “Miracle Cube” (model of prepositional constructions)

Handouts -

  • Cards-schemes of prepositions by number of children
  • a set of subject pictures “Frames” with parts of the body of animals for the game “Whose? Whose? Whose?"
  • Picture CCTV camera

Preliminary work:

  1. A conversation about the farm and its inhabitants, the benefits of pets for humans
  2. Examination and discussion of symbols on the playing field “On the Farm”
  3. Writing descriptive and comparative stories about domestic animals
  4. Didactic games “Whose? Whose? Whose?”, “Guess the animal”, “Name the family”
  5. Learning the kinesiological exercise “Are we walking through the village?”

Methodical techniques during the lesson:

1.Introductory part

Organizational moment: ball game

  1. Main part

Watching a video fragment

Statement of a problematic question

Game motivation for activities (help Tanya)

Kinesiology exercise

ICT: updating childhood experience, work on constructing a phrase

Dynamic exercise “We walk through the village”

Drawing up a descriptive story based on a plan diagram with the completion of tasks for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises


Selection of pictures in accordance with the teacher’s verbal instructions

Exercise “Whose? Whose? Whose?"

Statement of the problematic question: Which direction did the puppy run?

Surprise moment: finding a toy

Practical exercise “Catch up!”

3.Final part

Reflection, questions for children

Artistic word

Active learning methods:

Gaming: didactic games"Whose? Whose? Whose?”, “Find the hidden animal”

Feedback Tools: Writing Narrative Stories

Problem solving: Guys, what happened to Tanya? What did Tanya ask you to do? Can you guess which way the puppy ran?

Training according to an algorithm: the plot of educational activities unfolds according to a predetermined scheme: a sequential search for a puppy; drawing up a descriptive story based on a plan diagram

Stimulation: verbal rewards, finding a Puppy toy

Progress of direct educational activities:

Introductory part.

The teacher enters the hall with the children.

  • Ball game
  • !, 2, 3, 4, 5! I invite you to play!
  • Catch the ball - name the cub's family!
  • Kitten: cat, cat
  • Calf: cow, bull, etc.
  • What general word can be used to name all these animals? ?(pets)
  • Where do pets live? (pets live on the farm)
  • Who takes care of the animals on the farm? ? (On the farm, the farmer takes care of the domestic animals)

Main part

We are going to the farm, and the girl Tanya called us.

The children go to the laptop. They sit down.

  • Video fragment of S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Puppy”
  • Guys, what happened at Tanya's? (Tanya’s puppy disappeared)
  • What did Tanya ask you to do? (Tanya asked to help her find the puppy)
  • Kinesiological exercise “We walk.”
  • ICT presentation “Who hid where?”

The teacher invites the children to take out cards with preposition patterns from under their chairs.

  • Remember and name the small preposition word shown on your card. Children name prepositions.
  • Look at the screen. The one with the card with the appropriate preposition will make a sentence based on the picture. ( The horse is standing for home)
  • Where did the horse come from? ( The horse came out because of Houses)

The prepositions NA/S are pronounced in the same way; UNDER / FROM UNDER; IN/OUT; CAT

  • We escort the animals to the farm. The children get up and go to the table.
  • Dynamic exercise

We walk through the village

We see booths and sheds.

Tili-ti, tili-ti,

We would like to take our pets away.

Children sit at the table, on the table is the manual “On the Farm”

  • I propose to help pets get to the farmer by making a path from the animal to the farmer using a string.
  • Compiling descriptive stories about domestic animals based on the author’s manual “On the Farm”
  • Take a step, explain what the animal is talking about. Twist the string around the post and move on.

Children compose descriptive stories according to the plan:

  • Animal name
  • Housing
  • Appearance Features
  • How does the voice sound?
  • Cubs
  • Benefits for humans
  • But we never found the puppy. Not far from here I saw a surveillance camera. Let's look at the records.

Children with a teacher come to the board. There are pictures on the table - frames with parts of animal bodies.

  • Exercise “Whose? Whose? Whose?"
  • Look carefully at the fragments of the recording. Each of you needs to select pictures related to one animal. Work together, agree on who collects what personnel. Children select pictures related to one animal.
  • Dima, what animal did the camera photograph? This is a Horse.
  • Pin the pictures to the board. What is shown in the frames? Head, ears, tail.
  • Whose head? Horse. Whose ears? Equine.

The remaining images are treated similarly.

  • Look at the pictures of the puppy. Can you guess which way he ran?

The teacher directs the children to pay attention to the location of the tail. The children come to the conclusion that the puppy ran to the right. Children with a teacher go to right side and find a puppy under the table.

  • And here is our puppy. Who will remember his nickname? Bobik
  • Are you interested in knowing how he got here? Come follow me.

The teacher walks with the children onto the carpet, on which there is a guide for fixing prepositions “Miracle Cube”.

  • Exercise “Catch up.” Formation of prefixed verbs.
  • Look carefully. And remember the road along which the puppy ran

Model teacher.

  • Puppy from kennels You ran by fence about ran for kennel for ran, kennel about ran through the road re jumped under bridge for climbed in and fell asleep.
  • Who remembers how the puppy ran from Tanya? Several children repeat the teacher's example.

The final part.

  • Why did we go to the farm? Did we go to the farm to help Tanya?
  • What was your favorite thing about the farm?
  • The ewe is happy with her lambs,
  • The cat is happy with her...
  • The dog is happy with his...
  • And I am very pleased with my guys!