A keen eye: vision during pregnancy. Pregnancy and vision

The causes of decreased vision include several conditions:

Under the influence of hormones, the elasticity of the sclera increases and, as a result, the anteroposterior size increases eyeball. An increase in eye size leads to increased myopic refraction.

Note! Not all women experience an increase in the size of the eyeball. This is due to the fact that some people have a predisposition to such processes. For example, if a woman already has refractive errors, her risk of vision loss is higher than for a woman with normal refraction.

The cornea also suffers from the action of hormones - dry eye syndrome may develop. If dry eye is not treated, it leads to clouding of the cornea.

With uncompensated diabetes mellitus swelling of the lens occurs, as a result of which it changes its curvature and vision decreases. Increased level blood glucose has negative impact on the retina and may also cause corneal swelling.

If preeclampsia or eclampsia develops, even short-term vision loss is possible. Also when severe degrees Preeclampsia increases the risk of developing retinal vascular thrombosis, the development of which causes a significant decrease in visual acuity.

Vision correction for a pregnant woman

Any change in visual acuity must be corrected. During pregnancy, only 2 correction methods can be used:

  • wearing glasses;
  • usage .

If the cause of vision loss is any disease, then it is necessary to treat the underlying pathological process.

The preferred method of correction is the use of glasses. Glasses must be selected by an ophthalmologist on an individual basis.

It is better to use contact lenses during the day. According to the wearing regimen, preference is given to lenses with daily or frequent scheduled replacement (use period up to 2 weeks). When using contact lenses, it is important to follow the rules for storing and wearing them.

If during pregnancy a woman notices that she has begun to see poorly, then she needs to visit an ophthalmologist to get new recipe for glasses or contacts.

Will vision be restored after childbirth?

The possibility of restoring vision after childbirth depends on the reason that caused its deterioration, as well as on the degree of changes that have already appeared in the eye.

If the decrease in visus occurred as a result of stretching of the membranes of the eye, then its recovery after childbirth will not occur. In addition, a rapid increase in the size of the eyeball can lead to the appearance pathological changes on the periphery of the retina. Therefore, within 6 months after birth, it is advisable to undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist.

Visual impairment associated with general diseases usually goes away after childbirth. The recovery process may take some time, so medical supervision is necessary.

Symptoms of preeclampsia or eclampsia usually go away within a few days after birth. But if, against the background of gestosis, thrombosis of the retinal vessels occurs, then the deterioration of the condition is permanent. After delivery you need to continue intensive treatment postthrombotic retinopathy from an ophthalmologist.

Preventing visual impairment during pregnancy

TO preventive measures to preserve visual acuity include:

  • compliance with the visual regime;
  • giving up bad habits;
  • early detection and treatment of extragenital pathology that affects the condition of the eyes;
  • correctly selected correction in the presence of refractive errors.

Yulia Chernova, ophthalmologist, especially for the site

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While expecting a baby, the body expectant mother is under enormous pressure. Often a woman may feel that her vision has deteriorated during pregnancy. This problem occurs in approximately 40% of expectant mothers and very often causes panic. To make sure that the phenomenon is temporary and is not associated with serious malfunctions visual system, you should consult an ophthalmologist. Even in the absence of complaints, it is necessary to visit a specialist in the first trimester of pregnancy and shortly before childbirth. To prevent possible problems with vision, it is necessary to react sensitively to possible symptoms. You should not postpone a visit to an ophthalmologist if you have such signs as:

  • sensation of “flashes” before the eyes;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • a sharp decrease in visual acuity;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • painful sensations;
  • deterioration of color vision;
  • periodic muscle twitching;
  • feeling of “sand” in the eyes;
  • dry eyes and eyelids.
  • burning, redness;

Such unpleasant phenomena may indicate inflammatory processes, disruptions in work optic nerve. Additionally, symptoms may indicate destructive changes in the functioning of the visual system itself. If, along with deteriorating vision, you notice two or more symptoms, you should definitely seek medical help.

Deterioration of vision during pregnancy: features

Even during the normal course of pregnancy, the woman’s body experiences a high load, and the blood supply to the organs is completely rebuilt. This factor leads to a narrowing of the blood vessels in the eyes. The phenomenon can result in retinal hemorrhage and other serious complications. If vision deteriorates during pregnancy, and accompanying symptoms is not observed, this may be due to hormonal changes. The level of estrogen and progesterone in the body increases, which affects the functioning of the eyes. Vision may deteriorate by up to 1.5 diopters. After childbirth, the problem goes away on its own, which is why it is not recommended to resort to the use of lenses and glasses. However, before drawing conclusions that the phenomenon is temporary, you need to make sure that there is no serious illnesses.

Causes of visual impairment during pregnancy

Expectant mothers with chronic diseases and pathologies internal organs. If vision deteriorates during pregnancy, the cause may be serious systemic disorders. That is why patients with suspected diseases of internal organs are prescribed regular examinations by an ophthalmologist (usually at least once a month). This allows you to monitor the condition of the fundus and regulate possible violations in the functioning of the body. Deterioration of vision during pregnancy can be associated with various diseases.

Pregnancy has a tremendous impact on all organs and systems of a woman’s body. Unfortunately, this includes the organ of vision. But the problem is not only that vision deterioration may occur during pregnancy, the problem is that these deteriorations may be the result of other diseases occurring in the body that can harm the pregnant woman and the unborn baby.

That is why the ophthalmologist in mandatory must be visited in the first 3 months and shortly before birth.

Causes of visual impairment during pregnancy

Complicated pregnancy is often accompanied by increased load on the cardiovascular system. This leads to changes in the blood supply to the organs, and the retinal vessels narrow, slowing down their blood supply. A similar thing happens with hypertension. If there is an increased blood pressure, hemorrhage in the retinal area or retinal detachment may occur.

Any symptoms should be responded to immediately. Even the red eye effect can only be superficial symptom more serious processes inside the fundus of the eye - they can only be detected with ophthalmoscopy.

Except cardiovascular system Hormonal changes have a serious impact on vision. Elevated levels of estrogen and progesterone can affect the condition of the white membrane of the eye. The result may be a deterioration in vision, but not more than 0.5-1.5 diopters. It should be noted here that all symptoms disappear after childbirth, so there is no need to resort to lenses and strong glasses during pregnancy.

If pregnancy is not complicated by any pathologies, then usually any vision problems are short-term discomfort - eye fatigue, irritation, dryness. All this is the result of the action of hormones, the balance of which will be normalized after childbirth.

You should be wary in the following cases:

  • a sharp decline in visual acuity;
  • loss of one side from the field of vision (for example, you see everything on the right, but not on the left);
  • bright sparks, flashes of lightning before the eyes.

How to treat visual impairment during pregnancy?

As mentioned above, if vision deterioration occurs due to hormonal changes, then no treatment is required. Everything will go back to normal when you give birth. In general, doctors recommend taking care of vision at the stage. Vision problems are a common case when prevention is better than treatment.

If a woman had vision problems in the form of dystrophy before pregnancy, then it is necessary to undergo laser coagulation, which is completely harmless and is allowed for pregnant women up to 36 weeks. If laser coagulation was not performed within this time frame or for some reason did not help, then natural childbirth V in this case contraindicated due to high risk tear or separation of the retina from choroid as a result of physical efforts. As for myopia, there are no contraindications if it is unchanged in the fundus.

Preventing visual impairment during pregnancy

If you often have to spend time at the computer or like to sit in front of the TV in the evenings or read books at night, then take breaks every hour for a few minutes. At this time, it will be useful to perform various types of exercises to improve blood circulation. For example, roll your eyes around in a circle different sides first with your eyes closed, then with your eyes open, or massage the eyeball with your fingers (of course, with your eyes closed), just without pressing hard on your eyes.

However, you may be surprised, but you may also begin to see worse. Physical and hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect your vision. Fortunately, most of these problems are usually temporary and minor, and you should be able to see normally again within a few weeks of giving birth. However, blurry vision can sometimes be a symptom of certain complications, such as diabetes and diabetes, which require medical care.

Possible reasons

There are various reasons visual impairment during pregnancy, including:

Deterioration of vision during pregnancy is not a disease, but is a symptom of changes in the structure of the eyeball that occurs during pregnancy. Blurred vision may also be accompanied by the following symptoms:

When should you visit your doctor?

As discussed, in some cases, symptoms of blurred vision during pregnancy may indicate more serious medical conditions such as preeclampsia, hypertension, or diabetes. Therefore, if you notice spots, flashes of light, floaters, darkening or any other symptoms of the serious diseases mentioned above, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Ways to manage state

If you have minor vision problems, your doctor may not prescribe any treatment. However, you can take the following steps to reduce discomfort:

  • Use eye drops that are safe during pregnancy: If you have dry eyes, you can use drops that moisturize the surface of the eye, also called “artificial tears.” They are affordable, safe and available without a prescription. However, you should check with your doctor to see if you can use them. You can also ask your doctor to recommend a few types of drops that are safe for your situation.
  • Don't wear contact lenses: During pregnancy, the shape and thickness of the lens and cornea changes, and the use of contact lenses will worsen the problem. Therefore, if you wore them before pregnancy, switch to glasses. You can return to contact lenses approximately three to six months after the baby is born.
  • Give your eyes adequate rest: Pregnancy is a stressful and tiring time for women. Therefore, you must ensure that your eyes and body are completely rested throughout the entire period. Do not look at the screen of your computer, laptop, phone, tablet, etc. long time. Getting enough sleep is also necessary as it also helps reduce stress and strain in the eyes and prevent deterioration of vision.
  • Do not undergo laser correction surgery. Most eye experts recommend not having LASIK (laser assisted keratomileusis) surgery for 6 months before conception, during pregnancy, and 6 months after weaning if you are breastfeeding. Surgery may result in overcorrection, which may require another one in the future.

If vision changes are caused by severe underlying medical condition, you need to go necessary treatment recommended by a doctor. Therefore, you should tell your doctor about problems during pregnancy.

Other eye problems

The functioning of the lacrimal gland cells may be impaired due to pregnancy. This results in decreased tear production and dry eye symptoms. There may also be a decrease intraocular pressure, an effect that is more common in women with ocular hypertension. Hormonal changes may also lead to drooping eyelids (ptosis).

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With the onset of pregnancy, a woman’s concern for her health comes to the fore. Registration in antenatal clinic, passing all kinds of tests and mandatory examination from all “main” specialists - dentist, endocrinologist, immunologist, therapist, ophthalmologist. Today we will talk about the importance of vision during pregnancy, and also find out which birth is preferable for myopia - natural or cesarean.

Poor vision during pregnancy

It is known that after conception female body“controlled” by hormones that radically change the functioning of many organs and systems - for example, the structure of the eye changes. This often leads to deterioration of vision during pregnancy, which, alas, is an irreversible process.

So you shouldn’t ignore a visit to the ophthalmologist, even if you have 100% “visibility”. During the examination, the fundus of the eye, the condition of the retina are checked, eye pressure is measured, and the presence and degree of pathological changes are determined. During the nine-month period, you will have to visit the ophthalmologist at least 3 times. Based on the results of the examination, a decision will be made on the choice of method of delivery.

The fact is that eyes are fragile and important organ. And during pushing, pressure on the eyeball increases, which leads to “bursting” of blood vessels, and sometimes to retinal detachment. So in any case, you should learn the technique of “how to push correctly.” You have poor eyesight during pregnancy? You need to be prepared for the fact that the doctor may insist on surgical delivery.

Deterioration of vision during pregnancy

In case of change retina Laser coagulation may be prescribed, the purpose of which is to fasten the retina and the vessels of the membrane. In this case, you will have to undergo a monthly examination with an ophthalmologist to examine the condition of the eyeball. The final decision on the possibility of natural delivery will be made by the doctor at the last examination - approximately a month before the expected date of birth.

Even with good vision women, already in an “interesting” position, sometimes notice an inexplicable deterioration in vision, flickering of spots or strange second flashes. Doctors should be notified of the occurrence of such symptoms.

Vision correction before pregnancy

To avoid possible complications during pregnancy and childbirth, you should undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist at the stage of preparation for conception. If violations are detected, then, in the absence of contraindications, excimer laser correction can be performed. To date this is the most effective method restoration of vision.

  • Menses
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding

Doctors recommend laser vision correction before pregnancy - about six months to a year before the expected conception. This is due to hormonal changes in the expectant mother’s body, which contribute to changes in the structure of the eye and increased elasticity of connective tissue.

Myopia during pregnancy

There are three degrees of myopia (myopia):

  • Weak - up to 3 diopters
  • Average - 3-6 diopters
  • High - over 6 diopters

If the child is born normally and there are no complications, then myopia does not develop. The disease progresses only in the case of systematic weakening of vision (annually - by 2 diopters). True, this phenomenon has nothing to do with pregnancy, since it occurs at school age.

However, grade 1 myopia during pregnancy can be observed as a consequence early toxicosis or high blood pressure accompanied by swelling. In this case, vision decreases by 1-2 diopters. As a rule, such cases require constant medical supervision.

Presence of myopia medium degree during pregnancy - usually an indicator for a cesarean section. Although in the absence of complications, retinal rupture, and also in the presence laser correction(done before conception) doctors may allow you to give birth yourself.

It happens that secondary retinal detachment occurs, caused by complications (especially in the presence of late severe toxicosis). This condition is called myopia high degree. During pregnancy, this can lead to partial or complete loss vision, therefore, constant medical monitoring of the patient is important here, and in especially severe cases, making a decision on a possible termination of pregnancy.

Myopia: natural birth or cesarean?

Doctors advise pregnant women with grade 3 myopia (over -0.6 diopters) to give preference to surgical delivery. So on independent childbirth can be calculated with:

  • Myopia of the first two degrees, occurring without complications
  • Positive dynamics of previously performed vision correction
  • Completely healed retinal tear - if there was one in the past

In general, each case is individual. In addition, in case of visual impairment, the obstetrician can recommend to the woman in labor the most optimal birth positions, in which the strain on the eyes will be minimal. Yes, and the expectant mother will be taught in special courses to prepare for childbirth proper breathing during pushing and in the period between contractions.

Thus, weakened vision during pregnancy requires attentive attitude not only specialists, but also the expectant mother herself. Let's take care of our health!