Chinese government policy in the healthcare sector. Healthcare in China is a marginal way of life

China is famous for its indigenous traditional medicine, which is based on an ancient system of diagnosis and treatment. A characteristic of the quality of Chinese medicine is that it occupies an important place in the medical science of many countries, its methods, including massage, acupuncture, herbal medicine and breathing exercises, are used in a significant number of well-known clinics around the world. Modern China occupies a leading position in the world in such areas of healthcare as the treatment of fractures, burns, replantation of limbs, diseases abdominal cavity and stem cell treatment. Serious successes have been achieved in the fight against such types of diseases as oncological, immune, cerebrovascular, and cardiovascular.

It should immediately be noted that the healthcare system of the PRC cannot be called particularly developed and progressive; today, many rural areas and their large population are not provided with accessible and high-quality medical services. Since the middle of the last century, a system has been organized in China public health, but only since 2003 a modern cooperative healthcare model began to emerge, the basis of treatment of which lies on the principles of insurance medicine. Today's China has begun to form a sufficiently powerful system for training medical personnel, helping to create a significant number of outstanding specialists in Western and Eastern medicine.

Chinese directions of treatment
Treatment in the Republic of China is carried out in three directions: Western, traditional and mixed medicine. Modern medicine is complemented by the ancient one, which is the specificity and advantage of the Chinese system for providing medical services.

In major cities of China, high-quality treatment is provided in numerous hospitals and clinics traditional medicine, the largest private and public medical centers international level, most of which are equipped with modern medical equipment. Several of these hospitals are accredited.

Along with this level of medicine, the impossibility of receiving medical services for the majority of village residents is rampant - they simply cannot afford to pay for a doctor’s services. True, thanks to health care reforms, more and more villagers are beginning to receive preferential health care, thanks to health insurance, which covers almost 90% of the country's population.

Pharmaceutical industry in China

China cooperates with many countries of the world, the number of which is equivalent to a hundred, in the field of medical care, scientific research and training of specialists. Thanks to such extensive cooperation, the World Health Organization has built a a whole series centers of traditional medicine and pharmacology. IN lately The development of the pharmaceutical industry is gaining momentum at a rapid pace, and recipes and technologies of traditional medicine are widely used in the process of drug production.

About the availability of medical services in China
Most modern type medical institutions providing high-class medical services thanks to qualified personnel and equipment are located in Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai, as well as some other large cities. Common hospitals in China are "gaogan bingfang" - they are equipped with modern medical equipment and experienced qualified doctors, most of them provide medical services to foreign citizens, local nurses and doctors speak English, which greatly facilitates the provision of medical care to foreigners.

In most large clinics, doctors have a high level of training thanks to training in ancient and prestigious medical universities countries, and some of them are hereditary healers, which ensures that a way of treatment for the most strange and unexpected diseases is found, while treatment for common diseases inherent in our time.

Additional information for foreigners
All medical services in the Republic of China are paid. Both Chinese citizens and foreigners receive emergency medical care without delay, but with subsequent reimbursement of the full cost of the services provided. Before planned operation A cash deposit is required.

Do not forget that when visiting medical institutions you often have to hire a translator, otherwise the diagnosis, name of the medicine and prescriptions will be impossible to understand. In pharmacies it is not always possible to find the medications that a European or a foreigner is accustomed to, so it makes sense to take the most frequently used ones with you. In Chinese pharmacies you can find bizarre combinations of drugs: from medicinal herbs and traditional Chinese medicines to European medicines.

All treatment and medicines for foreign citizens in China are paid, and payment must be provided in cash. Medical insurance services are provided only in certain hospitals, the list of which must be reviewed in advance with the insurance company. In some clinics, medical services are paid in cash on the spot, but upon returning home they are reimbursed by the insurance company according to the invoices provided.

In case feeling unwell that occurred while outside large city, all tourists are strongly recommended to call a taxi or use other transport in order to get to the nearest city hospital - rural areas are poorly provided with medical services, most often only basic medical care is available there. Rural medical staff for the most part, poorly prepared, clinics are insufficiently equipped with medical equipment, and the choice of drugs is small - only for immediate life-saving measures.

The ambulance, in terms of arrival time and equipment, also leaves much to be desired.
Free treatment is provided to those citizens who come to the country to study or work.

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Foreigners traveling abroad in search of quality and inexpensive treatment is the basis of a new, thriving economy for several developed Asian countries, China among them.

China in recent years occupies a prominent place in global medical tourism.

Global medical tourism is valued at $40 billion a year, and China is keen to attract a significant share of tourists to its clinics.

China pleases thousands of foreign patients affordable prices for treatment, quality training of doctors, modern technologies and multilingual medical staff.

Medical tourists head to China for cancer treatment, cardiac surgery, orthopedics, stem cell therapy and, of course, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), an alternative system that relies on acupuncture and ancient herbal medicine.

Despite the popularity of ancient techniques, the Chinese healthcare system is one of the most progressive on the planet, and local scientists have made enormous strides in cardiology, neurosurgery, traumatology, oncology, and in the study of stem cells.

China's potential as a destination medical tourism cannot be overstated because in addition to its advanced medical infrastructure, this country has many unique places and historical attractions. It is not surprising that Western tourists go to the Celestial Empire for a unique “ medical leave"- to heal, relax, and at the same time enjoy the local beauty.

Why treatment in China?

China is one of the world's economic colossi, in fact the second economy on the planet. It is also a country with a rich history and diverse culture, which has become a favorite holiday destination for foreigners.

It is also a rapidly developing country, with health care being one of its most prosperous areas, which, along with open policies, has led to a significant increase in the flow of medical tourists. Patients from the West, as well as from other Asian countries, flock to China to combine a wonderful holiday with high-quality and inexpensive treatment.

Why should we consider China as good place for treatment and rest?

This country has six important advantages:

1. Low cost of treatment

Affordability is a key reason why people travel to China for treatment. For residents of Western countries with huge prices for medical services, the experience of treatment in China looks impressive: a high technological level and good service for an amount several times less than in America or Britain. Even a flight across the ocean won’t hurt to save on a major procedure.

2. First-class hospitals and clinics

The healthcare system of the People's Republic of China consists of an extensive network modern hospitals providing high quality care. The country already has 25 JCI (Joint Commission International) accredited institutions, and many more hospitals are members of the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) or are approved by the American Medical Association (AMA). , American Medical Association).

3. Doctors and surgeons with American certificates

It should not be overlooked that it is important for sophisticated patients to realize that they are dealing with medical specialists prepared to the highest standards. There are many doctors with certificates in China American Council(American Board Certified), fluent English. This is partly due to a large number doctors from the States who remained to live and practice in China.

4. A mixture of Western and Eastern medicine

Medical tourists go to China for cancer treatment, heart surgery, joint replacement, and spinal surgery. Also very popular among both local patients and foreigners are: acupuncture for the treatment of pain, depression and osteoarthritis; herbal medicine and alternative methods treatment for cancer, diabetes, heart disease. In many Chinese clinics, modern Western methods are combined with traditional Eastern recipes.

5. The vacation possibilities are endless.

China has become an important global tourism destination since the advent of its open policy in the 1970s, and the country has now become the third most visited country in the world. History, culture, amazing cuisine, famous places, bustling cities, shopping and entertainment centers - China has everything that can interest tourists.

6. Strong research centers

This is especially true for stem cell therapy and cancer treatment.

Regarding the first, China has the most liberal rules for embryonic stem cell research. Accordingly, in China it is much easier and faster to conduct such research than in Western countries. As a result, many Western scientists are eager to collaborate with Chinese colleagues, and thereby ensure rapid progress in this area of ​​medicine.

As for oncology, there is a combination state support and private biomedical investments have led to the fact that the level of cancer research and treatment of cancer patients in the PRC is almost equal to the best standards of the West.

Health care system in China

China's healthcare system is improving under the influence of the country's economic growth and competent control by the state, the goal of which is to provide high-quality and affordable medical care for all Chinese citizens.

Recent reforms have been aimed at improving the population's access to health care. New scheme allowed wealthy city residents to have health insurance so they didn't have to set aside large sums of money in case of sudden illness. The government, as before, provides a guaranteed minimum of medical services for rural residents at its own expense.

Overall, Chinese People's Republic managed to provide about 95 percent of its population with affordable medical care by 2009, which is an outstanding indicator in the region.

Hospitals and doctors in China

The huge area of ​​China puts forward certain requirements for its medical system, and the country, I must say, is coping with the problem quite well. In China, per 1000 population there are 3.8 hospital beds in medical institutions of all types - large and small, urban and rural, public, joint and private. The Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China conditionally shares everything medical institutions to 3 levels, where the best specialized hospitals receive the highest rating - 3AAA.

Service for foreign patients in Chinese hospitals is excellent. The Chinese government decided to apply the prestigious American standards of the Joint Commission International (JCI) - the “gold standard” of hospital quality and safety recognized by the entire Western world. There are already 25 JCI-accredited institutions operating in China, which can safely offer their services to the most demanding patients from Europe and America.

Doctors in China care about the comfort of patients and high quality treatment, especially surgical operations. They are known for their excellence in areas such as cardiology, orthopedics, oncology and traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese stem cell therapy specialists are considered among the best in the world, and many of them are trained in the most respected medical schools America.

Dmitry Levchenko

In Chinese hospitals, life is in full swing, because in the struggle for health, the strongest wins. There is no time for sentimentality in the corridors of medical institutions: many procedures are literally put on a conveyor belt, and patients and their relatives are fighting, alternating attacks on doctors with defense at the reception desk. What is the healthcare system like in a country of one and a half billion people?

If it were not for the healthcare system, there would be no talk of any 1.4+ billion population. In 1953, when the first census was conducted in the PRC, 580 million people lived in the country. After 40 years, the population has almost doubled, despite famine and social experimentation, and mainly due to the development of basic medical services.

The healthcare system created after 1949, to a certain extent, followed the example of the USSR. The state was solely responsible for providing virtually free medical care for the most part rural population(80%) through the system of “barefoot” doctors. Despite basic training(3-12 months) and limited supplies (2 syringes and 10 needles), 200,000 rural healers were able to reduce neonatal mortality from 200 to 34 per 1000 over 30 years, and also increase basic knowledge population on the prevention of infectious diseases.

But with the beginning economic reforms the state reconsidered its role in the health care system. Since 1984, funding for hospitals and the system as a whole has been sharply reduced. Although the state continued to own medical institutions, it ceased to tightly control their activities, in which they increasingly began to be guided by the principles of commercial enterprise in an unregulated market. By the end of the 90s, health insurance covered 49% of the urban population (mostly those working in budgetary organizations and state-owned enterprises) and only 7% of the 900 million rural population.

Practically the only aspect of healthcare that the state continued to control was pricing. To ensure access to at least basic medical care, it limited pay for the hours of work of doctors and nurses, but at the same time lowered prices for medicine and technical services. Thus, the main source of livelihood for hospitals and doctors became income from prescriptions and procedures, which indirectly contributed to the growth of technical equipment. Even in a provincial hospital there is a much higher chance of finding modern medical equipment than a qualified doctor.

By the early 2000s, tensions reached a breaking point: mistrust of doctors and the system as a whole resulted in public discontent and incidents of physical violence. In 2003, realizing that the problem could no longer be ignored, the government introduced an insurance system to cover basic medical expenses for rural residents. However, it soon demonstrated its ineffectiveness: bills for medical care often drove the patient’s family into poverty.

In 2008, it was realized that not only the insurance system needed reforms, but also healthcare as a whole - it could not function adequately solely on the basis of market principles. By 2012 government system health insurance provided 95% of the population with basic services, but their quality is much more complicated.


In China, it is rare for a patient to come to the hospital alone: ​​support from relatives is required even when the patient has no physical limitations. In addition to moral support, accompanying persons perform two important functions. Firstly, they take care of registration and payment for services. For example, the doctor gave a referral for a blood test, but first you need to pay for it. And while the patient is in line at the laboratory, his wife/sister/brother-in-law pays for the service at the cash desk. Also despite electronic queues, an independent “live” often gathers near the doctor’s office, where the patient’s “punching” abilities increase his chances of getting an appointment before others.


Secondly, support is necessary to monitor the doctor’s activities. When instead of one sufferer you have several healthy and aggressive people in your office, the doctor’s attentiveness increases significantly. Unsuccessful treatment can also become a reason for violence against the physician. It is not surprising that in China doctors do not want to be left alone with the patient and his relatives and prefer to keep the doors open. After all, a patient upset by the diagnosis or relatives upset by the result of treatment causes injuries to the doctor, even incompatible with life.

Medicine has ceased to be a prestigious specialty in China, and many end up as medical university students if they don’t get enough points to enroll in engineering faculties, some are forced by their parents. According to the All-China Doctors Association, in 2011, only 7% of doctors in China would like their children to continue their professional dynasty.

Also in China, the traditions of a professional medical community that could regulate the standards of behavior of doctors and, if necessary, revoke a license to practice, have not yet developed. Of course, in China there are specialists who value their reputation and are truly professionals, but in general, the existing system does not reward compliance with the “Hippocratic Oath.”

The situation is aggravated by the huge flow of patients, sometimes up to a hundred per day. Having 5-7 minutes at his disposal for one appointment, the doctor does not physically have time to delve into the medical history; he is in a hurry to write out a referral for examination or prescribe treatment.

However, if the doctor’s decisions do not meet the expectations of the patient and his relatives, then this is a reason to doubt his qualifications. For example, Chinese doctors understand that intravenous drips are not the most preferred method of administering the drug, but are unlikely to be understood by those suffering from high temperature. The same applies to large doses of antibiotics: Chinese patients expect immediate results from modern pharmacology, and doctors try to meet their expectations.

Material incentives

The bulk of hospital revenue comes from tests, other technical procedures and prescribed medications. Thus, both the hospital and each individual doctor have an incentive to prescribe more medications and make referrals for additional tests.

Success stories and news.

Medical care in China


Medical care in China for foreigners is not free, but may be covered by appropriate insurance. At the same time, the level of Chinese medicine is quite high. This is expressed in both the quality and speed of services.

We, people who permanently live in China, have different needs: food, entertainment, and, of course, sleep. But it often happens that we need and medical care. Today I came to the Japan-China Hospital to show you what it is. You don't really need to know Chinese, basic English is enough, talk to doctors, explain yourself, use a translator and find a solution that suits you.

At the reception you simply say what is bothering you and they will direct you in the right direction. With the card issued at the reception, you go to the help desk, from where you are taken by the hand to the required rooms. But before you go to the doctors, you need to pay for their appointment. You come to the cashier, pay 200 yuan for a consultation and go to the rooms you need, where laboratories and doctors are located. You are taken to a doctor, where a consultation is held and a referral is issued for tests and further research. After that, you come to this office again, and the doctor tells you the result.

Perhaps he will prescribe you some medicines that you can buy at the medical store. Usually there are no queues here, the entire process of purchase and payment goes quite quickly. The main thing is not to forget to take with you a card with your name written on it. After we receive our health box, which tells us how to eat our vitamins.

Of course, receive medical care Abroad is quite difficult because you use a different language and medical terms may not be clear. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, be sure to take a translator with you who can translate everything correctly for you so that you correctly understand the diagnosis and treatment method.

In general, of course, the hospital is a little different from the Russian one. Maybe this is because we come to a foreign department, specifically in a Japanese-Chinese hospital. Everything here is quite fast, but again everything is done for money. To reduce the cost a little, as I already said, insurance can help you, which you can take out here in China, or you can come with your international one. Even if you don't have insurance and have a small amount of money, you can get medical care here. You can also come to Chinese hospitals. Everything will be a little cheaper there. The service there is also at the same level, and in general, medicine in China is quite good. Because there is high-quality equipment here, you can get tests quickly enough; this is not Russia, where you can wait several days for the results of your tests.

The Japanese-Chinese hospital is pretty cool. You can see huge amount names of companies that cooperate with him. When choosing a hospital, just look at the one that is closest to you - they are all good.

Emergency care here, as in any other hospital, can be provided to you around the clock. When you come here, someone will be there. Usually these are doctors on duty or the emergency department. If you feel unwell at home, you can call an ambulance, you need to call 120 or 999. As we were told, they may speak English there.

Autumn has begun, it will soon become cold, and we will all run to infectious diseases departments with our illnesses, colds and flu. There is such a department here too. People there work like a conveyor belt. You come there, they ask you where you are from, where you study, where you work. They may even call you at work and tell you that you are sick. Everything happens there quite quickly, you get tested, you are prescribed pills and referred.

In general, the topic of medicine in China is quite extensive. These are our everyday issues, and tourist medical tours - there is such a concept, people come here specifically for treatment. Therefore, in “Chinese Noodles” we will try to touch on various issues. Please ask your questions so that we can dig in the right directions. Give your likes - this is important to us - and watch us! Bye!

Medicine in China differs significantly from European medicine. While in Europe the disease and its manifestations are treated, Eastern healers for thousands of years considered human body How unified system, in which everything is interconnected. For this reason, Chinese doctors believe that the condition of the whole body should be examined, rather than separate body. Such an unusual approach produces results - according to the World Health Organization, Chinese medicine methods are recognized as effective and are actively being introduced into the practice of Western doctors.

Secrets of Chinese traditional medicine

Chinese traditional medicine is one of the oldest healing systems in the world, its history goes back more than three thousand years. For many centuries, Chinese sages have kept teachings about human health. There are several books that set out the basic principles of this teaching and the most ancient methods of treatment:

  • "Nan Zen"
  • "Shang Han Long"
  • "Wen Yi Lun"
  • Without exception, all methods of Chinese medicine are aimed at helping a person without harming him in any way.

    Treatment is based on three pillars: herbal medicine, acupuncture and gymnastics. Besides, Chinese doctors Baths, compresses, and massage are actively used.

    The most important advantage of Chinese medicine is its preventive focus. The advantages of this approach are obvious: if the disease is detected early stage, the patient will be helped to maintain health simple methods, such as diet, adherence to certain rules of behavior, massage, etc.

    It should be noted that the treatment process ancient China could go on for a very long time. This was explained by the fact that first the doctor sought to eliminate the main symptoms of the disease, and then, after the person felt much better, he began to eliminate the cause of the disease in order to prevent possible complications in the future. Therefore, a doctor in China is not a disease specialist, but a health specialist.

    The hospital is the center of ancient treatment methods traditional medicine China Heihe. Here they provide quality dental services, carry out effective physiotherapeutic procedures and massage.

    Principles of Traditional Medicine

    Chinese medicine originates from the early teachings of Taoist monks, and all its methods consist of improving the spirit and body and establishing a balance between them. According to Chinese doctors, our well-being depends on circulation vital energy Qi and also from balance feminine energy Yin and male Yang. And if energy exchange is disrupted, this will certainly result in illnesses and ailments. Therefore, it is necessary to treat not the symptom, but the cause, restoring the harmony of the body.

    The fundamental principle of Chinese medicine is treatment natural means. Doctors who own special knowledge, can return energy to the human body with the help of herbs, acupuncture, and massages. One of the most famous Chinese scientists Gao Zong described in his treatises a myriad of plants, methods of treatment using stones, minerals, vegetables and fruits.

    Key Treatments in Chinese Medicine

    Traditional Chinese medicine has dozens of techniques. The most common ones include:

    Basics of disease prevention

    Chinese medicine considers massage and diet to be the basis of prevention. Chinese healers are confident that these methods can stop the disease at the very beginning and will not allow it to become chronic.

    In addition, in their opinion, it is necessary to improve the condition immune system human and eliminate pathogenic factors - the causes of disease.

    Of great importance to the Chinese healthy image life: abandonment bad habits and following certain rules. For example, many city residents go to parks in the morning and evening and practice qigong gymnastics. This gymnastics has a lot in common with yoga - it also involves slow, smooth movements and control of breathing. Qigong helps to harmonize the state of body and spirit and allows Qi energy to flow freely. As a result, this significantly improves the oxygen supply to the brain and all systems and organs human body, increases concentration and performance, relieves muscle tension and normalizes blood pressure.

    Prices for medical services in China

    China is famous for its high level of medical care. There are dozens of world-famous clinics in China that offer high-quality examinations and treatment from highly qualified specialists.

    Paid or free medicine in China – this is the question asked by everyone who is thinking about treatment in this country. In answer to this question, it should be noted that free treatment Possible only for Chinese citizens; medical care is paid for all foreigners. However, despite the fact that local doctors know their business very well, the cost of treatment in Chinese clinics and medical centers is 40%, or even 50% less than in Europe or America.

    The patient will find out the amount needed to pay for services immediately after the examination. The consultation with a specialist itself will cost 20-75 US dollars. However, the cost of the ward can reach up to $200 per day.

    And yet the Chinese medical centers, combining ancient traditions with modern scientific achievements in their work, are becoming increasingly in demand, and the popularity of Chinese medicine among patients is growing due to the relatively low cost of services and high level service and treatment.

    How was I treated in China? Chinese Medicine: Video