Nikolay Amosov regime of restrictions and loads. Methods of restrictions and loads

Cardiac surgeon Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov was one of the first promoters of a healthy lifestyle. He wrote a lot about this, and with his personal example he confirmed his hypothesis about healthy lifestyle methods.

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Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov (1913-2002) - Soviet and Ukrainian thoracic surgeon, author of innovative techniques in cardiology and thoracic surgery, author of a systematic approach to health (“method of restrictions and loads”), controversial works on gerontology, problems of artificial intelligence and rational planning of social life (“social engineering”). Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (1969) and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The principles and methods of a healthy lifestyle are outlined by N.M. Amosov in his book “Thinking about Health” (M.: Fizkultura i sport, 1987, 64 pp.). Briefly, the main ideas of his method of healing, active and long life are as follows:

  1. You need to achieve health yourself, while trusting your feelings and the wisdom of your body. Health cannot be maintained with medicines or pills; they are intended to treat diseases.
  2. Amosov called a lifestyle that ensures health a regime of restrictions and stress - straining your body (but wisely!) and limiting the craving for unnecessary comfort. “Modern civilization offers a person many more opportunities than restrictions for a healthy and long life. You need to be able to use them: reject excess food and heat, make up for deficiencies in physical activity and extinguish excessive mental stimuli. This is the essence of the method of restrictions and loads,” he wrote.
  3. Active longevity, according to Amosov N.M., is determined by three factors: weight in accordance with the common formula - “height minus 100-105”, regular physical exercise and mental state (mental health).
  4. Pensioners should never leave a job if it is interesting. He said: “This is more important than physical education!”

As N.M. Amosov argued, a person must live in a regime of restrictions and stress, the disadvantages of which are usually obvious: right now you are too lazy to strain, right now you want something tasty.

Cardio training by Amosov

According to N.M. Amosov, the optimal physical activity is that which gives a training effect, increases physical performance, has the maximum stimulating effect on the organ, system and function, or gives the best clinical effect.

  1. Increasing the reserves of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  2. Maintaining good muscle and joint function. The intensity of exercises for joints should be determined by their condition.

The gymnastics developed by Amosov allows you to solve the first and second problems simultaneously.

Gymnastics consists of 10 simple exercises: push-ups, bending forward, to the sides, jerking movements with arms bent back, squats, running in place and everything that can be done at home (you will find suitable exercises, including dumbbells, in the article “”). Especially Amosov highlighted brisk walking and jogging.

Throughout his life, Nikolai Mikhailovich modernized the complex several times depending on his state of health and age: either adding or removing some exercises, for example, push-ups, “plough”. Amosov performed each exercise 100 times, and at a fast pace! Only during the last ten movements was it possible to slow down the pace and stretch the ligaments as much as possible. The whole set of exercises took 25 minutes.

Daily Amosov’s own gymnastics, when he was about 80 years old, consisted of 3000 movements, 50% of which were with dumbbells. And a 5 km run to boot. This is how the academician trained for three years. Then, due to health conditions, he reduced his gymnastics for a year to 1000 movements per day. And as time passed, he returned to 3000 movements.

N.M. Amosov believed that not everyone needs to perform several thousand movements - as he did himself - but it is useless to do less than 20. Reducing gymnastics by half, you need to add running in place, for the elderly— brisk walking to maintain sufficient stress on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and exercise for at least 10 minutes.

The author of the technique also recommended using dumbbells and an expander to build muscle mass and increase strength. Z Busy people who do not spend time on the expander are advised not to wait for the bus, but to walk at a fast pace.

For most diseases, it is not nature or society that is to blame, but only the person himself. Most often he gets sick from laziness and greed, but sometimes from unreasonableness. But nature is merciful: 20-30 minutes of physical education a day is enough, but enough to make you choke, sweat, and make your heart rate double. If you double this time, it will be absolutely great.

— N.M. Amosov

Pulse rate

The pulse should not exceed 150 beats per minute, at least for those over 40. To begin with, an acceptable load is 100-110 beats. N.M. Amosov believed that the pulse of elderly people while walking should not exceed 110-120 beats per minute.

In a nutshell, Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Professor of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, cardiac surgeon, the first in our country to use the artificial blood circulation machine in practice. In 1955 he created a cardiac surgery clinic in Kyiv, which in 1983 was transformed into the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery. At the age of 80, Nikolai Amosov came up with his own “recipe” for overcoming old age, known as the “formula of three thousand movements a day.”

Three pillars of the Amosov system:

  • Maximum physical activity.
  • Faith in youth.
  • Food restriction.

The entire Soviet Union had heard about Amosov’s physical education; his books about a healthy lifestyle sold millions of copies and were published in 30 languages. The ideas expressed in them were new and unusual for Soviet people. Without coming into conflict with official medicine, he nevertheless set forth rather “seditious” views on medicine and life for those years: visiting doctors as little as possible, treating pain with physical activity and defeating the disease using the internal reserves of the body, which, as he assumed that they were “fed” as a result of the action of certain parallel forces. Is it possible to follow his system unconditionally? Our experts are discussing this today.

Physical activity beats age

In his younger years, Amosov did not specifically exercise. He never even learned to swim, dance or ride a bike. He started thinking about physical education at almost 40 years old, when he felt that problems with the spine could put an end to his profession as a surgeon. Intuitively, he understood that medicine would not help, but would only worsen the course of the disease, and therefore decided to fight himself. Running, exercises, strength training - he worked out with great intensity, through strength, through pain, developing his own system: 1000 movements a day and 2 km of jogging.

Feeling the approach of old age, I decided to conduct an experiment: I increased the load three times. Now his gymnastics consisted of 3000 movements, half with dumbbells, plus 5 km of running. At the same time, he knew that he had an aortic valve defect, but did not attach any importance to it. The well-being lasted for about three years, then shortness of breath and angina pectoris appeared.

What is he right about?

Genetic aging reduces performance, muscles detrain, lose the necessary mass and cease to function as a “second heart” in the body. After all, all our 700 muscles and 400 tendons and ligaments are involved in the process of blood circulation. And when they stop working, the entire burden of pumping blood falls on the small heart. Naturally, it fails to cope, problems with blood vessels begin, and microcirculation worsens. Old age progresses. To break the vicious circle, you need to move. As Amosov correctly noted, “the heart is trained during any physical training.”

What is wrong

Increasing physical activity is dangerous. After all, as soon as a person exceeds the threshold of his own compensatory capabilities, reserves begin to be exhausted, and movement no longer helps, but, on the contrary, harms the body, quickly depleting it. This is what happened during Amosov’s experiment. He recovered from the spinal disease, but his heart was not saved. In 1986, Nikolai Mikhailovich received a pacemaker, and in 1998, an artificial valve and two shunts. During an operation in Germany, it was discovered that the volume of the heart had increased 3 times - a completely unacceptable thing for any person, and even more so for a cardiac surgeon who missed the moment when it was necessary to reduce the load.

How to do it

It treats not just movement, but correct and dosed movement, selected individually, taking into account age, weight and existing diseases. Only a professional can determine this dose. We have a kinesitherapist who deals with sore muscles. He determines the condition of the muscle tissue and selects a training system that first helps restore the deep ligaments of the spine and joints, breathing, and only then the muscles, gradually increasing their volume to normal.

You need to train every day

The load system, according to Amosov, is 3000 movements, half of which with five-kilogram dumbbells, and 5 km of running per day. System of restrictions - consumption of a minimum amount of food, preferably abstinence from meat, raw food diet.

What is he right about?

No one argues that the body needs exercise every day. Our muscles, ligaments and tendons require daily breakfast, lunch and dinner. But just as overeating is harmful, overtraining is also harmful. Therefore, Amosov was absolutely right when he argued that the increase in intensity and duration of loads should be gradual.

What is wrong

A large number of movements, and even with weights, wears out ligaments and muscles. Such loads lead to breakdowns in compensatory mechanisms and disruption of microcirculation in tissues. Muscles require rest: some - 24 hours, others - 48, others - 72. Therefore, it is correct not to increase the load, but to alternate them. Amosov’s call for vegetarianism can also be considered very controversial. Abandoning animal proteins with this lifestyle can lead to physical exhaustion. Not to mention the deficiency of microelements and vitamins, which threatens even a normally nourished person.

How to do it

Muscles need to rest if you fully load them. This takes a trained person 30-45 minutes of training on simulators, while an untrained person takes up to an hour and a half. There should be no more than three such workouts per week. And every day you can exercise for 10-15 minutes, but with great intensity and changing exercises.

Be afraid of being captured by doctors

Amosov argued that a person should go to doctors only in cases of extreme necessity.

What is he right about?

No pills or surgeries should be considered as the only way to solve the problem. You shouldn’t run to doctors unnecessarily, you need to work on your health. After all, the bulk of the population needs help that medicine cannot provide until there are clinical manifestations of the disease.

What is wrong

Relying only on yourself is not entirely correct. Blindly following a certain health system just because it has helped others is also wrong. A healthy lifestyle is a largely individual concept, and only a specialist can determine which “health program” is right for you.

How to do it

Only 5-7% of people are considered absolutely healthy. 72-75% of the population are only conditionally healthy. These are people with reduced immunity, with chronic diseases in remission, people in a state of pre-illness, when the pathological process is already developing, but has not yet manifested itself clinically. And it is precisely they who need health improvement most of all - a nutritious healthy diet, vitamins and exercise.

Nothing ages like being willing to grow old

What is he right about?

You can’t improve your health with training alone; you must have the appropriate attitude.

What is wrong

Any slogan idea - set a goal, work hard, fight what gets in your way - is an individual philosophy developed for a specific, individual person. All authors of odious methods suffer from one common drawback - they create their own “religion,” which, of course, helps at the initial stage to achieve a certain goal, but then begins to be harmful.

How to do it

You should not leave traditional religion, which does not welcome the emergence of such systems and teachings. Old age is a natural state of man; our path on earth is not endless. Therefore, all attempts to make it such are still doomed to failure. Psychologists say that old age, on the contrary, must be loved, and one’s strength and energy must be directed toward improving the quality of life.

Women's gymnastics

For women who do not have free time, push-ups, squats and abdominal strengthening are very helpful in maintaining muscle tone and coping with cellulite.

ExercisesQuantityPeriodicityExecution technique
Squats3 series of 50 times until you feel a burning sensation in the muscles2 times a weekSquat with a straight back, keeping your heels on the floor, and exhale with a loud “ha-a” sound. Squat depth: to the level where the thigh line becomes parallel to the floor.
Push-ups10 episodes 10 times2 times a weekThe distance between the palms is 20 cm; do push-ups without touching your chest to the floor, keep your back straight.
Abs workout3 episodes 20 times2 times a weekAny abdominal exercise, such as raising your knees to your waist or to your chest on a horizontal bar.
Attention! Increase the number of repetitions of each exercise gradually, observing the recommended number of approaches.

Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR N. AMOSOV.

The health of the people is an invaluable public wealth. It should be preserved and strengthened for active, fruitful work in society, for the implementation of creative ideas, mastery, in a word, for business. But in order to prolong an interesting life, and not just live, you need to take care of your health. To do this, each person must make certain efforts, making the health regime discussed in the article the norm of life.
I do not pretend to be the author of any special regime. All its components are well known: a lot has been written and said about them (this is not the first time I myself have spoken on this topic). Now I tried to connect and concretize everything in order to propagandize.

The successes of medicine are known to everyone. New drugs are emerging. Doctors treat difficult diseases and perform increasingly complex operations. Every year many hospitals with first-class equipment open in the Soviet Union. People's lives in the post-war period extended to more than 70 years. All this is true. But ask anyone: is he satisfied with his health? As a rule, the answer is: “No.” Diseases do not leave a person. At first, minor diseases appear - catarrhs, neuroses; then bigger ones - liver disease, hypertension, spasms of the coronary arteries. Finally, it comes to heart attacks, thrombosis, and strokes.

People's life expectancy has increased mainly due to a sharp decrease in infant mortality and a decrease in infectious diseases. All kinds of damage to internal organs and the nervous system - somatic diseases - have not lost their positions. Not only that. In recent years, the following phenomenon has been observed: the mortality curve for men after 30 years of age begins to creep up. So far this growth is small in volume, but quite clearly expressed. Women are in a more advantageous position: for them, the increase in absolute mortality values ​​begins only after 45 years.
Statistics show that the number of people being treated in hospitals and clinics is growing every year, and this growth is not explained by the relative “aging” of the population associated with a decrease in the birth rate. An analysis of diseases and mortality in all highly developed countries indicates an increase in the proportion of ailments caused by damage to blood vessels - the heart, brain, and, to a lesser extent, other internal organs.

So, there is still no prosperity in people's health. What's the matter? Why is medical science and doctors unable to put a reliable barrier against diseases?
The reason is that the way of life chosen by our contemporaries contradicts the very nature of man. The purpose of medicine is the treatment of diseases. Doctors don’t teach you how to live without getting sick. There is a lot of talk about prevention, but its principles are not truly implemented. Prevention is understood very narrowly, mainly as protecting people from mass infections and poisonings, and constant care is needed for the health of every person who has not yet fallen ill.

A disease is a disruption of the normal functioning and structure of cells, organs and the whole organism. It occurs when external influences go beyond what the body can tolerate, or when a person’s mental and motor response to stimuli exceeds his energetic and regulatory capabilities. In other words, disease is the result of a mismatch between the capabilities of organs and the demands placed on them, as well as the result of imperfect regulation mechanisms.
But both are determined by reserves. And there are reserves in the muscles, in the nervous and endocrine systems, they are in every organ and every cell. Reserves ensure regulated constancy of the parameters of cells, organs, and the whole organism when the level of external activity changes.
We have learned to measure illness. Some diseases cause a high mortality rate, others - a low one; Some lead to disability, while others lead to complete recovery.

The duration of treatment is measured, there is even a measure for suffering th-severe pain, transient, insignificant. There are also precise physiological studies that allow us to determine the degree of impairment of a particular function. But we have not yet learned to measure health. It is understood simply as the interval between diseases. True, among the people the concept of the amount of health exists. They say about one: “ Good health“- this means that the person is not only healthy now, but also rarely gets sick. About another: “He’s frail,” and it’s clear to everyone that such a person gets sick easily and has a hard time bearing it. disease.

But this is not enough: health must and can be measured strictly scientifically.

Medicine is able to determine the functions of various organs: for this there are so-called functional tests. There are simple tests, for example, measuring the pulse rate after a certain physical activity, and complex ones, when the load on the organ is given in the form of an exact dose of a chemical substance. This is how some functions of the liver are studied: the patient is given a dose of sugar and its content in the blood is periodically measured. By the nature of the resulting curve, one can judge how sugar is absorbed by the body.
Comparing the levels of work of a particular organ at rest and at maximum permissible load is a way to determine reserves. The heart pumps out 5 liters of blood per minute at rest. In a trained athlete, at the moment of greatest tension, it can produce 20 or even 30 liters per minute. This is a sixfold reserve. The lungs have an even greater reserve, it can be thirtyfold.

By assessing the functional capabilities of various organs and summing up these indicators according to certain rules, one can obtain a generalized value that can serve as a quantitative measure of health. Unfortunately, medical science has not yet done such work. But this does not seem particularly difficult. It is possible to organize simple and complex laboratories to determine various functions, develop a method for summing them up and bring it to a level of simplicity accessible to any clinic,

So, nature endowed the human body with large reserves, but did it cunningly. Reserves appear only if there is a need for them, in other words, if one or another organ is exercised. This expresses one of the basic principles of nature - the principle of economy. Indeed, to maintain a reserve in a particular organ, it is necessary to have cellular or intracellular structures that require appropriate “nutrition”. If reserves are not used, then the energy spent on their “maintenance” is wasted. Therefore, these structures must be atrophied. That's how it happens.

The main means of training any reserves is muscle work. The load on the muscles always sharply increases the consumption of energy materials and oxygen consumption. The delivery of these materials and oxygen, as well as the removal of carbon dioxide, is carried out by the blood. The more active muscle work is, the greater the volume of blood flows to the muscles. Blood is pumped by the heart. This means that muscular work is necessarily accompanied by increased work of the heart. Blood moves through the vessels. Therefore, if the muscles are well trained and have a large volume, then the vessels should also have a large lumen. Oxygen is supplied to the blood through the lungs. During physical activity, the work of the lungs necessarily increases, that is, the frequency and depth of breathing increases. In other words, muscle work stimulates the functions of all systems: workers - cardiovascular and respiratory; regulating nervous and endocrine.
The principle of economy is characteristic not only of cells and organs; all behavior is also subject to it. Let's take an animal living in the wild: its actions are aimed only at satisfying instincts - this is the search for food, flight from the enemy, search for a partner for procreation. The energy is spent expediently. The exception is cubs.

It seems that in childhood, small creatures uselessly spend a lot of energy on games. But that's not true. This is not wasteful spending. They carry out a program of initial vital training of reserves.

The principles of saving energy and the need to train reserves have begun to contradict each other in modern industrial society. Now the need for significant physical work has almost disappeared. Machines have made life easier and almost replaced physical labor. The concept: “to earn your bread by the sweat of your brow” is now most often perceived allegorically. But convenience comes at a price. And the man pays.

Detraining is the main cause of modern human disease.

Detraining is expressed in a decrease in the reserves of all organs. This is not only a sharp weakening and atrophy of muscles, but also a decrease in the volume of the heart, accompanied by a reduction in the lumen of the coronary arteries. This is a drop in the breathing limit - one of the main indicators of vitality, and a decrease in the functions of all organs and systems, including regulatory ones - nervous and endocrine, which are precisely responsible for mobilizing the reserves available in the body in the event of a sharp increase in load.

Another cause of disease is overeating.

Wild animals living in the wild feed extremely irregularly. Periods of sufficient food supply are followed by long fasts. Therefore, evolution has developed a mechanism for creating energy reserves in the form of fat, a very economical energy material: 1 gram of it provides 9 calories, while 1 gram of carbohydrates or proteins provides only 4 calories. The mechanism of energy storage is expressed in greed for food, in increased appetite. The animal gets great pleasure from eating, and this allows it to eat more food than is needed to replenish current energy costs. The excess is deposited as fat, first under the skin, and then in the internal organs - this is a reserve in case of hunger. Obesity is not dangerous for wild animals. The feedback works well: excess weight leads to a decrease in the animal’s mobility, the ability to obtain food decreases, excess fat is consumed, and its useful level is established again.
Appetite is not only a reflection of the lack of nutrients in the blood at a given time. This is largely a mental function that can be voluntarily suppressed or, conversely, trained.
In a modern highly developed society, a person has a sufficient amount of food and consumes it in the form of high-calorie, fatty, tasty dishes, as if created to train the appetite. And people do not deny themselves pleasure, they practice in this area. As a result, many people have large fat reserves, which are unlikely to be useful in life, although they do not interfere with a person’s functions in society.

Unfortunately, obesity is harmful to health. Fat is primarily ballast for any cell, but that’s not all. It turns out that eating animal fats along with excess salt (to make it tastier!) enhances the processes of sclerosis. Everyone knows that sclerosis is a disease of blood vessels, when first cholesterol and then calcium salts are deposited on their walls. As a result, the lumen of the vessels narrows, the surface of their walls becomes rough, and blood clots can form on it. Blood clots clog the vessel, disrupting the blood supply to the organ. In a word, this is already a disease.

Signals of pain, any unpleasant sensations that indicate certain disorders in the body or danger to life, are perceived, recognized and remembered in the cerebral cortex. However, with increased excitability of the cortex, even normal stimulation of the receptor can be perceived as pain. Fortunately, animals' memory is not particularly developed. Another thing is the person. Training the cortex during the learning process created for him a perfect memory, which allows him to remember for a long time a situation that gives rise to unpleasant sensations, and, moreover, transfer the suffering of others onto himself. Hence suspiciousness, fear of pain and a steady desire to lead one’s lifestyle in such a way as to avoid them. But you can't do without troubles. Emotions help to resist excessive influences. The emotions of fear and anger provide strength - for example, it allows you to run away from danger or actively defend yourself. Now this is called stress - tension. Its mechanism is quite complicated, and I will not describe it in detail.

The main component that characterizes stress is the release of excess adrenaline, causing a sharp increase in muscle and cardiovascular function. During vigorous muscular work, this hormone is quickly destroyed. If there is no work, increased doses of adrenaline circulate in the body for a long time and can have a harmful effect on its internal regulation. In particular, this causes spasms - contraction of smooth muscles embedded in the walls of blood vessels, in various ducts, and in the intestines. Spasms disrupt the healthy rhythm of the body.

But let's get back to suspiciousness. Modern man knows a lot, in particular, about his body. He constantly keeps his internal organs under control of attention, waiting for a signal of illness, listens to it, or begins to do so at the first unpleasant sensation. Listening is nothing more than an aggravation of the sensitivity of cortical cells. By dramatically increasing their function, they can perceive normal signals as pain. As a result, the cortex begins to interfere with the regulation of internal organs that do not need it at all. This is another reason for spasms, for increased secretion of hormones, etc. Happy animals are those who do not know that they have a heart and

In general, human nature has led him in the conditions of modern civilization to de-training, obesity and suspiciousness, which he also cultivates with the help of several dogmas inherited from old medicine.

First dogma: any unpleasant sensation or slight pain necessarily indicates the presence of a disease. This is not true. The regulation of the body is so complex that, despite all its perfection, sometimes some malfunctions are inevitable, expressed in fleeting pain or discomfort. The body has the ability to independently eliminate these malfunctions - “for this, there are various backup regulatory mechanisms. Turning them on takes time, and we immediately begin to be examined and treated (unfortunately, such sentiments are often supported in people by doctors themselves).
And as a result, a person becomes attuned to the disease, his attention switches to the “sick” organ, sensitivity to the perception of pain impulses increases, and various influences from the cortex are activated that disrupt the regulation of the organ. A person is ready to get sick, he is already rebuilding his lifestyle - more fears, peace, food. This is where the harm lies.
Of course, pain is also a warning about possible serious problems. If they are strong or prolonged, you need to see a doctor. The main thing is to know that not every unpleasant sensation is a signal of illness. Many are classified as functional, and their treatment is often harmful, weakening the human psyche.
Second dogma: peace is always useful. In case of any ailment, it is recommended first of all to limit activity or even complete rest. This is also incorrect. Of course, with a number of diseases, especially acute ones, physical rest is necessary. However, many mild and chronic illnesses cannot be cured with rest. If a detrained organism is immersed in inactivity for a long time, all the prerequisites are created for the progression of the disease.
Third dogma: feeling hungry is always harmful: Once a person is sick, he needs to be nourished intensively. High-quality, nutritious nutrition is necessary, but the calorie content of food must be in strict accordance with energy expenditure.
Another dogma: exaggerated hopes for cures. Medicine should instill in people faith in the strength of their own body, in their own health.

Detrained the heart is small, its reserves are reduced to a minimum. The development of early sclerotic changes further narrows the lumen of the already narrow coronary vessels and deprives them of the ability to expand. If nervous spasms from unpleasant emotions are added to this, then there is already oxygen deficiency, already pain - angina attacks. A blood clot may occur in narrowed and altered arteries; acute blockage of one of the coronary arteries is a heart attack. If oxygen access to a large area of ​​the heart muscle is cut off, the performance of the heart drops; its complete stop is possible. Cerebral vessels suffer no less from sclerosis.

Their lumen also narrows, and blood clots form on their walls - all this slowly (and sometimes quickly) disrupts the blood supply to the brain and the function of nerve cells.
Ruptures of altered arteries are also possible - hemorrhage in the brain - stroke.
Physical detraining leads to a significant decrease in the ability of the lungs to ventilate. This means that lung reserves are falling. And then, during physical activity, the body may find itself in conditions of oxygen starvation. Smoking and polluted air are the causes of the development of bronchitis, and subsequently in a significant percentage of people, lung cancer.
People who eat poorly and are obese usually have diseased digestive organs, the liver is especially often affected. This happens not only from gluttony, but also from the fact that people eat overly processed food, which, so to speak, detrains the gastrointestinal tract.

Finally, the number of all kinds of neuroses increases.

Neuroses- this is not only neurasthenia, that is, a violation of human behavior, but also a violation of the regulation of the stomach, heart, and intestines. For a well-trained person they are not dangerous, but in combination with detraining and sclerotic lesions they become quite serious diseases. All diseases become more frequent in old age, since harmful factors are layered on an age-related decrease in reserves.
Is it possible to successfully counteract these diseases of civilization? Or are they fatally connected with the development of technology and the accumulation of wealth by society? Surely it is possible.

Even more is acceptable - block lifespans “designed” by nature. Modern science and civilization are able to provide a person with the most proper nutrition, protect him from harmful influences, ideally adjust his lifestyle, and create all the conditions for a healthy, reasonable existence. At present, optimal regimes have not yet been fully developed. But their contours are quite well outlined. If people followed these guidelines, the tone of society would already be much higher. “Homo sapiens”, Homo sapiens - it’s not called that for nothing!

Unfortunately, convincing a person that he is living wrong is not at all easy. People often follow fashion. Fashion is not just about the shape of a hairstyle or the length of a skirt. Fashion is also a form of behavior that covers a significant part of society and acquires the ability to spread. This means we can talk about fashion for a lifestyle, a regime
nutrition, on the figure, that is, on what directly concerns diseases.
The spread of fashion is based on the reflex of imitation. This reflex exists in animals and humans. Those forms of behavior that are to some extent related to the biological needs of the body, that is, with its reflexes and instincts, are easier to assimilate. The wider the natural biological basis of the corresponding act of behavior, the wider the natural biological basis of the corresponding act of behavior, the longer it lasts and the more deeply it takes root. But fashion is not eternal; it is controlled, for example, by the media of mass culture. Now we need to create a new fashion, a fashion for health. Convince people to try changing their lifestyle to experience health benefits. But first you need to teach. And this first task is the task of medicine.

A health regime is a certain way of life of a person that contributes to the restoration, maintenance and development of reserves. One can outline the following features: reasonable dietary restrictions, physical activity, and a restrained attitude towards ailments and diseases and their treatment.

So, the first thing is proper nutrition.
(its essence is calorie restriction with full quality) and weight control. This corresponds to the idea of ​​​​Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences A. Pokrovsky about a balanced diet, that is, about strict correspondence of the amount of food consumed to the energy expenditure of the body. The most important indicator of balance is the constancy of weight, its compliance with a person’s lifestyle and physical development.

The formula is well known: weight equals height in centimeters minus one hundred.

However, this formula was developed for people with physical labor with strong muscles. For those who are not involved in physical work, in all likelihood, you should lose a few more kilograms. There is a good additional criterion for weight adequacy - the thickness of the skin fold, which shows the degree of fat deposition. The skin fold on the abdomen should not be thicker than 1-1.5 centimeters. In women, especially older ones, it is slightly larger due to a different distribution of fat (women can check themselves by the fold on their back, under the shoulder blade; it should be the same 1-1.5 centimeters thick). Probably, every family should have a scale in order to regulate the amount of food based on weight changes.

Dietary restrictions must be combined with full-fledged food composition: a sufficient amount of animal proteins, vitamins and microelements.

This is extremely important. Fats and carbohydrates are also necessary for the body, but they represent energy material. Therefore, their number should
correspond to the energy regime of life. Another limitation is moderate consumption of salt and animal fats. This applies to people of any age, but especially to the elderly. Science has proven that lard and salt contribute to the development of sclerosis.
For obese people with an excess weight of 10-20 kilograms, the restrictions should be especially strict. They apparently need to exclude all kinds of fats altogether, including vegetable ones, because sunflower oil also provides 9 calories per 1 gram. They say that fats are necessary for the body. Indeed, some small amount is necessary, but it is always present in dairy and meat products. Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Pokrovsky recommends limiting sugar consumption to 20-25 grams per day - that’s 4 pieces. Until your weight returns to normal, it is better to give up bread and flour, eat less potatoes and sweet fruits.

Naturally, it is difficult to get used to such a regime, especially at first - it makes itself known, and the feeling of hunger torments you. But it takes about three months to detrain your appetite. After this period, the feeling of hunger will dull, and the person will be full with a small amount of food. During the period of weight normalization, you need to eat boiled meat and soups with fat removed, cottage cheese, milk, eggs and an unlimited amount of raw vegetables. There is no need to limit yourself in fluid consumption; on the contrary, you should drink 2-3 liters a day.

The main commandment is not to be afraid of the feeling of hunger. It is not a signal of distress for the body if a person is overweight or normal weight and if he receives nutritious food. It must be remembered that food does not so much cover the needs of the body as it satisfies the appetite. We constantly force the body to process excess food. There is no need to be afraid of thinness. In good health, thinness is only beneficial, since in modern conditions there is no need to have a reserve of fat in case of famine. It is especially important to be fit and thin as you get older.

The second commandment of the regime is physical activity.
Human nature is disgusted by useless efforts. Therefore, it is best to look for ways to use your powers wisely.

For example, there is such a useful opportunity as walking to work. If you are young and healthy, stop using the elevator. If it is not possible to perform any specific useful physical work, you must resort to physical education. Experts have determined the minimum required level of physical activity for a person.

As an example, I will point to the “Aerobic” system, developed by the American scientist Cooper and widespread in the USA and Canada. (His data was used to construct a table of the minimum required loads and training time - see Table 1.)
A good form of exercise, as you know, is walking, but you need to walk quite a lot - at least one hour a day. For an elderly person - at a speed of 5-6 kilometers per hour, for a young person - 6-7. Even better is running. Apparently, this is the best, most pleasant. True, running requires special time, conditions and, oddly enough, fashion. People are still embarrassed to run on the streets and in parks. Running in place is more or less a substitute for real running. His standard technique has been developed: the free leg is raised 20 cm from the floor, and the frequency is counted by touching the floor with one leg. Running and walking provide a good workout for the muscles of the limbs, to a lesser extent for the torso, and, most importantly, a good workout for the heart and lungs. But this is not always enough. Elderly people often suffer from pain in the spine and joints, so it is especially useful for them to combine running with gymnastics.

Table 1

a) The first 6 weeks are an introductory, training course.
b) For healthy people under 30 years of age, the pace of running in place reaches 90-100 pushes per minute: the running speed on the track increases to the following values: 1.5 km in 7.5 minutes, or 3 km in 20 minutes.
c) For healthy people aged 30 to 50 years, the running pace in place is up to 80-90 pushes per minute, and the running speed on the track is 1.5 km in 9 minutes, or 3 km in 22 minutes.
d) For patients, the duration of training increases by 1.5-2 and even 3 times, depending on the state of health.

At one time, I published a set of exercises that I have been using for many years (Table 2). This is quite a big load. You can cut the number of movements in half, but add 5 minutes of running in place to get the minimum required load. To be in good shape, you need a full range of gymnastics and 20 minutes of running in the air or on the spot. It makes no sense to increase the load even more, because overtraining is also harmful. Physical exercise should be done every day. (Of course, you don’t need to be a pedant; sometimes you can skip one or two days a week, but no more.)

You need to master a set of exercises gradually, gradually increasing the load. If a healthy young man tries to do the whole complex of gymnastics at once, there will be no
There won’t be much harm from this, except that your muscles will ache. But an elderly person or a person who is not very strong, in order to perform the minimum required set of exercises, be it running or physical exercises, a healthy person needs to train from 10 to 16 weeks, depending on age. For an unhealthy or elderly person, this interval should be increased to 24 weeks, and for heart disease - to 32. For example, gymnastics should begin with a fifth or even a tenth of the number of exercises listed in the table, adding one movement every other day. (This gradualness is already reflected in Kupper’s table.)

Self-control is also very important. The simplest one is counting your pulse. You need to count your resting heart rate while sitting. After the most difficult physical exercise, the heart rate should not increase more than twice. For example, if at rest it is 70 beats per minute, then 140 under load is still acceptable. The time it takes for the pulse to return to normal is no more than S minutes.

Deviation of up to 5-10 blows is possible, no more. Self-monitoring should be carried out as often as possible. If the numbers are unsatisfactory, the load is reduced until the optimal one is reached. Overload is harmful to the heart.
For a healthy person, it is not scary to overwork. One thing is necessary: ​​maintain a normal sleep schedule. On average, you need 8 hours of sleep, but a lot depends on your habit. There is no need to exaggerate the importance of poor sleep. It is not yet clear which does more harm - the insomnia, fear of her or sleeping pills. In a healthy person, if he works normally and rests normally, disturbed sleep should be restored.
Let's not talk about the dangers of smoking. They write enough about this and write it correctly. A smoker will not achieve the full effect by following the regimen discussed here. Smoking is a dangerous habit that needs to be broken. The same can be said about alcohol. In addition to the harmful effects on the entire body, it poses a threat to the psyche.

The spread of alcoholism is a great disaster for society as a whole.

The attitude towards diseases was discussed above. The main commandment is not to rush to make yourself sick. Of course, if a person suffers from some disease and is being treated, then I
I am not at all advocating that after reading this article he should stop going to doctors and taking medications. The regime of restrictions and stress is quite compatible with normal drug treatment for a number of diseases. One does not harm the other. But, if health is restored, there is no need to live in constant fear of possible illness. A healthy body is very resistant to harmful influences, and you need to trust it. There is also no need to overuse medications. We have a lot of people taking an endless number of pills for all sorts of diseases. At best, he doesn't need most medications. I'm not saying that they are harmful - our industry does not produce harmful ones - but in one case they are necessary, in another they can cause irreparable harm.

Health mode, the contours of which I have so briefly described, is intended for healthy people of all ages. But the older a person is, the more important it is for him to adhere to the regime, because he has already lost a significant amount of reserves. The remaining ones need to be polished so that they last for more years. The only trouble is that the health regime is not a temporary course of treatment, it is for life! But let not the weight of these eternal injunctions oppress people. A person, having started to live in a new way, will get used to this rhythm and over time will no longer be able to abandon the regime.
However, few people consider themselves absolutely healthy, even in their young years. After forty, almost everyone has some kind of illness. So, maybe these people will decide that the regime is not for them? Quite the opposite. The regime of restrictions and stress is a powerful means of not only maintaining, but also restoring health. Of course, for each specific disease you can develop your own best version of this regimen. But there is no need to exaggerate the importance of this individualization. A general health regime is suitable for any disease if used wisely. Of course, each patient needs to discuss the norms of the regimen with a doctor.

If you have heart disease, you need to be very careful with exercise., although many heart diseases are treated only with exercise. These, in particular, include angina pectoris, if the change in the coronary vessels is not yet very significant. (Unfortunately, these changes can only be determined by a complex X-ray examination, which is currently used only in a few clinics.) If you have angina, you should always try to treat it with physical exercise, you should start with very small loads, repeat them several times a day and gradually increase. Physician supervision is absolutely necessary.
Physical education can also be useful for other chronic processes. Of course, any acute illness, especially acute infections that occur with elevated temperature, cannot be accompanied by physical exercise. However, for many chronic infectious diseases, physical education is even necessary. But you can’t decide on it without a doctor.

Table 2

a) The minimum required load is half that shown in the table plus 5 minutes of running in place, 70-80 pushes per minute.
b) The duration of training until the full number of exercises for healthy people under 30 years of age is 10 weeks; from 30 to 50 years - 15 weeks. Over 50 years - 20 weeks. For people who are 10 or more kilograms of excess weight, the terms are extended by “A part.”
c) Patients should limit themselves to half the specified number of movements, the training period is 20 weeks. The number of movements can be increased after health improves and weight returns to normal.

What effect can be obtained from the regime of restrictions and loads? You can become a healthy person. You can enjoy health and unlimited productivity. It's great fun. For this reason, it is worth doing physical exercise and restraining yourself in food. I am sure that it is possible to delay old age, since old age is, first of all, illnesses. Trained reserves will help the body resist the aging process for a very long time (however, one more condition is extremely important here: the person must have a useful occupation).
A health regimen can cure most chronic diseases. It may not cure them completely, but it will introduce them to the stage of compensation, when the disease will not interfere with living and working. Young people can afford the luxury of not following any regimes - they still have enough unspent reserves. But those who are over 40 should think seriously about the future.
However, one should not reach the point of fanaticism. A person who only thinks about health, weighs every carrot and measures every step, does not receive pleasure from life and is unpleasant to others. Everything is good in moderation - even health care.

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Nikolai Amosov attached great importance to the system of nutrition and physical activity, without which, as he argued, a person cannot be healthy. The theory that the academician described in the books “Health Algorithm” and “Amosov Encyclopedia” he tested, as they say, on himself personally

Nikolai Amosov attached great importance to the system of nutrition and physical activity, without which, as he argued, a person cannot be healthy. The theory that the academician described in the books “Health Algorithm” and “Amosov Encyclopedia” he tested, as they say, on himself personally. The main principle that Amos recommends to adhere to in nutrition is not to overeat and eat wisely, then not a single product will harm the body.

Food is not a way to increase UDC
The most important mistake that a person makes is that he is looking for a way to increase mental comfort in food - UDC. Hence all the health problems associated with excess weight: intemperance in nutrition, overeating and gluttony.

Firstly, you need to monitor your weight and avoid obesity or underweight. Amosov advised sticking to a simple form that will help calculate your optimal weight: height - 100. The academician himself, at the age of 60, weighed 63 kilograms with a height of 168 cm, and in old age, when “growth began to decline” with a height of 165 cm - 55 kilograms. Although he himself noted that this was not enough for his growth.

Secondly, Amosov was one of the first to draw attention to the role the neuropsychological factor plays on a person’s weight. We all know how many people, when they are nervous, begin to “eat” their excitement. Amosov said that nervous excitement distorts the functioning of the intestines and stomach. That is why Nikolai Amosov called a happy life one of the conditions for living to a ripe old age.

No matter how strange it may seem, Amosov did not advise strictly adhering to the diet. He recommended eating 4-5 times a day, but at the same time he was categorically against “preventative” lunches - those when a person sits down to eat because lunch time has come, and not because he wanted to eat. Nikolai Amosov himself never ate “for prevention” and did not advise others to do so. The main principle is LESS! Amosov said that irregular nutrition is beneficial for a healthy person! Irregularity is the mechanism that triggers metabolism.

The more meals you skip, the better it will be for your body. But the author did not recommend doing this forcibly (going on diets, fasting and fasting). The system of restrictions is that you need to be able to stop yourself and not overeat. If you don’t eat your fill, but get up from the table feeling hungry, then it doesn’t matter how many times you eat a day, or at what time of day. The “don’t eat after 6” rule was invented for those who overeat.

Amosov believed that if you deliberately skip a meal, and at the same time feel hungry, then this will not have a beneficial effect on the body. It's just that next time you will eat more than you could eat. The author was against fasting for a healthy person, but he welcomed therapeutic fasting. The scientist also believed that the day after a large feast, when a person feels that he has overeaten, a fasting day will even be beneficial.

How did the author of the method distribute food intake?
Raw vegetables occupied the main place in his diet. He was not a supporter of a raw food diet, but at the same time he tried to eat raw vegetables in large quantities. Many people boil and steam vegetables to make them soft, supposedly this way we help the digestive tract - food is easier to digest. In fact, Amosov believed that the digestive system of a healthy person is not as delicate as doctors are trying to prove to us. Gastric juice is capable of processing any solid food, except pine needles. It is civilization that has ruined the work of the gastrointestinal tract, “making it easier” for it, making food soft.

Nikolai Amosov advised training the stomach, accustoming it to solid plant foods - consuming them in large quantities will strengthen and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and will not spoil the stomach. The scientist argued that raw vegetables are natural for humans. Nikolai Amosov himself ate a lot of raw solid vegetables for breakfast, especially cabbage (up to 500 g), ate 2 boiled eggs and drank a cup of coffee with milk.

Regarding fats, Amosov adhered to the following principle: everything that nature has given us cannot be harmful to the body. But we should not forget about the main principle of reasonable restriction - there should be LESS fat. For lunch, Nikolai Amosov ate the first and second courses, but without bread. I ate a little meat and also seasoned my food with a little fat.

For dinner, Nikolai Amosov drank tea with honey or a snack with sugar, ate cottage cheese, bread and fruit. At the same time, he compared the taste of such a diet with the taste of the best cake. Yes, by the way, Amosov also argued that food should be thoroughly chewed and moistened with saliva. And he advised drinking up to 2.5 liters of liquid per day.

Few will be able to adhere to Amosov’s commandments and repeat his path, but this man is worthy of becoming an example to follow. After all, his technique really brings a person closer to figuring out how to be healthy. And to be healthy means to distance yourself from old age. And for health you need to be able to relax and live in harmony with the world around you - live happily!

Mode of restrictions and loads from Academician Amosov

Nikolai Amosov attached great importance to the system of nutrition and physical activity, without which, as he argued, a person cannot be healthy.

The theory that the academician described in the books “Health Algorithm” and “Amosov Encyclopedia” he tested, as they say, on himself personally.

Main principle, who recommends sticking to Amos in your diet - do not overeat and eat wisely, then not a single product will harm the body.

Food is not a way to increase UDC

The most important mistake that a person makes is that he is looking for a way to increase mental comfort in food - UDC. Hence all the health problems associated with excess weight: intemperance in nutrition, overeating and gluttony.

Firstly, you need to monitor your weight and avoid obesity or underweight. Amosov advised sticking to a simple form that will help calculate your optimal weight: height - 100. The academician himself, at the age of 60, weighed 63 kilograms with a height of 168 cm, and in old age, when “growth went down” with a height of 165 cm - 55 kilograms. Although he himself noted that this was not enough for his growth.

Secondly, Amosov was one of the first to draw attention to the role the neuropsychological factor plays on a person’s weight. We all know how many people, when they are nervous, begin to “eat” their excitement. Amosov said that nervous excitement distorts the functioning of the intestines and stomach. That is why Nikolai Amosov called a happy life one of the conditions for living to a ripe old age.


No matter how strange it may seem, Amosov did not advise strictly adhering to the diet. He recommended eating 4-5 times a day, but at the same time he was categorically against “preventive” lunches - those when a person sits down to eat because lunch time has come, and not because he wanted to eat.

Nikolai Amosov himself never ate “for prevention” and did not advise others to do so. The main principle is LESS! Amosov said that irregular nutrition is beneficial for a healthy person! Irregularity is the mechanism that triggers metabolism.

The more meals you skip, the better it will be for your body. But the author did not recommend doing this forcibly (going on diets, fasting and fasting).

The system of restrictions is that you need to be able to stop yourself and not overeat. If you don’t eat your fill, but get up from the table feeling hungry, then it doesn’t matter how many times you eat a day, or at what time of day. The “don’t eat after 6” rule was invented for those who overeat.

Amosov believed that if you deliberately skip a meal, and at the same time feel hungry, then this will not have a beneficial effect on the body. It's just that next time you will eat more than you could eat.

The author was against fasting for a healthy person, but he welcomed therapeutic fasting. The scientist also believed that the day after a large feast, when a person feels that he has overeaten, a fasting day will even be beneficial.

How did the author of the method distribute food intake?

Raw vegetables occupied the main place in his diet. He was not a supporter of a raw food diet, but at the same time he tried to eat raw vegetables in large quantities. Many people boil and steam vegetables to make them soft, supposedly this way we help the digestive tract - food is easier to digest.

In fact, Amosov believed that the digestive system of a healthy person is not as delicate as doctors are trying to prove to us. Gastric juice is capable of processing any solid food, except pine needles. It is civilization that has ruined the work of the gastrointestinal tract, “making it easier” for it, making food soft.

Nikolai Amosov advised training the stomach, accustoming it to solid plant foods - consuming them in large quantities will strengthen and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and will not spoil the stomach. The scientist argued that raw vegetables are natural for humans.

Nikolai Amosov himself ate a lot of raw solid vegetables for breakfast, especially cabbage (up to 500 g), ate 2 boiled eggs and drank a cup of coffee with milk.

Regarding fats, Amosov adhered to the following principle: everything that nature has given us cannot be harmful to the body.

But we should not forget about the main principle of reasonable restriction - there should be LESS fat. For lunch, Nikolai Amosov ate the first and second courses, but without bread. I ate a little meat and also seasoned my food with a little fat.

For dinner, Nikolai Amosov drank tea with honey or a snack with sugar, ate cottage cheese, bread and fruit. At the same time, he compared the taste of such a diet with the taste of the best cake. Yes, by the way, Amosov also argued that food should be thoroughly chewed and moistened with saliva. And he advised drinking up to 2.5 liters of liquid per day.

Few will be able to adhere to Amosov’s commandments and repeat his path, but this man is worthy of becoming an example to follow. After all, his technique really brings a person closer to figuring out how to be healthy.

And to be healthy means to distance yourself from old age. And for health you need to be able to relax and live in harmony with the world around you - live happily!