The drug asd. history and current state

Protargol (silver proteinate) is a colloidal solution of silver, which is produced and used in the form of an aqueous colloidal solution, and has an astringent, anti-inflammatory and pronounced antiseptic effect. It is a powder (dry extract) containing 7.8–8.3% silver, from which in the production departments of the pharmacy a one and/or two percent aqueous solution is prepared, which is used in the form of nasal drops, eye drops and solutions for rinsing bladder. This medicine It is actively used in the treatment of inflammatory processes occurring in ophthalmology, urology, otolaryngology and is prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory processes, including purulent ones - rhinitis, conjunctivitis, adenoiditis, pharyngitis, urethritis. The main positive qualities of Protargol are the absence of dysbiotic disorders of the intestinal microflora (intestinal dysbiosis) and the absence of addiction. It is effective for the treatment of complicated runny nose of various etiologies - for prolonged purulent rhinitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis and frontal sinusitis, for the treatment of recurrent and prolonged nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis, as well as for the treatment of adenoiditis and purulent inflammatory processes of the middle ear. For predominantly purulent or complicated inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctiva), as well as for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis and urethritis). And to prevent the development of blepharitis in newborns.

Pharmacological properties of protargol and mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of protargol on damaged mucous membranes or the surface of the skin as a result of the inflammatory process is based on the formation of a protective film that occurs due to the deposition of proteins by silver, reducing the sensitivity of the mucous membranes and skin and activating vasoconstriction, which leads to inhibition of inflammatory reactions. Also, silver ions have the ability to suppress the proliferation of various bacteria, fungal flora and, to a lesser extent, viruses. At a lower percentage concentration, the colloidal solution of protargol has a bacteriostatic effect, and at a higher percentage it has a bactericidal effect on bacterial and fungal pathogenic flora.

Indications for use

An aqueous colloidal solution of protargol is used for the treatment of runny nose of various etiologies (rhinitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis), for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctivitis), for the treatment of pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis, for the treatment of adenoiditis and inflammatory processes of the middle ear (otitis), in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis and urethritis). And also to prevent the development of blepharitis in newborns.

Protargol release form

The drug Protargol is available in the form of 1% and 2% aqueous colloidal solution for topical use.

This is one of the few medicines on the modern pharmaceutical market that must be used only fresh, ordering a solution at the pharmacy, and when the expiration date expires, purchase a new solution of the required concentration again. This is due to the fact that unique properties silver ions contained in the colloidal solution of Protargol provide its effective antiseptic effect, but it is very difficult to obtain active metal ions, because silver quickly turns into a bound state. But it is precisely this quality that is used in the production of dry extract. The silver is first bound to a protein substrate, which is then dried. A colloidal solution, which was previously actively used in medical practice and has not lost its relevance today, is obtained from a dry extract, which is dissolved in distilled water. As a result of the dissociation reaction, silver ions pass into an active state from protein complexes into water and due to this they easily penetrate into the bacterial and fungal cells, disrupting their vital processes.

Protargol solution is prepared in the production department of the pharmacy, which produces medicinal solutions from medicinal raw materials. In a small locality, usually pharmacies do not have their own production department involved in the manufacture of medicines; you will have to look for a nearby city and go for the medicine to a place where they can prepare it. The drops in the pharmacy are prepared by a pharmacist by simply mixing the dry extract with distilled water, and the preparation process itself does not take much time. But you won’t be able to purchase a dry extract and dilute it yourself, due to the fact that it is necessary to follow the preparation procedure and accurately weigh all the necessary ingredients. You can order and purchase Protargol only with a doctor's prescription.

Also, before you start using Protargol, you need to know that this is a very effective, but not entirely harmless drug, which has side effects and contraindications, as well as strict compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician - dose, concentration, frequency of administration during the day and duration of use for various pathological conditions. conditions in children and adults.

This medicine is for topical use only.

In the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases, Protargol is prescribed in the form of a 1% or 2% solution: adults and children, two to three drops two to four times a day by eye drops.

For the treatment of urological infections (cystitis and urethritis), a 2% colloidal solution of the drug Protargol is used, which is used to wash the urethra and bladder.

For the treatment of otolaryngological diseases (rhinitis, pharyngitis, otitis) for adults and children, a 1% or 2% solution of Protargol is prescribed from three to five drops twice a day, instilled into each nostril.

Special recommendations for using the drug in the form of a colloidal aqueous solution are: thoroughly rinsing the nose (especially in childhood) before instilling the drug. After toileting the nose, the baby should be placed on his back and the number of drops prescribed by the doctor should be instilled into each nasal passage, adhering to the frequency of use during the day. Protargol is instilled in the morning and evening, and the effect of this drug appears after two to three days. The duration of treatment with Protargol is determined by the attending physician.

Side effects of Protargol

It should be noted that this drug, like any other drug, can cause a number of side effects, especially if used in inadequate dosage or for a long time and uncontrolled. These include: allergic reactions - irritation of the mucous membrane, itchy skin, urticaria, atopic dermatitis, red eyes, angioedema or anaphylactic shock. You may also experience: dry mouth, numbness or burning sensation, headache, drowsiness or dizziness.


The use of the drug Protargol is strictly contraindicated in pregnant women and when breastfeeding, as well as in the presence of increased individual sensitivity to the drug or its components (in particular to silver and its protein components).

This fact is the main reason for the significant limitation of the use of this fairly effective drug and the need for a careful collection of allergy history. Therefore, for adults and children with a high tendency to allergic reactions or with an unfavorable family history of allergies, as well as reduced immunity, Protargol is used only under the supervision of a physician. In childhood, Protargol is used only in a 1% colloidal solution.

Also, parents of small children should be aware of the high toxicity of the drug when taken orally. Children under three or four years old have incredible curiosity and practically complete absence sense of self-preservation and personal safety, so there are quite frequent cases when small child consumes internally large number medicine, when using Protargol this can lead to severe poisoning and even death. In addition, it must be remembered that silver is a heavy metal that has a certain hazard class and permissible concentration level. Like most heavy metals, silver can accumulate when continuously supplied and is slowly eliminated from the body. And once in the gastrointestinal tract, this chemical element by virtue of their physical and chemical properties, easily penetrates the blood and spreads throughout the body. Silver may be deposited in skin and mucous membranes, in the kidneys, bone marrow, spleen, capillary walls, cornea and lens of the eye and endocrine glands. The accumulation of silver in the human body causes a specific disease called argyrosis. Therefore, if there is a small child in the family, you must always monitor the amount of the drug and store it out of the reach of children.

Since ancient times healing properties People used silver to treat and prevent many diseases. Therefore, many parents who note the effectiveness of Protargol solution, sometimes without hesitation, use it at the first need - a slight runny nose, coughing or the onset of viral infection. And that's not right. Only a doctor should prescribe this drug, and it can only be used freshly prepared in a pharmacy.

Treatment with Protargol must be carried out with a full understanding of the benefits and risks of using this medicine.

Currently, when choosing an effective drug in children, especially in the treatment of prolonged inflammatory processes of the nasal cavity and its paranasal sinuses(rhinitis or sinusitis), parents rely on the opinion of a doctor they trust - a pediatrician or pediatric otolaryngologist. Today, there are a number of modern drugs - sprays and drops, which are defined by their manufacturers as completely safe and at the same time no less effective drugs than Protargol nasal drops. But practicing doctors who have the opportunity to really evaluate everything positive qualities this drug, and are very familiar with all its side effects, prescribe it in their medical practice quite often, because he copes with his task flawlessly and quickly. Possessing a spectrum positive effects- astringent, anti-inflammatory and pronounced antiseptic effect, Protargol when used strictly according to the instructions! – according to the prescribed dosage, solution concentration, frequency of use, duration and in accordance with the sales deadlines, it is the most effective means in the treatment of purulent inflammatory processes of the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, eye mucosa or severe purulent infections of the urinary system in children. The use of this drug in newborns avoids infection of the eyelids and very frequent postpartum complication- development of blepharitis in newborns. At the same time, Protargol, as a highly effective drug, quickly destroys any bacteria - gram-negative and gram-positive, aerobic and anaerobic, while it does not form an addiction, and it does not cause intestinal dysbiosis.

Therefore, with good individual tolerance to silver and its protein fractions, which are used in this drug to bind its ions in the preparation of a dry extract, it is necessary to strictly control the timing of treatment, use the drug only when absolutely necessary and take long breaks between courses of treatment. In this case, such complications as argyrosis are completely excluded - a disease that is characterized by a change in skin color due to deposits of silver ions in its cells, which have accumulated in excess in the body.

Protargol is medicinal product, intended for topical use only in the form of drops, and is available in the form of 1% and 2% aqueous colloidal solution. It is used for the treatment of complicated runny nose of various etiologies - prolonged purulent rhinitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis, with predominantly purulent or complicated inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctivitis), for the treatment of recurrent and prolonged pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis, for the treatment of adenoiditis and purulent inflammatory processes of the middle ear (otitis), as well as in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis and urethritis). And to prevent the development of blepharitis in newborns.
In the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases, Protargol is prescribed in the form of a 1% or 2% solution: for adults and children by instilling two or three drops into the eyes two to four times a day.

For the treatment of otolaryngological diseases (rhinitis, pharyngitis, otitis) for adults and children, a 1% or 2% solution of Protargol is used by instilling three to five drops into the nose twice a day, each nostril.

The duration of treatment with Protargol is determined by the attending physician.

Where to buy protargol

Protargol solution is not a medicinal product that is freely sold in the pharmacy chain in finished form. It is prepared by a pharmacist who prepares medicinal solutions in the production department of the pharmacy. You can order and purchase Protargol only with a doctor's prescription.

In a small locality, pharmacies usually do not have their own production department that manufactures medications, so you will have to look for a nearby city where there are such pharmacies, having first consulted by calling the pharmacy helpline or information can also be found on the Internet.

The drops in the pharmacy are prepared by a pharmacist by simply mixing the dry extract with distilled water, and the process of preparing a colloidal solution takes little time. But it will not be possible to purchase a dry extract and dilute it yourself, due to the fact that it is necessary to follow the preparation procedure and accurately weigh all the necessary ingredients.

Protargol price

Protargol is affordable for every patient, which is 70-80 rubles, but this is not the main advantage of this medicine. In contrast to a number of ultra-modern drugs - sprays and drops, which are defined by their manufacturers as completely safe and at the same time no less effective drugs than Protargol nasal drops, they are inferior to it in terms of the spectrum of action on pathogenic bacterial microflora(gram-negative and gram-positive, aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms) and fungal flora. It also does not cause intestinal dysbiosis and does not form an addiction to it. And the combination of active anti-inflammatory and astringent effects only complements its quality, speed and effectiveness of action.

But it is also necessary to know, along with the fact that Protargol is a very effective, but not entirely harmless drug, which has side effects and contraindications, and also requires strict adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician - dose, concentration, frequency of administration during the day and duration of use for various pathological conditions in adults and children. Therefore, Protargol is not the drug of choice for initial stage a runny nose or a viral infection, the first manifestations of conjunctivitis, or even suspected sinusitis. It is prescribed only in a medical institution, after examination by a pediatrician, therapist or otolaryngologist, if absolutely necessary or if treatment with other medications is unsuccessful.

Protargol reviews

Protargol solution or silver proteinate is a silver-containing protein compound that has a pronounced astringent, unique antiseptic and strong anti-inflammatory effect. This product has the form of a brown-yellow powder, slightly bitter taste and odorless, highly soluble in water. The silver content in it is from 7.8 to 8.3%. From the powder (dry extract), 1-2 or 5% solutions are prepared in pharmacies, which are used for topical use. The disinfecting (antiseptic) ability of the Protargol solution increases in proportion to its concentration. The severity and frequency of side effects are also related (the higher the concentration, the greater the risk). In this regard, this drug is not prescribed at the first manifestations of conjunctivitis, at the initial stage of a runny nose, or with a banal viral infection. In addition, its use means strict adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician - dose, concentration, frequency of administration during the day and duration of use in adults and children. Protargol is prescribed only in a medical institution, after examination by a doctor, in cases of extreme necessity or in case of failure of treatment with other medications. For the treatment of complicated runny nose with prolonged purulent rhinitis or sinusitis (sinusitis, ethmoiditis and sinusitis), for the treatment of recurrent and prolonged nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis, for the treatment of purulent inflammatory processes of the middle ear (otitis) and adenoiditis. And also for predominantly purulent or complicated inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, as well as for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis and urethritis).

Medicine, also called medicine, pharmaceutical drug or medicine, can be roughly defined as any chemical substance intended to be used for medical diagnosis to treat or prevent disease. The word pharmaceutical comes from the Greek word "Pharmakeia". The modern transliteration of the word is “pharmacy”.

...and ways to treat it. Contents of the article: Medicines against asthma Treatment of asthma with inhalers Steroids and other anti-inflammatory drugs drugs Bronchodilators in the treatment of asthma Nebulizers: home and portable Prednisone and asthma Asthma mitigation and self-care...


Drugs can be classified in various ways, such as by chemical properties, mode or route of administration, the biological system affected, or by their therapeutic effect. A well-developed and widely used classification system is the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification. The World Health Organization maintains a list of essential medicines.

Example of drug classification:

  1. Antipyretics: reduction of temperature (fever/temperature)
  2. Analgesics: pain relief (painkillers)
  3. Antimalarial drugs: treatment of malaria
  4. Antibiotics: suppression of microbial growth
  5. Antiseptics: Prevent the spread of germs near burns, cuts and wounds.

Types of medications (types of pharmacotherapy)

For the gastrointestinal tract (digestive system)

  • Upper gastrointestinal tract: antacids, reflux suppressants, carminatives, antidopaminergics, proton pump inhibitors, H2-histamine receptor blockers, cytoprotectors, prostaglandin analogues.
  • Lower digestive tract: laxatives, antispasmodics, antidiarrheals, sequestrants bile acid, opioids.

For the cardiovascular system

  • General: beta-blockers, calcium antagonists, diuretics, cardiac glycosides, antiarrhythmic drugs, nitrates, antianginal drugs, vasoconstriction and vasodilation drugs, peripheral activators.
  • Affecting blood pressure ( antihypertensive drugs): ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, alpha blockers, calcium antagonists.
  • Blood coagulation: anticoagulants, heparin, antithrombotics, fibrinolytics, blood clotting factor drugs, hemostatic drugs.
  • Atherosclerosis/cholesterol inhibitors: lipid-lowering agents, statins.

For the central nervous system

Drugs affecting the central nervous system include: hypnotics, anesthetics, antipsychotics, antidepressants (including tricyclic antidepressants, MAO inhibitors, lithium salts and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)), antiemetics, anticonvulsants/antiepileptics , anxiolytics, barbiturates, drugs against movement disorders (for example, Parkinson's disease), stimulants (including amphetamines), benzodiazepines, cyclopyrolone, dopamine antagonists, antihistamines, cholinergics, anticholinergics, emetics, cannabinoids, 5-HT (serotonin) antagonists.

For pain and consciousness (analgesics)

The main classes of painkillers are NSAIDs, opioids and various orphan drugs such as paracetamol.

For musculoskeletal disorders

The main categories of drugs for musculoskeletal disorders are: NSAIDs (including COX-2 selective inhibitors), muscle relaxants, neuromuscular drugs and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.

For the eyes

  • General: neuronal blockers, astringent, eye lubricants.
  • Diagnostic: topical anesthetics, sympathomimetics, parasympatholytics, mydriatic and cycloplegic drugs.
  • Antibacterial: antibiotics, local antibiotics, sulfa drugs, fluoroquinolones.
  • Antifungals: imidazoles, polyenes
  • Anti-inflammatory: NSAIDs, corticosteroids
  • Antiallergic: mast cell inhibitors
  • Against glaucoma: adrenergic agonists, beta blockers, carbonic anhydrase and tonicity inhibitors, cholinergic receptors, miotic and parasympathomimetic drugs, prostaglandin inhibitors, nitroglycerin.

For the ear, nose and nasopharynx

Sympathomimetics, antihistamines, anticholinergics, NSAIDs, steroids, antiseptics, local anesthetics, antifungal drugs, cerumenolytes.

For the respiratory system

Bronchodilators, NSAIDs, antiallergic drugs, antitussives, mucolytics, anticongestants, corticosteroids, beta-2 antagonists, anticholinergics, steroids.

For endocrine problems

Androgens, antiandrogens, gonadotropin, corticosteroids, human growth hormone, insulin, antidiabetic agents (sulfonylureas, biguanides/metformins, thiazolidinediones, insulin), hormones thyroid gland, antithyroid drugs, calcitonin, diphosphonate, vasopressin analogues.

For the genitourinary system

Antifungals, alkalization agents, quinolones, antibiotics, cholinergics, anticholinergics, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, antispasmodics, 5-alpha reductases, selective alpha-1 blockers, sildenafil, drugs to restore fertility.

For contraception

Hormonal contraception, ormeloxifene, spermicides.

NSAIDs, anticholinergics, hemostatic drugs, antifibrinolytics, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), bone regulators, beta-receptor agonists, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, GnRH.

Harmolenic acid, gonadotropin release inhibitor, progestogens, dopamine agonists, estrogens, prostaglandins, gonadorelin, clomiphene, tamoxifen, diethylstilbestrol.

For skin

Emollients, anti-scabies, antifungals, disinfectants, lice preparations, tar preparations, vitamin A derivatives, vitamin D analogues, keratolytics, abrasives, systemic antibiotics, topical antibiotics, hormones, exfoliants, fibrinolytics, proteolytics, sunscreens, antiperspirants , corticosteroids.

Against infections and infestations

Antibiotics, antifungal drugs, antigranulomatous drugs, antituberculosis, antimalarial, antiviral, antiprotozoal, antiamoebic drugs, anthelmintics.

For the immune system

Vaccines, immunoglobulins, immunosuppressants, interferons, monoclonal antibodies.

For allergic diseases

Antiallergic drugs, antihistamines, NSAIDs.

For food

Tonics, electrolytes and mineral preparations (including iron and magnesium preparations), parental food additives, vitamins, drugs for the treatment of obesity, anabolic steroids, hematopoietic drugs, medicinal food products.

For tumor disorders

Cytotoxic drugs, therapeutic antibodies, sex hormones, aromatase inhibitors, somatostatin inhibitors, recombinant interleukins, G-CSF, erythropoietin.

For diagnostics

Contrast agents

For euthanasia

Euthanaticum is used for euthanasia and voluntary physician-assisted suicide. In many countries, euthanasia is illegal and therefore drugs for such use will not be licensed in many countries.

Use of drugs

Application is the entry of the medicine into the patient's body. The drug may be in various dosage forms such as pills, tablets or capsules. There is also various options taking medications, including intravenous (into the bloodstream through a vein) or oral (oral) medications. They can be consumed once as a bolus; at regular intervals or continuously. The frequency of use is often abbreviated from Latin, for example “ every 8 hours" will be read as Q8H from Quaque VIII Hora.

Legal issues

Depending on the law, drugs can be divided into over-the-counter drugs (available without any restrictions) and prescription drugs (which can only be prescribed by a medical practitioner). The exact division between these two types of drugs depends on the current legislation.

In some legislation, there is a third category, drugs sold “over the counter”. You do not need a prescription to purchase them, but they must be kept in the pharmacy out of sight of customers, and only a pharmacist can sell them. Doctors may also prescribe prescription drugs off-label for purposes for which the drugs were not originally approved by regulatory authorities. The classification of pharmacotherapeutic areas helps to carry out the process of interaction between pharmacists and doctors.

The International Narcotics Control Board in the United States imposes a worldwide ban on certain drugs. They publish a long list of substances and plants whose trade and consumption (where possible) is prohibited. Over-the-counter drugs are sold without restrictions because they are considered safe enough that most people will not harm themselves by accidentally taking it as directed. In many countries, such as the UK, there is a third category of medicines that can only be sold in registered pharmacies or under the supervision of a pharmacist.

For patented drugs, countries may have certain mandatory licensing programs that, in some situations, force the drug owner to contract with other agents to manufacture the drug. Such programs may deal with unexpected shortages of a drug in the event of a serious disease epidemic, or may be part of an effort to ensure that drugs for a disease, such as AIDS, are available in countries that cannot afford to purchase them at owner's cost. .


Prescription drugs are considered such because they can cause side effects and should not be used unnecessarily. Medical guidelines and clinical trials, necessary for drug approval, are used to better inform your doctor's prescribing of these drugs, but errors may occur. Reasons such as interactions or side effects that prevent medications from being prescribed are called contraindications.

Errors also include overprescribing or abuse of various medications, erroneous prescribing, contraindications and lack of detailed information on dosage and instructions for use. In 2000, the definition of misprescription was studied at a conference using the Delphi method, the conference was prompted by the ambiguity of what it means to be misprescribed and the need for a uniform definition to be used in scientific papers.

Drug development

Development is the process of creating a drug. Medicines may be extracts from natural products (pharmacognosy) or may be synthesized through chemical processes. The active ingredient of the drug is combined with its “ vehicle", such as a capsule, cream, or liquid that will be applied in a specific manner of application. Child-friendly packaging will likely be used in the final product sold to consumers.

Medicines - blockbusters

A blockbuster drug is a drug that generates more than $1 billion in revenue for its owner annually.

It is estimated that about one-third of the pharmaceutical market, when drug costs are taken into account, is made up of blockbusters. About 125 titles are blockbusters. The leader was Lipitor, a cholesterol-lowering drug launched by Pfizer with sales of $12.5 billion.

In 2009, there were a total of seven new blockbuster drugs, with total sales of $9.8 billion.

Beyond this purely arbitrary financial consideration, “in the pharmaceutical industry, a blockbuster drug is one that achieves acceptance by physicians as a therapeutic standard, most often for widespread chronic (rather than acute) conditions. Patients often take the drug for a long time.”

Enovid birth control pills were the first modern medicine, taken by those who have not been sick for a long time. The emphasis on highly profitable drugs for long-term treatment, which led to a decrease in the importance of single-use drugs for acute conditions, has led to periodic shortages of antibiotics or vaccines, such as the flu vaccine shortage in the United States.

Leading blockbuster drugs


Trade name



Sales (billions of dollars/year)*





Bristol-Myers Squibb



Gastroesophageal reflux disease





Rheumatoid arthritis



Crohn's disease rheumatoid arthritis

Johnson & Johnson



Environmental impact

Since the 1990s, water pollution pharmaceuticals became environmental problem, causing anxiety. Most drugs enter the environment through human consumption and excretion, and are often poorly filtered in wastewater treatment plants that are not designed for such treatment. Once in water, they may have various, minor effects on organisms, although research is limited.

Pharmaceutical substances can also be released into the environment due to improper storage, fertilizer runoff, renovated irrigation systems, and leaking sewers. In 2009, an Associated Press investigative report concluded that U.S. manufacturers legally dumped 271 million pounds of pharmaceuticals into the environment, 92% of which were the antiseptic phenol and hydrogen peroxide. The report was unable to distinguish which drugs were released into the environment by manufacturers and which by the pharmaceutical industry. It also found that approximately 250 million pounds of medications and contaminated packaging were discarded by hospitals and long-term care facilities.

Pharmacological protection environment is a branch of pharmacology and a form of pharmacovigilance that deals with the study of intake chemicals or drugs into the environment after treatment of humans and animals. She deals especially with those pharmacological substances, which have an impact on the environment after being eliminated from living organisms after pharmacotherapy.

Environmental pharmacology deals with the study of the release of chemicals or drugs into the environment by any means and in any concentrations, which subsequently disrupt the balance of ecosystems. Environmental pharmacology is a broad term that includes studies of the effects of household chemicals, regardless of dose and route of entry into the environment.

Ecopharmacovigilance is the science and activity concerned with detecting, assessing, understanding and preventing the adverse effects of drugs on the environment. This is close to the WHO definition of pharmacovigilance - the science aimed at eliminating any side effects of drugs in humans after use.

The term “persistent pharmaceutical environmental pollutants” was proposed in the 2010 Pharmaceuticals and the Environment nominations as an issue raised by the Strategic Office for International Chemicals Management at the International Society of Environmental Ph.D.


Ancient pharmacology

The use of plants and plant substances to treat all types of diseases is believed to date back to prehistoric medicine.

The Kahuna Gynecological Papyrus, the oldest known medical text, dates back to approximately 1800 BC. and represents the first recorded use of drugs of various kinds. It and other papyri with medical texts describe ancient Egyptian medical practices, such as using honey to treat infections.

The medicine of ancient Babylon demonstrates the use of prescriptions in the first half of the 2nd millennium BC. Medicinal creams and pills were used as treatment.

In the Indian subcontinent, the Atharva Veda, a sacred text of Hinduism that mainly dates back to the 2nd millennium BC. (although the hymns recorded in it are considered to be more ancient), is the first Indian text dealing with medicine. It describes herbal medicines to combat diseases. The earliest foundations of Ayurveda were built on a synthesis of ancient selected herbal practices, together with a large addition of theoretical concepts, new nosologies and new forms of therapy, dating from about 400 BC. Students of Ayurveda were required to know ten disciplines that were essential in the preparation and administration of drugs: distillation, operational skills, cooking, horticulture, metallurgy, sugar production, pharmaceutical arts, analysis and separation of minerals, mixing of metals and preparation of alkalis.

The Hippocratic Oath for doctors, dating back to the 5th century BC, speaks of the existence of “deadly drugs,” and ancient Greek doctors imported drugs from Egypt and other countries.

The first pharmacies were established in Baghdad in the 8th century AD. The injection syringe was invented by Ammar ibn Ali al-Mausili in the 9th century in Iraq. Al-Kindi, in his book De Grabidus, written in the 9th century AD, developed a mathematical scale to quantify the potency of drugs.

The Canon of Medicine, written by Ibn Sina (Avicenna), considered the father of modern medicine, reports 800 proven medicines at the time of its writing in 1025 AD. Ibn Sina's contributions included the separation of medicine from pharmacology, which was important for the development of pharmacological sciences. At least 2,000 medicinal and chemical substances were known to Islamic medicine.

Medieval pharmacology

Medieval medicine saw advantages in the field of surgery, but beyond opium and quinine there was little real effective medicines. Traditional treatments and potentially toxic metal compounds were popular treatment options. Teodorico Borgognoni (1205-1296) was one of the most important surgeons of the medieval period, he introduced and disseminated important surgical innovations, including basic antiseptic standards and the use of anesthetics. García de Otra described some of the herbal treatments used at that time.

Modern pharmacology

For much of the 19th century, medicines were not very effective, as Sir Oliver Holmes reflected in 1842 when he commented: “if all the medicines in the world were thrown into the sea, it would be better for all mankind and worse for all the fish.”

During World War I, Alexis Carrel and Henry Dakin developed the Carrel-Dakin method of treating wounds by douching and bactericidal agent, which helped prevent gangrene.

During the interwar period the first antibacterial drugs, such as sulfa antibiotics. World War II saw the introduction of widespread and effective antimicrobial treatment due to the development and mass production of penicillin antibiotics. This was made possible by the pressures of war and the collaboration of British scientists with the American pharmaceutical industry.

Drugs commonly used in the late 1920s included aspirin, codeine, and morphine as painkillers; digoxin, nitroglycerin and quinine for heart disease and insulin for diabetes. Other drugs included antitoxins, several biological vaccines, and several synthetic drugs.

In the 1930s, antibiotics appeared: first sulfonamides, then penicillin and other antibiotics. Medicines increasingly found themselves at the center of medical practice.

In the 1950s, other drugs emerged, such as corticosteroids against inflammation, rauwolfia alkaloids as a sedative and antihypertensive, antihistamines for allergic rhinitis, xanthines for the treatment of asthma and typical antipsychotic drugs for psychosis.

By 2008, thousands of approved drugs had been developed. Increasingly, biotechnology is being used to discover biopharmaceuticals. Recently, interdisciplinary approaches have received huge amount new data for the development of new antibiotics and antibacterial agents, and on the use of biological agents in antibacterial therapy.

In the 1950s, new psychotropic drugs, especially the antipsychotic chlorpromazine, were developed in laboratories and gradually became widely used. Although they were considered progressive in many ways, there were also some objections due to serious side effects such as tardive dyskinesia. Patients often objected to psychiatrists and refused or stopped taking these medications when psychiatric supervision was not provided.

Governments have been active in regulating drug development and sales. In the United States, the “Elixir Sulfanilamide disaster” led to the creation of the Food and Drug Administration, and in 1938 the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act required manufacturers to provide documentation for new drugs. In 1951, the Humphrey-Durham Amendment required certain drugs to be sold by prescription. A subsequent change in 1962 required that new drugs be tested for effectiveness and safety in clinical trials.

Before the 1970s, drug prices were not a major concern for doctors and patients. But when they began to prescribe more drugs for chronic diseases, costs became burdensome and by the 1970s every US state required or recommended replacement generics more expensive brands medications. This also led to the passage of the Medicare Part D Act in 2006 in the United States, which proposes that it cover drugs.

In 2008, the United States became a leader in the field medical research, including in pharmaceutical development. The US has some of the highest drug prices in the world and, accordingly, drug innovation is quite high. In 2000, firms based in the United States developed 29 of the 75 best-selling drugs; firms in the second largest market, Japan, developed 8, and firms in the UK 10. France, with its strict pricing policy, developed three. Throughout the 1990s, the results were similar.

The drug Dona was created for the treatment of osteoarthritis of various pathogenesis. The official name and main active ingredient of the drug is glucosamine sulfate, which is a natural substance that is constantly present in the body and is responsible for metabolic processes in cartilage tissues, ensures growth connective tissue in ligaments and tendons of joints.

The use of the drug activates natural processes by increasing the glucosamine content in the body, stimulates the restoration of cartilage tissue, and the replenishment of joint fluid.

In this article we will look at when doctors prescribe the drug Dona, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. If you have already used Dona, leave your feedback in the comments.

Composition and release form

Clinical and pharmacological group: a drug that regulates metabolism in cartilage tissue The main active ingredient in Don is glucosamine sulfate. Don is produced in the following forms:

  • powder;
  • capsules;
  • injection solution.

One ampoule of the drug will contain 400 mg of glucosamine sulfate. There are 6 ampoules in a package. The kit includes a solvent for the medicine in a volume of 1 ml. One sachet of powder contains 1.5 g of active ingredient. They can produce boxes of 20 or 30 bags. Each capsule will contain 250 mg of glucosamine sulfate. There are 80 tablets in a package.

What is Dona used for?

The drug Dona is used:

  • for the treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis (hip, wrist, knee joints);
  • with spondyloarthrosis, intervertebral osteochondrosis;
  • with scapulohumeral periarteritis.

Pharmacological action

Don's drug prevents catabolism, is an anabolic, chondroprotector, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory agent. The medicine inhibits degenerative processes in joints, reduces joint pain, and preserves joint function.

Active ingredient Dona drug – glucosamine sulfate. Thus, Dona, replenishing the lack of glucosamine, increases the permeability of the joint capsule, helps restore normal enzymatic processes in the cells of articular cartilage and synovial membrane.

There are reviews about Don's drug that it stops the development of osteoarthritis.

Instructions for use

If you plan to use Dona for treatment, the instructions for use should be taken into account.

  • Dona is taken orally, 1 tablet 750 mg 2 times a day, preferably during meals, with a glass of water. The symptomatic effect occurs 2-3 weeks after using the drug. The minimum course of therapy is 4-6 weeks.
  • Dona powder is taken 20 minutes before meals, 1 sachet orally dissolved in a glass of water, once a day. The duration of treatment is from 4 to 12 weeks, the course of therapy is repeated at intervals of two months.
  • Dona solution for intramuscular administration. Ampoule A (drug) is mixed in one syringe with ampoule B (solvent). 3 ml of solution is administered strictly intramuscularly three times a week. The course of therapy is 4-6 weeks. To increase the effectiveness of therapy, it is advisable to combine parenteral administration of the drug with oral administration of Dona.

The tablets contain sodium, which should be taken into account by patients on a controlled sodium diet.


There are a number of restrictions on taking the drug:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Severe renal failure.
  • Pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding.
  • Age up to 12 years.

Side effects

  1. From the digestive system: in in some cases- flatulence, diarrhea, constipation.
  2. Allergic reactions: in some cases - urticaria, itching.

Effects caused by the action of lidocaine (solution for intramuscular administration): possible nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, diplopia, headache, dizziness, numbness of the tongue and oral mucosa, tremor, euphoria, disorientation, cardiac dysfunction.

Drug interactions

Dona is well compatible with glucocorticosteroids and NSAIDs. Caution must be exercised when used simultaneously with sedatives and sleeping pills, cimetidine, MAO inhibitors, procainamide, sodium thiopental, hexenal, verapamil, quinidine, ajmaline, amiodarone, beta-blockers, digitosin.


Glucosamine, as an active substance, is contained in such drugs as: Elbona, Ellastenga; in the form of injections, drugs such as Rumalon, Alflutop can be recommended.

The closest compound analogs of Dona are considered to be such drugs as Artiflex, Artron Flex, Glucosamine, Flexamine, Gerron, Arthromax, Sinagra, Hogdroxid, Remisid, Flekserin, Structum.

Attention: the use of analogues must be agreed with the attending physician.


The average price of DONA tablets in pharmacies (Moscow) is 1,600 rubles. Solution ampoule No. 6 - 1582 rubles; Don powder No. 30 - 1430 rubles per package.

Storage conditions and periods

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children. Shelf life: 3 years.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter.

Description of the drug Dona

Medicine Dona is a chondroprotective drug in which the main active ingredient is glucosamine, the medicine is a powder for preparing solutions, tablets, or injections. According to the results of many years of research, Dona powder allows:

  1. Regenerate cartilage tissue.
  2. Restore mobility to the damaged joint.
  3. Increase quantity synovial fluid inside the joints.
  4. Improve shock absorption of joints.
  5. Reduce pain.
  6. Prevent the appearance of oncological malignant and benign tumors.
  7. To make up for the deficiency of some nutrients, which the tissues of joints and vertebrae need.

All this allows us to prescribe Don’s medicine for the treatment and restoration of the functions of the musculoskeletal system.

The action of the drug is based on delivery to the body artificially(that is, through tablets, injections) of substances that suppress the inflammatory process and lead to complete destruction of those enzymes that aggressively affect the cartilage tissue of the joint. This ensures rapid regeneration of the cartilage linings of the joint.

At bone diseases Dona helps calcium retain in the body and form calcium compounds in the bone structure.

Indications for use of the drug Dona

Don's medicine is prescribed for the treatment of many diseases not only of the joints, but also of the spine. This is due to the fact that Don's drug acts not only as a chondroprotector, but also as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

These verified data provide grounds for prescribing this medicine for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Osteoarthritis various localizations(knee, hip, ankle, elbow, wrist, etc. joints);
  • Arthritis and polyarthritis of various localizations;

  • Arthrosis and polyarthrosis;
  • Shoulder osteochondrosis;
  • Coxarthrosis;
  • Spondylosis;
  • Osteochondrosis and spinal chondrosis;
  • Spondylitis;
  • Scapulohumeral polyarthritis.

Effect of the drug Dona

If most drugs have big list contraindications and side effects, then Don's drug is first on the list in terms of safety, since its use stimulates the natural processes that occur in the life of every healthy person.

The active substances of Dona are quickly absorbed in the small intestine, and 90% of the substance is excreted from the body by the kidneys. Dona acts quickly, after two weeks of use you can feel the first results:

  1. Reducing pain.
  2. Increased joint mobility.
  3. Disappearance of crackling and crunching sounds.
  4. Disappearance of the feeling of stiffness in movements, numbness, swelling.

After completing the course of taking the drug, its effect remains for a long time, about two to three months, which allows you to take breaks and take it not regularly, but 4-5 times a year in courses.

The speed of action directly depends on the dosage form in which the drug will be taken. For example, patients who received injections felt the first effect of treatment after 4 days, those who took powder and capsules noted an improvement after 10 days of regular use.

Directions for use and doses

The method of administration and dosage of the drug depends on the dosage form.

  1. Powder. The powder form of the drug Dona is presented in 10 sachets of 1.5 grams each. One packet per day is prescribed, which is thoroughly dissolved in two hundred milligrams of water. The resulting solution should be taken 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is at least 6 weeks, the duration of treatment can be increased by the attending physician depending on the severity of the disease.
  2. Capsules. 750 mg (1 tablet) twice a day with meals, washed down a large number water for 4-6 weeks. The duration of administration and dose of the medicine can be increased by the attending physician depending on the severity of the disease.
  3. Injections. 400 mg (1 ampoule) is administered intramuscularly once every two days, the course of administration is 4-6 weeks. The break between courses is 2-3 months. The duration of administration and dose may be increased by the attending physician depending on the severity of the disease.

All details, course of administration and dosage of the drug should be obtained from your doctor.

Like any other medications, this medicine has its contraindications and side effects. The only exception is that they rarely appear, and the list of contraindications is small.

Contraindications to the use of the medicine:

  • Children under 12 years of age;
  • Phenylketonuria or other diseases of the excretory system;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Heart failure, any other cardiac abnormalities;

  • Individual intolerance to the components that make up Dona;
  • Epilepsy or other neurological diseases;
  • Hypersensitivity to lidocaine or intolerance to it.

Side effects of the medicine:

  1. Allergic reactions, manifested in the form of hives, itching and redness.
  2. Disorders eating behavior, that is, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, loss of appetite.
  3. Dizziness, darkening of the eyes.
  4. Dry mouth.
  5. Drowsiness.
  6. Hallucinations.
  7. Trembling in the arms and legs (tremor).

All side effects of the drug were observed extremely rarely, but if they were detected, it is necessary to temporarily stop taking the drug and consult a doctor for advice.

A little about price and analogues

The drug Dona was developed using special technologies, so there is no analogue this drug does not exist. However, in pharmacology there are known drugs that, like Dona, contain glucosamine: Ellastenga, Elbona. The prices of all drugs range from 1000 to 1500 rubles, so it’s not worth looking for something cheaper, especially without a doctor’s recommendations.

Brief conclusions

Thus, pharmaceuticals have stepped far forward by developing the drug Dona and its analogues containing glucosamine.

Not a single non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug is capable of restoring damaged cartilage tissue, while Dona has such “powers”. In addition, Dona is not just a chondroprotective drug, it is a drug that combines the effects of several groups of drugs at once:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Chondroprotectors.
  3. Painkillers.
  4. Anabolic drugs.

Unlike many other drugs prescribed to treat diseases musculoskeletal system, Dona has a small list of contraindications and side effects. If an adverse reaction to the drug occurs, it is very rare. A contraindication to the use of Dona for the treatment of joints can only be childhood, pregnancy, lactation, renal and heart failure, allergic reactions.

The medicine is convenient because it is available in several forms (powder, capsules and injections), which makes it convenient to take.

Each dosage form has its own characteristics and its own speed of action, the first effect of the injections appears the fastest (within 3-4 days), the powder acts the slowest. The dosage also varies active substance in each dosage form, therefore this drug, its dosage form and dosage for treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor.

That’s all for today, dear readers, leave your opinion about today’s article in the comments.

How does Dona work?

Don's chondroprotector is a cure for arthrosis. Glucosamine sulfate is the main component of cartilage tissue,

stops the degradation of joints and cartilage, triggers collagen synthesis and regeneration. Dona enhances metabolism, delivers substances necessary for collagen synthesis, and participates in the formation of synovial fluid in the joint. Dona is compatible with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), increases their bioavailability, and accelerates action. Dona has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect in arthrosis.

When is Dona indicated - instructions for use

Dona is used for preventive purposes against relapses of joint diseases of any location, therapy for arthrosis of the scapulohumeral and knee joints.

Produced in the form of soluble powders, gelatin capsules, ampoules with solution. For a better treatment effect, injections are combined with oral forms of the drug. The medicine for arthrosis of the Don should be used strictly according to the instructions, observing the doses for each form of release of the drug.

  1. The powder is prescribed once a day, 20 minutes before breakfast. 1 sachet of medicine is diluted in 250 ml of warm water.
  2. Capsules are prescribed 3 times a day, 1-2 pieces before meals. The dosage is calculated based on the patient’s body weight and the degree of arthrosis.
  3. For intramuscular injections, mix 2 ampoules (substance A and solvent B). Injections are given 3 times a week.

Duration of admission

The course of Dona lasts from 4 weeks, depending on the degree of joint deformation and the chosen form of the drug. In the initial stages, the doctor limits himself to oral administration.

Stages 2-3 of arthrosis development require more long-term treatment. In addition to powders, capsules, prescribed intramuscular injections. The duration of treatment according to the instructions is from 4 to 10 weeks, giving a good, long-lasting result.

After the course of treatment, you need to take a break for 2 months. For effective treatment and prevention intramuscular injection alternate with oral administration.

Contraindications and side effects of the drug Dona

  1. Patients with allergies to glucosamine and other components.
  2. Patients with phenylketonuria.
  3. The injection solution contains lidocaine, which is dangerous for people with diseases cardiovascular system, nursing and expectant mothers, children under 12 years of age.
  • Digestive system disorders ( increased gas formation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, obstruction);
  • Redness, rash;
  • Migraines, fainting;
  • Fatigue, tiredness;
  • Decreased sensitivity of mucous membranes and limbs;
  • Impaired consciousness;
  • Muscle tremors.

Reviews about the drug Dona

I suffered for a long time from arthrosis of the knees. I went through treatment and took a bunch of pills. The last thing the doctor prescribed for me was the Italian chondoprotector Dona, a medicine for arthrosis that does not differ in price from products with similar instructions. I took the drug in courses of 2 months, then took a break for another 2. The results became noticeable only after the 3rd week of use - my knees stopped crunching, movements were easier and less painful. Now I'm taking the 3rd course.

I took Dona as a preventative medicine for arthrosis strictly according to the instructions, after reading other reviews, I was surprised - some did not like the price, some had no effect, some complained of side effects. Everything suits me. Before the appointment, I visited the doctor, he prescribed it for Don. The result, of course, is not instantaneous; miracles do not happen. I took 2 courses, the cartilage in the knee joints has already become thicker. The effect is definitely good. About side effect– I had nothing. The main thing is to take the medicine strictly according to the instructions.

Osteochondrosis developed due to working at the computer. Everything hurt, I couldn’t stand it. The doctor prescribed it for Don. I don’t believe in quick healing, so I didn’t expect any effect after the first injection. But literally in 2 weeks the neck pain went away - I was able to move my head normally different sides sit for a long time at work. In addition to the medicine, the doctor also prescribed gymnastics - I am pleased with the results. Now, according to the doctor’s instructions, I take the powders, repeat the injections after 8 months. The product is effective and of high quality. I will definitely continue to take it as a preventive measure for spinal diseases.

Analogs and price

Dona is a single preparation (contains only glucosamine), produced in Italy and Germany. Average price of a medicine, depending on the dosage form:

  1. The injection solution is available in ampoules containing 400 mg of glucosamine sulfate (ampule A) and 2 ml of solvent (ampule B). The total package is enough for 6 injections. The average price is 1250-1300 rubles.
  2. Powders for dilution contained 1500 mg of glucosamine. They are produced in packs of 20 sachets and cost on average from 1000 to 1200 rubles.
  3. Gelatin capsules also contain 1500 mg of active ingredient, but do not contain aspartame. There are 20 pieces in a pack, the average price is 1200-1300 rubles.

On a par with the drug are domestic ones, foreign analogues. Russian-made mono-products:

Imported medicines:


Among similar chondroprotectors, Don's drug gives relatively quick and long lasting effect. The drug is quite safe - side effects and cases of overdose have occurred rarely. By taking medicine for arthrosis in accordance with the prescribed doses, you can achieve long-term remission and complete recovery.

Composition and release form

The medicine is available in three forms:

  • Don capsules 250 mg. They are located in cardboard box 80 pieces each.
  • Injection solution for intramuscular administration of Don. 2 ml ampoules are placed in a blister pack of 6 pieces. They also come with a solvent in 1 ml ampoules. All this is placed in a cardboard package.
  • Powder for oral use in the form of sachets or sachets. Each of them contains 1.5 g of the drug. 20 sachets are placed in a cardboard box.

According to the instructions, it is recommended to store the drug in a place protected from light at a temperature of 15-25 0 C and normal humidity. Keep away from children. The shelf life of powder and tablets is 3 years, solution for injection is 2 years. After its expiration, it is not recommended to use Don's remedy.

Composition of Don capsules

1 capsule of the drug contains glucosamine sulfate 250 mg and excipients in insignificant concentration.

Composition of Don powder

1 sachet (bag) of Don contains 1.5 g of powder for preparing a solution for oral administration. The active ingredient is glucosamine sulfate. In addition to it, the bag contains excipients in small concentrations.

Composition of Don's solution

1 ampoule contains glucosamine sulfate 400 mg and excipients in a small concentration.

Dona instructions for use in different dosage forms

How to use Don and take Don in capsule form

The treatment regimen and dosage of Don in capsule form is prescribed individually by the attending physician. The duration of taking the drug is also selected. Don capsules are taken orally with meals.

How to use Don and take Don in powder form

The treatment regimen and duration of use of Don in powder form is determined in each specific case based on the nature of the disease and individual characteristics patient. Before use, it is recommended to dilute it in 200 ml of clean water and drink 15-20 minutes before meals.

Use of Don in the form of an injection solution

The duration of use and dosage of Don in each specific case is determined individually by the attending physician. Before administration, the ampoule is mixed with the solvent ampoule, which is included in the kit, in one syringe. The effectiveness of the drug improves when Don is used together in the form of injections and powder or capsules.

Use of Don for osteochondrosis

In each case, when prescribing Dona, the doctor himself selects the treatment regimen and dosage that suits you. But in standard situations it is usually like this:

Taking the drug in capsules or powder can be combined with injection.

Indications, contraindications, side effects of the drug Dona

Indications for use of Don

Side effects when using Don

Only in in rare cases side effects are observed after using the drug Dona. Usually this is:

  • allergic reactions of both local and general localization,
  • mild gastrointestinal disorders,
  • headache,
  • visual disturbance.

Contraindications when using Don

  • hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug,
  • phenylketanuria when using the powder due to the aspartame content.
  • for acute cardiac inconductivity and failure in the form of injections due to the content of lidocaine in their composition.

Overdose when using Don

There have been no cases of overdose with Dona. However, if overdose is suspected, it is recommended to seek medical attention and treat the patient symptomatically.

How long can Dona be used?

The standard duration of use of Don is approximately 4-6 weeks. But in each specific case, this issue is decided by the doctor on an individual basis. If necessary, the duration of taking the medicine may be shorter or longer.

Use of Don during pregnancy

As such, no studies have been conducted on the terratogenic effect of the drug on the fetus during pregnancy and the negative impact on the child during lactation. Therefore, this medicine is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

How to use Don and how to take Don for children

Medicinal effects of the drug Dona

The drug overcomes the endogenous deficiency of glucosamine, improves the synthesis of proteoglycans and hyaluronic acid in synovial fluid. Improves the susceptibility of the joint capsule to penetration useful substances, enzymatic processes in articular cartilage and synovial membrane are restored. Glucosamine sulfate also has an anti-inflammatory effect. This occurs due to its blocking of the formation of superoxide radicals by macrophages and inhibition of lysosomal enzymes. In this case, relief of calcium deposition in bone tissue is observed. The drug reduces joint pain, triggers regenerative processes in cartilage and bone tissue, and helps reduce the intensity of pain symptoms.

Decrease clinical symptoms The disease usually occurs 2-3 weeks after starting to take the drug. Within 8 weeks after discontinuation of the drug, its effect is observed and the effect obtained from its use is maintained. Absorption of the drug occurs in the small intestine and is 90%. The active substance, regardless of the type of entry into the body, penetrates all biological barriers and is distributed in the tissues of articular cartilage.

Interaction of Don with other drugs

The drug Dona is prescribed with caution when used in combination with the following drugs:

  • digitoxin,
  • beta blockers,
  • amiodarone,
  • ajmaline,
  • verapamil,
  • quinidine,
  • hexenal,
  • novocainamide,
  • sodium thiopental,
  • polymyxin B,
  • MAO inhibitors,
  • sleeping pills or sedatives,
  • polymyxin B,
  • cimetidine.

Domestic and foreign analogues of the drug Don

Remember that each of the above drug analogues has its own characteristics, contraindications and side effects of use. Therefore, the selection of the product should be carried out by a specialist.

Price of the drug in pharmacies

Check out the price of Don in 2018 and cheap analogues >>> The cost of Don in different pharmacies can vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components in the drug and the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain. But the important thing is that the price difference between foreign and Russian analogues remains almost unchanged.

Effect of the drug on the body

Additionally, the drug has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect, and promotes the deposition of calcium in bone tissue.

The drug restores cartilage tissue; slows down the processes of protein breakdown and accelerates their synthesis, that is, promotes the growth of muscle tissue; stimulates regeneration processes, inhibits the degeneration of cartilage tissue; removes pain symptoms; suppresses the development of inflammatory processes.

By making up for the lack of natural glucosamine, Dona increases the permeability of the walls of the joint capsule and helps restore enzymatic processes. Sulfate esters present in the preparation help maintain tissue elasticity and water retention.

Absorption of the drug occurs in thin section intestines, from where the drug quickly and easily penetrates tissues, including articular cartilage. Within 70 hours, half of the drug is eliminated from the body.

Indications for use

Dona is intended for the prevention and treatment of the following diseases:

In what cases should the medicine not be used?

You should approach treatment with the drug with caution if you have certain diseases, conditions, or allergic reactions:

  • in case of phenylketonuria, which is hereditary disease, which develops as a result of protein metabolism disorders and causes serious changes in the central nervous system, the use of the powder form of the drug is unacceptable;
  • The use of the drug for severe kidney and liver pathology is unacceptable;
  • if there is a history of epilepsy or seizures of unknown etiology, intramuscular administration of the drug is excluded;
  • unacceptable intramuscular use drug for acute and chronic heart failure and heart blockade, arterial hypotension;
  • allergic reactions to shellfish, as well as adverse reactions taking aspartame, lidocaine are contraindications for use;
  • if available diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to control the level of glycemia in the body;
  • use is unacceptable in the presence of individual intolerance to the main and auxiliary components of the drug;
  • The drug is not prescribed for use by women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as by children under 12 years of age, since clinical safety studies have not been conducted on this group of people.

No adverse effects from drinking alcohol during the course of treatment have been established.

Release forms

Dona is available in tablets, powder, and injections:

  1. Powder packaged in separate sachets containing the required dose of the drug.
  2. Capsules sold in packs of 80 capsules.
  3. Injections Comes complete with 6 ampoules for injections and ampoules with solvent. To improve the therapeutic effect, a course of injections can be combined with taking capsules.

Cases of drug overdose are unknown. If you carelessly take the medicine in doses exceeding those recommended by the doctor, it is necessary to perform gastric lavage and symptomatic therapy.

Mechanism of action

As already mentioned, the drug replenishes the deficiency of natural glucosamine in the body. As a result of use, the production of hyaluronic acid and proteoglycans in the joint fluid is stimulated, the permeability of the joint capsule increases, enzymatic processes return to normal, and the processes of destruction of articular cartilage slow down.

At the same time, the function of calcium deposition in bone tissue is restored and sulfur is fixed, and joint pain goes away.

A decrease in symptoms is observed after a couple of weeks. Recovery is observed a couple of months after completion of treatment. The destructive processes in the joint are stopped, and the structure of the cartilage tissue begins to be restored.

Directions for use

Each package of Dona contains instructions for use, from which it follows that:

Possible side effects

There are rare cases of side effects of the drug:

  • from the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, constipation, flatulence, diarrhea;
  • from the central nervous system: euphoria, drowsiness, headache, disorientation, dizziness;
  • from the cardiovascular system: cardiac conduction disorders;
  • allergic reactions;
  • tremor;
  • numbness of the tongue and oral mucosa.

Information from an expert

Improvement in patients is observed after two weeks of continuous use of the drug.

Largest the effect is achieved after completing a course of treatment of 1 month, which lasts up to 2 months.

This explains the break in treatment courses. At the same time, the success of using the drug depends on the degree of the disease, the approach to treatment, compliance with restrictions during the treatment period, and the characteristics of the body.

Ordinary people say

Mostly from patients positive reviews about the effectiveness of the drug Dona. The drug quickly relieves joint pain and is effective in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures.

What are the pros and cons of the medicine

The drug gives good results treatment, especially at the initial stage of arthrosis, almost completely restoring the healthy functions of the cartilage tissue of the joint.

Due to the presence of natural glycosamine in the body, contraindications for use are minimal.

There are both positive and negative side effects of the drug.

Cost of medicine

Price of the drug Dona in various forms varies from 1200 to 1400 rubles.

The shelf life is two years if the conditions specified in the instructions are met. The drug should be stored in places inaccessible to children. The drug is dispensed in a pharmacy according to a prescription from the attending physician.

The other day I was a little sick, apparently cold, and here is the result. The symptoms are, in principle, as usual: body aches, fever, fatigue, etc.

And so I decided to take some kind of magic drug that would help me recover faster and put me back on my feet, otherwise I really didn’t want to get sick.

Everyone around began to advise, as always, who is saved by Arbidol, who is saved by Oscillococcinum, and everyone seems to be helping. And advertising tells us how wonderfully these drugs fight viruses. I also decided to check what is really in these drugs that they help so wonderfully.


I did a little searching on the Internet, dug into Wikipedia and was, to put it mildly, simply shocked by what I found out.

  • Arbidol
  • Oscillococcinum
  • Anaferon

Let's see what these drugs are and how they can help us. The wiki will save us, of course. Most of the drugs that are sold in pharmacies without a prescription are so-called homeopathic remedies. Many people have probably heard this term many times, which sounds so scientific. But what does it actually mean? Let's turn again to the same Wikipedia:

So it turns out that the best-selling “antiviral” device is nothing more than “a drug with unproven effectiveness.”

By the way, the State Duma rejected the law on holding independent clinical trials similar drugs.


Here are a few more not so popular names of homeopathic remedies:

  • Girel (homeopathic tablets)
  • Immunal (drops and tablets)
  • Derinat
  • Aflubin
  • Influcid
  • Coldenflu
  • Imudon
  • Irs 19

All information is taken from open sources on the Internet. And here, by the way, is also in Esquire magazine, but as always, with political overtones.

Interesting information, isn't it? And it only took half an hour of time and a little perseverance, and I learned so many new things. It’s easier, in general, not to treat people, but to give them a placebo, and it will go away on its own.

By the way, this is the lesser of two evils, since some antiviral drugs that actually have an effect on influenza viruses, unfortunately, have a number of side effects. Therefore, as a rule, they are not very often recommended by doctors. Then you will also have to treat for side effects.

On the website of one of the pharmacies, I found a list of antiviral drugs to fight the flu. Here are a couple of names that are constantly heard:

  • Tamiflu
  • Amiksin

A simple search produces interesting results.


I would especially like to note:

In a small study that included 14 patients who were prescribed Tilorone, in two of them (the doses received were 152 and 189 g - corresponding to 1216 and 1512 Amixin IC tablets, respectively, with a recommended 80 - 100 tablets per year), the drug caused retinopathy and keratopathy. Although visual acuity did not decrease and the effects were gradually reversible after cessation of therapy, the study authors point out that potential danger drug for health.


As a result, it turns out that the most effective means, as they were and remain tea with lemon and raspberry jam, raspberry tincture and vitamin C.

But there are still bright sides. Having read and absorbed so much information about the drugs sold, you can easily find those drugs that have a minimum of side effects and whose effects are confirmed by clinical studies.

Having experienced it myself, I can subjectively say that after the onset of the illness on the second day, I started taking the drug following the instructions and the symptoms of acute respiratory infections were much less pronounced. Only a constant cough indicated the presence of the disease.

P.S. I am neither a doctor nor a pharmacist and therefore in no case should I treat the text of this post as an axiom. Everything written above is completely subjective. All information was obtained from open sources and cannot be considered as an objective medical opinion.

Be careful what you buy and what you use. AND DO NOT SELF-medicate under any circumstances!