Proper oral hygiene - what you need to do to keep your teeth clean and healthy. What should oral hygiene be like?

IN oral cavity human inhabits huge amount various microorganisms. They settle on the teeth, gums, tongue and buccal mucosa. Colonies of microbes and their metabolic products lead to a number of dental problems. In addition, when bacteria enter the body, they provoke the development of gastrointestinal pathology.

To balance the ecosystem and improve overall health, regular and high-quality oral hygiene is necessary. The high effectiveness of such a procedure depends on the correctness of its implementation and some other nuances.

The importance of oral hygiene lies in the prevention of major dental diseases, as well as in maintaining an attractive appearance of a person. By following the rules for conducting events, you can achieve significant results, including:

  • formation of strong teeth;
  • destruction of pathogenic microflora;
  • prevention of the development of caries and periodontal disease;
  • prevention infectious diseases oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract;
  • snow-white smile;
  • fresh breath;
  • savings on dental services.

As shown medical practice, people with weakened immune system and smokers.

Types of oral hygiene

To maintain the microflora of the oral cavity, in which the teeth and oral mucosa will always be healthy and aesthetically pleasing, there are a number of hygiene measures. They are divided into two main types: personal hygiene and professional procedures.

In the first case, oral care is carried out independently at home. According to the recommendations of dentists, the procedure must begin with early age when children have their first teeth.

If cleaning your mouth at home does not help desired result, the second method is used. Professional cleaning is carried out in medical institution dentist.

Each method requires compliance with a number of rules. Therefore, for procedures to have high efficiency, you need to familiarize yourself with them in more detail.

Rules for carrying out hygiene procedures

In order for individual oral hygiene to ensure thorough cleaning and create an attractive smile, you must purchase special cleaning products in advance and then follow the rules of the event.

Oral care is usually carried out using special cleaning products, including:

  • Toothbrush for cleaning teeth, cheeks, tongue.
  • Toothpaste for the prevention and treatment of diseases.
  • Brushes for removing food residues in interdental crevices.
  • Rinse to complete the procedure.

When it is not possible to brush your teeth, dental floss is used. To eliminate unpleasant odor from the mouth and small food particles after eating, it is recommended to use chewing gum no sugar.

Rules for cleaning teeth

Oral hygiene rules depend on the choice of cleaning product. Using a toothbrush, the procedure is carried out as follows:

  • The cleaning attribute is rinsed with running water.
  • Apply to the bristly surface of the brush small quantity toothpaste.
  • At an angle of 45 degrees relative to the gum, the attribute is located in the open mouth.

  • The upper teeth are cleaned from top to bottom using smooth, circular movements.
  • The lower jaw is cleaned from bottom to top.

The above manipulations are carried out within 3 minutes. After this time, the toothbrush is turned over and the tongue is cleaned with a rubber nozzle. At the end of the procedure, the oral cavity is rinsed with warm water or a special rinsing solution.

When using dental floss, proper oral hygiene is carried out in the following order:

  • For a one-time procedure, dental floss 40-50 cm long is cut.
  • The thread flows smoothly into the interdental crevices.
  • Having reached the surface of the gum, the thread is directed in the opposite direction in a similar way without sudden movements.

Having cleaned one interdental gap in this way, move on to another. In this case, the thread must be clean for each section.

If the above hygiene measures do not get rid of plaque deposits on the teeth, dentists recommend professional cleaning.

Carrying out professional cleaning

Oral hygiene with professional help is carried out to eliminate accumulations of soft plaque, which over time develops into tartar. During education hard stone a person loses his attractiveness appearance. In addition, against the background of this pathology, concomitant diseases teeth.

To prevent these negative phenomena, the dental hygienist prescribes measures using medical instruments and special equipment.

Before proceeding with professional intervention, the dentist must first carefully examine the patient. Medical Oral hygiene methods depend on the following diagnostic indicators: caries intensity index, hygiene index, assessment of the condition of the mucous membrane, type of bite, presence of dental pathologies.

After assessing the condition of the oral cavity, the specialist must form a responsible attitude towards the prescribed procedure in the patient. It is important that a person understands that medical oral hygiene can completely get rid of periodontal disease and improve the external condition of teeth.

Carrying out procedures

A medical complex of measures to remove persistent dental tumors can be carried out therapeutically, orthodontically or surgical method. Each event is conducted by a dentist in a medical office.

In order to professional hygiene mouth, passed safely, before it begins, the patient is prescribed rinsing the nasopharynx with an antiseptic solution.

At heavy operations Anesthetic medications may be used, in the form of sprays or injections. The professional cleaning complex includes several stages.

Removing plaque and tartar. An ultrasonic device is used for this. In some cases, manual mechanical cleaning with dental instruments is used.

Removing pigmented plaque. A popular device for cleaning teeth from soft plaque is the AirFlow device. As a result of the pressure of the emitted water, air and soda, the enamel becomes lighter by 2 shades.

Teeth polishing. This method uses professional products that contain zirconium microparticles.

Fluoridation. This method involves strengthening the enamel with fluoride-containing gel trays. The procedure lasts only a minute, but during this time the enamel has time to become saturated with fluoride ions, due to which it becomes stronger.

Fissure sealing. This method involves using composite resins that are used to fill the grooves of the teeth on the chewing side using a special tool.

Many patients neglect professional procedures, as well as the visit to the dentist itself. However, this position is fundamentally wrong.

By contacting a specialist in a timely manner, you can avoid dangerous pathologies oral cavity, as well as receive recommendations for daily care so that individual oral hygiene brings significant benefits.

In medical practice, there are certain rules for the technique of cleaning the mouth. Compliance with them does not require much effort or difficulty.

  • To maintain the microflora in the mouth and the strength of the teeth, it is necessary to observe balanced diet from dairy and legume products.
  • To brush your teeth, it is better to choose a brush with synthetic bristles.
  • The cleaning attribute should be replaced every 3-4 months.
  • Clean your mouth with a toothbrush and toothpaste 2 times a day. The first procedure is carried out in the morning, the second before bedtime.

  • Various oral hygiene practices should include cleaning the tongue and gums. It will become good remedy periodontal prevention.
  • After each procedure toothbrush must be thoroughly rinsed with running water.
  • It is recommended to clean the spaces between teeth after every meal. To do this, you can use dental floss or special wooden sticks.

  • It is better to entrust the monitoring of the condition of the oral cavity to the dentist.
  • Professional hygiene should be carried out 1-2 times a year by a qualified specialist.
  • For hard-to-reach areas of the mouth, it is advisable to purchase specialized tools, such as a brush and floss.
  • Don't neglect mouthwashes either. Their regular use contributes not only to fresh breath, but also to the strength of the enamel structure.

Consequences of neglecting hygiene rules

Failure to comply with the rules of oral hygiene, in best case scenario, will lead to bad breath and the development of caries. But, as medical practice has shown, such neglect will have more serious consequences.

A large accumulation of harmful bacteria in the absence hygiene procedures or their incorrect implementation contributes to the development the following pathologies:

  • . This inflammatory process gums affecting the alveolar process of the jaw. The pathology is accompanied putrid smell from the mouth, bleeding gums when brushing teeth individually, itching and a negative perception of the taste of food.
  • Candidiasis. This inflammatory process develops when Candida bacteria enter the mouth. In pathology, swelling of the oropharynx and white coating on the tongue. In an advanced form of the disease, erosions may appear on the surface of the oral mucosa.
  • . Such damage to the lining of the mouth occurs due to the proliferation of infectious microorganisms. When bacteria enter the human body, they destroy the surface structure of the gums, tongue and cheeks. Subsequently, ulcers appear on the affected areas.

As you can see, each pathology develops due to the entry of harmful bacteria into the oral cavity, where there is an optimal habitat for their growth and reproduction. Only careful daily oral care can correct this phenomenon.

Compliance with the recommendations of specialists for individual procedures, as well as regular visit A dentist will help keep your mouth clean and healthy, as well as provide fresh breath and a snow-white smile.

Among the causes of many dental diseases, doctors name not only bad heredity. Most often they talk about insufficient hygiene of the chewing organs. What does anyone need to know about it? How does professional hygiene differ from personal hygiene? Let's look into it in detail.

About proper personal hygiene

Hygiene is the provision of teeth with conditions for normal functioning, maintaining them in a healthy condition, ensuring safety and creating protection from negative impact from outside. Fresh breath and a healthy appearance of the oral cavity are impossible without hygienic care. Oral cavity in in good condition- these are chewing organs free from tartar and caries; pink, not bleeding when cleaning the gums. If one of these signs is absent, perhaps the person simply does not have the complete information about proper hygiene.

Healthy teeth are not just a component of a Hollywood smile and attractive appearance, but also provide a person with speech intelligibility and good chewing of incoming food. And this, in turn, serves as one of the components of healthy digestion.

Proper and regular brushing and flossing can prevent the development of oral diseases. In addition, such procedures are available to everyone and are less painful and expensive than treating dental lesions.

Every person should follow every day simple tips, which significantly reduce the risk of developing periodontitis, caries, and other oral diseases. Here they are:

  • Brushing your teeth in the evening and in the morning with a medium-hard brush and toothpaste recommended by your dentist.
  • Cleaning interdental spaces with dental floss.
  • Balanced diet, limiting sweets in the menu.
  • Using toothpastes good quality containing calcium and fluorine.
  • Regular rinsing of the mouth with special means.
  • If the water in your area is not fluoridated, then the paste must be fluoride-containing or you should use special food additives with fluorine.

Every person should be able to brush their teeth properly. This is also an element of hygiene. So, the brush must be positioned at an angle of 45° to the gums, and sweeping movements must be made from them to the teeth. It is recommended to clean first outer surface chewing organs, then internal. Finally, it is necessary to clean the surface of the tongue. This final action will freshen your breath. It is important to brush your teeth thoroughly, slowly, devoting at least two minutes to each procedure.

You should also learn how to use dental floss correctly. Its length must be at least 40 centimeters. Each time you should use a clean area 4-5 cm long. Clean the interdental areas carefully, with leisurely movements, following the contours of the gums. Sudden movements of the thread should be avoided.

Professional oral hygiene

In order for the chewing organs to really look their best and be protected from diseases, you need to visit the dentist twice a year. This will allow problems to be identified early stage and use professional hygiene services. Oral hygiene includes:

  1. Removal of pathological deposits, that is, tartar.
  2. Removing pigments and soft plaque.
  3. Coating tooth enamel with varnish containing fluoride.
  4. Polishing teeth.

The dentist removes hard deposits from the chewing organs special tools. Many people today resort to ultrasonic cleaning, since this is the highest quality and most progressive method of professional hygiene. The procedure allows you to painlessly and gently separate plaque from the enamel. If patients have increased tooth sensitivity, they may be offered local anesthesia before such manipulation.

If we're talking about about pigmented contaminants, they are removed using a jet of aerosol. A special air-water mixture containing an abrasive substance is sent to the teeth. Ultrafine cleaning is used to treat the teeth of heavy smokers and coffee lovers.

To strengthen the enamel, the dentist may suggest polishing with fluoride-containing pastes or fluoride gel application, which ends with coating the dentition with fluoride-containing varnish.

Typically, professional oral hygiene takes 30-60 minutes.

Oral hygiene is a home and professional care behind the teeth and mucous membranes, interdental space. The procedure at the dentist must be done about 2 times a year. At home, you need to brush your teeth twice a day. The evening procedure is considered the main one, since it helps remove food particles that have accumulated during the day.

Oral health assessment by a dentist

Dentists use special indices to assess the degree of contamination of the oral cavity. The indicator is assessed using dyes that are applied to enamels. The procedure is completely painless, so patients should not be afraid of this test. The dye is applied to the anterior, anterior teeth, vestibular and medial surface elements.

The index is determined for each element in the oral cavity. The rating scale is as follows:

  • 1-1.5 – good;
  • 1.5-2 – satisfactory;
  • 2-2.5 – unsatisfactory;
  • 2.5 – 3.4 – bad;
  • 3.4 – 5 – very bad.

Each clinic uses its own methods for assessing dental hygiene.

Devices for the procedure

Effectively cleaning the oral cavity from plaque and food debris is possible only by using a set of hygiene products. The list of care devices includes several types of toothpastes, floss, brush and irrigator. These devices will reduce the number of visits to the dentist.

Choosing a toothbrush

Operating principle electric brush consists in constant rotation of the disk with bristles under the influence electric current. The electric brush is replaced as often as a regular one - once every 2-3 months.

There are two main types of products - simple and electric brush. The devices also differ in the level of bristle stiffness. For bleeding gums and sensitive enamel, it is recommended to use brushes with soft bristles. In addition to them, dental floss and irrigators must be used, because such products cannot efficiently remove all plaque from the teeth. If a person does not have dental diseases, then it is better for him to use brushes with medium-hard bristles. The choice of oral care device largely depends on the structure of the person’s jaw and the condition of the teeth.

Features of selecting an irrigator

The irrigator is designed to remove food particles from hard-to-reach areas that cannot be reached with a regular or electric toothbrush. Hygienic care is carried out using a powerful jet of water or medicine emitted by the device.

There are several types of products depending on the principle of operation and dimensions:

  • portable;
  • running on water supply;
  • stationary.

A portable irrigator has a smaller size. It works the same way as an electric toothbrush - it runs on batteries. The device can be taken with you on the road and used at home. A stationary irrigator is different large size and requires connection to an outlet. For this reason, it is more often used in dental clinics. The simplest and cheapest option is a device connected to the water supply.

The choice of device type depends on the characteristics of the dental disease:

  • any type of irrigator is used to prevent caries and gum inflammation;
  • To combat pathologies, they use devices into which special medications can be poured.

What is included in the irrigator kit? The device comes with several types of attachments. They are designed to treat various areas of the oral cavity: gum pockets, lateral and front teeth, braces

There are practically no contraindications to using the device, but before using it you should read the instructions. It is not recommended to use the device if there is significant bleeding of the gums and there are wounds on the surface of the mucous membranes. If you have any doubts about the possibility of using an irrigator, you should consult a dentist.

The need to use dental floss or dental floss

The device is necessary for effective cleaning of the interdental space. The accessory also comes in several types: twisted, flat and round. Floss is used after home oral hygiene with a brush and paste. The thread must be soaked antiseptics and wax. The size of the device is determined depending on the distance between the teeth.

Toothpicks and brushes

The main cause of dental problems is the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria due to poor oral hygiene. Pathogenic flora often lives in the interdental spaces, which are difficult to clean. To prevent carious processes, toothpicks and brushes are used.

Toothsticks are a thin wooden stick with one pointed end. The device must be used carefully so as not to damage the gums and soft tissues.

The design of brushes differs from toothbrushes. They consist of a thin metal base on which the fibers are attached.

Rules for choosing toothpaste

In the absence of dental diseases, children and adults are recommended to use preventive pastes. The composition should be changed once every 2 months to avoid getting used to the components of the paste.

At pathological processes in the oral cavity, the choice of paste is agreed upon with the dentist. For example, when gums are irritated, pastes and rinses with anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous components are required.

Algorithm for brushing teeth with a regular brush and toothpaste

Proper hygiene oral hygiene includes using a toothbrush and toothpaste twice a day. Thus, the enamel surface is cleared of soft plaque.

The brush is placed at an angle of 45 degrees to the gum and moves from the base of the gum to the cutting edge of the element. The movements are repeated up to 10 times for each zone. This method is used only when cleaning the anterior elements and canines.

When moving to the cutting edge of the tooth, the brush is held at an angle of 90 degrees.

To care for the side teeth, the brush is also positioned at right angles to the teeth. Movements are made left and right for the front and inner surfaces. Any remaining food particles between the teeth are then flossed.

During the procedure, adhere to the following oral hygiene tips:

  • cleaning starts from the left corner lower jaw towards the front incisors, and after that from the central elements they move to the lateral teeth on the right;
  • cleansing inside the lower jaw is carried out in the direction from right to left;
  • The upper jaw is worked in the same way.

The duration of the procedure is up to 4 minutes. Before performing personal hygiene, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with clean water.

Cleaning your mouth with an electric brush

Many patients prefer electrical products rather than simple ones. They are much more expensive than regular brushes, but, as practice shows, they do not provide noticeable benefits when performing oral hygiene in adults.

The movement of the villi is carried out by a running motor operating at a high frequency (more than 50 head revolutions per minute). Dentists often recommend electric brushes to children who do not know how to use a regular brush correctly. The same applies to older people who have problems with coordination of movements.

Rules for using floss

Flat products are more suitable for treating the interdental space between dense elements. The thread glides thanks to the action of saliva and special impregnating compounds.

You need to use floss taking into account the recommendations for oral hygiene:

  • a small piece of tape up to 30-40 cm long is torn off and secured to the first phalanx of the middle finger;
  • the tape is stretched and placed in the interdental spaces up to the gums;
  • Using back and forth movements, push the remaining food towards the cutting edge.

When flossing, the fingers of one hand are placed in the mouth. The thread is guided to the desired position with the thumb or forefinger.

Sometimes a flossette is included with dental floss. It is necessary to hold the thread in a taut position.

Rules for using the irrigator

Not all patients know what an irrigator is and how to use it correctly. The situation is complicated by the fact that products purchased on the Internet are not always supplied with instructions in Russian.

Typically the product has the following settings:

  • switching operating modes;
  • changing the number of rotations per minute;
  • pressure control per minute;
  • automatic shutdown after a certain period of time.

The device is necessary for the hygiene of gums and hard-to-reach areas in the oral cavity. The use of an irrigator is almost always carried out in the bathroom, so before using it, you need to make sure that the device's wires or battery compartment are reliably protected from liquid penetration. Some irrigators are additionally equipped with ultrasonic lamps. The radiation coming from these lamps contributes to the death of pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity.

Rules for using the device:

  • Teeth and gums do not immediately get used to the powerful flow of water, so for the first time you need to adjust the water supply to the minimum value. As you get used to it, the pressure increases.
  • First, open areas in the oral cavity are treated - the front teeth, palate, tongue, and then the lateral elements and inner surface row. Dentists advise patients to mentally divide the jaw into 4 parts and treat each of them sequentially.
  • It is necessary to direct water to the gums with caution, as damage to them can lead to serious complications.

Professional dental care

It should be noted that the main fact that is an indication for a professional procedure is insufficient oral hygiene performed at home. As a result of such brushing, a soft plaque forms on the teeth, which subsequently hardens and turns into tartar. A person will not be able to cope with the problem on his own.

The professional procedure includes:

  • Ultrasonic cleaning. The method allows you to quickly and painlessly remove hard deposits from the enamel surface. The impact on the tooth is carried out using vibrations. Ultrasound technique does not damage enamel and is highly effective. The method is prohibited for oral hygiene in pregnant women.
  • AirFlow method. Using a special device, a soda solution and water are released into the patient’s oral cavity under pressure. The elements are cleaned of plaque and tartar and become several shades lighter.
  • Teeth polishing with professional compounds containing zirconium microgranules.
  • Fluoridation. Apply trays with gel to dry enamel for 1 minute. During this time, the tooth has time to absorb fluoride ions.

Important stage professional cleaning teeth – consultation with a dentist. The doctor recommends a specific type of oral care product suitable for a particular patient

Hygiene rules for children

The algorithm and rules for brushing teeth in children and adults are not much different. You need to take care of your child’s oral cavity from infancy. After each feeding, the baby’s gums are wiped with a cloth soaked in soda solution or a fingertip.

It is necessary to teach your child the rules of oral hygiene after the appearance of baby teeth. For a child, they specially purchase a brush with soft bristles and toothpastes with neutral chemical composition. The first procedures should be short - up to 30 seconds. Each time the duration of cleaning increases.

Parents should teach their child to squeeze a small amount of paste (no more than a pea) onto the brush. For additional oral hygiene in children, you can use special wipes soaked in xylitol. The substance destroys pathogenic microorganisms, multiplying on enamel and gums. These napkins are stored in the refrigerator.

Consequences of poor hygiene

An indicator of quality oral care is the absence of gum problems. The procedure allows you to prevent a variety of dental problems: the development of caries, early tooth loss, periodontitis, bad breath.

Failure to follow the basic rules of the procedure leads to the fact that the soft plaque on the teeth crystallizes and turns into stone.

Hard formations cause detachment of the gums from the neck of the tooth. Bacteria actively multiply in periodontal pockets.

Scientists have identified more than 60 types of diseases that manifest themselves as a consequence of improper home oral hygiene:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nervous disorders;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • cardiovascular disorders;
  • rheumatism.

Active reproduction pathogenic flora leads to the formation chronic focus infections in the mouth. This affects the functioning of the body’s defenses and leads to damage to various internal organs. That's why comprehensive hygiene oral cavity is important for maintaining snow-white smile and maintaining overall health.

Snow-white, healthy teeth are one of the external attributes of health; in light of this, oral hygiene becomes a daily necessity. In addition, dental health has a great impact on the health of internal organs, in particular the heart and stomach.

Chasing for healthy teeth did not begin today, it has been known since ancient times. In the 30th century BC The Chinese used special flattened sticks, various scrapers and metal toothpicks to clean their teeth. Hippocrates recommended the composition of the powder in his writings. Rich Roman women had separate slaves to take care of their teeth, and tooth powders were prepared from burnt horn and coral.

Today, pastes and water are fluoridated and anti-caries diets are created. Unfortunately, some people simply neglect this. 90% of people in the world suffer from dental caries, and in some countries even 100%. But there are places on the map where they have not heard of caries at all: the aborigines of the southern Pamirs and the Eskimos. This may be due to the fact that they do not eat sweets.

More than 300 types of microbes live in the human mouth, and it is their activity that “ensures” the flourishing of diseases. They are silent when the mouth ecosystem is balanced. Regular brushing of teeth, use of DSPR (oral hygiene products) - all this helps solve problems.

Proper dental care reduces the incidence of caries in schoolchildren and young children by half. After eating, there are always acids in the mouth that corrode the enamel, it becomes thinner, cracks appear on it, and the teeth are destroyed. Acids must be cleaned from the surface, because when they accumulate, tartar is formed, which safely loosens the teeth and.

Much depends on the diet: the predominance of carbohydrates and sour foods is what is most harmful to teeth. Oral hygiene can be individual, it is carried out regularly and daily at home, and professional - periodically, in the dentist’s office.

Proper brushing of teeth

The most common methods personal hygiene oral cavity:

  1. Charter - the movements of the brush are circular, vibrating and shaking, it is held at an angle of 45º to the tooth. Mainly used for gum massage.
  2. Stilamana - press firmly on the gum until it turns pale and then rotational movements brushes to restore her blood flow.
  3. Leonardo - the brush is perpendicular, moving vertically with the teeth closed.
  4. Bassa - cleaning the labial surface, then the inner surface of the teeth, molars on top. The brush is positioned at an angle of 45º to the tooth; movement from red to white. They move rotationally in 10 movements for each tooth. Turn the brush around and move in the opposite direction. The inner and outer surfaces are cleaned with sweeping movements. The upper surfaces of the molars are cleaned progressively horizontally.
  5. Rake - the brush is parallel to the axis of the tooth. Spiral movements are made from the gums, the chewing surfaces are cleaned in a forward-backward direction, progressively. This method allows you to massage the gums and is most often recommended for periodontitis and periodontal disease.
  6. A new method of brushing teeth - Solo. The Solo technique is based on the use of a brush with one round tuft of soft bristles. In this case, the teeth are cleaned sequentially one by one, any of their surfaces and even contact ones, but this does not exclude the mandatory use of SGPR.

Oral care rules imply that for healthy gums, complete cleaning by massaging the gums for 3 minutes with a separate soft brush, followed by disinfection. Brushing your teeth should take at least 3–3.5 minutes.

The paste is squeezed onto the brush not as a pea, but as a full-length strip. You should always brush your teeth 2 times a day: in the morning - after the first meal and in the evening - before bed. Required condition for smokers - cleaning should be carried out 3 times. After cleaning, the brush is placed in a glass with the bristles down. You cannot boil them.

Oral hygiene is highly effective if done correctly. With insufficient attention to this issue, a lot of problems arise over time. These include dental diseases, which lead to lengthy and expensive treatment, and sometimes to the removal of the affected tooth. Gum disease is also not uncommon. Most a clear sign poor hygiene - bad breath. All these troubles can occur due to a simple ignorance of some nuances in oral care.

The basic rules of oral care do not require much effort, they are easy to remember and it is not difficult to repeat certain manipulations daily. You just need to remember to pay due attention to your health, not to be lazy, and soon regular proper cleaning teeth and the entire oral cavity will become good habit. We highlight the following recommendations:

  1. Everyone knows the first rule, but, unfortunately, not everyone adheres to it - brushing your teeth twice a day, morning and evening. During the day, a huge amount of bacteria and their waste products accumulate in the mouth, which need to be gotten rid of before going to bed;
  2. The teeth brushing procedure should take at least 3 minutes;
  3. The toothbrush must be changed at least once every 3 months;
  4. toothpaste are selected individually, based on the condition of the teeth and gums, and the presence of oral diseases. There is no need to save money in this matter;
  5. tongue, gums and cheeks require no less care; you should not limit yourself to just brushing your teeth;
  6. the use of additional care products is an essential rule modern man. They should be used after every meal. These include dental floss, mouth rinses;
  7. Don't forget to visit your dentist every six months.

Dental and oral hygiene begins with the choice of toothpaste. Depending on the components used in the composition, it has one or another effect on the teeth and gums. For example, gel paste has a delicate texture and gently cleanses enamel without erasing it, unlike bleaching agents with abrasive substances.

There are hygienic and therapeutic-and-prophylactic pastes. The first get rid of bacteria and unpleasant odors. The latter have a deeper effect on the oral cavity. Therapeutic and prophylactic pastes are divided into several types according to their purpose:

  • for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the mucous and periodontal tissues. The composition of such pastes includes infusions of herbs, enzymes, mineral salts;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs fight inflammation and bleeding gums. They contain antiseptics that destroy pathogens;
  • restoratives contain calcium, they normalize acid-base balance, replenish the integrity of collagen fibers in the gums;
  • toothpastes labeled “anti-caries” contain fluoride, which stops the destruction of tooth enamel.

Proper oral hygiene depends on rational choice pasta. Listed species Suitable for adults only. For babies, you should choose special children's products. They have a pleasant taste and a safe composition that does not harm the body if accidentally swallowed.

How to choose a toothbrush

Oral hygiene is impossible without a toothbrush. How from all the variety of these individual items hygiene choose best option? It is necessary to take into account all the characteristics of the brush:

  1. material. Natural bristles are softer than artificial bristles. In addition, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria; natural fibers serve as an ideal living environment for them. Therefore, it is better to choose a toothbrush with artificial bristles;
  2. rigidity. If there are no other indications from the dentist, a medium-hard brush is used; it is suitable for adults and adolescents. Soft bristles are intended for children, very soft - for preschoolers. Only on the recommendation of a specialist can you use a high-hardness brush. This parameter is always indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging;
  3. size. An important criterion when choosing. Brush large size not convenient to use, its working part should not exceed 3 cm.

In addition to conventional brushes, manufacturers offer electric and ultrasonic ones. They help you easily perform high-quality hygiene care. If you have dental or gum disease, using an electric toothbrush may be contraindicated; ask your dentist for oral hygiene recommendations. Ultrasound, on the contrary, can be used for any pathology, they do not cause harm hard tissues and mucous surface.

How to brush your teeth correctly

Hygienic brushing of teeth is a daily ritual that everyone performs. But does everyone know how to correctly perform familiar manipulations? Tips for oral hygiene using toothpaste and brush:

  • The first step is to wet the brush in running water. This will free it from germs and dust that have accumulated since the previous cleaning. In addition, this will make the procedure more comfortable;
  • Now apply toothpaste to the bristles. The amount should not exceed a pea with a diameter of 1 cm (for children - 2 times less);
  • Let's move on to cleaning. Using smooth movements from the gums to the top of the teeth, we clean the inner surface, then the outer. The main principle of the procedure is to brush in only one direction, from the root of the tooth upward, thus removing the mucus. Upper part Teeth can be brushed using a back and forth motion. At the end of the procedure, we move in a circular motion along the outer part of the teeth, while closing the jaws;
  • Rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.

Individual oral hygiene includes not only dental care. It is necessary to take care of your tongue, which accumulates food debris and bacterial plaque. With saliva, microbes land on the teeth and gums, leading to diseases, and also cause bad breath. Cleaning your tongue regularly will help you avoid such problems without wasting a lot of time. Tongue cleansing rules:

  1. the procedure is carried out after brushing your teeth;
  2. for cleaning, use a special scraper or the back surface of a toothbrush, if it is designed for this (has a relief three-dimensional pattern);
  3. movements are carried out from root to tip;
  4. then several cleansing movements across the tongue;
  5. rinse with water;
  6. For best result you can use a special gel or toothpaste. Apply to the surface, scrape, rinse with water.

What are rinse aids used for?

Mouthwashes, like toothpastes, differ in their purpose. The action of some is aimed at treating caries, others help with gum disease, and others provide fresh breath. The rules of oral hygiene do not provide for the mandatory use of rinses. They are applied on the personal initiative of everyone as additional remedy care or on the advice of a dentist as part of complex therapy.

Mouthwashes are used after brushing your teeth (you can also use them after each meal). When choosing, you should pay attention to the composition. Products based on plant extracts are suitable for daily use.

Mouthwashes for caries prevention contain fluoride and calcium. Rinse your mouth with such products for at least 3 minutes so that the components begin to interact with the enamel. Anti-inflammatory rinses usually contain chlorhexidine. If the product contains alcohol, its use by children and drivers is not recommended.

Dental floss

Personal oral hygiene methods include the use of dental floss, or flossing. This is the only way to clean the interdental space yourself, freeing it from plaque, bacteria and food debris. Due to inaccessibility, caries often forms in this part of the tooth. To floss, you need to unwind, then tear off about 30 cm of thread from the spool, wind it on index fingers both hands so that there is 15 cm of free thread between them. Next, insert it between the teeth. Alternately pull the thread back and forth. Most noticeable result using thread - eliminating unpleasant odors. You should be careful; during the first uses, gum damage and bleeding may occur due to lack of skill. Cleansing is done once a day, preferably before bed. Dental floss Contraindicated for gum disease and not used for crowns and bridges.

Professional care

Oral hygiene should be carried out not only at home, but also in the clinic professional methods. They include several stages:

  • ultrasonic cleaning. This method effectively removes plaque and tartar. Performed by modern ultrasound machine, which, using wave vibrations, gently acts on the tooth surface. The enamel is not damaged. The procedure is safe and painless, in addition, it is highly effective;
  • AirFlow method. A special device under pressure releases baking soda, air and water, cleaning the surface of the teeth from plaque and tartar. As a result, the enamel becomes two shades lighter and acquires shine;
  • polishing teeth with professional products, some of which may contain zirconium microgranules;
  • Fluoridation. Mouth guards with gel are placed on the dried surface of the teeth; the exposure time is one minute. Tooth enamel manages to become saturated with fluoride ions;
  • Recommendations from a specialist are an equally important step in improving your oral health. The dentist will select necessary list products necessary to maintain health and cleanliness.

We teach cleanliness from childhood

Children should be taught as early as possible to take care of themselves and keep their bodies clean, especially with regard to oral hygiene. In the first months of life, when there are no teeth yet, it is necessary to take care of your gums. There are special napkins for this. You should wipe your gums with them after each feeding of your baby. For teething teeth, there are silicone fingertips that resemble a toothbrush. Perhaps the first attempts will end in crying, but soon the baby will get used to the procedure, and in the future it will not be difficult to accustom him to the brush and toothpaste. At the age of 1–2 years, you can let your child try brushing his teeth on his own. Buy him a baby brush and toothpaste.

Of course, the baby will not be able to carry out high-quality cleaning. Therefore, parents should help him until he can do it on his own. Immediately get your child used to brushing their teeth twice a day. To arouse your baby's interest in the procedure, use rhymes, nursery rhymes or songs. You can turn the whole process into a game. The main thing is that the child does not get bored, and personal hygiene does not turn into a routine. When choosing children's toothpaste, you need to be careful - it should not contain fluoride.

What problems can be avoided with proper care

Diseases of teeth and gums are caused by bacteria that live and multiply in plaque and food debris. A clean surface is an unfavorable environment for their life. This is the meaning of oral hygiene - to prevent the development of diseases. If hygiene rules are not followed, dental plaque and caries are the first to make themselves felt. Lack of treatment leads to gum disease - periodontitis, gingivitis. Constant accumulation of bacteria in the mouth when poor hygiene contributes to stomach problems. An important factor in the problem of oral cleanliness is aesthetic. An unpleasant odor is the main sign that a huge amount of bacteria has accumulated in the mouth.