Comprehensive professional oral hygiene. Oral hygiene rules

Many dental diseases are associated with the appearance and spread of pathogenic bacteria in the human oral cavity. Most of them cannot be removed on your own, even with careful and proper brushing of your teeth. People with a strong immune system may not be bothered by bacteria for a long time, but the risk of developing caries, stomatitis and other unpleasant diseases is still high. Therefore, professional oral hygiene is a necessary procedure for everyone who cares about dental health. At the InWhite Medical clinic, it is performed carefully, carefully and at an affordable cost; in addition, we often hold promotions for oral hygiene.

Features of oral hygiene

Oral hygiene in dentistry is a set of procedures aimed at eliminating soft and hard plaque. Deposits appear as a result of the activity of bacteria: small particles of food containing sugar and carbohydrates remain in microcracks in the enamel, under the gums or in hard-to-reach places, bacteria feed on these “residues”, the number of microbes gradually increases, they form a soft plaque, which after some time turns into a hard one tartar.

The formation of soft plaque is a natural and continuous process, but factors such as bad habits, irregular oral hygiene, poor choice of brushes and pastes, and diseases of the immune system lead to the formation of hard plaque, which is much more difficult to combat.

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Oral hygiene helps not only to cope with bacterial damage, but also to improve the color of the enamel, because plaque usually has a yellowish or brownish tint. The procedure is performed by a qualified hygienist. The professional cleaning service is not only an independent event, but also a mandatory stage of implantation, prosthetics, installation of braces, whitening, since before they are carried out it is necessary to put the oral cavity in order.

Indications and contraindications

  • bad breath even after brushing your teeth;
  • darkening of the enamel;
  • swelling and bleeding of the gums;
  • visible tartar.

Professional teeth cleaning is performed only after consultation with a doctor to identify contraindications:

  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • acute oral diseases;
  • injuries to the oral mucosa;
  • viral and infectious pathologies.

Oral hygiene techniques

Previously, the only way to carry out professional oral hygiene was mechanical cleaning - a procedure using scrapers to remove plaque and forceps to remove tartar, during which the enamel layer or periodontal tissues could easily be damaged. Now dentists have an arsenal of tools and methods for safe and high-quality oral hygiene.

Air Flow

Oral hygiene Air Flow - abrasive teeth cleaning based on the principle of sandblasting. Using a special instrument with a narrow tip, a stream of air, flavored water and abrasive particles - usually baking soda and calcium-containing powder - is applied to the surface of the tooth. Under pressure, the solution breaks and washes away plaque and polishes the enamel. Due to the narrow jet, you can clean even the most difficult to reach interdental spaces. Air Flow in our clinic is performed using innovative equipment of the latest generation.

The procedure does not require anesthesia, does not damage the enamel, and the instrument does not make unpleasant sounds (which is appreciated by patients with dental phobia).

Ultrasonic cleaning

Oral hygiene with ultrasound is a non-contact way to remove mineralized hard dental deposits using vibration vibrations. Ultrasonic waves crush deposits into dust, which is washed off with a stream of water. In addition, ultrasound has an antimicrobial effect and sterilizes the tooth surface. The procedure is very effective in removing tartar.

Mechanical cleaning

Of course, doctors no longer use sharp instruments to chip away plaque. Manual cleaning is performed with brushes and abrasive pastes - the dentist cleans the surface of remaining plaque and dust, polishes and smoothes out uneven enamel.

Stages of hygienic cleaning

At the InWhite Medical clinic, doctors use all the sound methods to completely and effectively remove plaque, and also teach the patient how to clean their teeth on their own. Comprehensive oral hygiene includes four stages.

  1. Consultation. The specialist identifies contraindications, finds out the patient’s lifestyle, his habits and explains where the plaque came from.
  2. Education. The doctor shows you how to properly clean your mouth, tells you how much time to spend on daytime and evening procedures, how to use an irrigator, mouthwash and dental floss, and selects the right brush and toothpaste.
  3. Cleaning. The oral cavity is treated with an antiseptic solution and the procedure begins. Soft plaque is removed using Air Flow, hard plaque is removed with ultrasound. Finally, polish the surface with a brush and abrasive paste.
  4. Strengthening. Additionally, the patient is given a remineralizing gel and paste containing fluoride to strengthen the enamel and enhance the cleaning effect.

Children under 15 years of age are not recommended to undergo professional ultrasonic cleaning, as children's enamel is too fragile. However, you should not completely abandon the procedure, because this way you will not only ensure the health of your child’s teeth, but also teach him to take care of the oral cavity. Oral hygiene in children is carried out using soft abrasives and low pressure using the Air Flow method.

To maintain the cleaning effect and reduce tooth sensitivity, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • for the first 24 hours, do not eat hot, cold, sour or sweet foods - the enamel is still too sensitive to such changes;
  • from mechanical and vibration effects, the gums may swell and bleed a little - there is no need to use ointments, gels or rinse your mouth, in the first few days this is a normal reaction that will go away on its own;
  • use products recommended by your dentist;
  • do not forget about regular oral hygiene and perform it correctly.

Questions about oral hygiene

Doctors at the InWhite Medical clinic answered frequently asked questions from patients about the procedure.

What is the difference between teeth cleaning and teeth whitening?

To simplify the answer, brushing does not whiten, but cleanses the teeth by removing plaque from the surface of the teeth, which makes them lighter by one tone, and bleaching is used to remove pigments inside the tooth tissues and lightens the enamel by 7-12 tones.

Why does plaque form faster after cleaning?

You are accustomed to the feeling, color and condition of teeth with plaque; after brushing it does not appear faster, it’s just that the difference before and after becomes more noticeable, and it seems to you that the deposits appear faster.

What is the cost of oral hygiene?

At the InWhite Medical clinic, the price of oral hygiene is no higher than the cost of the procedure in other Moscow clinics, and training in cleaning at home is free.

Take care of your dental health in the future now - go through the oral hygiene procedure and prevent the development of caries!

Prices for services

Service Price
Health lesson (plaque indication, personal hygiene training, selection of hygiene products) / A14.07.008
For free
Complex of professional oral hygiene (III-IV degree) / A16.07.051.001
9,000 ₽
Removal of soft and hard supragingival deposits (ultrasound, Air-Flow, paste, brush) / A16.07.051.002
250 ₽
Removal of soft and hard subgingival deposits, root polishing (ultrasound, Air-Flow, paste, brush) / A16.07.051.003
700 ₽
In-office teeth whitening "Smart bleach 3 LT" (laser) / A16.07.050.001
45,000 ₽
In-office whitening Philips ZOOM! white speed (4th generation) / A16.07.050.002
22,000 ₽
Professional whitening. Additional material for home whitening Opalescence (2 trays; whitening gel) / A16.07.050.003
15,000 ₽
Professional whitening. Additional material for home whitening Opalescence Treswhite / A16.07.050.004
7,000 ₽
Professional whitening. Additional material for home whitening Opalescence Boost / A16.07.050.005
8,000 ₽
Professional teeth whitening. Additional syringes (4 pcs) of whitening material from the kit for home whitening / A16.07.050.006
6,000 ₽
Professional teeth whitening. Mouth guards for sensitivity relief / A16.07.050.007
850 ₽
Professional teeth whitening. Quick Pro / A16.07.050.008
6,000 ₽
Manufacturing of individual trays for home whitening / A23.07.002.037
3,500 ₽

Daily brushing does not allow you to completely get rid of soft plaque on your teeth, which over time leads to the formation of stone and disease. For proper oral care, it is recommended to regularly visit a hygienist. Let's try to figure out how oral hygiene is carried out in dentistry: what is included in the complex of procedures and how painless this process is.

What is professional hygiene in dentistry?

Professional oral hygiene is an important part of individual care. The concept includes a long list of measures that are aimed at removing various types of deposits both on the visible part of the dentition and in hard-to-reach places where it is impossible to reach with a brush during regular brushing. Professional care ensures the prevention of caries, bleeding gums, pulpitis, periodontal disease, etc. All procedures performed by a specialist are therapeutic.

Professional hygiene is performed exclusively in the dentist’s office using tools, devices and materials that cannot be used at home. Cleaning is carried out before the installation of orthodontic structures, dentures, and is also considered a mandatory method in the treatment of gums.

Indications for professional oral hygiene

The use of professional hygiene methods in dentistry can eliminate tartar, yellow plaque on teeth and other problems. Basic procedures:

  1. Inspection to determine the number of measures required.
  2. Cleaning with an ultrasonic device (we recommend reading: Is it possible to do ultrasonic teeth cleaning for pregnant women?). The method allows you to get rid of supragingival and subgingival stone.
  3. Primary bleaching. A preparation is applied to the teeth that gently cleanses the enamel and gives it a natural color. The procedure can be part of comprehensive hygiene or performed at the request of the patient.
  4. Polishing. Using rubber rotating cups, the paste is applied to the teeth, after which the surface of the dentition acquires an attractive shine. On smooth enamel, stone growth is less intense.
  5. Detection of diseases of the oral mucosa. The specialist checks for inflammation and bleeding and prescribes therapy if necessary.
  6. Remineralization. Medications containing fluoride, calcium and phosphorus are applied to the surface of the teeth. The procedure allows you to reduce tooth sensitivity and increase the resistance of enamel to caries.

At the patient’s initiative, the doctor may perform additional procedures:

  1. Bleaching. A special composition is applied to the surface of the teeth, which makes them white. The technique requires the use of aggressive substances, but the effect lasts about 5 years. The disadvantage of the procedure is a possible increase in sensitivity to irritants (cold, sour, sweet foods).
  2. Implant installation. Used for tooth loss. A complex operation involves inserting a pin into the jaw bone and installing a crown.

Professional hygiene has a number of advantages:

  • safety and hypoallergenicity of the products used;
  • absence of pain during the doctor’s work;
  • restoration of the natural color of enamel;
  • elimination of all types of deposits that cause dental diseases.

Contraindications to the procedure

Professional oral hygiene, like any health procedure, has a number of contraindications. Cleaning cannot be carried out if the patient has diseases and conditions:

Visiting the dentist for sanitation is prohibited for young children and pregnant women. In other cases, the procedures will be beneficial to health.

Methods of professional hygiene in dentistry


Mechanical cleaning involves the use of special equipment and tools to remove soft deposits and stone. Sometimes plaque is removed manually, but more often machines with rotating brushes are used. Hand-held hook instruments are used only for areas that cannot be reached with the device. The procedure is usually cheap, but there is a risk of soft tissue injury.


Sandblasting teeth cleaning is carried out using special devices that eliminate pigmented and mineralized plaque. This procedure eliminates the possibility of injury to enamel and soft tissues and does not affect tooth sensitivity.

Using the device, a stream of water with soda dissolved in it is directed under pressure onto the tooth surface. The device nozzle does not come into contact with the area being treated. This is a method that is recognized as one of the most effective and safe for removing plaque. After the procedure, the enamel must be polished.


The ultrasonic hygiene method ensures the removal of tartar by vibration of a special device (see also: oral hygiene: tips for caring for dental units and methods for cleaning them). Mineralized deposits are difficult to remove mechanically, and the use of chemicals can lead to damage to the enamel (we recommend reading: chemical filling: what it is and its features). A device that emits vibrations of a certain frequency acts on the boundary separating the stone and tooth tissue.

The ultrasonic tip allows you to remove hard deposits above and below the gum. As a rule, such cleaning is not a separate procedure, but complements preventive sanitation of the oral cavity.


Recently, lasers are often used in professional oral hygiene. It allows you not only to remove stone from your teeth, but also to eliminate their yellowness. Modern technology does not allow the beam to injure the tissue surrounding the bone unit.

The essence of cleaning is based on the ability of the laser to affect water. Plaque absorbs liquid like a sponge - there is much more of it in stone than in enamel. The beam destroys deposits without affecting the hard tissues of the tooth. The advantage of manipulation is its noiselessness and the ability to destroy pathogens.

Special hygiene products

Before the procedure, each patient must clarify what materials will be used in the work. Dentists can use the following:

  • acids for enamel whitening;
  • special dental floss and pastes;
  • abrasive materials and attachments (brushes, soda, sand);
  • preparations with fluoride and calcium (for restoration of hard tooth tissues - Omega Dent, Belak F, etc.).

The use of these means ensures a high speed of achieving the desired effect and a long-lasting preservation of the results obtained. After brushing, you need to wait until the teeth are covered with the thinnest natural protective film. For two hours it is forbidden to eat “colored” foods, drink tea, coffee or smoke.

Algorithm for professional hygiene

Professional cleaning is performed according to the following algorithm:

Some cleaning steps may be omitted or added - it all depends on the condition of the patient's oral cavity. The procedure usually takes about an hour. For several days after the manipulation, your gums may ache, and you may experience discomfort when eating sour, sweet, hot or cold foods. The doctor sets an approximate next visit date to keep the teeth and mucous membranes healthy.

Cost of the procedure

Professional hygiene is not considered an expensive procedure compared to other dental services. The cost depends on many factors: the region of the country, the medical institution, the professionalism of the doctor, the condition of the client’s teeth and the quality of the equipment. Approximate cost of services:

  • Ultrasound cleaning of one row of teeth – 1,700 rubles;
  • removing plaque from 1 row of teeth with a sandblasting machine – 2600 rubles;
  • fluoridation of two rows of teeth – 3000-3200 rubles.

A professional oral cleaning complex will cost 5-6 thousand; Moscow residents will have to pay up to 9,000 rubles for the services provided. Since many dental clinics often give discounts to clients, it is necessary to monitor prices - this will allow you to save money.

Professional hygiene is a set of procedures that involve removing plaque and dental deposits without damaging the enamel. It is carried out to improve the health of oral tissues, as well as to prevent the occurrence of many dental diseases. There is also an aesthetic component - the teeth become lighter, including due to the cleaning of microcracks in the enamel.

Indications for professional hygiene

Specialists at Amazing Prices Dentistry recommend professional teeth cleaning at least 2 times a year. It is strongly recommended to clean before:

  • , orthodontic and orthopedic procedures;
  • Fluoridation of enamel;
  • (for precise selection of the shade of the material for restoration);

The procedure is also indicated for prevention and (for periodontitis, cleaning is recommended once every 3 months), elimination of bad breath, to remove colored plaque formed when eating food containing coloring pigments.

Stages of professional cleaning

Each professional cleaning in our clinic begins with an examination, during which the dentist determines the presence of supragingival and subgingival deposits and dental diseases. In case of increased sensitivity of the gums, anesthesia is performed (an injection is given or an anesthetic gel is applied) and the doctor, using special instruments, begins to remove plaque, first with an ultrasonic scaler, then with an Air-Flo device, and completes the cleaning by polishing the surface of the teeth.


At each stage of professional hygiene, the dentist uses various methods.

  1. Ultrasonic teeth cleaning. This procedure allows you to remove hard tartar in periodontal pockets, while simultaneously removing bulky supragingival deposits. It is carried out with an ultrasonic scaler.
  2. . This technology involves removing plaque with sodium bicarbonate, which is applied to the tooth surface with a water-air jet. In addition to removing deposits, the procedure allows you to lighten your teeth by 1-2 tones by removing pigmented plaque from microcracks on the tooth surface.
  3. Polishing. It includes treating the surface of all teeth with special brushes using highly dispersed professional pastes.

Professional dental hygiene at Amazing Price Dentistry means a beautiful smile, healthy teeth, fresh breath and, of course, a good mood! The removal of dental plaque in our clinic is carried out by experienced doctors who not only cope with the problem of any complexity, but also tell us how to delay the appearance of tartar.

Professional oral hygiene is carried out by dental hygienists. The set of procedures lasts about 1–1.5 hours. As doctors assure, every person should undergo this procedure at least once every 6 months. In this article we will tell you what professional oral hygiene is and its stages.

What causes tooth and gum disease

The World Health Organization cites statistics according to which a third of the world's inhabitants lose all their teeth by the age of 65 - the reason for this is bacteria. The oral cavity normally contains about 300 species of microorganisms, most of which are opportunistic. This means that while the environment in the mouth is alkaline, they are not able to increase their colony. But as soon as the pH changes, they begin to multiply and have a negative effect on the enamel and gums.

Thus, when consuming sweet or carbohydrate foods, the acid-base balance is disturbed and plaque begins to form. It is a collection of bacteria that looks like a sticky film. This plaque consists of glycoproteins, living and dead bacteria and their waste products. This plaque, covering the tooth, softens the hardest tissue in the body and leads to caries.

Over time, the soft plaque mineralizes (calcium salts are found in saliva) and becomes a stone. Hard deposits are a source of food for pathogenic bacteria, and their waste products release toxins that destroy enamel and lead to gum inflammation. At the same time, the synthesis of periodontal fluid increases, which contains a lot of proteins and mineral salts, and they are to the taste of microorganisms. And now the circle is closed: the more dentogingival fluid is released, the more intense the growth of deposits on the teeth.

Plaque forms within an hour after brushing your teeth. The bacteria are partially washed off with saliva or removed mechanically when eating solid foods (turnips, carrots, apples). A person must remove some of the soft plaque themselves during daily oral hygiene. But even high-quality individual oral hygiene cannot clean hard-to-reach places, such as:

  • spaces between teeth;
  • cervical region;
  • chewing side of molars;
  • the surface of the molars from the cheek side of the upper dentition;
  • lingual side of mandibular molars.

Proof that it is impossible to completely remove bacteria from the mouth is the so-called physiological halitosis, which appears in the morning. The fact is that the bacteria remaining after the usual evening cleansing quickly multiplies at night, since saliva is almost not produced and does not destroy them.

The tooth is not completely visible to us; most of it is under the gum and cannot be seen by looking in the mirror. And the lifespan of the organ depends on the integrity of the root part, as well as the reliability of the dentogingival connection. The space between the tooth and the periodontium is called a pocket; bacteria accumulate in it. Over time, tartar begins to form under the gum. It causes inflammation in the bone tissue and the formation of deep gum pockets; the tooth no longer holds in the socket. This disease is called periodontitis and its first sign is bleeding gums.

In order to prevent caries and all the complications that it can cause, periodontal inflammation and thinning of the enamel, it is necessary to periodically have your teeth professionally cleaned by a dental hygienist.

Professional hygiene: what is it for and its stages

Professional hygiene is a set of measures for the prevention of dental caries and periodontal inflammation, which consists of mechanical cleansing of subgingival and supragingival deposits from the surface of the enamel.

The main goal of professional oral hygiene is to completely clean the surface of the organ from all types of deposits, and whitening and gloss are, so to speak, a side effect.

The procedure is performed using professional equipment: ultrasonic and combined devices, dental pastes and brushes.

Stages of professional oral hygiene:

  1. Using an ultrasonic device, the dentist removes deposits that are located both under the gum and above the gum. The scaler attachment transmits ultrasonic vibrations and is simultaneously cooled with water. When the device comes into contact with a tooth, loosening and chipping of dental plaque occurs. Sometimes additional manual cleaning of subgingival stones is required. For these purposes, curettes are used - a special tool for curettage. Manual and ultrasonic devices tend to complement each other. Cleansing plaque does not negatively affect either the teeth or gums;
  2. soft plaque is removed from hard-to-reach places. Air abrasive devices are used for this. The technology is as follows: an air-water mixture is applied to the surface of the organ, where sodium bicarbonate powder is used as an abrasive. The abrasive particles are small and round, so they do not harm the enamel, perfectly clean the tooth and have a polishing effect. After the procedure, no yellow or brown plaque remains on the teeth; they are cleaned to their natural color. As practice shows, on average, teeth whiten by two shades;
  3. polishing teeth and fillings using professional brushes and products. This is necessary to prevent the rapid formation of dental plaque again, since the smoother the surface of the tooth, the more difficult it is for bacteria to remain on it. Rubber caps filled with polishing paste are used to remove soft plaque and polish the tooth and its root. Rotating brushes are used to clean plaque in the area of ​​fissures, physiological depressions and pits. Both brushes and caps are driven by a micromotor.

Preventative polishing agent can be fine medium or coarse abrasive, with or without fluoride;

  1. treatment of tooth enamel with a special remineralizing composition containing calcium, phosphorus, fluorine. This is done to prevent the occurrence of tooth sensitivity and to enrich the tissue with the necessary microelements to strengthen the enamel. The dentist coats the teeth with fluoride-containing varnish, which stays on the teeth for several days and gradually saturates the tissue with the microelement. Sodium fluoride, tin fluoride, monofluorophosphates disrupt the absorption of pathogenic microorganisms on the enamel surface, and also to some extent interfere with glycolysis and glycogenolysis;
  2. teaching the patient cleaning techniques and recommendations on the choice of hygiene products. The doctor should indicate what the patient especially needs to pay attention to, for example, strengthening the enamel or preventing caries. It is better to select some hygiene products together with the dentist, for example, toothpaste (taking into account abrasiveness) or the size of dental brushes. The result of preventing oral diseases directly depends on how correctly and often the patient uses a brush, floss, irrigator, or brush.

The hygienist decides which cleaning methods are needed at the moment, so some steps may be skipped.

When is it necessary to have your teeth cleaned by a dentist?

People's enamel differs in its susceptibility to destructive factors and its ability to resist them. Typically, this ability decreases significantly with age. Therefore, the older a person is, the more time he needs to spend cleaning his teeth.

Professional teeth cleaning can be carried out as a prevention of periodontal diseases and caries or as the first stage of treatment. It must be done before any therapeutic, orthopedic, surgical and orthodontic treatment. Thanks to it, the oral cavity will be less susceptible to complications during tooth extraction or implant installation. In addition, the initial stages of caries are easier to detect on clean teeth than under a layer of plaque. Only after removing plaque can the natural color of the enamel be determined, which is important when performing tooth prosthetics or restoration.

Cleansing teeth from bacterial plaque has a beneficial effect on periodontal tissue, and the enamel begins to be enriched with minerals coming from toothpastes.

How often to visit a hygienist

As a preventive measure, professional teeth cleaning should be carried out every six months. This will reduce the risk of stone formation and, as a result, the development of gum and tooth diseases. If there are metal structures in the mouth, for example, braces or crowns, bridges, then the effectiveness of self-cleaning is significantly reduced. In this case, professional hygiene measures need to be carried out more often, that is, once a quarter. If the patient has medical conditions that affect plaque formation, the dentist may recommend a customized visit schedule. It depends:

  • on the condition of the oral cavity;
  • intensity of tooth destruction by caries;
  • do you have gingivitis (bleeding gums);
  • if there is periodontitis, then depending on the degree of its severity;
  • how far the baby's teeth have erupted.

Are there any complications after professional teeth cleaning?

You can hear negative reviews about professional cleaning on forums or among friends. People report that after the procedure their teeth became sensitive, their gums began to bleed, a filling fell out, or a crack appeared on the tooth. Similar consequences happen if a doctor who is not competent enough takes on the case.

The need for professional teeth cleaning, its frequency and stages are determined on an individual basis, and this should only be done by a qualified hygienist, taking into account the clinical picture.

Understanding the importance of oral hygiene in dentistry, there is no need to refuse the procedure and go to a well-equipped clinic with a doctor with a good reputation. As a rule, comprehensive oral hygiene does not cause pain, but there are patients who have sensitive teeth and brushing causes them some discomfort. In this case, the doctor may suggest anesthesia in the form of a spray, gel or injection. Cleaning itself costs several times less than eliminating damage from caries, so with regular visits to the hygienist, your teeth will remain healthy and money will be saved.

Proper and constant dental care allows you to get rid of plaque on the surface of the enamel, thereby protecting yourself from caries, gum disease and bad breath.

Fresh breath, white teeth and pink gums are the result of a comprehensive oral care routine that includes personal and professional cleanings. The first is performed at home every day, the second - by dental hygienists once every six months (for preventive purposes) or according to indications (dental plaque, bad breath, bleeding gums).

Products for personal oral hygiene

Teeth and the spaces between them should be brushed twice a day - morning and evening. After brushing, you should use special rinses. For complete care you need to have:

Oral hygiene after tooth extraction

Oral care in such cases has its own characteristics: it is very important to prevent inflammation of the socket of the extracted tooth. On the first day after the procedure, you should not rinse your mouth intensively - instead, antiseptic baths are recommended.

To avoid damaging the socket when brushing your teeth, you need to use a soft brush.

Stages of professional hygiene

  1. Determination of the hygiene index. The dentist treats the teeth with a special preparation that stains the plaque, thereby indicating the areas where deposits have accumulated.
  2. Removal of tartar and pigmented plaque. To do this, doctors use an ultrasonic scaler and/or an Air Flow device.
  3. Polishing teeth. A mandatory procedure necessary to prevent the reappearance of dental plaque.
  4. Remineralizing therapy. Teeth are treated with varnishes containing calcium or fluoride. This helps cope with increased sensitivity, protects against caries and strengthens the enamel.

The procedure for removing tartar cannot be called pleasant, but all stages of professional hygiene are painless.

Methods for removing dental plaque: ultrasound and Air Flow

To remove tartar and soft plaque, professional hygiene specialists use two methods:

  • ultrasonic;
  • sandblasting.

Ultrasonic cleaning does an excellent job of removing hard deposits. A special device applies ultrasonic vibrations and liquid (usually distilled water) to the tooth surface, under the influence of which hard deposits are chipped off.

To get rid of soft plaque between teeth and in other hard-to-reach places, Air Flow technology is used. Under pressure, the device transmits a water-air jet with an abrasive mixture. As a result, the plaque softens and is delicately scraped off. This method of professional hygiene is a salvation for smokers, coffee lovers, and tea lovers.

Professional hygiene during pregnancy

Teeth brushing is a non-invasive procedure, and therefore it is not contraindicated for pregnant women. Moreover, preventive oral hygiene will help prevent diseases of the teeth and gums, which are so undesirable for expectant mothers.

Children's oral hygiene

Hard plaque in children, as a rule, does not form, but soft plaque can easily cause caries. Just like adults, they need professional hygiene. The youngest children are cleaned in a gentle manner (with soft abrasive brushes), while older children are cleaned using Air Flow technology.

Cost of comprehensive oral hygiene

The average price for professional oral hygiene services is 1,500 rubles in Moscow, 1,400 rubles in St. Petersburg, 2,300 rubles in Nizhny Novgorod.

The final cost depends both on the condition of the patient’s teeth and on the methods used to remove deposits. So, in Moscow they charge 126 rubles for ultrasonic cleaning (for one tooth), for cleaning using the Air Flow method - 2800 rubles, for fluoridation - 650 rubles. Prices for the same procedures in St. Petersburg are 305 rubles (per tooth), 2420 rubles and 1750 rubles, respectively. In Nizhny Novgorod – 80 (per tooth), 1500 and 200 rubles.

The quality of professional oral hygiene certainly depends on the qualifications of the dentist and the equipment he uses. On our website you can get information about clinics where such procedures are successfully practiced.