The first signs of increased blood sugar in women. How does high blood sugar manifest in women: symptoms and signs, effective treatment options

High blood sugar is clinical sign, which indicates the development of diabetes mellitus. It is customary to distinguish several degrees of severity of this pathological condition - it can be a slight increase in sugar, moderate severity and severe hyperglycemia. When glucose rises to 16 mmol/l or more, the patient may fall into a coma.

Patients should monitor their well-being, as with prolonged hyperglycemia there is a risk of damage to nerve endings, blood vessels, other dangerous conditions. To prevent such complications, it is recommended to seek the help of a doctor.

Standard list external signs elevated blood glucose levels include: syndrome chronic fatigue, constant feeling thirst, rapid weight change, both up and down.

Increased blood sugar in diabetes is manifested by frequent urination, dry mucous membranes, skin, blurred vision, spasms of accommodative muscles, and arrhythmia.

Diabetes high sugar always gives, with a protracted course of the disease the following is observed:

  1. weakened immunity;
  2. poor wound healing;
  3. deep noisy breathing is noted.

Acute forms of diabetes are accompanied by dehydration, an increase in ketone bodies in the blood, impaired consciousness, and in especially severe cases there is a coma.

You need to know that the considered symptoms of high blood sugar are not always indicators of diabetes, so you still need to get tested to determine the causes of the disorders. Risk factors include stress, poorly developed rhythms of wakefulness and sleep, and low physical activity.

During pregnancy, high blood sugar in an adult is associated with hormonal changes, this type of disease is called gestational diabetes. If you do not carry out regular medical monitoring, there is a possibility of causing harm to the unborn child and the body of the mother herself. IN similar cases recommended to carry out complex therapy with mandatory consideration of the woman’s physiology.

Diagnostic methods

After a visual examination, the doctor recommends that the patient undergo a series of basic diagnostic measures aimed at identifying characteristic symptoms of pathological changes in the body. When hyperglycemia occurs in mild form, it is problematic to determine it yourself using a portable glucometer. In this case, you cannot do without taking the appropriate tests.

First of all, to determine the sugar level, you donate blood on an empty stomach; this popular method shows the amount of glucose without other reducing components. Biological material is taken on an empty stomach; 12 hours before the test you should stop eating and try to reduce physical activity and take medications.

When primary diagnosis shows a deviation from the accepted norm, the doctor gives a referral for additional research. One of these will be the loading method, it is carried out in conditions of round-the-clock or day hospital. In the morning, on an empty stomach, blood is taken according to the method discussed above, then glucose must be administered in doses. After a couple of hours, blood is drawn again. If the secondary result exceeds 11 mmol/l, hyperglycemia is indicated.

There is another method - clarifying reducing, blood is donated taking into account the amount of other substances:

  • creatinine;
  • uric acid;
  • ergonine.

The analysis helps to clarify the blood sugar level, final diagnosis, identify the presence of concomitant health problems, for example, kidney damage.

A change in blood sugar levels is only a symptom that shows disruptions in the body's functioning. However, this does not exclude the possibility of developing dangerous complications, the most severe of which will be ketoacidosis.

In diabetic ketoacidosis, there is a disturbance in carbohydrate metabolism and an increase in the number of ketone bodies in the bloodstream. Often in adults this happens against the background of diabetes during the period of decompensation. Then ketonuria, dehydration, arrhythmia, respiratory failure, and lightning-fast progress of sluggish infectious diseases develop.

In some cases, when ignored medical control a hyperglycemic coma develops, the acidity level drops to unacceptable values, and the patient faces clinical death.

Symptoms in women are the same as in men; the manifestations of pathology are also not affected by age.

How to reduce high blood sugar?

Sugar level

What blood sugar is considered high? If fasting sugar is above 5.5 mmol/l, and sugar after eating is 7.8 mmol/l (the highest level). For diabetes mellitus, treatment is aimed at eliminating hyperglycemia and getting rid of the cause of high sugar. Sugar levels are the same for women and men.

For therapy, the use of glucose-lowering drugs and insulin injections is indicated. Direct injections of insulin must be strictly dosed; the precomatose state involves the use of an ultra-short drug as much as possible quick action, these are the drugs Humulin, Humalog.

For type 1 diabetes, tablets are prescribed to lower blood glucose, usually these are drugs that contain the amino acids phenylalanine, sensitizers, benzoic acids, and may contain sulfonylurea. Additionally, you need to drink plenty of fluids; in case of severe hyperglycemia, use a weak solution of baking soda.

Mild forms of impairment metabolic processes provide for moderate physical activity, as well as balanced therapeutic diet. Even very high sugar levels can be brought down thanks to nutrition.

Because permanent change glucose level in the vast majority of cases is a symptom diabetes mellitus, without proper diet recovery does not occur. It is especially necessary to pay attention to the menu if type 1 diabetes is detected. Required:

  • calorie balance;
  • exclusion of easily digestible carbohydrates;
  • normalization for proteins and fats.

It is important to make your diet varied, then the signs of high sugar disappear in short terms. It is necessary to choose products with reduced glycemic index, these do not provoke a rapid increase in glycemia levels and do not cause aggravation of the symptoms of the disease.

If sugar is high, people eat seafood, soy, mushrooms, fresh vegetables, fruits, greens. Diet becomes the main factor in normalizing the quality of life, plays main role in the treatment of the disease, helps to achieve effective compensation of metabolic disorders.

With high blood sugar, a person should have an idea of ​​​​bread units, they are the equivalent of 10 g of carbohydrates. For people with hyperglycemia, special tables come to the rescue; they indicate grain units for almost all modern food products that are often present in the human diet.

When determining the daily set of products, it is necessary to exclude:

  1. refined fats;
  2. refined oils;
  3. sweets;
  4. white sugar;
  5. durum wheat pasta.

It is recommended to exclude refractory fats, rely on carbohydrate products With high content dietary fiber, you need to remember the balance of unsaturated fatty acids.

Blood sugar levels decrease if you eat smaller meals, dividing your daily caloric intake into several main and a couple additional techniques food. On average, diabetics are recommended to eat 2 thousand calories per day, if hyperglycemia is not complicated.

Some doctors vehemently criticize the use of sugar substitutes, which are popular nowadays, so the possibility of using sweeteners to reduce calorie intake must be discussed individually.

Which doctor should I contact?

If an adult's high blood sugar and symptoms begin unexpectedly, they should seek medical help. Diabetes can be detected by a general practitioner or family doctor; usually the disease is discovered by chance during a routine examination.

For diabetes mellitus, the therapist does not prescribe treatment; the person needs to consult an endocrinologist. He will give directions for testing, interview the person and conduct visual inspection. Blood is donated on an empty stomach; if necessary, the material is collected immediately after a meal.

When pathology gave complications to others internal organs, additional consultation with a doctor is indicated narrow specialization: ophthalmologist, neurologist, cardiologist and vascular surgeon.

Medical opinions help the endocrinologist understand what to do when blood sugar rises, what caused it, and what the risk of hyperglycemia is. Appointed medicines to maintain the functioning of the body at an adequate level.

Endocrinologists treat type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus and other diseases associated with metabolic disorders in the body:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • organ oncology endocrine system;
  • obesity;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • osteoporosis;
  • obesity.

Since such a large number of pathologies cannot be treated by one doctor, endocrinology is usually divided into specializations. The problem of diabetes mellitus, its complications in the form of ulcers, gangrene, is dealt with by an endocrinologist-surgeon. He performs surgical treatment of patients.

If there is a lot of sugar in the blood of men and women who suffer from sexual dysfunction and infertility, they need to contact an endocrinologist-gynecologist. A geneticist should monitor problems of heredity; he is responsible not only for diabetes, but also for large or dwarf stature.

The diabetes specialist selects the optimal balanced diet, a thyroidologist specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid diseases.

First aid for high sugar

When adults have high blood sugar, we're talking about about a lack of insulin, since glucose is poorly absorbed, cell starvation is noted. Next, insufficient oxidation of fatty acids occurs, and fatty acids accumulate in the blood. ketone bodies, thereby disrupting metabolism. The work of the nervous and cardiovascular system, one of the stages of acidosis develops: moderate, severe, coma.

These conditions manifest themselves in different ways in humans; it is important to learn how to identify them in a timely manner and take action. At the onset of acidosis, symptoms of high sugar include weakness in the body, fatigue, and tinnitus. The patient smells bad from oral cavity, stomach pain, urination becomes more frequent, glucose rises to 19 mmol/l.

A precomatose state is manifested by symptoms: constant nausea, vomiting, impaired consciousness, vision. At the same time, breathing quickens, the smell from the mouth becomes brighter, and the diabetic’s extremities become cold. The patient may feel very unwell for more than a day, the sugar concentration does not decrease, a diabetic coma develops, and the result of an increase in blood sugar can be sad.

If your blood sugar levels are too high, what should you do? It is required to know the sequence of actions to provide the first medical care, so it is necessary:

  • measure glucose levels;
  • carry out ;
  • provide plenty of fluids.

When the sugar level is more than 14 mmol/l, in type 1 diabetes it is important to inject insulin, and then measure glucose as often as possible. Insulin is injected until the condition normalizes, but the indicators are not allowed to drop rapidly.

If the measures are against high level sugar does not produce results, urgent hospitalization is indicated. may cause breathing problems, require the use of an oxygen mask. To remove acetone, the stomach is washed with a weak solution of soda (sodium bicarbonate).

In the second type of disease, you can reduce the acidity of the body and blood sugar not with medications, but by eating vegetables, fruits, large quantity mineral water, baking soda solution.

The first signs of high sugar are manifested by loss of consciousness; a cleansing enema with soda helps to bring the patient to his senses. As the condition worsens skin become rough and peel, it is recommended to treat them with a wet towel, paying attention to the following areas:

  1. wrists;
  2. under the knees.

The consequences of dehydration are life-threatening. When the patient has lost consciousness, it is strictly forbidden to pour water into his mouth; the person may quickly choke.

To increase your chance of avoiding a diabetic coma, you will need to carefully monitor your health, diet, and regularly devote time to physical activity.

When medications are prescribed, they must be taken regularly, strictly on schedule, since a missed dose can increase the likelihood of acidosis. Medicines are necessary for the production of insulin in the pancreas, they will help process sugar.

The symptoms of hyperglycemia are described in detail in the video in this article.

High glucose levels are a signal of an approaching disease - diabetes. It is important for each of us to know the signs high sugar in the blood in order to start treatment on time and prevent severe complications of the disease.

Normal sugar level

The normal blood glucose level for people of any age ranges from 3.3 mmol/l to 5.5 mmol/l. If the level is from 5.5 to 6 mmol/l, then we are talking about prediabetes. If the glucose level is 6.1 mmol/l or higher, then a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is made.

How is the examination carried out?

Diagnostics is carried out using the express method or in the laboratory using special equipment. In the first method, blood is taken on an empty stomach using a finger prick glucometer. In this case, the result is less accurate and is considered preliminary. This device is good to use at home for constant monitoring Sahara. If a deviation from normal value The analysis is repeated in the laboratory. Blood is usually drawn from a vein. The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is made if, after donating blood twice, different days the result shows an excess of the norm. About 90% of all registered patients suffer from type 2 diabetes.

Signs of High Glucose Levels

In general, the symptoms of diabetes are similar for most patients, although they may differ depending on age and duration of the disease. As a rule, the first signs of high sugar are as follows:

  1. Dry mouth is one of the classic manifestations of diabetes.
  2. Polydipsia and polyuria. Extreme thirst and excretion of a large volume of urine - the most typical symptoms elevated sugar levels. Thirst is the body's signal to replenish lost water to avoid dehydration. The kidneys, in turn, filter excess glucose, releasing increased amount urine.
  3. Fatigue and weakness. Sugar does not reach cells, remaining in the blood, so muscle tissue lack the energy to be active.
  4. Poor healing of scratches, wounds, abrasions, cuts. It is important to avoid breaks in the skin as they are prone to infection, which creates further problems.
  5. Increase or decrease in body weight.
  6. Characteristic signs of diabetes are skin diseases and genital infections, causing itching. This could be furunculosis, candidiasis, colpitis, inflammation urinary tract and urethra.
  7. Body odor of acetone. This manifestation is typical for very high sugar levels. This is a signal of diabetic ketoacidosis, a life-threatening condition.

One of the most characteristic signs of high sugar is constant extreme thirst.

Later the patient develops following symptoms high sugar:

  • Maculopathy and diabetic retinopathy are eye diseases characterized by blurred vision. Retinopathy, which affects the blood vessels of the eyes, is main reason blindness in adults due to diabetes.
  • Bleeding gums, loose teeth.
  • Decreased sensitivity in the extremities: tingling, numbness, goosebumps, changes in pain and temperature sensitivity on the hands and feet.
  • Digestive problems: diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain, fecal incontinence, difficulty swallowing.
  • Swelling of the extremities as a result of retention and accumulation of fluid in the body. Such signs often appear when diabetes is combined with arterial hypertension.
  • Manifestations of high sugar include chronic renal failure, protein in the urine and other kidney disorders.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Erectile dysfunction, frequent infectious diseases urinary tract.
  • Decreased intelligence and memory.

With a slight increase in sugar, signs may be mild or absent. Often, patients suffering from type 2 diabetes have no complaints and are not aware of their condition. The diagnosis may be made accidentally, during examination or treatment for another reason.

Why do blood glucose levels increase?

The reasons for high sugar levels are varied. The most common of them is diabetes mellitus type 1 or 2. In addition to this, you can name a few more:

  • stressful situations;
  • the presence in the diet of foods with fast, that is, easily digestible carbohydrates;
  • severe infectious diseases.

Eating with high sugar

If you have high blood sugar, you need to eat a balanced diet.

Diet for high blood glucose is an important component of treatment. It is necessary to follow the basic principles of nutrition:

  • eat regularly in small portions, 5-6 times a day, at the same hours;
  • drink at least 1-2 liters of liquid per day;
  • products must include all substances necessary for life;
  • you need food rich in fiber;
  • vegetables should be eaten daily;
  • avoid salty foods;
  • give up alcoholic drinks.

You should eat foods that do not increase blood glucose levels and are non-caloric. Among them:

  • lean dietary meat;
  • lean fish;
  • fermented milk products;
  • buckwheat, rice, oatmeal;
  • rye bread;
  • eggs (no more than two per day);
  • peas, beans;
  • vegetables: eggplants, red and green peppers, radishes, cabbage, radishes, onions, herbs, garlic, celery, cucumbers, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, green peas;
  • fruits and berries: apples, pears, blueberries, cranberries, rowan berries, lingonberries, quince, lemons.

Preference should be given to fats plant origin, replace sugar with honey and sweeteners. Food is best steamed, baked, stewed and boiled.

Foods you shouldn't eat

If you have high blood sugar, you should avoid foods such as:

  • flour, butter and confectionery: cakes, pastries, sweets, ice cream, pies, jam, sweet carbonated drinks, pasta, sugar;
  • fatty meat and fish, sausages, smoked meats, lard, canned food;
  • dairy products: full-fat cheese, cream, sour cream, full-fat cottage cheese;
  • mayonnaise;
  • sweet fruits and dried fruits: figs, grapes, raisins.


Doctors do not consider diabetes mellitus a death sentence, despite the fact that it is an incurable disease. If you find early signs elevated blood sugar, you can immediately begin to correct your condition and learn to live with it. This will avoid or significantly delay the development of severe complications and consequences such as blindness, gangrene, amputation lower limbs, nephropathy.

High blood sugar: find out its causes, symptoms, and most importantly, effective ways treatment without fasting, taking harmful and expensive medicines, injections of large doses of insulin. This page says:

  • why is it dangerous high sugar;
  • how to put accurate diagnosis- prediabetes, impaired glucose tolerance, diabetes mellitus;
  • what is the relationship between blood pressure and blood sugar;
  • How to take control of a disturbed metabolism.

The website teaches how to reduce sugar to normal, and then keep it at a consistently normal level of 3.9-5.5 mmol/l on an empty stomach and after meals. Elevated blood glucose levels do not always mean diabetes. But anyway it's serious problem, which requires attention and treatment to avoid the development of acute and chronic complications on the legs, vision, kidneys and other organs.

High blood sugar: detailed article

This page lists medications that may raise your blood sugar. Particular attention is paid to statins for cholesterol. Read how blood sugar and insulin levels are related. Figure out what to do if your glucose level is high on an empty stomach, but normal the rest of the day. To bring your indicators back to normal, read the article “” and follow its recommendations.

Why is high blood sugar dangerous?

Impaired glucose metabolism is dangerous because it causes acute and chronic complications diabetes Acute complications called diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperglycemic coma. They can lead to loss of consciousness and fatal outcome. These troubles happen if the sugar level exceeds the norm healthy people 2.5-6 times. More frequent and dangerous chronic complications are loss of vision up to blindness, gangrene and amputation of the legs, as well as renal failure requiring a kidney transplant or dialysis.

Also, increased blood sugar stimulates the development of vascular atherosclerosis. The higher the glucose level, the faster a heart attack or stroke occurs. Many diabetics die from heart attacks before they develop problems with their vision, legs or kidneys.


Blood sugar may rise due to infectious disease or acute stress. In such situations, people with type 2 diabetes need to temporarily inject insulin, even if they usually get by with taking pills. Read more. However, more important are the reasons why patients' sugar remains chronically elevated. First of all, blood glucose levels rise due to the consumption of dietary carbohydrates, especially refined ones.

People who have high sugar levels eat more carbohydrates than their body can safely absorb. Watch a video about how the proteins, fats and carbohydrates you eat affect your blood sugar.

As you know, the hormone insulin lowers sugar by forcing cells to absorb glucose from the blood. In patients with prediabetes, tissues lose sensitivity to it, although there is enough insulin in the blood. Poor sensitivity to this hormone is called insulin resistance. This serious violation metabolism, which reduces the chances of patients to live until retirement and live on it. With insulin resistance in the first years, blood sugar and insulin may be elevated at the same time. This problem is aggravated by a sedentary lifestyle and overeating. However, it is easy to get under control before it becomes severe diabetes.

For type 1 diabetes, as well as severe advanced cases type 2 diabetes, blood sugar is elevated due to the fact that there is really not enough insulin. The sensitivity of tissues to this hormone is usually normal if diabetes is not complicated by the patient being overweight. The reason for the lack of insulin is that immune system attacks and destroys the beta cells of the pancreas that produce this hormone. You can't do without injections. There is no way you can get by with sugar-lowering pills.

Find out in what quantities you can eat cherries, strawberries, apricots, apples, and other fruits and berries. As for cereal products, patients are interested in semolina, pearl barley, buckwheat, barley, millet, corn porridge, as well as white and brown rice dishes.

Read more about the products:

What are the features of the diet for high sugar in pregnant women?

Pregnant women who have high blood sugar are advised to follow. Thanks to this diet, you can keep your glucose levels normal without insulin injections or using minimum doses. Let us remind you that you cannot take any diabetes pills during pregnancy. A low-carb diet can lead to ketones (acetone) in the blood and urine. Doctors scare pregnant women that this can cause miscarriage or developmental disorders in the offspring. They are wrong. The appearance of acetone is normal and not harmful. For more details, watch the video below.

Is it worth switching to diet No. 9?

Below are answers to a few more frequently asked questions patients

Can high blood sugar raise blood pressure?

Elevated sugar gradually destroys blood vessels. Over time, this can cause hypertension, heart attack or stroke. But usually, blood glucose levels and blood pressure are not related in any way. In a patient, both of these indicators can be simultaneously increased, decreased, or one of them is increased and the other is decreased. Impaired glucose metabolism and arterial hypertension need to be monitored separately. In people who have overweight, in a few days it brings blood sugar and blood pressure. Doses of antihypertensive drugs can and should be significantly reduced, usually to complete refusal. Hypertension in thin people is more serious illness. Read about its causes and treatment options.

How can insulin and blood sugar be elevated at the same time?

In people who are overweight, initial stage In type 2 diabetes, insulin and blood sugar are often elevated at the same time. First, tissues lose sensitivity to insulin due to overeating of carbohydrates and sedentary image life. The pancreas tries to produce more insulin in order to push glucose into the cells and reduce its concentration in the blood.

However, this increased load depletes beta cells over time. After a few years, they still produce insulin in excess, but not enough to keep their sugar levels normal. In the absence of treatment and changes in lifestyle, the level of insulin in the blood will begin to fall and glucose levels will begin to rise. The disease will eventually progress to severe type 1 diabetes unless the patient dies sooner from complications.

What time of day is your blood sugar highest?

For most patients, sugar levels are highest in the morning on an empty stomach. Around 4-6 am, adrenaline, cortisol and other stress hormones begin to enter the bloodstream. They force the body to wake up, and at the same time greatly increase the level of glucose in the blood. Their effect ceases around 8-10 am.

This is a common problem called dawn phenomenon. Diabetics have to make a lot of efforts to fight it. Read more. After breakfast, glucose levels may paradoxically decrease, despite the fact that eating should increase them.

In some patients, sugar in the morning on an empty stomach remains normal, but regularly rises towards lunch or in the evening. This is important individual feature establish the course of diabetes and then adapt to it. Test your glucose levels frequently to find out how they usually behave during the day. different times days. After this, make the necessary changes to your diet, schedule of taking pills and insulin injections.

Why do I have high blood sugar in the morning on an empty stomach, but normal the rest of the day?

Sugar in the morning on an empty stomach is higher than in the afternoon and evening - this is a problem for most diabetics. Don't consider yourself an exception in this sense. The reason is called the dawn phenomenon. In the morning, a few hours before waking up from sleep, hormonal background in the blood changes so that the liver intensively takes and breaks down insulin. There is not enough of it to keep your sugar normal. When a diabetic measures his glucose level after waking up, it is elevated. Read the article “”. Achieve normal indicator may prove difficult. However, don't be lazy to do this. Otherwise, chronic complications of diabetes will gradually develop.

What is the reason for high fasting sugar in the morning when following a diet and taking diabetes pills?

Diabetes pills taken before bed wear off in the middle of the night. He's missing until the morning. Unfortunately, the same problem often occurs with an evening injection of extended-release insulin. As a result, the weakened pancreas does not have enough funds to compensate for the effect of the dawn phenomenon.

The worst thing is if a diabetic is used to having dinner late. This is absolutely impossible to do. Find out in detail on this site how to normalize your sugar in the morning on an empty stomach. Don't even dream of achieving this until you give up the bad habit of having dinner late.

High glycemic index or sudden increase in the amount of dextrose in circulatory system cause a pathology such as xerostomia, with the regular occurrence of which a man or woman should definitely be concerned about their condition and find out additional signs high blood sugar and make an appointment with a therapist for advice. Symptoms of high blood sugar are alarming preconditions for diseases of the endocrine system and disorders of its functions.

What is high blood sugar

Excessive dextrose content is a dangerous situation in which the concentration of a substance exceeds the norm. The main reasons for this change may be insulin-dependent or independent diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the endocrine system, problems with overweight, alcoholism, smoking. Without proper treatment, hyperglycemia will lead to ketoacidosis, microangiopathy, decreased immunity, and in particularly severe cases, hyperglycemic coma. According to statistical studies, endocrinologists were able to establish the normal range before and after consumption food products:

Diabetes mellitus is the main disease associated with an increase in glucose due to a small amount of insulin. This dangerous disease may be acquired or hereditary. Diabetes is accompanied by a decrease in the ability to heal wounds, which can cause the formation of ulcers, and further trophic ulcers. In relation to both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, they use hormonal drugs, which, thanks to insulin, reduce the level of dextrose.

Symptoms of high blood sugar

Problems with the urinary system, abnormalities in the functioning of the stomach, deterioration of brain function, weight loss, emotional instability - all this constitutes the main symptoms of increased levels of dextrose. It is important to know how this disease manifests itself at the beginning of its development in order to begin correct treatment in time. Signs of high blood sugar in adults are a signal to contact a qualified physician as soon as possible.

First signs

The first symptoms of high blood sugar are determined by severe dryness of the oral mucosa and viscous saliva, since glucose has the ability to remove water from cells. Next excess liquid enters the extracellular space and begins to be actively filtered by the kidneys, which causes frequent urination (polyuria). Once water leaves the cells, it can no longer nourish them, which will cause deterioration in the condition of the hair or the development of skin diseases. Without proper drug therapy, the condition can worsen significantly, leading to the death of the patient.

Feeling good with high blood sugar

Patients feel the first signs of high blood sugar - tingling in the hands, it becomes difficult for them to concentrate their attention on anything for a long time. Impairments in sexual activity and vision may occur. A person with an increased glycemic index experiences constant thirst and hunger, thereby provoking weight gain and swelling of the limbs. Excess glucose in the body affects the incorrect functioning of the membranes of the brain, gastrointestinal tract and urinary system.

Symptoms of a sharp increase in blood sugar

A spontaneous increase in sugar causes dehydration, furunculosis, polyphagia ( increased appetite), erethism, weakness. At night, the number of urination increases. In addition, excess glucose is accompanied by constant fatigue, skin itching and relapse of infections of various etiologies. Feeling of numbness and muscle spasms of the lower extremities – characteristic symptoms hyperglycemia.

How does high blood sugar manifest?

Like any pathological condition, hyperglycemia is accompanied by clinical as well as psychosomatic symptoms. By appearance A person and his behavior can make assumptions about diabetes. The patient is constantly irritated, prone to causeless anxiety, and without proper treatment may develop acute psychoses and schizophrenia. Shortness of breath, an unnaturally pale face, the smell of acetone, excess weight are clear signs of problems with glucose. Depending on gender and age, characteristic signs of high blood sugar may appear.

In women

Representatives of the fairer sex in the modern world are forced to constantly work, so they rarely pay attention to changes in well-being. Candidiasis is the most common sign indicating problems with glycemic balance, which is initially mistaken for separate disease. Hidden types of diabetes are manifested by hypertrichosis of the body, due to the fact that hormones cannot be adequately synthesized endocrine glands. There is diabetes in pregnancy, called gestational diabetes, which leads to excessive development of the fetus and problems with childbirth.

In men

In addition to general clinical manifestations, men with high sugar levels suffer from impotence. Problems with hormonal balance and dextrose levels are the main prerequisites for male infertility and an increase in estrogen. Signs of high blood sugar in men are more subtle than symptoms of high blood sugar in women, due to the peculiarities of the genitourinary and hormonal systems.

In children

Typical for children hereditary etiology diseases associated with sugar balance. Symptoms can manifest themselves throughout the child’s life, but the most dangerous moment is the age of 4-8 years, when the most intense symptoms occur. metabolic processes. The child does not gain weight, stops growing, and suffers from enuresis. The main signs of high blood sugar in infants are urine leaving whitish spots on the laundry and becoming sticky.


Type I usually occurs when hereditary predisposition, is detected in childhood and is characterized by rapid development. Associated with insufficient production insulin and accumulation of unsplit glucose in tissues.

Diabetes mellitus type II, an acquired disease, is caused by tissue insensitivity to insulin produced in full quantities. It develops slowly, sometimes over ten years or more. Unlike type I, it is possible that its development is reversible, and it is extremely important what kind of lifestyle they lead and what people suffering from this pathology eat when they have high blood sugar.


Prescribed if pathology is suspected, but sometimes elevated levels are detected completely by accident when preventive examinations. the amount is considered to be 3.3 - 5.5 mmol/l, an increase to 6.1 mmol/l is defined as a harbinger of diabetes mellitus, and the presence of indicators above 6.1 mmol/l is an already developed disease. At the same time, slight increase up to 6.6 mmol/l, does not cause concern, but requires observation and control.

For the purity of the analysis, it is important to follow the main rule - before 11 a.m., since after eating food it increases and can show a false result.

What elevated blood sugar is normal for people with an established diagnosis? It is believed that the presence of glucose in the blood within 7.8 mmol/l is the acceptable limit for diabetics.


An increase in glucose levels can be temporary and considered a natural process, or it can signal the beginning of disorders.

Most common reasons increased blood sugar in adults and children, which are not pathologies:

  • Systematic abundant food.
  • Incorrect analysis.
  • Pregnancy and premenstrual syndrome.
  • Stress or prolonged psycho-emotional stress.
  • Complex fractures, burns and extensive tissue wounds.

What contributes to the development of type I diabetes mellitus:

  • Heredity;
  • body weight above 4.5 kg at birth;
  • spicy viral infections(mumps, rubella, measles).

What contributes to the development of type II diabetes mellitus:

  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • improper and irregular nutrition;
  • obesity.


The initial manifestations of hyperglycemia are usually unclear and not immediately noticeable; let’s try to identify them.

Early signs:

  • dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue, unbearable thirst;
  • polyuria (increased number of urinations);
  • excessive appetite, while with type I a person loses weight, and with type II, on the contrary, weight increases;
  • fatigue, drowsiness, muscle weakness;
  • acetone odor from the mouth (type I).

Prolonged ignoring similar conditions leads to pathological changes in pancreatic cells.

Symptoms of high blood sugar:

  • frequent causeless nausea;
  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • persistent weight changes;
  • disorders in tissue regeneration;
  • weakening and blurred vision;
  • dry skin and itching.

How to fight

If high blood sugar is detected, what can you do to reduce it? There are unchanging principles for controlling diabetes mellitus, thanks to which a person lives full life. These are: normalization of nutrition, physical activity, drug therapy, self-control.

Plays with diabetes key role. With its help, you can slow down and even stop the development of diabetes.

Physical activity regulates minor fluctuations in blood glucose, so exercise is especially useful in the early stages of the disease, but the intensity of exercise should be adjusted.

Self-monitoring is carried out using individual devices - glucometers, which are convenient to use in home environment, measurements are carried out daily two to three times a day.

Applicable in mandatory for type I diabetes (insulin-dependent), in the form that is not dependent on insulin, medications are prescribed in advanced stage or when complications develop. Most important for non-insulin dependent diabetes is a way of life.


at high rate sugar, designated in medicine as No. 9, this includes:

  • wholemeal bread (bran, rye);
  • low-fat broths and meat (veal, rabbit, turkey), fish;
  • vegetables (except potatoes) that form the basis of the diet;
  • low-fat fermented milk products, cottage cheese, sour cream;
  • porridge, reducing the consumption of rice and semolina;
  • legumes;
  • fruits, excluding bananas, grapes;
  • natural sugar and sugar-containing products (confectionery, sweets, jam);
  • all easily digestible carbohydrates (baked goods, pasta);
  • fatty, fried, salty, smoked foods;
  • carbonated sweet drinks, factory-produced juices.


Depends on the type of diabetes. In the case of insulin-dependent diabetes, administration of the hormone insulin is mandatory. But it is very difficult to calculate the required dose, since the subjective reaction of all people is different. Insulin injections short acting usually prescribed to relieve acute conditions threatening coma, as well as with the development of post-infectious complications.

In a stable condition, the patient is offered oral insulin medications, such as Maninil, Diabeton, Minidiab and others. Tablet forms have a delayed effect, and the effect manifests itself when they accumulate in the body.

When treating non-insulin-dependent diabetes, great attention is paid to diet, avoidance bad habits, gymnastics. Often, this is enough to achieve lasting positive effect. In other cases, the same medications are used, only the dosage and method of administration differ.


There are some differences in the manifestation of high sugar that are specific to a particular category of the population.

Symptoms in women usually look like this:

  • increased thirst provokes frequent urination, anatomical features genitals do not allow you to completely get rid of urine droplets that cause severe itching. Swelling of the face and legs, sudden weight loss or, conversely, weight gain and obesity that cannot be controlled by any diet often occur.

Elevated blood sugar in men often goes unnoticed in the initial stage. Symptoms of high sugar, such as frequent urination both during the day and at night, do not cause some reproductive system disorders male population at the thought of an increase in blood glucose. Possible pressure changes, weight gain due to male type, accelerated baldness, visual impairment. Tissue regeneration worsens and prolonged restoration of the skin is observed.

In a child with high sugar, nocturnal enuresis can be suspected. Critical age Diabetes mellitus develops in children between 4 and 11 years of age, so a symptom such as bedwetting should not go unnoticed. When stable elevated level glucose, urine is excreted several times more than in an adult.

Digestive disorders and skin diseases that are difficult to treat often occur. The child drinks a lot, and the infant requires frequent breastfeeding. Mild degree hypoglycemia can occur without pronounced manifestations, so it is extremely important not to ignore examinations and take all tests required by age.

Unfortunately, in recent years Cases of stage II diabetes mellitus in children have become more frequent, which is caused by improper and irregular nutrition. But such a disease is more difficult to treat; tablets used by adults do not give the expected result in a child; children are more often prescribed insulin injections.