Swelling that occurs after tooth extraction: how to remove it and how long it lasts. Swollen cheek after tooth extraction: causes and what to do in case of inflammation How long will it take for the swelling to go away after tooth extraction?

First of all, when a tooth is removed, the soft tissue of the gums is injured, the pressure in the capillaries increases, and blood flows to the wound. Under the influence of anesthesia, the painful sensations are smoothed out, but the next day the area under the tooth may hurt quite severely.

Edema and edema are different:

  • Small (goes away on its own in 3-4 days) - this is the norm;
  • Severe (does not go away within a week, but only gets worse) should cause alarm and become a reason to consult a dentist, especially if there is severe pain, elevated body temperature, and a general deterioration in well-being.


Swelling of the gums after removal can be due to several reasons:

  1. First of all, the dentist must make sure that there is no residue left in the jaw after removal. tooth fragment or, even worse, surgical instrument . Unfortunately, this also happens sometimes.
  2. Severe swelling may also occur allergic reaction to anesthesia. That is why there is a rule: before administering an anesthetic, the doctor must do an allergy test to this drug. An allergy test consists of injecting a drop of the drug under the skin on the patient’s arm and observing the behavior of the skin for 10 minutes. If there is no redness or swelling at the injection site, it means that the body does not have an allergic reaction to this drug. If even a slight redness occurs, the patient should absolutely not be injected with such a drug. Taking any antihistamine will help relieve swelling.
  3. If the tooth was completely removed, there are no fragments left in the wound, there is no allergic reaction to anesthesia, then the cause of swelling may be infection. In this case, the swollen gums seem to pulsating seems hot and inflamed. In this case, you should immediately consult your dentist, since inflammation after tooth extraction can lead to complications.
  4. Most often, gum swelling occurs after removal wisdom tooth, since this operation is very difficult and always seriously injures soft tissues. Externally, swelling may look like gumboil, so patients often confuse these two diseases.


In order to relieve swelling, the doctor may advise you to carefully and carefully rinse the mouth, but without fanaticism, so as not to damage the formed blood clot. Cold compresses applied to the cheek also help reduce swelling.

Under no circumstances should you warm the sore spot!

If the gum swelling is too great, but there is no inflammatory process, the doctor may recommend that the patient take medicines which reduce swelling.

However, if, despite any measures, gum swelling does not go away, you should consult a doctor. Most likely, the cause of swelling is the occurrence of an inflammatory process. This is especially true if the wound does not heal well, or the patient does not pay enough attention to oral hygiene.

Tooth removal or extraction is equivalent to a surgical operation with all the ensuing consequences for the body. Firstly, this is anesthesia. Local anesthesia different from general anesthesia, but the effect of the anesthetic locally has a similar function - it deprives the tissue of sensitivity and helps to withstand pain. Secondly, penetration into the gingival tissue to extract a tooth traumatizes it, and postoperative period it takes time for wounds to recover and heal.

Like any part of the body, the gums have blood vessels that are destroyed during surgery. Even the injection of an anesthetic temporarily disrupts the structure of tissues. Surgical instruments, when extracting a tooth from the gum, damage it even more, especially when the extraction is complicated by an operation to cut the gum or open a cyst. The result is almost inevitable swelling.

How to relieve swelling after tooth extraction

Physiological edema or complication

If postoperative edema occurs, there is no need to worry - this is a natural process. But it is worth observing your body and determining whether the tumor is an indicator of complications that have arisen. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor again, without making independent attempts to get rid of the swelling.

When swelling is a reason to visit a doctor

When can swelling be relieved at home?

If this is normal traumatic (physiological) swelling, you can reduce it at home, helping to quickly resuscitate soft tissues using approved procedures.

By the way. In all cases of physiological edema, you can remove it yourself or reduce the time the tumor subsides.

Table. Causes of physiological edema

Removal of an impacted tooth

Problem teeth that are difficult to access are the back or third molars, called wisdom teeth. They are often impacted, that is, they have not completely erupted from the gums. Subgingival stone forms on them, they deform the gums and negatively affect the chewing function, caries forms on them and quickly progresses. To extract a decayed tooth, additional trauma to the gum tissue in the form of a cut is often required. After such penetration, swelling forms.

Removal of a dystopic tooth

A dystopic tooth is an incorrectly located tooth in the dentition that interferes with its neighbors, puts pressure on them or the gums, injures the mucous membrane, and disrupts the bite. Such a tooth is very difficult to remove, since its roots are healthy, the crown is most often not damaged, and it can only be pulled out of the gums with considerable effort. In this case, the gum tissue is injured and swelling subsequently occurs.

Presence of chronic diseases

If the patient has chronic diseases caused not by dental problems, but such as, for example, hypertension or diabetes mellitus, as well as any blood diseases and problems with blood clotting, swelling may be more pronounced, even with a simple operation.

Allergic reaction

Allergies may occur during surgery due to the administration of anesthesia. If it flows weakly expressed form and does not pose a threat to health (the likelihood of anaphylactic shock), its consequences can only be expressed in small rashes and swelling.

If postoperative swelling did not arise as a result of complications and does not pose a threat to the patient’s condition, getting rid of it is rather an aesthetic requirement - who would like to walk around for a week with a swollen cheek.

By the way. Normally, physiological swelling can last up to seven days. But, starting from the third or fourth day after the operation, it should subside until it disappears completely.

Treatment of swelling after tooth extraction

In principle, physiological swelling does not require treatment. But if the patient wants to reduce its manifestations, it is necessary to follow certain rules and take appropriate measures.

Advice. If you have hypertension, take a sedative before surgery. You can also take medication after the extraction. Under the influence of stress, blood pressure may rise, which will impede blood flow and interfere with the formation of blood clot.

How to rinse your mouth after tooth extraction

Many patients, despite the ban on rinsing, still believe that this procedure will help restore damaged tissue and protect against swelling. Rinsing can only be started on the third day after extraction. And do it according to certain rules. Never allow fluid to move vigorously in your mouth. This will wash away or dissolve the blood clot and open the door to infection. The rinse solution is placed in the mouth and kept on the affected side for several minutes. The procedure can be repeated several times.

Rinse solutions can be prepared from the following components:

  • furatsilin;
  • propolis;
  • mumiyo;
  • soda;
  • salt;
  • oak bark

Furacilin solution

Soda solution

Indications for self-treatment

All home measures to relieve swelling can be used if there is no threat to health. This is evidenced by following symptoms.

  1. The swelling does not increase, but decreases over time.
  2. The tumor is not very pronounced, localized near the site of removal, and does not spread to the entire cheek and does not spread to the face.
  3. The temperature is normal or slightly elevated in the evening in the first days after extraction.
  4. The pain is present, but is background and lasts no more than two to three days.
  5. There is no unpleasant odor from the mouth, despite the fact that it is not possible to fully maintain oral hygiene in the operated area.
  6. General health is normal, performance does not decrease, there is no lethargy, weakness, drowsiness or other similar sensations.

Make sure that the tumor is not a consequence of infectious processes or other complications after extraction

Contraindications to self-treatment

Perhaps persistent swelling indicates the presence of complications. In this case, you should not try to cope with the consequences of the operation yourself. You need to go to the doctor.

Advice. If the condition worsens even slightly, and one or more symptoms indicating a complication are observed, you should go to the doctor as soon as possible without taking any independent action (you can take a pain reliever if the pain intensifies).

If you have undergone a tooth extraction procedure, monitor your condition for several days. If there is no deterioration, begin restorative procedures. And under no circumstances worry about the resulting cheek asymmetry. The calmer you are about the fact that a tumor has occurred, the sooner it will disappear.

Video - What to do after tooth extraction


When does the swelling go down after tooth extraction?

Throughout our lives, each of us has to seek help from dental office. And not in all situations it is possible to save a diseased tooth. In the article we will learn about how the surgical intervention takes place and how long the swelling lasts after tooth extraction. We will also consider some nuances that are useful for every person to know.

Tooth extraction

This operation can be called one of the most common manipulations performed by a dental surgeon. The residual effect that occurs as a result of visiting a doctor can cause a lot of inconvenience to the patient. Today we will discuss such a consequence of surgical manipulation as swelling of surrounding tissues. The reasons for its occurrence and localization may be different.

Normal reaction or complication?

The impact of the surgeon’s instruments often leads to injury to surrounding tissues oral cavity. The slightest carelessness in movement, excessive pressure, exposure to anesthesia - all these factors can provoke swelling of the cheek or gum tissue. In this case, it is necessary to understand what phenomenon is considered a normal physiological reaction. After all, in this case the patient will not need treatment. It should also be noted that swelling almost always appears after the removal of a wisdom tooth. How long does it last? We'll talk about this below. Well, it is extremely important to be able to recognize a situation that poses a threat to the patient’s health.

Physiological reaction of the body

The fact that the gums or, for example, the cheek swells after surgery can be called a natural reaction. The intervention of a doctor, violating the integrity of tissues, is already called an operation. After tooth extraction, especially in difficult cases, wounds form in the oral cavity. Not surprisingly, they can become swollen and painful. How long does swelling of the cheek last after tooth extraction? The norms for tissue restoration after this, provided that there were no complications, state that after 3-5 hours the swelling should decrease in size. In this case, the intensity of pain should gradually decrease.

Inflammatory process

Due to the fact that patients often postpone visiting the dentist due to fear, such actions lead to increased pain and inflammation in the soft tissues surrounding the tooth. During removal, the specialist’s task also includes neutralization unpleasant symptoms. The development of the inflammatory process carries the risk of damage to the socket after surgical intervention. The infection penetrates deep inside. Therefore, removal in such cases should be carried out extremely carefully, and the oral cavity should be thoroughly disinfected. If the patient did not treat the disease in a timely manner, he should understand that such swelling after surgery will not go away quickly. Moreover, before complete cure the tumor will cause discomfort to its owner.

Complex operations

How many days does swelling last after tooth extraction in complex cases? In dental practice, there are situations when tooth extraction can be delayed for several days. At the same time, the doctor’s influence brings quite a lot painful sensations. For example, a specialist must open the mucous membrane. This is necessary to remove a rattened or dystopic tooth. Of course, in such cases postoperative symptoms It won't go away in 4 hours. They may bother the patient for several days. But if the wound is not infected, the soft tissue in the mouth should begin to heal quickly. Therefore, it is extremely important to maintain oral hygiene after surgery.

Anesthesia effect

The presence of painkillers makes it possible to perform an operation to remove the diseased unit efficiently and without unnecessary stress for the patient. Anesthesia is especially useful in cases where it is necessary to extract a wisdom tooth or, as dentists call it, a third molar. After applying anesthesia, experts warn about an unpleasant sensation that occurs after some time (3-5 hours). Twitching pain and swelling are provoked by an anesthetic injection.

Socket infection

A rather dangerous factor that provokes severe swelling of the soft tissues of the gums and cheeks is infection entering the wound. It is extremely important that the patient receives timely assistance. Otherwise, the swelling develops into an abscess due to infection. Symptoms such as the appearance of high fever and general weakness will help to recognize the situation in question. If there is a suspicion that the nature of the edema is infectious, you should immediately contact a specialist for help. Only he will be able to correctly diagnose the situation and prescribe the correct treatment. How long does swelling of the cheek last after tooth extraction with subsequent infection of the socket? Everything here is individual. In any case, it will not begin to subside until the source of the inflammatory process is neutralized.

How long does swelling last after removal of a dental cyst?

Almost always an advanced disease or incorrect treatment canals leads over time to the appearance of new growths at the apex of the roots. These include cyst and granuloma. The presence of such neoplasms, as well as their removal, is often accompanied by swelling of the soft tissues. A cyst is a cavity that is filled with fluid. The causes of formation are dental trauma, infection and improper treatment of periodontitis. Long period the formation and growth of the cyst is invisible to the patient, since there are no obvious symptoms. If microbes enter, an inflammatory process develops. The appearance of a cyst can only be detected using an x-ray examination.

Some time ago, the tumor was removed along with the tooth. Modern technologies and treatment methods allow preserving the jaw arch unit. But the doctor chooses the method of treatment himself, depending on the characteristics of the development of the tumor. If the removal of the cyst goes without complications, then the swelling begins to subside on the very first day. Every day it decreases.

Factors indicating the development of complications

If swelling of the soft tissues is clearly visible, but the teeth do not hurt, this may be a consequence of poor-quality root canal treatment.

  • The slightest piece of nerve left inside by the dentist can cause a recurrence of pulpitis. In some cases, a cyst forms. We have already looked at how long gum swelling lasts after tooth extraction in this case. It all depends on the complexity of the operation and the qualifications of the doctor.
  • You should immediately go to the doctor if you experience difficulty breathing, redness of the tissues, or tachycardia. This may be an allergy attack caused by the administration of anesthesia. How long does swelling last after tooth extraction? In this case, it must be neutralized as soon as possible. After all, allergic reactions can lead to serious consequences.
  • Doctors consider the norm to be when the painful sensations gradually subside. If, on the contrary, the intensity increases, then during the day you need to contact a specialist.
  • Increase temperature regime bodies, sharp deterioration general well-being - symptoms indicate the addition of an infection.
  • The appearance of a sharp unpleasant odor.
  • The occurrence of pain during swallowing and jaw movement.
  • The swelling went away, but after a while it reappeared.
  • The tumor began to spread to the front part.

If at least one of the above situations is detected, you must urgently visit a dentist or medical institution. How long does swelling last after tooth extraction with complications? Provided that assistance is provided in a timely manner, it will quickly begin to decrease. Also, the treatment process and recovery time are directly related to the patient’s health status, the presence of chronic diseases, and the functioning of the immune system. After all, we all have individual characteristics.

What can't you do?

Specialists always warn the patient that after surgery he needs to be careful. To avoid complications, remember a number of restrictions.

  • You cannot smoke or drink alcohol.
  • It is forbidden to drink using a straw.
  • Do not brush the affected area with a toothbrush.
  • It is prohibited to visit the steam room.
  • Do not put pressure on injured tissue (chew, bite, etc.).
  • It is prohibited to touch the wound with your hands or tongue.

By observing these simple tips, you can protect yourself from complications after surgery. How long does swelling last after tooth extraction? We have answered this question. As a rule, everything goes away very quickly (after 3-5 hours). It is very important to pay attention to the prevention of diseases. Take care of your health! Let this article be useful to you for informational purposes only!

Causes of tumor

A cheek tumor occurs as a result of one of the following factors:

  • inflammation. If enough time has passed between the onset of pain and going to the doctor, we can say with confidence that there is an inflammatory process in the gums. Removing a wisdom tooth will give a new round in its development. Of course, the doctor will want to prevent the presence of consequences by using socket treatment for this antiseptic, but this is not always effective;
  • difficult removal. A tumor of the cheek occurs when it is necessary to open the mucous membrane during the removal of a wisdom tooth. The soft tissues of the oral cavity have a corresponding reaction to such manipulations, causing swelling of the cheek;
  • It is during the removal of a wisdom tooth that swelling of the cheek to some extent can be considered normal, since similar symptoms can be seen in almost every person. The location of the wisdom tooth does not allow for a light operation, so we recommend preparing in advance not only for a swelling of the cheek, but also for severe pain;
  • an incision on the gum is also possible when removing a wisdom tooth. In some cases, during the operation the doctor notices swelling, indicating the presence of an abscess. In this case, an incision is made on the mucous membrane so that the pus comes out of the soft tissues. As a result, swelling occurs;
  • health problems. People suffering from high pressure, they find it difficult to endure even simple trips to the dentist, not to mention the removal of a wisdom tooth. In this case, swelling may be accompanied by prolonged bleeding.

The situations described above can have a completely logical impact on the appearance of edema: the body is simply not able to react differently. Very often, cheek swelling is a harmless phenomenon, and there is no need to do anything about it.

When will the tumor go away on its own?

The absence of a health threat can be determined by the following signs:

  • swelling of the gums and cheeks is not very pronounced, the swelling subsides or at least does not increase;
  • body temperature is not elevated. Except in cases where the temperature will be slightly elevated during tooth extraction: then after the operation it may rise slightly;
  • Painful sensations near the hole are moderate. Almost always constant It's a dull pain will accompany you for several days. If removal turns out to be difficult, the pain may not leave you for up to two weeks. The main thing is that there is a gradual decrease in discomfort; there is no need to do anything;
  • absent bad smell from the mouth. An unpleasant odor emanating from the hole may indicate rotting of the blood clot covering the wound.

If the flux after tooth extraction is not very disturbing, then there is no reason to consult a doctor again. The very next day the swelling should subside a little, and after about a week there will be no trace left of it.

When should you see a doctor?

In some cases, swelling indicates possible problems, it is recommended to make an appointment with a dentist in following cases:

  • There is no pain in the tooth, but my cheek is very swollen. This phenomenon is common in the treatment of pulpitis, when the tooth canal was not completely cleaned. But since the tooth has already lost its nerve, it simply cannot hurt. But the cheek and gums are not limited in this, and can hurt and swell. Poorly treated pulpitis can cause complications, for example, cysts;
  • swelling of the cheek is accompanied by difficulty breathing and shortness of breath. This may indicate the presence of an allergic reaction;
  • intense, ongoing pain in the area where the hole is formed. Painful sensations should subside, at least slowly;
  • high temperature against the background of a general deterioration in health. This can occur as a result of the onset of intoxication of the body;
  • a pronounced aroma of rot from the oral cavity. Most likely it will be necessary to wash out the hole from a blood clot that has begun to rot;
  • there was pain when swallowing, which had not previously bothered, discomfort suddenly arose when moving the jaw;
  • swelling occurred three days after surgery. Often this is caused by alveolitis. The dentist will have to remove dead particles from the hole and put the medicine into it.

If the condition worsens every day, even slightly, then it is necessary to visit the dentist as soon as possible. Started destructive process, accompanied by the symptoms described above, can only be eliminated by a doctor.

How can you cope on your own?

If there is no reason to see a dentist, then you can relieve swelling in the following ways:

  • apply a cold compress. Cold is an excellent pain reliever. Ice cream, bottle with cold water, ice wrapped in cloth - all this can be applied to the cheek. It is recommended to apply cold throughout the day, every 15 minutes. Also, a cold compress can relieve pain;
  • apply a soda-salt compress. You will need to add a teaspoon of baking soda, 0.5 teaspoon of salt and a glass of warm water. We wet the cotton wool with the resulting solution and apply it to the gum for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure after an hour. Helps even with complex removals;
  • sleep high. Sleeping on a high pillow will help reduce swelling; the higher it is, the better;
  • put a leech. Of course, the method is quite exotic, but effective. The leech must be applied from the side of the extracted tooth behind the ear. The swelling will quickly disappear;
  • use decongestants. During dental swelling, ointments and gels are less effective than medications taken orally. For example, homeopathic tablets Traumeel, tablets Suprastin and drops Lymphomyosot will be effective;
  • no need to worry. Stress as a result of the formation of a swelling can cause an increase in blood pressure, which will lead to even greater swelling.

There are many blood vessels and nerve endings in the oral cavity, so the pain is stronger than in other places. It is normal for swelling and pain to occur at the site of tooth extraction. Usually after a few days everything goes away on its own. However, if immediately after surgery, the cheek is very swollen, difficulty breathing appears, and the patient is in a state of panic, then urgent hospitalization is necessary. In this case we're talking about about allergic swelling of the airways, and this requires urgent assistance resuscitation specialists.

Tooth extraction is not as simple a process as is commonly thought. Each person’s body reacts to this minor surgical operation exclusively individually. In order to avoid complications, you need to follow simple but very necessary rules.

Dentists explain that in the place where there was a tooth recently, in the first days quite painful area, and you have to put up with it. Firstly, try not to chew with the teeth that are in this area; do not brush them for two days. In the future, the brush should be soft, at least for a week.

The healing of the wound will be accelerated by careful oral care. A day after removal, carefully rinse your mouth with warm salt water (half a teaspoon of salt per glass of water is enough).

However, even strict adherence to these rules does not guarantee the occurrence of complications. A tumor can occur even if you follow all the necessary recommendations as diligently as possible. Well, consider yourself unlucky. You can console yourself with the thought that there are not so few such “unlucky” people. And take measures to prevent further development of the unwanted process.

The reasons for swelling of the tooth extraction site can be different. Dentists say that swelling most often occurs as a result of gum trauma. To relieve swelling, apply regular ice to your cheek (only apply it not to the area of ​​the extracted tooth, but on the opposite side). Keep the ice on for 10 minutes. After 20 minutes, repeat the same procedure.

The worst of possible options– infection in the wound. You will understand this by the incessant pain and bleeding. Inflamed gums can cause a fever. When the tumor takes on this character after tooth extraction, experts advise, first of all, to make a cotton swab and moisten it with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%). Carefully place the tampon in the wound and hold for half an hour. But even if you see that the bleeding is gradually going away, still consult a dentist immediately. Only a specialist can prescribe the necessary drug treatment.

Tumor after tooth extraction, reviews from many people say that it is very important to scrupulously follow the recommendations after a mini-operation. In addition to the tips already listed, in order to prevent complications, it is recommended to refuse food for the first two to three hours. Avoid both hot and spicy foods. Avoid strenuous physical activity and refrain from visiting the sauna.

Prolonged exposure to the sun is also undesirable. Good health and strong teeth!

Causes of swelling after wisdom tooth removal

The most common consequence of wisdom tooth removal is swelling. A cheek tumor is detected the next day if the operation was performed on upper jaw. This area has a richer blood supply, which is why swelling occurs. In case of difficult removal, as well as in the presence of a larger amount of fatty tissue under the skin, it is more likely. The swelling looks like a small gumboil. A cheek tumor in the case of lower wisdom teeth occurs during a complex extraction, during which an incision was made, drilling or sawing was carried out. In this case, swelling may make it difficult to swallow and open your mouth.

Swelling after wisdom tooth removal usually occurs as soon as the anesthesia wears off or the next day. That's why best time for such a surgical intervention - morning. If complications arise, you can make an appointment with a specialist again. Normally, swelling lasts for 2 days. The temperature may rise slightly, and aching pain in the tooth area may occur. Gradually, all these symptoms become less pronounced, and eventually the swelling subsides. If this does not happen, you need to contact your dentist. This is also necessary if the temperature rises sharply, the pain intensifies, the cheeks and gums turn red, and breathing becomes difficult. Such symptoms indicate the presence of an inflammatory reaction, which is a reason to consult a doctor.

The cause of swelling may be an allergic reaction to anesthesia. Before giving the injection, the doctor tests the drug. If it was not performed and the patient experienced an adverse reaction, edema will form. In this case, it is dangerous due to the occurrence of anaphylactic shock. In addition, this tumor is accompanied by fever, difficulty breathing and the appearance of a rash or spots on the body. In some cases, when testing the drug, there is no immediate effect. But after the entire procedure, the totality of many external factors, including stress, manifests itself in the form of edema. In this case, hospitalization should be immediate. Patients suffering from hypertension are advised to take anti-anxiety medications before surgery to reduce stress.

A tumor can occur either if the dentist fails to use antiseptics, or if the oral cavity is not properly cared for after removal. Then an infection gets into the open wound, and the inflammatory process begins. It is important that the tooth is completely removed. Otherwise, this also creates an additional risk of complications.

Symptoms of swelling after wisdom tooth removal

Physiological edema, manifested in the form of a cheek tumor, is a natural reaction of the body to surgical intervention. If it is not accompanied by severe pain and other signs of inflammation, then treatment is not required.

Pulsation at the site of wisdom tooth extraction, general intoxication, local hypertemia - all this indicates that the help of a doctor is required. He orders a blood test. It most often reveals leukocytosis, leukocyte formula shifted to the left, there are antibodies whose activity is directed against pathogens of any infection. Allergic edema is accompanied by the release of histamine into the blood, sensitization of the body. The most striking external manifestation is skin rashes.

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First aid for swelling

In serious cases, you will not be able to cope with the tumor on your own. You need to contact your dentist without wasting time. Otherwise, complications can lead to serious consequences that require special treatment and may be dangerous to the patient. But if it is impossible to immediately visit a specialist, they resort to home treatment methods.

You can relieve pain yourself only with physiological swelling. After the operation, cold is applied to the sore spot. This could be ice or metal products. A few hours later, the same procedure is performed using warm and dry objects, for example, a bag of salt or cereal, heated on a radiator. Precautions should be taken to avoid burns or frostbite. Antitumor ointments and gels help reduce swelling. They are applied with outside cheeks.

Treatment in the clinic

First of all, the dentist conducts a thorough examination of the wound left after the removal of the wisdom tooth. The dry wound is washed with antibiotic solutions, for example, Oxamp, cefazolin, or antiseptics, such as chlorhexidine or furacillin. If the cause of inflammation is incomplete tooth extraction, then all small particles and fragments are pulled out.

After providing assistance, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment. Apply various antibiotics in the form of tablets or injections. The most popular drugs are ofloxacin or metronidazole. To relieve pain, anti-inflammatory drugs are used: ibuprofen, ketorol, baralgin. Treatment also involves taking vitamins to strengthen the body overall. After 1-2 weeks it appears positive effect, the swelling goes down. Otherwise, sanitation of the hole is required again.

An allergic reaction after wisdom tooth removal, including swelling, requires urgent hospitalization. After admission to the clinic, the patient is given intravenous hormones, for example, dexamethasone, antihistamines And calcium chloride. Symptomatic therapy required only when anaphylactic shock occurs.


Swelling of the gums after removal can be due to several reasons:

  1. First of all, the dentist must make sure that after removal there is no fragment of a tooth or, even worse, a surgical instrument left in the jaw. Unfortunately, this also happens sometimes.
  2. Severe swelling may also be an allergic reaction to anesthesia. That is why there is a rule: before administering an anesthetic, the doctor must do an allergy test to this drug. An allergy test consists of injecting a drop of the drug under the skin on the patient’s arm and observing the behavior of the skin for 10 minutes. If there is no redness or swelling at the injection site, it means that the body does not have an allergic reaction to this drug. If even a slight redness occurs, the patient should absolutely not be injected with such a drug. Taking any antihistamine will help relieve swelling.
  3. If the tooth was completely removed, there are no fragments left in the wound, and there is no allergic reaction to anesthesia, then the cause of swelling may be an infection. In this case, the swollen gums seem to pulsate, seem hot and inflamed. In this case, you should immediately consult your dentist, since inflammation after tooth extraction can lead to complications.
  4. Most often, swelling of the gums occurs after the removal of a wisdom tooth, since this operation is very complex and always seriously injures the soft tissues. Externally, swelling may look like gumboil, so patients often confuse these two diseases.


In order to relieve swelling, the doctor may advise you to carefully and carefully rinse the mouth, but without fanaticism, so as not to damage the formed blood clot. Cold compresses applied to the cheek also help reduce swelling.

Under no circumstances should you warm the sore spot!

If the gum swelling is too large, but there is no inflammation, the doctor may recommend that the patient take medications that reduce swelling.

However, if, despite any measures, gum swelling does not go away, you should consult a doctor. Most likely, the cause of swelling is the occurrence of an inflammatory process. This is especially true if the wound does not heal well, or the patient does not pay enough attention to oral hygiene.


Tumor after tooth extraction

Sometimes tooth extraction is the only possible help that a doctor can provide to a patient. Remnants of rotting dental tissue decomposed due to advanced caries, roots affected to the top. Removal is seen as a salvation from all problems, including the persistent pain that haunts the patient. But the source of pain has been successfully eliminated. The anesthesia works well. The patient thanks the surgeon and leaves happy. And after some time he returns with a swollen cheek. A tumor after tooth extraction - normal or pathological, why it forms, and what to do with this post-surgical phenomenon.

Tumor after tooth extraction

Is it possible without a tumor?

In the vast majority of surgical cases, the doctor causes injury to soft tissues. Including oral tissues. It is impossible to pull out a tooth without disturbing the gum, in which it is held by all its, albeit half-rotten, roots. Therefore, swelling after dental extraction is a common and normal reaction of the body to interference in its work.

Swelling after tooth extraction

Important! There is an important amendment - a tumor is not a pathology if it demonstrates a normal tissue response to injury. And it indicates pathology if it signals the onset of an inflammatory process or other postoperative complications.

Swelling that is not dangerous

For each patient, tooth extraction is a serious surgical action aimed at healing through injury. When a tooth is extracted, blood vessels rupture and gum tissue is damaged. The longer and more difficult the surgery, the longer they will be swollen and painful. damaged tissue.

Important! Even uncomplicated extraction of a single-rooted tooth leads to swelling, which naturally subsides when impaired blood circulation returns to normal. Physiological tumor of the gingival tissue after extraction is not a complication and does not pose a threat to the patient’s health.

When edema develops, it is important to understand whether the situation is within normal limits or requires medical intervention

Gum swelling is not dangerous in the following cases:

  • general condition, despite the presence of a tumor, satisfactory;
  • the temperature is normal or slightly increased only on the day of removal;
  • the tumor is localized in one place and does not spread to facial tissues;
  • the pain is present, but is fading and lasts no more than five days;
  • immediately after the operation, the cheek swells, but no increase in pain is observed, and the swelling subsides within a few hours;
  • facial skin or oral mucous membranes normal color, no redness;
  • there is no tissue decay, there is no unpleasant odor from the gums, and there is no unpleasant taste in the mouth.

As for postoperative pain, it is always present in the background. Simple removal is accompanied by aching pain for three to four days. A difficult one can cause pain for a week.

Pain after tooth extraction is common

The main evidence that everything is normal is a gradual decrease in swelling and pain. If everything happens this way, you don’t need to do anything about the swelling, just watch it. You can take painkillers for pain.

When the tumor is predetermined

Everyone knows that you need to go to the dentist when a tooth just begins to bother you. But in real life this does not always happen. The result is tooth extraction as a last resort. And if treatment cannot be carried out, it means that there are serious problems in the oral cavity. Even when absolutely healthy tissues are damaged, for example by a cut or an injection, they swell. Moreover, a tumor occurs if the extracted tooth was adjacent to infections of the oral cavity or there are other dental problems.

Swelling after tooth extraction is inevitable if there is infectious processes

By the way. The duration and intensity of swelling after extraction directly depends on factors such as the qualifications of the dental surgeon, the choice of anesthesia method, types of anesthesia, the complexity of the surgical operation, and the quality of the antiseptic used.

Table. Causes of soft tissue tumors
Cause predetermining swellingDescription


A disease in which the socket of an extracted tooth becomes inflamed due to infection. Microbes are not necessarily introduced into the socket due to non-compliance with the surgical protocol (although such cases have occurred). Alveolitis after extraction often occurs against the background of existing inflammatory processes, the most common of which are periodontitis and stomatitis.

After removal, the infection will spread and develop with renewed vigor. In addition to the inevitable swelling, the patient will feel severe pain and a bad odor will come from the mouth.

Difficult removal with incision of gum tissue

To remove a problematic tooth during an active purulent process, you must first release the pus. To free the gum tissue from the pus sac and remove the abscess, it is necessary to cut the gum. Only after this can the surgeon remove the tooth cleanly, along with the roots.

Of course, additional trauma to the gum in the form of a cut increases the swelling that forms after extraction.

Traumatic extraction

Occurs when a dystopic (improperly located, growing at an angle, protruding from the dentition) tooth is subject to removal. To remove such a tooth, which is practically healthy, firmly embedded in the gingival tissue, and is subject to extraction only due to its dangerous location for other teeth or mucous membranes, considerable effort will be required. The gums swell very much when such a tooth is literally “torn out” from the jaw.

Deep extraction

Usually, it is subject to rear molars, or simply teeth that have not fully erupted (impacted) for various reasons. After this procedure, severe postoperative swelling is inevitable.

Presence of chronic diseases not related to dentistry

Swelling may be increased if there are health conditions such as diabetes or hypertension, blood and vascular diseases, or low immunity. In this case, the extraction is always more difficult and is accompanied by painful swelling of the tissue.

Tumor as a signal of complications

Severe swelling often occurs even in cases where there are no visible associated problems or inflammatory processes. But there are a number of reasons that can lead to postoperative complications.

A tumor as a reason to see a doctor

If complications arise, this should be a cause for concern and a second visit to the doctor. Mostly this situation occurs when the tumor is combined with other symptoms.

Important! Even just one of the listed symptoms should be a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Delay can not only lead to serious problems, but can also cause death.

What kind of help will the doctor provide?

Depending on the severity of the complications that arise, you will be offered specialized outpatient care, or inpatient treatment.

When visiting the patient, they will first examine you and find out what condition the wound is in. If the hole is dry, alveolitis or periostitis is present, the wound is sanitized by cleaning out the pus and removing necrotic tissue. This is followed by rinsing with antiseptics and prescribing antibiotics.

The doctor must conduct an examination and prescribe treatment

If an abscess has formed in the gum tissue, it will be opened (this will require cutting into the gum). At the same time, drainage is installed so that purulent discharge is completely removed from the wound. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating drugs are also prescribed here.

Removing pus from the gums

If anaphylactic post-allergenic shock is suspected, the patient must be urgently hospitalized in intensive care, where he will be administered hormonal drugs and antihistamines.

How to deal with swelling

Even if the extraction was not difficult, it is necessary to follow rules of behavior and care that will help reduce the likelihood of complications and reduce post-operative swelling.

Advice. Do not use painkillers in excess of the norms and dosages specified in the instructions. You should especially not do this if the pain and swelling intensify. The process of infection cannot be stopped by anabolic steroids, but the clinical picture will be erased, and it will be more difficult for the doctor to identify the cause of the complication.

After tooth extraction

How can you reduce swelling at home?

If you still want to help reduce the tumor, in the absence of symptoms of complications and general satisfactory condition, you can do the following at home:

  • cold applications to the site of swelling - hold for a quarter of an hour several times during the first day after extraction;
  • a compress made of cloth soaked in a soda-salt solution - externally to the cheek, the exposure time is the same as for a cooling compress;
  • antiseptic rinses - take a disinfectant solution and keep it in your mouth;
  • sleep on a high pillow.

A cold compress will help relieve pain and swelling

You should not get upset or panic if a tumor appears immediately after extraction. Remember that this is physiological normal phenomenon, which does not threaten your health. But, since the likelihood of complications after any surgical procedure is real, monitor your health, and if it worsens, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.

Video - How to remove swelling after tooth extraction


Is it worth it and how to deal with swelling after tooth extraction?

It would seem that after tooth extraction all fears and pains were left behind. However, often relief after long suffering from toothache is replaced by anxiety from the emergence of new problems. The most a common complication In this case, there is swelling after tooth extraction. What to do in this case, and when such a sign signals the development of serious complications?

Not always a pathology

Most of us don't consider tooth extraction something out of the ordinary. Although we must not forget that this is still a surgical intervention. Naturally, the torn vessels and tissues will be swollen and painful, and this is absolutely normal. The more complex the intervention, the stronger these phenomena were. Even uncomplicated removal leads to normal tissue swelling. And since any swelling and pain are associated with stagnation and local deterioration of blood circulation, it is quite easy for inflammation to occur. The pain is especially severe after the effects of painkillers wear off. Normally, swelling and pain quickly disappear, and the hole heals.

Physiological local tissue swelling after tooth extraction is not a complication or threat to the patient’s health.


When a tooth is removed, there are a number of reasons that can easily lead to complications and the need for subsequent treatment.

The duration of swelling after tooth extraction directly depends on the qualifications of the doctor, the type of anesthesia, the complexity of the intervention, and the quality of the antiseptic used.

The main reasons that can make swelling the first stage of the onset of inflammation in the oral cavity may be:

  1. Dryness of the tooth socket, which is a consequence of the absence of a blood clot to protect against infection.
  2. Allergy to drugs used during removal (antiseptics, painkillers).
  3. Incompetent treatment by a doctor of the tooth socket after removal, followed by the entry of pathogenic microflora into it (remnants of soft tissue, exudate, dental plaque).
  4. Incomplete tooth extraction, when the interroot septum, tooth fragments or root part remain in the wound. Often, bone fragments remain in the gums after the removal of severely damaged teeth.
  5. The presence of a cyst that remains after removal. Typically, tooth extraction is combined with sanitation of the oral cavity and requires the prescription of antibiotics.

When swelling is predetermined

Everyone knows that you need to see a dentist as soon as your tooth starts to bother you. However, in reality, it often turns out according to the principle “until the thunder strikes...” Tooth extraction, of course, is a last resort in dentistry. This operation is most often performed when the disease is already advanced. Therefore, often a wound in the mouth after tooth extraction is adjacent to problems of an infectious-inflammatory nature or general diseases. In such cases, it is unlikely to avoid complications in the form of pain and swelling.

Cases where it is impossible to avoid soft tissue swelling after tooth extraction include:

  1. Alveolitis (inflammation of the tooth socket) from infection from the oral cavity. This is a particularly common cause of pain and swelling after tooth extraction surgery. Alveolitis often accompanies the removal of teeth (periodontitis) or the oral cavity (stomatitis) in chronic inflammatory processes. At the same time, the development of an infection already existing in the mouth after removal receives a new round. Alveolitis, in addition to swelling, is characterized by severe pain and bad breath.
  2. A combination of removal with a forced incision of the gum. This happens during purulent processes (abscess), which increases swelling. An incision in the mucous membrane is necessary to release pus from the tissues.
  3. Particularly traumatic removal procedure (for example, impacted or dystopic teeth). In this case, the tooth sits tightly in the jaw and has to be “pulled out” from there, which inevitably leads to swelling of the soft tissues.
  4. After the removal of third molars (they are also called “wisdom teeth” or “eights”). The specific location of these teeth suggests traumatic removal, with unchanged postoperative swelling and pain.
  5. General violations health. In many pathologies (vascular and blood diseases, reduced immunity, hypertension, diabetes), tooth extraction is often more difficult to experience, accompanied by prolonged swelling and pain.

In such cases, it is unlikely to avoid swelling. However, often in similar situations the swelling goes away on its own, without requiring additional medical intervention.

When swelling is not dangerous

Swelling of the gums or cheeks is not always pathological. There is no need to panic or worry if:

  • general condition is satisfactory;
  • swelling is not accompanied by an increase in temperature (if it was not there before removal);
  • swelling is in one place (usually in the gum or cheek area) and does not spread to the face;
  • the pain is tolerable and lasts no longer than 2-5 days;
  • the swelling of the cheek is hardly noticeable, goes away in 3-4 hours and is not accompanied by increased pain;
  • no redness on the skin or mucous membranes;
  • there is no suppuration, as evidenced by the absence of severe pain, bad smell and taste in the mouth.

If the temperature before removal was elevated, then on the first day after the intervention it may increase slightly (37-37.5 degrees).

Pain after removal is always present to some extent when the effect of anesthesia wears off. The so-called “background” aching pain can occur in the first days after removal. After difficult removal discomfort may be within 2 weeks. The main thing is that the pain gradually decreases.

If there are no alarming symptoms, then at first it is enough to simply observe the swelling. The main thing is a gradual reduction in swelling and pain.

When there is cause for concern

There are situations when complications begin after tooth extraction. Then swelling becomes a sign of pathology. The combination of swelling of the cheek or gums with other dangerous symptoms is alarming:

  • The swelling is accompanied by redness of the mucous membranes or skin, shortness of breath, and tachycardia. Rashes are possible in various places of the upper body. Sometimes these signs can be an indicator of an allergic reaction. Here quick help medical attention is necessary, since anaphylactic shock can lead to the death of the patient.
  • Absent toothache with severe swelling of the gums or cheeks. This may be an indicator of poor-quality canal treatment and provoke pulpitis or the formation of cysts.
  • The swelling has spread to the face.
  • The body temperature is above 38 degrees and continues to rise, and the health condition is deteriorating. Possible difficulty swallowing or pain when moving the jaw. Here it is important to exclude an acute purulent process that spreads to the jaw (osteomyelitis, phlegmon, abscess).
  • The pain lasts for several days and does not decrease. A visit to the doctor is necessary here.
  • A sharp “bad” odor from the mouth often occurs when there is pus in the tooth socket.
  • After the condition returned to normal, the swelling returned again.

Even alone similar symptom becomes a good reason to see a doctor. And there is no point in delaying your visit to the dentist. A frivolous attitude towards such manifestations can have serious complications, even death.

How and how to relieve swelling after tooth extraction

With the physiological form of swelling, it is usually treated without treatment. However, you can speed up the healing process using approved methods. To do this at home, they usually use:

  • Applying cold (ice, a bottle of water, frozen food) to the cheek through the tissue layer at the site of swelling. You can use a wet towel. A wet cold compress is especially indicated when removing wisdom teeth. Cold is applied for 15 minutes throughout the day.
  • Soda-salt compresses for 15 minutes every hour 2-3 times. To do this, pour half a teaspoon of soda and a teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water. Soak a cotton swab in this solution and apply it to your cheek.
  • Rinsing the mouth with salt solutions (1 tsp per glass of water) or furatsilin, diluted propolis tincture (5 drops per glass of water), herbal decoctions (sage, oak bark, calendula or chamomile) 3-4 times a day. Do not overdo it with rinsing after removing wisdom teeth. In this case, it is better to take the solution and keep it in your mouth. If there was a dissection of the gums, then you can rinse your mouth no earlier than 2 days after the operation.
  • “Aggressive” types of food are excluded: food should be soft, crushed and gentle (eat no earlier than 3 hours after removal).
  • Sleep with the head of the bed raised. This eliminates swelling.
  • Decongestants (homeopathic drugs "Traumel" or "Lymphomyosot", antiallergic drugs "Suprastin", "Loratadine", etc.)

Specialized assistance

Depending on the severity of the complications, pathological swelling after tooth extraction can be treated in an outpatient setting. In serious cases, the patient is also offered inpatient treatment.

What awaits such a patient in the hospital?

  1. The patient will definitely be examined. If there is suppuration in the wound (with a dry wound, alveolitis, periostitis), the wound must be sanitation with the removal of tooth fragments and purulent contents. Antiseptic rinses (chlorhexidine, furatsilin, dioxidine) and antibiotic administration (oxamp, cefazolin) are used.
  2. If there is an abscess, it is opened and a drain is placed to drain the discharge from the wound.
  3. IN postoperative period Usually, antibiotics in tablets or injections (for example, ofloxacin), anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, ketorol), immunostimulants of natural or synthetic origin (velferon, immunal), vitamin complexes, proteolytic enzymes (trypsin, chymotrypsin) are additionally used.
  4. If anaphylactic shock is suspected (severe swelling, shortness of breath, panic), the patient is urgently hospitalized intensive care unit and provide emergency care (first of all, hormones and antihistamines are administered). In difficult cases, a tracheotomy may be performed to restore breathing.

What is prohibited during edema

Even if tooth extraction was very difficult and traumatic, there are rules of conduct after extraction that prevent the appearance of pathological swelling.

Although physiological edema does not pose a health hazard, you should not overdo it with its independent elimination. Otherwise, instead of benefit, it can easily cause significant harm to health.

You should not use painkillers repeatedly on your own if the temperature, swelling or pain at the extraction site increases. In this case, the clinical picture will be erased, but pathological process will spread and get worse.

After tooth extraction, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Sit quietly for 30 minutes after removal.
  2. Keep the tampon in your mouth for no less than 30-40 minutes.
  3. Start eating no earlier than 2-3 hours after surgery. Dishes should be soft and at body temperature. You have to try to chew healthy side jaws. Do not use hot, salty or spicy foods.
  4. Begin to use rinses carefully (it is better not earlier than 3-5 hours after removal).

Rinsing immediately after tooth extraction destroys the blood clot and allows pathological microflora to penetrate deeper.

  1. If the doctor has prescribed medications (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs), it is important to use them according to the regimen.
  2. Avoid alcohol, smoking, and carbonated drinks for several days.
  3. Hot drinks or food, heavy physical activity, or visiting a sauna or steam bath are excluded on the day of tooth extraction.
  4. In the first two to three days, brushing at the wound site is not performed.
  5. It is undesirable to press with hands or any objects on the site of swelling (to protect against infectious complications).

Do not panic if swelling appears after tooth extraction. This phenomenon is entirely physiological and does not pose a threat to health. However, it is important to pay close attention to yourself and your well-being at this moment. The possibility of complications after any surgical intervention is real. And arrogance and carelessness in this case can harm health and contribute to unnecessary financial costs.

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Swelling of the cheek after tooth extraction is a sign of the development of a dangerous inflammatory process. Before contacting your doctor again, you need to observe the body’s further reaction. If there is no deterioration and the swelling subsides, there is no need to see a dentist about this. Otherwise, action should be taken. What to do if swelling occurs after tooth extraction?

The tooth extraction procedure is very traumatic. And pain as a residual phenomenon is the norm. Swelling of the cheek should not be alarming if:

  1. The swelling is not severe and does not increase. It may appear if a wisdom tooth or a complex tooth with signs of gum inflammation has been removed. The symptoms will disappear on their own in a couple of days.
  2. No high temperature.
  3. There is no pronounced pain syndrome.
  4. The pain decreases. If, on the contrary, it increases, the inflammatory process begins and complications develop.
  5. The hole closed with a dense blood clot. It protects bone tissue from pathogenic microorganisms.

At surgical intervention There are possible situations in which swelling is not a pathology:

  1. A complex dental operation was performed, extensive excision of the gums and supra was necessary. bone tissue. The mucous membrane and bone are severely injured, their integrity is compromised. Swelling may remain for several days after surgery.
  2. Removing a wisdom tooth is an even more difficult procedure. Pain remains in the larynx for a long time.
  3. Removal against the background of acute chronic inflammation. The purulent masses usually fall into the socket and cause local infection. The doctor must administer an antiseptic and antibacterial treatment.
  4. A resection is performed to remove the pus. Swelling is also possible after it.
  5. Cheek swelling occurs in patients with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, reduced immunity. Tissues need more time to regenerate.

Causes of inflammation

Increasing pain in the socket, bleeding, swelling of the cheek, fever and signs of general intoxication occur for the following reasons:

  1. Suppuration of soft tissues is possible due to infection, non-compliance with doctor’s recommendations, or remaining tooth fragments.
  2. There is no blood clot in the socket. The clot protects injured tissues from various bacteria.
  3. Nerve endings are damaged, the mobility of the tongue and jaw is impaired, and severe pain occurs.
  4. Alveolitis is characterized chronic inflammation in the oral cavity. Symptoms: pain, severe hyperemia, swelling, unpleasant odor.

Another cause for concern is that after surgery, in addition to swelling, a hematoma forms. She is accompanied pain syndrome when touched, redness of the tissue, tactile hyperemia. These manifestations indicate suppuration in the periosteum, which requires immediate medical intervention.

Alveolitis as a sign of edema

This disease is the main post-resection complication. It provokes swelling of the soft tissues of the face. Alveolitis develops gradually, with infection of the injured tissues of the socket and necrosis of the blood clot.

Causes of alveolitis:

  1. Carious bacteria and plaque particles penetrated the hole and caused infection.
  2. After removal, a fragment of the chewing organ remained.
  3. Bleeding of the socket tissue prevents the formation of a clot.
  4. The blood clot festers.
  5. Oral hygiene is not maintained.
  6. Immunity is weakened.
  7. The removal procedure occurs during exacerbation of periodontitis.

Alveolitis can be easily identified using symptoms and visual inspection of the socket. Symptoms:

  1. The hole is empty, without a blood clot, a yellowish coating, there are food remains in it, a rotting blood clot. The gums are bright red, swollen, painful on palpation. Sometimes exposed bone tissue is visible.
  2. Sharp or mild pain in the socket. Headaches. Strong analgesics relieve them, but they do not treat inflammation.
  3. A rotting blood clot is accompanied by an unpleasant rotting smell. Pus provokes intoxication of the body, feeling unwell, fatigue, increased body temperature.
  4. More often, alveolitis is not accompanied by swelling of the soft tissues of the face: pus flows through the empty socket. But when acute manifestations suppuration of a blood clot, the gums and soft tissues of the face swell, hurt, and the temperature rises.

Treatment of alveolitis

Self-prescribed treatment with rinses and antibacterial drugs usually will not bring desired result. If the first symptoms of infection of the socket appear, you need to run to the dentist. He will disinfect the instruments, treat the wound with an antiseptic and place an antiseptic turunda inside. If necessary, he will prescribe antibiotics that will destroy the infection. This could be Cefazolin or Oxamp.


This is a first generation antibiotic. Disturbs the synthesis of the cell wall of microorganisms. Active against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Indicated for infections of various organs, including skin and soft tissues, bones, joints, postoperative infections.

Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity, as well as if the child is not yet a month old. Prescribe with caution in the presence of renal failure and intestinal diseases, in children under one year of age. When taken by nursing women, lactation should be stopped. The drug is administered intramuscularly. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor.


This is a combination bacterial preparation, which combines the spectrum of action of ampicillin and oxacillin. Ampicillin is a semi-synthetic penicillin, acid-resistant. Oxacillin is also acid-resistant.

Oxamp is available in capsule form and is also administered intramuscularly or intravenously. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity, infectious mononucleosis, lymphocytic leukemia. Prescribe with caution to children if their mothers have hypersensitivity to penicillins. While taking the course, it is necessary to monitor the functioning of the hematopoietic organs, liver, and kidneys. If a superinfection develops (which is possible due to the insensitivity of the microflora to the antibiotic), the antibacterial treatment is changed. In patients with renal failure Possible toxic effects on the central nervous system.


Once sharp inflammatory symptoms subside, the doctor stops prescribing turunda. They hinder fast healing wounds. The hole is filled with Solcoseryl. This is a dental adhesive paste that accelerates the healing of ulcers, erosions, injuries, with an analgesic effect.

The paste is well fixed inside and does not fall out. It slowly dissolves and gives way to growing gum tissue. You may just have to report it periodically.

In the absence of necrotic disintegration of the clot and inflammation, you can apply the paste yourself. The well must first be rinsed using a syringe. Take a solution of Chlorhexidine 0.5% or Miramistin and wash the wound under pressure. Then you should dry it and add the paste inside.

Solcoseryl stimulates the formation of blood vessels in tissue and collagen synthesis. Protects the mucous membrane from mechanical and chemical damage. The drug is safe and is indicated even for infants. It is not applied to an infected surface: it does not contain antimicrobial components. Before applying the paste, the mucous membrane should always be antiseptic treatment. If the wound does not heal within 10 days, you should consult a doctor. Severe complications are possible.

Treatment of swelling

Physiological edema does not require special therapy. The size of the swelling is reduced by applying ice or cold metal to the area. After a few hours, dry heat is applied (a heating pad, heated cereal). Cold and hot objects are applied through the fabric layer, otherwise frostbite or burns cannot be avoided.

If the cheek hurts due to inflammation or complications, the wound is carefully examined and washed antiseptic solutions. If there is any remaining tooth inside, it is removed. If an abscess forms, the wound is drained with rubber strips or a silicone drainage tube is installed into the cavity. It drains the discharge from the socket.

After cleaning the postoperative wound, the doctor will prescribe medications. First, he prescribes antibiotics. wide range action (Metronidazole or Ofloxacin). Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used that can relieve pain (Analgin, Ketorol, Ibuprofen, Baralgin). In case of severe complications, vitamins and immunostimulants are prescribed to strengthen the body. Pain after removal persists for up to one to two weeks. If the syndrome persists longer, the socket is sanitized again.

If immediately after tooth extraction the cheek begins to swell, shortness of breath, wheezing appears, the patient panics and requires urgent hospitalization. Allergic swelling of the respiratory tract is possible, which requires the help of resuscitators. Hormones (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone), calcium chloride, antihistamines (Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Tavegil) are administered intravenously.

  1. After the removal procedure, the dentist places a tampon in the hole. It should not be removed for another 20 minutes. In case of poor blood clotting, it is kept for about an hour. Otherwise the bleeding will resume. Immediately after removal, the teeth are tightly compressed, pressing on the tampon.
  2. Do not rinse your mouth, otherwise you can wash the clot out of the wound. An empty hole will quickly become clogged with food debris, plaque and become inflamed.
  3. You should give up smoking and alcohol for at least a few days. These bad habits cause bleeding, infection or swelling of the cheek. Alcohol can dissolve the clot and irritate the tissue. Painkillers should not be combined with alcohol.
  4. If anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics have been prescribed, they must be taken strictly according to the schedule and not stopped when improvements occur. Taking antibacterial drugs incorrectly can result in the drugs being ineffective the next time you need them again.
  5. Cannot be taken for two days after the procedure hot bath, visit the sauna, sunbathe. Heat expands blood vessels, increases the risk of rebleeding.
  6. Prohibited physical activity. They will increase blood pressure.
  7. It is not recommended to sleep on the injured side and place your palm under your cheek for two days after removal.
  8. Rough, spicy foods and hot dishes are removed from the diet. Remains of rough food will get into the wound and cause inflammation. They can also injure the wound. Spicy and hot food will increase blood flow, and the hole will take a long time to heal, and the gums will swell. Do not chew on the injured side. Hot drinks may dissolve the clot.
  9. Teeth are brushed in the usual way. The brush should not injure the hole. Hygiene is a must!
  10. If the dentist has placed stitches, they are removed after a week. Or they dissolve on their own after 10 days.

Swelling after tooth extraction is a natural process unless infection occurs. If there is suppuration, you must consult a dentist, otherwise serious complications will arise. Do not prescribe treatment for yourself. It may be ineffective and harm your health.

What to do when a tooth is removed - says the dentist


The leading specialist, maxillofacial surgeon Igor Yurievich Malinovsky of the Dental Center for Dental Implantation answers.

Many people are frightened by the phrase “tooth extraction,” although in itself this procedure carries neither complexity nor pain. Of course, depending on the condition of the tooth (splitting and removal in parts) or, for example, the length of the roots (a length of 3-4 cm is quite realistic), additional incisions in the gum may be required during the operation to simplify the extraction of bone tissue. And if the procedure itself may be painless, then the consequences of removal carry complications, in the form of a tumor in the cheek area and significant swelling.

This outcome of events is quite predictable; after removal, the doctor who performed the operation is obliged to give you a reminder that will guide you and maintain the condition of the postoperative area. Presenters maxillofacial surgeons a high-tech dental clinic will definitely instruct you after the operation, take pictures and prepare a preventive treatment plan.

For your understanding, let's look at what will happen to you step by step and what you will need to do.

  • After the procedure, the doctor provides the patient with an ice pack; it is usually kept for two hours, alternately for 10 minutes, alternating between breaks and application. Ice is needed to reduce the likelihood of swelling, and pain is also noticeably reduced from cold. Remember that swelling will still occur (2-3 days), but its extent depends, among other things, on the first hours of exposure to the affected area. If your doctor does not provide you with ice, ask him for this service.

  • To avoid exposing yourself to soft tissue swelling, do not warm compresses! The pain will only get worse. You should also avoid any thermal procedures (solarium, hammam, sauna, bathhouse, etc.).

  • You can treat the area of ​​tooth extraction with Miramistin. And good tissue regeneration will be ensured by the postoperative gel "Solcoseryl". Its main advantage is its use until final healing, and not for a certain period.

  • In case purulent removal(cyst, gumboil, etc.) Prepare for the fact that the dental surgeon will prescribe you a course of antibiotics, because the infection multiplies very quickly, and there is high probability Wake up a day after surgery with a lot of swelling in your cheek.

  • If pain worsens, you should take painkillers (ketorol, ketocam, analgin); moreover, you should not neglect them, because the aching pain does not subside immediately. It is quite possible for the temperature to rise; ordinary antipyretics (ibuprofen, paracetamol) will help here, but not aspirin. Aspirin can only worsen the situation by bleeding from the wound.

  • If you find pus in the suture area, you should immediately make an appointment with the doctor who performed the removal. But to ease the situation and remove a little pus before examination, use saline solution. It should be warm and concentrated. Rinsing in the area of ​​removal should be gentle and not strong. They can be produced several times a day.

  • If the swelling does not go away after a week, your general condition has worsened, and the pain does not subside, you should immediately contact a dental surgeon. The reason may lie in the internal condition of the gums; OPTG may be needed ( panoramic shot) to understand what's going on.

Remember, self-medication in this case can worsen your situation, and neglect is fraught with blood poisoning. You can always turn to specialists, because... a tooth that seems to be gone can bring many problems.

Most oral diseases cannot be treated therapeutically and require surgical intervention. These include swelling after tooth extraction.

When inflammation occurs after tooth extraction, it is imperative to understand the reasons in order to begin treatment. Swelling after surgery is normal, but sometimes its appearance indicates the development of complications. Let's look at the common reasons for its appearance:

  1. Alveolitis. If a tooth is removed and the gums are swollen, the cause may be an infection in the open wound of the socket. The situation is aggravated by the presence of inflammatory processes (stomatitis, periodontitis) at the time surgical treatment affected tooth.
  2. Allergic reaction. It occurs when there is an individual intolerance to the agent used for anesthesia and leads to the formation of swelling, which goes away on its own after some time.
  3. Swelling of the gums occurs when there is severe purulent process. For example, an inexperienced dentist may not notice a small segment of affected tissue or a tooth fragment. As a result, the patient returns to the dentist again because his jaw begins to hurt. Additional cleaning of the hole is prescribed; if necessary, the doctor prescribes medications to stop the inflammatory process and accelerate tissue healing.
  4. Gums become inflamed due to excessive oral hygiene. Surgical intervention involves the formation of a blood clot, which prevents infection from entering the wound and promotes active healing of the injured area. When actively brushing with a toothbrush, the protective plug is damaged and infection is introduced there, which leads to swelling and inflammation.
  5. A cyst in the socket is also considered to be the reason why the gums swell. In the resulting voids, pus gradually begins to accumulate, which must be removed and the hole properly sanitized.

Anna Losyakova


In the absence of pathologies and allergic reactions slight swelling is a normal reaction to surgical procedures in the oral cavity. After some time, the swelling subsides on its own and the pain goes away.

How long does inflammation last?

It is impossible to say exactly when the swelling will subside after tooth extraction, since each person’s body is individual. Not only the age, gender, physical parameters of the patient play a role, chronic diseases, pathologies of the oral cavity, but also the complexity of the operation and the degree of tissue injury. The composition of the drug used to relieve pain and reduce the sensitivity of soft tissues is important.

Usually the swelling lasts for several days, after which it begins to gradually subside. When the base of the tooth is destroyed, it becomes necessary to cut tissue, then the period increases to 7–8 days.

The process of complete wound healing over time.

If appeared severe swelling, the process is often accompanied by suppuration. Additional cleaning of the canals affects the integrity of the gums, as a result of which swelling persists for up to 2 weeks or more.

Anna Losyakova


After a complex removal, the state of health worsens with an increase in temperature, which is considered a sign of an inflammatory process. In this case, the inflammation subsides slowly or does not go away at all. To prevent the development of complications, you should consult your doctor.

How to distinguish normal from complication

Swollen gums are not a reason to worry, since the appearance of swelling and pain is considered a normal process after surgery. You should not endure the discomfort or try to get rid of it with home remedies. It is important to establish the cause so as not to worsen the condition.

You should consult a doctor for treatment if inflammation and the following symptoms appear:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • severe redness of tissues;
  • the occurrence of tachycardia;
  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • spread of the tumor to neighboring areas;
  • painful sensations when moving the jaw and swallowing;
  • unbearable toothache, severe swelling of the gums;
  • the occurrence of a strong odor from the mouth.

If the answer is positive to at least one point, you should immediately contact the dentist on duty to examine the site of the extracted tooth. The specialist must take an x-ray, without which it is impossible to determine the real reason(cyst development, infection, poor-quality removal).

Anna Losyakova


The inflammatory process cannot be left to chance, otherwise irreversible reactions may occur, up to fatal outcome!

How to relieve swelling of the gums

To do this, you need to rest for 30–60 minutes after surgery, which will restore blood flow. Physical activity will lead to large blood loss and slow healing of the wound. Also, a tampon placed by the dentist promotes the formation of a blood clot, so there is no need to remove it for 30–40 minutes.

There are several ways to relieve swelling after tooth extraction. They are used in dental clinics and at home, but they only help if the healing of the hole proceeds without complications.


In case of a complex operation, after which inflammation of the gums occurs, the doctor prescribes medications that relieve inflammation. Lincomycin, Indomethacin, antibiotics for bone tissue damage (prescribed by the dentist), non-steroidal drugs, and special gels (Metrodent) help prevent the development of infection.

To reduce swelling, it is recommended to regularly rinse the mouth with special solutions, such as Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt. Just rinse, do not rinse! Rinsing can remove any clot that has formed on the socket.


Traditional methods

Traditional recipes know how to reduce swelling and get rid of pain. Simple methods can be used at home without harm to the body, but only for swelling that is not accompanied additional symptoms. The most common methods:

  • cold compress for a short time;
  • washing with a solution of salt and soda;
  • the use of herbal decoctions for washing (calamus root, calendula, sage, chamomile, propolis, oak bark, mumiyo).

What is forbidden to do during swelling

In the first days after removal, it is recommended to maintain rest, as physical activity activates blood flow and provokes increased swelling. A qualified dentist should warn the patient about possible complications if the rules are not followed.

  1. Immediately after extraction, refrain from eating for 2–3 hours.
  2. During healing, exclude solid foods that can injure the gums, replace them with dishes of a uniform consistency (puree soup, porridge, broth).
  3. Avoid drinking drinks that are too hot or too cold.
  4. Avoid drinking alcohol, as it causes vasodilation.
  5. For 2–3 days, avoid taking a hot bath or visiting a bathhouse or sauna.
  6. Daily dental care should be as careful as possible to prevent damage to the blood clot.
  7. Subsequent tooth extractions cannot be performed within a week after the first procedure.
  8. Tobacco negatively affects the healing of damaged tissue.

Anna Losyakova


It is forbidden to use medications without the consent of a doctor; in case of severe pain, it is better to consult a dentist.

Possible complications and their treatment

After removal, the soft tissue may swell due to mechanical impact on them during dental procedures. Swelling normally does not cause severe discomfort; it will disappear in a few days.

But removal may come with complications that can lead to unpleasant consequences, even death. Therefore, it is important to notice and treat them in time:

It is important to monitor your health and visit the dentist promptly. This will keep your teeth beautiful and healthy. Even if removal is necessary, it is important to monitor the body's response to surgery. If you suspect complications, it is better to consult a doctor to prevent serious consequences.