Panoramic photograph of the teeth of a 6-year-old child. Carrying out X-rays for children when examining baby teeth

X-ray of baby teeth – special study, during which you can assess the condition of soft tissues, as well as diagnose inflammatory lesions oral cavity. This procedure is carried out quite often, as in children it allows you to quickly identify exact location caries. In addition, x-rays are prescribed for pulpitis and periodontitis and help determine the degree of tissue damage. With the help of this event it is also possible to diagnose the following diseases:

  • Caries and carious interdental stains.
  • Abscess and root changes.
  • Loss of dental mass and anomalies in the structure of the dentition.

X-ray examination of primary teeth in children allows us to determine the location of the root primordia. Using this procedure, the treating specialist can easily assess the condition of the jaw and also determine the possible timing of tooth loss. X-rays have a number of features. It must be taken into account that during such a procedure the child is exposed to a small radioactive effect. To minimize it, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Children who did not have permanent teeth, bitewing and periopical x-rays are performed once every 2 years.
  • Adolescents undergo the same studies no more than once every 1.5 years.
  • For adults over 18 years of age, x-rays can be taken once a year.

If there are recommendations from the orthodontist, photographs may be taken more often. In addition, children after restoration or with increased level blood sugar. The fact is that their teeth are prone to faster destruction.

In children, x-rays of the oral cavity (dental) are performed much more often than in adults.

The difference between baby teeth and molars

A child’s milk teeth differ from permanent teeth in their structure, shape and color. We strongly recommend that you look at numerous photos in which you can easily tell the difference. In addition, children's teeth have a thin layer of enamel, a small crown and dentin. In the photographs you can easily notice that such teeth have widely spaced roots that are located at an angle. This feature is explained by the need to form permanent teeth.

An X-ray of a child's jaw with baby teeth will help determine how much the new molars have formed. If you pull out children's teeth before the molars are formed, you are likely to encounter serious deficiencies. This usually causes cosmetic defect in the form of a diastema, or large gap between the teeth. In addition, it is very important to monitor the condition of baby teeth. If they are not treated in time for caries and other diseases, there is a high risk of developing serious problems in the future.

How safe is x-ray?

If all examination standards are met and radiation safety parameters are observed, x-rays of children's teeth are absolutely safe procedure. If X-rays are carried out too often or if the standards are not followed, the risk of a decrease in immune abilities increases. It should be noted that the influence of the X-ray installation alone cannot lead to radiation sickness. It has also not yet been proven that similar procedures can influence the development of cancer tumors.

To increase the safety of such exposure, they resort to a targeted study of the oral cavity. In this case, the radiation used becomes minimal. The study of children is carried out on devices equipped with a radiovisiograph. This device is equipped with a beam tube and a sensor that is placed in the patient's mouth. In this case, the duration of exposure becomes minimal, any changes in the body are instantly recorded on the monitor screen. In addition, the child is put on a special apron that protects the body from consuming excessive amounts of radiation.

Treatment of caries and its complications is extremely rarely carried out without x-raying the child’s teeth.

Types of X-rays for children

A targeted radiograph evaluates a specific area of ​​the gum or other part of the oral cavity. With a panoramic view, the entire dentition becomes visible. Typically, during a targeted examination, the beam tube is installed near the soft tissues, and 2-3 nearby teeth are clearly visible in the image. Only your dentist will determine which study will be most optimal in a particular case.

In addition, 3D modeling will help assess the condition of the oral cavity. With the help of such an examination, you can easily determine the location of damaged fillings, roots or canals. Typically, babies are sent for this procedure before implantation surgery.

How is computed tomography useful in dentistry?

In dentistry, a computed tomography procedure is often performed, which allows one to evaluate the rudiment and perihilar cyst in the smallest detail. Modern experts strongly recommend conducting such a study using a radiovisiograph. It helps to study the following structures of the oral cavity:

  • Separate groups of teeth.
  • Lower and upper jaw.
  • Paranasal sinuses.
  • Soft tissues of the mouth.

Using computed tomography, it is possible to assess the condition of teeth in several projections at once. Thanks to 3D models the specialist can easily build the required sections. If necessary, the results of such a study can be recorded on disks or flash cards. This is especially convenient in cases where it is necessary to consult several specialists at once to determine treatment tactics. Without this kind x-ray examination it is impossible to imagine the procedure of prosthetics, dental orthodontics or implantology.

X-rays can be used to photograph one tooth or a specific part of the jaw.

Indications and contraindications

To have an x-ray of baby teeth, the child must have strong indications, since this study has a number of contraindications. Typically, such an examination is prescribed in the following cases:

  • To determine the extent of caries damage.
  • To identify periodontitis and pulpitis.
  • To assess the condition of the primordia of permanent teeth.
  • When planning endodontic treatment.
  • To diagnose and determine a treatment plan for pathologies of occlusion or teething.
  • To determine the reasons for the delay in the appearance of permanent teeth.
  • If there is bleeding.
  • If you feel unwell.
  • Subject to availability serious pathologies thyroid gland.

How is research conducted?

Usually, an X-ray of the tooth can be obtained immediately after the examination. However, the methodology for carrying them out may differ significantly from each other. During intraoral radiography, a special metal apron is put on the child and seated on a chair. After this, the specialist asks him to open his mouth wide, after which he fixes a protective film inside the cavity. It is usually installed in the area of ​​the outer tooth. After this, a tube is installed near the mouth. The procedure takes no more than a minute, recovery period absent.

When taking a panoramic photograph, the technique is slightly different. To get the correct image, the child is placed in front of the machine and a special tube is placed in the mouth. He must squeeze it as tightly as possible, after which the scanning starts. At this moment, the plates that rotate around the head begin to work. Thanks to this, it is possible to obtain an extended model. It allows you to assess the condition of the entire dental system. Decipher the results similar research only succeed qualified specialist– a person without education is unlikely to be able to do this.

X-ray for babies

Dental X-rays are usually not performed on babies under one year old. However, such a study can only be carried out to clarify the diagnosis. X-rays are also performed in cases where other diagnostic methods are uninformative. Most often, the indications for conducting such a study are birth injuries or a fall from a height. Remember that the first baby teeth appear at the age of 4-6 months, in some cases they may appear later. If the child does not have them after a year, it is advisable to consult with your doctor. Most likely, he will send the baby for an x-ray to determine the stage of emergence of temporary teeth. In addition, the study allows us to determine the features of the skull.

Is it possible to refuse x-rays for a child?

Parents can easily refuse to undergo an X-ray examination of their child. This procedure is completely voluntary. However, they must understand that in such a case any therapeutic measures will be carried out on the basis instrumental examination. A referral for an x-ray is a recommendation, but not prerequisite. However, such images will help the doctor form a complete picture of the condition of the child’s oral cavity. Without an X-ray examination, it is impossible to carry out full prosthetics, therefore, in case of refusal, the doctor will refuse to carry out this kind procedures.

X-ray examination of teeth is a completely safe procedure that cannot cause harm to the body. You should not refuse to carry it out because of the radiation, because it is minimal and cannot harm the child’s body. With the help of such a study, it is possible to identify numerous deviations in the early stages.

Dental radiography is an integral part integrated approach in the treatment of dental diseases. A photograph of a tooth is additional method research that allows the dentist to see what is impossible to see naked eye, put accurate diagnosis and start right and timely treatment.

X-rays in dentistry have long become an integral part of the diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases. Without dental x-rays, it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis with 100% certainty.

A tooth is like an iceberg. Only a small part of it (the crown) is visible in the oral cavity, everything else (the root, the surrounding bone and the ligament of the tooth) is hidden under the gum in bone tissue jaws, remaining invisible to the specialist. What is inside the tooth remains invisible.

Why do you need a dental x-ray, or what can you see on an x-ray?

A photograph of the tooth is necessary for accurate diagnosis the condition of the roots of the teeth and surrounding bone tissue, to make an accurate diagnosis. Without x-ray The dentist may make the wrong decision and begin the wrong treatment.

X-ray of breast chewing teeth. Caries of primary chewing teeth in a 6-year-old child. The carious cavity is located on the lateral surfaces between the teeth, which makes it “invisible” during external examination. Close to the baby teeth are the rudiments of permanent teeth.

Dental X-ray allows you to:

  • See on early stage hidden carious cavities and begin treatment before the tooth hurts and begins to bother its owner.
  • Monitor the accuracy of the manipulations performed by the doctor: treatment of the root canals, for example, is unthinkable without x-rays, since only in an image of the teeth can one see how the doctor filled the canals of the teeth.
  • Detect problems with the buds of the teeth, for example, their incorrect position in the jaw, which in the future may lead to the fact that these teeth will not be able to erupt in the oral cavity.
  • Detect the incorrect position of the wisdom tooth, which often causes the development of crowding of teeth and destruction of the adjacent seventh tooth.

X-ray of teeth in children

In pediatric dentistry it is impossible to do without x-rays. Under the roots of baby teeth there are the rudiments of permanent teeth, and before starting treatment, you need to make sure that the roots of the baby teeth have not begun to dissolve and that the treatment will not harm the rudiments of permanent teeth.

In a panoramic photograph of the teeth, the doctor sees all the teeth that have already erupted or are about to erupt, their relationship and can understand the reason for the delay in teething in children. Early diagnosis of bite problems allows you to begin timely treatment and avoid future tooth extraction for orthodontic reasons in order to create space in the dentition. For example, if the reason for the delay in the eruption of a permanent tooth is its incorrect position in the jaw (which does not allow it to erupt), then timely orthodontic and surgical treatment allows in the future not to remove this tooth and not to carry out expensive and complex orthodontic treatment with braces.

Types of dental x-rays

X-ray images vary in their information content:

  • A targeted photograph of one or two teeth.
  • Panoramic shot teeth of the upper and lower jaws. This photo shows all the teeth that have already erupted or are just about to erupt.
  • A 3D tooth image is a computer tomogram of an individual tooth or group of teeth. Allows you to accurately visualize the number and location of tooth canals and their structure. Typically, 3D dental tomography is performed before complex endodontic treatment of dental canals, before planning implantation surgery and orthodontic treatment.


Modern X-ray equipment allows you to significantly reduce the dosage x-ray radiation thanks to the use of digital sensors instead of X-ray film. A digital X-ray sensor has greater sensitivity than X-ray film, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the strength of X-ray radiation. This is why digital dental x-rays can be used in young children in pediatric dentistry. The undeniable advantage of digital dental photographs is that they are all saved on a computer, which allows you to view them at any time and monitor the quality of the treatment performed over time.

The BabySmile Clinic is equipped with the most modern radiovisiographic equipment for both targeted and panoramic images of teeth, and 3D tomography of teeth and jaws. Targeted photographs of teeth can be taken in each of the treatment rooms without leaving the chair, which significantly increases the comfort of the treatment.


The cost of a panoramic photo depends on the task for which it is performed this study, and the age of our client (adult/teenager or child). The price difference is not too significant, because... the cost is from 1000 rubles. up to 1,500 rubles, and the cost of an image of one tooth in an adult is only 560 rubles.

Today, dental x-rays are a routine procedure in dental practice. And x-rays of a child’s baby teeth are no exception.

Sometimes a simple examination by a dentist is not enough to assess the correct anatomy of dental development in children. In such cases, it is necessary to take an x-ray of the child’s jaw with baby teeth.

X-ray of a child’s skull with teeth is the most reliable method early diagnosis diseases of both milk and future molars. Sometimes dental x-rays are indicated for children even more often than for adults. This is due to the fact that it is more difficult for the child, and he does not particularly want to maintain oral hygiene; besides, children really love sweets, which, in turn, contribute to faster development carious process in delicate milk teeth.

Here are the pathologies you can see by looking at an X-ray of a child’s teeth:

  • possible loss of dental mass due to the inflammatory process;
  • abnormal development of the tooth root;
  • hidden caries and its degrees;
  • abscess;
  • anatomically abnormal development of the dentition on the lower or upper jaw;
  • how and where the rudiments of molars are located in the skull.

At what age is it recommended for children to have dental x-rays?

Many parents are frightened by the very thought of frequent x-rays the child’s teeth, despite the fact that the proportion of radiation is very small. Therefore, doctors have established a special radiography schedule.

Pictures are taken at a certain time interval:

  • before the molars appear - once every 2 years;
  • from the moment when permanent teeth appear, x-rays are performed once every one and a half or once every three years (at 3 years, at 6 years, at 9 years, etc.).

Where can I take an x-ray of my child's teeth?

Today, an X-ray of a child’s skull with teeth can be done at any dental clinic, especially in the one that is directly involved in the treatment of children. It is in them that modern X-ray machines are located, adjustable in size for each of the children (whether a child is 3 years old or 6 years old). Also in modern clinics Radio wave visiographs are more often used, which are safer for small children.

How is the X-ray procedure performed?

In order to take a picture of the jaw, an orthopantomagraph apparatus is used, which can be film or digital. Most often, this device is located in a separate office, where there is also a photo laboratory. If the device is digital, then the photos can be displayed directly on the computer screen.

The x-ray procedure is as follows:

  1. Before starting, children need to remove all metal jewelry and items of clothing, and they also need to take off glasses, if any.
  2. An apron with lead plates is put on the child's chest area.
  3. Next, the child is asked to bite a special plastic stick with his teeth and press his lower jaw against the septum. During the examination, he must stand straight and not move.
  4. Once turned on, the device’s irradiator will move around the skull for 20 seconds. After the procedure, the image will be printed or sent to electronic form.

The photo of the image will be stored in electronic form on a computer so that in the future it will be possible to track the dynamics of the growth of molars and their location.

Problems with teeth, as well as with the development of bite, begin to bother a person from the very beginning. early years. Pediatricians constantly monitor the teething process in very young children. Parents can also seek advice from pediatric dentists if there is a suspicion that something is going wrong.

A procedure such as an x-ray of a child’s jaw is prescribed quite often today. There is no need to be afraid that x-rays can negatively affect the child’s health - the modern equipment used for the research is characterized by minimal radiation exposure. X-ray can be considered safe method diagnostics

When is a child's jaw x-rayed?

So, an X-ray of the jaw of a child with baby teeth: when can it be prescribed? Eat a whole series situations in which it is necessary this procedure:

  • On dental examination Foci of caries have been identified, and it is necessary to determine how deeply the lesion has spread. An X-ray of the jaw will allow you to see how damaged the roots of baby teeth are and whether the rudiments of permanent teeth are affected by caries.
  • During examination, anomalies were revealed in the dentition. For example, milk teeth erupted with displacement, rotation, tilt, and so on. will allow you to see the location of the rudiments of permanent teeth, predict possible pathology eruption and begin planning orthodontic treatment.
  • Diagnosed malocclusion different types. That is, if lower jaw protrudes forward and overlaps the front one, or, conversely, the lower jaw is pushed deeper than it should be normally, an x-ray will help to identify the degree of development of the pathology and understand its causes.
  • After the loss of milk teeth, the eruption of permanent teeth is not observed. It may not happen often, but it happens. The most common cause of this problem is the position of the permanent tooth buds too high. X-rays will allow you to see exactly at what height in at the moment teeth are located and predict the approximate time of their eruption.
  • Suspicion of an abscess - an x-ray will help translate this suspicion into an accurate diagnosis or refute it.
  • Various injuries jaws. To assess the extent to which a blow, bruise, fall or other mechanical influences affected the integrity of the teeth and jaw bones, an x-ray may also be prescribed.

What does an X-ray of a child’s jaw with baby teeth show?

An X-ray of a child’s jaw before the loss of primary teeth will show:

  • the degree of reduction in dental mass in the event of inflammatory disease gums;
  • changes in the roots of teeth;
  • foci of caries, including those located in the interdental space;
  • abscesses;
  • anomalies in the structure of the upper and lower dentition;
  • location of permanent tooth buds.


There are several ways to take an X-ray of a child's jaw or lower skull.

Intraoral radiography

Intraoral x-rays are carried out using special dental devices, which help take targeted images of one or more adjacent teeth (one to four). Such an examination allows you to assess the condition of the hard tissues of primary and permanent teeth, periodontal and periodontal tissues, jaw bones for the diagnosis of retention and follicular cysts, oncological neoplasms, anomalies in the location and number of erupted teeth and rudiments, etc.

When performing a study, a blank of x-ray film is placed in a special paper envelope, which is inserted into the oral cavity and placed in the area of ​​the desired tooth. The X-ray machine is brought to the face with outside and placed as close as possible to the tooth/teeth being examined.

In pediatric dentistry, intraoral radiography is often prescribed to diagnose pathologies of the palatal suture. Although, it must be said that if we are talking about a very young patient (2-3 years), it is quite difficult to carry out such an x-ray, because it can be difficult to explain to a child why it is needed and that it will not hurt.

Extraoral methods

The most common method of performing extraoral x-rays is a panoramic photograph, or orthopantomogram. In such photographs, you can see in a direct projection the entire upper and lower dentition, as well as the structure of the patient’s jaw. Orthopantomogram images allow you to make a detailed interpretation and description of the condition of teeth and gums, to recognize even hidden pathologies or those that have just begun to develop (for example, periodontal disease, caries).

You can see what a panoramic x-ray of a child’s jaw looks like in a photo on the Internet.

How safe is an X-ray of a child's jaw?

X-rays of the jaw for children, including infants, are a relatively safe procedure. The radiation exposure during shooting is negligible and cannot negatively affect further development dental system. At the same time, it must be said that taking X-rays without indications, for prevention, is still not worth it.

Contraindications for

Contraindications to X-raying a child’s jaw are:

Decoding the results

Decipher ready-made images must be a specialist. It is possible that several doctors will be present during decoding, for example, a dentist, an otolaryngologist.

The photographs are used to assess how symmetrically the teeth and jaws are positioned. If a focus of any pathology is detected, it is important to determine its exact location and size.

When diagnosing a jaw fracture, you need to determine its complexity, consider whether there are fragments and how they are located.

If a tumor-like neoplasm is detected, it is important to assess its size, consider its boundaries (clear or blurred), and determine its location.

X-ray - modern way diagnostics, which plays an important role in dentistry. The world first learned about this diagnostic method several centuries ago, but despite this, modern medicine he enjoys considerable popularity. With the help of an image, you can clearly see all the problems of the jaw and make an accurate diagnosis.

X-ray of a child's teeth

Before starting treatment for a child, the dentist must give a referral for x-rays of baby teeth. The thing is that under the roots of the baby teeth there are the rudiments of a permanent dental system in the child, and the doctor must make sure that the treatment can be carried out. With the help of a panoramic photo, you can very clearly see the rudiments that have erupted and those that are just about to grow.

In addition to x-rays, the dentist may do:

. a targeted photograph of one or more teeth;

Panoramic shot;

Bite shot;

3D photo.

A 3D image is an image obtained using computed tomography. In this case, the tooth image can be rotated and enlarged without losing the quality and accuracy of the photograph. Such diagnostics allows the doctor to examine the structure of the canals down to the smallest detail. 3D photo in childhood necessary before complex operation, implantation or orthodontic treatment.

X-ray of baby teeth with bite allows you to detect diseases in a timely manner and avoid many problems. unpleasant problems.

Pediatric dentistry is paying more and more attention to photographs of the jaw. This is due to the fact that with the appearance of the first tooth, the child may be bothered by caries, which cannot be seen without a picture. Also, x-rays are simply an indispensable examination method for identifying diseases of the dental system.

The dangers of diagnosing a child's jaw

Many parents worry in vain that x-rays of baby teeth can negatively affect the health of their child. The thing is that the radiation dose during the image is minimal and cannot lead to pathological problems.

There is a separate room for x-rays. Before the procedure, the child’s body is protected with a special lead apron.

It must be said that x-rays are an inexpensive examination method, which at the same time gives full information dentist about the condition of the child’s jaw. Refusal to carry out the procedure may lead to serious consequences, because the doctor will not be able to fully assess the condition of the little patient’s teeth.