Examination of the sinuses using x-rays and how often it can be done. X-ray of the paranasal sinuses - how it is done and what radiographs show. Image of the paranasal sinuses

Radiography paranasal sinuses nose (X-ray of PPN) shows pneumatization of data anatomical formations. Fluid accumulations, tumors, foreign objects, and cysts are visible.

What does x-ray of the paranasal sinuses show - x-ray anatomy of the face

X-ray shows the following paranasal sinuses:

  • frontal;
  • maxillary;
  • lattice;
  • main;
  • mastoid cells of the temporal bones.
X-ray of PPN with bilateral sinusitis. X-ray anatomy of the formations was noted

What do the normal sinuses look like on an x-ray?

Normally, the paranasal sinuses on an x-ray look like this:

  1. The bone walls have clear contours.
  2. The pneumatization (airiness) of the PPN is compared with the orbits (standard).
  3. The contours of the lattice cells can be traced.

X-ray of the nasal sinuses (paranasal sinuses) is prescribed to determine (inflammation) on initial stages. Deciphering it is not particularly difficult for a radiologist.

What diseases are visible on X-ray of PPN?

X-ray of the PPN shows sinusitis, which according to localization is classified into:

  • sinusitis - maxillary inflammation;
  • frontal sinusitis - in the frontal part;
  • ethmoiditis - darkening of the mastoid cells;
  • sphenoiditis – sphenoid bone.

The term “sinusitis” comes from the Latin “sinus”, which means “sinus” and –itis- “inflammation”. Pathology is an inflammatory process in one or more nasal sinuses, occurring as a consequence of influenza, scarlet fever, measles, rhinitis and other infections.

Interpretation of the radiograph of the PPN

Approximate interpretation of the X-ray image of the PPN (for the sample):

The presented radiograph of the paranasal sinuses visualizes a decrease in pneumatization of the left maxillary sinus in lower third with an upper horizontal level. Conclusion: X-ray signs of left-sided maxillary sinusitis ().

In the picture above you can see the parietal darkening of both maxillary sinuses. Its description will lead to the logical conclusion of bilateral sinusitis.

X-ray of the paranasal sinuses allows not only to diagnose pathology, but also to analyze the dynamics of treatment. When sinusitis is detected in a patient, doctors prescribe several images: the first – immediately after the inflammation is detected; the second and subsequent ones - during treatment with antibiotics.

Deciphering a radiograph of the PPN requires analysis of other anatomical structures that can be traced in the image - bones, oral cavity, eye orbits. Tumors can sometimes be found in them, which are an incidental but important finding.

Deciphering one radiograph takes a radiologist about 10 minutes of time.

Schematic illustration PPN diseases

Why do doctors prescribe x-rays of the paranasal sinuses?

Doctors order x-rays of the paranasal sinuses to detect sinusitis. Readers understood this from the above part of the article. As radiologists say, sinusitis and sinusitis are different, so here is a classification of pathology according to form:

  1. Exudative.
  2. Catarrhal, serous, purulent.
  3. Parietal-hyperplastic.
  4. Productive.
  5. Polypous.

Each of these forms is clearly visualized by radiography of the PPN. Only if the X-ray symptoms of the disease are unclear, the study can be supplemented with CT (computed tomography).

The parietal-hyperplastic form can be traced as parietal darkening due to thickening of the mucous membrane near the bone walls. The contour of the sinuses (paranasal sinuses) with this sinusitis is turned inward and is slightly uneven or wavy.

Polypous sinusitis is manifested by a parietal protrusion on a pedicle, facing inward.

X-ray picture for catarrhal, serous or purulent sinusitis resembles exudative. The only difference is the morphological substrate of the liquid that is obtained after puncture (piercing).

Depending on the location, they are distinguished following forms sinusitis:

  1. Hemisinusitis is a lesion of the PPN on both sides.
  2. Pansinusitis – inflammatory changes all paranasal cavities.

What is a cyst and how does a picture of the paranasal sinuses show it?

Cyst on x-ray PPN is an unexpected finding for the doctor. Special clinical symptoms except frequent occurrence She does not have maxillary sinusitis. When exposing paranasal formations using X-rays, the doctor can see a rounded shadow of low or medium intensity with an even, clear contour.

Cyst formation in the paranasal sinuses requires surgical treatment.

Fragment of an x-ray of the paranasal sinuses: cyst on the right

How to take an X-ray of PPN: preparation

To take an X-ray of the sinuses, it is not necessary special training. Before the procedure, metal objects should be removed. The x-ray technician positions the patient vertically to the vertigraph. The nose and chin should be in the same plane (nasomental projection). When styling the chin, the plane of the nose and chin should be at an angle.

In conclusion, I would like to note that a child’s PPN x-ray is performed only in extreme cases when the harm from an undiagnosed disease is greater than negative effects from x-rays.

Don't think that a CT scan shows more than a sinus x-ray. Each study has its own goals.

When should an X-ray of the PPN be done:

  • for severe headaches;
  • after suffering from a cold;
  • in case of an unexplained increase in temperature;
  • at painful sensations in the forehead after the flu.

X-ray of the nose and paranasal formations in in rare cases supplemented by CT or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) when a suspicious symptom is identified that cannot be studied in more detail by radiographic methods.

It is not difficult to take an X-ray of the PPN. No preliminary preparation is required. The procedure involves placing a person vertically to the vertigraph. The x-ray technician asks the patient to hold his breath. After pressing the exposure button on the control panel of the X-ray machine and developing the X-ray image of the maxillary sinuses, it is sent to a radiologist for interpretation.

What is sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammatory disease. Its danger lies in the fact that with pathology it increases intracranial pressure. A person defines a disease by specific pain in the forehead and paranasal areas.

The danger of the disease is that the inflammatory infiltrate can enter the brain vessels and cause hemorrhage.

What is chronic hypertrophic sinusitis

Chronic hypertrophic sinusitis in the image does not appear as a darkening with a horizontal fluid level, but as a wall layer with an uneven and somewhat concave contour.

The interpretation of such an image is described as follows: on the radiograph, PPN is a parietal darkening due to a hypertrophied and thickened mucous membrane. In some cases, there is a total darkening of the cavity, which becomes completely airless.

X-ray of the paranasal sinuses- radiographic method for studying the paranasal sinuses. An x-ray of the sinuses allows you to evaluate the presence of inflammation, fluid, as well as fractures and displacement of the nasal bones.

In what cases is it required? An X-ray of the paranasal sinuses is performed to diagnose the presence of foreign bodies, cysts, tumors, bone injuries, delayed teeth growth, fractures of the facial bones, absence and underdevelopment of the sinuses, and inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.

Procedure. X-ray of the nose does not require special preparation. Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, open pneumothorax, pulmonary hemorrhage. When taking an x-ray, the patient rests on his chin and must keep his mouth open during the X-ray.

Price. Average cost of x-ray of the paranasal sinuses: 1200 rubles.

Questions and answers:

Where to get an x-ray of the paranasal sinuses in Moscow?

The website DocDoc.ru contains best clinics Moscow, where they hold diagnostic test X-ray of the paranasal sinuses. Choose a center for this procedure directly on our website based on criteria that are important to you: location of the center, price, work schedule.

How much does an x-ray of the paranasal sinuses cost?

Prices for x-rays of the paranasal sinuses depend on many factors, primarily on the quality of the equipment and the location of the diagnostic center. On DocDoc.ru you will find best centers Moscow, which you can sort by cost of the procedure. The questionnaire for each center contains information about its work schedule, and also contains a telephone number where you can immediately sign up for a study.

Thanks to radiography, you can make a correct diagnosis, as well as take the path of treatment and find a way to become a healthy person! Conduct radiographic examination on a special apparatus that uses gamma radiation, thanks to which it is possible to visualize internal organs and bone tissue.

Otolaryngologists use x-rays of the sinuses in the following cases:

  • open and closed injuries in the skull area;
  • inflammation in the paranasal and frontal sinuses. The paranasal sinus is a cavity filled with air. Most common inflammatory diseases this is sinusitis and frontal sinusitis;
  • acute and chronic sinusitis;
  • hit foreign object;
  • suspected polyps, tumor or osteoma;
  • to monitor treatment or prepare for surgery.

It should be remembered that the pathology can be congenital or acquired, so it is important to keep all documents confirming the diagnostic procedure(so that a comparative analysis can be carried out).

X-rays of the sinuses determine the following conditions:

  • sinusitis;
  • frontitis;
  • ethmoiditis;
  • neoplasms;
  • polyps and cysts.

Important symptoms to watch out for

Unfortunately, problems with the paranasal sinuses can occur suddenly even in healthy people. There may be reasons huge variety, ranging from hypothermia to injuries and infectious diseases.

If these symptoms appear, you should consult a therapist or ENT specialist:

  • intense headache;
  • increase in temperature;
  • frequent bleeding from the nose;
  • after an acute respiratory infection, pain in the sinuses;
  • stuffy nose;
  • long time nasal discharge.

Features of radiographic examination of the sinuses

To perform an x-ray, an adult and a child do not need to undergo preliminary preparation, it is enough to get a referral from a doctor and go for diagnostics. The only condition is that you need to remove all metal products, prostheses and glasses. When metal interacts with gamma rays, it distorts the image.

X-rays of the sinuses are taken in two projections– occipito-frontal and occipito-mental. The procedure does not take more than two minutes. During the procedure, the patient must take vertical position. Upper part The patient's torso is covered with a thick apron. The picture is taken while the patient is holding his breath.

Radiation dose when x-rayed, it is minimal, but it is still prescribed with caution to children and pregnant women. During pregnancy, this procedure is prescribed only if absolutely necessary, as it is considered unsafe for the health of the child. During intrauterine development It is not advisable for a child to be exposed to even minimal exposure to X-ray waves, as this can cause the formation of defects.

In preschool and junior school age the influence of x-rays negatively affects the formation bone tissue, so if this procedure can be avoided, doctors do everything possible.

As a result of the study, an image is obtained that must be interpreted by a radiologist. First, the photograph is developed, then dried and studied.

Clean, even boundaries and areas without darkening indicate a positive course of the treatment process. If during decoding questions arise related to image quality, you can use a more advanced diagnostic method - computed tomography or MRI. And as an alternative to x-rays, choose contrast radiography.

Complications of sinusitis

A referral for an x-ray is most often obtained for sinusitis. This insidious disease occurs in the area of ​​the mucous membranes of the paranasal sinuses. The image may show darkening on one or both sides. This indicates that purulent fluid has filled the sinuses.

The cyst is visualized on the image by characteristic darkening along the edges of the sinuses.

How many times can an x-ray of the sinuses be taken?

How often can a sinus x-ray be taken? The dose for this type of x-ray is minimal, so it is customary to prescribe x-rays as many times as the treatment requires.

The doctor notes all appointments in outpatient card, therefore, all responsibility for prescribing the procedure falls on him.

Contraindications for the study

When conducting research, it is important not to violate the boundaries of what is permitted, since we're talking about about interaction human body with gamma rays. The body may not always respond normally to this type of radiation, so precautions should be followed.

Important contraindications to the procedure:

  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Children under seven years of age.
  • Exceeding the annual procedure limit – more than three times a year.

X-ray of the sinuses: what it shows

In the picture you can see the maxillary and frontal sinuses, basilar sinus, ethmoidal labyrinth, cranial bones, orbits. The results of the study are assessed by the doctor for the presence of air in the nasal sinuses, the condition of the nasopharyngeal space, bone tissue and nasal cavity.

Deciphering an image during inflammation allows you to see signs of swelling, compaction or accumulation of pus. Only a specialist knows what darkening or thickening, a change in the shape of the septum or deformation of the tissue means. A description of the condition of the sinuses allows the doctor to make a diagnosis and begin the correct treatment.

The patient can decipher some diagnoses:

  • inflammation of all paranasal sinuses - pansinusitis;
  • inflammation of the sinuses of the frontal region - frontal sinusitis;
  • exudative process in the maxillary sinuses – sinusitis.

The most dangerous complication which leads to inflammatory processes in the sinuses, there is inflammation of the meninges. To stop inflammation you need correct diagnosis and treatment.

Diagnostic secrets of radiologists

A specialist only needs to look at the image to determine what abnormalities have occurred in the tissues of the nasal sinuses, the symptoms of which diseases are visible in the image, and to assess the scale of injury in an accident.

Signs and their interpretation:

  • Outside the boundaries of the nasal sinus there is a rounded light spot - the appearance of a neoplasm or cyst.
  • The lumen in the nasal sinus is narrowed, the walls are thickened - a chronic inflammatory process in the sinus.
  • The bone wall has a non-standard shape, is thickened or has uncharacteristic seals - injury or fracture.
  • A dense formation is a tumor.
  • The mucous membrane is thickened, fluid collects in the sinuses - acute inflammation.

How to recognize that an x-ray is normal

Studying an x-ray, even a person without medical education distinguishes the location of the maxillary, frontal and paranasal sinuses, and the ethmoidal labyrinth. And decoding issues should be entrusted to a professional!

The radiologist will find out what the image shows and will issue a conclusion about the condition of the bone tissue of the nasal cavity and adjacent tissues, assess the condition of the nasal septum and analyze the images.

Good indicators are the following images:

  • in the nasal cavity the boundary of the division of the nasal septum is clearly visible;
  • the nasal passages are lighter in color compared to the nasal turbinates;
  • the borders of the maxillary sinuses have delineated boundaries;
  • between the eye sockets there is an ethmoid sinus with thin walls, and above them there are frontal sinuses.


If the nose is stuffy for a long time, green snot is released and the timbre of the voice has changed, doctors recommend performing an x-ray. With the help of this diagnosis, it is possible to detect sinusitis or other diseases of the ENT organs in time, their possible complications. The earlier the disease is detected, the greater the chances of a faster recovery.

Why do you need radiography for sinusitis?

Without an x-ray, a diagnosis can be made, but further treatment is not always effective. First, the doctor must examine the condition of the maxillary sinuses, and then select medications and prescribe physiological procedures to destroy germs and remove pus from the nasal passages.

X-ray of the maxillary sinuses accurately determines the area of ​​damage to the sinuses, the degree and stage of inflammation of the mucous membrane, and possible complications of maxillary sinusitis.

What can you learn from the photo?

Not visible on x-ray soft fabrics, but visible bone structures. The paranasal sinuses are depicted as dark ovals. To determine sinusitis, you need to compare their shade with the eye sockets. If the colors match, the sinuses are not inflamed. When pus accumulates, large areas of darkening appear on the X-ray photo.

An image of the nose with sinusitis provides the following information:

  • Location of lesions. The picture shows dark spots.
  • Presence and severity of the inflammatory process. Accumulations of mucus appear as light spots.
  • Tumors, cysts, polyps. These neoplasms have a clear border in the image. Upon repeated examination, they increase in size and grow unevenly.
  • Physiological changes. With sinusitis, uneven thickening of the mucous membrane, the degree of filling of the paranasal sinuses with purulent masses, and deformation of bone structures are determined.

Indications for diagnostics

Using an x-ray, the doctor clarifies the diagnosis, the form of sinusitis, and determines the scheme effective treatment. Indications for diagnostics are:

  • headaches that get worse when turning or tilting the head;
  • prolonged nasal congestion;
  • swelling, soreness of the forehead;
  • bad smell, greenish color snot when blowing your nose;
  • violation of nasal breathing;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nasopharyngeal injuries;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • foreign body in the nose.

X-rays are done to monitor the positive dynamics of the treatment and to clarify the diagnosis. If the doctor suspects polyps or oncological tumor, before the puncture, he also refers for such an examination.

X-ray examination technique

To avoid discrepancies during decoding, during the procedure you must strictly follow the doctor’s instructions. Preparatory activities such:

  • Before the examination, remove outerwear, change into a robe.
  • Remove all metal jewelry from your body and take out your dentures.
  • Tell the radiologist about the presence of metal plates in the skull.
  • Clear your nasal passages and blow away any snot.

A prerequisite is that the X-ray equipment is adjusted to the height of each patient. The stages of the examination are:

  1. The patient stands in the X-ray machine so that the nose and chin are placed in a special stand.
  2. At the doctor’s command, inhale deeply and hold your breath for 10 seconds.
  3. Exhales and exits the X-ray machine.

At the moment of holding your breath, the radiologist takes a picture, from which it becomes clear whether the patient has sinusitis or not. The X-ray photo is signed and should not be touched for 30 minutes to allow the image to dry. Afterwards, the doctor makes a transcript and makes an accurate diagnosis.

Projection images for suspected sinusitis

To clarify the diagnosis, take an x-ray of the sinuses in several projections: posterolateral, axial, nasomental, mental and lateral. This increases the chances of get well soon. For sinusitis, x-rays of the sinuses are performed in the nasomental and chin projections. In this position, the sinuses are viewed with maximum accuracy.

The bone structures of the nose are studied in direct, lateral left and right projections.

If a ring shadow is visible on the x-ray photo, the doctor recommends taking an x-ray with contrast. In this case contrast agent inserted into the paranasal sinuses under local anesthesia. The picture is clear, it shows cysts and polyps and their location in the nasal cavities.

To be examined and get a transcript of the results from the photo, you need to contact a radiologist. Signs of the inflammatory process on an x-ray depend on the form of sinusitis:

  • Purulent. The photographs in 2 projections show the contrast of the black color of the paranasal sinuses with the white infiltrate.
  • Polypous. Such a neoplasm is visible on X-ray as a bulge on a stalk, which is located on the wall of the maxillary sinus.
  • Odontogenic. X-ray darkening is visible in the sinuses and sockets of teeth and bones upper jaw thickened.

Sinusitis in the picture has the following features:

  • discrepancy between the sinuses and eye sockets in color;
  • uneven edges, thickened walls of the maxillary sinuses;
  • infiltrate;
  • zones white with a clear line against the background of an oval darkening (this is what an accumulation of fluid looks like);
  • circles in the sinuses with clear boundaries and smooth edges (tumors, cysts).

Is it possible to do an X-ray of a child’s nose?

The minimum dose of ionizing radiation (0.1-1.2 mSv) during examination does not harm children's health.

X-rays for sinusitis are performed in patients over 14 years of age when maxillary sinuses finally formed and in structure and location identical to the sinuses of adults

IN younger age(up to 7 years) examination is not contraindicated, but not relevant. Doctors explain this by lack of formation and anatomical features paranasal sinuses. They are located closer to meninges. In addition, it is difficult for the child to keep his head still. The X-ray photo is inaccurate. An alternative is ultrasound ( ultrasound examination) nose and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).

Where to take an x-ray of the sinuses

A radiologist or therapist will refer you for examination if the patient’s snot does not stop for a long time. X-rays of the sinuses for sinusitis are done in district clinics, hospitals, private clinics and diagnostic centers. The cost of an examination in 1 projection is 1300 rubles, in several - from 1800 rubles. List diagnostic centers Moscow, where they do x-rays of the nose:

  • SM clinic;
  • Best Clinic;
  • Clinic Family Doctor;
  • AMC Medicine;
  • Medkvadrat.


Diseases that are somehow related to the nose haunt people everywhere. They are considered the most common problems, which many, unfortunately, do not pay due attention to. This approach is wrong and can lead to serious health problems in the future. For this reason, when the first symptoms appear (snot, pain in the nose, discomfort) you must immediately contact qualified specialist. It is important to understand that any delay will only worsen the situation. It is worth understanding that even an experienced doctor will have to confirm the alleged diagnosis, and since it is not always possible to draw accurate conclusions based on an examination, there are diagnostic methods, the most popular of which is considered to be x-ray of the sinuses. But with protracted illnesses, it is always necessary to do more than one procedure (diagnosis, the effect of starting treatment, checking the condition of the sinuses after the course), so many people ask the question of how often an X-ray of the sinuses can be done.

When is a sinus x-ray prescribed?

To go deeper into this topic, it is important to understand the general points. Let's look at the question of when it is necessary to take an x-ray of the nasal sinuses, as well as whether this procedure is important at all. The most common cause of this is considered to be various inflammatory processes, namely sinusitis. By taking an x-ray you will definitely help the specialist choose your diagnosis from the list possible ailments. The fact is that different diseases can affect different sinuses, and the impact on them varies. For example, with sinusitis, inflammatory processes are located in the area of ​​the upper jaw, and with frontal sinusitis they are observed in the area of ​​the frontal lobe. As for a disease such as ethmoiditis, it involves significant darkening in the area of ​​the mastoid cells. Thus, the specialist diagnoses many other ailments.

It is worth noting that such pathological processes are observed in both children and adults, and their particular danger lies in the fact that they can often be confused with a common runny nose if you do not turn to specialists! Let us clarify that such cases can be distinguished from a runny nose by significant intensity. For example, sinusitis will always be accompanied by nasal congestion, which does not go away even after rinsing, and the disease may also manifest itself as characteristic yellow or green mucus.

If the patient is suspected of sinusitis, then an x-ray of the sinuses is prescribed.

Despite the danger of sinusitis itself, special attention It is worth paying attention to its most serious consequences, which will definitely appear in the absence of treatment or inattention during it. We are talking, of course, about meningitis, which many people could have avoided if they had taken a picture using X-ray equipment. Meningitis is called quite difficult to treat and incredibly dangerous disease, causing serious harm to the human body. For this reason, it is much easier to prevent its development at the first suspicion of sinusitis. Many people take x-rays of their nose every day; you shouldn’t be afraid of it, despite the radiation, which we’ll talk about a little later. We also note that without carrying out similar procedure An experienced doctor, of course, will identify the problem itself, but it will be difficult even for him to identify the location of the outbreak.

Pay attention! X-rays of the sinuses can also be useful in other situations, for example, in case of a broken nose, as well as suspected cysts or tumors (malignant or benign). It is important to understand that if the same tumors are present, they can only be identified, but detailed diagnostics will be carried out additionally using, for example, MRI!

Here is another list of situations when experts prescribe this procedure:

  • the process of preparation for surgery or control after it;
  • the presence of any specific nasal discharge that persists even with treatment;
  • persistent nosebleeds, the cause of which is unknown;
  • suspicion of problems with the nose with constant increases in body temperature;
  • pain in the forehead, the severity of which increases when bending forward;
  • redness or even swelling of the skin.

The X-ray clearly shows: the frontal sinuses, maxillary sinuses, lattice labyrinth.

What characterizes a normal radiograph?

Before we look at the question of how to do x-rays of the sinuses, it’s worth talking about normal results, which will not require repeating the procedure, and you will not need to worry about the number of procedures. Here are the main sinuses that can be seen in the image (it is their condition that can be checked using radiography):

  • maxillary;
  • frontal;
  • ethmoid paranasal (it is important to understand that to diagnose sinusitis associated with these sinuses you need to have special equipment; a regular X-ray machine will not cope with this);
  • cells of the temporal bones;
  • paranasal main.

Here are the basic conditions for healthy sinuses:

  1. Thinness and excellent clarity of bone walls.
  2. Good level of sinus airiness ( this indicator It’s easy to check: compare these sinuses with the airiness of the orbits of the eyes, the indicators should be the same).
  3. The cells of the ethmoid bone should be clearly visible on the image.

X-ray of the sinuses allows you to detect the disease in the initial stages and prescribe timely treatment.

What can you see in the photographs?

Many patients are interested in the problem related to what cavities can be seen on the images, as well as how clearly a diagnosis can be made based on the information received. According to experts, the most important thing in similar situations is to establish the location of the main inflammation, on suspicion of the presence of which in most cases the procedure is prescribed. For example, if you are diagnosed with sinusitis, inflammation will be observed in the paranasal sinuses. It is important to understand that in the picture it will look like a small semi-oval darkening affecting both sides of the nose. In such situations, bacteria and fluid accumulate in the area of ​​the lateral sinuses in quite large quantities.

Pay attention! The lateral sinuses are exactly the place where specialists most often find the focus of sinusitis! If even obvious symptoms are ignored, then gradually the disease will begin to spread to the same frontal areas. IN such a case everything will look approximately the same as in the previous disassembled situation, but the darkening will already affect the area above the nose!

It is worth mentioning that in some situations, several sinuses are affected at once, which can mean only one thing - the presence of several various diseases at the same time. Let us clarify that treatment in such and even the simplest situations is always situational, but it will not be considered, since it must be prescribed strictly by a specialist.

We will also discuss the issue regarding the projection of the images; the fact is that they are most often taken in two projections, namely, straight and lateral, which allows us to most accurately examine the condition of the sinuses. As for the method as a whole, even the presence of several projections does not allow achieving the results achieved in identifying certain ailments. We are talking, for example, about the presence or absence of fluid in the sinuses, but all further treatment depends on it (and its type).

Important! Sometimes specialists prefer to do x-rays of the sinuses with contrast. In this way, the patient’s situation can be seen most accurately. It is also worth noting that this is used more often only in situations where the doctor suspects the recurrence of diseases or the presence of a cyst; the same can be said about tumors. Such diagnostics will allow us to draw accurate conclusions about further treatment, and perhaps such a procedure will even save your life.

Using contrast will simply change the area in which the tumors are located, it will be different from all other cavities (from normal). This will make making a diagnosis a fairly simple task.

Harmfulness of the procedure - how many times a year can an x-ray of the sinuses be taken?

Many people ask the question of whether it is possible to take x-rays of the sinuses, what harm this will do to the body, and how many times they can visit the treatment room. Let us immediately note that during such a procedure the radiation dose to the body is 0.1-1.2 mSv, which is quite small. It is important to understand that such differences are based only on the quality of the equipment used in the process. It is recommended to visit paid private institutions where the most modern equipment is installed. Thus, the procedures can be done very often and with virtually no harm to the body.

Now it’s worth drawing conclusions about whether this procedure is harmful to humans in principle and with constant exposure. Note that the annual measure, according to experts, should be approximately 150 mSv. For this reason, even 3-4 procedures do not increase the risk of developing oncological diseases, since their exposure to radiation is very low.

Please note that radiation exposure will even be shown on your chart if you go to a good medical institution Thus, doctors themselves will not allow situations where this indicator exceeds the norm. If necessary (if done large number procedures) these indicators are easily summarized by employees medical center. It is important to understand that you can help reduce negative influence on the body, just use the following remedies that can help in the recovery process:

  • antioxidants;
  • vitamins of groups C, E or A;
  • fermented milk products.

Also, patients often ask whether pregnant women can have x-rays of their sinuses; let’s take a closer look at situations in which this procedure should not be done unless absolutely necessary.

Who should not have a sinus x-ray?

First, it is worth mentioning not about the situation when x-rays are examined during pregnancy, but about the situation when some specialists do not want to perform the procedure on children preschool age. Maybe, this approach and true because children's body not as strong as an adult, but there are situations when the goal is completely justified (dire consequences are possible).

During pregnancy the situation is the same. The only difference is that during pregnancy it can cause harm to the fetus. Do not ignore this warning! During pregnancy, the child is most vulnerable to the effects of such rays. This may be the only situation where you definitely shouldn’t do an x-ray. During pregnancy, try to give preference to other methods.