Drinking diet: what you can drink, how to go out correctly and what results to expect. Drinking diet: description, menu, reviews and results

In the article we discuss the drinking diet. We talk about its types and general principles. By following our recommendations, you will find out what you can eat on drinking diet, and how to get out of it correctly.

A drinking diet is one of the most effective methods of losing weight. It is also called the diet for the lazy (due to lack of physical activity) or the model diet.

The main purpose of the drinking diet:

  • reducing the load on the digestive tract;
  • normalization of the functioning of internal organs;
  • weight loss.

Some experts consider this weight loss technique to be quite harsh, since while following it you will have to completely give up solid food.

Like any method of losing weight, drinking has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • efficiency - the ability to “lighten” from 7 to 18 kg;
  • reduction in stomach volume;
  • cleansing the body.


  • availability side effects;
  • strict adherence to the menu;
  • development of anorexia due to improper dieting.

Side effects include anemia, problems with blood formation, gastritis, deterioration skin, decreased immunity.

Types of drinking diets

Main types of drinking diet by duration:

  • 1 day;
  • 3 days;
  • 7 days;
  • 14 days;
  • 30 days.

According to doctors, the optimal diet is a seven-day diet. If you follow the 30-day weight loss method, serious health problems may occur.

General principles of a drinking diet

This weight loss technique is perfect for people who are used to regularly snacking or eating on the run. Since its main principles are a clear schedule for consuming foods and a liquid diet.

First day of the drinking diet

The hardest day of the diet is the first. At this time, you will constantly want to eat something, you will feel a loss of energy and lack of mood. Feature This period is a cleansing of the body. There may also be a coating on the tongue, bad smell from the mouth, discomfort.

Start your weight loss course smoothly. Prepare your body by gradually eliminating it from your diet. harmful products and reducing the number of servings.

Second day of the drinking diet

This day is often compared to the second day of the Favorite diet, in which vegetable and drinking days alternate.

During this time, you will still feel hungry, but not as hungry as on the first day. Your mood and well-being will improve.

What can you do on a drinking diet?

While losing weight, you can drink the following drinks:

  • dairy products containing low fat;
  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • filtered water;
  • any type of tea, but without sugar;
  • oatmeal jelly without adding granulated sugar;
  • cocktail with the addition of berries, fruits;
  • meat broth.

Eliminate sweet and carbonated water and cocoa from your diet (unless it’s a chocolate diet).

Diet menu for 7 days

Drinking seven-day diet - best option losing weight. It is necessary to prepare for it in advance.

You can create your own diet menu, combining drinks. As you lose weight, your stomach will shrink, making you less hungry.

The main recipe for success is drinking drinks during attacks of hunger or thirst. The minimum amount of water per day is two liters.

Nutrition table for the whole day.

Diet menu for 14 days

When following a diet for two weeks, try to get in and out of it smoothly. After the diet, do not eat solid food for some time, as your stomach is unaccustomed to it.

You can create your own menu for this time; the calorie content of the dishes should not exceed 1400 Kcal per day.

Or use our nutrition table, the menu is divided into 2 days.

Diet menu for 30 days

If you decide to stick to the weight loss method for a month, then first consult with your therapist about taking vitamins and other minerals to ensure your body receives all the necessary substances.

After the first week of losing weight, the body will be completely cleared of harmful substances. After 20 days, the liver, kidneys, and last days diets - cleansing at the cellular level.

Below is a table with nutrition that must be followed throughout the month.

Quitting the drinking diet

Start a smooth exit from the diet by gradually introducing familiar foods into your diet. In terms of time, this process should take 2 times longer than the diet itself.

If the course is 14 days, then the output is 28 days.

Try to abstain from flour products for as long as possible and at first eat solid food only for breakfast. Lunch and dinner must be drinkable.

Gradually include solid foods at lunch and then at dinner.

Chocolate drinking diet

This weight loss technique allows you to lose up to 7 kg in 3-7 days. The maximum number of days for losing weight is 15; do not exceed this period, otherwise serious health problems may arise.

Include in your diet:

  • cocoa prepared with low-calorie milk;
  • hot chocolate without added sugar;
  • filtered water.

A few days before starting the diet, prepare your body. Over the course of several days, gradually reduce the serving size.

You can drink up to 7 mugs of cocoa or hot chocolate per day, 2 liters clean water.

Try to gradually exit the diet. For the first few days, eat fruit puree, then boiled or stewed vegetables. After 2 days, start eating porridge cooked in water, without a large number butter. Gradually begin to introduce meat and fish into your diet, but in small quantities.

After another 2 days, you can return to your usual diet, but in small portions.

This technique, in addition to weight loss, has other advantages:

  • tonic and rejuvenating effect, since cocoa contains antioxidants and theobromine;
  • improving the well-being of people suffering from asthma, bronchitis, since cocoa contains substances beneficial to the respiratory tract;
  • cleansing the body of toxins and waste if you use this method for fasting days;
  • improved mood - chocolate promotes the production of the happiness hormone.


  • allergy to components of main products;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system;
  • renal failure.

How many kg can you lose on a drinking diet?

The effect of the drinking diet is aimed at weight loss. The number of kilograms lost largely depends on the initial weight and duration of the diet.

Remember, the number of calories consumed per day should not exceed one and a half thousand.

If you follow a one-day and three-day diet, you can lose up to 3 kg.

In a week

If you follow the menu correctly, you can lose up to 7 kg in 7 days.

In 2 weeks

During a two-week weight loss, your weight can decrease by 13 kg.

In 30 days

The most stringent diet, but the result is not small - up to 18 kg.

How to hold out and not break on a drinking diet

Subject to drinking regime nutrition, the most important thing is motivation. It is this that will allow you not to break down and endure the entire weight loss course.

As soon as your strength begins to leave you, and the desire to eat starchy or sweet foods increases, think about the fact that after the diet you will be able to buy the desired clothes in a smaller size. Read books, watch movies, keep yourself busy and useful thing, this will help you withstand the entire weight loss course.

Is it possible to harm the body?

The risk of harm to health when following a drinking diet is possible if the doctor’s recommendations are ignored and if there is certain diseases such as kidney failure, gastrointestinal and heart diseases.

There is a high probability of anorexia if you leave the diet incorrectly.

During weight loss, a decrease in immunity and a decrease in hemoglobin levels are observed. Gastritis may develop.

Drinking diet - results

The drinking method of losing weight has gained great popularity for its effectiveness. She helps women lose up to 10 kg excess weight, but this diet must be followed carefully and no more than once a year.

Photos before and after

Below are photos of women before and after losing weight.

Minus 8 kg.

Minus 6 kg.

As is clear from the name, any drinking diet - be it a weight loss method using kefir, broths, green tea, juices or even plain water - is based on fluid intake. Is at least some kind of food provided during the drinking diet, or should everything that enters the body be exclusively in liquid form? And how long can you keep a drinking diet? And most importantly, what results does this weight loss system bring?

Nowadays, one of the most popular options for drinking diets is the practice of losing weight with vegetable smoothies (to which leafy salads and berries are often added).

Drinking diet in all its diversity

Obviously, the drinking diet is not some special and specific diet, but only a nutritional principle that determines the form of food consumption, leaving the choice of foods to you. In other words, you should only consume everything in liquid form, but by this “everything” we mean only healthy, natural and low-calorie foods.

You can often meet fans - of course, they also practice drinking nutrition. Like fans, admirers, and even the most “hardy” of all – adherents.

If you are a reasonable, sensible person, then you probably understand that a drinking diet cannot be based on milkshakes from a famous restaurant, alcoholic drinks, sweet soda, cocoa, coffee, industrial drinking yoghurts and similar products. Strictly speaking, the drinking regime will be fully observed, but there can be no talk of any weight loss here.

What can you drink as part of your diet?

  • Water. With a water drinking diet, you need to drink 2 liters of clean, still water every day. But this technique is strict and complex; few people can withstand it. Since it refers to fasting, it is permissible to sit on it for more than 3 days. Best option A water drinking diet means fasting 1-3 days a month when you drink only water. In addition, you need to prepare for such a strict drinking diet by daily reducing the amount of food consumed a week before it starts and just as slowly returning to your usual diet.
  • Bouillon. It can be chicken, fish or beef, as well as vegetable. You need to prepare it yourself and from natural products (no semi-finished products are suitable). It is allowed to add salt during cooking; you can also add carrots, celery, and parsley from greens. It is not advisable to add pepper; it whets the appetite, just like onions.
  • Dairy products in liquid form can also be the basis of a drinking diet. If it is kefir, it must be low-fat, just like fermented baked milk, bifidok or drinking yogurt without fillers. You can also use milk with a fat content of no more than 1.5 percent as a basis. But it is believed that milk is not well absorbed by the body of adults, so it is recommended to choose fermented milk products.
  • Freshly squeezed juice. Orange, grapefruit, apple juices are suitable. It is better to choose unsweetened fruits. Grapefruit is generally considered a first-class weight loss product. But you need to be careful and check if you have any allergies before you start a juice diet. And the main thing when choosing a drinking diet based on juices is to remember: freshly squeezed juices cannot be consumed in their natural form - they must be diluted still water in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Tea. Choose green, black, red or fruit teas, but be sure to have loose leaf and good quality. You should drink it unsweetened; you can add skim milk or lemon.
  • Fruit drink or compote. These drinks are also suitable for drinking diet. They are not cooked from sweet fruits and berries. You can also make oatmeal jelly, it is the most satisfying.
  • Vegetable smoothies. In addition to fruit juices, vegetable juices or smoothies are also perfect for a drinking diet. They are not always pleasant to the taste, but if you are patient and experiment a little, you can choose an option that is acceptable to you.
  • Protein shakes. Perhaps this is the most effective and quick option drinking diet. As you know, they are among the most effective. However, in order to consume protein shakes without compromising your health, you need to be sure that you do not have chronic diseases. And in addition, when consuming a large amount of protein, it is necessary to strictly monitor the water regime - drink a lot of still water (otherwise the protein simply will not be absorbed).

It is highly advisable to set yourself a schedule for consuming “food” - for example, 1-1.5 glasses every 2 hours. Or every three hours - a little more. And don’t forget to drink during your breaks. sufficient quantity clean water.

How long does the drinking diet last?

The longest of the more or less known drinking diets lasts about 30 days. Its menu cannot be called meager and ascetic, but all products and “dishes” are consumed exclusively in liquid form. In the mornings - freshly squeezed fruit juices and green tea (naturally without sugar, syrups and jams), towards lunch - light broths (always the second or even third) and vegetable smoothies, in the evening - kefir and protein shakes, and throughout the day in the morning until the evening there is also water in quite impressive volumes.

Do you think that a drinking diet, even if you keep it for only 4-5 days, perfectly unloads the intestines, removing toxins and so-called “food waste” and stimulates the body to use already accumulated fat to account for current energy costs (since a liquid diet, if followed correctly, contains relatively low in calories).

However, so long term– 20-30 or more days is rather an extreme version of the drinking diet. Whereas no nutritionist, almost certainly, will advise anyone to adhere to such a diet (at least outside of constant hospital observation) for more than 12-14 days.

The most popular “distance” of any drinking diet is considered to be 7-10 days.

If you choose low-calorie foods for your drinking diet, drink a small amount of liquid at one time (believe me: if you drink broth from dumplings in pans for several days in a row, the desired weight loss is unlikely to occur, although formally no one can blame you for the fact that your the diet has not been a drinking diet all this time), you spend a lot of time in the fresh air, and perhaps even do sports within a reasonable framework, then in 7 days of a drinking diet you can fully expect to lose 5-7 kg of extra pounds.

The most common mistake for those who begin to practice this or that drinking diet, this is neglect of the water regime. As you know, with any diet, the result of losing weight by a third depends on whether you drink enough water per day (after all, any metabolic processes occur in our body only in the presence of water). Drinking diets are no exception! even if during meals you do not eat, but drink, this does not in any way cancel out 1.5 - 2 liters of still water per day.

Diet "Drinking day"

Let us recall the simplest version of the drinking diet - a day on the water. The point is simple: throughout the day you are allowed to drink only clean, still water. Such days are considered fasting, and they can be held once a week or 2-3 times a month. At this time, you can drink only water, in unlimited quantities, but not less than 2 liters per day, or spend the day on freshly squeezed orange, grapefruit or apple juice mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio, while maintaining the water regime - 1 .5 liters per day. Drinking days like these, days on the water, give your body a break from the stress of constantly digesting food. Our digestive system needs to be cleansed, and this process is initiated during such fasting days.

You need to prepare in advance. Start eating healthy the week before. If you are a fan of mayonnaise, sauces, sausages and fatty, fried and sweet foods, exclude this food from your diet for a week. A couple of days before starting the “drinking day” diet, eat only cereals, fruits and vegetables. Drink sugar-free drinks all week, and one day before starting the diet, switch to green tea. Also drink up to 2 liters of water daily.

You need to exit the diet smoothly, gradually adding low-fat foods - first vegetables, fruits, cereals, then low-fat ones protein products, after a couple of weeks you can gradually return to your usual diet. But, again, you shouldn’t go heavy on flour products, sweets, and fatty foods right away.

After the “drinking day” diet, your stomach will shrink, and in the future you will begin to eat less, while quickly becoming full. Therefore such fasting days allow you to reduce your appetite and smoothly transition to a healthy diet. During this day you will lose 1-2 kilograms of excess weight.

Drinking diet for 7 days

With a weekly drinking diet you can lose up to 7 kilograms. You can use juices from vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products, and broths as a basis. In addition to liquid food, it is imperative to monitor water - the amount of water you drink per day should be at least 1.5 liters. You can also drink unsweetened green (leaf) tea in unlimited quantities. In order not to get fed up with any one product, you can alternate days of the diet. For example:

  • 1 day – on milk or kefir;
  • Day 2 – on broth;
  • Day 3 – on juices;
  • Day 4 – tea;
  • Day 5 – protein or yoghurt;
  • Day 6 – compote (dried apricots, prunes, raisins, cook without sugar);
  • The last day is juice day.

Quitting the drinking diet

Exiting the weekly drinking diet should be smooth. The next day, after completing the drinking diet, start breakfast with a small portion of oatmeal with water. Lunch and dinner remain drinkable. Follow this regimen for 2-3 days. Then go to new level– for breakfast, eat a dish that you like: an egg, yogurt, cheese, but you don’t need to rely on flour. For lunch, cook porridge and eat an apple or banana. Dinner drinking. And already in the second week, start eating three times a day with the addition of lean protein foods and vegetables. In the third week, increase the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. Gradually introduce salt and rye bread, pasta, cereals, potatoes.

However, strive to ensure that your daily menu consists of 3/4 natural, healthy, low-fat and healthy foods and dishes. This is the only way to maintain a decent result from the drinking diet. If you believe that a drinking diet will help you through a series of periods of gluttony and unhealthy diet save slim figure- inevitable disappointments await you...

Losing a kilogram of excess fat every day is easy! You just need to stop eating foods and start drinking them! Find out right now what drinks can be made from fruits, vegetables, yogurt and berries.

Effective, fast, varied - these are the epithets that can be applied to a drinking diet. Its main advantage is that you don’t have to starve. As soon as you feel hungry, immediately grab a glass and drink all your food! Besides quick disposal You will cleanse your body of excess weight, get rid of all kinds of toxins, and transfer it to a new mode of operation.

The diet is offered to those radical women who are ready to do anything to get back in shape, even give up food completely. So that this decision does not become fatal, you can indeed refuse food, but in its usual sense - after all, you will not eat it, but drink it.

Benefits and harms

If you follow a diet and eat only foods allowed by the diet, the effect will be not only in reducing the volume of the hips and abdomen. Thanks to the global cleansing of the body, which gets rid of waste and toxins, skin color improves, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves, acne and other rashes go away, and complexion evens out. The person looks younger and more cheerful! This is one of the simplest ways to lose weight along with several years: to feel young and active again.


The benefits of this method of losing weight are also evidenced by the fact that some doctors recommend its short-term adherence. Most often with the aim of improving the functioning of the intestines and stomach. By sticking to a diet, you unload your stomach. The feeling of overcrowding leaves you. Liquid food is digested without residue and is perfectly absorbed by the body. At the same time new fat are not formed, since foods that lead to the appearance of deposits are excluded from the diet. In addition, this is a good training for willpower - not every person is able to withstand such a tough regime.

An undeniable plus: kilograms melting before our eyes. The body is cleansed and incredible lightness appears. The stomach gradually decreases in size, which reduces appetite. In the future, you will want to eat less, and a feeling of fullness will come even after a small snack. After completing the diet, many note that the weight does not return: the habit of eating little remains.

Results beyond weight loss

  1. In the first decade, the hollow organs are cleansed. This may be accompanied by the appearance white plaque on the tongue. The person feels light and quite energetic.
  2. In the second decade, the liver and kidneys are renewed. Cleaning them is often associated with discomfort in the area of ​​these organs.
  3. The remaining 10 days involve cleaning at the cellular level. Metabolism changes, the body reboots. At this stage, if everything went smoothly, weight loss reaches its maximum. The skin looks clean and acquires an even color.


The diet is not suitable for everyone. It is highly recommended that you consult your doctor before switching to it. Failure to comply with certain rules and excessive enthusiasm can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases and lead to disruption of work digestive system. Many doctors are wary of this kind of experimental menu, since a radical withdrawal from liquid food is stress for the body. And it is impossible to predict what the reaction to such changes will be.

The main danger is that it is not always possible to maintain an optimal balance of nutrients. This threatens the development of anorexia, harm to internal organs and the appearance of some systemic disorders: anemia, decreased immunity, gastritis. Man feels constant weakness, drowsiness, which is natural, because there is not enough strength for normal life activities. Some women become tearful, irritable, and feel apathetic. Others go to the doctor complaining that they cannot return to a normal diet, as it causes discomfort and digestive problems. Such violations once again emphasize the need for consultation with a specialist and a preliminary examination.

How many kg can you lose

The final result depends on several factors:

  • how long will you stick to this diet;
  • what and how much you will drink;
  • what is your weight before you start losing weight?
  • How actively do you move during the day?

On average, women lose up to 1.5 kg per day. If the course is extended for 3-4 weeks, then in this way you can lose up to 15-20 kg. However, the result is directly proportional to the initial weight: than fuller man who begins to lose weight, the more he will “lose.”

How much weight can you lose in a week?

The weekly result also depends on the initial characteristics of the person losing weight. Usually the most stunning disadvantage is noted in the first week of the diet. It can reach 5-6 kilograms in 7 days! In the following days, the weight comes off more slowly, which is due to the restructuring of the body and the adaptation of metabolism to the new diet.

Duration without harm to health

If you are afraid for your health and do not want to take risks, this does not mean that drinking is absolutely contraindicated for you. It is absolutely not necessary to follow strict rules for a whole month or week. Short term abstaining from solid food is not capable of harming your health, so it is quite possible to test your strength for 2-3 days. Believe me, this is already enough to feel lighter and get rid of 2-3 kg of “ballast”. Since the body is significantly limited in its diet, it is necessary to take a vitamin complex and dietary supplements throughout the diet. Otherwise, this marathon will end in severe vitamin deficiency and resulting problems.


Despite the apparent ease of following the drinking regime, the diet is not allowed for everyone. It is recommended to avoid this diet:

  • persons with chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, gastritis, colitis, etc.) and inflammatory diseases of many other organs (kidneys, liver);
  • children and elderly;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • patients with diagnosed diabetes mellitus (any type);
  • those suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system and hypertension;
  • with a pronounced tendency to edema.

How to go on a diet: preparation and grocery list

It is not recommended to start a diet right away without additional preparation. First, you need to follow a light diet for several days: completely give up sweets, flour, and salty foods. Eliminate soda and alcohol from your diet. 2-3 days before the start of the drinking regime, eat mainly cereals, soups, and fruits. Do not spare yourself vegetable salads and drink natural juices. All this will help the body switch and make it easier to switch to a new, unusual diet of liquid nutrition.

Rules for effective and safe weight loss

  1. It is necessary to completely abandon solid foods and consume foods only in liquid form, choosing the most nutritious and healthy ones.
  2. Power mode - fractional. 4-5 meals are provided.
  3. It is necessary to reduce the pace of physical activity, reduce the intensity of training or temporarily abandon it, since the diet is starvation, which is associated with a persistent feeling of weakness, burning of muscle mass, and a drop in tone.
  4. It is important to monitor bowel regularity. If weight loss is accompanied by constipation, you will have to periodically take small doses of laxatives.
  5. Due to the obvious lack of fatty acids, proteins, minerals and vitamins, it is necessary to supplement the diet vitamin complexes and use daily fish oil in capsules.
  6. You should not continue the diet period for more than 30 days. It is recommended to repeat it no more than once a year. But it is not prohibited to organize fasting drinking days.

Do's and Don'ts

A drinking diet does not mean that you can drink whatever you want. Not at all. Alcohol, packaged juices, coffee and cocoa, fatty dairy products, soda and other sweet harmful things are absolutely excluded from possible drinks. Solid foods and products containing vegetable oil, sugar, glucose, fatty sour cream and fatty broths are also excluded from the diet.

Allowed: any low-fat broth, drinking water(at least 1.5 liters), low-fat and unsweetened dairy products, freshly squeezed juice (including fruit and vegetable mixes), fruit teas, compotes and sugar-free berry jelly, dietary puree soups. The most effective regime for losing weight is to limit liquid food to 1.5 liters per day, plus approximately the same volume of regular water. It is advisable to include at least one liquid vegetable soup, pureed in a blender, into your diet every day.


Initially, this regime is designed for 30 days. However, not everyone can eat liquid for that long. Therefore, milder options for 7 and 14 days were developed. And menus even began to appear for shorter periods. If you have chosen the longest path for yourself, then it is not at all necessary to persist when you feel exhausted. If you don’t have the strength to endure to the end, it’s okay: finish the diet earlier.

Choco-drinking for 1 day (on drinking yoghurt)

You can appreciate the benefits of this method of nutrition in just one day, if you arrange for yourself efficient unloading. Moreover, no preliminary preparation is required. There are a lot of options. Which one to choose depends on the mood of the person losing weight and his weight loss plans.


  1. Consume broths throughout the day: fish, beef, chicken. Total volume 2 liters.
  2. Drink 2 liters of juice during the day. Optimally - freshly squeezed vegetables, fruits or mixtures thereof.
  3. Drink only low-fat dairy products - kefir, yogurt, milk up to 2.5% fat. Volume - 2 liters.

In addition to these liquids, you need to drink another 1.5-2 liters of clean drinking water per day.

Water fasting: is it possible to lose weight in a day?

If you need to get rid of 1-2 kg as quickly as possible, then an even more stringent option for losing weight is provided. At the same time, during one day you are allowed to drink only water - in the amount of 2 liters. This prerequisite, non-compliance with which can cause irreparable harm to the body. For such unloading, regular, mineral, or water prepared according to a special recipe is used. To get the last version of the drink, you need to make a tincture by taking:

  • two lemons;
  • cayenne pepper pod;
  • a small bunch of parsley.

All this is crushed, poured with 2 liters of warm water and left overnight. During the day you need to drink this entire drink, dividing it into 5-6 parts. Another tincture option: chop ginger root, 1 cucumber, lemon, add peppermint. This mixture is infused for 2 hours in the refrigerator in three liters of water. The diet is not simple and will require serious endurance.

Favorite diet for 3 days

It is called “favorite” because of the optimal combination of efficiency and complexity. The result in three days reaches -5 kg: an excellent option for those who want to quickly lose weight before vacation, New Year or any other holiday. At the same time, losing weight is relatively easy and completely harmless compared to long-term diets.

Every day, the basis of “nutrition” is made up of different liquids:

  • 1 day - 2 liters of clean still water.
  • Day 2 - low-fat fermented milk products (liquid yogurt, kefir) with a fat content of up to 2.5%.
  • Day 3 - freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables. You can use packaged ones with a minimum amount of sugar. A tougher option is to replace the juice with tea.

Fruit-drinking diet for 5 days

The diet for each day of weight loss can be the same, which is due to a rather short period of abstinence from solid food. In this case, every day you can use:

  1. A serving of vegetable soup without salt, cooked in meat broth and ground to a liquid state in a blender. To do this, boil any vegetables of your choice: broccoli, cabbage, carrots, greens, celery, etc.
  2. Sugar-free milkshake: low-fat milk + a little ice cream + berries or fruits - mix all this in a blender.
  3. A variety of freshly squeezed juices.

With this regimen, you can lose 1-1.5 kg every day. Moreover, thanks to the short period of time, weight loss will be fast and safe.

For 7 days

The diet for weekly weight loss is not much different from longer periods of abstinence. The diet can be adjusted to your taste preferences by choosing the most suitable products for daily use. It is advisable to change the products you consume every day to ensure that the body receives the necessary substances and microelements. Alternate and drink in reasonable quantities: meat and vegetable broths (a small amount of spices and a few grains of salt are allowed); puree soups; freshly squeezed juices from unsweetened fruits or vegetable mixtures; any teas without sugar; compotes and jelly from fruits and berries; dairy products up to 2.5% fat.

Those losing weight note the effectiveness of weekly weight loss when alternating drinking days:

  1. Dairy - products up to 2.5% fat: fermented baked milk, milk, kefir, yogurt.
  2. Vegetable and meat broths, puree soups.
  3. Freshly squeezed fruit juices.
  4. Various types of tea - with lemon or milk.
  5. Fruit jelly.
  6. Compotes.
  7. Oatmeal jelly.

Since this diet is quite strict, try not to drink anything before bed - this will avoid swelling. High probability loose stool, which is justified by changes in eating behavior and habitual nutrition.

For 10 days: weight loss up to 10 kg

This is a medium-duration diet, implying 1.5 weeks of abstinence from regular food. Therefore, before you completely switch to a drinking regime, prepare your body. 5-6 days before, refrain from using fatty foods, sweet, flour. Limit the amount of salt and the amount of foods you eat. Make a preference for vegetable soups, lean meat dishes and simple side dishes. Thanks to this preparation, following a diet will not turn into an overwhelming challenge. In addition, the body will adapt and will not torment you with bouts of irrepressible hunger.

If the vegetable cocktails you consume while losing weight seem too bland to you, resist the temptation to salt them - use bouquets of spices: a mixture of black pepper, sage, basil, thyme, etc. When preparing cocktails and juices, use several ingredients - this will help avoid a sharp reaction of the body to a single product . For breakfast, it is recommended to drink a glass of oat decoction, which promotes effective detoxification of the body. There are no strict rules about what to consume and on what day. You can try new mixes and products every day within the agreed conditions. This will make your diet more varied and interesting.

For 14 days

The diet includes all the same products in liquid form: puree soups, broths, juices, teas, compotes and jelly. They can be combined in any order or distributed according to the days of the week, consuming only one type of product during the day. Since two weeks is quite a long period of time, in order to avoid harm to the body, drink different vegetable and fruit mixes every day so that you do not develop a lack of essential nutrients and vitamins. In addition, this is the easiest way to minimize the harmful effects on the digestive tract. Count the calorie content of your food - it is not recommended to consume less than 800 kcal during the day.

By adhering to this diet, you can lose weight and lose up to 15 kilograms. If you prefer dairy products, then it is advisable to drink them with a minimum interval of 3 hours.

Seven day diet

  • Days 1 and 8 - low-fat dairy products.
  • Days 2 and 9 - vegetable and meat broths.
  • 3, 10 days - freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices or their mixes.
  • 4, 11 days - unsweetened tea: white, black, green, fruit, red.
  • 5, 12 days - compote of fruits and berries.
  • 6, 13 days - fruit or berry jelly.
  • 7, 14 days - natural juices.

Don't forget about 1.5 liters of water, which you need to drink regardless of how many of the above products you consumed.

Hard for 30 days

Maintaining a drinking diet for a month is difficult even for healthy young people. Therefore, if you have any health problems, consult your doctor before going on a diet. Together you can determine how long abstinence from solid foods will be safe for you and how to make your diet balanced. Even if you have survived a decent month and are not experiencing any health problems, prolonging this diet is highly not recommended. Remember that you still have to leave the diet and it will take 1.5-2 months if all conditions are met.

If you follow all the conditions and don’t break down, then in one month with this regime you can lose up to 15 kg. The final result largely depends on various factors:

  • what is your initial weight, age;
  • what is the peculiarity of metabolism;
  • how much physical activity you have;
  • how much food do you consume daily?

Such sudden weight loss does not have a very good effect on your health. If you feel constant weakness, dizziness, or malaise, stop the diet or switch to a softer version.

With such a long abstinence, it is much easier to stick to a weekly diet. Each day of the week has its own type of food. This way you will combine different food components without creating too much heavy load on certain organs. As a result, the body receives the substances it needs, which allows it to avoid harm from a limited range of products. This does not replace the use of vitamin supplements!

First day - protein food

Consume liquid dairy products with a fat content of up to 2.5%: yogurt, milk, kefir, fermented baked milk. No sugar or fruit additives!

Day two - soup (vegetable)

We eat any low-fat broth with vegetables. To obtain a homogeneous substance, grind the soup in a blender. Don't forget: the basic principle is to drink food, not eat. Soups should be thin, with the consistency of low-fat sour cream.

Here is one version of this soup:

  1. Take 2 potatoes, a small piece of zucchini, carrots, 1/2 onion, ¼ cauliflower, herbs, spices to taste.
  2. Boil vegetables in 0.7 liters of water.
  3. Cool and grind everything in a blender.
  4. Divide the resulting soup into 3-4 servings and drink throughout the day.

Beet soup:

  1. 0.3 kg beets, 2 potatoes, 1 pc. carrots and onions, 2 stalks of celery, tbsp. spoon olive oil, garlic, apple, lemon juice, spices and herbs.
  2. Boil onion, carrot and celery in water.
  3. Peel beets, apples, potatoes, cut into strips and bake in the oven, sprinkled with olive oil.
  4. Place the baked vegetables in a saucepan with broth and cook, adding lemon juice, seasonings and herbs, for another 5-7 minutes.
  5. Grind the finished soup in a blender.
  6. Divide into 3-4 servings and consume throughout the day.

Day three - fruit and berry

We drink a variety of juices. Preferably, from 3-4 ingredients - on such days, avoid mono-products, delight yourself with a variety of tastes, combining completely different components. Use exclusively freshly squeezed drinks, not packaged ones - they contain too much sugar and few vitamins.

The following fresh juices are very useful and effective on such days:

  • vegetables: carrots, cucumbers, beets, tomatoes, cabbage, pumpkin + some greens and celery;
  • fruit: pomegranate, apple, grapefruit, peach, orange.

All this can be mixed in any proportions and without restrictions.

Day four - compote

During the day, drink any compotes made from fresh berries or dried fruits. Naturally, the use of sugar and sweeteners is not recommended. If there are a lot of berries in the compote and you don’t want to throw them away, use a blender to grind them so that all the benefits of the berries get into your body.

Day five - jelly

Cooking jelly. Only from fresh berries and fruits! Do not use ready-made mixtures from concentrate - there is a lot of sugar, starch and almost no vitamins.

It’s easy to prepare berry jelly:

  • take any berries (fresh or frozen);
  • grind them through a sieve;
  • boil in water for 10 minutes;
  • strain;
  • dilute the starch in a small amount of compote (cooled);
  • pour this mixture into the pan with compote.

The best taste of jelly is obtained from currants, cranberries, cherries, and strawberries. You can also experiment and mix berries, adding oranges, apples and other fruits to your taste. It turns out delicious, elegant and noble!

Day six - oatmeal

Long live oatmeal jelly in all its diversity! The recipe for this dish is very simple: you will need a glass of water, half a glass of oatmeal, and a little cinnamon. Before cooking, dry the flakes for 10-15 minutes in the oven. After this, add cold water, bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes. Next, strain the resulting mixture and add cinnamon. If you find it too bland to taste, you can add half a teaspoon of honey. This jelly can also be cooked in milk - then the dish acquires a pronounced creamy taste. If you prefer the second option, use skim milk.

Taste variety is achieved by adding berries, which will allow you to consume it every time. new option. Find new flavors and share recipes with others!

Day seven - free

Choose the option that is most comfortable for you from those listed and carry it out. Or you can arrange a mix: stick to the Monday menu for breakfast, Tuesday for lunch, Wednesday for dinner, and Thursday for afternoon tea. Choose any combination: allow yourself to relax a little without deviating from the key condition of this diet.

Quitting the diet

The right way out of the diet is the key to good health and preservation for as long as possible results achieved. If you quit immediately after you finish losing weight using this system, then all the lost kilograms will quickly return. In addition, the body reacts hard to such sudden changes. This is fraught with exacerbation of gastric diseases and serious digestive disorders. Therefore it is very important to comply simple rules and return to your normal diet gradually. The key condition for a safe exit is that this period should be twice as long as the period of the diet itself. Have you lost weight for a week? This means you need to leave within two. This is the only way the body will smoothly and without harm to itself adjust to regular food.

For 7 days

If you lost weight for 7 days, then the transition to the usual regimen should last 15 days. On the first day, liquid oatmeal is added to the diet. It is consumed in the morning, and the rest of the time - liquid food remains. Solid foods are gradually introduced, 1-2 per day. Preference is given to chicken, fish and meat broths without salt, boiled and stewed vegetables, fresh fruits and berries. Try to postpone eating protein foods for as long as possible. It is advisable to eat them no earlier than in the second week of leaving the diet.

For 2 weeks

If you were on a diet for 14 days, then coming out of it will take a month. The exit principle is the same, only all steps for introducing solid food are doubled. That is, you enter new product once every two days. This will allow you to carefully rebuild the body to standard mode work. When introducing solid food, chew it thoroughly until it has a liquid consistency. This way you will reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract and allow it to smoothly prepare for leaving the diet. If you expand your diet with vegetables or fruits, make sure they are not too sweet or sour. Your body does not need additional stress. Leave it for last and complex carbohydrates and products with high content starch: too much effort is spent on digesting them.

How to exit after 30 days

The recovery from a monthly fast lasts 2 months. This is good: after all, it’s extra time, in which the body will be rid of excess food and all kinds of fats, which can return you to your previous volumes very quickly. During this entire time, forget about fatty, salty and spicy food. For the first 4-5 days, eat oatmeal for breakfast. Next, add a few boiled vegetables to your diet. Stick to this menu for another 3-4 days. New foods are introduced at approximately such intervals that by the end of a two-month period you are completely out of this diet.

Maintain your water balance throughout the entire exit period: continue to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water, regardless of how much and what you drank or ate during the day.

Here rough plan leaving a diet that lasted 30 days:

  • in the first week you add liquid oatmeal (for breakfast) to your regular diet;
  • in the second week the menu expands boiled egg, sandwich with cheese;
  • from the third week, fresh fruits and vegetables are added;
  • from the fourth they are introduced vegetable salads steamed fish dishes or bird;
  • from the fifth week you gradually return to your usual diet, eliminating fatty, salty, spicy and fried foods. From now on, do not forget to arrange fasting drinking days for yourself.

Thanks to such a smooth release, you will maintain the result and keep your body in good shape for a long time.

How not to lose your temper

Since this weight loss program is one of the toughest, not everyone can withstand it. However, few people, when embarking on this path, plan to interrupt the marathon and be left with a full stomach and their kilograms that never went away. There are several ways to motivate yourself.

  1. Get yourself a good incentive - take out an old dress that has long been too small for you and try to do everything so that it perfectly emphasizes your figure again.
  2. Always keep in mind all the benefits that will appear after losing weight. For example, a free choice of clothes in comfortable sizes. No inhibitions on the beach, getting rid of many health problems caused by excess weight.
  3. Encourage yourself! Buy yourself gifts, treat yourself to going to the movies, and celebrate every important milestone you reach. This will make losing weight much more interesting and enjoyable!

Those who are losing weight are also advised to get rid of hatred of their kilograms: this is a bad motivator, because of which the process can stall. Tune in to the results, love yourself and move towards your goals with ease!

How to save the result

It is known that the kilograms that quickly disappeared are ready to return no less quickly. If you don’t want to gain weight again after losing weight, achieved through such hard work, you will have to limit yourself even after completing this marathon. First, avoid fatty and salty foods. Standard advice, but very effective - salt attracts liquid and you get better, even if you drink plain water. Secondly, move: play sports, walk, ski. Physical activity improves metabolism, calories consumed are burned. Thirdly, control your diet! While dieting, your stomach shrinks in size. As a result, you feel full even after a small portion of food. If you continue to eat little by little and do not stretch this organ with too many foods, your hunger will be satisfied easily.

How does your health change after losing weight?

In addition to the obvious result - losing weight and changing your figure better side Those losing weight also note other changes in the body.

  1. Feeling better: shortness of breath goes away, increased fatigue associated with excess weight.
  2. Problems with hypertension are reduced: blood pressure rises less frequently, and tachycardia does not bother you.
  3. The digestive tract works easily, constipation is a thing of the past.
  4. The skin is cleansed and the complexion is evened out.
  5. Posture and gait change. A person is literally transformed and feels renewed.

People with complexes note that after losing weight their self-confidence increases. All endeavors are easier. With weight loss on a drinking diet, a chance appears for women who are unable to get pregnant. In a word, life really changes for the better. To check this, gather your willpower and experience for yourself all the benefits of a drinking diet.

    Drinking diet - effective way quickly reset extra pounds. This type of nutrition is used not only for weight loss, but also for the purpose of detoxifying (cleansing) the body. Thanks to the consumption of liquid food, the load on the gastrointestinal tract is reduced, and the body starts recovery processes.

    Features of the drinking diet

    Let's look at what the essence of the drinking diet is, what its benefits are and whether there are risks.

    Essence and benefits

    The essence of the drinking diet is to consume only liquids: any solid food is prohibited. The benefit of a drinking diet is a deep cleansing of the entire body: excess stress is removed from digestive tract, the functioning of internal organs is stabilized, excess weight is lost.

    The greatest loss of extra pounds comes from water. The human body is designed in such a way that when drinking a large amount of water, it begins to excrete more intensively. excess liquid from the body. Under conditions of increased fluid consumption, excess water leaves tissues and cells, and body contours become clearer and more prominent.

    Side effects

    The 7-day drinking diet, like the one, is quite strict and is fraught with various risks, especially for those who are practicing such nutrition for the first time. People report a strong feeling of hunger, dizziness, headaches and abdominal pain in the first days. However, by the end of the diet, the symptoms of malaise subside, and they are replaced by comfort throughout the body and lightness.

    However, in some cases, the drinking diet leads to a number of serious side effects:

    • gastritis and other digestive disorders;
    • deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair and teeth;
    • significant decrease in immunity;
    • anemia (anemia) and various hematopoietic disorders.

    The likelihood of such consequences increases if you practice the diet for more than 7-14 days.

    Be careful: The duration of the drinking diet should not exceed one week! There is a risk of not only burning too much muscle mass, but also harming your health.

    A critically low calorie diet is fraught with exhaustion of the body and a complete loss of the feeling of hunger. For some people eating behavior during long-term adherence to a drinking diet, it changes so much that it develops into anorexia.


    Specific contraindications:

    • disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • gastritis;
    • disorders of the kidneys and liver;
    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • period of pregnancy and lactation;
    • age under 18 years;
    • increased physical activity.

    Mechanism of weight loss

    A drinking diet gives the body a break from eating solid food and the constant process of digestion. When eating liquid food, the load on the digestive tract is noticeably reduced, which is even beneficial for a short period. The mechanism of weight loss during a drinking diet completely repeats the effect of a regular low-calorie diet.

    Fat burning occurs due to a sharp reduction in calories, since daily ration such a diet rarely exceeds 400-500 calories - this is the critical calorie content for normal operation the body of an adult. A sharp decrease in calories in the diet provokes the body to use liver glycogen, and then its own muscle tissue as a source of nutrients. Adipose tissue the body spends it last and very reluctantly, trying to preserve its “strategic reserve”.

    For this reason, as a result of a drinking diet, volumes and kilograms are lost only due to excess water and muscle mass, but not due to fat reserves. Fat cells (adipocytes) are temporarily “deflated” due to a decrease in the amount of fluid in them. Visually, a person looks much slimmer, but in reality the fat does not go anywhere.

    Authorized Products

    The drinking diet, as its name suggests, means eating only liquid products food - those that do not need to be chewed.

    On a drinking diet you are allowed to consume:

    • any broth (low-fat) - vegetable, meat, fish, chicken;
    • thin puree soups - the vegetables in the soup must be thoroughly ground;
    • dairy and fermented milk products - milk, kefir, natural yogurt and other low-fat fermented milk products;
    • jelly and compotes from any fruit or berries (without added sugar).

    Allowed drinks

    The drinking diet includes the consumption of the following drinks:

    • clean drinking water - at least 1.5-2 liters per day;
    • freshly prepared juices - vegetable or fruit, without added sugar, diluted with water;
    • tea - preferably green and red tea;
    • herbal decoctions - for example, chamomile with the addition of mint.

    While following a drinking diet, the following are strictly prohibited: coffee, caffeinated and alcoholic drinks.

    Let's focus separately on freshly squeezed juices. Fruits contain healthy vitamins and microelements. This is an indisputable fact. But drinking large quantities of freshly squeezed concentrated juices (undiluted with water) is not always healthy.

    A high concentration of active substances provokes gastritis and gastric ulcers. In people prone to manifestation allergic reactions, concentrated juices can cause severe allergies.

    The above does not mean that freshly squeezed juices homemade It’s worth giving up in favor of packaged ones from the supermarket. On the contrary, natural fruit juices are beneficial if you dilute them with water and drink no more than 1-2 glasses a day.

    Principles and rules of the drinking diet

    The effectiveness of a drinking diet directly depends on how ready the body is to switch to a liquid diet.

    Before starting a drinking diet, about 1 week in advance, give up high-calorie, sweet, fatty and salty foods in favor of vegetables and fruits, various liquid cereals and soups.

    Efficiency Rules

    These rules guarantee the maximum effectiveness of the diet:

  1. Don't start a diet suddenly. Seven days preparatory stage required.
  2. Drinking diet involves complete failure from solid foods and transition to liquids.
  3. Divide your meals into several meals throughout the day. small portions. Optimal amount: 5-6 liquid meals per day.
  4. The amount of clean water you drink should be at least 1.5-2 liters per day.
  5. During the drinking diet, give up training and other physical activity, since the body experiences an acute shortage of energy and nutrients due to low calorie diet. Because muscle tone is weakened, injury is more likely.
  6. During a drinking diet, the body experiences an acute deficiency of vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. Take vitamin and mineral complexes, as well as sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids in capsules: fish oil, milk thistle oil, flaxseed oil.
  7. During a drinking diet, disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract often occur due to the transition to a liquid diet: monitor the regularity of bowel movements and listen to symptoms.
  8. You cannot continue the diet for more than a week. The popular method of the 30-day drinking diet is extremely dangerous and fraught with irreversible consequences.
  9. You cannot abruptly end your drinking diet. Follow the exit rules - switch to your usual diet gradually.

After completing all stages of the drinking diet, it is useful to do fasting drinking days once a week.

Rules for quitting the diet

Leave the drinking diet as gradually as you entered it. The duration of the exit should be approximately 2 times the duration. It turns out that to exit the 7-day drinking diet, you need at least 14 days for the body to fully adapt to a normal diet with solid food.

Here are some tips to make changing your eating habits easier:

  1. In the first days after the drinking diet, it is not recommended to eat rough food at all. The diet should consist of liquid cereals, soups and fermented milk products(natural yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, soft cheeses).
  2. On days 4-5 after the drinking diet, it is allowed to gradually introduce fresh fruits and vegetables.
  3. During the first week of leaving the drinking diet, it is better to consume all solid food in the first half of the day, and try to eat liquid food in the evening.
  4. From the second week you can already include in your diet boiled fish and chicken, but in small quantities and in the first half of the day. The rest of the time, eat cereals, soups, vegetables, fruits and dairy products.

The right way out of the drinking diet is not only a safe transition to a normal diet, but also minus 2-3 kg of excess weight.

Menu for the week

We present to your attention a drinking diet menu for 7 days. You can also download and print the weekly menu.

First meal:
Second meal:A serving of chicken broth (250 ml); a glass of kefir or natural yogurt without sugar (300 ml).
Third meal:Broccoli puree soup with herbs in meat broth (300 ml). Cup green tea no sugar.
Fourth meal:Strawberry and cherry jelly without sugar (250 ml).
Fifth meal:A serving of mushroom broth with vegetables pureed in a blender (250 ml).
Sixth meal:
First meal:
Second meal:
Third meal:Creamy soup with chicken broth made from zucchini, onions and bell peppers (300 ml). A cup of red tea without sugar.
Fourth meal:A glass of apple and apple compote.
Fifth meal:A portion of fish broth with vegetables pureed in a blender (250 ml).
Sixth meal:
First meal:A glass of reduced fat milk.
Second meal:A serving of chicken broth (250 ml); a glass of apple and dried fruit compote (200 ml).
Third meal:Cream soup with added cream (300 ml). A cup of green tea without sugar.
Fourth meal:Raspberry jelly and black currant without sugar (250 ml).
Fifth meal:A portion of meat broth with boiled vegetables (zucchini and onions), pureed in a blender (250 ml).
Sixth meal:
First meal:A glass of apple, strawberry and cherry compote.
Second meal:A serving of chicken broth (250 ml); a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice diluted with water (200 ml).
Third meal:Puree soup with broccoli mushroom broth and cream (300 ml); a cup of green tea without sugar.
Fourth meal:A glass of apple and pear compote.
Fifth meal:
Sixth meal:A glass of natural yogurt or kefir.
First meal:A glass of baked milk (2.5% fat).
Second meal:A serving of chicken broth (250 ml); a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice diluted with water (200 ml).
Third meal:Cauliflower puree soup with herbs in meat broth (300 ml). A cup of red tea without sugar.
Fourth meal:Raspberry and cherry jelly without sugar (250 ml).
Fifth meal:A portion of fish broth with boiled vegetables, pureed in a blender (250 ml).
Sixth meal:A glass of natural yoghurt or fermented baked milk.
First meal:A glass of apple and currant compote.
Second meal:A serving of mushroom broth (250 ml); a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice diluted with water (200 ml).
Third meal:Creamy soup with chicken broth and vegetables (300 ml). A cup of red tea without sugar.
Fourth meal:Strawberry and raspberry jelly without sugar (250 ml).
Fifth meal:A portion of fish broth with boiled vegetables, pureed in a blender (250 ml).
Sixth meal:A glass of fermented baked milk or natural yogurt.
First meal:A glass of apple, pear and cherry compote.
Second meal:A serving of mushroom broth (250 ml); a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice diluted with water (200 ml).
Third meal:Creamy soup with chicken broth made from zucchini, bell peppers and onions (300 ml). A cup of green tea without sugar.
Fourth meal:A glass of apple, pear and strawberry compote.
Fifth meal:A portion of fish broth with boiled vegetables, pureed in a blender (250 ml).
Sixth meal:A glass of natural yogurt or kefir.

Possible consequences of a drinking diet

The drinking diet is not suitable for everyone and is associated with various risks. It is extremely low in calories and in some cases causes disruption in the functioning of organs and systems.

We list the most likely problems:

  • A deficiency of nutrients, especially essential fatty acids contained in vegetable oils, often leads to dry and flaky skin, the appearance of small pimples and various rashes due to decreased immune defense skin.
  • In the later stages of the diet, the following situation is possible: in conditions of extreme shortage of energy coming from food, the body begins to use up its own reserves - muscle tissue. The muscles become flabby, lose their tone, and the person looks extremely exhausted.
  • A deficiency of protein and healthy carbohydrates can lead to weakness, increased fatigue, constant drowsiness, memory impairment, decreased vision and a sharp decline in immunity.
  • There is a risk of impaired intestinal motility, since liquid food does not require contraction of the muscles of the digestive tract. After returning to a normal diet, constipation, bloating and intestinal disorders occur.
  • The quantity is decreasing digestive enzymes. Various enzymes are responsible for the proper absorption of food: pancreatic enzymes, intestinal enzymes, bile acids. Their number decreases in proportion to the time of the diet. After a drinking diet, flatulence and heaviness in the stomach often occur. Nutrients from food are not fully absorbed.
  • As a result of a lack of collagen, there is a risk of wrinkles. Hair loss may begin, nails become brittle, and the skin takes on an unhealthy pale tint.

So, despite the truly effective reduction of excess weight, a drinking diet is unlikely to add health to you, and, consequently, beauty. Think carefully before using a similar weight loss technique on yourself: a temporary number on the scale is not worth your health. Health, especially women's health, is extremely fragile - it is easy to destroy, but extremely difficult to restore.

The introduction of more and more new weight loss programs into the field of dietetics allows modern women effectively keep the lines of the body in perfect order, and if something happens, correct them a little using specially developed techniques. Of course, some of them are aimed not only at weight loss, but also at general cleansing of the entire body. One of these methods is a drinking diet, aimed primarily at cleansing the body at the cellular level.

A drinking diet is one of the most effective. Its goal is to reduce the load on the digestive tract, and, consequently, to put all the relevant organs in order. And, of course, let’s not lie – get rid of the notorious extra pounds that are such an eyesore. In addition, such a diet will be useful for people who have a bad habit of constantly snacking and “chewing on the go.” After all, you simply cannot chew while on a drinking diet! Then what should we do? Starve? No way! The drinking diet involves giving up only solid food, but this does not mean that our body will “suffer”. On the contrary, he will receive all the calories due to him.

During the drinking diet, a smooth cleansing of the body occurs: the first 7-10 days involve superficial cleaning, the second - “processing” of the internal organs and the entire digestive tract, and only in the third week does the most important stage– general cleaning at the cellular level. Thus, the duration of the drinking diet should vary from three to four weeks. At such a moment, it is very important not to break down so that the internal rectification mechanism can reach the deep cells, but you shouldn’t go too far either, otherwise you will only bring harm to yourself.

Drinking diet - what foods can you eat?

A drinking diet is not fasting! This is the most important thing to consider. During its observance, it is allowed to consume any liquid suitable for life, except alcoholic drinks and sweet carbonated water, which is teeming with synthetic preservatives and dyes. For four weeks you can safely include in your diet liquid yoghurts(without sugar), dairy and fermented milk products, various teas, low-fat broths, natural vegetable and fruit juices, cocoa, thin dietary puree soups, mineral water. Coffee lovers can occasionally treat themselves to an invigorating drink. Among other things, the daily menu must include pure water (at least 1,000-1,500 grams per day).

Drinking diet - what foods should not be consumed

The principle of the diet is a complete abstinence from any solid food. It is also prohibited to add sugar or sweeteners, including natural ones (glucose, fructose, etc.) to drinks. Alcohol, hot spices, canned juices, vegetable oils, fatty broths, full-fat milk and sour cream. It is allowed to add to liquid puree soups minimum quantity salt for taste.

Drinking diet - menu examples

The best part is that each person forms their drinking diet at their own discretion, regardless of gender, age and the amount of extra pounds. The only condition is the daily consumption of vegetable liquid puree soups, which should enrich your diet at least once a day. If, in addition to radical cleansing, you plan to get a weight loss effect from the diet, limit the amount of liquid ingredients consumed to 2 liters, plus 1.5 liters of pure water.

Try to think through the next day’s menu in the evening so that there is no unnecessary hassle and running around later. And at lunchtime you can enjoy a dietary soup prepared according to one of the recipes below.

Recipe 1: Vegetable puree soup with potatoes, cauliflower and carrots

Cut the potatoes into large cubes, add water or chicken broth, put it on fire. After boiling, add several cauliflower florets, carrots, cut into slices, and cook the vegetables until tender. If desired, you can add 1 onion and 1 peeled bell pepper. After the vegetables are cooked, cool them and grind them in a blender with the addition of broth. The soup should not be too thick. That's all - the dish is ready!

Recipe 2: Vegetable puree soup with turnips

To prepare the soup we will need the following ingredients: 50 gr. carrots, 70 gr. turnips, 70 gr. potatoes, 50 gr. leeks, a glass of low-fat milk.

Method of preparation: finely chop carrots, potatoes, leeks, turnips and cook them in water or low-fat broth until tender. Then beat the vegetables together with a small amount of broth in a blender or rub them through a sieve. Then add hot milk, a little salt, mix everything thoroughly until smooth. The soup is ready.

To prepare any puree soups, be guided only by your taste. Add your favorite vegetables and some herbs when cooking. Oil, herbs, spices, and sauces are completely excluded.

— The drinking diet should be accompanied by a smooth, slow exit. Over the course of a week, you need to gradually increase the amount of solid food in your diet, otherwise you risk serious problems with gastrointestinal tract. It is forbidden to immediately attack solid food - a lazy stomach will most likely not accept it.

- During the diet, be sure to monitor your stool - it should be daily.

— You should not get carried away with the drinking diet too often (no more than once a year).

With all due respect, the drinking diet entails a number of side effects, which are especially felt during the first stage - superficial cleansing. What women who have experienced the diet in their own skin write to us about them:

Galina, 32 years old, writes: “...the first 6-8 days were especially difficult: depressed mood, reluctance to do anything, lack of interest in everything, apathy. I wouldn’t say that I was overcome by a strong feeling of hunger or irritability, it was just very unusual, and my body apparently reacted that way. After all, we all by nature should eat by chewing food, but here we have such a sharp refusal. Naturally, this is stress for the body. After a few days it became much easier. You could say that everything was back to normal, and I’ll even say more – some kind of inner lightness appeared, I just wanted to fly...”

This is just one of many reviews about the drinking diet. Galina, by the way, got rid of six extra pounds in a month, and this is far from the limit. But as we already wrote above, you shouldn’t go too far. In addition to the side effects listed by Galina, women indicated the appearance of a coating on the tongue and the unpleasant odor of acetone from the mouth (these are completely normal phenomena, indicating that the cleansing process is proceeding correctly), which miraculously disappeared on the 8-10th day of following the drinking diet.

To make the first stage of the diet much easier to tolerate, it is advisable to pre-prepare the body by gradually reducing (over five to seven days) the amount of solid food consumed.

And the last one, the most important advice: before using similar technique losing weight, be sure to get examined. Persons suffering from hypertension, edema, heart or kidney failure are prohibited from even thinking about a drinking diet.