Exit from the 5 day drinking diet. Drinking diet: what you can drink, how to go out correctly and what results to expect

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)

21 Mar 2017


A menu developed by nutritionists for 7 days helps everyone lose extra pounds in the shortest possible time. To lose weight and prevent weight gain, it is important to know some rules of the drinking diet, its features, create a sample menu and, most importantly, be determined that you will receive a minimum of food.

What is a drinking diet

The diet is suitable not only for those who want to see a minus on the scales, but also for those who seek to remove toxins and waste from the body. By cleaning at the cellular level, you will help all body systems work better and also stabilize metabolism. A drinking diet is the consumption of drinking food for a certain number of days. Its duration can last from one day to a month. Observations show that up to 2 kilograms of excess weight are lost per day, and up to 7 kilograms per week. However, you should go on such a fast only once a year.

Drinking diets for weight loss

The duration of hunger strikes can vary, but those that last a month are considered the most effective. During the first 10 days, a person begins to feel light because all the hollow organs are cleansed. Over the course of another 10 days, the liver and kidneys are renewed, but during this period discomfort may occur. During the remaining 10 days of a monthly fast, all cells of the body are cleansed: metabolic processes change, because it reboots. Just at the end of the drinking diet for weight loss, maximum weight loss is achieved, and the skin acquires an even color.

How long can you stay on a drinking diet?

There are classic and short drinking diets. The first type includes those whose duration is 30 days. In a month you can lose weight and cleanse your body of pollution in the form of toxins and waste. However, fasting for more than one month is dangerous for health, because then all the available nutrients will begin to be washed out.

Often, women, men and even the younger generation of young people prefer short diets that take only a week, because during these 7 days they lose from 5 to 7 annoying kilograms. You can go on a drinking diet literally for one or a couple of days, but such a choice will more likely lead to an express cleansing of the body, when toxins are removed from the intestines, than to thorough weight loss.

What is possible

Many people ask about what you can drink on a drinking diet? The basis of drinking fasts are liquids that you will drink instead of your usual food. Allowed liquids that can be consumed on a drinking diet include:

  • still water, but you can drink mineral water for no more than three days;
  • broth prepared independently: chicken, fish, meat, vegetable. You can add carrots, celery or parsley to it when cooking;
  • low-fat liquid puree soup made from oatmeal (Oatmeal), chicken and other products;
  • fermented milk products: kefir, milk, fermented baked milk with fat content up to 2%;
  • natural yogurt, yogurt;
  • freshly squeezed juices from grapefruit, apple or orange;
  • teas - green, fruit, red, black, but always brewed and without sugar;
  • jelly, compote of dried or fresh berries.

Rules for drinking diet

During the seven-day fasting period, all body systems work, saving energy, so the toxic load is reduced and weight goes off. To ensure that your health does not suffer and that weight loss is effective, it is important to know the rules of the drinking diet and follow them:

  1. The basis of this weight loss program should be a liquid product - jelly, broth, puree soup or kefir, and you should forget about solid food for this time.
  2. A 7-day mono-diet involves alternating drinks every day. By drinking different liquids, you can diversify your diet and get the nutrients your body needs.
  3. It is recommended to avoid kvass, carbonated water, packaged juices and alcoholic beverages.


Reviews from those who fasted even for 7 days prove that before switching to such a diet you need to be well prepared, because it will be very difficult for the body to consume only liquids instead of the usual food. Preparation for the drinking diet consists of the fact that a week before it you need to completely give up smoked meats, salty and smoked foods, sauces, mayonnaise, processed foods, and ketchups.

3 days before switching to a 7-day strict regime, you must eat exclusively vegetables, fruits, cereals (preferably oatmeal or buckwheat), sugar-free drinks and drink 2 liters of water every day. It is recommended to gradually reduce the serving size to a minimum so that the stomach gets used to the fact that it will receive little food. The day before the transition, give preference to green unsweetened tea.


Reviews prove that a drinking diet for a week is an effective method that helps you lose excess deposits in the form of fat; the main thing here is to follow all the recommendations. So, the basis of this diet is fresh fruit, berry and vegetable juices. You can supplement the list with low-fat broth, dairy products, and unsweetened teas. The drinking diet menu also necessarily includes clean water in an amount of 1.5 liters or more.

Quitting the drinking diet

After a week-long fast, it is recommended to gradually add proteins, fats and carbohydrates to your regular diet. So, going off the drinking diet for 7 days should take twice as long, which means that you will need to go off for at least 14 days. It is forbidden to immediately eat fatty, spicy or floury foods; solid foods are only allowed in the morning, and for dinner you need to leave the drinking menu. It is advisable to gradually change the liquid lunch to a solid one - such a transition should last at least 3-4 days. Then for dinner you can eat something from the usual menu.

Chocolate drinking

This weight loss option will appeal to those with a sweet tooth, because it combines a chocolate diet and a drinking diet. So, the chocolate-drinking diet includes hot chocolate, beloved by many, but without added sugar. You can also include cocoa diluted with low-fat milk and still water. By observing this strict fast, you can lose up to 7 extra pounds in 3-7 days.

Recipes for the drinking diet

The basis of a 7-day fast is liquids. For this reason, soup is a staple in drinking diet recipes. So, for lunch you can make a delicious hot dish of tomatoes:

  1. Take 20 tomatoes, cut them, remove seeds.
  2. Place the halves on a baking sheet, sprinkle chopped onions on top, add crushed garlic, and add a little oil.
  3. Bake the tomatoes for half an hour, then transfer them to water and make broth.
  4. You can add cucumbers to the pan with prepared vegetables, and then grind everything with a blender.

Smoothies are also a popular dish during hunger strikes. To prepare the drink, you need to grind a banana into porridge, add 100 ml of apple nectar and 50 ml of carrot juice. After mixing, all ingredients must be whipped using a food processor or blender, and then sprinkle the resulting cocktail with a small amount of cinnamon or vanilla for taste.


According to reviews, the main goal of people who decide to go on a hunger strike is, first of all, to lose weight, and only then to cleanse the body. Before switching to such a strict regime, many try to find out the results of a drinking diet. So, water therapy will help:

  • reduction of the stomach;
  • getting rid of toxins and waste;
  • destruction of the fat layer under the skin;
  • weight loss up to 2 kg per day, up to 8 kg per week, up to 15 kg per month;
  • cleansing the body after 5 days.

How to maintain a drinking diet

It is very difficult for many to survive even 7 days, because this diet is very strict. If you want to maintain a drinking diet and lose weight, consider the following recommendations:

  1. Initially, think about why you need to lose weight (buy new jeans or fit into old ones) and throughout the 7 days and exit days, remember the incentive.
  2. Imagine what you will get when your weight drops: you will be able to wear beautiful clothes that will look perfect on a slender figure, your health will improve, your well-being will improve, because extra pounds are also harmful.
  3. For each achievement in the form of weight loss, reward yourself, but not with treats, but, for example, with a change in image, new things.

How to properly go on a drinking diet

You can evaluate the pros and cons of a strict diet for 7 days after you try it yourself. In order to achieve the desired result on the scales, but not harm the body, it is important to follow a proper drinking diet: follow the prepared menu, eat recommended foods, correctly and gradually switch to liquids, and then to solid foods. If you feel that you can’t stand it the whole week, then start leaving this diet, but also gradually, as you prepared.


Reviews about the drinking diet

Tatyana, 24 years oldDue to the liquid, my stomach was always full, so for all 7 days I did not have a strong feeling that I was starving. The only thing I can say to those girls who want to experience for themselves what a drinking diet for 7 days is: you must realize and prepare that you will go to the toilet much more often than usual, but the result will impress you.
Maria, 36 years oldFasting without carbohydrates clearly benefited me, because the result was excellent - in just 7 days I lost 8.5 kg! At the same time, I added a sweetener to the milk, and in the morning I could afford citruses and fruits in small quantities. It’s a pity that you can’t go for hydrotherapy very often, and the solution is also not easy.
Anna, 25 years oldThe liquid diet is very narrow in the choice of foods, so I broke down literally on the fifth day - I wanted to eat very much. After only two days of such a hunger strike, dizziness appeared, and when my sister was eating cutlets next to me, I had to go to another room. I couldn’t stand it all 7 days, but I was pleasantly surprised when I saw minus 2 kilograms on the scales.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Nowadays, drinking diets are becoming very popular. The 21st century dictates its own conditions for harmonious coexistence with the outside world - it is necessary to devote time not only to internal intellectual development, but also to external self-improvement.

Many people are sure that success is largely determined by visible beauty and that it is worth devoting maximum time to.

More and more women are looking for ways to improve their appearance, often through weight loss. Moreover, at the pace of the modern world, there is a desire to achieve results in the shortest possible time. It was to satisfy this need that they were invented.

Highly effective drinking diets

When looking at the name, it becomes clear that their meaning lies in the consumption of liquid. In this case, juices, water, broths, dairy products, decoctions, infusions, green tea, fruit drinks, compotes, etc. are used.
Traditionally, the drinking diet takes thirty days and has the goal of cleansing the body of toxins and harmful substances and, of course, losing weight. This regime is quite difficult to comply with and few people can withstand it.

As for doctors, their opinion agrees that prolonged “sitting” on such a diet is dangerous, and the risks of various types of diseases increase.

This is why in real life a shortened version of these diets is usually used, lasting seven days. During this period, according to women who have experienced their effect on themselves, you can lose from five to seven kilograms.

At the moment, there are many types of drinking diets, based on different types of liquids, which replace all other products throughout the course. But you should not think that all their types in their huge variety are allowed for consumption. There is also a “black list” of products, which includes packaged juices, cocoa, coffee, sweet yoghurts, as well as drinks containing sugar.

Features of quitting the drinking diet

The water diet deserves special attention. With such a diet, you need to drink at least one and a half liters of water per day. This means clean and still water. This approach can be applied more to fasting, because water itself does not have energy value, its calorie content is zero.

It is permissible to “sit” on such a diet for no more than three days. It requires preliminary preparation - a consistent reduction in food a week before the start or a couple of days in the company of juices.

After completion, an immediate return to the previous dietary pattern is unacceptable. A smooth exit is required, consisting of a two-week gradual increase in calorie intake. Otherwise, efficiency will be significantly reduced and some of the weight will return.

Other drinking diets require a slightly different approach. To get out of them, the 1:2 rule applies, where 1 is the duration of the diet, and 2 is the duration of the exit. But, as in the case of a drinking diet, the “heaviness” of products increases day by day.

So, on the first day, only oatmeal is allowed in the morning, and liquids remain during the day and evening. You can eat three times a day only in the second week. And sugar is introduced only after two weeks.

Such “inputs” and “outputs” of the diet further aggravate its complexity, so before choosing it, you should carefully consider all the pros and cons and only then make a decision.

Exit from drinking diet 7 days

Even if you have followed such a diet for several days, you should not indulge in heavy food after finishing the diet. At first, you need to gradually include the following products in the menu:

  • vegetables, fish, chicken, meat broths, without salt and spices;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • boiled, stewed vegetables in water;
  • steamed minced chicken cutlets;
  • fruit and vegetable juice, unsweetened green tea.

Products such as carrots, cabbage, apples, pears are best consumed grated; it is important to avoid foods high in simple carbohydrates; natural honey can be used as sweeteners.

The ideal option is in small volumes, it is important not to forget about the drinking regime, at least 2 liters per day. Avoid starchy foods that are high in calories.

It is important to follow these simple rules for quitting the drinking diet for 7 days so that the body adapts to a new lifestyle and does not experience stress, which will negatively affect the functioning of internal organs.

Quitting the drinking diet for 30 days

The main postulates of quitting the drinking diet for 30 days:

  • during the first week, introduce liquid porridge for breakfast;
  • in the second week you can eat one egg, a sandwich with cheese, and for lunch use porridge without butter;
  • from the third week, add fresh vegetables or fruits to dinner;
  • from the fourth week you can add meat or fish dishes with a salad of fresh vegetables to lunch;
  • from the fifth week, arrange a liquid fasting day, and completely eliminate fats and sweets until your weight levels stabilize.

With a 30-day diet option, recovery should take at least 2 months, this is the only way to lose weight correctly and without harm to your health!

Flabby skin after a drinking diet - salvation with soda baths

During a drinking diet, you can lose 5-20 kg, which indicates the need to take care of your skin so that it does not lose its elasticity and attractive appearance. In this case, highly effective soda baths will help.

  1. Before taking soda baths, thoroughly examine your body to identify the slightest cuts or wounds, which will be very painful if you do not notice them in advance.
  2. The water in the bathroom must be hot, this is the only way the steam effect will be achieved; at low temperatures the result is reduced to zero. For one bath you need to use 1 pack of soda.
  3. While taking baths, you should not rub your skin with baking soda or other scrubs; you can easily injure the body area and cause an infection.
  4. After taking a shower, do not forget to rub your body with moisturizing cream, and then go to bed and wrap yourself warmly in a blanket. The weight loss process will last until the morning.
  5. If you feel sick in the bathroom or a burning sensation appears in some area of ​​your body, hurry up and rinse your body with clean water. This means this procedure is not for you, look for another way to lose weight and cleanse the body.
  6. Baths perfectly calm the nervous system, normalize the mental state and calm you down; they will be useful after a hard day at work, especially if you drop a few essential drops or lavender oil into the water.
  7. Love yourself and your parameters, then beauty itself will knock on the door and will always accompany you.

Nutritionist Boris Skachko encourages women to weigh the pros and cons of drinking therapy and only then begin long-term weight loss. Losing health quickly, but regaining it is very difficult, which is why it is important to carefully approach the methods of self-healing of your body, especially drastic weight loss.

It is important to first of all understand why you have extra pounds; perhaps it is internal diseases that are progressing, and you will bathe in soda and worsen your condition.

Or maybe you are a lover of sweet calories at night, and that is why you are overweight. To prevent this, you need to give up confectionery, switch to a healthy diet and resort to intense physical exercise.

Be careful and do not experiment with your health! Go out correctly and do not neglect the recommendations of specialists. Only you are responsible for your well-being and life!

These are the rules for quitting a drinking diet that must be followed in order to stabilize the results and not gain extra pounds. You need to lose weight wisely and without harm to your health!

Losing weight quickly and effectively is the dream of everyone who is dissatisfied with their weight. One of the diets that can help you get rid of excess weight is drinking. It refers to fast-acting methods of losing weight. It is believed that it is possible to lose up to 1.5 kg per day. And unlike other strict methods, if you exit correctly, the weight does not return.

Read in this article

The essence of the drinking diet

As the name suggests, the main principle of this method is to consume only liquid food. In the classic version, the duration of the diet is almost a month. But such a period can benefit few people; not everyone can withstand it either. Therefore, there are usually other options. But don’t think that all this time you’ll only have to “eat” water.

The main goal of the diet is to reduce the load on the digestive tract. At this time, internal organs normalize their work. During the diet, a person refuses solid food. All food can only have a liquid consistency.

But you will also have to drink a lot of plain water. She is the main “engine” of weight loss. On the one hand, it helps cope with hunger, on the other, it helps eliminate toxins.

Thanks to the liquid form, food is easier and faster absorbed and digested by the body, so nothing has time to be stored in reserve. Therefore, a person is thinner without any problems.

Advantages of the method

The diet is popular due to certain advantages. The advantages of the method are:

  • The size of the stomach is reduced, so that in the future a person needs smaller portions.
  • The body is cleansed.
  • Weight loss is happening at a fairly fast pace.
  • The body retains energy that was previously spent on digesting solid food. Therefore, after a few days a person begins to feel lightness and uplift. The mood becomes much better.
  • The body's water balance is maintained.

Cons of the diet

However, this method of losing weight has certain disadvantages:

  • Often people have a constant feeling of hunger.
  • At first it is accompanied by apathy, irritability, fatigue, and weakness.
  • The introduction of solid food should be very slow, because during the diet the stomach becomes unaccustomed to working intensively.
  • There is a risk of weight regain, since after “hungry” days you will want to eat everything that was not allowed.
  • There are many health contraindications. Only those who do not have any problems with their body can go on a diet.
  • Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

Is it possible and what to eat?

The most important question is what to eat, because it is impossible to drink only water. The body will still need to get energy from somewhere. But in fact, you shouldn’t be scared; the diet menu can be quite varied. The following foods are allowed during weight loss:

  • Fermented milk drinks with low fat content - no more than 1.5 - 2%. Also, you can’t add sugar to them, but you can add berries.
  • Freshly squeezed fruit juices, especially citrus fruits.
  • Different types of tea, but not sweetened. The brew must be fresh.
  • Oatmeal jelly without sugar.
  • Unsweetened fruit drinks and compotes.
  • Meat, chicken or fish broths. They must be fat-free. But it’s important to cook it yourself, and not from cubes or bags. If desired, you can add carrots and herbs. But you can’t eat onions and peppers so as not to increase your appetite.
  • Milkshakes made from berries and fruits without sugar.
  • Unsweetened cocoa.


Today there are several types of drinking diets. Depending on your desire to lose weight, you can stick to the drinking system for one day, three, a week or two, or a month.

According to doctors and nutrition experts, the best option is a diet for 7 days. During this time, the body is cleansed, but serious health problems do not have time to begin.

It's also important to be prepared for the challenges of the diet. These include getting through the first day. During it you will constantly want to eat, fatigue, apathy, and irritability are usually observed. All this is the effect of the release of toxins from the body. Therefore, you need to prepare for the diet in advance, gradually reducing the number of servings and drinking more water.

The next day there will be a noticeable improvement. Often you still feel hungry, but you already feel much more pleasant.

You can also follow a “drinking day” diet to maintain weight. This, in other words, is a fasting day. It allows you to get rid of toxins and shrink your stomach. During the day you need to drink plain water, teas or freshly squeezed juices without sugar are suitable.

But you should exit the diet gradually, slowly adding solid food. Products with protein, vegetables, fruits, and cereals are more preferable.

Diet menu for weight loss

For this method of weight loss there is no special diet every day. A person makes a menu independently depending on preferences. The main thing is to drink at least 1 - 1.5 liters of still water and eat broths or liquid cereals so as not to lose energy. Also, additional vitamin complexes will not hurt.

For 7 days

You can combine drinks throughout the day and week yourself. After the diet, the size of the stomach will decrease, so a person will be satisfied with a small amount of serving.

Every time you feel hungry, you need to drink something. Meals during the week are built according to a scheme in which only one thing is consumed every day, but of different types:

  1. First, you should drink low-fat dairy products. These include kefir, milk, fermented baked milk, yogurt and others. The main thing is that they should not be sweet.
  2. On the second day you need to drink different lean broths.
  3. On the third day you should drink fruit, vegetable and berry juices. So that they are not too concentrated, it is worth diluting with water. You can drink just one or combine as desired.
  4. On the fourth there are different types of tea without sugar.
  5. On the fifth day, you should eat all kinds of unsweetened jelly.
  6. On the sixth day you should drink compote or fruit drink without sugar.
  7. You can complete your weight loss with juices.

For 14 days

If a person decides to try to stick to a diet for two weeks, then you need to enter and exit it very smoothly and carefully. During this time, the stomach may already become accustomed to solid food. You are allowed to create a menu for each day yourself, but it is important that the total caloric intake does not exceed 1400 kcal. It is better to stick to the same routine two days in a row. An example menu might look like this:

  • fermented milk products;
  • meat and fish broths;
  • vegetable and fruit juices;
  • unsweetened teas;
  • sugar-free jelly;
  • compotes and fruit drinks from berries and fruits;
  • fresh juices diluted with water.

For 30 days

For the bravest and most seasoned, a drinking diet for a month is suitable. But only completely healthy people can follow it. First, you should consult your doctor. It is very important to take vitamin complexes during this time.

This diet helps to completely cleanse not only organs such as the kidneys, liver, intestines of waste and toxins, but also get rid of excess at the cellular level. You need to eat five times a day.

The monthly drinking diet menu looks like this:

  • In the morning, drink a glass of low-fat kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt.
  • For lunch we have 250 ml of fresh orange juice.
  • You need to have lunch with lean broth or cream soup.
  • The afternoon snack consists of a mug of unsweetened jelly.
  • You should have dinner with a glass of fermented milk drink.


This diet lasts from 3 to 7 days. During this time you can lose up to 7 kg. The duration cannot be exceeded for more than two weeks, otherwise health problems will begin.

On a diet, you need to consume cocoa with water or skim milk, hot chocolate without sugar. In total, you should take no more than 7 cups per day. It is also important not to forget about ordinary water, which should be supplied in an amount of 1.5-2 liters.

However, do not forget about contraindications, namely a possible allergy to chocolate. This method is good because this product perfectly improves your mood. A person thinks that eating something tasty, but it does not harm his weight.

Watch this video about the drinking diet:

The right way out of the drinking diet

Since this weight loss system is very strict and unique, the success of the result and its maintenance depends on the transition to a regular diet. You need to go out extremely carefully and gradually. During this time, the stomach becomes very weaned from solid food, so it is worth including it in the menu in parts. Calculating the duration of the exit is simple - it should be twice as long as the diet itself.

First, you should eat slimy porridge in the morning. Lunch should be made from solid food only in the second week. A sandwich and eggs will do. Then you can add some vegetable or fruit as a snack. For dinner there should be liquid food for now. Only after a long time can meat or fish be introduced.

It is important to continue steaming, grilling and boiling everything. Spices should not be added, as they increase appetite. At the same time, you need to limit yourself to fatty and sweet foods.

Often diets don't work because people relapse. Drinking is not easy. At first you feel a loss of strength, weakness, all this is very unpleasant. In order not to break down, you need to clearly define your motivation. It’s worth losing weight primarily for yourself; it’s also important to have a good idea of ​​the end result.

A favorite hobby helps a lot. Often people eat because they have nothing to do, so you definitely need to keep yourself busy with something useful and interesting.

Weight Loss Results

A drinking diet has a risk of harming your health. It is important to consult a doctor and take vitamins.

    A drinking diet is an effective way to quickly lose extra pounds. This type of nutrition is used not only for weight loss, but also for the purpose of detoxifying (cleansing) the body. Thanks to the consumption of liquid food, the load on the gastrointestinal tract is reduced, and the body starts recovery processes.

    Features of the drinking diet

    Let's look at what the essence of the drinking diet is, what its benefits are and whether there are risks.

    Essence and benefits

    The essence of the drinking diet is to consume only liquids: any solid food is prohibited. The benefit of a drinking diet is a deep cleansing of the entire body: excess load is removed from the digestive tract, the functioning of internal organs is stabilized, and excess weight is lost.

    The greatest loss of extra pounds comes from water. The human body is designed in such a way that when drinking a large amount of water, it begins to more intensively remove excess fluid from the body. Under conditions of increased fluid consumption, excess water leaves tissues and cells, and body contours become clearer and more prominent.

    Side effects

    The 7-day drinking diet, like the one, is quite strict and is fraught with various risks, especially for those who are practicing such nutrition for the first time. People report a strong feeling of hunger, dizziness, headaches and abdominal pain in the first days. However, by the end of the diet, the symptoms of malaise subside, and they are replaced by comfort throughout the body and lightness.

    However, in some cases, the drinking diet leads to a number of serious side effects:

    • gastritis and other digestive disorders;
    • deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair and teeth;
    • significant decrease in immunity;
    • anemia (anemia) and various hematopoietic disorders.

    The likelihood of such consequences increases if you practice the diet for more than 7-14 days.

    Be careful: The duration of the drinking diet should not exceed one week! There is a risk of not only burning too much muscle mass, but also harming your health.

    A critically low calorie diet is fraught with exhaustion of the body and a complete loss of hunger. In some people, eating behavior during a long-term drinking diet changes so much that it develops into anorexia.


    Specific contraindications:

    • disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • gastritis;
    • disorders of the kidneys and liver;
    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • period of pregnancy and lactation;
    • age under 18 years;
    • increased physical activity.

    Mechanism of weight loss

    A drinking diet gives the body a break from eating solid food and the constant process of digestion. When eating liquid food, the load on the digestive tract is noticeably reduced, which is even beneficial for a short period. The mechanism of weight loss during a drinking diet completely repeats the effect of a regular low-calorie diet.

    Fat burning occurs due to a sharp reduction in calories, since the daily ration of such a diet rarely exceeds 400-500 calories - this is the critical calorie content for the normal functioning of the adult body. A sharp decrease in calories in the diet provokes the body to use liver glycogen, and then its own muscle tissue as a source of nutrients. The body consumes adipose tissue last and very reluctantly, trying to preserve its “strategic reserve”.

    For this reason, as a result of a drinking diet, volumes and kilograms are lost only due to excess water and muscle mass, but not due to fat reserves. Fat cells (adipocytes) are temporarily “deflated” due to a decrease in the amount of fluid in them. Visually, a person looks much slimmer, but in reality the fat does not go anywhere.

    Authorized Products

    The drinking diet, as its name suggests, involves eating only liquid foods—those that do not need to be chewed.

    On a drinking diet you are allowed to consume:

    • any broth (low-fat) - vegetable, meat, fish, chicken;
    • thin puree soups - the vegetables in the soup must be thoroughly ground;
    • dairy and fermented milk products - milk, kefir, natural yogurt and other low-fat fermented milk products;
    • jelly and compotes from any fruits or berries (without added sugar).

    Allowed drinks

    The drinking diet includes the consumption of the following drinks:

    • clean drinking water - at least 1.5-2 liters per day;
    • freshly prepared juices - vegetable or fruit, without added sugar, diluted with water;
    • tea - preferably green and red tea;
    • herbal decoctions - for example, chamomile with the addition of mint.

    While following a drinking diet, the following are strictly prohibited: coffee, caffeinated and alcoholic drinks.

    Let's focus separately on freshly squeezed juices. Fruits contain useful vitamins and microelements. This is an indisputable fact. But drinking large quantities of freshly squeezed concentrated juices (undiluted with water) is not always healthy.

    A high concentration of active substances provokes gastritis and gastric ulcers. In people prone to allergic reactions, concentrated juices can cause severe allergies.

    The above does not mean that you should give up freshly squeezed homemade juices in favor of packaged ones from the supermarket. On the contrary, natural fruit juices are beneficial if you dilute them with water and drink no more than 1-2 glasses a day.

    Principles and rules of the drinking diet

    The effectiveness of a drinking diet directly depends on how ready the body is to switch to a liquid diet.

    Before starting a drinking diet, about 1 week in advance, give up high-calorie, sweet, fatty and salty foods in favor of vegetables and fruits, various liquid cereals and soups.

    Efficiency Rules

    These rules guarantee the maximum effectiveness of the diet:

  1. Don't start a diet suddenly. A seven-day preparatory phase is required.
  2. A drinking diet involves a complete rejection of solid foods and a switch to liquids.
  3. Divide your meals throughout the day into several small portions. Optimal amount: 5-6 liquid meals per day.
  4. The amount of clean water you drink should be at least 1.5-2 liters per day.
  5. During the drinking diet, give up training and other physical activities, as the body experiences an acute shortage of energy and nutrients due to a low-calorie diet. Because muscle tone is weakened, injury is more likely.
  6. During a drinking diet, the body experiences an acute deficiency of vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. Take vitamin and mineral complexes, as well as sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids in capsules: fish oil, milk thistle oil, flaxseed oil.
  7. During a drinking diet, disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract often occur due to the transition to a liquid diet: monitor the regularity of bowel movements and listen to symptoms.
  8. You cannot continue the diet for more than a week. The popular method of the 30-day drinking diet is extremely dangerous and fraught with irreversible consequences.
  9. You cannot abruptly end your drinking diet. Follow the exit rules - switch to your usual diet gradually.

After completing all stages of the drinking diet, it is useful to do fasting drinking days once a week.

Rules for leaving the diet

Leave the drinking diet as gradually as you entered it. The duration of the exit should be approximately 2 times the duration. It turns out that to exit the 7-day drinking diet, you need at least 14 days for the body to fully adapt to a normal diet with solid food.

Here are some tips to make changing your eating habits easier:

  1. In the first days after the drinking diet, it is not recommended to eat rough food at all. The diet should consist of liquid porridges, soups and fermented milk products (natural yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, soft cheeses).
  2. On days 4-5 after the drinking diet, it is allowed to gradually introduce fresh fruits and vegetables.
  3. During the first week of leaving the drinking diet, it is better to consume all solid food in the first half of the day, and try to eat liquid food in the evening.
  4. From the second week, you can already include boiled fish and chicken in your diet, but in small quantities and in the first half of the day. The rest of the time, eat cereals, soups, vegetables, fruits and dairy products.

The right way out of the drinking diet is not only a safe transition to a normal diet, but also minus 2-3 kg of excess weight.

Menu for the week

We present to your attention a drinking diet menu for 7 days. You can also download and print the weekly menu.

First meal:
Second meal:A serving of chicken broth (250 ml); a glass of kefir or natural yogurt without sugar (300 ml).
Third meal:Broccoli puree soup with herbs in meat broth (300 ml). A cup of green tea without sugar.
Fourth meal:Strawberry and cherry jelly without sugar (250 ml).
Fifth meal:A serving of mushroom broth with vegetables pureed in a blender (250 ml).
Sixth meal:
First meal:
Second meal:
Third meal:Creamy soup with chicken broth made from zucchini, onions and bell peppers (300 ml). A cup of red tea without sugar.
Fourth meal:A glass of apple and apple compote.
Fifth meal:A portion of fish broth with vegetables pureed in a blender (250 ml).
Sixth meal:
First meal:A glass of reduced fat milk.
Second meal:A serving of chicken broth (250 ml); a glass of apple and dried fruit compote (200 ml).
Third meal:Cream soup with added cream (300 ml). A cup of green tea without sugar.
Fourth meal:Raspberry and blackcurrant jelly without sugar (250 ml).
Fifth meal:A portion of meat broth with boiled vegetables (zucchini and onions), pureed in a blender (250 ml).
Sixth meal:
First meal:A glass of apple, strawberry and cherry compote.
Second meal:A serving of chicken broth (250 ml); a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice diluted with water (200 ml).
Third meal:Puree soup with broccoli mushroom broth and cream (300 ml); a cup of green tea without sugar.
Fourth meal:A glass of apple and pear compote.
Fifth meal:
Sixth meal:A glass of natural yogurt or kefir.
First meal:A glass of baked milk (2.5% fat).
Second meal:A serving of chicken broth (250 ml); a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice diluted with water (200 ml).
Third meal:Cauliflower puree soup with herbs in meat broth (300 ml). A cup of red tea without sugar.
Fourth meal:Raspberry and cherry jelly without sugar (250 ml).
Fifth meal:A portion of fish broth with boiled vegetables, pureed in a blender (250 ml).
Sixth meal:A glass of natural yoghurt or fermented baked milk.
First meal:A glass of apple and currant compote.
Second meal:A serving of mushroom broth (250 ml); a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice diluted with water (200 ml).
Third meal:Creamy chicken broth soup with vegetables (300 ml). A cup of red tea without sugar.
Fourth meal:Strawberry and raspberry jelly without sugar (250 ml).
Fifth meal:A portion of fish broth with boiled vegetables, pureed in a blender (250 ml).
Sixth meal:A glass of fermented baked milk or natural yogurt.
First meal:A glass of apple, pear and cherry compote.
Second meal:A serving of mushroom broth (250 ml); a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice diluted with water (200 ml).
Third meal:Creamy soup with chicken broth made from zucchini, bell peppers and onions (300 ml). A cup of green tea without sugar.
Fourth meal:A glass of apple, pear and strawberry compote.
Fifth meal:A portion of fish broth with boiled vegetables, pureed in a blender (250 ml).
Sixth meal:A glass of natural yogurt or kefir.

Possible consequences of a drinking diet

The drinking diet is not suitable for everyone and is associated with various risks. It is extremely low in calories and in some cases causes disruption in the functioning of organs and systems.

We list the most likely problems:

  • A deficiency of nutrients, especially essential fatty acids contained in vegetable oils, often leads to dry and flaky skin, the appearance of small pimples and various rashes due to a decrease in the skin's immune defense.
  • In the later stages of the diet, the following situation is possible: in conditions of extreme shortage of energy coming from food, the body begins to use up its own reserves - muscle tissue. The muscles become flabby, lose their tone, and the person looks extremely exhausted.
  • A deficiency of protein and healthy carbohydrates can lead to weakness, increased fatigue, constant drowsiness, memory impairment, decreased vision and a sharp decline in immunity.
  • There is a risk of impaired intestinal motility, since liquid food does not require contraction of the muscles of the digestive tract. After returning to a normal diet, constipation, bloating and intestinal disorders occur.
  • The number of digestive enzymes decreases. Various enzymes are responsible for the proper absorption of food: pancreatic enzymes, intestinal enzymes, bile acids. Their number decreases in proportion to the time of the diet. After a drinking diet, flatulence and heaviness in the stomach often occur. Nutrients from food are not fully absorbed.
  • As a result of a lack of collagen, there is a risk of wrinkles. Hair loss may begin, nails become brittle, and the skin takes on an unhealthy pale tint.

So, despite the truly effective reduction of excess weight, a drinking diet is unlikely to add health to you, and, consequently, beauty. Think carefully before using a similar weight loss technique on yourself: a temporary number on the scale is not worth your health. Health, especially women's health, is extremely fragile - it is easy to destroy, but extremely difficult to restore.

In the article we discuss the drinking diet. We talk about its types and general principles. By following our recommendations, you will learn what you can eat on a drinking diet and how to get out of it correctly.

A drinking diet is one of the most effective methods of losing weight. It is also called the diet for the lazy (due to lack of physical activity) or the model diet.

The main purpose of the drinking diet:

  • reducing the load on the digestive tract;
  • normalization of the functioning of internal organs;
  • weight loss.

Some experts consider this weight loss technique to be quite harsh, since while following it you will have to completely give up solid food.

Like any method of losing weight, drinking has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • efficiency - the ability to “lighten” from 7 to 18 kg;
  • reduction in stomach volume;
  • cleansing the body.


  • presence of side effects;
  • strict adherence to the menu;
  • development of anorexia due to improper dieting.

Side effects include anemia, problems with blood formation, gastritis, deterioration of the skin, and decreased immunity.

Types of drinking diets

Main types of drinking diet by duration:

  • 1 day;
  • 3 days;
  • 7 days;
  • 14 days;
  • 30 days.

According to doctors, the optimal diet is a seven-day diet. If you follow the 30-day weight loss method, serious health problems may occur.

General principles of a drinking diet

This weight loss technique is perfect for people who are used to regularly snacking or eating on the run. Since its main principles are a clear schedule for consuming foods and a liquid diet.

First day of the drinking diet

The hardest day of the diet is the first. At this time, you will constantly want to eat something, you will feel a loss of energy and lack of mood. A characteristic feature of this period is the cleansing of the body. There may also be a coating on the tongue, bad breath, and discomfort.

Start your weight loss course smoothly. Prepare your body by gradually eliminating unhealthy foods from your diet and reducing the number of servings.

Second day of the drinking diet

This day is often compared to the second day of the Favorite diet, in which vegetable and drinking days alternate.

During this time, you will still feel hungry, but not as hungry as on the first day. Your mood and well-being will improve.

What can you do on a drinking diet?

While losing weight, you can drink the following drinks:

  • dairy products containing low fat;
  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • filtered water;
  • any type of tea, but without sugar;
  • oatmeal jelly without adding granulated sugar;
  • cocktail with the addition of berries, fruits;
  • meat broth.

Eliminate sweet and carbonated water and cocoa from your diet (unless this is a chocolate diet).

Diet menu for 7 days

The seven-day drinking diet is the best option for losing weight. It is necessary to prepare for it in advance.

You can create your own diet menu by combining drinks. As you lose weight, your stomach will shrink, making you less hungry.

The main recipe for success is drinking drinks during attacks of hunger or thirst. The minimum amount of water per day is two liters.

Nutrition table for the whole day.

Diet menu for 14 days

When following a diet for two weeks, try to get in and out of it smoothly. After the diet, do not eat solid food for some time, as your stomach is unaccustomed to it.

You can create your own menu for this time; the calorie content of the dishes should not exceed 1400 Kcal per day.

Or use our nutrition table, the menu is divided into 2 days.

Diet menu for 30 days

If you decide to stick to the weight loss method for a month, then first consult with your therapist about taking vitamins and other minerals so that your body receives all the necessary substances.

After the first week of losing weight, the body will be completely cleansed of harmful substances. After 20 days, the liver and kidneys will be cleansed; in the last days of the diet, cleansing will occur at the cellular level.

Below is a table with nutrition that must be followed throughout the month.

Quitting the drinking diet

Start a smooth exit from the diet by gradually introducing familiar foods into your diet. In terms of time, this process should take 2 times longer than the diet itself.

If the course is 14 days, then the output is 28 days.

Try to abstain from flour products for as long as possible and at first eat solid food only for breakfast. Lunch and dinner must be drinkable.

Gradually include solid foods at lunch and then at dinner.

Chocolate drinking diet

This weight loss technique allows you to lose up to 7 kg in 3-7 days. The maximum number of days for losing weight is 15; do not exceed this period, otherwise serious health problems may arise.

Include in your diet:

  • cocoa prepared with low-calorie milk;
  • hot chocolate without added sugar;
  • filtered water.

A few days before starting the diet, prepare your body. Over the course of several days, gradually reduce the serving size.

You can drink up to 7 mugs of cocoa or hot chocolate and 2 liters of clean water per day.

Try to gradually exit the diet. For the first few days, eat fruit puree, then boiled or stewed vegetables. After 2 days, start eating porridge cooked in water with a small amount of butter. Gradually begin to introduce meat and fish into your diet, but in small quantities.

After another 2 days, you can return to your usual diet, but in small portions.

This technique, in addition to weight loss, has other advantages:

  • tonic and rejuvenating effect, since cocoa contains antioxidants and theobromine;
  • improving the well-being of people suffering from asthma, bronchitis, since cocoa contains substances beneficial to the respiratory tract;
  • cleansing the body of toxins and waste if you use this method for fasting days;
  • improved mood - chocolate promotes the production of the happiness hormone.


  • allergy to components of main products;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system;
  • renal failure.

How many kg can you lose on a drinking diet?

The effect of the drinking diet is aimed at weight loss. The number of kilograms lost largely depends on the initial weight and duration of the diet.

Remember, the number of calories consumed per day should not exceed one and a half thousand.

If you follow a one-day and three-day diet, you can lose up to 3 kg.

In a week

If you follow the menu correctly, you can lose up to 7 kg in 7 days.

In 2 weeks

During a two-week weight loss, your weight can decrease by 13 kg.

In 30 days

The most stringent diet, but the result is not small - up to 18 kg.

How to hold out and not break on a drinking diet

When following a drinking regime, the most important thing is motivation. It is this that will allow you not to break down and endure the entire weight loss course.

As soon as your strength begins to leave you, and the desire to eat starchy or sweet foods increases, think about the fact that after the diet you will be able to buy the desired clothes in a smaller size. Read books, watch movies, keep yourself busy with interesting and useful activities, this will help you withstand the entire weight loss course.

Is it possible to harm the body?

The risk of harm to health when following a drinking diet is possible if the doctor’s recommendations are ignored and in the presence of certain diseases such as renal failure, gastrointestinal and heart diseases.

There is a high probability of anorexia if you exit the diet incorrectly.

During weight loss, a decrease in immunity and a decrease in hemoglobin levels are observed. Gastritis may develop.

Drinking diet - results

The drinking method of losing weight has gained great popularity for its effectiveness. It helps women lose up to 10 kg of excess weight, but this diet must be followed carefully and no more than once a year.

Photos before and after

Below are photos of women before and after losing weight.

Minus 8 kg.

Minus 6 kg.