Signs and methods of treatment of placental polyp. Placental polyp after medical abortion Placental polyp after curettage

A placental polyp is a formation in the uterine cavity formed from the tissues of a child's place. This pathology occurs as a result of pregnancy, which was resolved by childbirth, or after a medical abortion. About 0.36% of cases of the disease are registered. According to ICD 10, formations are classified as code N84, as a polyp of the uterine body, or to O90.8, as a complication after childbirth, unqualified in other sections. In this article, our readers will learn how dangerous similar condition and how to treat it correctly.

What is it?

Polyps are fairly common abnormal formations that occur in any part of the body where there is mucous membrane. They are formed from cells of surrounding tissues. So, in our case today, the material for construction is the remains of the placenta, which for some reason remained in the uterine cavity. Single polyps can reach large sizes, which makes it difficult normal work the organ in which they are located. The uterine formation grows up to 8-10 cm. Externally, it is a process, sometimes long and thin with a lump of tissue at the end, or a tubercle with a wide base. The surface often matches the color of the surrounding mucosa, but sometimes they are brown, red, or yellowish. There are also cases of polyposis, when there are many formations. This type of pathology is no less dangerous. The mucous membrane covered with growths cannot function normally.

Interesting fact! Polyps even grow in the nose and ears, as well as in the intestines, stomach, bladder, throat and other places.

Why do placental formations appear in the uterus?

Factors that caused polyps to form:

  • Doctors paid insufficient attention to the patient after childbirth;
  • Incomplete curettage during abortion;
  • Leaving parts of the placenta behind during caesarean section;
  • Antenatal death of a child;
  • Miscarriage;
  • Abortion by any method in which the uterine cavity was not completely cleaned.

The question remains: why the fragment is not rejected or is not in a calm state, but begins to grow. The fact is that the placenta is nourished by many blood vessels, so having the supply, the cells begin to divide, leading to an increase in production. Blood adheres to the surface and becomes overgrown with connective tissue.

Interesting fact! Sometimes a polyp is an isolated additional piece of placenta, which is covered with a membrane and has its own blood supply. This is an anomaly intrauterine development.

Other types of polyps as a result of pregnancy

In addition to the placental one, there are 2 more types of growths, the formation of which is directly related to bearing a child:

  1. Chorionic polyps are formations from cells of the villous chorion - the fetal membrane at the site of attachment to the wall of the uterus. This layer is one of the first to form and initially covers the fertilized egg completely to ensure connection when approaching the walls of the organ. In the place where the junction with the uterus occurs, the villous chorion provides attachment, nutrition and excretion. Then, in this area, the placenta itself appears from the chorion and other components. This type of formation is formed after an abortion or miscarriage early pregnancy.
  2. - these are formations from the cells of the uterine lining, which is formed during pregnancy between the wall and amniotic sac. This is a special pathology that does not require any treatment. Polyps are a consequence hormonal changes when carrying a child. They provoke the growth of this membrane, which is sometimes excessive, which is why polyps appear. Decidua leave the uterus during childbirth.

Clinical picture

The growth does not form immediately, so the symptoms begin to bother the patient 3-5 weeks after the end of pregnancy, in one way or another. Signs of polyps from the placenta are:

  • First, spotting appears;
  • They intensify;
  • Bleeding begins;
  • The patient is weak, pale, and dizzy;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen may be present.

Carefully! If it is felt bad smell, body temperature rises, symptoms of fever and intoxication occur, this indicates a serious infection. Lack of medical care will lead to sepsis and death of the woman.

Diagnosis of pathology

A polyp in the uterine cavity can be identified through a combination of a number of studies:

  1. At the appointment, the doctor will learn about the duration and nature of the bleeding, accompanying symptoms. A patient's history of recent childbirth, abortion, or miscarriage will suggest a suspected diagnosis.
  2. When examined on the chair, the gynecologist sometimes sees a formation hanging through the cervix.
  3. An ultrasound will show the internal condition of the uterus.
  4. Hysteroscopy allows you to visually examine the polyp and surrounding tissues and take a fragment for histological analysis.
  5. A vaginal smear to detect or rule out infection.

Under similar symptoms there may be other complications lurking after completion

pregnancy, so ultrasound is required. In addition, standard tests for CSR, HIV, and hepatitis will be prescribed.

If ovarian pathology is detected during diagnosis, the question of treatment before or after surgery is decided by the doctor individually for each case.

Why are polyps in the uterus dangerous?

The appearance and development of placental formations without necessary treatment leads to the following consequences:

  1. Iron deficiency anemia due to constant blood loss. As a result, the woman becomes weakened, fainting may occur, and mental and physical performance decreases.
  2. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of an organ, which impairs its functionality and can cause endometriosis - dangerous disease. If all this is not treated, the result will be uterine cancer.
  3. Pathologies of the ovaries, which leads to endocrine disorders, and, consequently, weight gain, cycle changes and other troubles.
  4. Infertility. The altered mucous membrane is unable to adhere to the fertilized egg or rejects it in the first weeks. Ovarian dysfunction leads to follicles not maturing, which means pregnancy is impossible.
  5. Sepsis occurs as a result of the death of polyp cells, or when an infection enters the damaged formation. Through numerous vessels pathogenic microorganisms spread quickly.
  6. Death due to infection or heavy bleeding. When a woman suffers from constant blood loss, she weakens and becomes vulnerable to any kind of infection. Therefore, these 2 factors can play together.

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Expert opinion

Olga Yurievna Kovalchuk

Doctor, expert

The patient's reproductive system changes greatly during pregnancy, even if it lasts only a few weeks. After childbirth, the body is weakened by the process itself, and a miscarriage or abortion is sharp drop, stress. Therefore, it is so important to follow your doctor’s recommendations and monitor your condition.

Force placental fragments or polyps to resolve with drug therapy impossible. However, drugs are still used:

  • Antibiotics for relief infectious process;
  • Injections to relax the uterus, as a result of which the formation may fall off;
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Medicines to reduce bleeding when needed.

Subsequently, if the polyp is not rejected, you need to have surgery. There are several removal methods, each with its own pros and cons.

Methods for eliminating polyps from the uterine cavity:

  1. Curettage or curettage. A traumatic method that is widely used in government medical institutions. This is dangerous not only for the uterus, weakened by previous events (abortion, childbirth or miscarriage), but also for the organ of a completely healthy woman.
  2. Vacuum aspiration is a more gentle removal method available in any clinic. The equipment used for abortions is used to clean the uterus. The operation is not always effective. A polyp firmly attached to the wall may remain in place. But if everything went well, the uterus remains intact and will recover within a month.
  3. Classic polypectomy through a hysteroscope. The formation is cut off, and its location is sealed with an electrode. As a result, a small scar is formed, which will interfere with exercise. reproductive function in the future.
  4. Laser polyp removal is the most safe way. The surface of the mucous membrane heals in a matter of days without scars, so the method is suitable for women who are planning a pregnancy in the future. Radio wave equipment has the same advantages.
  5. The doctor can remove a polyp that is located close to the opening of the cervix using a forceps - a tool similar to scissors with ends in the form of forceps. It's fast and free, however, it's not always possible.

The most modern and effective methods are polypectomy through a hysteroscope, laser and radiosurgery. Equipment for such operations is available either in large government institutions, where it is difficult to get to, or in private clinics, where it will cost 5-15 thousand rubles, and sometimes more.

Attention! Uterus curettage and vacuum are different high risk relapses, more than half of the patients return to the doctor after a few months with a new polyp.

The procedure is often performed without anesthesia, but, according to women, the sensations are not pleasant. Therefore, if in doubt, it is better to discuss the issue of pain relief in advance. Anesthesia can also be done in a regular hospital. All manipulations are available on an outpatient basis, so a long stay on sick leave is not necessary.

The removed lesion is sent for histology to study the nature of the tissue. It happens that when microscopic analysis find cancer cells.

Recovery after polyp removal

The first 1-3 days there is a bloody smear. Sometimes contractions of the uterus are felt. Rehabilitation lasts until the onset of menstruation for about a month or a little more. During this period you cannot:

  • Be sexually active;
  • Bask;
  • Take a bath and, in general, immerse yourself in water;
  • Drink alcohol;
  • Be physically tense;
  • Supercool.

For successful recovery you need:

  • Take vitamins and iron supplements if anemia occurs;
  • Visit a doctor for preventive examinations;
  • Maintain genital hygiene;
  • Monitor your condition, the nature of discharge and body temperature.

Some patients blame doctors for what happened, not realizing that a fragment from small quantity cells, not a piece that is hard to miss. Although some negligence cannot be ruled out. No need to panic today similar formations in the uterus they can easily be removed, but the operation is simply necessary, and in what way, everyone decides for themselves based on their capabilities.

Placental endometrial polyp – benign neoplasm, which occurs in the uterus after a woman gives birth to a child or after an abortion. It is formed from placental parenchyma that has not been completely removed from the uterus and is a kind of complication of childbirth, medical abortion, or curettage for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.


As is clear from the above, the reason for the development of this pathological condition becomes the part of the placenta left in the uterus. Of course, a placental endometrial polyp does not appear overnight - first, blood clots stick to a piece of the placenta remaining in the uterus, which become more and more numerous and lead to formation. Such a growth can have either a wide base or a narrow base (pedicle), and its dimensions range from a few millimeters to tens of centimeters, depending on the stage of development.

The main factors predisposing to the development of neoplasms are:

  • mismanagement postpartum period;
  • incomplete curettage of the uterine cavity with artificial birth, miscarriage;
  • incomplete removal of the placenta after cesarean;
  • death of the fetus in the womb;
  • early miscarriage.
  • medabortion or classic abortion, in which the attachment site was not completely removed ovum.

Sometimes a placental endometrial polyp can occur in a woman during pregnancy. In this case, it does not pose a threat to the fetus and mother and is called decidual. During pregnancy, such a polyp is formed from the membranes or placental tissue. After pregnancy, it, along with the placenta, is excreted from the body of the giving birth mother, so treatment for such formation is not carried out.


Unfortunately, detecting signs of a placental polyp can be difficult, because women believe that spotting after childbirth or abortion is natural and do not pay attention to these symptoms. That is, signs that a placental polyp has formed in a woman’s uterus after pregnancy or abortion is the presence of spotting or abundant bloody discharge for a long time. Symptoms pathological formation appear a few weeks after childbirth, abortion or miscarriage - in fact, when the discharge from the woman’s genital tract should have stopped.

A woman may experience pain in the lower abdomen, and her overall health may be impaired due to blood loss. If treatment for an endometrial polyp is not started in a timely manner, other symptoms appear:

  • weakness;
  • fatigue;
  • pale skin;

In the uterine cavity, with a pathology such as a placental polyp, an inflammatory process may develop, as evidenced by symptoms such as:

  • increased body temperature;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discharge from the genital tract (sometimes with an unpleasant odor);
  • itching and burning in the genital area.

Symptoms of a polyp progress without treatment, which becomes a reason to fear for the health and even life of a woman, because the disease can cause serious complications. In particular, a woman may develop anemia from large blood loss, and since her body is already weakened after pregnancy and childbirth, it can threaten her life.

Complications of a polyp can also include:

  • inflammation of the uterine mucosa, in which removal of the organ is the only way to prevent the spread of the inflammatory process.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis and further treatment play important role in maintaining women's health. Therefore, the sooner she noticed symptoms not related to menstrual bleeding, and the sooner you apply for medical assistance, the lower the risk of complications. To make a diagnosis, the doctor takes a medical history to determine whether she has been pregnant, had an abortion or miscarriage, and whether she has had a uterine curettage.

After this is carried out gynecological examination– the uterus will be enlarged and painless to the touch, and an elastic seal can be felt. An ultrasound is then prescribed to confirm the presence of a polyp. Often, for diagnosis, patients are prescribed hysteroscopy, which makes it possible to differentiate a placental polyp after childbirth or abortion from a malignant neoplasm.

Treatment for this pathology consists of removing the polyp. Surgical treatment is carried out today in different ways– classic consists of performing curettage using special tool. Today, this method of treatment is rarely chosen, as it is highly traumatic. Therefore, in order to remove the polyp, a vacuum aspiration device is used. This treatment has fewer side effects.

Modern treatment involves removing the formation using a laser. Unfortunately, although this method is low-traumatic, it is not used everywhere - only in paid clinics.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Vaginal candidiasis is a disease that affects most women. This fungal infection caused by excessive growth of fungal flora in the vagina. Normally in a woman's vagina fungal flora is found in minute quantities, but under certain conditions, fungi begin to actively multiply and displace normal microflora, causing vivid symptoms.

Herpes on the lips is a fairly common and virulent disease, a characteristic feature of which is the appearance of rashes in the form of blisters on the lips, which are very painful upon tactile contact. Most often, the location of the rash elements is the upper or lower border of the lips. Herpes on the lip does not always proceed favorably - if it is not treated in a timely manner, then after a while the formed blisters will completely cover the entire lip. During healing, a large ulcer forms at the site of the vesicles, covered with a drying crust.

Often, after childbirth or a medical abortion, a woman develops a placental polyp in the uterine cavity, and she wonders what it is? How did it form and what treatment is needed? Now we’ll figure it out. As a result of termination of pregnancy, any surgical intervention in the uterine cavity during the formation of the placenta, miscarriage, and sometimes after childbirth from a piece placental tissue formations arise, called placental polyps.

It can form during pregnancy, but in similar situation will not pose a danger to the woman’s health or threaten the fetus. This situation is considered normal and does not require treatment. Subsequently, after several weeks, similar deviation resolves itself. Application therapeutic methods Only true polyps formed after a spontaneous miscarriage, childbirth, medical abortion or poorly performed curettage during a missed pregnancy are required. Based on the method of attachment of the polyp to the uterine walls, depending on the size of the piece of placenta that became the basis, the polyp can form on a thin stalk or on a wide base.

Reasons for the formation of placental polyp

The main cause of placental polyp is a poorly removed placenta remaining after childbirth or cases of termination of pregnancy. Particles of blood begin to settle on a piece of placental tissue remaining on the wall of the uterus, resulting in the formation of a polyp. The main factors causing the formation of this pathological situation are:

Symptoms of the disease

One of the first signs indicating the appearance of pathology is spotting, turning into bleeding. This bleeding usually occurs after an abortion or miscarriage at 2 weeks and continues long time. The duration of bleeding is a significant difference from possible manifestation natural bleeding during menstrual cycle. If a polyp forms after childbirth, bleeding begins in the fifth week and is accompanied by feeling unwell, dizziness, weakness and possible fainting. Bleeding after childbirth may increase to a state close to anemia and require immediate treatment. medical care. With manifestation initial signs placental polyp of a true nature, it is necessary to urgently contact specialists to prevent the development of a serious situation.

Diagnosis of placental polyp

It must be remembered that the possibility full recovery lost health and get well soon directly depends on the timely detection of the disease. That's why preventive examination a gynecologist twice a year should become a sacred duty for everyone modern woman. The main focus during the examination will be on the possibility of pathological neoplasms that have arisen in the patient over a given period of time. If the presence of a placental polyp is suspected, the doctor finds out the nature of its formation, characteristic features the bleeding that occurred, the duration of the bleeding, the patient’s medical history, the presence of abortions, miscarriages and the characteristics of her previous births. Initial diagnostics include:

Treatment methods

Treatment aimed at eliminating pathological neoplasms in the uterine cavity includes three areas. Initially, the polyp is removed using surgery, then measures are taken to raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which has decreased as a result of major bleeding. Final stage treatment consists of preventive measures to prevent inflammatory diseases or stopping their presence.

The removal operation takes place using a special instrument used in surgery - a forceps. In some cases, vacuum aspiration is used for removal.

But in the most productive way, without causing re-education placental neoplasm today is laser removal. Compared to curettage, the use laser method allows you to achieve the least trauma to the uterine cavity and completely remove the remnants of placental tissue. The main advantage of the laser method is the short recovery time postoperative period, allowing you to fully recover within a week.

When an infectious process occurs surgery carried out to prevent the spread of the infectious agent to all organs. Before the operation, it is necessary to get rid of the source of the infectious agent, and only then, if the diagnosis is indisputable or in the case of heavy continuous bleeding, proceed to the procedure for removing the polyp. In this situation, it is most advisable to use a forceps, without resorting to subsequent curettage, in order to prevent the occurrence of secondary bleeding and sepsis. Confirmation of diagnosis after similar procedures is an undeniable condition. Examination of histological scrapings of the uterine cavity, as well as placental tissue taken for analysis, allows us to confirm or exclude the oncological nature of the diagnosis.

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In case of an unconfirmed diagnosis or mild bleeding, it may be used therapeutic treatment using medicines. It is based on the use antibacterial agents And intramuscular injections. Application similar technique can have a relaxing effect on the uterine muscle mass, and also cause spontaneous rejection of the polyp. If similar treatment will bring desired results, then the polyp is removed during menstrual bleeding.


A placental polyp is a neoplasm in the body of the uterus that occurs due to the remnants of the placenta after childbirth, medical abortion, or natural termination of pregnancy. About 10–15% of women undergo the development of such formations. What are the symptoms of this disease and does it pose a danger to female body, let's look at it in more detail in the article.

What is a polyp

The area in the uterus that forms from the remains of the placenta subsequently forms a polyp. This formation is pathological in nature. By appearance it looks like a mushroom and comes in a flat shape. This disease is considered dangerous in gynecology because it does not disappear on its own. His presence causes heavy bleeding and in the worst case, leads to the loss of the opportunity to have children in the future.


The impetus for the beginning of the growth of such a placental formation can be a termination of pregnancy (spontaneous or medical) or natural childbirth. A placental polyp after childbirth or abortion can cause slight bleeding after 2-3 weeks, which the woman accepts as natural postpartum discharge. However, after a month, the patient experienced an increase in symptoms, occurring with abdominal pain, dirty brown discharge, fever, and severe bleeding.

The development of such a neoplasm in the uterine cavity can also be caused by a miscarriage or frozen pregnancy.

The reason for the growth placental remainder is poor-quality removal of the placenta during caesarean section, abortion, manual separation of placenta after natural childbirth.

The area of ​​the placenta that remains in the uterus grows into the connective tissue basal layer and grows with blood vessels. If the patient experiences heavy bleeding, she should immediately contact her gynecologist.

During curettage, the doctor may not completely remove the remaining placenta, which will serve as an impetus for the development of a polyp in the uterus. Therefore, when choosing a doctor to perform an abortion, you need to make sure that he is experienced.

Symptoms of the development of placental polyp

The main symptoms of placental polyp after curettage or childbirth:

  • bleeding of different nature(starts with minor blood loss, which increases over time);
  • severe headaches and fatigue;
  • general weakness, asthenia;
  • dizziness;
  • menstruation disorders.

Unfortunately, this disease is insidious, since not every patient can notice its symptoms in time. After all, after childbirth or termination of pregnancy (curettage or spontaneous abortion), the patient experiences slight discharge of blood clots.

Therefore, bleeding in this disease can be taken as natural course the period following childbirth.

A placental polyp after childbirth causes bleeding to begin only two weeks after natural birth or abortion. While the development of a polyp after curettage almost immediately provokes severe bleeding, the patient in this case is hospitalized and given the necessary medical care.


To diagnose such a formation in the uterine area, it is enough to contact a gynecologist, who can palpate it during examination (if it is large in size). It is very important to diagnose the disease in time, since if the polyp grows after curettage, the patient may become infertile. This is due to the fact that when it grows into the uterine area, the organ ceases to function fully, and the woman’s fertilization function is suppressed. This occurs due to damage by the placental polyp to the germinal layer - the basal layer, which ensures the growth and renewal of the endometrium. Without a healthy endometrium, pregnancy is impossible.

If the polyp is small in size, it can be diagnosed using ultrasound examination uterine cavity or hysteroscopy.

If, after curettage, a woman is nevertheless diagnosed with a disease, then the type and nature of the formations can be accurately determined using histological analysis. For this purpose, hysteroscopy is performed. The doctor carefully examines the uterine cavity, finds the formed polyp and removes it. After which the polyp is examined under a microscope.


Treatment of a placental polyp after medical abortion (curettage) is possible only with an accurate determination of the size and nature of the neoplasm. As a rule, in almost all cases, placental growths in the uterus are subject to surgical removal.

The operation is performed using the curettage method. If after an abortion or childbirth the patient experienced inflammatory processes organs of the gynecological tract, then first of all the doctor should prescribe drugs for the treatment of this pathology and only after that carry out curettage of the polyp in the uterus.

The removed area is sent to a histology laboratory, where it is examined for the nature of the cells present. After the operation, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment with drugs containing iron and vitamin complexes. If a woman has acute anemia, a blood transfusion may be performed. Antibacterial treatment After removal of the placental polyp, it is mandatory.

There are also alternative methods treatment of such growths. These include:

  • laser removal;
  • exposure of the placental polyp to radio waves;
  • destruction of growth in the uterus using electrical waves.

Naturally, these methods are very expensive and not every woman can afford it. However, it is worth considering the positive aspects of such techniques: painlessness of the operation, the duration of the operation is no more than 1 hour, mild course rehabilitation period.

Disease prevention

To prevent the formation of placental growth after curettage, doctors need to carefully monitor the condition of the woman’s body after the abortion procedure. The doctor must ensure that all of the placenta has been removed during surgery. After a natural birth or cesarean section, an ultrasound is also performed before the woman is discharged from the hospital.

If a woman notices spotting that is not typical for menstrual discharge, she should not delay her visit to the gynecologist. Delayed treatment A placental polyp in the uterus can lead to infertility, anemia, and in some cases even death.

The formation of placental polyps in the uterus after curettage is quite rare, however, this disease has poor prognosis. After the abortion procedure, it is important to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, and at the first suspicion of polyp formation, contact a medical facility.

– benign intrauterine neoplasm. It is formed from blood clots that have settled and organized on the remains of the placenta or chorion (villous membrane of the embryo).

ICD-10 code:

O90.8 Placental polyp (Complications of the postpartum period, not classified elsewhere)

A placental polyp is late complication interrupted or completed pregnancy.

If a miscarriage or medical abortion occurs in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, then the placental polyp is formed from small remains villous chorion And blood clots.

From the 1st trimester of pregnancy (after the placenta is fully formed), it is formed from blood clots and areas of placental tissue remaining in the uterus after artificial or physiological birth.

Location of the placenta and villous chorion

Types of placental polyps

    on a thin leg. broad based.

Reasons for the formation of placental polyp

  • Poor quality medical abortion.
  • Incomplete spontaneous abortion (incomplete miscarriage).
  • Frozen pregnancy.
  • Features or abnormalities of placental development (additional lobules, etc.)
  • Irrational management of childbirth, cesarean section, and the postpartum period.

Uterine bleeding of varying nature and intensity (from bloody spotting to heavy bleeding).

The bleeding begins 2-3-4 or more weeks after childbirth or abortion (miscarriage).

  • Weakness, fatigue.
  • Pale skin.
  • Increased body temperature against the background of bloody discharge from the uterus.
  • Dizziness, fainting.
  • Unpleasant sensations or pain in the lower abdomen, lower back.

Uterine bleeding with placental polyp

Why is a placental polyp dangerous?

Painful and life-threatening conditions may develop against the background of a placental polyp:

  • Critical blood loss.
  • Anemia.
  • Secondary infection.
  • Sepsis is blood poisoning.
  • Endometritis is inflammation of the lining of the uterus.
  • IN long term: infertility.

Diagnosis of placental polyp

Ultrasound diagnostics placental polyp
  • Collecting anamnesis - background of the patient’s illness.

Bloody discharge uterine bleeding with a placental polyp, as a rule, they begin a few weeks after: abortion, removal of the fertilized egg (in case of a frozen pregnancy), cesarean section, childbirth. Bleeding may be pulsating (either it is there or not).

  • Examination by a gynecologist.

When examining the patient in a chair, a gaping of the external and internal os of the uterus can be detected. Sometimes the placental polyp protrudes from the opening of the cervix.

  • Colposcopy is an examination of the vaginal mucosa and the vaginal part of the cervix using an optical device.
  • Dopplerography - ultrasound of the blood flow of the uterus.
  • Hysteroscopy is an examination of the uterine cavity using special endoscopic equipment.

The final diagnosis of “placental polyp” is made after histological examination removed tissues of polypoid formation.

Only effective way treatment of placental polyp - surgical removal.

Methods surgical treatment placental polyp:
Forceps - a type of surgical clamp
  • Removing a polyp using a forceps. The operation is performed when part of the polyp in the cervix is ​​visualized or in case of contraindications to therapeutic hysteroscopy.
  • Surgical therapeutic hysteroscopy.
  • Laser surgery.

After removal of the placental polyp, as a rule, a separate diagnostic curettage uterine mucosa. A contraindication to curettage may be infection (sepsis).

The tissue of the suspected placental polyp removed during the operation is sent to histological examination . It is important to exclude trophoblastic disease (hydatidiform mole, chorionepithelioma, chorionic carcinoma).

Placental polyp after childbirth

Possible reasons retention of areas of the placenta and the formation of placental polyp in the uterus after childbirth:

  • Violation of the physiological separation of the placenta from the uterine wall.
  • Accessory lobules, other placental abnormalities.

Signs of delay parts of placental tissue or placenta in the uterus in the early postpartum period:

  • Bloody discharge (pulsating bleeding) with blood clots.
  • Large postpartum uterus.
  • Contractive periodic contractions and relaxations of the postpartum uterus.

Prenatal prevention placental polyp

  • Ultrasound screening.
  • Doppler examination of uterocircular blood flow.

Routine ultrasound screening throughout pregnancy makes it possible to detect separately located areas of placental tissue (additional lobules of the placenta), intrauterine growth retardation, membranous, ring-shaped placenta, and other developmental anomalies.

Knowing the risks, you can prevent postpartum complications, including placental polyp.

Postpartum prevention placental polyp:

  • A thorough examination of the uterine cavity after childbirth.
  • If there are signs of incomplete separation of the placenta - manual release placenta and placenta discharge.
  • Adequate management of the early postpartum period: contraction and antispasmodic therapy.

Any discharge from the uterus, spotting, bleeding that occurs at late the postpartum period is a good reason to immediately consult a doctor.