Calcifications in the lungs: what is it, what are the reasons for its appearance. What are calcifications in the right and left lungs, why are they dangerous?

Lung calcification itself does not require treatment. I am 29 years old. Based on the results of fluorography, the result was single small calcifications at the apex of the left lung. Calcifications are found in any organs and tissues. But in the future, with FLH, this calcification will always be seen! 5. Some cancerous tumors and metastases, while in addition to calcifications in the lung or nearby organs, the main tumor is detected.

If the tumors have not changed the structure of the lungs, then treatment is usually not prescribed. The definition of the term lies in the root of the word - calcium accumulation (in different areas of the body). Deposits of this kind are always the result of past inflammation, emerging tuberculosis or accompanying symptom tumors.

Patients with severe accumulation of salts in organs respiratory system you don't have to worry too much about treatment. It is recommended to save all images so that the doctor can compare the results and monitor the dynamics of changes. Calcification is the accumulation of calcium salts in various tissues of the body.

What is calcification in the lungs?

Multiple widespread calcifications can also appear due to disorders of calcium metabolism in the body. Simply put, any calcification is the replacement of an area of ​​dead or irreversibly changed tissue in which calcium salts are deposited. Moreover, it is not necessary to have had tuberculosis; calcitis in the lungs also occurs as a result of contact with Mycobacterium tuberculosis in childhood. Much less often, areas of calcium salt deposition - calcite - appear in the lungs as a result of pneumonia and microabscesses of the lungs, and cancer.

However, if it is identified, it is necessary to carry out full examination to establish the cause and exclude active tuberculosis process. Deposits of calcium salts in the prostate gland can be associated with both the inflammatory process and circulatory disorders. Quite often, calcification in the prostate is a consequence chronic prostatitis or previous sexually transmitted diseases.

In this case, certain areas of the prostate tissue may be compressed by swelling and lack oxygen. All these and some other factors lead to changes in cellular level and, as a consequence, to the appearance of areas of calcium accumulation in the prostate. As in other organs, calcium is more often deposited in the kidneys after a history of inflammatory process.

Deposition of calcium salts in the mammary glands requires immediate examination to exclude oncological process. The information provided is brief description such a phenomenon as calcification for the purpose of familiarization.

Calcification or calcinosis is calcification internal organs at the site of previous inflammation, due to an oncological process or due to systemic disease. Since due to calcification they may be affected different areas bodies, clinical picture disease consists of common symptoms and signs of damage to one or another organ.

To identify of this disease applied in one body or another X-ray examination. Since calcification has a consistency identical to bone, it is visualized on x-ray, like a dense stone-like formation. Ultrasound examination It is not used to diagnose calcification, but to exclude other diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart and other organs.

The first point in the treatment of calcification is therapy of the underlying disease to prevent the spread of the pathological process. Surgical treatment calcification is practically not used, since the operation does not eliminate the pathological factor, but simply removes the results of its influence.

Calcium deposits in the mammary gland

For kidney calcification, hemodialysis is used - hardware purification of the blood from pathological metabolic products. Symptomatic therapy for myocardial calcification is the use of cardiac glycosides and cardiotrophic drugs (digoxin, corglycon, strophanthin). Doctor, did I have tuberculosis or do I still have it? Is this dangerous for others and for a one-year-old child? Can I continue to work at a children's hospital?

57 years old)at at the moment They diagnosed a disseminated process in the lungs. Calcifications are an accumulation of calcium salts in any organ of the human body. In some cases, such a formation may appear without previous tuberculosis, simply as a consequence of contact with mycobacteria. This helps to reduce pathological process to a minimum, and the disease itself will not begin to develop. However, it is imperative to find out the cause of this phenomenon and find out whether the person currently has active tuberculosis.

Calcifications in the prostate are a rather rare phenomenon, and their appearance is associated with both the presence of an inflammatory process and circulatory disorders. The reason for the accumulation of calcium in the kidneys is a variety of inflammatory processes in this organ, and the most common is glomerulonephritis.

The danger of salt deposits in the kidneys is that they can impair normal work these organs. It is impossible to detect these formations in the mammary gland by palpation, but they are clearly visible during a study such as mammography. The presence of calcifications is not always a suspicion of a malignant tumor, but rather the opposite - in 80% of all cases, these formations indicate the presence of a benign tumor process.

However, it also happens that diagnosed single calcifications are not a sign of a breast tumor, which is simply not found during further diagnosis. In some cases, diseases may be diagnosed that lead to calcium deposition in soft tissues, most often fibrocystic mastopathy and various adenoses.

This known disease, like atherosclerosis, is actually calcinosis, because atherosclerotic plaques contain only calcium. As for treatment, this disease is easier to prevent than to cure, since such plaques cannot be removed using conservative therapy.

Only a doctor can determine the presence of calcifications in the lungs, after scheduled inspection. This is how ordinary calcification in the lung without treatment led to the development of severe disseminated tuberculosis in the baby. However, calcifications in the breast can also develop against the background of mastopathy or after suffering from mastitis.

When an accumulation of calcium appears in the tissues of any of the organs of our body, a pathology such as calcification occurs. Most often there are several such calcification formations. At their core, these formations are calcareous “capsules” with dead tissue that has been damaged as a result of injury, infection, and so on.

Thus, the body tries to interrupt the spread of pathology by sealing the source of the problem into such a “capsule”. Although when a doctor discovers calcification in tissues, this indicates that the health of this person is at risk.

Places of calcification formation

As you can see in the picture, any organ, and any soft fabric may be susceptible to calcification. X-rays often reveal pathology in the lungs. It is also often found on the kidneys, placenta, mammary glands, and prostate glands.

Initially, organ tissue is affected by an infectious agent. This is mainly tuberculosis, although calcifications may appear due to the development of other infections. Everything happens gradually: an infection occurs, then the immune system begins to fight it so that it does not spread further. As a result, the affected area of ​​organ tissue dies, becoming covered with a calcareous shell. It is worth noting that this type of calcification can also occur in healthy people.

However, if a person has chronic diseases, which can lead to local lesions, then there will be more such formations. For example, you can observe a large accumulation of calcification in the prostate tissue.

Calcina description

Calcifications also form when there is a tumor. So, for example, even a small area of ​​the calcareous shell can become a symptom of its cancer. But large deposits can indicate that there is no tumor.

It is worth saying that expectant mothers should be careful if they are diagnosed with calcifications. This can usually happen on later pregnancy. AND this symptom should not be ignored. Calcifications on the placenta can appear after metabolic disorders and after an infection.

Treatment of calcifications

As mentioned above, calcifications are not a disease as such; they rather play the role of symptoms of other pathologies. This means that such deposits cannot be treated. Only after identifying the reasons for their appearance, the doctor prescribes therapy for the underlying disease, which caused such deposits. It is worth saying that, unlike kidney stones, bladder and so on, calcifications are not crushed, because they cannot be naturally removed from the body. Even a change in diet cannot affect the formation of such limestone “capsules”. Calcifications often resolve on their own after treatment of the underlying disease.

Judging by your diet, you don’t care about your immune system or your body at all. You are very susceptible to diseases of the lungs and other organs! It's time to love yourself and start improving. It is urgent to adjust your diet, to minimize fatty, flour, sweets and alcohol. Eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products. Nourish your body by taking vitamins and drinking more water(precisely purified, mineral). Strengthen your body and reduce the amount of stress in your life.

  • You are susceptible to moderate lung diseases.

    So far it’s good, but if you don’t start taking care of her more carefully, then diseases of the lungs and other organs won’t keep you waiting (if the prerequisites haven’t already existed). And frequent colds, intestinal problems and other “delights” of life and accompany weak immunity. You should think about your diet, minimize fatty, flour, sweets and alcohol. Eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products. To nourish the body by taking vitamins, do not forget that you need to drink a lot of water (precisely purified, mineral water). Strengthen your body, reduce the amount of stress in your life, think more positively and your immune system will be strong for many years to come.

  • Congratulations! Keep it up!

    Do you care about your nutrition, health and immune system. Keep up the good work and there will be more problems with your lungs and health in general. for many years will not disturb you. Don't forget that this is mainly due to the fact that you eat right and lead healthy image life. Eat proper and healthy food (fruits, vegetables, dairy products), do not forget to consume large number purified water, harden your body, think positively. Just love yourself and your body, take care of it and it will definitely reciprocate your feelings.

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    Questions and answers on: how to treat calcifications in the lungs

    2011-01-28 12:17:38

    Lera asks:

    Hello, Vera Alexandrovna! Thank you for your answer. 2 days ago I had a routine fluorography. Again, the doctor saw last year’s spot, I explained to her how everything happened (that I was not treated, I was examined twice, six months apart), and showed me a certificate that I had been deregistered. She told me, they gave you a certificate, but they didn’t give you a diagnosis (I don’t understand anything? After all, the certificates say 1 time OTI (m), 2 times MY). I ask if it’s calcification, to which she says, the calcification is more pronounced or something white (that’s how I understood her) and it’s in your best interests (so as not to have to be examined every year) for you to be diagnosed. and recommended that I do a CT scan for myself (you also advised me). CT results: on the right at the apex of S2 a lesion was detected with clear contours measuring about 1 cm heterogeneous structure with single calcifications with a reaction of the costal pleura. The rest of the parameters are normal as I understand. conclusion: CT data for OTI (m). T.K. On my last visit to the tuberculosis dispensary they told me to come again, I went to see them today, and the doctor greeted me with the words “Why did you come?” I told her, so you yourself said in another six months, come back and show me the CT results. She honored them and sent me home. Of course, I was delighted, to say the least, because last year I lived from examination to examination, but I don’t understand one thing - when they ask me if I have had tuberculosis, what should I answer? Both the radiologist and the doctor tell me, say that you didn’t get sick (but what about the CT scan?), but the calcification won’t go away and every year after fluoro they will show me this spot again. Or should I always carry my CT result with me? I’m planning a pregnancy and it’s important for me to know this, because after giving birth everyone in the maternity hospital is taken to fluoro, what if I’m isolated? Another question about getting sick again was I told that the chances are the same as for healthy people? And why did she say on the fluoro that it was not calcification, but on the CT scan it was calcification? And do changes always remain after tuberculosis? If I had withdrawn earlier (before calcification formed) and I had been treated, would changes in the lungs have remained? Or is it still calcification? best option? Maybe I had tuberculosis infection and as a result - calcification? Sorry for so many questions. Thank you in advance.

    Answers Strizh Vera Alexandrovna:

    During the next x-ray examination, you should always present previous x-rays and CT scans so that the radiologist can assess the changes or lack thereof. If there are no changes, then the spot is considered inactive, and you are considered healthy. The information content of CT is much higher than fluorograms. A CT scan shows the structure of the formation, but a fluorogram shows only a spot. Calmly plan your pregnancy. You are healthy. After TB they do not always remain residual changes. It depends on the body’s ability to heal damage: some develop scars, some have calcifications, some even have residual cavities, and some recover without a trace. Is the person with a scar on his arm healthy? You have the equivalent of a scar in your lung. You are healthy!!!

    2014-03-05 21:14:47

    Raisa asks:

    Good evening! I often have a cold and cough. The cough is difficult to treat, I take treatment for 6 months and it doesn’t go away completely. Diagnosis chronic bronchitis. Did a CT scan of organs chest cavity.
    Results January 2013: bilateral diffuse enrichment, deformation, reticulation of the pulmonary pattern, more in the posterobasal regions of the lungs.
    The roots are stringy, their structure is reduced. In the projection of the roots there are shadows of small petrificates. IN ground floor anterior mediastinum an increase in the volume of fatty tissue with a density of -118 to -116 HU units without signs of encapsulation is determined. Smoothness and expansion of the contours of the mediastinum are noted. Calcifications of the aortic arch. Foci bone destruction not noted. Diagnosis of chronic bronchitis. Diffuse lipomatosis of the anterior mediastinum.
    CT results January 2014: bilateral diffuse enrichment and deformation of the pulmonary pattern are determined. more in the hilar regions of the lungs. The domes of the diaphragm are quite smooth and clear. High standing is noted
    right dome of the diaphragm. In the lower floor of the anterior mediastinum, an increase in the volume of fatty tissue with a density of -115 to -113 HU units without signs of encapsulation is determined. The diagnosis is the same as in 2013. The diagnosis worries me because there are discrepancies. I’m currently being treated with azithromycin, but I feel that I won’t be cured in 3 days of taking an antibiotic, since in 2013 I was treated with the same thing, but I was sick for a long time. Explain the changes in the tests and how should I be treated? Thank you.

    Answers Shidlovsky Igor Valerievich:

    2013-11-22 10:33:06

    Marina asks:

    Hello, dear consultants. I am 27 years old. At the beginning of 2013, she became ill and developed fever in the evenings, sweating, weakness, and loss of appetite. An x-ray showed that there was fluid in the lungs, 700 ml. They pumped out about 300 ml. The rest gradually resolved during treatment. Unfortunately, the pulmonologist turned out to be incompetent and did not detect tuberculosis in me, but treated me as community-acquired pneumonia, complicated exudative pleurisy. In general, after using anti-inflammatory antibiotics, I felt good, thought I had recovered. Until, in July, I took a photo. It turned out that he has dense lesion measuring 14 by 9 mm, and there are calcifications. AND fibrotic changes. And a small lesion, 8 mm. I gave the spit, did a bronchospia, took a washout from the bronchi, the result was negative. In general, treatment was carried out, with medications administered through the rectum; treatment took 3 months. As a result, there is a scar at the site of a small lesion, tuberculoma measuring 14*9 mm, fibrous changes and calcifications. The question is this. Is it possible to live with a tuberculoma of this size without resorting to surgery? Does it affect pregnancy? My doctor says that, in general, it is small, and you can live with it all your life, but maintaining your immunity and a healthy lifestyle. And what if during pregnancy and postpartum period, carry out preventive treatment. Is it possible to use anti-tuberculosis drugs during pregnancy? And will I be able to pass a medical examination to work in government agencies with tuberculoma? I don't work with children, only adults. In general, I plan to go on a long-term business trip in the future, will I be able to pass a medical examination for tuberculoma? (At work they don’t know about my illness)

    Answers Telnov Ivan Sergeevich:

    Hello. You will not be able to undergo a medical examination with tuberculoma at government agencies. You can receive preventive treatment during pregnancy - your doctor will select the medications you need. But given the rather large size of tuberculoma, it is better to surgical treatment. Consult your thoracic surgeon.

    2011-11-27 10:32:28

    Natalya asks:

    Hello! I would really like to hear a professional independent opinion on my problem. For a couple of years I was periodically bothered by pharyngitis, I went to see an ENT specialist, was treated for almost a month with three different antibiotics so that my liver began to bother me. During this treatment, my father died of lung cancer (lymphoma of the left lung + peripheral cancer), in the funeral fuss, I drank water after my brother had a cold. The result was acute respiratory infection + bronchitis. The ENT doctor canceled the Loraxone injections, prescribed Galitin and sent me to continue treatment for bronchitis. And now it’s been the third month since I can’t get rid of the cough. I was examined. CBC - normal, urine - traces of protein, sugar - 5, x-ray - everything is in order (except for a formation in the right lung, which has been observed unchanged for several years), pneumotachometry - normal, spirogram - normal, ECG - normal, blood biochemistry - normal (including all tests) Ultrasound of the thyroid gland - moderately enlarged, Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - signs of chronic pancreatitis and chronic cholecystitis, sputum for TB - negative. I visited a pulmonologist to treat tracheobronchitis, drank everything prescribed, zero results, I visited an ENT specialist ( already different) - chronic vasomotor rhinitis, idiopathic cough, CT scan of the thoracic cavity was performed: with spiral computed tomography of the chest organs, it is determined in the S6 segment of the lower lobe right lung against the background of an unchanged pulmonary pattern, pathological extensive education round in shape, measuring about 1.7 cm, with clear, even contours, heterogeneous structure, tissue density up to 48 units N., with the inclusion of lumpy calcifications. All other organs of the cavity are in order, not changed, without fluids, without features, not enlarged. Conclusion: a mass formation of the lower lobe of the right lung, with signs of benignity, requiring dynamic observation (hamartoma?, tuberculoma??). I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I’ve never suffered from allergies. And the cough just tormented me. I cough in the morning after getting up from bed, right away the cough is dry and then I cough up mucous transparent white sputum, and at this time nasal congestion is present, this continues for about 30-40 minutes, then everything goes away, during the day there is sometimes a slight cough and coughing up the same sputum (a couple of spits) when I sit or lie down coughing no at all, no cough at night either, I sleep normally. There are no other cold symptoms, no fever. There is a little weight loss (but after antibiotics I treated my liver and pancreas and I lost my appetite from the medications, I had nausea, now my appetite has returned to normal) I’m just panicky this cough! And I understand that it’s not just like that, but something in the body has malfunctioned. I’m afraid of a medical error, since my father was treated for a neuroinfection for two years, but after a CT scan it turned out that he had lung cancer, and it was too late to treat. And not a single doctor yet whom I contacted did not collect a general history of the disease, each looked into his own area and made his own diagnosis, but the diagnosis may be secondary and you need to look for another cause. Please tell me what you think about my situation? Thank you.

    To begin with, it is worth deciding on the terminology that will be used in the material. So, by calcification in medicine we mean the accumulation of tissue atypical for an organ, filled with deposits of calcium salts. Calcifications in the lungs can form under the influence of various pathogenic factors. These areas of altered alveoli impede gas exchange and reduce the vital capacity of the lungs. Moreover, they can become foci for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora, since calcium does not have immune activity and does not allow the body to quickly and effectively suppress the development of bacteria, viruses and rods.

    The pathological process of formation of areas of salt deposition begins with damage to physiological tissue. What is this from a pathogenetic point of view? This is a defeat of normal cellular structure, which is gradually replaced by scars of connective tissue cords. This type cells do not have a circulatory network, are not supplied with oxygen and nutrients. In order to stabilize its structure connective tissue easily attracts ions of various salts.

    Let's try to analyze the causes of calcifications in the lungs and the possibilities used for treatment in children and adults. We will also look into the potential risks that these strange foci of altered tissue carry.

    Calcifications in the left and right lung - the reasons may be different

    Depending on a person’s lifestyle and profession, risk factors for respiratory damage may vary. But the most common is the classic trilogy:

    • unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, living in polluted environmental conditions);
    • inflammatory processes in the lung tissue (pneumonia, tuberculosis, asbestosis, bronchitis, bronchiolitis);
    • chemical and thermal effects (adverse professional conditions, working in a hot shop, visiting a sauna and steam room in a Russian bath and a number of other factors).

    The causes of calcification in the lungs are determined only on the basis of the life history and morbidity of each individual person. This is due to the fact that tissue desiccation is a long process, requiring many months and even years. Therefore, on fluorography, calcifications of the right lung may appear 2-3 years after acute pneumonia was suffered in the legs. Despite this, the patient's condition requires constant monitoring and carrying out differential diagnostics.

    Even minor calcifications in the right lung, as well as on the other side, can be a primary risk factor for the development of tuberculosis and cancer. Therefore, it is important to exclude more serious pathologies already on initial stage. To do this, it is recommended to conduct a bronchoscopy with the collection of biological material for subsequent hysteroscopy, and culture of the sputum discharge, which makes it possible to determine infection with tuberculosis.

    In some cases, survey radiography in several projections is indicated. In difficult cases it is recommended computed tomography, which is the most effective modern method diagnostics

    Calcification in the left lung requires no less attention, indicating the presence of some inflammatory process near it. Often, a more thorough diagnosis reveals infectious myocarditis, serous endocarditis and a number of other myocardial pathologies in chronic phase currents. It is recommended to do an ultrasound of the heart and an ECG. Also required are general analysis blood and urine.

    Even a single small calcification in the lungs requires treatment!

    Unfortunately, nowadays doctors inadvertently miss similar cases and they do not tell patients that even a single small calcification in the lung cannot appear just like that, on its own. And he requires careful additional diagnostics and adequate treatment.

    Restore calcified lung tissue very difficult, sometimes it takes several years of rehabilitation for a person to breathe again full breasts. But these efforts are not in vain, since when conducting therapy, first of all, the doctor takes care of reducing the risk of developing oncology and tuberculosis.

    Treatment of calcifications in the lungs begins with searching for the cause of its occurrence and subsequent removal etiological factor. In most cases, this is a sign that the person has had long-term contact with someone infected with TB. And in the lesion surrounded by calcified tissue, it is Mycobacterium tuberculosis that can be encapsulated. Therefore, consultation with a phthisiatrician is required and mandatory laboratory tests. If there is positive reaction, then it is carried out preventive treatment tuberculosis infection.

    After eliminating the cause, the process of restoring the vital volume of the lungs begins. A nutritious diet with high content proteins of plant and animal origin. Drugs that accelerate tissue regeneration are also used. This could be "Solcoseryl", "Actovegin" for intravenous administration and subsequent administration in tablet form. Electrophoresis with aloe, fibs, vitreous. Recommended to use medicinal herbs, facilitating the process of sputum discharge, freeing the alveoli from mucous secretion.

    Using vibration massage, reflexology and regular complexes breathing exercises can be fully restored physiological state lung tissue.

    Excellent remedy is good rest on sea ​​coast. Its duration must be more than 40 days a year.

    Are calcifications in a child’s lungs dangerous?

    IN lately Cases of congenital changes in the structure of normal tissues of the body have become more frequent. Are calcifications in a child’s lungs dangerous if they were formed during prenatal development? Is it possible to fight them and is it necessary to do so?

    Let's try to understand these issues. It's worth starting with what's most likely similar symptom indicates that the baby in the first years of his life encountered a case of aggression from the tuberculosis bacillus. His body most likely neutralized the dangerous pathogen and placed it in a special capsule covered with lime deposits. This requires careful treatment from a phthisiatrician. Especially if there is a hypertrophic Mantoux reaction.

    Intrauterine infection can also contribute to salt deposition. Treatment in this case is not required. Most likely, during the development of the respiratory system, this object will disappear on its own. However, it is recommended to monitor the child’s condition and, whenever possible, conduct additional examinations.

    General practitioner Nechaeva G.I.