How to remove fat and tighten sagging belly in women. real ways to lose belly fat

What you need to know to get rid of excess fat in the body. Targeted fat loss is completely doable if you understand what you are doing and why you are doing it.

Stubborn fat and fat in problem areas ah - things are completely different. Therefore, the strategies for getting rid of both are completely different. Stubborn fat different from any other fat in our body. There are more alpha receptors than beta receptors. It is much more sensitive to insulin and does not interact in any way with our bloodstream. Dietary restrictions and intensive physical activity only block the process of getting rid of stubborn fat.

A proper diet plus green tea extract, forskolin and yohimbine are your only real help.

How to remove fat from your entire body

One day I was looking through news on one of the most popular Facebook pages dedicated to healthy image life and fitness. In one of the discussions, someone asked a question about how to get rid of problematic fat in certain areas of our body.

The group administrator replied: “It is impossible to burn fat in certain points of your body. It's simply unrealistic. Fat is burned throughout the body evenly. Losing fat in certain areas of the body has long been recognized as a myth.”

What is the truth, you ask? I'll answer. The group administrator made a mistake twice: fat is burned in certain zones - this is one, and this is not a myth - this is two.

Stop! Does local fat burning work?

Burning fat in a specific area of ​​our body carries the idea that each part of the body has its own set of exercises, which helps to get rid of fat deposits in a targeted manner.

The first thing that comes to mind is exercise equipment that helps pump up the abs, support the back, weight loss belts and various tonics and fat-burning lotions. Sounds funny, doesn't it?

However, in 2007 it was scientifically proven that local fat burning really works. This study was published in the American Journal of Psychology, Endocrinology and Metabolism by Dr. Bente Stallnect.

In this study, the leg involved in active daily activities sports exercises, lost significantly more fat mass than the leg that did not participate in the exercises. This study dispels all possible misconceptions once and for all.

Yes, fat can be burned in certain areas of our body. There is only one small problem: in this way fat is burned very slowly and in an insignificant amount.

So, the next clarification is “spotted” fat burning is possible, but its result is almost invisible.

The point is that reducing the amount of fat in a certain area is possible, but it is as stupid as trying to patch a flat tire with a simple pencil. This makes practically no sense; you can’t get away with exercises alone.

What is “stubborn fat”?

The article began with a conversation about getting rid of fat in certain areas because to talk about fat and overweight It’s worth approaching thoroughly. Here we will not talk about how to get rid of fat locally.

Getting rid of stubborn fat and fat in specific areas of the body are two different things. Local fat burning is directly related only to exercise. The fight against stubborn fat means proper nutrition, regular exercise and well-chosen food additives.

Burning fat zonally is an absolutely pointless exercise. It works, but it's too small. But purposefully getting rid of stubborn fat is quite feasible if you understand what you are doing and why you are doing it.

The first thing to know about stubborn fat is that it is physiologically different from any other fat in the body. In such fat, alpha receptors predominate over beta receptors.

Stubborn fat is too insulin sensitive and resistant to blood flow. Subcutaneous fat is much more “harmful” than visceral fat (growing on organs) and intramuscular fat.

The most difficult areas in terms of getting rid of fat are: hips, buttocks, fat deposits on the sides in the waist in men and in the hips in women.

Fat burning from a biochemical point of view

Burning fat means removing it from fat cells. This process is called lipolysis. To burn fat, it must be transferred to muscle cell, in which it, in fact, will be burned. Here the baton is taken over by the bloodstream. As a result, fat enters the cells and is burned. The last step is called lipid oxidation.

Stubborn fat disappears especially slowly. All this is due to a special set of receptors in fat cells.

The main hormones responsible for getting rid of fat- catecholamines (norepinephrine and adrenaline). These hormones bind to receptors in fat tissue, which send a signal to the brain that it is time to release fat cells. These are beta and alpha receptors. Beta receptors speed up the release of fat cells, alpha receptors slow it down.

So let's remember: beta receptors are good, alpha receptors are bad. These receptors act as levers that turn on intracellular signaling, which provokes either acceleration or suppression of the activity of the hormone sensitive lipase.

Conclusion - to defeat stubborn fat, you need to increase the activity of beta receptors and reduce the activity of alpha receptors.

Stubborn Fat and Insulin Sensitivity

The majority of fitness trainers and medical workers understands something about how the body resists insulin. Most people believe that insulin resistance is one holistic concept without any specific characteristics.

So, the main thing you need to understand before you start fighting stubborn fat is to understand what insulin resistance and sensitivity are.

Stubborn fat is more sensitive to insulin than regular fat. The normal effect of insulin is to reduce the activity of enzymes in fat cells responsible for the release of fat and increase the activity of enzymes responsible for the deposition of fat into cells. A cell that is more resistant to insulin releases more fat than it stores.

Insulin no longer acts on stubborn fat so much as it acts on alpha and beta receptors, increasing the activity of alpha receptors versus beta receptors. That's why, insulin is your main obstacle in the fight against stubborn fat.

Other hormones also play a role.

Activity thyroid gland also enhances the activity of beta receptors and reduces the activity of alpha receptors. Anything that can disrupt the function of the thyroid gland can also disrupt the process of getting rid of stubborn fat.

Estrogen increases the activity of alpha receptors. Periods high concentration estrogen in the body, such as in late follicular phase and at the beginning of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle are those periods in a woman’s life when her stubborn fat becomes especially stubborn.

Body temperature and blood flow

Another difficult moment is that stubborn fat is resistant to blood flow. As a result, if fat is released, it does not even budge and does not move to those areas of the body where it is easier to burn.

Alpha receptors also influence the intensity of blood flow. More alpha receptors mean less intense blood flow.

Stubborn fat is found in areas of the body that are very difficult to warm up. So a saggy butt, buttocks, and indeed everything that surrounds our waist are the “coldest” areas of our body. This information gives you practically nothing for now.

You can thoroughly warm up certain areas of the body in different ways - and not only with the help of a sauna, massage and ointments, creams, warming belts and other nonsense. This may help someone, but if it does, then why do people still continue to invent more and more ridiculous devices for the apparent removal of fat?

How to beat stubborn fat

Well, since now you understand what stubborn fat is and all its biochemical stubborn features, let’s finally talk about specific actions that can be taken against it.

Here's three for you simple steps, which are as easy to implement as simply to say:

  1. Stop dieting;
  2. Restart your diet;
  3. Determine the problem area.

Quitting the diet

The more I study metabolism, the more I am convinced that diet and dietary restrictions are the main opponents in the fight for positive changes in the body. And first of all, this applies to stubborn fat. If you fast, your body will begin to engage in heavy metabolic compensation.

Adaptive thermogenesis is one aspect of this process. You eat less, exercise more, get tired, your body wants to eat, gives you less energy and slows down metabolic processes. As a result, your body survives on approximately 300 calories per day. This figure is critical.

In other words, your body begins to stubbornly resist further fat loss. During this period, most people break down and are drawn into a three-month bakery and donut binge. And where do you think this suddenly unplanned fat gain will go? Naturally, in deposits of stubborn fats! But these are the fats that you were trying to burn in the first place!

As a result, diets not only add new fat deposits to you, but also make them almost irremovable. This occurs due to an increase in insulin sensitivity in stubborn fat tissues during times of lack of nutrition in the body and due to a slowdown in the functioning of the thyroid gland.

All this leads to the activation of compensatory activity of alpha receptors and a slowdown in the activity of beta receptors. And we have already realized that this is not good.

The traditional diet in our understanding is a direct path to constant problems with stubborn fat. Diet increases your body fat.

There are two ways to get rid of the diet:

  1. Eat less + less exercise (MEMU program);
  2. Eat more, exercise more (BEBU program).

MEMU-approach implies a smaller amount of physical activity, which includes regular walking and rare trips to the gym. This allows us to switch to a low-carb diet without creating negative metabolic compensation processes in our body. This approach looks like 3 – 2 – 1 for both diet and exercise. What does it mean?

  • Meals three times a day: twice protein, once vegetables.
  • Regarding sports, these are three recreational and recreational activities (massage, fitness, sound sleep), two traditional weight lifting workouts and one hour of daily walking.

BEBU approach– the direct opposite of the MEMU approach. It includes the consumption of high-carbohydrate (naturally, only slow carbohydrates, the list of products is attached) food + intense training every day.

  • We do everything on the score 3-2-2. Three meals a day, two protein-based snacks and two starch-based snacks (post-workout).
  • In terms of sports - three full trips to the gym and two regular cardio workouts per week.

Both approaches eliminate metabolic compensation. Although the second one is, of course, preferable.

Restarting the diet

None of these systems will give you absolute comfort. Our metabolism adapts very quickly to changes in environment and diet. So metabolic compensation will still occur (but, naturally, to a much lesser extent).

To bypass this compensation, you should use one interesting idea– regularly “restart” the diet so that our metabolism does not have time to sense something and guess any changes.

The thyroid gland will continue to work actively, and insulin sensitivity will remain at an acceptable level.

Between calories, hormones and stubborn fat, you'll experience what's known as the Goldilocks effect (those who read the fairy tale as a child will understand) - not too much, not too little, but just right.

Alternate the two approaches described above every two to three weeks. It is advisable for women to do this accordingly menstrual cycle. A week before and during menstruation, extreme low level estrogen, which helps outsmart those nasty alpha receptors. During this period of time it is very easy to change your diet, add physical exercise and redirect your lifestyle towards getting rid of fat deposits.

However, the craving for food during this period in women is slightly increased. But here, oddly enough, cocoa powder helps well. Cocoa increases dopamine and serotonin levels.

Determining the problem area

When we're talking about about certain problem areas, we don't just mean exercise. We're talking about nutrition, exercise, and supplements.

When you burn fat, you burn fat all over your body, including stubborn fat. There are simply circumstances under which stubborn fat burns much more slowly.

That is why very often in gyms you can see people who, while losing weight, cannot get rid of hanging barrels, belly and wide hips. It's just that the usual fat mass The body shrinks quickly, but stubborn fat practically stands still. As a result, the illusion appears that a person, while losing weight, gains significantly more than was previously the case in the abdomen and hips.

The first step is to remember that Fat loss is a reduction in calories consumed + stable hormonal balance. This can again be achieved by choosing the right weight loss program. MEMU will make fat “starve”, BEBU will feed “skinny” areas of the body. This saves you from metabolic compensation and problems at the hormonal level.

Your stubborn fat will no longer be stubborn, and your figure will look harmonious.

In addition to the above, it is worth mentioning food additives. The best ones are green tea extract and forskolin. Both of these supplements work on the same cellular signaling that is activated by catecholamines. However, they do not do this by binding to alpha and beta receptors.

Of course you need long time so that the supplements actually work against stubborn fat.

It is also important stable blood insulin levels, without sudden jumps.

There is also something that can help block alpha receptors. Yohimbine and berberine help with this.

  • Yohimbine, however, is addictive and subsequently ceases to be beneficial to a losing weight.
  • Berberine also has the property of weakly blocking alpha receptors.

This is a good combination ephedrine + caffeine with or without aspirin. Although, as a doctor, I can say that I am against such chemical sophistications.

Final smart thoughts

So, here's a list of the main points:

  • Only help against stubborn fat proper diet, exercise and well-chosen nutritional supplements.
  • Losing fat in a specific part of the body works, but is insanely slow.
  • Fat is burned evenly throughout the body, but stubborn fat is lost much more slowly than any other fat. Stubborn fat is stubborn because of its hypersensitivity to insulin, oversaturation of alpha receptors and weak internal blood flow.
  • Simple diet makes stubborn fat even more stubborn due to insulin and changes in the thyroid gland, which increases the activity of alpha receptors and reduces the activity of beta receptors.
  • Ditch your regular diet and commit to a healthy combination of nutrition and exercise.
  • MEMU and BEBU nutrition and exercise programs help combat metabolic compensation in the body.
  • Periodic changes in diet and exercise help to avoid hormonal changes and includes the hated stubborn fat in the fat burning process.
  • Nutritional supplements such as green tea extract, coleus, berberine, yohimbine and others will help speed up the process of losing fat in difficult areas of the body. Just don’t forget about proper nutrition – without it, nutritional supplements don’t work. published .

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

How to get rid of fat in the lower abdomen and remove soft sides? Best strategy training, recommendations for cutting and withdrawal excess water, hiding the relief press.

Belly fat and nutrition

It's no secret that belly fat grows with... excessive consumption sweet and fatty foods. Sugar increases insulin levels, opening up the ability of cells to take in energy, and the fat and calories present in food become ideal building material for the formation of fat reserves on the body.

That is why if you want to remove fat from your belly and sides, you need to carefully study the theory of the glycemic index and limit fast carbohydrates in your diet as much as possible, while at the same time increasing the amount of fat - scientific evidence suggests that this normalizes insulin secretion in the body.

Strategy for getting rid of belly fat

FitSeven has already written about the fact that there are several different types of fat in the human body, each of which is unique and requires. In fact, even myself subcutaneous fat in the abdominal area is not the same. In addition, it is much easier to get rid of big belly than to lose “a little” weight in your legs and thighs.

The fundamental difference lies primarily in the fact that in different zones the body stores various types fat - for example, saturated fatty acids are stored on the stomach (1), due to which abdominal fat harder to the touch. Speaking in simple language, each type of subcutaneous fat reacts differently to nutrition.

Fat lower abdomen and in problem areas

Scientific research shows that male fat on the sides, lower back and lower abdomen is extremely similar in physical and hormonal structure to female fat on the hips and buttocks. This “problem spot” fat is different from any other subcutaneous fat stored by the body, both in the mechanism of deposition and in the strategy for getting rid of it.

If visceral fat internal organs responds to increased adrenaline and is virtually unresponsive to insulin (in other words, regular cardio is much more important for burning it than a crash diet), then problem area fat is related to blood sugar levels - and, in particular, from carbohydrates in the diet.

Glycemic index and butt fat

However, the receptors in male fat in the lower abdomen (as well as in female fat on the thighs and buttocks) work somewhat differently. By acting on them, adrenaline reduces blood circulation, blocking fat burning - which is why the stomach becomes cold during cardio. To burn problematic belly fat, you need special techniques.

Which cardio burns more calories and helps you lose weight faster? : energy consumption tables.

Workouts to burn fat

Speaking about advanced weight loss methods, it should be noted that either (in certain days weeks, carbohydrates are limited to 50-60 g per day) change the metabolism of problem fat, activating fat burning through cardio training. The best time to do cardio is when empty stomach early in the morning.

This training method gradually changes the mechanism of hormone production (starting with insulin and ending with testosterone) and increases the resistance of belly fat to insulin - the body gets used to the fact that it needs to work in conditions of lack of energy, henceforth storing this energy in easily accessible places, rather than sending into the “distant storage” of problematic fat.

Water retention in adipose tissue

Another reason excess weight is water retention in tissues. Typically, subcutaneous fat in the lower abdomen and thighs consists of 90% triglycerides ( fatty acids) and 10% water and other intercellular fluid. However, when losing weight, water retention in adipose tissue may occur - instead of “burning” triglycerides, fat cells, like a sponge, absorb water (2).

Speaking in simple words, a person actually loses weight and gets rid of fat, but body volumes and numbers on the scales do not change. In this case it is necessary special diet for drying and withdrawal excess liquid from the body. Various diuretic teas and a sauna will also be effective - this is how the myth about the benefits appeared.


Most effective strategy fight against male fat lower abdomen and female fat on the hips - this is a refusal of high carbohydrates glycemic index to reduce peak glucose levels and regular cardio on an empty stomach to improve insulin resistance. A cutting diet that removes water will also help you lose weight.

Scientific sources:

  1. Fatty acid composition of adipose tissue in humans: differences between subcutaneous sites,
  2. Changes in abdominal subcutaneous fat water content with rapid weight loss and long-term weight maintenance in abdominally obese men and women,

How to lose belly fat is not an unsolvable question. Getting rid of hated volumes, contrary to popular belief, is not only possible at any age and with any body type, but also necessary. Firstly, belly fat is not healthy as sometimes it can even indicate dangerous diseases, and secondly, it looks, you see, not too beautiful.

If you have finally decided to get rid of the annoying belly fat once and for all, then so that your efforts are not in vain, you should focus on just two things: nutrition and exercise.

So let's start with nutrition. Perhaps the first rule is to say “no” to food in the evenings. Peculiarities human body They say that the closer it gets to the evening, the worse food is digested. And, accordingly, the heavier the food, the more undesirable it is to eat it at a later time. Those who just want to keep themselves in good shape can afford to grab something a couple of hours before bed. But if you are thinking about how to lose belly fat in a week, you will have to give up this completely.

The second rule says that the further from the morning, the smaller and lighter your food should be. Remember: “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with your friend, and give dinner to your enemy.” Listen to this folk wisdom. In the morning you can eat whatever you want, within reasonable limits, of course. And almost certainly, what you eat before noon will benefit your body. Until three days, the limits are not yet strict. But if your last meal is already around six, then you need to eat a little and something that is quickly and easily digested, like a salad or fruit. You should not fill your stomach with cutlets, for example. It is unlikely that they will be digested.

Rule three is not to overeat. Satiety from eating comes only 20 minutes after eating. Before this, you don’t feel full. And this needs to be taken into account. After all, imagine how much extra you can eat in 20 minutes! Gymnasts suggest that those who want to lose weight replace their usual plate with a smaller one. At first a little less, and then twice as much. Thus, you can eat the same thing, only in smaller portions. Gradually the stomach will get used to it and will not ask for more.

Golden advice - have grapefruit for breakfast, and drink a glass of kefir half an hour before bed. Grapefruits belong to that rare category of food that does not make you gain weight, but makes you lose weight. Because it burns calories. Every morning half an hour or an hour before breakfast you should eat half a grapefruit. Well, kefir at night will slightly improve the digestion processes.

Now let's move on to the exercises. Of course, here you can’t get by with exercise in the morning. They say that if the task is how to lose belly fat at home, you need to pump up your abs. In fact, this is not entirely true, since the abdominal muscles will grow under a layer of fat, and, accordingly, this will not help get rid of it at all. That is, of course, you need to pump up your abs, but you shouldn’t consider this as the main exercise, or, especially, the only one.

You need to spin the hoop. It is absolutely true that this burns fat on the stomach and sides. It will also help you highlight your waistline. It is best to spin the hula hoop in the first half of the day, always before meals. For this exercise, 20-30 minutes a day will be enough. Never, under any circumstances should you do this or any other exercise immediately after eating, because it is very harmful to the stomach, slows down digestion, and provokes heartburn and nausea. This should be remembered by all those who want to know all the nuances of how to lose fat from the stomach and sides for the most effective weight loss.

You can and should do a morning or evening jog. Moreover, in the press you can find evidence that running in the evenings is even more beneficial. Those who want to get rid of belly fat need to run in the evenings, at 6-7 o'clock, since it is at this time that more calories will be burned. After a run, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm water with lemon. This improves digestion and also gives the cells the vitamins that the body needs so much after training.

You can use enemas, decoctions of hay or buckthorn. Home colon hydrotherapy is also very effective. For this procedure, you need to prepare warm water in advance. brine– for 2 liters of water, 2 teaspoons of salt, sea salt is best. This solution must be drunk in the morning within an hour. The salt water in the intestines will begin to draw in liquid and all deposits will peel off. After this procedure, it is advisable to arrange a fasting day on vegetables and fruits. It is advisable to carry out such cleaning 3-5 times every other day. The procedure is contraindicated for stomach ulcers, dysentery, acute...

Adjust your diet.

Losing fat with exercise alone is impossible, but it is necessary to enhance the effectiveness of your workouts. Meals should be fractional - 5-6 times a day in small portions. Avoid alcohol, fatty foods, fried, salty and spicy foods. Eat more vegetables and fruits, seafood, chicken, beef, fermented milk products, lean fish. Drink more - clean water or herbal teas.

Add regular physical activity.

Start with daily walks, hoop twirling, dancing, rides. At the first stage, your task is to build endurance and muscle strength to prepare the body for more serious training. Then you can try interval running. This type of running helps you burn fat more effectively. The essence of interval running is that you need to dramatically change the pace of your workout. Start with light jogging, then sharply accelerate and run as far as you can at the edge of your capabilities, then start walking. This cycle must be repeated 3-5 times. Try strength training at the gym too. Strength exercises help increase muscle mass and speed up metabolism, so that fat is burned on the stomach.

Take care of your abdominal skin.

To get rid of excess fat in the abdominal area, beauty salons offer mesotherapy, hardware procedures, vacuum, lymphatic drainage and roller massage, infrared heating (LPG massage). Wraps with essential oils citrus fruits or abdominal massage. One of the simple but quite effective home methods is honey massage of the abdomen. After your bath, lie on your back, apply some honey on your palms and start patting your stomach. This procedure is quite painful - your hands will stick very much to the skin. After 10-15 minutes, the honey can be washed off and moisturizer applied to the skin.

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Excess fat on stomach can make guys uncomfortable, especially before the beach season. You can remove it using proper nutrition and performing special physical exercises.


Start eating right. Eliminate all fat-containing foods from your diet: sausages, mayonnaise, butter and other dairy products. It's better to forget about it for a while. Also reduce your intake of unhealthy sugars. They are found in bread, starch, flour products. Healthy Sugars are found in vegetables and fruits, cereals and cereals. When recalculating nutrients per kilocalorie produced with their help, 65% of them must be obtained from carbohydrates, 20% from proteins, and only 15% from fats (mainly vegetable - from nuts, sunflower oil).

One of the most frequently asked questions I receive is: “How to remove belly fat? I tried many ways, but I can’t lose weight.”. When I ask what you've tried, I hear: "100 daily squats, cutting calories, doing extra cardio, fat burning supplements, etc."

If you can't burn belly fat, then you're using the wrong approach. You don't need endless squats, nutritional supplements or fasting.

1. Stop doing crunches.

Crunches will certainly strengthen your abdominal muscles, but they won't burn the fat that covers your abdominal muscles. Local weight loss is a myth. You waste both time and energy by doing 200 crunches every day. We have already described the correct technique, what exercises and diet to use.

Crunching can also cause lower back pain and hunched shoulders. Reverse crunches do not cause these problems, but again: localized weight loss is a myth. To burn waist fat, you need a little more. Keep reading and you will learn how to quickly get rid of belly fat over in effective ways, which work well and are not harmful to health.

2. Get stronger

Strength training builds muscle mass, prevents muscle loss and helps burn fat. Training programs with compound compound exercises work best to build strength and burn calories.

  • Your lower back holds you in vertical position, abdominal muscles - vertically. Both muscle groups will work hard during squats and deadlifts.
  • Compound exercises allow you to work your entire body with heavy weights, including all your muscles from head to toe. This helps you get stronger and build muscle faster.

Localized weight loss still doesn't exist, so strength training won't burn your abdominal fat directly. However, these exercises will strengthen your abs and reduce your waist size in 6-12 weeks, depending on the amount of excess belly fat, intensity of training and diet. If you've never done basic exercises, try it. In terms of time, it only takes 45 minutes 3 times a week.

3. Healthy eating

As they say, “abs work in the kitchen.” You can train hard and pump up your abdominal muscles, but if you don't eat healthy food, you won't get rid of your belly fat. Stop eating processed foods. Eat whole, unprocessed foods.

  • Proteins: Meat, poultry, fish, whey, eggs, cottage cheese, ...
  • Vegetables: Spinach, broccoli, lettuce, cabbage, ...
  • Fruits: Banana, orange, apple, pineapple, pear, ...
  • Fats: Olive oil, fish oil, sunflower oil, nuts, flax seeds, ...
  • Carbohydrates: Brown rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, whole grain pasta, ...

You don't need to follow a perfect diet. Percent junk food- 10% of the total volume of food consumed. That's 4 unhealthy meals a week if you eat 6 times a day. Find out more without feeling hungry.

4. Limit your alcohol intake

To lose weight around your waist, what you drink is just as important as what you eat. Alcohol from time to time is the norm. But forget about losing belly fat if you drink beer every day.

A person who drinks beer always has a pear-shaped body: large number belly fat and enlarged breasts, especially as they get older. Alcohol also wreaks havoc on your liver, which overworks itself to flush out toxins from your body. This can also interfere with muscle building.

The alcohol content should also be 10%. Example: Friday and Saturday. You just need to drink, not get drunk. The rest of the time, quench your thirst with water, water with squeezed lemon, green tea etc. Either that or forget about losing weight altogether.

5. Reduce your carbohydrate intake

You need carbohydrates for energy. The problem is that most people eat more carbohydrates than they need, especially simple ones. In search of a way to quickly remove belly fat, people do not do the most basic thing - they do not review their diet and the ratio of fatty acids. Your body stores unnecessary carbohydrates as fat.

Unless you're a skinny guy who needs to bulk up, then lower your carb intake. You can eat fruits and vegetables with every meal. But reduce the amount of potatoes, pasta, rice, bread, etc. They can only be eaten after training.

6. Eat more often

Even if you eat tons of healthy food, you will not become fat. Especially if you train 2-3 times a week. Fasting is the #1 food mistake. Healthy eating is important for three reasons:

  • Energy. Food is energy. Your body uses food for exercise, work, digestion, etc. Lack of food means lack of energy in all areas of life.
  • Weight loss. Nutrition the right products helps lose weight: proteins produce the highest thermic effect, the right fats promote fat loss...
  • Support muscles. If you starve yourself, your body is burning muscle for energy - NOT fat. You will become thin, but your body quality will be terrible.

Hunger means you are not eating enough. Don't worry about calories. Just eat breakfast and eat every 3 hours, including after training. Eat healthy 90% of the time to burn belly fat quickly and effectively and prevent it from gaining back.

7. Eat more protein

Protein has a higher thermic effect than other foods: your body produces more energy when burning protein than when burning carbohydrates and fat. That's why diets with high content proteins are effective for weight loss through fat burning.

How much protein do you need daily? Do as I do: eat whole protein with every meal without worrying about the quantity.

8. Eat more of the right fats

Fat won't make you fat. Poor nutrition and lack of exercise, yes. And consuming fat really helps you lose weight. Your body will not store fat if you consume a constant amount.

Fish oil is the best source of fat to burn belly fat. Fish oil naturally increases testosterone levels and increases fat loss. 6 g omega-3 per day is a good start.

Stay away from trans fats found in foods such as margarine. Trans fats are bad for your health. Eat all unprocessed foods 90% of the time, as I recommend in point 3, and you will easily avoid consuming trans fats.

9. Reduce your overall body fat percentage, not locally.

If you are a man, your stomach is the last place you will burn fat. If you have enlarged mammary glands or a double chin, then you will have to reduce the percentage of the fat component in order to effectively remove fat from the abdomen and sides. Here's how to do it:

  • Get stronger. Strength training builds and maintains muscle, increases fat loss, helps you stick to your diet,... Check out the 5×5 workout program if you don't know where to start: it only takes 45 minutes, 3 times a week.
  • Eat healthy. Use 8 rules of nutrition. There is breakfast. There is every 3 hours. Eat proteins, vegetables and fruits with every meal. Consumption of carbohydrates is possible only after training. Drink 2 glasses of water with every meal. Healthy food in 90% of cases.
  • Add Cardio. Start with 15 minutes after training, increase to 45 minutes 3 times a week. If you have less than 15% body fat, you will simply become stronger and eat healthier. This will reduce your body fat percentage and make you slim and fit.

10. Stay motivated

Looking at your stomach or just in the mirror, you are not getting entirely accurate feedback. What you see depends on the time since your last meal, water retention, the angle of the light and your own perception. To perceive yourself objectively, use these tips.

  • Measure body fat. Every 2 weeks, use a caliper (compass for measuring fat folds). Measurements don't have to be perfect. The important thing is that the dynamics are going down.
  • Measure your waist. Also every 2 weeks. If you get stronger and healthier, your waistline will quickly shrink. Soon you will begin to feel free in your own pants.
  • Take pictures. Take photos of yourself every 2 weeks: front, back and side. Side shots will show the most progress.

Success breeds success. Accurately track your progress so you know your progress; stay motivated to continue working on losing belly fat. Don't just read this article and go back to what you were doing! Take action!