Mediterranean diet simple recipes. The Mediterranean Diet May Prolong Life and Protect the Heart

Anyone who has ever been lucky enough to visit Mediterranean countries is amazed by one interesting fact: the majority of local residents have a thin physique. And this despite the fact that in other parts of the planet the percentage of people who are overweight is only increasing every year! The most curious thing is that the people of these countries do not starve at all, but on the contrary, they enjoy delicious food to the fullest.

What's the secret? In healthy products that may seem exotic to us, but for the population of Italy, Southern France, Spain, etc., they are traditional and are used every day in the diet.

It has long been known that a healthy diet is the key to a beautiful body and a cheerful spirit, and classic Mediterranean food fully confirms this theory.

In view of this, it is not at all strange that people leading a healthy lifestyle have long switched to this exotic diet. What are its features and what results can be expected if all the rules are strictly followed?

Features of the Mediterranean diet

Eat several key foods that Mediterranean people eat every day:

  • seasonal fruits and vegetables in large quantities, as well as legumes and greens. These include tomatoes, apples, bell peppers, zucchini, blue, peaches, onions, pears, garlic, plums, beans, lettuce and olives;
  • nuts and grains, as well as flour products from durum wheat (pasta, bread);
  • olive oil– used both for seasoning dishes and directly preparing them, vegetable oil is not used;
  • meat– the attitude towards it is very restrained, but it is also an integral part of the diet. People eat here mainly beef, lamb, poultry and veal, but pork is consumed very rarely;
  • fermented milk food– the basis of the basics, because the diet contains a large number of its varieties (yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt and unsurpassed soft cheeses, which are known all over the world). An interesting feature is that milk in its pure form is practically not used, and fermented milk products are consumed exclusively natural, without additives and with a low percentage of fat content;
  • seafood and fish– another integral component of the diet. They are eaten quite often and in large quantities, but preference is given mainly to low-fat varieties. It’s interesting that seafood is cooked exclusively in olive oil, but without adding flour and eggs, as is customary here;
  • honey and dried fruits- something that replaces the sweets we are used to for Mediterranean residents.

Well, about traditional drinks we can say that preference is given to high-quality red wine. Consume it in moderation, but regularly.

As you can see, the diet of Mediterranean residents can be called completely balanced, because The products they consume are simply a storehouse of vitamins, microelements and other useful substances:

  1. Contained in vegetables, nuts, fruits and greens antioxidants and vitamins promote saturation of body cells and skin rejuvenation.
  2. The minerals found in seafood and fish, as well as beneficial elements such as zinc, manganese and selenium, have a positive effect on the immune system and the general condition of the body.
  3. Olive oil, especially unrefined oil, has a positive effect on blood circulation and heart function due to the healthy fats it contains.
  4. Dietary meat consumed by Mediterranean residents is not only easily digestible, but also helps increase hemoglobin.
  5. Dairy products help strengthen bones, hair, nails and teeth due to the large amount of calcium they contain, and also have a positive effect on intestinal function due to lactic acid.
  6. Products made from wholemeal flour and whole grain porridges improve digestion and stabilize intestinal function, as well as dried fruits and honey.
  7. The high content of vitamin C, as well as group B, in red wine has a good effect on blood vessels and the cardiac system if this product is consumed in moderation.

It is worth noting that moderation is a key factor in any healthy diet and in order for nutrition to bring only benefits, it is best to eat according to a certain system.

Well-known American nutritionists Margaret and Ancel Keys more than a century ago built an optimal food pyramid, according to which a person needs to consume 60% carbohydrates, 30% fats (vegetable) and 10% proteins every day. It was they who coined the term “Mediterranean diet,” because, in their opinion, the products of this particular exotic region are capable of fully ensuring the healthy functioning of the body.

Sample menu for a weekly Mediterranean diet

The main feature of the Mediterranean diet is that you can stick to it as long as you like without harming your health. You are allowed to eat five times a day, but the portions must be balanced.

Carbohydrates can be consumed in the first half of the day, proteins in the second, and the nutritional component in the form of vegetable fat can be mixed with the substances already mentioned above.

Vegetables and fruits, whole grains and legumes, oils and seeds, spices and seasonings should become the basis of the everyday diet, as well as fermented milk products, dietary meat and eggs.

Seafood is allowed to be consumed at least a couple of times a week, and sweet foods (in the form of cocoa and dark chocolate) and fatty meats - no more than once a week.

Below is indicated indicative Mediterranean menu for the week, which will allow you to balance your own diet, taking into account personal preferences.

Day No. 1

  • Breakfast- 100 g of oatmeal, poured over a glass of milk or homemade yogurt without additives (you can add some fresh fruit, your favorite berries or dried fruits) and 200 mg of green tea without sweeteners.
  • Lunch– 200 mg of dietary kefir, fermented baked milk or fruit cocktail.
  • Dinner– a portion of vegetable stew or salad, a slice of whole grain bread with a piece of diet fish and a glass of mineral water.
  • Afternoon snack– a small handful of peanuts or any other nuts, weighing 30 g.
  • Dinner– a vegetable salad of tomatoes, avocado, a bunch of lettuce leaves and soft cheese (goat, feta or mozzarella).

Day No. 2

  • Breakfast– 100 g of cucumber and tomato salad, seasoned with olive oil, a slice of rye bread with a piece of goat cheese and a cup of green tea without sweeteners.
  • Lunch– a glass of drinking natural yogurt, low-fat kefir (ryazhenka) without sweeteners, or any medium-sized unsweetened fruit.
  • Dinner– a portion of stew made from vegetables, rice and spices, a cup of green tea without sweeteners.
  • Afternoon snack– a slice of whole grain bread with olive oil and a glass of kefir.
  • Dinner– a portion of salad consisting of chicken pulp, fresh peaches, pineapples from a jar, lettuce and celery, seasoned with dietary yogurt or sour cream.

Day No. 3

  • Breakfast– a portion of cottage cheese omelet with tomatoes, seasoned with herbs and spices, as well as a cup of tea without sweeteners.
  • Lunch– a glass of freshly squeezed apple (orange) juice or berry smoothie with whole grain cookies.
  • Dinner– 200 g of boiled chicken or fish fillet and a vegetable salad with mozzarella, seasoned with olive oil.
  • Snack– a medium-sized apple, banana, pear or any other not too sweet fruit.
  • Dinner– a portion of vegetable stew and a glass of kefir.

Day No. 4

  • Breakfast– a portion of fruit salad consisting of two peaches, an orange, 50 g of canned pineapples, seasoned with liquid natural yogurt.
  • Lunch– a cup of tea and a slice of whole grain bread with hard cheese.
  • Dinner– 100 g of pasta with tomato sauce and some stewed minced beef with vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack– a glass of fruit and berry smoothie and a couple of oatmeal cookies.
  • Dinner– a serving of salad of tomatoes, avocado, hard cheese, arugula and peanuts, seasoned with olive oil.

Day No. 5

  • Breakfast– a portion of oatmeal with yogurt and a cup of green tea.
  • Lunch– a couple of peaches and a glass of diet kefir.
  • Dinner- a salad of hard-boiled eggs, onions, tomatoes and cucumber, seasoned with olive oil and a little vegetable stew.
  • Afternoon snack– a small handful of any dried fruits (weighing no more than 30 g).
  • Dinner– a portion of grilled fish fillet or homemade rolls.

Day No. 6

  • Breakfast– 150 g of oat bran muffins and a glass of drinking yoghurt.
  • Lunch– some fresh fruits and berries of any kind.
  • Dinner– a portion of durum pasta with minced chicken in olive sauce.
  • Afternoon snack– whole grain bread with a glass of fermented baked milk.
  • Dinner– a small portion of salad of mozzarella, olives, tomatoes, sweet peppers and green peas and a glass of red wine.

Day No. 7

  • Breakfast - 100 g of dietary cottage cheese with fruit or a couple of pancakes with berry filling in honey sauce.
  • Lunch– a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk and a slice of whole grain bread with hard cheese.
  • Dinner– a portion of diet pizza and some grilled fish fillet.
  • Snack– freshly squeezed juice and millet bread.
  • Dinner– roast vegetables with olives and tomatoes and a glass of low-fat kefir.

The daily volume of fluid consumed should be between 1.5 and 2 liters.

An interesting feature of the Mediterranean menu is that the dosages in it are not strictly limited. This means that if you feel very hungry, you can increase the portion, but do not forget that the daily amount of food consumed should not exceed 1500 kcal if you want to maintain weight and 1200 kcal if you want to lose a little.

In the mid-20th century, nutritionists sounded the alarm due to the growing number of patients suffering from excess weight and, as a consequence, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

After analyzing the nutrition of residents of European countries, it turned out that residents of Mediterranean countries extremely rarely suffer from obesity and are characterized by good health. What's the secret? In the special diet of the inhabitants of these regions. It consists only of fresh products. The second secret is little olive oil and wine.

According to research results, they are necessary for the production of hormones that regulate cellular metabolism and prevent the development of serious diseases. American doctors are convinced that such nutrition is a way of life that allows you to lose weight not immediately, but forever.

Basic principles of the Mediterranean diet and which foods are preferred

This is a special diet based on products from 16 Mediterranean countries. It includes dishes from Spain, Italy and Greece. The menu of the residents of these countries consists mainly of such products as: nuts, fatty fish, unlimited quantities of fruits and vegetables, legumes, cereals, herbs, fermented milk products, dry wine, cheeses, olive oil. Preference is given to natural plant foods and protein consumption within normal limits.

You need to eat 5 times a day. Between meals - only fresh fruit. At breakfast, give preference to carbohydrates. This can be pita bread, bread baked from wholemeal flour, durum wheat pasta. Carbohydrates provide useful energy that will help you stay alert throughout the day. Dinner, on the contrary, should be light and consist of vegetables and protein-rich foods. These include: fish, lean meat, eggs.

It is also recommended to consume up to 1 kilogram of vegetables per day. They can be cooked or raw. Allowed foods include carrots, cabbage, potatoes, and zucchini. Be sure to include legumes and cereals in the diet.

A glass of red wine is allowed for lunch or dinner. You need to drink 7-8 glasses of water per day, preferably before meals. Nutrition can be adjusted. For example, take pumpkin or corn oil instead of olive oil. Choose seasonal fruits.

Cook fish and seafood up to three times a week. Meat should be limited. You can eat rabbit meat, lean pork fillet or beef 100 grams per serving. Only whole grain bread is consumed.

Mediterranean diet menu for a week and what foods it includes

You can change the order of the days, the main thing is to maintain the order of meals.


  • Breakfast: bread, jam, unsweetened tea.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat kefir.
  • Lunch: stewed beans with vegetables.
  • Second afternoon snack: a glass of plain yogurt, cheese and bread.
  • Dinner: fish stew, boiled rice.


  • Breakfast: low-fat kefir, muesli.
  • First afternoon snack: olives, salad with fish.
  • Lunch: stewed vegetables and spaghetti.
  • Second afternoon snack: boiled egg, herbal tea.
  • Dinner: bread - 1 piece, cheese, tomatoes, glass of wine.


  • Breakfast: whole grain bread with cheese, tea with a spoon of honey.
  • Lunch: tuna salad, olives.
  • Afternoon snack: 3 tbsp. l. muesli, herbal tea.
  • Dinner: chicken, rice, apple, wine.


  • Breakfast: bread, low-fat cottage cheese – 2 tbsp. l. herbal tea.
  • First afternoon snack: 1 glass of plain yogurt.
  • Lunch: vegetables stewed with fish.
  • Second afternoon snack: apple, 0.5 banana.
  • Dinner: spaghetti with minced meat, green tea with honey.


  • Breakfast: 2 pieces of bread, 25 grams of cheese, green tea.
  • First afternoon snack: fermented baked milk or kefir.
  • Lunch: chicken cooked with vegetables.
  • Second afternoon snack: muesli with pieces of fruit 0.5 cups.
  • Dinner: fresh vegetables, salmon baked in wine, herbal tea.


  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese - 2 tbsp. l., green tea with honey.
  • First afternoon snack: plain yogurt.
  • Lunch: pasta with tuna, green tea.
  • Second afternoon snack: natural juice - 1 glass, bread.
  • Dinner: wheat porridge with vegetables.


  • Breakfast: freshly squeezed juice, bread - 2 pieces, apple.
  • First afternoon snack: tuna salad, olives.
  • Lunch: 100 grams of boiled beef, 75 grams of rice, herbal tea.
  • Afternoon snack: kefir, muesli 3 tbsp. l.
  • Dinner: glass of wine, grilled fish.

The Mediterranean diet involves the complete exclusion of refined oils, products containing flavorings, preservatives and trans fats.

What are the benefits of the Mediterranean diet and what are the benefits of foods consumed on such a diet?

It is impossible to single out the most effective product in the food system. Only comprehensive nutrition provides benefits. It allows you to stay in good shape longer and increases life expectancy by 12 years. Reduces the risk of diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

The body's resistance to atherosclerosis and oncology increases. Weight is normalized. Unlike other diets, lost pounds do not come back.

The Mediterranean diet is the ideal diet during pregnancy. It will help reduce the risk of developing allergies and asthma in a child. The healing effect of olive oil is of great importance in nutrition. It also prevents the formation of arterial plaques.

Greens improve the taste of dishes and, with the help of antioxidant properties, reduce the effect of free radicals. Seafood is the main source of omega-3 acids. They prevent inflammatory processes, thin the blood and have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, increasing their elasticity.

A variety of vegetables and fruits provides the body with all the substances and minerals it needs. The Mediterranean diet helps prevent diseases of the spine and joints.

Contraindications for the Mediterranean diet

At a high stage of obesity, the Mediterranean diet does not give results. This requires radical methods of weight loss. It is not recommended for people suffering from peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. Since her diet contains a lot of fiber-rich foods. Not suitable for those who are allergic to seafood.

If there are no contraindications, you can start eating right. This will help you always stay young and enjoy life.

The food pyramid for the Mediterranean diet looks something like this:


The popularity and effectiveness of the Mediterranean diet are explained by the traditions and characteristics of the national cuisine of southern Europe.

Principles, advantages and disadvantages of the method

Not least thanks to the established food system, residents of Mediterranean countries are the healthiest people on the European continent: they get sick less often than their northern neighbors oncological,, are less susceptible to the disease.

This diet allows you to maintain ideal body weight: all foods, being steamed or in water, baked in foil or grilled, are easily digestible without unpleasant prospects for slimness.

The basis of the diet here is:

  • vegetables, fruits- suppliers of vitamins and microelements;
  • fish, seafood- sources of unsaturated fatty acids that have the ability to reduce blood viscosity;
  • high quality instead of animal fats- a powerful hepatoprotector, level regulator, providing elasticity to blood vessels;
  • natural spices, herbs- natural antioxidants that reduce the negative effects of free radicals on cells;
  • mandatory use wholemeal bread products, porridge, which ensures the presence of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on digestive processes.

The only disadvantage of the diet for those passionate about losing weight quickly is the relatively low rate of weight loss: 2-3 kg in 4 weeks.

But we must not forget that sudden weight loss is stressful for the body, causes a lack of nutrients, reduces immunity, disrupts digestion, and worsens the condition of the skin, hair, and nails. The rate of weight loss should be healthy!

Although the Mediterranean fasting diet is a well-balanced eating method, it has contraindications.

  • It is not suitable for people with a gastrointestinal tract, as well as for those who have allergic reactions to fish.
  • The diet will not be effective for people who are severely obese. They should choose other, more radical ways to combat excess weight.

What foods can you eat?

Basic products for daily diet:

  • pasta;
  • whole grain or bran bread;
  • porridge;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • olive oil;
  • nuts;
  • legumes;
  • green;
  • spices.

Can be consumed 1 time per week:

  • potato;
  • red meat;
  • baked goods made from white flour;
  • confectionery;
  • butter.

Alcohol - for example, dry alcohol - should be consumed in the first half of the day, but in moderation as a lunch companion.

Although whole milk, refined and preservative-containing foods are completely excluded, the varied, light, healthy gourmet cuisine of the Mediterranean leaves no chance for hunger.

A few simple dishes

The preparation of some dishes included in the diet is simple even for novice cooks.

Example of a 7-day diet for every day

In order to lose weight, a 7-day diet is usually prepared, consisting of three meals. There is no final duration of the diet. If the main goals are achieved - getting healthy, getting rid of excess weight - You can stick to this diet all the time.

For a sample Mediterranean diet menu for weight loss for a week and recipes that can be used, see the table:

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1 day Fruit yogurt, 250 gSeafood soup with vegetables, 300 gShrimp rolls, 300 g
Buttermilk with lemon juice and honey, 250 g
Day 2 Sandwich with mozzarella, tomatoes and basilSea bass puree soup with vegetables, 300 gGreek bean salad with olives and herbs, 350 g
Day 3 Muesli with fresh fruits (berries) and honey in yogurt, 300 gFrench onion soup with rosemary, 400 g, 1 small baguetteRisotto with herbs and cheese, 350 g
4 day Assorted fruit salad with honey and cheese cream, 300 gPaella with chicken fillet and vegetables, 350 gRoasted eggplants with garlic-yogurt sauce, 300 g
5 day Sliced ​​tomatoes with egg and onion on a lettuce leaf, 350 gSpaghetti Neapolitan style, 400 gVegetables with basil sauce, 300 g
Day 6 Toasts with ham, cheese and pineapple, 2 pcs.Grilled salmon with onion-yogurt sauce with a side dish of potatoes, sweet bell pepper and, 350 gTomato salad with feta cheese, olives and onions in vegetable oil, 350 g
Day 7 Sandwich with sardines, pickles and onions, 2 pcs.Pasta with onions and

The Mediterranean diet is based on the formation of a certain correct type of nutrition. Basic diet: vegetables, fruits, herbs, olive oil, nuts, grain bread, fish, meat, poultry, yogurt, cheese, even dry wine and sweets, but in limited quantities.

In fact, diet is about the right approach to nutrition. Additionally, active physical activity is recommended. It is important to note that unlike express diets, the abuse of which often negatively affects our health, the Mediterranean diet, on the contrary, is very beneficial for our body. This diet contains all the vitamins and minerals we need. This is a type of nutrition that promotes comprehensive health of the body and reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and even cancer. Next, we will describe the principles of the Mediterranean diet in more detail: which foods can be eaten and which are on the prohibited list.

Mediterranean diet: healthy eating menu

Your daily menu should consist of 60% carbohydrates, 30% fats and 10% proteins. Let us remind you that healthy fats are contained in olive oil, the so-called OMEGA fatty acids. Our body receives proteins when we eat meat, fish and legumes. And carbohydrates are, first of all, cereals (porridge, pasta and bread, preferably with bran). Strict dietary restrictions are not encouraged by the Mediterranean diet; on the contrary, a comprehensive, balanced diet is necessary.

The Mediterranean diet menu should be structured as follows:

A hearty breakfast should consist mainly of foods rich in carbohydrates. For lunch, it is advisable to eat vegetables, again carbohydrate foods and, of course, meat and fish rich in proteins. Dinner should be light (vegetables and dairy products). Indicative menu:

  • Mediterranean Diet Breakfast: oatmeal, rice, millet or buckwheat porridge, rich in healthy carbohydrates and fiber.
  • Second breakfast of the Mediterranean diet: fruits
  • Mediterranean Diet Lunch: oven-baked cod under a cheese cap with a vegetable side dish and a glass of wine.
  • Mediterranean diet afternoon snack: nuts
  • Mediterranean Diet Dinner: salad of avocado, tomatoes, cheese and seafood with a slice of whole grain bread
  • Mediterranean Diet Late Dinner: yogurt with fresh berries and 1-2 pcs. oatmeal cookies.

Approximately according to this scheme, a Mediterranean diet menu for a week is compiled. According to the rules of the Mediterranean diet, you need to eat vegetables every day. Whether they are cooked or raw does not matter. It is important that you eat more than one kilogram of them. It sounds like a lot at first glance, but in reality it turns out to be not much, because the Mediterranean diet recommends eating 5-6 times a day. Those. Between the main meal, there should be light snacks, for example, salads from fresh vegetables. The famous Greek salad is considered a classic option for a healthy and tasty snack in the Mediterranean diet.

A popular Caprese salad recipe for the Mediterranean diet. The basis of the salad: tomatoes and cheese called “Mozzarella”, which are cut into circles and carefully placed one after another on a dish. The salad is decorated with basil leaves. The sauce consists of olive oil, 1-2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and your choice of salt and ground black pepper.

As for vegetables allowed in the Mediterranean diet. This is everyone's favorite, potatoes (but not many), carrots and all types of cabbage, bell peppers, zucchini and eggplants, pumpkin, corn, and, of course, tomatoes. An abundance of greenery is also welcome. Let's not forget about olives, beloved on the Mediterranean coast. They can and should be eaten too. The Mediterranean diet menu should include cereals and legumes (beans, peas, beans, etc.)

Bean soup recipe. Meat broth, meat (preferably more), potatoes, a can of canned beans in tomato sauce, a little extra tomato paste (if necessary), onions, carrots and herbs.

As for the afternoon snack. Between lunch and dinner you can snack on fruit. Make a delicious and light fruit salad with natural yogurt, for example. In every diet and recommendations for a properly balanced diet, special attention is paid to water. In the Mediterranean diet, you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water every day. The water is pure drinking water, non-carbonated, no juices, namely water. Water improves metabolic processes and cleanses our body. You need to drink it between meals so as not to stretch your stomach. Let us pay attention to such a product as permitted in the Mediterranean diet, such as wine. In small quantities, wine is even beneficial, because it stimulates metabolic processes in our body. Therefore, one glass of wine with lunch is a completely acceptable pleasure.

Mediterranean diet: foods to avoid

There are a lot of permitted foods in the Mediterranean diet, but there are also a number of prohibited ones. First of all, we exclude foods that contain a lot of sugar. Baking from puff pastry, choux pastry, shortbread and yeast dough. We exclude smoked products. We do not drink whole milk; only fermented milk products and cheese are allowed in the Mediterranean diet. We carefully read labels and buy only healthy products: without palm oil, transgenic saturated fats, preservatives, artificial colors and all kinds of flavors. The Mediterranean diet allows poultry and meat, as mentioned above, but in limited quantities and not too fatty.

Mediterranean diet: food table

Because The Mediterranean diet does not contain a strictly regulated menu; you can use a convenient table that shows the permitted foods in proportion. Roughly estimate your diet and follow it every day. For example, porridge in the morning; in the afternoon, vegetable stew, potatoes or spaghetti with fish or poultry, additionally a salad of fresh vegetables, an afternoon snack of fruit, and dinner a vegetable salad (possibly with the addition of cheese or poultry), late dinner may include yogurt, kefir or fermented baked milk. Follow the table and common sense and you will succeed.

Mediterranean diet: effectiveness for weight loss

The Mediterranean diet, however, like all diets based on ad libitum eating, does not provide quick results for weight loss. Of course, you will lose weight, but gradually. However, the undoubted advantage of the Mediterranean diet is that the effect will be long-term. After all, it is advisable to stick to the Mediterranean diet all your life; it should become a “healthy” habit. Weight loss will occur over a long period of time: from six months to a year. But the effect will last for the rest of your life. Your weight will not fluctuate up and down as with express diets, and the health benefits will be simply invaluable. Olive oil (an essential product of the Mediterranean diet) contains healthy fatty acids, as well as vitamin E. It has been repeatedly proven that they help effectively reduce the level of cholesterol (“bad”), and, therefore, prevent the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels, which avoids the development the most serious pathologies of our cardiovascular system.

In addition, the Mediterranean diet menu is rich in fiber, vitamins and all essential minerals. We all know from childhood that cereals, vegetables and fruits are healthy. Fermented milk products help cleanse our body and strengthen our immune system. In general, the Mediterranean diet, if assessed on a scale of five, deserves the highest rating. And in order to quickly achieve the desired effect, i.e. To lose weight quickly, you need to acquire other healthy habits, namely, frequent walks in the fresh air and regular exercise. And then you will be able to improve your body health and lose weight much faster.

If you have stomach ulcers, the Mediterranean diet is not recommended for you. This type of diet and diet rich in fiber is not suitable for you. The diet is also not suitable for nursing mothers and people with an allergic reaction to seafood.

Mediterranean diet: recipes for delicious and healthy dishes

  • Mediterranean salad with avocado and shrimp

You will need the following products: ½ kg of shrimp, a small package of cherry tomatoes, 1-2 ripe avocados, 2 sweet peppers or a can of canned sweet corn, one medium-sized cucumber and herbs. Salad dressing recipe: half a glass of natural (no additives) yogurt, a couple of teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, ½ clove of garlic, salt and pepper to your taste.

  • Shrimp pasta for the Mediterranean diet

An excellent option for delicious pasta that is prepared quickly and easily. Required products: spaghetti (pasta), shrimp or seafood cocktail (1/2 kg), 300 ml of heavy cream, shallots (2 pcs.), 2 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper, nutmeg, fresh basil to decorate the dish, as well as the main product of the Mediterranean diet - olive oil. Preparing pasta is very simple. Firstly, fry finely chopped onions and garlic in oil with the addition of spices, then add cream, and lastly seafood, which cooks for only 5 minutes. Secondly, mix the sauce with pre-boiled pasta. Before serving, the dish is decorated with basil leaves.

  • Mediterranean cod

There are many recipes for this dish, but let’s focus on the most interesting. You will need the following products: cod fillet (large piece), zucchini (1 pc.), tomatoes (3 pcs.), red onion (2 pcs.), large pitted olives (15-20 pcs.), of course, olive oil oil, salt and spices. For the sauce: lemon juice (1 tablespoon), olive oil (3 tablespoons), garlic (1 clove), Dijon mustard (1 tablespoon). How to cook? We chop all the vegetables coarsely and hang them with olives and butter. Place on a baking sheet, pre-greased with oil, season with spices. To prevent the dish from burning and to make it convenient to take it out later, you can put foil on a baking sheet. Bake vegetables in the oven for 20-30 minutes. Brush the cod with olive oil and lightly rub with salt and pepper. Place it on the vegetables and place in the oven for another 10 minutes. If the piece is very large, then the time can be increased slightly. Then mix all the ingredients for the sauce (they were listed above). Serving the dish: vegetables come first, which are poured over ½ of the sauce and sprinkled with herbs, then the fish is carefully placed on top and sprinkled with the rest of the sauce. This dish is perfect for lunch or dinner if you follow a Mediterranean diet.

Knowing the basic list of products, using your imagination and experience, you can easily come up with original Mediterranean diet dishes and menus for the week.

It is also considered a good option for a balanced diet.

If you have tried this diet, please leave your feedback. Did you like her? Was there an effect?

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The Mediterranean diet gets its name from the basic nutritional principles of the Mediterranean peoples. Residents of this region eat healthy food, which has a beneficial effect on all body systems and helps prolong youth and life. The peoples of the Mediterranean have recorded minimal mortality rates from cardiovascular diseases.

Basic principles of the Mediterranean diet for weight loss

It should be mentioned that the Mediterranean diet is not really a diet, but a principle of everyday nutrition. It is aimed at improving the health of the body first of all, and then losing weight. This principle of nutrition will not give quick results, but will improve your well-being for many years. In addition, if you adhere to the Mediterranean diet, it will allow you to monitor your weight and prevent the occurrence of many dangerous diseases.

The Mediterranean diet involves the following nutritional principles. In the morning for breakfast It is best to eat cereals and fruits. Carbohydrates contained in flour products and cereals give the body a boost of energy for the whole day. Carbohydrates eaten for breakfast are not stored in the form of unpleasant kilograms.

At lunch you need to eat plant and protein components. This includes vegetables, meat or fish.

For dinner It is best to prepare low-calorie vegetable dishes.

If you feel hungry between meals, you can snack on vegetables, fruits or yogurt.

You can eat those dishes that DO NOT contain animal fats, preservatives and sugar. Fast food and processed foods need to be removed from your diet. You should eat in a calm environment and leisurely, so the food is better digested and has a positive effect on the body. During the Mediterranean diet, small portions are eaten, which is more than compensated for by a large number of dishes.

Nutritionists focus their attention on the pyramid of the Mediterranean diet. It consists of carbohydrates (60% of the total caloric intake), fats (30% of the total caloric intake), proteins (10% of the total caloric intake).

Carbohydrates can include unrefined cereals, pasta made from durum flour, legumes, wheat, and wholemeal bread.

Olive oil, sesame and soybean oils, walnut and peanut oils are used as fats. Corn and sunflower oil are used much less frequently. Lard, animal fat and margarine are NOT eaten.

Proteins include cheese and yogurt, fish and lean meat. You can eat about 4 eggs per week. Moreover, this amount includes eggs for baking.

Mediterranean Diet Pyramid

Contraindications for the Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet, unlike other diets, has no contraindications. We can safely say that the Mediterranean diet brings incredible benefits to the human body, since the products consumed according to the Mediterranean principle of nutrition contain a huge amount of vitamins, microelements and other useful substances, as well as the amount of calories necessary for a full life.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Mediterranean diet for weight loss

The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the healthiest and most balanced for the body. All nutritionists note the particular benefits of such a diet. Vegetable oils and fish oil, contained in large quantities in the menu, promote the production of prostaglandins, which are responsible for regulating cellular metabolism and are necessary for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks, as well as other diseases.

Dry red wine, found on the menu, provides preventive measures to strengthen arteries and protect the body from Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, hypertension, as well as to prevent the development of viral infections and diseases of the nervous system.

The Mediterranean diet menu contains many monounsaturated fats, which help with type 2 diabetes. These fats control blood sugar levels.

Fresh vegetables and fruits contain a large amount of antioxidants, which help slow down aging and prevent the onset of cancer.

Olive oil contains many monounsaturated fats, which control the process of deposition of extra pounds in the body and help prevent cancer. Extra virgin olive oil is especially beneficial.

The fish we eat contains huge amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. They have a positive effect on brain performance, help get rid of depression, stabilize the cardiovascular system, reduce the risk of diabetes and skin diseases, and alleviate the symptoms of arthritis.

Thanks to the Mediterranean diet, iodine deficiency in the body is reduced and mood improves. Feminine beauty remains fresh.

The only disadvantage of the Mediterranean diet: it does not provide rapid weight loss, in particular, in a week of diet you may not feel the result at all. The result of the diet will be visible only if you strictly adhere to it for at least a month, but this weight loss result will last for a long time, again provided that the diet is not violated.

Products for the Mediterranean diet, their preparation

During the Mediterranean diet, you need to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, fish and other seafood. The menu should not contain starch, fatty dairy products and animal fats.

A prerequisite for the Mediterranean diet is the consumption of large quantities of vegetables. They can be eaten raw, baked or stewed. According to nutritionists, you need to eat at least one kilogram of vegetables in any form per day. The exception is potatoes, as they contain a lot of starch and are very high in calories.

Olives will be beneficial if they are added to almost all prepared dishes of the Mediterranean diet. In addition, garlic, basil, parsley, marjoram, dill, celery, tarragon, and cilantro are often added to Mediterranean diet dishes.

Olive oil is considered the main dressing for all salads, and almost all dishes need to be cooked with it. Please note that fried dishes in oil are excluded from the diet; only boiled, steamed or grilled dishes are allowed.

The peoples of the Mediterranean practically do not consume fresh milk. They consume fermented milk products. This includes yogurt, feta cheese, kefir, and low-fat cheeses. These products can be consumed as independent dishes, or can be added to various salads and snacks.

The basis of the Mediterranean diet is fish. It should absolutely not be cooked with flour, eggs, or fat. The fish is usually stewed with tomatoes or grilled. Salads of fresh vegetables or rice are served with fish. You need to eat fish dishes four to five times a week.

The peoples of the Mediterranean also eat pasta. For Italians, pasta is a traditional daily dish. You need to buy pasta only from good durum flour. In this case, pasta is perfectly absorbed by the body without depositing kilograms of fat. The Mediterranean diet allows you to eat only lean meats. Usually it is lamb, veal, and very rarely chicken. You should cook meat dishes no more than 2-3 times a week and eat them only in small portions. Serving size is supposed to be no more than 100 grams.

A special place in the Mediterranean diet is given to wine. Dry grape wine contains many sugars, minerals and vitamins. Naturally, the wine should be of high quality, but you should also not abuse wine - no more than 2 glasses a day as an aperitif.

Duration of the Mediterranean diet for weight loss

There is no duration for the Mediterranean diet. You can stick to it for the rest of your life. To lose weight, they mainly follow a seven-day Mediterranean diet with a special calorie-restricted menu (shown below). It is advisable to spend several fasting days before the diet to prepare the body.

Sample Mediterranean diet menu for a day or week

Example Mediterranean diet menu for one day

Breakfast: you can eat bread, pita bread with jam (or other pastries), several fresh fruits, drink green tea or fruit juice.
Lunch: prepare a light salad of tuna, anchovies and olives. Season it with olive oil. Drink a cup of coffee or tea.
Dinner: prepare stewed vegetables or salad dressed with olive oil. You can eat a small amount of lean meat. The side dish can be rice or pasta. You can cook vegetable stew.
Dinner: Steam or grill fish. Fish should be served with vegetables cooked in any form. Fish can be replaced with bell peppers stuffed with rice, vegetables and minced meat. A glass of dry wine is allowed.
Dessert: you can eat any fruit, low-fat fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, cheese, feta cheese).

Seven-day Mediterranean diet menu

First day

Breakfast: one grain bread with jam or butter and tea.

Lunch: cook pasta with vegetables. Per serving: 1 carrot, 4 tbsp. canned peas, half a pod of hot pepper, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 3 tbsp. vegetable broth, 120 g pasta, salt.

Afternoon snack: 1 glass of low-fat milk, white from one boiled egg.

Dinner: cook spaghetti with cheese. For one serving you need 40 g of spaghetti, 1 tsp. olive oil, ¼ onion, ¼ cup milk, 2 tbsp. grated cheese, 2 tbsp. sour cream. 100 g sweet pepper, 100 g zucchini, 3-5 olives, salt, pepper.

Second day

Breakfast: half a glass of milk 0.5% fat, half a glass of muesli without sugar.

Second breakfast: drink a glass of low-fat milk.

Lunch: cook lentils with vegetables. For one serving you need: 0.5 tbsp. olive oil, 4 tbsp. peeled lentils, 1 medium onion, 0.5 tbsp. tomato paste, 2 medium potatoes, 1 medium carrot, 1 tsp. vinegar, salt, pepper.

Afternoon snack: 1 grain bread with diet cheese and drink half a glass of low-fat milk or kefir.

Dinner: cook pasta with fish. For one serving you need: 40 g pasta, small onion, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 6 tbsp. sour cream, juice of half a lemon, 50 g pink salmon, salt, pepper.

Third day

Breakfast: eat one grain bread with melted cheese and drink tea with honey.

Second breakfast: drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

Lunch: cook periu the Italian way. For one serving you need: 1 clove of garlic, 45 g of ground beef or chicken, bell pepper, 0.5 tbsp. olive oil, 2 tomatoes, 30 g pasta, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of natural apple juice.

Afternoon snack: drink herbal tea and eat 3 tbsp. nut-honey muesli.

Dinner: prepare bows with minced meat. For one serving you need: 30 g of ground beef or chicken, 1 tbsp. olive oil, small onion, 1 tsp. tomato paste, 40 g bows or horns, 2 cloves of garlic, a pod of hot red pepper.

Fourth day

Breakfast: 1 grain bread, 1 tbsp. dietary cottage cheese, tea.

Second breakfast: 1 glass of low-fat milk.

Lunch: dumplings with vegetables. For one serving you need: 100 g dumplings, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 200 g vegetables, 1 tsp. pine nuts, 5 olives, salt, pepper.

Afternoon snack: 1 glass of yogurt.

Dinner: chicken with rice. For one serving you need: 40 g rice, 100 g chicken fillet, 1 tsp. olive oil, ground black pepper, 1 medium apple, half a glass of olives.

Fifth day

Breakfast: 2 grain breads, jam, diet cheese, tea with honey.

Second breakfast: one glass of low-fat milk.

Lunch: pea soup. For one serving you need: 1 cup of peas, 1 medium onion, 1 potato, 4 champignons, 2 medium carrots, salt, pepper.

Afternoon snack: 1 glass of yogurt.

Dinner: spicy goulash. For one serving you need: 50 g beef meat, 200 g white cabbage, small onion, 2 tbsp. tomato paste, olive oil, hot pepper, salt.

Sixth day

Breakfast: one grain bread, 1 tbsp. dietary cottage cheese, herbal tea.

Second breakfast: 1 glass of low-fat milk.

Lunch: spaghetti with milk sauce. For one serving you need: 1 tsp. butter, 1 tsp. flour, half a glass of milk, 50 g spaghetti, 10 g ham, 5 olives, salt, pepper.

Afternoon snack: granola bar. 1 glass of kefir.

Dinner: spaghetti with vegetable sauce. For one serving you need: 70 g spaghetti, a small onion, 0.5 tsp. olive oil, 2 tbsp. tomato paste, herbs, salt.

Seventh day

Repeats one of the previous days as desired.

Forecast for weight loss on the Mediterranean diet

You can lose 2.5-3 kilograms in a week. It is worth considering that the diet is quite balanced and not strict, so you should not expect more results.

The Mediterranean diet allows you to eat foods familiar to you from childhood. Since the diet is quite healthy and wholesome, not strict and balanced, it will help improve the health of the body and prevent the occurrence of many diseases (provided that you adhere to this principle of nutrition all your life).

If you tried to “follow” the Mediterranean diet, write your review about it in the comments: how long did you stick to the diet, how many kilograms did you manage to lose, is the previous weight back now?