Breeding rare cats. Breeding cats as a business with high profitability

Strange as it may seem, you need to start breeding cats with yourself. First ask yourself this question: Why do I need cat breeding?

Possible answers:

1) I want to make money by breeding cats

Such a crazy thought often comes to mind after viewing advertisements for the sale of purebred kittens, which amaze with their price tags. However, for some reason, few people think about how much money needs to be invested in “raising” one kitten. Breeding cats is not profitable business, but rather an expensive hobby that requires, in addition to serious material, also a lot of time and mental investment. However, you can still make a small profit from the sale of kittens, especially when the main exhibition period of their parents has passed.

2) I bought a purebred cat, why not try cat breeding?

This sounds good, but keep in mind that breeding cats is a complex endeavor that requires certain skills and knowledge. You'll have to learn, and it's not easy. Well, see point 1.: money, physical strength and energy you need.

3) I’m not going to seriously breed cats, it’s just that a cat needs to give birth at least once.

We already wrote in the article about sterilization of cats that a cat does NOT HAVE to give birth; moreover, there is no point in a “one-time” birth; on the contrary, if a cat is sterilized after the first birth, this will have a detrimental effect on its mental and physical health. So it is better not to experiment and immediately sterilize the animal.

4) I was involved in breeding dogs/ferrets/rats/etc., now I want to try breeding cats.

Here you need to understand that cats differ significantly in genetics, living conditions, etc. from other animals, so you should not transfer your experience in breeding ferrets to breeding cats without changes.

5) I always wanted to breed cats, I carefully studied the issue, bought a good cat; I want to breed a fundamentally new breed or significantly improve an old one.

In fact, this is exactly what the ideal answer to the question “why do I want to breed cats?” should sound like. But, alas, it sounds like that extremely rarely.

Where to start breeding cats?

1) Buy a purebred cat

Usually, when beginners in cat breeding start searching on the Internet for “where to start breeding cats,” a purebred cat or cat has already been purchased. If not, then how to choose a purebred kitten for breeding is written in one of our articles. One has only to note that you need to choose a kitten for breeding very carefully, you need to buy it only in trusted nurseries, and before purchasing you should find out what breeds of cats are in demand, so that you don’t have problems selling kittens later.

2) Check the documents for the kitten

Only a cat destined for it can participate in breeding, which means that the contract for the purchase of a kitten must provide for the possibility of participation in breeding. Also, the kitten must have a pedigree drawn up according to all the rules, without the “pet” stamp.

3) Pass a veterinary examination and get vaccinations

Pedigree kittens must be vaccinated according to age, sometimes only one vaccination is given before the animal is transferred to new owners, in which case it is necessary to do it again. In addition, all kittens for breeding should undergo a thorough examination by a veterinarian for hidden defects and infections. Especially those that can be passed on to offspring. Kittens with genetic defects are automatically excluded from breeding.

In the course of his work, a cat breeder must receive various documents: directions for mating, titles, metrics and pedigrees of kittens, etc. These documents are issued by clubs (in European systems: WCF, FIFE, etc.) or the systems themselves (in American systems: TICA, CFA, etc.) via the Internet. Theoretically, it is possible to participate in exhibitions and receive documents (especially in American systems) without joining a club/system, but membership in a club/system always provides certain bonuses: discounts, participation in special competitions, etc.

5) Start a show career

A cat or male cat can receive adult titles from 8-10 months; before this, the pet can be taken to an exhibition so that it gets used to the atmosphere, but, from the point of view of an exhibition career and spending money, this is not advisable.

Different clubs and systems different rules, but, usually, cats with at least one “excellent” rating and cats with a closed title “champion” (in European systems) are allowed to participate in breeding, or there must be confirmation of the cat’s standard at the exhibition (American systems).

Without participation in exhibitions, a cat cannot be admitted to breeding(with rare exceptions).

6) Study the genetics and physiology of cats, rules of breeding, basics veterinary medicine etc.

You can study all the issues on your own, or you can enroll in felinologist courses, which can be full-time or correspondence. The cost of courses ranges from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles for the entire program. At the end of the courses, exams are taken, for successful completion of which a certificate/diploma of felinologist is issued. It is best to begin education in the field of felinology from the moment you purchase a cat, in parallel with participation in cat shows.

7) Organize mating of a cat

Cats are bred after 12 months, having missed 1-2 heats (you CANNOT be bred during the first heat!); cats are bred after 14 months. If the rules of the club/system allow, then representatives of early maturing cat breeds (Peterbald, Cornish Rex, Oriental, Siamese, etc.) can be bred for up to 12-14 months.

Before mating at the club, you must obtain a referral for mating, and animal owners should also enter into an agreement among themselves.

Sometimes the owner of a cat before mating requires that his animal’s partner be tested for certain infections.

8) Raise and sell kittens

Responsibility for maintaining the litter falls entirely on the shoulders of the cat owner. He must deliver the baby, monitor the growth and development of the kittens, and provide them with proper care. For the first birth, it is better to invite an experienced veterinarian to the cat, or at least have an emergency contact with him, just in case.

After birth, kittens must undergo activation in the club (European systems) or registration in the system (American systems). Kittens must undergo certification/registration before sale; after this procedure, the kitten receives a metric, which is then exchanged for a pedigree by the breeder or the owner himself.

Direct sale of kittens is carried out after they reach 3 months (buyers can reserve kittens before this period). Kittens are sold with a contract, birth certificate and veterinary passport. Before selling, the breeder must give the kittens at least a primary vaccination, or preferably two at once. Back


With so many attractive small business ideas to choose from, you can always find something you like. Pet lovers can start distributing elite and rare breeds of cats. Breeding a popular species guarantees that the babies will be in demand. First you need to get acquainted with the rating of the most popular breeds, and collect as much information as possible about the most attractive one.

Breeding cats as a business will only be possible when you are thoroughly familiar with the physical characteristics of the breed and any potential health problems associated with the species. Ideas for breeding purebred animals work well with the following species: Siamese Orientals, Bengals, Bobtails, Sphynxes, Scottish Folds. The list, of course, does not end there. If you decide to breed cats, the choice of breed can be made based on your own preferences, as well as difficulties in care and breeding.

Very rare breeds, which are highly valued, most likely will not find their buyers. There is little information about exotic animals, so how to properly care for them and what to feed them remains a mystery.

Ideas for breeding, for example, Bengal cats can be brought to life by studying the genetics and history of the breed, and organizing the right conditions for animal development. Find out everything about the species you are going to work with. Make sure you know what the ideal ones should be physical characteristics breed and are aware of all potential health problems associated with this species. Be sure to talk to experts.

Thus, the Bengal cat is distinguished by spotted fur and large sizes. The breed was obtained by crossing an Asian leopard and a domestic shorthair. Such cats are active and intelligent animals that can cope with complex tasks. They are friendly creatures who love to play and are easy to train. When choosing this breed, you should pay attention to the type of head, strong and powerful body and the beauty of spotting. Some countries have national breeding programs bengal cats, the ideas of such businesses are supported at the state level.

Such an animal needs to be combed and stroked daily, do oral hygiene, wipe the eyes with a soft damp cloth, and check the ears. These agile and graceful cats need room to move.

Nursery equipment

For a comfortable existence of purebred animals, a separate room will be required. This business is more suitable for residents of the private sector, with free territory for an aviary. You will need a room of two or three rooms. The enclosure can be divided into compartments with transparent or opaque walls.

The room must be well ventilated and insulated with access fresh air. If the walls are solid, it is necessary to provide lighting and make small windows. Animals must be in comfortable conditions. The premises should have drinking bowls, feeders and trays; all this equipment can be purchased in special stores.

As is clear from the information described above, to work with purebred cats, one idea is not enough; you will definitely need:

  • cat litter boxes with bars;
  • scratching posts;
  • fillers (give preference to wood fillers, they absorb odor better than sand ones);
  • food (the health of pets depends on the choice), special food is produced for kittens and adults;
  • animal houses (for good rest cats need a dark corner);
  • special toys, combs, shampoos.

Hygiene products and the type of comb are selected depending on the breed.

Buying cats for breeding

The idea of ​​making a profit by breeding cats is only feasible if you purchase purebred kittens from elite nurseries. Babies must have a veterinary passport and pedigree documents. When purchasing, it is worth enlisting the opinion of an independent expert, this will eliminate the possibility of error. When purchasing show-class animals, you will be able to attend exhibitions. Medals, cups and certificates will help raise the price of future kittens.

If the purchased animals have almost invisible defects, they belong to the breeding class; such defects are not hereditary and cannot affect the health of future kittens.

But individuals with hereditary defects (pet class) cannot be purchased. Flaws can appear even after several generations.

Cat advertising

So, the enclosures are ready, the animals have reached childbearing age... It's time to start advertising your business. This can be done on a special website, where it is advisable to place photographs of your pets, scans of their pedigrees, and create interesting description with the parameters of cats. For those who do not use the Internet, it is realistic to place an ad in a newspaper, indicating contact information.

Animals can produce offspring 3 times a year, so you can make money selling cats several times. In different breeds different duration pregnancy, and is approximately 55-65 days. A pregnant animal must be well fed and provided with comfortable conditions. Good care will ensure healthy offspring.

Mating cats

Advertising can help you find an animal of the same breed for mating. The idea of ​​breeding cats requires searching for animals of the same species with a good pedigree. If you have a cat, you can make a separate isolated room in the enclosure. And if the female will most likely have to lead her to the “groom’s” home, the cats feel more confident in their territory.

Let's calculate the possible profit

Remember breeding purebred cats requires a significant investment of time, money and preparation.

If you still like ideas for opening own business on cats, and love animals, of course, you will ask yourself how such serious troubles will provide income? Profit depends on many factors, for example, on the elite quality of the animals produced, their type, and the price for which you agree to sell the kitten.

For example, show class Bengal breed babies with pedigree and documents are valued at $950 – $2,000 and more depending on the beauty of their coat and physical characteristics. And the number of kittens can be more than two. From this we can conclude that ideas for breeding cats for sale are viable!

Have you purchased or are you planning to purchase a purebred kitten or want to breed? Don't know where to start? This article contains the main stages and rules of breeding.

Choosing a kitten

If you are buying a kitten for breeding, you must approach the choice of a kitten completely differently than when choosing just a pet. Your pet must be healthy and you personally like it, that’s enough. A kitten for breeding is a completely different matter.

Before you buy a kitten for breeding, you should first get to know the chosen breed in as much detail as possible, carefully study the characteristics of the breed, find out the advantages and disadvantages, and most importantly - see with your own eyes as much as possible more cats this breed. Your choice should not be random, but conscious- You must understand what the breed's advantages and disadvantages are of the kitten you have chosen, what grades and titles the kitten can receive at exhibitions, and what kind of offspring will be born from this kitten when he/she becomes an adult.

KLK "Moscow" strongly recommends that both buyers and breeders enter into a written contract for the purchase and sale of a kitten, regardless of the price of the kitten and the purpose of the purchase - for breeding or as a pet. The agreement will allow you to avoid mutual claims in the future. If a kitten is purchased for breeding, a written purchase and sale agreement is required! A sample contract for the sale and purchase of a kitten is available on the Club Documents page

Registration of pedigree

A purebred kitten differs from a purebred kitten by pronounced breed characteristics and the presence of a pedigree, which certifies the origin of the kitten from purebred parents. A pedigree for a cat is like a passport for a person.

When purchasing a kitten for breeding, immediately find out how you will obtain the pedigree and how much it will cost. There are different options- some breeders order pedigrees for kittens themselves and give them to the buyer along with the kitten. Others give the buyer a metric - an analogue of a human birth certificate.

The metric must contain the following data:

Kitten's name, date of birth, gender, color;
name and contacts of the club that issued the metrics;
name, surname and contact details of the breeder who sold you the kitten;
stamp of a club or nursery.

To obtain a pedigree, the buyer must take or mail the pedigree to the cat lovers club that gave her away, and pay for the production of the pedigree.

PLEASE NOTE: A pedigree only certifies the origin of a kitten from purebred parents, but is not evidence of breeding value or a permit for breeding!

Raising a kitten

If you plan to use your pet for breeding, you must create for him best conditions content.

Giving birth and feeding kittens is a serious burden on a cat’s body. It is unacceptable to feed a breeding cat with cheap food or leftovers from your table; premium food is required. Only healthy well-groomed cat will give birth to healthy, strong kittens.

Proper raising of a future breeding cat is no less important, because... a stud cat must be in perfect physical shape, otherwise he will have no brides.

Besides, appearance animal, the condition of the coat is great value for victories at exhibitions.

Joining the club

Main functions of the Cat Lovers Club:

Preparation of felinological documents for club members: metrics or pedigrees for kittens of club members, nurseries for club members, title certificates for adult cats and cats of club members, etc.

Carrying out cat shows. Each club regularly holds cat shows. Any cat owner can be a participant in any club exhibition, regardless of membership in any club.

Club members can post information on the club website - about their cattery, about kittens for sale, about cats for mating.

The club is a public non-profit organization whose activities are financed by contributions from club members. For example, in the Moscow Club, registration of a pedigree costs 1,200 rubles, a title certificate - 700 rubles, an annual fee - 500 rubles. Club members who have not paid the annual fee during the current year are considered to have terminated their membership in the club.

PLEASE NOTE: The club cannot in any way influence the health and breeding potential of the animal. The club is not authorized to regulate the relationship between the buyer and the breeder in the event of illness or death of the animal, financial claims, or any other. The club also does not deal with mutual claims between two breeders in the event of mating. The club maintains only breeding documents, similar to the passport office.

In case of claims, breeders must act in accordance with the purchase and sale or breeding agreement. The club has neither the right nor the opportunity to understand the relationships of individuals who entered into these relationships without any participation of the club. If the situation cannot be resolved through negotiations, it is necessary to go to court, but this can only be done if there is a purchase and sale agreement.


Most clubs belong to one of the felinological systems, but there are also independent clubs that do not obey any felinological system, but have their own rules. KLK "Moscow" belongs to the WCF system, therefore in our activities we are subject to the rules of the WCF system.

Cat shows are held to evaluate the work of breeders by independent experts. Experts evaluate cats, compare them with the standard (breed ideal), as well as with each other. Cats receive various grades and titles. Experts select the best animals that are closest to modern type in every breed. Best cats win the main competition of the exhibition - "Best in Show", as well as in speciality shows and WCF rings.

In addition, experts note the shortcomings of each cat so that this is taken into account in breeding. It is at the exhibition that the quality of the cat is confirmed, its compliance with the standard and level of breeding.

You can start your career from childhood - exhibit a cat and especially a female cat in the kitten class (3-6 months), then in the junior class (6-10 months), and from 10 months in the open class.

Exhibition assessments in the kitten and junior classes are necessary for a preliminary assessment of the animal - you can see the prospects of your pet and decide whether to continue the competitive epic or quit the race. In addition, the kitten gets used to the exhibition atmosphere and acquires a calm “show” temperament. To obtain high titles and win competitions, the animal’s calm disposition and resistance to stress are a necessary condition.


After the cat reaches 12 months of age and receives positive assessment from an expert you can breed your pet. To find a future partner, exhibitions are very important - at the exhibition you can see “live” the cat you are interested in, and possibly his kittens, meet the owners, and find out the mating conditions. For a cat, an exhibition is a great opportunity to advertise itself, hand out business cards with a phone number and website address.

Usually matings are paid, and therefore it is recommended to conclude a mating agreement before mating in order to avoid mutual claims in the future. A sample mating agreement is available on the Club Documents page

Birth of kittens

Pregnancy in cats lasts on average 65 days, counting from the first day of mating. In some cats, the gestation period can range from 58 to 70 days.

Typically, cat birth occurs without problems, but sometimes there are exceptions to this rule. Therefore, in the week when the cat is due to give birth, you will be required to provide 24-hour attention to her. Someone should always be nearby - it is better not to take risks and not leave the cat alone during childbirth. Some cats, especially young and inexperienced ones, do not know what to do with their kittens. Your absence during birth may cost you the life of your entire litter. Often a kitten is born “with a shirt on”, and if an inexperienced cat does not lick it, it will suffocate. A nearby owner can solve this problem in a few seconds.

The mother cat provides full care for the kittens until approximately 3 weeks of age. Kittens should be kept in a warm and dry place. Starting from 3 weeks, you need to start feeding them and putting out a tray, which will require additional care from you. But when the kittens start walking, you should communicate with them more so that the kittens get used to people, adapt to the world around them and become real pets.

Kittens - litter activation

When the kittens are two months old, they can be registered in the club and felinological documents are issued for them - activated.

After the birth of kittens in your home and the activation of your first litter, you become not just a cat owner, but also a breeder. If a cat lives in your house, then you are its owner, the owner of this cat at the moment. In this case, the breeder of your cat is the person in whose house she was born. If your cat has given birth to kittens, you are the breeder for those kittens, and their owners are usually other people.

Even if the new owner of your kitten assures that he is not interested in breeding and is buying the kitten as a pet, nevertheless give him the certificate with the contacts of the breeder and the club. Time goes by, and circumstances change. A kitten may change owners... It happens that a magnificent cat (cat) grows up and the whole family dreams of breeding, participating in exhibitions, but the problem arises: “where is our pedigree?” Track the fate of your litter for at least a year.

Sincere wishes - health, success, prosperity - to the owners and breeders, and to our furry pets!

The pet breeding business attracts us with its prospects. Looking through advertisements for the sale of purebred animals, we see high prices Accordingly, we come to the conclusion that cat breeding as a business is very profitable.

If you want to start making money from breeding pets, then you need to approach the issue very carefully so as not to lose your investment and make a profit. You must understand that such a business is very unstable, has its pros and cons, as well as the likelihood of incurring risks and losses if, for example, a pet gets sick.

If you think that it’s enough to buy a couple of cats and give them the opportunity to peacefully reproduce and provide you with finances, then this is not entirely true. Breeding cats requires some knowledge about the characteristics of these animals, as well as business skills and the ability to correctly calculate all expenses so that they are less than income.

Where to start

The first thing you must do is make a plan. No successful business can happen without careful planning. You must take into account everything: the cost of purchasing animals, their maintenance, veterinarian, exhibition. When assessing where to start breeding cats, you need to understand that sometimes things happen. unforeseen situations, requiring additional investments.

The next step is preparing the premises. It is more convenient to maintain a nursery with several animals in a private home. In this case, cats will have to be allocated a separate room, and perhaps more than one, depending on how many animals are supposed to be kept. Careful planning of matings and selection of pairs will require you to separately house males, females and recently given birth females with litters.

In addition, you will need an area for walking and playing. Great solution- make an outdoor enclosure. For these purposes, a strong mesh and a sun canopy are usually used. Of course, you can organize the breeding of cats at home, that is, in an apartment, but in this case you can keep no more than one pair, since the space is quite limited.

Cage for breeding cats

Now you must decide how many animals to purchase. You won’t get much profit from one pair, since the cat needs a rest from giving birth, but during this period it still feeds and requires care. So, we calculate how many females we need so that they consistently produce kittens throughout the year. In this case, you will have to take into account how popular the chosen breed is in your city and whether you will be able to sell the resulting number of cubs. If they are delayed, you will incur additional maintenance costs.

Therefore, your business plan should include:

  • expenses for preliminary preparation premises;
  • expenses for the purchase of breeding animals;
  • maintenance costs;
  • additional expenses: veterinarian, dietary food for indigestion and certain diseases;
  • costs of feeding kittens;
  • calculation of animal maintenance not only during pregnancy, but also during the rest period.

You are now ready to purchase breeding pairs. There are several options here.

  1. We purchase young kittens and raise them until puberty.
  2. We purchase grown-up cats and female cats from trusted nurseries.
  3. We only purchase cats and then pay for breeding.

Each option has pros and cons. When buying kittens, you still don’t know what will grow out of them, so you need to choose a nursery as carefully as possible, having studied the pedigrees of the parents. When buying older kittens, you get cats that are almost ready for breeding, but, again, you must be sure that the animals sold to you are no more than a year old. If you choose the option of paying for matings, you must be prepared for expenses: the more elite the male, the more expensive the mating will cost. For some breeds it can reach 20-50 thousand rubles.

Read also: Where to start goat breeding as a business and how to succeed

What else is needed to maintain a nursery?

In addition to a properly equipped room, you will need the following:

Breeding Features

Professional animal breeding requires certain knowledge. Many nursery owners take felinological courses, where they are told how to select pairs correctly, what they should pay attention to, how childbirth is carried out, features of keeping, participation in exhibitions and other important points.

For breeding you will have to choose a specific breed. It is not recommended to keep several different breeds nearby to avoid accidental crossbreeding.

Animals without genetic defects or health problems are allowed for breeding. You will be a member of a club that approves matings and issues pedigree. Usually no more than two matings are allowed per year. The first mating occurs after the third heat. It is impossible to allow breeding to occur too early, but it is not recommended to do the first mating with an already adult animal.

Of great importance correct selection pairs by color, each breed has its own characteristics. The main breeds that are popular:

  • British;
  • Scottish Fold;
  • Maine Coon;
  • sphinx;
  • Persian;
  • Bengali;
  • Abyssinian

When choosing an expensive breed, remember that the demand for it may be small.

British Persian breed

All animals used for breeding are subject to vaccination. A veterinary passport is issued for each cat. Pedigree kittens are usually given away starting at three months. They also receive vaccinations and receive veterinary passports. Pregnancy in a cat lasts on average 65-68 days; in Maine Coons it can last up to 72 days. Estrus in cats lasts about a week, its frequency depends on the breed and characteristics of the particular female. The average number of kittens is from 1 to 6, this large breed, like the Maine Coon, there are more of them.

Pitfalls when breeding animals

In pursuit of profit, you will have to work hard. Animal breeders are forced to devote all their time to them, and the more cats you have, the less time you have for everything else. When starting your business, you will have to invest a lot. For example, a purebred Maine Coon will cost 20 thousand rubles and more, it depends on the specific nursery and the prospects of the kitten itself. Breeders usually sell at a higher price for breeding. Here, of course, you can cheat and say that you are taking a cat for the family, but in any case you will need a pedigree and permission to breed if you want the kittens to sell at a high price.

Many people surfing the Internet see information about the sale and breeding of purebred kittens and are surprised at the astronomical price tags for a small fluffy ball. Immediately thoughts arise that you need to buy a male cat, breed and sell their children at an inflated price - an easy and profitable business, on the one hand. Only few people know about the various pitfalls that are present there.

How to start breeding cats

If you are still thinking about purchasing and breeding animals, then you first need to choose the breed with which you would like to work. Explore detailed information O different breeds, their character, habits, characteristics, shortcomings. Most often, breeders select a breed that matches their character.

Breed selection

Here are some of the most popular breeds:

  • An exotic cat is small in size, with a flat nose, short-haired, each animal has its own character, bred by crossing American shorthaired cats and Persian cats.

    What does an exotic cat look like?

  • The Persian breed is an animal with long, beautiful hair, originally from Persia; such cats require careful care; by nature, 97% of animals are kind and affectionate.

    Chinchilla Persian cat

  • Maine Coons are cats the size of a small lynx, with long hair and a big stomach. It is better to breed such individuals in private houses, where there is a lot of free space.

    Maine Coon kitten

  • Straight-eared British and fold-eared Scots are short-haired, capricious, they must cross either straight-eared with straight-eared, or fold-eared with straight-eared; under no circumstances should fold-eared cats be mated with fold-eared cats.

    When crossing a straight-eared cat and fold cat You may get offspring with erect or floppy ears

  • Canadian Sphynxes are an amateur breed, completely bald, and small in size. Such animals require careful care, frequent bathing; such cats live exclusively in home and warm conditions.

    Canadian Sphynx kittens

A few more popular breeds are Russian Blue, Seaamese, Siberian, Cornish Rex, Abyssinian.

All of the above breeds are quite popular and are in good demand; this should also be taken into account when choosing. You can pick up a rarer purebred cat, with a price much higher than Persians or Sphynxes, but, as they say, there are not very many lovers of such breeds and will there be a demand for your kittens?

Having chosen a specific breed, scour the Internet or books, study diseases, care, genetic features, the animal’s diet and much more. useful information. Undoubtedly, you must evaluate your work very soberly and understand that animals, almost like people, require considerable expenses. After all, first you need to buy a kitten, raise it, feed it, breed it, then care for the offspring, vaccinations, food and much more. If you are mentally and physically ready for this, then you can start looking for the right kitten and equip your house as a nursery.

Suitable living conditions

If you decide on one cat or cat, then special problems there won't be. He or she may well simply live with you in a house or apartment, however, after the bonding, you will need to allocate a place for the cat and her kittens. There should be everything you need from food and water cups to cat litter. In any case, the room where the cat lives must be clean and ventilated.

If you decide to purchase several animals at once, then you should think about the place where they will live. If you have private house, then the ideal solution would be built enclosures for each cat. Ventilation, heating in winter, and light are needed there so that the animals feel comfortable. There should be cat litter with or without litter, cups for water and food, houses for each animal, scratching posts, and possibly some toys.

Enclosures with all amenities, houses, toilets

In addition to all of the above, food or feed is needed, because each animal reacts differently to the same product, filler; it is best to purchase wood, low price category and good in terms of reviews and quality. You will also need nail scissors, shampoos, and combs for long-haired animals.

Where to buy a kitten

If you want an animal with good health, pedigree and for breeding, then under no circumstances should you look for a cat in markets where they sell all kinds of pets. The ideal option would be to purchase a cat from a special cattery that has an excellent reputation and good show animals.

But it happens that such nurseries have very inflated prices, so the simpler option is to look for an animal through friends, or through the Internet in advertisements. But here you should be very careful and careful, cheap is not always good. You must look at the animal live, study the documents for the kitten (, birth certificate, or pedigree), documents for the parents, and you can also look at diplomas from exhibitions, if any.

The metric or pedigree for a kitten indicates that the parents have a pedigree, the kitten itself is purebred, and breeding is possible. A veterinary passport is a card about the state of health, it should contain information about vaccinations, flea and worm treatment. It is formalized by the breeder, upon sale it is given to the buyer and the records there are kept by him. Often, breeders write their phone numbers for contact and any questions, as well as their phone number veterinarian, which works specifically with this nursery and is time-tested. Do not forget about concluding a contract when purchasing an animal.

Obtaining a pedigree for a kitten is discussed with the breeder, they are given a ready-made document or metric, which will need to be changed to a pedigree within a certain time. It is necessary to clarify how this can be done and how much it will cost. The metric contains information about the animal, its name, date of birth, color, gender, breed; in addition, there must be a seal of the nursery or club, information about the breeder and contacts of the club where the nursery is registered. To obtain a pedigree, you will need to send the animal’s registration and money to the club to which the nursery is assigned and within a couple of weeks you will be issued a pedigree.

How to become a breeder

To start breeding, you need to register with the cat club and obtain breeder status. What does the club do? Conducts cat shows, prepares documentation for animals (metrics, pedigrees, certificates for adults), and prepares documents for the nursery.

To obtain official breeder status, you must submit an application to any cat club in your city. In turn, the club will send your application to international organization, where it will be checked for uniqueness and a decision will be made to issue a certificate to open a nursery. This takes about 7–14 business days. You also need to join the club and pay an annual membership fee. Through the club you can issue certificates for adult cats, diplomas, pedigrees for offspring, and on the club website you can advertise about matings or the sale of kittens.

Participation in exhibitions

Before breeding cats and getting offspring, you need to earn status and “get out into the world.” This is why there are exhibitions of purebred cats. Such exhibitions are organized by cat clubs, where judges determine the class of your cat and its status as a producer. Shows are a very expensive business, so not all breeders attend every event.

Titles, medals and cups for the first place animal

To earn the highest score for your animal, you need to properly care for it, do not forget about caring for the ears, claws, eyes and fur. The animal must have adequate character and behavior, it must not be aggressive, and it must behave adequately around other people and cats. All are also needed necessary vaccinations and processing.

Before introducing your pet into the world, it is better to go to any exhibition as a spectator. See how such events are held, what a future champion should look like, how he should behave, what judges pay attention to when examining cats. Then it will be easier for you to prepare for this nervous and costly event.

There are several exhibition classes:

  • Open - cats from 10 months compete for the title of candidate for CAC champion.
  • Young - from 6 to 10 months, the selection of “Best Young Animal of the Show” is underway.
  • Kitten class - from 3 to 6 months, choice " The best kitten exhibitions."
  • Liter - animals from 10 weeks to three months of age, there should be no less than three kittens from the same litter.


Felinology is the study of the anatomy and physiology of domestic cats, their care, breeding and other characteristics. To know enough about the animals you are going to work with, you need to study their physiology and genetics so that in the future there will be no problems with the offspring or health of cats. You need to know the basics of veterinary medicine and the rules of breeding. You can study all this on your own, taking information from a variety of sources. There are also special paid courses that will tell you about all the intricacies and rules. After the training there is an exam, after which you will receive a diploma.

How to organize an animal advertisement

If you go to exhibitions and decide to breed your animal for mating, then advertising is necessary. Some offer mating services on classifieds websites, others on the website of the club in which they are registered. You can advertise your animal at shows by talking to other breeders or handing out your business cards.


The ideal age for breeding a female cat is after a year. In order to breed a cat, she needs at least one exhibition title, for a cat - at least several titles, the presence of good offspring and great reviews and recommendations. When choosing a pair for your animal, study pedigrees so that there is no relationship between cats. In some breeds big role For mating, the color of the animal plays a role, do not forget to study this issue very carefully.

Most often, the mating conditions are given by the cat’s owner, and the cat is taken to him for several days. He sets the cost of mating with his animal, pledging to ensure that the mating happens. As payment, he may demand one or two kittens from the resulting offspring. Before mating, it is necessary to draw up a special agreement so that there are no further claims from either side.

Birth and care of offspring

A pregnant cat walks for approximately 58 to 70 days, counting from the first mating. If a cat gives birth for the first time, then she needs your constant attention. After the kittens are born, you can safely leave the cat for 3 weeks, after which you need to start feeding them. In addition, you need to start potty training the kittens and interacting with people.

Little lumps require careful care and education

Don't forget about vaccinations and treatment for worms. It is recommended to start selling kittens no earlier than three months so that the animal eats and goes to the toilet on its own.

Kittens for sale

When the offspring are old enough, you can safely advertise for sale, indicating gender, color, breed and date of birth. You can advertise on the Internet, on the club’s website or your own website, or by telling your friends and acquaintances about the kittens.

When selling, you must give the buyer the birth certificate or pedigree of the kitten, explaining what it is and why, a veterinary passport indicating the vaccinations and treatments performed. If you have your own veterinarian, please provide his contact information. Be sure to include your contact phone number so customers can call you with any questions or concerns. Give some dry food for the first time, a disposable diaper for transporting the animal to its new home. Tell us about the care, nutrition and characteristics of the kitten.

Advantages and disadvantages of breeding cats

As with any job, animal breeding has its positive and negative aspects. Any animal, purebred or not, requires time, money and attention. The more cats, the more money you have to invest in keeping them healthy and well-groomed. It is necessary to soberly understand that most of the money received from the sale of cat offspring will go into business - the purchase of food, filler, vitamins, vaccinations and preparations for treatment. Of course, if you have several cats and your own cat, then the costs will be lower; you won’t have to spend money on mating with someone else’s cat. And from each cat you can get up to six kittens, so the profit will be quite good, even despite all the costs.

Breeding cats is a big commitment, you can't just breed your cat and sit around waiting for the kittens to grow up. Unfortunately, cats do not always give birth to healthy or live kittens. You always need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to keep a not entirely healthy kitten for a long time, care for it like a child, and nurse it so that it can have a good and happy life.

First you need to purchase animals. It is clear that not at the “bird market” but at good nursery and it’s better not in Russia. Then raising them on the right food is also an expense. Then take it to exhibitions and it’s good if your animal is not rejected, because... Anything can grow, even from a super nursery on super feed. Next is payment for mating. Then raise offspring and find buyers who always want cheaper. In general, if for the sake of money, then it’s definitely not worth it. I have an unsterilized cat, I’ll tell you this, it’s not much fun, so I take her to mating once a year. More precisely, I’ll get better, I love kittens, I love playing with them, I teach them to do everything - then they follow me like dogs. But when it comes to selling, this is where it begins.... I feel sorry for the kittens, not all buyers are adequate... well, etc.


They won’t pay off, club animals are very demanding, and if you are an inexperienced breeder, you will most likely suffer losses. And not all of the offspring can be sold (one spot on the skin where it shouldn’t be, and the kitten is rejected; you can only sell it for next to nothing), but for those you sell you must first find buyers. And these exhibitions are endless, all this consumes time and money.


It seems to me that breeding for profit is possible, just buy a few breeds first, a Siamese or a Russian Blue. So this is very profitable, kittens can be sold from 5,000 to 20,000, and this is taking into account 1 kitten, and provided that they are from champions and with a passport, vaccinations and a chip, a kitten can be sold for (from) 25,000 to 40,000 thousand rubles


Video: how to start breeding cats

In conclusion, we can say that breeding purebred cats is very good and enjoyable. This will become not only a permanent income, but also a wonderful hobby, provided that you love animals. Yes, you can get a high profit from this activity, but you will have to try very hard for this.