How many days does a kitten cry? Why do cats meow loudly, as if they were crying? It is better to take a kitten to a new home before the weekend

With the appearance of a small pet in the house, big problems arise. Sometimes kittens scream day and night without ceasing, follow their owner and with their entire appearance make it clear that something is bothering them.

A cat's inviting meow often signals that it's time to pay attention to your pet. Sometimes small cats express their intention to communicate in this way, but sometimes the reasons are much more serious, including health problems.

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    Possible causes of meowing

    To find out the reason for constant meowing, you should take a closer look at the behavior and appearance of your pet.


    Changing the usual way of life, the kitten experiences stress. One obvious cause of anxiety in kittens is separation from their mother. This is especially true for babies who are taken from a cat before the age of three months. The socialization period is not over yet, and the pet feels loneliness and helplessness. The kitten meows loudly, calling the cat for help.

    It happens that kittens are taken away at an early age, up to a month. At this time, they do not defecate on their own, cannot maintain body temperature and carry out basic self-care. Kids are cold, they feel discomfort and express it as best they can.

    It is highly undesirable to separate kittens from a cat under three months of age. Being close to their mother, babies adopt behavioral habits and learn to live in society. The result of such training is a gentle adaptation to the new home.


    During the suckling period, babies fill their stomachs whenever they want. Left alone at an early age, they loudly moo and announce their desire to eat. Perhaps the matter is in the wrong approach to organizing the diet.

    The quality of food also matters. It is worth asking the breeder what diet was offered to the mother and kittens before the sale of the pet and stick to the same “table”. If there is no way to find out how the kitten ate, or the owner has other feeding preferences, it is necessary to properly accustom him to new food and organize the correct diet for him.

    By teaching your pet to eat on a schedule and not giving pieces from the owner’s table, the owner will receive “dividends”:

    1. 1. The kitten will have good health: a well-structured regime is the key to good digestion and the functioning of all body systems.
    2. 2. The owner is guaranteed a restful sleep: once he gets used to the fact that food does not appear at any moment, the pet will stop constantly screaming at night, demanding food.

    Craving for communication

    Cats cannot stand being alone, and small cats are no exception. You should watch the baby: the kitten, demanding communication, screams loudly, asks to be held, and gets in the face.

    Before entering a new home, babies spent a significant part of the day playing with their brothers and sisters and communicating with their mother. This is a very important part of the socialization of animals, during which they acquire hierarchical behavior skills and stimulate physiological development. Having lost companions for games and communication, they look for them in the owner.

    Toilet problems

    Kittens raised with their mother until the end of the socialization stage are already familiar with the litter box. But in a new house with an unfamiliar environment, they cannot immediately understand where the toilet is, and the new potty does not tell them anything, because it is just a piece of furniture without an associative chain. In such a situation, kittens meow to call for help.

    At an earlier age, babies cry in pain: the cat stimulates the processes of defecation and urination by licking the abdominal area of ​​the kittens. Left without a mother, they are deprived of this care, and the owner’s primary task is to replace their mother and learn to help the pets on their own.


    Puberty in kittens begins at the age of 6 months. It is characterized by increased anxiety. A young cat or she-cat meows invitingly all the time, irritating its owners and neighbors.

    In rare cases, screaming attacks in animals go away on their own.


    Often the reasons for constant cat meowing lie in health problems. Cubs do not know how to suffer in silence, and painful sensations force them to cry. A careful examination will help establish superficial symptoms, but it should be remembered that the true cause of the disease, as a rule, is seen only by a doctor.

    The following signs are cause for concern for the owner:

    • increased body temperature;
    • lack of stool or diarrhea;
    • blood in urine or stool;
    • lethargy, apathy;
    • the kitten is vomiting;
    • refusal to eat, loss of appetite;
    • hard tummy;
    • unnatural movements;
    • unhealthy discharge in the ears, eyes;
    • skin rash.

    How to help a small pet

    You can overcome all the difficulties associated with continuous cat meowing by showing care and patience. Paying close attention to your pet will help determine the cause of his anxiety. By eliminating it, the owner will be able to enjoy communication with his little four-legged friend.

Only real “cat lovers” bring a cat into the house and it becomes a real member of the family. Owners become attached to their pets and claim that cats can express their feelings (sadness, joy, sadness) like a person. This is actually not the case, although the behavior of cats has not been thoroughly and completely studied. Cats can “whine” in pain, signal pain with strange sounds, but they cannot laugh and cry “humanly”, this is not inherent in nature.

In the process of studying cats, it was established that cats do not cry, but despite the fact that they have a gland that secretes tears. It is designed to preserve the cornea from drying out. Tears are emotions, in order to cry you need to be able to express your feelings, even a human baby cannot cry at birth, it only screams.

Cats can be sad, show an apathetic and depressed mood, but they show this completely differently from people. During nervous disorders, cats lose hair, which means a lack of attention from the owner.

In any case, cats do not know how to cry, and if you notice “tears” in the eyes of your beloved pet, he is sick.
The very first symptoms of disruption of the tear ducts are constantly wet eyes, brown hair under the eyes, irritation and hair loss. Most often these are signs of epiphyora eye disease. When any symptom appears, it is necessary to urgently contact a veterinarian, make a correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Sometimes a cat “cries” due to a foreign body entering the ducts of the lacrimal glands, which must be carefully removed.

There are cases when a cat “cries” due to an infection in the eye (viruses, bacteria), which also needs to be diagnosed and treated only under the supervision of a specialist. Self-medication can lead to vision loss.

In some cat breeds, “tears” flow constantly due to the anatomical characteristics of the breed - these are Persians. But, despite the fact that Persian cats constantly “cry,” their owners need to constantly monitor this. Improper hygiene procedures can lead to inflammatory processes, and the appearance will not be very beautiful. The veterinary pharmacy has special eye care products.

In small kittens, tears appear only when the eye is injured while playing with other kittens or toys. Little kittens need constant care and supervision; if you notice that your baby is “crying,” go to the doctor immediately. In any case, if your cat “cries” this is not a manifestation of feelings, but a signal of a problem with the eyes. Caring and careful care of your cat will ensure a comfortable existence for him!

So, today we have to figure out why the kitten meows constantly. After all, the appearance of a furry animal in the house is almost always a joy. If only it is not overshadowed by an overly “voiced” animal. Sometimes the meowing is so strong and annoying that the kittens have to be given away. Before agreeing to such a serious and rash step, it is better to understand what is going on. It is unlikely that an animal will just make noise and “give voice.” So why does the kitten meow all the time? What you should pay attention to?

Calling mom

The first reason kittens meow is when their mother calls. Newborn representatives of the cat family are born blind, they need to somehow attract attention to themselves and call the mother cat to them.

It is for this reason that the kitten is able to meow loudly and for a long time. Moreover, this “crying” usually does not subside at all. The kitten will constantly strain and call for its mother. As a rule, such situations often occur when babies are torn away from their parents early. You’ll just have to get through this period of time and help the new tenant get used to you quickly.


In fact, there are many reasons why they constantly “give voice”. It is very difficult to predict them. But remembering the main points will not be difficult. Why does the kitten constantly meow?

If you recently brought an animal into your home, then the answer is obvious - it's stress. This is how the kitten reacts to a new home. At a young age, an animal is only able to express its condition by crying. Therefore, this period will also have to be endured. New owners should help the pet quickly adapt - feed, caress and show with all their might that the new “family member” is completely safe here.

As soon as the kitten adapts to the new place, it will become silent. When getting a cat, get ready for several weeks of plaintive crying, especially in the first days of getting used to the new home.


Why does a little kitten constantly meow? The most common reason for this behavior is... hunger! This is how your new family member will show what he wants to eat.

This phenomenon is quite normal. After all, when a person is hungry, he talks about it. So the animals do the same. Only instead of the speech we are used to, the cute fluffies meow.

Please note: a small kitten will constantly ask its owner to feed it while it is hungry. But adult cats try to meow clearly and only a few times, as if to call their owner to the bowl. Thus, due to hunger, all animals vocalize. It doesn't matter at what age.


Why does he constantly meow? And not only Scottish, or Siberian, or Persian, but also an ordinary mongrel? In this way, the animal can simply attract attention to itself. A common method, very effective. If someone wants attention, they talk about it. And small children usually cry. Kittens do the same thing - they are the same babies. They also beckon to you. Now do you understand why the kitten meows constantly?

You should pay attention to the fact that in this way they attract the attention of not only children, but also adults. Only they, as already mentioned, try to make poises between “phrases”. If an animal is too bored and longs for communication, it may not shut up for a long time.

What to do in this case? There is only one way out - to pay attention to your pet, even if it seems to you that you have already been fussing with him a lot. Only in this case will the animal stop reminding itself of itself. Otherwise, you will have to listen to the “cat concert” for days on end. We are exaggerating, of course, but... As long as the animal craves communication, it will not shut up.


Why does the kitten meow constantly? In addition to the options already listed, there are several more. For example, if the cat demands something. The most important thing is to attract attention to yourself. This is exactly what the animal does. Only in this case does it clearly indicate that it wants something. And this is far from the attention of the owner.

Try closing the door in front of the cat, leaving him on the other side of the room. Most likely, the animal will begin to express its displeasure. Moreover, demand to open the door. How is this expressed? Meowing. Moreover, loud, clear and intrusive. And also scratching.

This is also quite normal. Everyone somehow expresses their dissatisfaction and asks for something, right? Cats have an amazing tool for this - meowing. How to determine exactly what is wrong? Listen to the tone of the sounds your pet makes. If he is indignant, the animal demands something.

Expression of love

Why does the kitten meow constantly? Another reason could be... love. In this way, kittens and adult cats show their loyalty to their owner.

Some people are surprised: they say that when a cat feels good, he doesn’t meow, but purrs! Yes this is true. But there are exceptions. Adult animals usually meow less often, expressing their feelings for the owner. But kids - all the time. They simply don’t know how to purr quietly yet. There is only one thing left to do - meow.

Spring came

So we figured out why he constantly meows. Adult cats also sometimes “voice” for similar reasons. But there are several more options for answering the question posed.

True, the next point will explain the behavior of only adult individuals. But it’s worth taking it into account. The thing is that in the spring, cats' sexual desire increases. During this period, they begin to meow very loudly. This behavior applies to both females and males.

The explanation is very simple: cat hormones are acting up. To calm down an animal that has developed a sexual desire, you will have to either use special hormonal drugs (they help, but temporarily), or castrate/sterilize the cat. This is the only way to defeat the annoying yelling from your pet.


Why does a one-month-old kitten meow constantly? The reasons, as you can see, can be different. But among them one cannot fail to highlight another extremely important factor. If your pet is in pain, he will try to show it. And the only thing he can do is meow.

This is exactly how a cat will behave if something hurts. A common phenomenon that owners rarely pay attention to. However, it is also wrong to blame the owners for this, because identifying the cause can be very difficult. After all, as practice shows, there are many reasons for a cat’s crying. It's easy to get confused. But if your animal is not deprived of attention, is fed, warm and feels comfortable at home, it is better to play it safe and take the cat to the veterinarian for a check.


Why else would a kitten meow constantly? Surprisingly, in this way he simply talks to you. Animals, like people, can be sociable and not so sociable. Therefore, you shouldn’t be surprised that someone is silent all day, while someone “talks”, you shouldn’t be surprised. No one can say for sure what kind of character your pet will have!

It is impossible to silence the cat in this case. After all, he will still crave communication. The only way that will help here is to talk to the cat. No matter how strange it may sound, you need to communicate with your pet. Then he will answer you when you need it.

Interestingly, cats only communicate with people by meowing. This sound was invented exclusively for us. It is almost impossible to see cats “communicating” with each other in this way.

We hope you now understand why the kitten constantly meows. Yes, there are many reasons. And you must get to know your pet better to understand this issue.

Before you buy a kitten, you need to answer a few questions for yourself, and answer as honestly as possible - are you ready to have a baby? Do you have time to take care of a kitten, play, raise it, take it to the doctor? Are you ready to spend money so that your kitten doesn't need anything? A kitten is also a child, only a cat. If you can firmly answer all these questions positively - great, you can rest assured that the kitten is in good hands.

And so you brought the kitten to a new home. Now this is not only yours, but also his home, where he should feel cozy, calm and comfortable. And since you are in charge, you will have to take care of the kitten’s comfort.

A kitten brought in in the first days is usually confused and even scared. Still would! Just a few hours ago he had a home and a mother, and now he found himself in the hands of a stranger, and in a strange place. There is something to be excited and scared about. Oddly enough, but now you are his mother. So the cards are in your hands - to calm, educate, teach reason. If you were initially ready for responsibility, then everything you need is already ready - there is a litter tray for the baby, toys, brushes for fur, and, just in case, a first aid kit.

In your life together with your kitten, a very important period begins, the very first period in a new home - the period of adaptation of a small defenseless animal to your, still alien and scary, apartment. It is very important during this period that the kitten immediately has its own cozy corner - with a bed, a tray and bowls of water and food. It is necessary for the kitten to immediately understand the purpose of all these objects and remember where they are, otherwise in an unfamiliar environment he may get confused and not find a tray, water, food, or a bed. Please note that the corner in which your kitten will live should not be in a draft - small kittens get cold very easily.

It is better to take a kitten to a new home before the weekend.

Try to take the kitten to a new home on the eve of the weekend or during vacation, so that you can spend at least the first couple of days with it, and not immediately abandon the baby to the mercy of fate. Firstly, he will simply be lonely and uncomfortable without his mother, and secondly, upbringing should begin from the very first minutes. In addition, the kitten will sooner get used to you and understand that you are its owner if you are together in difficult times.

During the adaptation period, give the animal as much attention as possible. Remember that a kitten is the same as a child, he needs warmth, affection and always play. Kittens are very active by nature, so don’t be too lazy to play with a small ball or something else with the kitten. It is important that the kitten has fun, stops being afraid, and receives positive emotions.

Of course, during the game the kitten may drop something - a cup, a flower pot, glasses. Don't scold your pet. It is much better to make sure in advance that valuables or objects that are dangerous to the baby are not accessible to him.

Close attention should be paid to the windows. As soon as the kitten gets comfortable, he will certainly begin to explore everything around him, including the window sills. And if the window is open, the kitten may fall out. Therefore, it is better to cover the windows with mesh.

Garbage should also not be accessible to the kitten, where it may come across small bones, other sharp objects, plastic bags that smell like meat or fish - the kitten may choke. In addition, many indoor plants pose a serious danger to cats, including such popular ones as violets, cacti, diphembachia, and geranium.

If possible, electrical wires should also be hidden from the kitten. It will be interesting for the kitten to play with them, and if he bites through the wire, he will inevitably receive an electric shock. The same goes for needles, pins, nails and other things - hide them away. Out of pure curiosity, the cat will want to chew them, but this can end very sadly.

At the same time, do not limit the kitten’s freedom. Let him carefully and slowly examine his new home meter by meter, room by room. After all, he will have to live in this house all his life. You should not grab the kitten in your arms every minute. Although the baby needs tenderness, he also needs personal time - for new discoveries. Therefore, just keep an eye on the kitten to avoid trouble.

If you already have cats, they may not be entirely loyal to the new tenant, and even begin to offend him. There is a little trick that may be useful. Wipe your old-timer cat with a piece of cloth, and then stroke the kitten with the same cloth. The older cat will not touch the baby, who has the same smell.

Oddly enough, kittens have much warmer relationships with dogs. As a rule, dogs do not show aggression towards small kittens, but are rather curious.

A separate conversation about nutrition. Be sure to find out what kind of food your kitten is used to, otherwise you can suddenly change foods, portion sizes, and cause harm to the kitten. With a sudden change in diet, the baby may have a tummy ache and problems with bowel movements. The nutrition of a small kitten should be approached as carefully as the nutrition of an infant. And, of course, make sure that the water in the bowl is always clean and fresh - the kitten should drink plenty. It is also important that the kitten can eat in peace and quiet, when nothing disturbs it.

It is very important not to scare the little kitten in the first days.

Try not to turn on a terribly buzzing vacuum cleaner, loud hair dryer, drill, or food processor next to him. Watch the volume of your voice yourself - do not shout directly into the kitten’s ear, especially - do not scold it so that the neighbors can hear it. This way you can forever lose the kitten’s trust and friendship.

Cats are very vindictive, independent, and proud. If in the first days of communication you cannot win the trust and love of a kitten, then the important animal that will raise them will not be devoted to you with all their soul. Therefore, you should not be lazy, you need to devote time to your baby, show your love for him and really take care of him. This is the only way, in fact, you can prove that you are worthy of the animal’s love, you will become not a reprimanding and strict owner for him, but a true friend with whom the cat will feel good and calm all his life.