What you need to know about kittens. What you need to know about purebred cats

Tatyana Kulikova, based on materials from the website of Pam Johnson Bennett

No one expects, when picking up or buying a cat, that the kitten will behave badly, destroy the house and hide under the bed. Whenever you have a cat in your home, you have expectations about the future. have a wonderful life along with her. But it happens that expectations of a cloudless life are not justified. Most often, we ourselves are to blame for the fact that something did not go as we expected. We are quick to blame the cat, but in reality it is we who have not fulfilled our part of the agreement. So, here is a list of ten things that you should not forget in order for your cat to bring you only joy:

1. Your cat is a social creature

Cats benefit from companionship. There used to be a lot of misinformation about cats being solitary animals. Cats hunt alone because they search the field for small prey and sit in ambush for hours, but they benefit from the companionship of other animals. It is very difficult to introduce a new cat into an established pride because you have to take into account the territorial nature of the cats, but if done correctly, in most cases you will be able to give your cat wonderful companion for games.

2. Create an attractive toilet

Pay attention to what your cat needs when it comes to teaching her good habits. And we are not talking about what is convenient for you, we're talking about about what is comfortable and attractive to your cat. The type of litter box, type of litter, location of the litter box, and how often you empty it are the most important factors V successful parenting correct cat habits.

3. Claws

Cats have a natural need to scratch and it is actually very good for them physically and emotionally. Many inexperienced cat owners think that a cat sharpens its claws on furniture or carpets simply because it is poorly trained or out of spite. Take the time to learn the importance of this type cat behavior, and then you will not be misled by myths and you will not have to resort to the barbaric procedure of removing cat claws. Provide your cat with a tall, sturdy scratching post that is covered in a rough texture and it will be easy to train your cat to sharpen her claws in the appropriate places.

4. Enrichment environment

Many behavior problems can be avoided if you enlarge and enrich the space where your cat lives. Cats have amazing emotions that are natural to hunters, and their environment can stimulate them. Environmental enrichment includes opportunities to take part in interactive games, solo games, creating vertical territory, safety and comfort. A cat that sleeps all day gets off the couch to waddle to the kitchen for food and then waddles back to the couch does not receive adequate physical and emotional stress.

5. Every cat action serves a purpose.

Whether you approve of a certain behavior or not, everything your cat does has a function, otherwise the behavior wouldn't be repeated over and over again. Cats do not deliberately break the rules of behavior, they don't do anything out of spite, revenge or stupidity. Your cat doesn't sit up at night thinking about ways she'll annoy you tomorrow. If you don't like a certain cat behavior, find out the reason why the cat feels the need to do it (in other words, what its need is), and then provide it the best option satisfy this need. Use a positive approach to redirect the cat (for example, using an interactive toy, you can get the cat to follow you anywhere). This training method will strengthen the bond between you and help you better understand what your cat needs.

6. Be consistent

Avoid sending mixed messages when parenting and make sure everyone in the family follows the same rules of behavior. A common mistake in training is that the behavior of the owners is not consistent, so the cat never fully understands what is allowed and what is not.

7. Rendering veterinary care

All cats, whether they were rescued from the street or purchased from a breeder for big money, need regular veterinary care. Don't jump to conclusions that the problem is behavioral without preliminary inspection your cat's veterinarian. Many behavior problems are actually the result medical problem. Cats, whether they go outside or not, should be examined by a veterinarian annually. Older cats (after 7 years of age) should be examined at least twice a year.

8. Pay attention to how your cat communicates

When communicating, be aware of your cat's body language and respect your cat's personal space and requests. There are signals your cat uses to tell you when she doesn't want to be disturbed, and if you take them into account, you will increase the trust between you. Cats are master communicators, and they use their bodies to let others know if they are in a playful mood, ready to be cuddled, or if they don't want to be touched at the moment.

9. Don't let your cat get fat

A few extra pounds for a cat is equivalent to about 20 extra pounds for a person. You may have thought that cats know how to self-regulate their food intake, but given the epidemic, I would say that this is not an accurate statement. Your veterinarian can help you determine the appropriate amount of food to feed your cat each day based on age, health, body type and activity level. Instructions on the amount of food consumed per day on the food packet are general recommendations, so you should pay special attention on your cat's condition. Obesity in cats can lead to arthritis, heart disease and diabetes mellitus, as well as other medical problems.

What you need to know about cats or 10 misconceptions It would seem that what we don’t know about domestic cats - perhaps the most popular creatures on the planet after people? Meanwhile, there are many misconceptions about these animals. In particular, they relate to cat health and behavior, and can lead to serious problems with a pet. Let's look at the most common of these myths 1. Best drink for cats - milk. In fact, milk should only be given continuously to kittens up to three months old. Although it is rich nutrients, such as protein or calcium, it does not contain elements vital for cats, such as iron or taurine. In addition, many cats cannot digest lactose, so consuming milk may cause stomach upset. It is better to use fresh water for drinking. 2. Cats need to eat fish. Indeed, fish contains large number taurine and vitamin A, which the cat really needs. But they are also in meat products. And fish can be harmful and even deadly to cats. Since if a cat eats spoiled fish, it may develop thiamine deficiency, which leads to fatal outcome. And consumption oily fish can lead to steatitis - also a fatal disease. In addition, feeding fish helps urolithiasis. It is better to give special fish-flavored food. 3. Domestic cats do not require vaccinations. Many cat owners are convinced that if their pet does not go outside, it cannot become infected with anything and it is unnecessary to vaccinate it. But this is not true at all. You can bring the infection into the house yourself, for example, on clothes or shoes, or it can also enter the cat’s body with food. Therefore, it is advisable to install a disinfection chamber at the entrance to the apartment, or still regularly vaccinate and give your pet anti-worm medications. 4. Cats become fat and lazy after sterilization. In fact, all cats sleep 16-18 hours a day, and in winter they only get up to eat and do their business. It is clear that the disadvantage motor activity promotes weight gain. And sterilization simply makes the cat calmer and more flexible. 5. Cats are capable of falling from heights without any harm to themselves. It is believed that when a cat falls, it lands on all four paws and therefore cannot harm itself. But this is if the animal has time to group. And then, if the height is too high, then the cat can easily die or at least break its bones 6. Cats see perfectly in the dark. This is not entirely a myth. The fact is that cats are able to navigate in the dark not so much with the help of vision, but thanks to the vibrissae - antennae-whiskers that serve as “locators” for them. In addition, they have very sensitive hearing. But cats’ eyesight, by the way, is not very good. They suffer from farsightedness and cannot even see the food that is under their nose, identifying it only by smell. 7. Cats are color blind. This is not true, they do not see the world in black and white at all. For example, cats distinguish the color red from green, blue or gray. It’s just that among cats, as well as among people, there are colorblind people who, say, confuse red and green. 8. Bad behavior cats is intentional Not at all! If a cat shits in in the wrong place, this is most likely caused by a stressful situation. Such a situation could be a quarrel between the owners, renovations in the apartment, a change in the usual routine. “Bad behavior” can also be caused by illnesses, such as kidney disease. If the cat suddenly began to behave this way, and before everything was in order, then it is worth looking for the reason. 9. A cat and a dog will never become friends. There is even a saying: “like a cat and a dog.” Not every person will decide to take a kitten into their home if there is a dog living there. And vice versa. But in reality, pets often get along with each other, especially if one of them came into the house when they were little. It is best to first let the animals “socialize” and see if they become aggressive. 10. Cats communicate by meowing. Yes, but only with people! They meow specifically to attract the attention of their owner (or a person in general). For example, to be fed... But to communicate with each other they have other “signals”. As for purring, this is how a cat expresses its emotions.

Life is not the same without a cat! But do we know enough about our favorite cats? We offer you a selection interesting facts, spotted on the women's blog Ali Shu. So, 3 facts about cats, welcome to the kingdom of kittens!

3 facts about cats you may not know

Why do cats love to lick themselves so much?

Cats spend a lot of time licking their fur. This is not only a hygienic procedure, but also a way to balance the psyche. In a cat that licks itself, its aggressiveness noticeably decreases. It's all about vitamin B, which the cat licks from the fur. It suppresses aggression. If a cat is not allowed to lick itself while wearing a funnel collar, it will become very nervous and may die.

Hygiene procedures

Many cats are so attached to their owner that they consider themselves responsible for him. Caring is manifested by licking the owner's hair and skin. It's an innate instinct. For the same reason, cats lick and bite woolen clothing and balls.

The opinion that cat hair causes allergies, erroneously. In fact, the allergen is contained in the animal's saliva. And it gets on the fur when the cat begins to lick itself. From wool, the allergen gets onto various surfaces in the apartment. Bathing your pet regularly can reduce allergy symptoms.

To prevent the cat from being stressed, you can limit yourself to wiping the fur with a cloth. In general, cats are less dangerous for allergy sufferers than cats.

How do cats make friends with humans?

Often a cat, sitting on the owner’s lap, begins to trample with its front paws. Newborn kittens do the same thing when they suckle at their mother's breast to help produce milk better.

Adult cats show that they are comfortable in the arms of their owner.

Often people who do not like cats try to sit quietly, without making sudden movements, so that the animal does not start flirting with them. A cat or tom, on the contrary, lies on its legs or near them, or even climbs onto its knees. Simply, the animal does not feel aggression from a person sitting calmly and considers him a friend.

Everyone loves human warmth

Cats express friendly relations towards humans or their relatives by trying to rest their heads against them.

How do cats mark territory?

You can often see a cat scratching the carpet or sofa upholstery. It is believed that this is a way of sharpening claws. However, a nearby scratching post does not attract the animal's attention. So, it's not just a matter of sharpening. Between the cat's toes there are glands that secrete a secretion that the cat uses to mark its territory.

Glands are also located on the tail, on the side of the head, on the muzzle, and under the tail. These are the places where the cat often rubs against its owner's legs. This is how territory is marked. The animal shows that the owner is “busy”, look for another one.
After the cat is petted, it begins to lick itself. Perhaps this is how he washes away someone else's smell. Or maybe he’s trying to prolong the pleasure.
The cat loves affection and stroking.

But there is a measure for it too. If this is already enough for her, and the owner continues to stroke, she begins to show nervousness. If you touch its most sensitive areas: ears, nose, tail, the cat may bite or scratch.
No matter how fast a cat is about his business, he always slows down if he has to pass by another cat. So he tries to be as little noticeable as possible. After all, the owner of the territory can declare his rights to him, and a brutal fight will ensue.

All representatives of the cat family act the same way: they mark and protect their territory.

When a cat goes into the litter box “in large quantities”, it tries to scrape up the result. But it scrapes more on the outside than on the inside. So she shows instinct, but at the same time she doesn’t want to get her paws dirty.

What do you know about cats that we don’t know?

Interesting veils about cats, video collection

We offer you nine funny and interesting things about cats that you should know if you have a tailed and mustachioed pet at home.

1.Cats love you as much as you love them.

The cat will not stop playing with you if they see you walking with your friends on the playground without her. Also, they will not be angry with you if you did not pay attention to them. Cats are loyal creatures, and even when you return home after a long and tiring day at work, they will tolerate any name calling, rub against you and purr.

Also cats will never leave the house. No matter where they walk, and no matter how long it takes, they will always return home. Cats have amazing memories and will remember you even if you were separated for a long time. The bond between this pet and its owner is unbreakable.

2. Cats are individuals just like people.

Cats can be the most different shapes and sizes (large, small, fat, thin, long or short tails, with long or short fur). But besides this, they, just like people, have their own individuality. Some of them are sloths and like to just lie on the couch all day. Others, on the contrary, are active and playful, spending a lot of time playing outside with other cats or climbing trees. Third, they enjoy the company of people and do not leave their owners a single step.

That is, their behavior is varied, just like humans. And we can say that cats also have a temperament.

3. Cats provide health benefits to their owners.

This is a good reason to get a cat. Scientists from the University at Buffalo set out to find out how pets can affect blood pressure person. To do this, they conducted a study that involved non-smoking men and women whose blood pressure was measured over a period of time. During the study, random participants were asked to adopt cats. It turned out that people who had cats at home had a significant decrease in blood pressure and also a reduced risk of stress.

In general, scientists say that people who have cats at home look much happier and healthier.

4. You don't have to walk your cat in the mornings and evenings

90% of domestic cats are litter box trained. And even if your pet for some reason does not want to deal with the litter box, then you can always send the cat outside to relieve itself. At the same time, only 65% ​​of dogs can restrain themselves until their owners arrive, so they can do their business anywhere in the apartment or house. Thus, dogs damage carpets and furniture.

Therefore, cats in this aspect are more independent and tidy. They save their owners a large amount of money.

5. Cats clean themselves

Cleanliness is a key factor for humans. The same applies to cats, who constantly lick themselves at the first appearance of dirt on their fur. This is very beneficial for the owners, since they need to be bathed not every day, but once a week or even once a month.

Also, some cat owners claim that their pets do not like clutter in the house, and therefore they start cleaning themselves, rearranging things to the places where they were previously. This is also one of the unique features of these pets.

6. You can tell your cat everything that hurts you.

As we mentioned above, cats - best friends person. You can talk to them on absolutely any topic, and if you are sad, they can cheer you up, snuggle up to you, purr, etc. Or you can watch your favorite movie together.

7. Cats love our feet the most.

So far, scientists have not been able to find a scientific answer to the fact that 95% of cats love to lie at human feet. And especially when it’s winter outside, and you’re lying under a warm blanket, in a few hours (or maybe minutes) your beloved pet will be next to you, and he will definitely crawl under the bed and lie at your feet.

The same applies to moments when you are sitting on the sofa or in a chair in front of the TV. The cat will pass by anyway and will walk on its knees.
By the way, psychologists say that people who live alone and have a cat are less likely to suffer from depression and stress. This is why cats are so helpful, especially having them around you.

Know yourself and others.

You can learn about cats endlessly,
and they will never be fully known,

for they are as mysterious to us as the sphinxes

And now, finally, you have got yourself a long-awaited Sphinx and are looking forward to the many joys of communicating with him. However, you unexpectedly come across situations that are puzzling and perplexing.
It turns out that you don’t understand your cat, and she doesn’t want to understand you.
It turns out that she behaves completely differently than you expected. What to do?
Trying to train a cat to behave like a dog or a child is pointless and cruel.
In other words, you need to know cat psychology in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts and disappointments that are possible on both sides.

1. Very often you can see how cat owners whoop and chase their fleeing pet around the apartment or, wanting to show it off to guests, they let it go, believing that they are playing with their pet, that it is getting a good dose of exercise and affection. This is a fallacy.
Stress and fear can make an animal more susceptible to disease.
Cats really don't like drastic changes in their lives. They cannot stand it when the house is very noisy.
Stress can affect digestion and cause nervous disorders.
Don't let your cat worry.
After all, just like in people, many diseases in cats are associated precisely with fears, stress and misunderstanding on the part of the owner.
Also, do not allow stressful situations happened to you too. Cats sense the condition of their owner very well and worry about him.
In that house where silence, love and understanding reign, everyone is healthy: both people and animals.

2. Often, due to lack of time, cat owners pay virtually no attention to their pets, believing that a paper “mouse” or ball will completely replace direct communication with the owner. Error!
If a cat kept in home environment, will long time deprived of everyday opportunities human communication, contact with the owner, then, even despite excellent living conditions, she will not only inevitably develop a feeling of inferiority and deprivation, but may also experience a serious nervous disorder.
Therefore, when devoting minutes from your daily budget of free time for a furry pet, remember that it is not enough to just feed the animal, comb it, etc., you also need to communicate with it.
You need to talk to the cat in a gentle, languid voice, and you can say anything - anyway, she will not be able to understand the vast majority of words.
The main thing is to talk to her!
If you accompany your conversation with caresses, light stroking, scratching the neck, then know: for a furry animal these are the most beautiful moments of the day!
For those who are often away from home, it is better to keep at least two animals (cats get bored without communication). When the whole family leaves home for most of the day, two cats will keep each other company. And if one cat is joy, then two cats are joy squared!
If you can afford it, then get two kittens at once, especially if you have two children. It’s good for the children, and you feel better about the psyche of animals. The two cats are no longer alone.

3. Sometimes, if a cat scratches a person, that person begins to “educate” it, shout at it, and slap it in the face. You can't do that.
Cats are very fearful, and their aggressive reaction serves a rather defensive function.
Gradually, such manifestations become fixed and become a habit, and as a result, the animal can react angrily to any minor irritant.
So never scare your cats!
The tendency to aggression can also be hereditary, although in such cases it makes itself felt, as a rule, only in old age. Helps to get rid of such unwanted manifestations sedatives(after consultation with a veterinarian), and sometimes castration.
Aggression is often accompanied by fear and anxiety.
But these features are not natural for a cat; most likely they are a consequence of an unfavorable environment.
Some animals with weak nervous system react painfully to loud sounds, frequent violation or lack of sleep, rest, etc.
The state of fear and anxiety can be eliminated with affection and a kind attitude towards your pet.

4. Sometimes, having just bought a kitten and brought it home, the new owners, having played enough with the pet, leave it alone, surrounded by pillows and toys, and go to bed with a sense of accomplishment.
The first night in a new home will be the most difficult for a kitten.
Surrounded by strange smells, sights and sounds, he will search for his mother and his brothers and sisters. Calm him down by holding him, stroking him gently, and talking to him gently. This is the very moment when his trust is won and the foundation of your relationship is laid, on which the cat’s life in the house will henceforth be built.
The first night will decide whether your pet will spend the rest of its life sleeping in its own bed or with you or one of your children.
But if you do not want your cat to sleep in the same bed with you, then it is much better to immediately take it to your own bed (box, basket, etc.). For some time, the cat will be bored, having lost your company, but on the second night it will understand what they want from it.

5. Very often, owners react too negatively to their pet’s desire to “hunt” (for a ball of thread, a sunbeam, the owner’s nose, etc.) and begin to “wean” the animal from what they think is bad habit. This is wrong.
Hunting is a natural activity for cats.
A cat living indoors chases and jumps after moving toys.
Do not deprive your pets of this opportunity - they need entertainment and training. Cats will always be able to find a lot of objects that they can follow, sneak or chase, thereby training their muscles.
Never scold a cat for hunting; cats are biologically programmed to engage in this behavior.

6. Many cat owners like it when their pet, grabbing the owner’s hand, rolls over onto its back and begins to diligently fidget with its hind legs. This animal behavior should not always be encouraged.
Imitating protection from an attack by a stronger enemy, cats roll over onto their backs and, holding a piece of rag, a corner of a pad, or crumpled paper with their teeth, mercilessly tear at them with their claws. hind legs. Sometimes they do this with human hands, and they get into a rage and start getting really angry.
Such games must be stopped immediately so that the animal does not get the impression that its own owner is weaker than them and that anything can be done to him.

7. Sometimes owners very cruelly punish their pets for torn wallpaper and chewed wires.
If your cat, left alone at home, brings too much great harm apartment: tears wallpaper and upholstered furniture, throws them on the floor various items etc. - she primarily lacks social contacts.
And if you cannot become her full-fledged playmate, then... get a second cat!
The damage to the apartment will decrease: the animals will begin to play with each other.

8. Often, cat owners believe that cats are self-sufficient animals and that their own tail or tail is enough for them to play. extreme case a sunny bunny or birds outside the window on a branch. This is a wrong opinion.
Cats are one of those animals that play all their lives: from childhood to old age.

Game is a manifestation of the play instinct, one of the instincts of self-development inherent in highly organized animals.
You can deprive an animal of toys, but it is impossible to deprive him of games. This instinct is associated with hunting, but the cat is the only animal that plays with it before killing its prey.
That's why this important instinct needs to be indulged at home.
Toys for indoor cats are an absolute must!
They're on long hours will keep her busy and entertained.
A cat needs movement to be healthy. Develop your animal's interest in movement by bringing him special toys and playing with him.
The game is good way also in order to establish contact between a person and a cat.
Cats are delighted by any object shaped like a mouse.
A variety of toys can be hung on door handles. The toys bounce seductively here and there, as if waiting to be touched by an inquisitive cat's paw.
If a kitten finds himself in an empty space where there are no toys, he begins to play with imaginary objects: he catches a fly that does not exist on the wall, even jumps into the air after it, chases something in front of him with his paws, or catches his own tail.

9. Often, owners are extremely unhappy that the cat “sleeps and sleeps”; they want to play with their pet, cuddle it, and they grab the sleepy animal and begin to play with it as if it were a toy. This behavior is a big mistake.
For most cats, sleep is second in importance only to food and petting. Felines spend approximately 65% ​​of their lives sleeping, and they should not be deprived of this.
Don't let children wake up cats to play with them, protect the peace of your pets.
The whole family should learn that the cat needs a lot of sleep in a quiet and warm place.
A cat cannot get bored, even when sleeping. Watch her more closely and you will see how her eyes, paws, ears and whiskers tremble. At this moment they must be having sweet dreams in which they chase their favorite toy, imagining it as a mouse.
When waking up, the cat will definitely stretch well, alternately stretching one or the other leg, and then yawn sweetly and wash itself in order to finally wake up.

10. Many people believe that cats lick themselves only to become cleaner. This is a fallacy.
Of course, pussies are much cleaner animals than dogs. However, they lick themselves not only to wash away dirt and unpleasant odors.
Recently, scientists have proven that cats maintain their state of mind with the help of daily toileting.
A special substance is formed on their fur, which is necessary for the mental balance of the animal.
Cats cannot help but lick themselves, otherwise they will go crazy and die.

11. It is generally accepted that a cat has sharp vision. This is not entirely true.
Just because cats see better than us in the dark does not mean that during the day they have good eyesight. Unfortunately, our pets suffer from farsightedness and sometimes do not notice what is happening under their noses. For example, they identify a bowl of food by smell. By the way, when sniffing food, they just want to know its temperature, not its taste.

12. Some people mistakenly believe that a cat makes only two sounds - meowing and purring. This is wrong.
Cat "language" is less formalized than ours.
Cats just make those sounds that they consider appropriate for a given situation.
An owner who takes the time and effort to listen to and talk to his pets will soon learn to grasp the different shades of sounds they make, and therefore the meaning of what they are “talking about.”
However, achieving such mutual understanding takes time: you must not only listen to what is being said to you, but also respond if you expect two-way communication.
Without love, kindness, patience and observation, you will not be able to achieve true mutual understanding between you and your pets. Once you think about what your cat says, you will soon master its basic vocabulary.
So, in the evenings she will harass you with certain sounds, forcing you to “go to sleep.” Your cat will greet your daily return home with special cooing sounds (purrs). You can also easily recognize sounds that say: “I’m hungry, what’s for lunch today?”, “Please open the door,” “Can I sit on your lap?”, “Let’s play,” etc.
Also worth mentioning is silent meowing, a type of vocalization in which the cat opens its mouth to say or ask for something, but does not make any audible sound. This gesture is very captivating and usually leads to the desired results. In fact, some sound may be made, but only animals can hear it.
Some cats always respond (talkers!) when you contact them, as if they have a “stock of words” for intimate conversation. As a cat owner, you should always return her greeting.
You can't leave the furry creature unattended.
So, what is the cat trying to tell you?
Purring - calmness.
Dissatisfied purring is a painful sensation.
Growling is dissatisfaction.
Meowing is a greeting or request.
Intermittent meowing and even squealing is a response to human contact.
Howling is anger.
A short cry is fear.
Muffled purring, ending with a dissatisfied rumbling - patience has run out.
Hissing - readiness for defense, warning the attacker about this.

13. Many people believe that a cat needs a tail solely for beauty or, in best case scenario, for balancing. This is not true.
Cats also have a language of gestures and postures. It includes movements of the tail, ears, paws, whiskers, eyes, head and body. The most expressive “tool” is the tail.
Here is a brief “dictionary” of cat symbols.
The tail is raised up and its tip is relaxed - joyful excitement.
The tail is raised up - pleasure, joy, satisfaction.
The tail is stretched back and held motionless - an attack is being prepared.
The tail is tense and twitching - a warning.
A slight movement of the tip of the tail indicates interest.
A tail frozen in the lower position means disgust and disappointment.
Tail drooping - fatigue.
The tail twitches - anger.
Rubbing your head on a person - love, devotion, sincerity, thirst for affection.
Ears set vertically - curiosity.
Ears pressed to the head - anger, irritation, preparation for an attack.
Ears pointing back is a warning.
Wide-open pupils - fear, excitement, anxiety.
Wide open eyes- demonstrating interest in what you do.
Squinting of the eyes - calmness, bliss or drowsiness.
The cat looks around intently and then carefully licks its fur - complete or feigned calm.
Stroking a person with a paw - close affection, tenderness; the cat says: "I love you."
Loud scratching with claws is a desire to attract attention.
Swipe paw with claws extended - severe irritation.
An arched back means intimidation of the enemy, very strong irritation and readiness for defense.
A cat curled up with its paws neatly tucked under itself and its tail wrapped around its body radiates happiness and peace.
The body is spread out on the floor, the eyes are half-closed, the ears are pressed tightly - this is a pose of submission.
"Butting" your head (a very expressive gesture) - attracting attention to yourself or showing great affection or gratitude.
The whiskers change direction and twitch according to their mood.
In addition to the symbols listed here, which are used by all representatives of the cat family, each cat uses its own individual symbols, with the help of which it establishes contact with its environment.
Thus, each owner can successfully supplement the given list with his own personal observations.

14. Almost every cat owner has punished their pet at least once in their life, trying to wean the animal from a bad habit. This is a big mistake.
Almost exactly like children, cats are capable of experiencing anger, possessiveness, jealousy, hunger, fatigue, illness, disgust and contempt. They can be happy, affectionate, gentle, peaceful, friendly and attentive.

But there is one thing that cats never experience: guilt.
Therefore, it is useless to punish a cat; it never associates punishment with an offense, but simply takes offense at you.