How cats talk: vocal communication and the meaning of cat behavior. From carriage to rocket

The Cat said to the Cat: “What are you carrying in the basket?” Interesting to see! - The cat answered the cat: - This is soap and washcloth. Rub your back in the bathhouse! And the Cat said to the Cat: - Rather than tell a lie, It would be better to cover the basket with leaves! Cats think about a bath, Like camels about sour cream, And they need a washcloth, Like a mouse for an elephant! You're coming home from the market, And there's a jar of butter in the basket! The Cat said to the Cat: “Where did you get the boots?” I saw you in others, and not in these dear ones! The Cat answered the Cat: “The shoemaker Cat brought me these for my four legs. I’ve been wearing them for three years now!” Both cats lived nearby, but were not friends with each other. The task for nouns with omitted capital endings in brackets indicate the declension number and case. Underline the prepositions that are included in the forms of these nouns

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Each member of the cat family has a unique character and strives for self-expression. The main means of communication is, of course, sounds: purring, screaming, hissing. However, cats also have a rich sign language that includes their tail, ears, eyes, paws, and even whiskers. Their poses, movements and facial expressions can be eloquent. Let's try to figure out what cats tell us in their body language.


The most telling part of a cat is its tail. With its help, the animal can convey all the variety of its emotions.

A tail raised high indicates friendliness and joy, an expression of greeting.

123RF/ Sergey Taran

A tail with a quivering tip, stretched back, will indicate the hunter’s excitement. Slow movement of the tip of the tail means that the cat is relaxed and peaceful, while its twitching indicates extreme concern of the animal.

A fluffy tail like a “pipe” means anger and readiness to attack. It is better to leave your pet alone if he is actively twitching, wagging his tail or lashing it like a whip: this condition indicates dissatisfaction and aggression. A drooping tail means that the cat is unhappy, disappointed, or wary about something. If a cat presses its tail between its hind legs, shrinks and backs away, this means that the animal is scared or offended by someone.


Cat ears are very sensitive. Even a sleeping animal can hear over a distance of more than 20 meters. To find the right sound, a cat's ears can rotate 180 degrees, moving independently of each other. The position of the ears can also tell about your pet's mood.

If the cat staring somewhere with big eyes, and ears sticking out forward, it means she was very interested in something. This position of the ears can also be a sign of a good mood or a desire to play. The ears of a surprised pussy, as a rule, are spread to the sides, while those of a frightened pussy are lowered down and pressed.

If a cat is very angry and ready to rush into battle, she will press her ears tightly to her head, moving them back a little. Ear twitching indicates irritation and anxiety.


You can often observe how a cat shifts its paws, slightly releasing its claws, and purrs at the same time. Such movements remind him of the times of childhood, when he kneaded his mother’s belly with his paws and sucked milk, and mean the highest bliss and happiness.

123RF/Alena Ozerova

Having settled on the owner's lap, the animal falls into childhood. Under no circumstances should you drive him away. This is a moment of great love and affection, and the behavior of the owner, angrily driving him away from his lap, is inexplicable for the cat.

By trying to hug its owner, the pet demonstrates its highest love. If the cat hits you with a soft paw or pulls at your clothes, it means he is asking for something.

A raised clawed paw means that the animal is expressing dissatisfaction and irritation or is trying to defend itself. During a fight, a cat can fall on its back in order to “take up defense” and fight off the enemy with all four paws, especially its hind legs - they are stronger.


A cat's eyes are a mirror of her emotions. If your pet is looking straight ahead with wide eyes, it means that he is very interested in what is happening. With blinking and flickering eyes, the cat expresses its devotion. Half-closed eyes indicate sleepiness or remaining cautious. A clouded gaze signifies complete calm and relaxation and is a signal of trust and friendship.

123RF/ Stefano Venturi

If a cat's pupils suddenly widen and her gaze becomes “crazy,” this indicates that she is very scared. Slit pupils mean that the cat is alert and confident. Staring at someone point-blank is a challenge, and at such moments it is better to keep your distance.

Nose and mustache

Often, a cat, expressing its love, rubs its nose against a person’s face and lips. Sniffing, he moves his mustache. A drooping mustache signifies concern, apathy, or illness, while a forward-pointed mustache signifies interest or being in a state of hunting.


With their appearance, cats can demonstrate not only friendliness, humility and harmony, but also resentment, pride, and arrogance. As soon as you yell at a pussy for some offense, it will immediately become offended, turn its back to the owner and stop responding to its name. But in fact, this is how the cat simply “switches off” from the stimulus.

You can often notice how one of the ears of a sleeping cat turns slightly and the tip of its tail trembles a little. This means that something has attracted her attention, and she is too lazy to turn around and look at the source of the sound, but curiosity does not give rest.

123RF/ lithian

When a cat arches its back, bristles its fur and turns sideways, it is ready for war. In this way, she tries to “get bigger” and scare a potential enemy.

When a cat hunts, he gets all up, stretches his tail into a string, and puts his muzzle forward, his ears are alert, his gaze is intent and unblinking. The animal begins to fidget slightly in place, sways and suddenly rushes forward.

If a cat bends down to the floor and also presses its whiskers and tail to appear smaller, then it is not in the mood and wants not to be touched.

By lying down and turning over on its back, the pet demonstrates the highest degree of humility and trust. The stomach is the most vulnerable place for cats, so they can only allow people they completely trust to scratch it.

If a cat crouches with her front paws to the ground, puts her butt back, tramples with her hind paws, and moves her tail to the side, purring at the same time, this means that she is in heat. When a cat turns its back to a vertical surface, lifting its tail, and shakes it slightly, then in this way it “marks” objects with an unfamiliar smell.


The more we communicate with our pets, the more they communicate with us. Cats are very receptive and capable of learning by imitating the object that interests her. Perhaps that is why the intonations of the sounds they make are very similar to human speech: it can be affectionate, questioning, or demanding purring.

Every cat knows how to get exactly what it wants from a person using sounds of different intonations.

For example, a cat asks for feeding in a drawn-out and long tone at low frequencies, and if she wants the owner to give her attention and care, the cat makes short sounds simultaneously at low and high frequencies, which have a beneficial effect on a person’s mood.

123RF/ Nikita Melnikov

By meowing, small pets try to attract attention to themselves, adapt this sound to each situation and express their desires. Some of them “tell” when they go to the toilet or simply enter the room.

There are also unpleasant, frightening sounds in a cat's arsenal, such as hissing or snorting. In this way, animals express their displeasure or defend themselves. During fights, cats can make completely unimaginable sounds - screams, screams and growls. But if a cat is cornered and cannot escape, it makes a strange sound in its throat (howl). This suggests that, despite the fright, she has not yet completely lost her aggressiveness and can go on the attack.

Sometimes cats make a rather strange, quiet "clack" sound when they are prowling for prey or when they see a bird outside the window. This sound is used by mother cats to draw the attention of kittens to potential prey.

There is also a silent meow, when a cat opens its mouth but does not make any sound. In fact, sound is still produced, but our ear does not perceive it.

The characteristic purring sound of a cat is produced by the vibration of two folds of the mucous membrane located in the lower part of the larynx. It is commonly thought that this is a sign that the cat is happy, but this is not always so clear. Rumbling consists of several sounds that vary in frequency and intensity, allowing a cat to express a wide range of feelings. The “rougher” the purr, the more distinct the sounds become in each beat, which means that the cat’s pleasure has reached its maximum level. When a cat becomes bored or begins to doze off, the purring softens and it becomes more difficult to distinguish its beats.


Each animal has its own individual scent, which they leave everywhere, thus giving information about themselves. Even the presence of a certain smell, a cat mark, on your shoes or clothing can be used as a message to your fellow humans when you go outside. Cats often sniff for a long time and carefully objects on the street or those that you brought into the house, as if reading information from the smell.

Animals’ love for clean linen without foreign odors can be explained by the fact that they perceive it as a no-man’s, unoccupied territory and are in a hurry to designate it as their own.

123RF/Konstantin Aksenov

Why does a cat rub against a person?

The cat rubs its head against its owner, showing its love. She runs along the legs, starting from the muzzle, then sideways and at the end turns with her raised tail, wrapping it around her legs. In this way, smells and information are exchanged.

Visual thinking and mind reading

Communication between cats mainly occurs at the level of mental images, supported by sounds and body movements. They invented a kind of slang for people, but they communicate with each other in their native cat language.

Cats have something like hypnosis and are even able to instill fear in their opponents. Cats can sometimes read the thoughts of their owners, because sometimes you don’t have time to think about the pet, and he’s already right there.

Question: The Cat said to the Cat: “What are you carrying in the basket?” Interesting to see! - The cat answered the cat: - This is soap and washcloth. Rub your back in the bathhouse! And the Cat said to the Cat: “Rather than tell lies, it would be better to cover the basket with leaves!” Cats think about a bath, Like camels about sour cream, And they need a washcloth, Like a mouse for an elephant! You're coming home from the market, And there's a jar of butter in the basket! The Cat said to the Cat: “Where did you get the boots?” I saw you in others, and not in these dear ones! The Cat answered the Cat: “The shoemaker Cat brought me these for my four legs. I’ve been wearing them for three years now!” Both cats lived nearby, but were not friends with each other. The task for nouns with omitted capital endings in brackets indicate the declension number and case. Underline the prepositions that are included in the forms of these nouns


The Cat said to the Cat: “What are you carrying in the basket?” Interesting to see! - The cat answered the cat: - This is soap and washcloth. Rub your back in the bathhouse! And the Cat said to the Cat: “Rather than tell lies, it would be better to cover the basket with leaves!” Cats think about a bath, Like camels about sour cream, And they need a washcloth, Like a mouse for an elephant! You're coming home from the market, And there's a jar of butter in the basket! The Cat said to the Cat: “Where did you get the boots?” I saw you in others, and not in these dear ones! The Cat answered the Cat: “The shoemaker Cat brought me these for my four legs. I’ve been wearing them for three years now!” Both cats lived nearby, but were not friends with each other. The task for nouns with omitted capital endings in brackets indicate the declension number and case. Underline the prepositions that are included in the forms of these nouns


cat (unit part, 1 cl., D.p.), in a basket (unit part, 2 cl., V.p.), in a bathhouse (unit part, 1 cl., P.p. ), about the bath (unit part, 1 cl., pp.), about sour cream (unit part, 1 cl., pp.), with butter (unit part, 2 cl., T .p.), boots (plural part, 2 letters, I.p.), with a friend (singular part, 2 letters, etc.).

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Sergey Mikhalkov
Poetry. Fairy tales. Fables. Plays

What do you have?

Song of friends

We're going, we're going, we're going
To distant lands,
Good neighbors
Happy friends.
We have fun
We sing a song
And the song says
About how we live.

Beauty! Beauty!
We are taking the cat with us,
Siskin, dog,
Petka the bully,
Monkey, parrot -
What a company!

When living together
What could be better!
And there's no need to quarrel
And you can love everyone.
You're on a long journey
Take your friends with you:
They will help you
And it's more fun with them.

Beauty! Beauty!
We are taking the cat with us,
Siskin, dog,
Petka the bully,
Monkey, parrot -
What a company!

We drove, we sang,
And with a funny song
All together, as best we could,
We arrived home.
The sun was shining for us,
The wind blew around us;
It wasn't boring on the way,
And everyone sang:

- Beauty! Beauty!
We are taking the cat with us,
Siskin, dog,
Petka the bully,
Monkey, parrot -
What a company!


hung on the doors
I was locked up

Everyone's gone
And one
In the house
They locked him up.

We left Trezor
Without supervision
And so the puppy
I screwed up everything I could.

I tore the doll's dress,
He tore out a tuft of fur from the hare,
In the corridor from under the bed
Our shoes were dragged away.

I drove the cat under the bed -
The cat was left without a tail.

I found a corner in the kitchen -
I climbed headlong into coal,
The black one came out - unrecognizable.
Got into the jug -
Turned over
I almost choked
And lay down on the bed

We are a puppy in soap and water
I washed it with a washcloth for two hours.
No way now
Let's not leave him alone!


And our granddaughter
Little hands,

And the fingers on the hands -
Girls and boys.

Fingers live together
They are called by name:

Zina's finger,
Thumb Nina,
Misha, Grisha, Nikolai,
Finger Sasha,
Finger Masha,
Vova, Lyova, Ermolai.

Granddaughter counts her fingers:
And, counting, he falls asleep,
Because he wants to sleep.


Listen guys
I want to tell you:
Our kittens were born -
There are exactly five of them.

We decided, we wondered:
What should we name the kittens?
Finally we named them:

ONCE - the kitten is the whitest,
TWO - the kitten is the bravest,
THREE - the kitten is the smartest,
And FOUR is the noisiest.
FIVE is similar to THREE and TWO -
The same tail and head
The same spot on the back,
He also sleeps all day in a basket.

Our kittens are good -
Come visit us guys
Look and count.

Sweet tooth

Long live the cakes!
Any. All kinds!

Puff, sand,
Crispy and juicy:
Rolls, pretzels,
Curd cheesecakes,
Baskets and buns,
And pies with poppy seeds!

Seeing these sweets
Get closer to them
And eat everything you see!
Pounce and eat!

Long live ice cream
It's in the cups!
On sticks, regular
With strawberry cream,
Coffee and chocolate
And the most elegant
With the name Ice Cream!

There is no more joy in childhood, -
Seeing these sweets
Get closer to them
And eat everything you see!
Pounce and eat!

But since, without a doubt,
For this behavior
We may be punished
Unfortunately, we will have to
Read a poem
And lick your finger!

What do you have?

Who was sitting on the bench?
Who looked at the street
Tolya sang,
Boris was silent
Nikolai shook his leg.

It was in the evening
There was nothing to do.

The jackdaw sat on the fence,
The cat climbed into the attic.
Then Borya told the guys
Just like this:

- And I have a nail in my pocket.
What about you?
- And we have a guest today.
What about you?
- And we have a cat today
I gave birth to kittens yesterday.
The kittens have grown a little
But they don’t want to eat from a saucer.

- And we have gas in the kitchen.
What about you?
- And we have running water.

- And from our window
Red Square is visible.
And from your window
Just a little bit of the street.

– We walked along Neglinnaya,
We went to the boulevard
They bought us a blue one,
Pre-green red ball.

- And our fire went out -
This time.
The truck brought firewood -
That's two.
And fourthly, our mother
Takes flight
Because our mother
It's called a pilot.

Vova answered from the stairs:
- Is mom a pilot?
What's wrong!
Here at Kolya, for example,
Mom is a policeman.
And Tolya and Vera
Both mothers are engineers.

And Lyova’s mother is a cook.
Mom is a pilot?
What's wrong!

“More important than everyone else,” said Nata, “
Mom is a carriage driver,
Because up to the hooks
Mom drives two trailers.

And Nina asked quietly:
– Is it bad to be a dressmaker?
Who sews panties for the boys?
Well, of course, not a pilot.

A pilot flies airplanes -
This is very good.
The cook makes compotes -
That's good too.

The doctor is treating us for measles,
There is a teacher at school.

We need different mothers
All kinds of mothers are important.

It was in the evening
There was no point in arguing.

My puppy

I'm off my feet today -
My puppy is missing.
I called him for two hours,
I waited for him for two hours
Didn't sit down for lessons
And I couldn’t have lunch.

This morning
Very early
The puppy jumped off the sofa,
I started walking around the room,
Wake everyone up.

He saw a blanket -
There was nothing left to cover.
He looked into the closet -
He turned the jug of honey over.

He tore my dad's poems,
Fell to the floor from the stairs.
I climbed into the glue with my front paw,
I barely got out
And disappeared...

Maybe it was stolen
They took me away on a rope,
They gave me a new name,
Guard the house

Maybe he's in the dense forest
Sitting under a prickly bush,
Got lost
Looking for a home
Poor guy, does he get wet in the rain?
I didn't know what to do.
Mother said:
- Let's wait.

I grieved for two hours
I didn’t pick up books,
I didn't draw anything
She just sat and waited.

Some scary beast
Opens the door with his paw,
Jumping over the threshold...
Who is this?
My puppy.

What's happened,
If immediately
Didn't I recognize the puppy?
The nose is swollen, the eyes are invisible,
Cheek twisted
And, digging in like a needle,
A bee is buzzing on its tail.

The mother said: “Close the door!”
A swarm of bees is flying towards us.

All wrapped up
In bed
My puppy is lying flat
And barely wobbles
Bandaged tail.

I don't run to the doctor -
I'm treating him myself.


I took a pencil and paper,
I drew the road
I drew a bull on it,
And next to him is a cow.

To the right is the rain, to the left is the garden,
There are fifteen points in the garden,
It's like apples are hanging
And the rain doesn’t wet them.

I made the bull pink
Orange - the road,
Then there are clouds above them
I drew a little.

And these clouds I then
Pierced with an arrow. That's how it should be
So that thunder comes out in the picture
And lightning over the garden.

I crossed out the dots with black
And that meant
As if the wind suddenly blew -
And there are no more apples.

I also made the rain longer -
He immediately burst into the garden,
But I didn't have enough ink
And the pencil broke.

And I put the chair on the table
Climb as high as possible
And there I pinned the drawing,
Although he didn't come out well.

About a girl who didn't eat well...

Julia doesn't eat well
Doesn't listen to anyone.
- Eat an egg, Yulechka!
- I don’t want to, mommy!
- Eat a sandwich with sausage! -
Julia covers her mouth.
- Soup?
- No…
- Cutlet?
- No… -
Yulechka's lunch is getting cold.
- What’s wrong with you, Yulechka?
- Nothing, mommy!
- Take a sip, granddaughter,
Swallow another piece!
Have pity on us, Yulechka!
- I can’t, grandma! -
Mom and grandmother are in tears -
Julia is melting before our eyes!
A pediatrician appeared -
Gleb Sergeevich Pugach,
He looks sternly and angrily:
– Does Yulia have no appetite?
I just see that she
Definitely not sick!
And I'll tell you, girl:
Everyone eats -
And the beast and the bird,
From hares to kittens
Everyone in the world wants to eat.
With a crunch, the Horse chews oats.
The yard dog is gnawing on a bone.
The sparrows are pecking the grain,
Wherever they can get it,
The Elephant has breakfast in the morning -
He loves fruits.
Brown Bear licks honey.
The Mole is having dinner in the hole.
The monkey eats a banana.
Boar is looking for acorns.
The clever Swift catches a midge.
Cheese and lard
Mouse loves...
The doctor said goodbye to Yulia -
Gleb Sergeevich Pugach.
And Julia said loudly:
- Feed me, mommy!

About mimosa

This is who is covered in the bed
Blankets on cotton wool?
Who lies on three pillows
In front of the food table
And, barely dressed,
Without making my bed,
Gently washes cheeks
Boiled water?

This is probably a decrepit grandfather
One hundred and fourteen years old?

Who, having stuffed his mouth with cake,
He says: “Where is the compote?”
Give me something
Serve it up
Do the opposite!

This is probably a disabled person
Who is this?
They drag felt boots for him,
Fur mittens,
So that he can warm his hands,
So that he couldn't catch a cold
And die from the flu
If the sun shines from the sky,
What if there was no snow for six months?

Maybe he's going to the Pole,
Where do bears live in the ice?

Take a good look -
It's just a boy, Vitya,
Mom's Vitya,
Papin Vitya
From apartment number six.

This is him lying in bed
With blankets on cotton wool,
In addition to buns and cakes,
Doesn't want to eat anything.
And therefore,
As soon as he opens his eyes, -
They put a thermometer on him,
Putting on shoes
Dress up
And always, at any hour,
Whatever he asks for, they carry it.

If the dream is sweet in the morning -
He's in bed all day.
If the sky is cloudy -
He wears galoshes all day.

And therefore,
That everything is forgiven to him,
And he lives in a new house,
Not ready for anything.

Not to become a pilot,
Be a brave sailor
To lie behind a machine gun,
Drive a truck.

He grows up afraid of frost,
In front of mom and dad,
Like a mimosa plant
In the botanical garden.


I don't know what to do -
I started to be rude to the elders.

Dad will say: “The door is open!”
Cover it, hero! -
I answered him angrily
I answer: “Close it yourself!”

At dinner mom will say:
- Bread, honey, pass it on! -
I whisper stubbornly in response:
- I can’t. Give it yourself!

I love my grandmother very much
It doesn’t matter – I’m rude to her too.

I really adore my grandfather
But I also object to my grandfather...

I don't know what to do -
I started to be rude to the elders.
And they came to me: - Darling,
Eat quickly! The soup is getting cold!.. -
And they came to me: - Son,
Should I add another piece? -
And they came to me: - Grandson,
Lie down, baby, on your side!..

I'm so appealing
I hate it, I can't stand it,
I'm seething with indignation
And that's why I'm rude.

I don't know what to do -
I started to be rude to the elders.

Before that I had blossomed
That I'm rude to everyone around me.
They say he got away with it.
From what hands, tell me?!

Like our Lyuba...

Like our Lyuba
Teeth hurt:
Weak, fragile -
Children's, dairy...

The poor thing moans all day long,
He drives his girlfriends away:
I have no time for you today!

Mom feels sorry for the girl
Rinsing in a cup warms,
He doesn't take his eyes off his daughter.

Papa feels sorry for Lyubochka
Glues a doll from paper -
What to do with my daughter?
To relieve toothache!

Here the grandmother is busy,
Wants to give useful advice -
How they were treated in the old days.

Only grandfather is calm -
He is a seasoned, old warrior,
I have been through more than one war.
He looked into his granddaughter’s mouth:
- Everything will heal before the wedding!


They walk O boats at sea
Without cars and without cabins,
And they are not controlled by anyone,
And they don’t stick to the ground.

Guns are made from cigarette butts
From paper - anchors.

The very first of the boats
It's called "Zarya".

He's from swimming from far away
All wet to the thread -
The very first of the boats,
Cigarette box.

Back and forth on the slippery deck
The wet captain is walking,
Back and forth on the wet deck
A black cockroach is walking around.

He watches the waves roll
And he moves his mustache,
He's heading to the nearest pier
He orders the ship to land.

And the ships sail forward,
And on every ship
The captain really wants
Get to the ground quickly.

And they don’t know on boats,
What's under the sun, in the heat,
This sea will soon dry up -
It will become dry in the yard.

My street

This is dad
It's me,
This is my street.

Here I am clearing the pavement,
Sweeping away litter and dust from the path,
Rotating steel brushes
A funny car is coming.
Looks like a cockchafer -
Mustache and round sides.

Behind him among streams and puddles
The shower machine hums and makes noise.
Gone like a rain cloud -
The pavement glistens in the sun:
She has two cars
Washed and swept.

* * *
* * *

For a sick person
We need a doctor, we need a pharmacy.
You enter - clean and bright,
Marble and glass everywhere.

Behind the glass they are in order
Flasks, jars and pots -
They contain tablets and wafers,
Drops, ointments, powders.

We are not sick today
We don't need medicine.

* * *

Dad sits down in front of the mirror:
- I need to get my hair cut and shaved!

The old master can do everything:
He's been cutting and shaving for forty years.

It's from a small closet
I quickly took out the scissors,
I wrapped my dad in a sheet,
He took the comb and stood behind the chair.
He clicked the scissors loudly,
He waved his comb once or twice,
From the back of the head to the temples
I cut a lot of hairs.
Combed the middle parting,
He took out the razor.
The soap hissed in the cup,
To make the razor shave cleaner.
The bottle snorted cheerfully
With the inscription "Cologne".

Nearby a girl is getting her hair cut,
Two streams run from my eyes.
The stupid girl is crying
Tears hang on my nose -
Hairdresser with a comb
Cuts a red braid.

If you decide to get a haircut,
Crying is stupid and funny!

* * *

The store is like in the forest:
You can buy a fox here
Lop-eared bunny,
Snow white mouse
Green parrots -
Lovebirds in love.

We didn't know what to do:
What to choose? What to buy?
- Is there a red puppy?
– Unfortunately, not yet!

* * *

blue forget-me-nots,
Field bell...
-Where do these flowers grow? -
They answer: - Near Moscow!
We tore them at the edge of the forest,
Where many years ago
Shot at enemies from a cannon
Our army of soldiers.
– Give us a bouquet of flowers!.. -
One-two-three! The bouquet is ready!

* * *
* * *

Foreign tourists
They are waiting for the bus at the corner.
French is very clean
They are having a conversation.
Maybe not in French,
But for sure: not in Russian!

Every student should
Learn someone else's language!

* * *

Here come father and son.
The windows open.
Wash your hands!
Flowers - in a jug!
And the poems end.

CircusAt the circus

- What is this?
– This is the CHAPITEAU circus!
- Interesting?
- Interesting!
Everyone wants to come here!
And cramped -
There's nowhere for an apple to fall!

They tell me and dad:
- Come to the third row!
Citizen, hurry up and sit down!
Your chair is number six,
Your chair is number five...
We are in a hurry to take a seat.

Rope walkers

The daredevil walks, laughs,
Never stumbles.
He can't trip -
There's a rope under the dome!

He can walk the tightrope
Walk like along Arbat,
Walk and turn
And run back!


Juggler Silantiev - well done:
Throws a hundred rings into the air

And catches them one by one,
So that we clap for him.

Everyone around is applauding.
- This is what sleight of hand means!


Who is this brave man?
He smiled at me!
Dzhigit, rider Ali-Bek
On a red horse.

He gallops, standing in stirrups,
The bashlyk flies after him.
Gun in hand
Dagger in sheath -
That's why he's a horseman!

First the horse takes a running start,
Then Ali-Bek shoots
And rears up
Hot horse.
But the thunder of gunfire doesn't scare me
Neither dad nor me.


The trick is simple:
The chest is empty
There is nothing in it!
Let's close it!
Let's lock it!
Let's call it a day!
Let's turn it over!
Who moves in it?

And when the chest was opened -
Someone's wings rustled,
Someone barked merrily
And then from the chest
A flock of birds,
Two puffed up turkeys
Cat, rabbit and dog,
Boy with a torch in his hand.

How come they all, however,
Did you find yourself in a chest?


Look at the gymnasts

Appears very rarely
This troupe of masters.
Once! – Petrov flies over the net.
Two! – Petrov caught him.
Three! - and ready to jump down,

So beautiful and brave
Zoya Pavlovna Petrova -
Their beloved sister!

And again under the very dome
They went up after their brother, brother.
Tomorrow night
This troupe
Leaves for Leningrad.

Trained dogs

Seven artists want to sing -
Seven artists bark in unison.

Here they are walking on their hind legs
Two artists in fashionable hats.
They stumble
The tails are shaking finely.

Polkan is a good student,
Worthy of respect:
In a year of study he learned
Multiplication table.

Any numbers he can
And subtract and add.
To those who have not learned since childhood,
It's hard to live in the world!


Every day in front of the viewer
Performing with a group of lions
In the captain's white jacket
Tamer Ivanov.

Ivanov rides a lion,
Teases the predator with a whip -
The lion roars but does not bite
It hits the bars with its tail.

Ivanov has a lion's habit
Studying for the fifth year -
He calmly enters the beast's mouth
He puts his left hand.
And then he kisses the lion,
He grabs the beast by the ears...

The people applaud.

Let's go! It's time to go home.
We go out - it’s raining like buckets!
We'll get wet through!
But then
We were at the CHAPITEAU circus.

Forest Academy
(According to an old children's song)

One day in the summer, on the lawn,
Very smart cockchafer
Founded for insects
Academy of Sciences.

The Academy is open!
From dawn to dawn
Forest insects
Study ABC books:

- Bumblebee and Fly, don’t buzz!
Calm down, Dragonfly!

Repeat, don’t get confused:
Turn to the board, Grasshopper!
You sat backwards!

- Don’t make Klop laugh, Komarik,
Move away from Ant!

– Who did you set the nets for?
Get out, evil Spider!

N is BURBT, and O is DEER...
- They don’t go to the academy
Those who are too lazy to study!

- Cockroach, don’t make faces!
Don't tell me, Cricket!

- After the first break
We will continue our lesson!

Bugs learn the alphabet,
To become literate,
Because it's not enough -
Just crawl and fly!


Woodpecker Woodpecker says:
- How much my head hurts!
Wrapped around the trunks,
So tired that I have no words!
I've been hammering and hammering all day long,
And when the day ends,
My catch is zero.
This is what happens!
Tired of wasting time!
Please advise what should I do?

Woodpecker answers Woodpecker:
- You must be crazy:
"I'm tired of wasting time"!
What kind of mood?
We need to be more self-possessed
And have patience!
Without persistent hammering
Don't get bugs and midges!..

The woodpecker spoke to the woodpecker,
Woodpecker cheered Woodpecker.
And again we hear a knock:
Here, here, here...


Along a steep mountain path
A black lamb was walking home
And on the hunchbacked bridge
Met a white brother.

And the white lamb said:
“Brother, here’s the thing:
Two people can't get through here -
You're standing in my way."

The black brother replied: “Meh,
Are you out of your mind, sheep?
Let my feet dry out
I won’t get out of your way!”

One shook his horns,
He rested his other feet...
No matter how you twist your horns,
But two people can't get through.

The sun is shining from above,
And the river flows below.
Early in the morning in this river
Two sheep drowned.


Announcement at the door:
A red cross is drawn:
Come in - the bear won't eat you!

The Rooster came running to the pharmacy:
- Hello, Misha! Crow!
- What do you want, Petya-Cockerel?
- I would like a new comb!

The goose entered the pharmacy sideways,
He squinted with his right eye:
– The left eye is clogged.
Do you have any drops?

The Goat tumbled in behind the Goose:
- I, Toptygin, was poisoned:
Ate a bitter root.
Give me some sweeter powder!

The shaggy Barbos limped:
- Who's after what, and I'm behind cotton wool!
I got a cold on my left side
I got wet in the rain yesterday.

Toptygin wants to help everyone:
He advises, worries,
Boils a decoction of herbs...
Suddenly a Mosquito flew into the window!

The pharmacist Mishka growled:
- Why did you fly into the window? -
Komarishka answers:
– Don’t you care?

- If it were all the same,
Everyone would climb out the window!
You see the inscription at the door:

The mosquito gets even angrier:
- What do I need your door for?
If I'm not a bird yet
And not yet a beast.

I went crazy
Then the Duck opened its beak,
And his end came...

Two cats

The cat said to the cat:
- Wipe your feet clean!
You were walking through the trash heap,
In the morning we ran around the construction site...
I don't mind accepting you
But please understand:
I'm busy today
From ears to tail -
He promised by five o'clock
The long-awaited guest is welcome.

The cat answered the cat:
– I’m coming to you straight from the pier.
I won't keep you long
I’ll tell you what I saw!
The one you're waiting for
For two hours it’s like being in the navy -
Midshipman from the cruiser "Priboy"
I took it with me,
And they went on a hike.
Your Cat is on a long voyage!

- No problem! – the Cat sighed. -
Let him swim a little -
The crew will be amused...
And when he returns, it will be ours!
I mean myself -
I don’t dare judge others!

The cat said to the cat:
-What are you carrying in the basket?
Interesting to see! -
The cat answered the cat:
- This is soap and washcloth.
Rub your back in the bathhouse!

And the Cat said to the Cat:
- Why tell lies?
A basket would be better
At least cover it with leaves!
Cats are thinking about a bath
Like camels about sour cream,
And they need a washcloth,
Like a mouse to an elephant!
You are coming home from the market,
And in a basket - with a jar of butter!

The cat said to the cat:
-Where did you get the boots?
I saw you in others
And not these expensive ones!

The Cat answered the Cat:
- On my four legs
The shoemaker Cat brought it to me,
I've been wearing them for three years now!

Both cats lived nearby,
But they were not friends with each other.

Traffic light bum

In the forest, where everything is without rules
We've been walking so far
One day appeared
Road traffic light.

From somewhere off the road
The Bear brought it.
And the animals came running
Look at the technology.

And the Hedgehog started first:
- What nonsense!
Needed for traffic lights
Both current and wires.

And if he doesn't
How to burn
Then we need this thing
It's not worth watching!

– I agree with Hedgehog! -
The Wolf said, yawning. -
And if he worked,
What good would it be?

When I'm chasing a hare,
It just doesn't make sense to me
Run towards the green light,
Stop at a red light!

“And I,” said the Bunny, “
When I'm already running,
Watch the traffic light
Sorry, I can't!

“We have,” Lisa said, “
There are rules here,
And we are at a crossroads
No need for a traffic police post!

- I don’t need it either! -
The Mole said from the hole, -
I'll dig for myself

Hearing beneath me
Wise words
- I actually fly! -
The Owl hooted. -

And I don't need it at all
Looking at the red light
When I crossroads
I can fly over.

Everything remained as it was.
The dense forest is noisy.
Swinging on the Christmas tree
Slacker traffic light...

But you and I are not hares,
Not wolves and moles -
I go to work
And you go to school.

And cars rush past,
Steel ants.
And to us at crossroads
Traffic police posts needed!

They help us
We are taught from an early age
Step into the green light,
Stop at a red light.