Operations in July according to the lunar calendar. Operations and the Moon

Favorable days for surgical operations in 2017 Medical Astrology also identifies weak areas of the body in each period of the year and suitable conditions for the prevention and treatment of specific diseases. January 2017 Particularly vulnerable in January nervous system body, periods of weakness, insomnia and headache, at the same time the sensitivity to psychotropic tablets and sleeping pills. The risk of allergies and other side effects from any medications increases. In some cases, a reduction in the dose of the drug will be required. January 12, 2017, full moon in Cancer, worsens blood clotting, creates a risk of bleeding during operations. You should not plan surgery on the female breast and reproductive organs for this date; January 28, 2017, new moon in Aquarius, increases the effectiveness of treatment of varicose veins and vascular diseases. However, there are high risks during operations on the joints and veins of the legs, legs and ankles. Also the worst date for eye surgery; plastic surgery will be more effective on the waxing Moon from January 6 to 11, 2017; tumor removal operations are more effective on the waning Moon, from January 13 to 27. February 2017 Diseases that began during this period are difficult to diagnose, the course of inflammatory diseases is more acute, and the outcome of operations becomes more unpredictable. The period is dangerous and is generally considered unfavorable for any surgical interventions. Only procedures for cleansing the liver and gallbladder, as well as removing parasites and therapeutic fasting, are useful. February 11, 2017 – Full Moon eclipse in Leo. The date is absolutely not suitable for heart surgery. Risks extend to ten days before and after the eclipse: from February 1 to February 21; February 28, 2017 - the solar eclipse in Pisces will spread its negative impact until the end of the month. Surgeries on the ankle joints and feet are especially prohibited. March 2017 During this period, the most vulnerable are: head, hair, skin, teeth, ears and fundus of the eye. However, procedures related to the kidneys and bladder are useful. March 12, 2017, the full moon in Virgo is not a suitable date for operations on the intestines and spleen; March 28, 2017, the new moon in Aries is not suitable for brain operations; from March 4, 2017, retro -Venus in Aries will reduce the desired effect of plastic surgery on the face until the end of the month; surgical operations for treatment and restoration of organ functions are effective on the waxing Moon from March 5 to 11; operations to remove tumors are especially effective on the waning Moon from March 13 to 27. April 2017 April 2017 is a time of slow metabolism, the pancreas and endocrine system. People suffering from obesity, diabetes and allergies are at risk. Increased sensitivity to medications, chemicals and alcohol, there is a predisposition to poisoning. April 11, 2017, the full moon in Libra will make you vulnerable genitourinary system. Surgeries on the endocrine glands, kidneys and genitals are especially not recommended; April 26, 2017, the new Moon in Taurus is not suitable for operations on the lower jaw, throat, thyroid gland, esophagus and vocal cords; until April 15, 2017, retrograde Venus reduces the effectiveness plastic surgeries; operations to treat and restore organ functions are favorable on the waxing Moon from April 1 to April 10, 2017; operations to get rid of tumors and everything unnecessary are recommended on the waning Moon from April 12 to April 25, 2017. May 2017 In May, aspects of medical astrology indicate an acceleration of metabolism. Diseases during this period begin suddenly and are acute, but the patient can count on more get well soon. Epileptics and people with mental disorders. Vulnerable: skull bones, especially upper jaw, and the brain. May 11, 2017, the full moon in Scorpio does not allow surgical intervention in the genital area; May 25, 2017, the new moon in Gemini is an unfavorable date for operations on the shoulder girdle, trachea, bronchi and thymus gland; operations to restore organ functions are favorable for waxing Moon from May 1 to May 10, 2017, operations on the heart, spine and retina; tumors and malignant formations It is better to remove it on the waning Moon, from May 12 to May 24, 2017. June 2017 In June, there are astrological aspects of a slowdown in metabolism, because of this, diseases are poorly diagnosed and proceed sluggishly. The most unfavorable prognosis– in case of infections or inflammation of the kidneys and urinary system. Medicines may also be given side effects on the kidneys. June 9, 2017 full moon in Sagittarius makes the outcome of operations on the liver and gall bladder unpredictable; June 24, 2017, the new Moon in Cancer is an unfavorable date for operations on the mammary glands and stomach; the period of the waxing Moon from June 1 to June 8, 2017 is favorable for operations to treat and restore liver function and organs of the gastrointestinal tract; any tumors and neoplasms, including stones in the kidneys, liver and gall bladder, are best removed on the waning Moon, from June 10 to June 23, 2017. July 2017 Ailments and illnesses in July will most likely have psychological and mental causes, affecting indirectly through stress. Therefore, dissonances in thinking and psyche will more often contribute to the emergence of corresponding pathologies. Anatomically, in July, the following are more vulnerable: the respiratory organs, hearing organs, as well as the hands - bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons. Patients with chronic respiratory diseases and asthmatics are at risk. July 9, 2017, the full moon in Capricorn is the most unlucky day of the year for spinal surgery, intervention in the spinal cord, and prosthetics of parts of the human skeleton; July 23, 2017, new moon in Leo - a very risky date for heart surgery; the waxing of the Moon from July 1 to July 8, 2017 is especially favorable for operations to treat and restore kidney function; the waning of the Moon from July 10 to July 22, 2017 contributes to the successful surgical removal of carcinoma, all kinds of polyps, hernia and hemorrhoids. August 2017 Diseases in August will be more often associated with impaired water metabolism and autonomic disorders. Female astrological aspects predominate, as a result - typically women's problems with health, when the pathology is associated with the mammary glands, ovaries, uterus or gestation. Pregnant women should exercise extreme caution. August 7, 2017, the full moon and lunar eclipse in Aquarius are a completely inappropriate day for surgery, but especially for operations on the sensory organs and the female genital area; August 21, 2017, new moon and solar eclipse in Leo are the most dangerous date per year for operations on open heart and brain; the negative impact of lunar and solar eclipses will last until the end of the month, so any surgical intervention is not advisable, except in urgent and urgent cases. September 2017 In September, vital energy levels will improve, many people will feel a surge of strength, and patients will quickly recover. If the disease (inflammatory or infectious) began in September, then, on the contrary, it will acquire destructive notes for the whole organism. It's very important to start timely treatment during this period. September 6, 2017, full moon in Pisces, is the peak exacerbation of mental illness in 2017. Likely inappropriate behavior and uncontrolled actions of people (even healthy ones), and even more so relapses in patients with schizophrenia, etc. And in the field of surgery, this is the most unlucky day for operating on the feet; September 20, 2017, the waxing Moon in Virgo is not the most successful date for operations on the intestines; the period from September 7 to September 19, 2017 is the time of the waning of the Moon, suitable for the removal of tumors and polyps and abscesses, deposits in the arteries and veins; the period from September 21 to 28, 2017 is the time of the waxing of the Moon, suitable for operations aimed at restoring motor functions of the limbs and correcting vertebral scoliosis. Also good days for surgical intervention in order to normalize work small intestine and spleen. October 2017 October – great time for the prevention of heart disease, to strengthen the cardiovascular system. Effect medicines And medical procedures will intensify on the kidneys, bladder, small and large intestines. The level of tram danger in October has increased. Additional danger comes from fire and flammable substances. October 5, 2017 Full Moon in Aries - the vessels of the head are most vulnerable, headaches and migraines are possible. The most traumatic day for the head in 2017. October 19, 2017, the new moon in the sign of Libra is not an effective date for surgery to remove tumors in the genitourinary system and remove kidney stones. But operations to restore the functioning of the kidneys and bladder, as well as to transplant a donor kidney, will be successful; the period of the waning moon is from October 6 to October 18, 2017 - suitable period to get rid of kidney and liver stones; the period of the waxing moon from October 21, 2017 to the end of the month is favorable for surgery to improve the functioning of the pelvic organs, for operations to restore motor and support functions of the lumbar region and hip area; November 2017 November 4, 2017, the full moon in Taurus is the worst date of the year for thyroid surgery; November 18, 2017, the new moon in Scorpio is a very favorable date for conception and surgery in vitro fertilization(IVF); from November 3 to November 17, 2017, the waning of the Moon is favorable for operations in the field of oncology, for surgical treatment male adenoma and female adhesive disease in the ovaries in order to restore reproductive function; from November 19 to 26, 2017, the waxing Moon increases success in simple operations on the pelvic organs, colon and sacrum. December 2017 Aspects of December indicate the particular effectiveness of operations to treat and restore the functions of the musculoskeletal system. This is also the best time to start treating arthritis, rheumatism and gout, dermatitis and various skin diseases. Diseases of the stomach and intestines will be well diagnosed. The anatomical part of the body is vulnerable: the hips and pelvic bones. December 3, 2017, the full moon in Gemini is the most undesirable day of the year for surgery on the lungs; December 18, 2017, the new moon in the sign of Capricorn is one of the most successful days of the year for surgery on the femoral neck; from December 4 to December 17, 2017, the waning of the Moon is favorable for getting rid of malignant tumors, from everything unnecessary and negative, but especially for the removal of bone growths, for the surgical removal of blood clots in blood vessels and the treatment of thrombosis in general; from December 19, 2017 until the end of the year phase Moon growth is favorable for restoring the functions of the lower extremities (including after a fracture), for reconstructive, plastic surgery, for skin grafting, for operations to normalize the functioning of the stomach and duodenum.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations
as of March 2018

Date Moon phase Moon in signs Recommendations for every day
Sun 1
Growing Cancer
Mon 2
Growing Cancer
Lev 2:35
Until 2:35 - see March 1st. After 2:35 -
W 3
Growing Lion Surgeries on the heart, blood vessels, spine and eyes are prohibited.
Wed 4
Growing Lion
Virgo 14:59
Until 14:59 - see March 3. From 14:59 to 21:05 - you cannot perform operations on all abdominal organs from the liver to the appendix. After 21:05 - it is advisable to avoid surgical operations, as more bleeding occurs at this time.
Thu 5
Full moon
at 21:05
Virgo It is advisable to avoid surgery as more bleeding occurs during this time.
Fri 6
Descending Virgo Before 21:05 - it is advisable to avoid surgical operations, as more bleeding occurs at this time. After 21:05 - you cannot perform operations on all abdominal organs from the liver to the appendix.
Sat 7
Descending Virgo
Libra 3:53
Until 3:53 - you cannot perform operations on all organs of the abdominal cavity from the liver to the appendix. After 3:53, surgeries on the kidneys and lumbar region are contraindicated.
Sun 8
Descending Scales Surgeries on the kidneys and lumbar region are contraindicated.
Mon 9
Descending Scales
Scorpio 16:11
Until 16:11 - see March 8. After 16:11, this time is unfavorable for any surgical intervention, even for tooth extraction, so it is recommended to postpone all planned operations.
W 10
Descending Scorpion This day is unfavorable for any surgical intervention, even for tooth extraction, so it is recommended to postpone all planned operations.
Wed 11
Descending Scorpion See March 10.
Thu 12
Descending Scorpion
Sagittarius 2:32
Until 2:32 - see March 10. After 2:32 - operations on the hip joints, liver and gall bladder, blood transfusions, and donor procedures are not recommended.
Fri 13
at 20:49
Sagittarius Surgeries on hip joints, liver and gall bladder, blood transfusions, and donor procedures are not recommended.
Sat 14
Descending Sagittarius
Capricorn 9:41
Until 9:41 - see March 13. After 9:41 - treatment and removal of teeth, operations on the knees, bones, joints and spine, procedures related to the gall bladder, skin, bones and spine are prohibited. A good time for procedures and operations on the stomach, treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcers.
Sun 15
Descending Capricorn Treatment and removal of teeth, operations on the knees, bones, joints and spine, procedures related to the gall bladder, skin, bones and spine are prohibited. A good time for procedures and operations on the stomach, treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcers.
Mon 16
Descending Capricorn
Aquarius 13:15
Until 13:15 - see March 15. After 13:15 - operations on the legs and ankles, joints, treatment of arthritis, diseases of the nervous system, eye and ear diseases are contraindicated. Any procedures involving legs or aerial procedures are prohibited.
Tue 17
Descending Aquarius Surgeries on the legs and ankles, joints, treatment of arthritis, diseases of the nervous system, eye and ear diseases are contraindicated. Any procedures involving legs or aerial procedures are prohibited.
Wed 18
Descending Aquarius
Pisces 13:59
Until 13:59 - see March 17. After 13:59 - operations on the feet and toes, on the liver, and any procedures related to the legs are prohibited.
Thu 19
Descending Fish Until 12:37 - operations on the feet and toes, on the liver, and any procedures related to the legs are prohibited. After 12:37 - at this time vitality decreases. It is advisable not to plan operations.
Fri 20
New moon
at 12:37
at 12:46
Aries 13:29
On this day, vitality decreases. It is advisable not to plan operations.
Sat 21
Growing Aries Until 12:37 - at this time vitality decreases. It is advisable not to plan operations. After 12:37, operations on all organs in the head and face area cannot be performed.
Sun 22
Growing Aries
Taurus 13:41
Until 13:41 - you cannot perform operations on all organs in the head and face. After 13:41 - operations and instrumental examinations in the neck, ears, throat and lower jaw are not recommended.
Mon 23
Growing Taurus Surgeries and instrumental examinations in the neck, ears, throat and lower jaw are not recommended.
Tue 24
Growing Taurus
Gemini 16:24
Until 16:24 - see March 23. After 16:24, operations on the arms, lungs, bronchi and shoulder girdle, as well as breathing procedures, are contraindicated.
Wed 25
Growing Twins Surgeries on the arms, lungs, bronchi and shoulder girdle, as well as breathing procedures, are contraindicated.
Thu 26
Growing Twins
Cancer 22:46
Until 22:46 - see March 25. After 22:46 - no favorable time for operations and research in the area of ​​the stomach, pancreas, uterus, mammary glands. Abortions and uterine scrapings are contraindicated.
Fri 27
at 10:42
Cancer An unfavorable day for operations and research in the area of ​​the stomach, pancreas, uterus, and mammary glands. Abortions and uterine scrapings are contraindicated.
Sat 28
Growing Cancer See March 27.
Sun 29
Growing Cancer
Lev 8:49
Until 8:49 - see March 27. After 8:49, operations on the heart, blood vessels, spine and eyes are prohibited.
Mon 30
Growing Lion Surgeries on the heart, blood vessels, spine and eyes are prohibited.
Tue 31
Virgo 21:13
Until 21:13 - see March 30. After 21:13, operations on all organs of the abdominal cavity from the liver to the appendix cannot be performed.

Remember that surgery should not begin during

God protects those who are careful. If there is any upcoming major surgery, then it is important to know which doctor will do it, in which clinic and under what conditions. But for some this may not be enough, and in such cases it would be useful to turn to astrology. Now we will analyze in detail when to perform operations according to the lunar calendar.

Operations according to the lunar calendar 2017

I would immediately like to draw your attention to the fact that no matter how strong your faith in astrology is, you should not perceive the advice below as a panacea. If the situation is critical and requires urgent surgical intervention, and every day of delay can cost your life, then you need to listen to a competent doctor, and not the advice of astrologers. If the operation is planned and can wait, and it is important for you that the stars are on your side, then please use the lunar calendar. The main thing is that you feel calm. After all, at least thoughts are material - both good and bad.

Since ancient times, people have looked at the sky and admired what they saw there. The sun replaces the moon and stars and vice versa, and so on indefinitely. Over time, it turned out that the Moon is directly related to the ebb and flow of the tides; lunar eclipses and full moons have an almost magical effect on some things! It’s not for nothing that so many legends have been created and many films have been made about werewolves turning into animals during the full moon. Many rituals are called upon to be performed at this time in order to experience the maximum effect.

Over time, in the eyes of the ancients, the stars formed into constellations, and some constellations into Zodiacs. And it is very important for astrologers to know which planet, Sun and Moon and in what period controls this Zodiac, because this is reflected in many actions and actions committed by people born under one or another Zodiac sign.

Medicine of the distant past claims that the stars of the Zodiac control human organs:

This is important to know, because this is the first rule of astromedicine. There are quite a lot of them, but we will consider only the main seven.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule No. 1

When the Moon is in a certain zodiac sign, it is prohibited surgical interventions to those bodies for which he is responsible.

When the Moon leaves one Zodiac and moves to another, the adjacent influence of both signs is possible, which is important to consider when planning an operation.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule No. 2

Operations performed during the waning moon are easier to bear. It is no secret that the Moon causes the ebb and flow of the tides. It affects all the water that is on the globe. It turns out that the blood in our body is under its influence.

Operations performed during the period from the new moon to the full moon can be complicated by less blood clotting, and this, in turn, can easily lead to bleeding, poorly healing wounds and unsightly scars.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule No. 3

Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini are the four unstable signs of the Zodiac. The presence of the Moon in one of them complicates the course of the operation; its result is completely unpredictable.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule No. 4

The Moon does not move from sign to sign instantly; it takes a certain time for it to leave one Zodiac and enter another. The time when the Moon is not in any of the Zodiacs is called the idle period, during which no surgical interventions should be carried out.

Try to avoid any transactions during the periods indicated below.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule No. 5

Lunar and especially solar eclipses are quite rare phenomena, but, nevertheless, they periodically occur in our region. Try to plan your operation so that it does not fall during these periods.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule No. 6

There are so-called periods of retrograde planets. Astrologers claim that they have a bad effect on our health. Especially when planning upcoming operation You should pay attention to Mars and Mercury. The first is closely related to the field of surgery and dentistry, and the second affects the connections in the human body.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule No. 7

Surgical interventions should be avoided on the 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th of each month, as well as the day before the full moon or new moon.

The calendar below for 2017 does not take into account the rules described above: retrograde of planets, eclipses, influence of adjacent signs. But there will be enough information for you to compare all the available facts with each other and choose the most favorable day for the operation.

If it is said that all operations are undesirable, then the exception is always urgent surgical interventions.

Lunar calendar of operations for January 2017

January is the most festive month of every year. The majority of the population in Russia does not work for a good half of the month. In hospitals these days you can find mostly doctors on duty, and everyone else, like you and me, prefers to spend these days with family and loved ones. January is not the best time for operations, unless we are talking about emergencies, of course. Let's look in more detail at which days it is better not to carry out certain operations.

  • 13th - Old New Year not the best day for carrying out all types of operations;
  • 14th - if the operation is directly or indirectly related to the heart, spine or back, it is better to postpone it to another day;
  • On the 15th and 16th - it is better not to touch the stomach;
  • The 17th and 19th are a favorable day for many operations, with the exception of kidneys and pancreas;
  • The 20th - the pelvic area and the genitourinary system, in a word, it is better not to touch the area below the waist on this day;
  • 21st - it is better to cancel all operations unless it is an emergency;
  • 22, 23 and 24 numbers - on these days, refuse to perform operations related to blood diseases; it is also not recommended to affect areas of the body such as the liver, hips and gallbladder;
  • On the 25th and 26th - it is still better not to touch the gallbladder, as well as the entire skeletal system;
  • The 27th is the most unfavorable day for surgery according to the lunar calendar in January 2017; you should not perform any surgeries!

Lunar calendar of operations for February 2017

February is the shortest month; in 2017 it has 28 days, exactly half of which are undesirable for operations on certain organs.

  • 12th and 13th - do not touch the abdominal area;
  • 14th and 15th - On Valentine's Day, it is better not to get sick at all, but to spend a romantic evening with your soulmate, and if possible, it is better not to have surgery on the kidneys and pancreas;
  • 16th, 17th and 18th - reschedule the upcoming surgery on the pelvis or genitourinary system to another day;
  • 19th - if possible, refuse to carry out any operation on this day;
  • 20th - on this day, refuse to perform operations related to blood diseases; it is also not recommended to affect areas of the body such as the liver, hips and gall bladder;
  • On the 21st, 22nd and 23rd - Defender of the Fatherland Day can be celebrated in a much more fun way! These days, operations on the skeletal system and gall bladder are not recommended;
  • 24th - if the operation is related to the legs, joints or affects any sense organ (eyes, ears, nose), it is better not to perform it on this day;
  • 25th - all operations are undesirable, this day is considered the most unfavorable.

Lunar calendar of operations for March 2017

March is the first month of spring, when severe frosts begin to recede, the air melts, and the snow reveals the asphalt underneath. The first rays of spring break through the clouds, we smile and bloom! It’s a pity that even in such a joyful month, illnesses can fall out of the blue. Again, about half of the month is prohibited by Astrologers for carrying out certain operations.

  • 13th - if possible, refuse to carry out any operations on this day;
  • 14th and 15th - do not interfere with the functioning of the kidneys and pancreas;
  • 16th and 17th - operations on the pelvis and genitourinary system are best postponed to another day;
  • 18th, 19th and 20th - on these days, refrain from performing operations related to blood diseases; it is also not recommended to affect areas of the body such as the liver, hips and gall bladder;
  • 21st - any operation should not be carried out on this day;
  • 22nd - do not touch the skeletal system and gall bladder;
  • 23rd and 24th - reschedule surgery related to sensory organs, joints, and legs to another day;
  • 25th and 26th - the legs, mainly the feet, sensory organs and liver are still in danger;

Lunar calendar of operations for April 2017

It’s getting sunny and warmer outside, the first grass is beginning to emerge, and my soul is rejoicing! In the second half of the month, many people open the summer season, if the weather is favorable. April also suggests some days that are undesirable for operations.

  • 12th - 13th - it is not worth operating on the pelvis and genitourinary system these days;
  • 14th - 16th - operations related to blood diseases, as well as those on the liver, hips, and gallbladder are best rescheduled;
  • 17th - 18th - it is still better not to touch the gallbladder, as well as the entire skeletal system;
  • 19th - on this day, beware of any surgical intervention;
  • On the 20th and 21st - you should not operate on the sense organs - eyes, ears and nose, and along with them, joints and legs;
  • On the 22nd and 23rd - the senses are still under threat, and with them the feet and liver;
  • 24th - you should not do plastic surgery, operations in the neck and head, as well as dental surgeries are best avoided;
  • 27th - all operations are undesirable, this day is considered the most unfavorable.

Lunar calendar of operations for May 2017

The last light month of spring, after which the long-awaited summer comes! The second holiday month after January - we all remember about the May holidays, many take vacation for those few working days that unexpectedly stuck between them. In May, it is better not to get sick, but to enjoy the warmth of the approaching summer, finally open the summer season or fly to the seas. But if the circumstances are such that you cannot do without surgery, try to take into account some unfavorable days for operations.

  • 11th - on this day you should not carry out operations of any type;
  • 12th and 13th - refuse operations on the liver, hips, gall bladder, as well as operations related to blood diseases;
  • 14th and 16th - under threat skeletal system, gallbladder;
  • 27th and 18th - do not touch sensory organs, joints, legs;
  • 19th - any, even simple operations are undesirable;
  • 20th and 23rd - feet, liver, sensory organs;
  • 21st and 23rd - you should not do plastic surgery, operations in the neck and head, as well as dental surgeries are also best avoided;
  • The 24th - the throat and neck are at risk, and you should not interfere with the work of the endocrine system.

Lunar calendar of operations for June 2017

And here it is, the long-awaited summer! The period of vacations and holidays has arrived, except that students are still painfully closing their sessions. The most annoying thing is to get sick in the summer, especially if it is warm and dry! About half of the month is prohibited by astrologers for operations.

  • 10th and 12th - the skeletal system and gall bladder are in danger;
  • 13th and 14th - do not touch sensory organs, joints, legs;
  • On the 15th and 16th - the feet, liver, and sensory organs are at risk;
  • 17th - any operation, even a minor one, can be risky on this day;
  • On the 18th and 19th - you should not do plastic surgery, operations in the neck and head, as well as dental surgeries are also best avoided;
  • On the 20th and 21st - throat and neck, and you should not interfere with the work of the endocrine system;
  • 22nd - take care of your arms, shoulders, lungs and bronchi;

Lunar calendar of operations for July 2017

Summer is in full swing, in the middle of the month we will cross its equator! The sun and heat are a reason to leave the city as soon as possible, if you haven’t already! And if surgery is on the horizon, don’t worry - July is an excellent period for recovery, because it is replete with a variety of vitamins! But try not to perform the operation on some July days.

  • 10th and 12th - take care of your senses, joints, legs;
  • 13th and 14th - do not operate on the feet, liver, or sensory organs;
  • On the 15th and 16th - you should not do plastic surgery, operations in the neck and head, as well as dental surgeries are also best avoided;
  • 17th - try to avoid any operation;
  • The 18th - the throat and neck are at risk, and you should not interfere with the work of the endocrine system;
  • 19th and 20th - reschedule operations on the arms, shoulders, lungs and bronchi to another day;
  • 21st and 22nd - the stomach and chest area are in danger;
  • 23rd - all operations are undesirable, this day is considered the most unfavorable.

Lunar calendar of operations for August 2017

The heat subsides, and thoughts about the approaching autumn willy-nilly creep into your head. I wouldn’t want to lose a single piece of summer, but since surgery is on the horizon, it’s for the best - the body is saturated with vitamins of natural origin, this is a good start for the hospital period. There are no completely unfavorable days in August for carrying out all operations, and this is good news! But it is better to be careful with interference in some organs.

  • 08th - do not operate on sensory organs, joints, legs;
  • 09 and 10 numbers - operations on the feet, liver, and sensory organs are best postponed to another day;
  • On the 11th and 12th - you should not do plastic surgery, operations in the neck and head, as well as dental surgeries are also best avoided;
  • 13th and 14th - take care of your throat, vocal cords and neck, and also do not interfere with the work of the endocrine system;
  • 15th - if possible, do not undergo any surgery on this day;
  • 16th and 17th - take care of your arms, shoulders, lungs and bronchi;
  • 18th and 19th - operations on the stomach and chest area are best postponed to another day;
  • 20th - take care of your spine, chest, back and heart.

Lunar calendar of operations for September 2017

Autumn has come, but I would like it to come without depression. Whatever health complaints you have, this is not a reason to be sad! Plan your upcoming operations according to the lunar calendar for September.

  • Number 07 - there is no need to carry out operations on this day, even remotely related to the feet, liver or sensory organs;
  • 08 and 09 numbers - you should not do plastic surgery, operations in the neck and head, as well as dental surgeries are also best avoided;
  • 10th and 11th - take care of your throat, vocal cords and neck, and also do not interfere with the work of the endocrine system;
  • 12th - arms, shoulders, lungs and bronchi are better to operate on some other day;
  • The 13th - although it’s not Friday, you still shouldn’t have surgery on this day at all;
  • On the 14th and 15th - it is better not to touch the stomach and chest area on these days;
  • 16th and 17th - take care of your spine, chest, back and heart;
  • 18th - it is better not to perform operations in the abdomen;
  • 19th - all operations are undesirable, this day is considered the most unfavorable.

Lunar calendar of operations for October 2017

Second autumn month - good time for carrying out operations. And there are not so many unfavorable days, and it is not so offensive to spend some time in a hospital ward - the dull view outside the window is unlikely to entice you to look outside. However, you shouldn’t carry out operations on some days; let’s take a closer look at them.

  • 06th - you should not do plastic surgery, operations in the neck and head, as well as dental surgeries are also best avoided;
  • 07th and 08th - throat, vocal cords and neck, and you should not interfere with the work of the endocrine system;
  • 09 and 10 numbers - arms, shoulders, lungs and bronchi should not be operated on these days;
  • 11th and 12th - take care of the stomach and chest area;
  • The 13th - this time it’s also Friday, absolutely all operations are undesirable;
  • 14th - it is better not to operate on the stomach and chest area;
  • On the 15th, 16th and 17th - it is better not to perform abdominal surgery;
  • The 18th - it is better not to touch the kidneys and pancreas on this day.

Lunar calendar of operations for November 2017

The final month of autumn is also not bad for operations. Winter is just around the corner, New Year is coming, we need to get things done quickly so that all illnesses remain in the old year! As always, there are days on which you should not operate on certain organs.

  • 05th and 06th - take care of your arms, shoulders, lungs and bronchi;
  • 07 and 09 numbers - it is better not to operate on the stomach and chest area;
  • 10th - operations on the spine, chest, back and heart will wait;
  • 11th - on this day it is better not to have surgery at all;
  • On the 12th and 13th - try not to touch your stomach at all if possible;
  • 14th and 15th - you should not perform operations related to the kidneys and pancreas;
  • 16th - the pelvis and genitourinary system will wait;
  • 17th - all operations are undesirable, this day is considered the most unfavorable.

Lunar calendar of operations for December 2017

December is the first winter month, full of New Year's anticipation and bustle. Snowfalls, traffic jams and queues for gifts! But how nice it is to give these very gifts and, of course, to receive them! If you have planned an operation, it is better to carry it out in the first half of the month so as not to celebrate the New Year in a hospital bed. Of course, situations are different, but we are simulating an ideal case! It will be quite difficult to choose a suitable day in the first half of December, because it is precisely this period that is teeming with prohibitions.

  • 05th and 06th - operations on the stomach and chest area are undesirable;
  • 07th and 08th - postpone operations on the spine, chest, back and heart to another day;
  • 09 and 10 numbers - the stomach should not be operated on these days;
  • 11th - avoid any surgery on this day;
  • 12th and 13th - kidneys and pancreas are under threat;
  • 14th and 15th - operations on the pelvis and genitourinary system are undesirable;
  • 16th - liver, hips, gall bladder, as well as operations related to blood disease are better to be rescheduled;
  • The 17th - all operations are undesirable - the most unfavorable day for surgery according to the lunar calendar in December 2017.

Let's sum it up

We have studied the lunar calendar of operations in some detail and talked about the basic rules in astromedicine. Now, having sorted out all this information in your head, you can plan this or that operation for the next year. Of course, if we are talking about emergency surgery, and the stars are aligned in such a way that the operation will take place on an unfavorable day according to the lunar calendar, then throw out everything you just studied. Astrology is an inexact science; you can only rely on it, using it as optional advice. But modern medicine dictates its own rules, and for your own health you should listen to it! The most important thing is to tune in for the best, and then everything will definitely be fine, no matter what the stars say!

Video “The influence of the moon on humans”


You can read more about what awaits all zodiac signs in March 2017 in the article .

March is a better month for operations than February, since most of the negative aspects of the planets are behind. Mars, which is related to surgical intervention, will be relatively positive this month thanks to favorable aspects. But let's return to the Moon.

This month, the most unfavorable days when operations are contraindicated will be the following: March 5, 12, 20, 27, 2017. If you have the opportunity to choose the date of the operation, also do not select days waxing moon: March 1-12, 28-31, 2017. With the waxing Moon, the risk of complications after operations is slightly higher.

Also if you would like to do complex cosmetic surgery, it is better to postpone it for a more opportune time. March 2017 not very suitable for this. Read more about beauty in March in the article Lunar beauty calendar for March.

The moon will be waning from 13 to 27 March 2017 , But the most successful days for surgical intervention the following can be mentioned: 13 (after 6:00), 14, 16, 17, 18, 19 (after 07:00), 21, 22 (as a last resort), 24, 25, 26 March 2017.

Beware exacerbation of chronic diseases, especially vulnerable organs on this day next days: March 1, 6, 7, 12, 14, 20, 21, 27, 28, 2017.

Colds easiest way to get infected March 5, 6, 12, 20, 21, 27, 2017.

Risks various injuries increase on the following days: 1, 6-8, 12, 14, 15, 20-23, 27, 28, 30 March 2017.

More details about dangers and risks indicated in the descriptions for each day of March. At the end of the article you can find the vulnerabilities and invulnerabilities of various organs and systems of the body in March 2017.

Nutrition table for March 2017

Nutrition:Days of March 2017
Squirrels1, 9, 10, 18, 19, 28
Proteins, salt2, 20, 29
Salt3, 11, 12, 21, 22, 30
Salt, fats4, 13, 31
Fats5, 14, 23, 24
Fats, carbohydrates6, 15, 25
Carbohydrates7, 8, 16, 17, 26
Carbohydrates, proteins-
Fast5, 12, 20, 27
Eating in moderation (risk of weight gain) 1, 5, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 19, 21, 22, 24, 28, 30
Avoid very hot, hot and spicy foods. 1, 8, 23, 30
Eliminate alcohol 1, 4-8, 11-18, 20, 21, 23, 26-28, 30

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar for March 2017 section:


♈ 1 MARTHA, Wednesday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 08:37.ARIES

The first day of spring is not the most successful: the Moon on this day will make several not the most successful aspects, so risks of various injuries and dangers can be quite high. In addition, the sign of Aries is conducive to impulsive actions. From here - various injuries by negligence. It is highly undesirable to perform operations on this day: the risk of side effects is very high. Take care of your eyes: You should not sit at the computer or watch TV for a long time so as not to overload your eyesight.

Dangers and Risks : injuries due to negligence and due to failure to comply with safety precautions, burns, overexcitation of the nervous system, nervous breakdowns, feeling of coldness in the extremities, migraines, vascular spasms, trembling in the body, increased appetite (excess weight gain), increased blood pressure, cuts, burns, injections, exacerbation chronic diseases(especially vulnerable organs), injuries, accidents from electric shocks.

Vulnerable: head, face, brain, teeth, upper jaw, liver.

: proteins. Limit your consumption of very spicy and hot foods today: if you burn your tongue or palate, it will take a long time to heal. In general, today, of course, it’s good to eat meat and fish dishes . Be careful with sweets, as the moon is growing now and it is easy to gain excess weight.

♈♉ 2 MARTHA, Thursday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:02.ARIES , TAURUS from 10:43

Moon without course from 05:18 to 10:42

This day promises to be quite positive. You are unlikely to be very emotional on this day. After 11:00 plan well going to the doctors and getting tests. Therapeutic gymnastics and strengthening exercises will be beneficial back and neck muscles. Just be careful not to overdo it! This day is not suitable for operations.

Dangers and Risks : No.

Vulnerable: head, face, brain, teeth, upper jaw, liver, throat, vocal cords, lower jaw, neck, ears, thyroid gland.

Best absorbed today : proteins, salt. Today you may be especially drawn to weaknesses and high-calorie dishes: you want to pamper yourself high-calorie delicacies. If you are losing weight, it is better not to give in to temptations, as it is easy to gain weight. Food should be homemade, but light and quickly digestible. Sugar replace a small amount honey.

♉ 3 MARTHA, Friday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 09:28.TAURUS

Moon without course from 18:20

Another rather positive day: surround yourself with beautiful things, communicate with nice people, choose things that give you pleasure. Then your mood and well-being will be high level. You shouldn't feel unwell today, but if you do feel unwell, it's likely that it's a sign that you're not feeling well. material assets, or you just don’t want to listen to your own body.

ABOUT dangers and risks : No.

: salt. Today you can allow yourself a little more carbohydrate foods, but remember to use moderation. Include dishes from seaweed, seafood, liver, fish. You can also choose homemade pickles.

♊ 4 MARTHA, Saturday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 10:00.TAURUS , TWINS from 13:06

Moon without course until 13:05

This day does not foretell any special problems, but it is better not to plan the start of important things for the first half of the day. Today it is good to practice relaxation, light breathing practices and rejuvenating procedures. Spend more time in the fresh air; it’s especially good to go out of town.

ABOUT dangers and risks : No.

Best absorbed today : salt, fats. Choose light foods and include them in your diet rosehip and citrus, which are rich in vitamin C. Since the lungs are in particular need of protection now, it is good to eat foods that will keep them healthy. For example, it’s good to include in your diet today pineapples. They also contain substances such as bromelain which will protect the body from tuberculosis bacillus.

♊ 5 MARTHA, Sunday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 10:37.TWINS

First quarter, second phase of the moon from 14:31

A bad day to start treatment and for operations. Today there are many different health hazards due to the negative aspects of the Moon. It's better to devote this day rest and relaxation. Do not put stress on your arms, for example, lift weights, do difficult physical exercise. Should be especially protected lungs: It is dangerous to breathe polluted air.

Dangers and Risks : infections, poisoning (especially with chemically active liquids or medications), allergies, colds and viral diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases, loss of appetite, nervousness, vague pain, general poor health.

Vulnerable: lungs, arms, fingers and nails, shoulders, forearm.

Nutrition : post. Today it is better to exclude any animal products to take a short break. It's healthy to eat fresh salads, fruits, drink more water.

♊♋ 6 MARTHA, Monday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 11:24.TWINS , CANCER from 15:54

Moon without course from 11:22 to 15:53

The first half of the day is not particularly suitable for complex medical procedures. Scheduled for morning hours things may fall through various reasons, and the probability medical errors increases significantly. Therefore, now you should not go to the doctor and get tested.

Dangers and Risks : exacerbation of chronic diseases, poor health.

Vulnerable: lungs, arms, fingers and nails, shoulders, forearm, stomach, chest, gall bladder, upper liver, ribs, chest.

Best absorbed today : fats, carbohydrates. If your appetite noticeably decreases on this day, it is better to eat in small portions, but do not skip meals. In the afternoon, on the contrary, you risk eating more than necessary. Eat in moderation. Take healthy snacks ( nuts, seeds, fruits).

Lunar health calendar 2017

♋ 7 MARTHA, Tuesday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 12:19.CANCER

Being unbalanced and touchy on this day may make you a little more vulnerable to illness. Today you can't risk your health: maybe unpleasant consequences. If the disease made itself felt today, it is most likely closely related to your emotional background. Reduce first emotional stress, get rid of stress. Then the treatment will go much faster.

Dangers and Risks : injuries due to negligence and due to failure to comply with safety precautions, burns, nervous breakdowns, overexcitation of the nervous system, colic and discomfort in the stomach, increased appetite (excess weight gain), increased blood pressure, attack cholelithiasis, electric shock.


Best absorbed today : carbohydrates. Today it is important to choose only healthy, slow carbohydrates; it is better to exclude all flour and sweets if you would like to lose excess weight. Since the stomach is quite vulnerable, refuse today from fatty, fried, smoked, alcohol and other harmful things.

♋♌ MARCH 8, Wednesday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 13:24.CANCER , LION from 19:46

Moon without course from 17:59 to 19:45

This holiday does not promise to be too favorable. Likely nervous breakdowns and manifestations of aggression, so if you're being naughty nerve, try to give yourself more rest. Operations on this day can lead to prolonged bleeding and other complications. Housewives should be careful with kitchen knives and appliances: it is easy to cut yourself or get injured.

Dangers and Risks

Vulnerable: stomach, chest, gall bladder, upper part of the liver, ribs, chest.

Best absorbed today : carbohydrates, proteins. Although it is a holiday, consumption alcohol undesirable, as it can increase aggressiveness and imbalance. Let them be on your table only light snacks and meals. In the first half of the day it is good to eat more carbohydrates, but in the evening - protein foods. For example, you can cook meat or fish dishes with light salads or baked vegetables.

♌ 9 MARCH, Thursday, 11th, 12th lunar day from 14:34.LION

This day is much more positive than the previous one. On this day it is good to go for a walk, spend more time on fresh air, especially if the weather is good: take at least a little time for walks. Although serious cardio exercise is not encouraged now, still do not spend this day passively, lying on the couch.

Dangers and Risks : No.


Best absorbed today : proteins. Your diet on this day should be moderate, as there is a risk of weight gain. Your appetite may increase today, but try to choose lower-calorie foods. For example, it’s good to eat now meat, fish, but you should choose low-fat varieties. It is better to exclude carbohydrate foods altogether: eat protein food With light salads.

♌ 10 MARCH, Friday, 12th, 13th lunar day from 15:48.LION

Moon without course from 20:05

Another pretty positive day. Today, spend time for your own pleasure: you can go on a visit, visit cultural events, surround yourself with nice people. This will help keep your mood high, which means you will feel better. Patients on this day may well experience an improvement in their condition if they think optimistically, without giving the opportunity negative thoughts take possession of them.

Dangers and Risks : No.

Vulnerable: heart, diaphragm, blood vessels, back, thoracic spine.

Best absorbed today : proteins. Today, include in your diet such a product as avocado which improves memory, helps reduce bad cholesterol levels. You can also include it in your diet grapefruits, apples, pomegranates. Give preference to protein foods fish.

♌♍ 11 MARCH, Saturday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 17:02.LION , VIRGO from 01:07

Moon without course until 01:06

This day is dangerous because you can easily get intoxication of the body. Therefore, we advise you to refuse harmful products, and also stay away from any chemicals. If you follow safety precautions, there shouldn't be any problems. Today it is better not to visit doctors, as there is a risk that you may be diagnosed with misdiagnosis, or the analyzes will be incorrect.

Dangers and Risks : infections, poisoning (especially food and drug poisoning), allergies.

Vulnerable: digestive organs. To keep your intestines working properly, you should eat more fiber and drink plenty of water. Don't forget that today it will be especially useful to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. It’s also good to include in your diet today bran.

Best absorbed today : salt.

♍ 12 MARCH, Sunday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 18:16.VIRGO

FULL MOON at 17:55

Emotional instability, irritability, mood swings will negatively affect general health. Today it is important not to overexert yourself, and also to limit your diet. This will allow the body to cope with stress more easily. Today, be in public as little as possible, as it is now easy to become infected with various diseases.

Dangers and Risks : colds and viral diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases, loss of appetite, vague pain, general poor health.

Vulnerable: digestive organs.

Nutrition : post. If you can fast, today it is useful to arrange fasting day, or exclude food of animal origin from the diet.


♍♎ 13 MARCH, Monday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 19:28.VIRGO , SCALES from 08:28

Moon without course from 05:36 to 08:28

OPERATIONS ARE ALLOWED. Overall the day is quite favorable. Operations quite acceptable, but it’s better if their start is scheduled after 08:30 when the Moon is in the sign of Libra. You can perform operations in the area heads and faces. However, it is undesirable to do very complex plastic surgeries this month due to the retrograde of Venus, especially today. You can visit dentist, or Oolaryngologist. Today is also a good time to start fight against extra pounds.

Dangers and Risks : increased appetite (weight gain), overeating.


Best absorbed today : fats. It is good to include vegetable fats in your diet, which are rich in foods such as olive oil. oil, avocado, seeds, nuts.

♎ 14 MARCH, Tuesday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 20:39.SCALES

OPERATIONS ARE ALLOWED. Today, various operations are acceptable, with the exception of operations on vulnerable organs. Especially loses vulnerability head and face area. If you are sick on this day, most likely your peace of mind has been disrupted. You should pay closer attention to your thoughts and think about your relationships with your partners.

Dangers and Risks : overexcitation of the nervous system, numbness of the fingers, trembling in the body, feeling of coldness in the extremities, increased appetite (excess weight gain), electric shock.

Vulnerable: bladder, kidneys, liver, adrenal glands, pancreas, lumbar spine, sensory nervous system.

Best absorbed today : fats. If you are anxious or experiencing nervous tension and various kinds of uncomfortable emotional state, we advise you to refuse to eat or consume just a little light food. Today, your appetite may be particularly strong, and stress may lead to weight gain. Don't put stress on kidneys: better to exclude alcoholic drinks.

15 MARCH, Wednesday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 21:48.SCALES , SCORPION from 18:11

Moon without course from 13:05 to 18:10

This day does not promise to be calm, especially its second half. It is better not to perform operations so as not to cause unwanted side effects And heavy bleeding. In the first half of the day, you can seek professional medical help, get tested, and talk to a specialist. You should be careful with cutting and piercing objects.

Dangers and Risks : cuts, burns, injections, exacerbation of chronic diseases (especially vulnerable organs), injuries, accidents, problems with pregnancy

Vulnerable: bladder, kidneys, liver, adrenal glands, pancreas, lumbar spine, sensory nervous system.

Best absorbed today : fats. Avoid today too spicy and fatty foods. Today you should eat fractionally: in small portions 5-6 times a day. Avoid salt and any alcohol.

♏ MARCH 16, Thursday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 22:55.SCORPION

OPERATIONS ARE ALLOWED. In general, this day does not pose any particular dangers. Your intuition will be strengthened, so you are more likely to intuitively choose activities or foods that will not harm your health. If you feel tired, you will immediately go to rest, and if you have enough strength, you can easily perform any complex physical work.

Dangers and Risks : No.


Best absorbed today : carbohydrates. Carbohydrate foods will be especially useful on this day. You can indulge yourself a little white flour dishes and with content Sahara: There will be no harm. It is better to prepare such dishes yourself.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations

♏ MARCH 17, Friday, 19th lunar day.SCORPION

OPERATIONS ARE ALLOWED. The moon on this day will not make negative aspects, so you can expect quite auspicious day. Surgeries are acceptable, but it is better to avoid operations on vulnerable organs. It’s good to go in for sports, sign up for a massage. Good day for treatment thyroid or throat diseases.

Dangers and Risks : No.

Vulnerable : genitals, rectum, prostate gland, seminal glands.

Best absorbed today : carbohydrates. Today it is worth paying attention to complex carbohydrates, among which whole grain cereals and breads, legumes. If you are trying to lose weight, it is better to exclude potatoes and white rice . In the evening, do not eat foods with high content carbohydrates. It's best to choose lean fish with light vegetables.

♐ 18 MARCH, Saturday, 20th lunar day from 00:00.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 06:00

Moon without course from 00:56 to 05:59

OPERATIONS ARE ALLOWED. The energy of the Moon in the fire sign of Sagittarius and the positive aspects of the Moon make this day especially favorable and very optimistic, although there are still some risks. You can enjoy your day off at home or go for a walk. You should not spend this day passively. Favorable aspects of the Moon allow you to perform any operations, except operations on vulnerable organs. Today you can treat diseases lungs and nervous system, they will respond especially well to treatment. Good day to contact doctors or healers.

Dangers and Risks : infections, poisoning, allergies, overeating.


: proteins. Today you can indulge yourself a little sweet. However, it is better to stick to moderation and not overeat. If you are losing weight, this is especially true because extra calories may affect the condition of the skin on the thighs and contribute to the appearance excess fat in this area.

♐ 19 MARCH, Sunday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 01:03.SAGITTARIUS

OPERATIONS ARE ALLOWED. Another very positive day, one of the most favorable days of the month. Operations on this day are quite acceptable if they can be scheduled. Complex treatments can begin. Will respond well to treatment lung diseases. Today it is good to spend more time in the fresh air, but it is better not to walk for too long distances.

Dangers and Risks : overeating.

Vulnerable : liver, blood, hips, veins, gall bladder, pelvis, hip joints, tailbone, buttocks.

Best absorbed today : proteins. Try not to indulge too much in high-calorie foods on this day. Choose low-fat varieties meat and fish which are rich in animal proteins. It is also good to combine proteins of animal and plant origin.

♑ 20 MARCH, Monday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 02:01.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 18:31

Moon without course from 13:37 to 18:30

III quarter, fourth phase of the moon from 18:57

A busy day, unlike the previous one, so if possible, do not plan operations today. Today in general it's dangerous to overexert yourself, as the Moon changes phase. This will immediately have a negative impact on your overall well-being. Today is a particularly unfavorable day for those who suffer diabetes mellitus or liver diseases. You should be on guard, as it is possible that your condition may worsen or worsen chronic diseases.

Dangers and Risks : colds, exacerbation of chronic diseases, overeating, excess weight gain, unclear pain, general poor health.

Vulnerable : liver, blood, hips, veins, gall bladder, pelvis, hip joints, tailbone, buttocks.

Nutrition : post. Medical fasting or switching to a raw food diet (raw vegetables and fruits). Eliminate alcohol. Overeating is also very dangerous, as it puts a strain on liver, which today is also very vulnerable.

♑ 21 MARCH, Tuesday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:54.CAPRICORN

OPERATIONS ARE ALLOWED. Today you should be careful: there is a risk of limb injuries, bone fractures. Operations are permissible, with the exception of operations on vulnerable organs. It is better not to visit the dentist or chiropractor. You can do simple preventive exercises for spinal flexibility.

Dangers and Risks : injuries due to negligence and due to failure to comply with safety precautions, broken limbs, colds and viral diseases, nervousness.


Best absorbed today : salt. On this day it will be easy for you to give up unhealthy foods and switch to proper nutrition. Try to eat small portions 5-6 times a day. It is good to include foods rich in calcium, which will strengthen bones and teeth.

♑ 22 MARCH, Wednesday, 23rd, 24th lunar day from 03:41.CAPRICORN

Moon without course from 16:20

OPERATIONS ARE ALLOWED. This day may turn out to be very unpredictable, any risks health related issues are best postponed. Operations are allowed, but not complicated, without serious risks. In the afternoon, after 16:20, don't start anything new. For example, you should not start treatment. Bones Now they can be very vulnerable, so there is a risk of fractures from falls. Give up on this day stiletto heels.

Dangers and Risks : overexcitation of the nervous system, numbness of the fingers, nervous breakdowns, broken limbs, falls from a height, colds, increased appetite (excess weight gain), increased blood pressure, imbalance of the hormonal system, electric shock.

Vulnerable: knees, bones, teeth, spine, skin, gall bladder, cartilage, tendons, joints.

Best absorbed today : salt. Today you can include it in your diet salty dishes, better than homemade.

♑♒ 23 MARCH, Thursday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 04:21.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 05:29

Moon without course until 05:28

Today is worth saving middle part of the legs especially shins and knees. Today it is better not to change the level of the heel, if you are used to, for example, wearing shoes with low heels, today you should not switch to high heels and vice versa. Surgery is not recommended, especially in areas of vulnerable organs. It’s good to spend this day in a calm atmosphere, surround yourself nice people engage in enjoyable activities. Stress levels today may rise above average; any water procedures will help relieve stress. May escalate diseases of the legs and veins in the legs.

Dangers and Risks : cuts, burns, injections, exacerbation of chronic diseases (especially vulnerable organs), injuries, accidents, overload of the nervous system.


Best absorbed today : fats. When choosing the right diet, you should pay attention to healthy (unsaturated) fats. Today, include in your diet dishes with avocado, olive oil, nuts, and also fish.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017

♒ 24 MARCH, Friday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 04:55.AQUARIUS

OPERATIONS ARE ALLOWED. Today operations are quite acceptable, especially in the area heart, back, diaphragm. But it is better not to touch vulnerable organs, as they will be more difficult to treat. We especially don’t recommend it today strain your eyes, you can do some light exercises for your eyes if you sit at the computer or watch TV for a long time. This will allow you to relieve tension. Today is also a great day to go to the sauna and get a massage.

Dangers and Risks : No.

Vulnerable: joints, eyes, legs, nervous system.

Best absorbed today : fats. On this day, you can allow yourself some sweets and higher-calorie dishes. The moon is waning, so there are no risks for the figure.

♒♓ 25 MARCH, Saturday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 05:25.AQUARIUS , FISH from 13:07

Moon without course from 08:56 to 13:06

OPERATIONS ARE ALLOWED. Since the Moon will be at idle in the first half of the day, try not to schedule a time for this starting new things. For example, you should not sign up for your first surgery or start complex treatment: high probability that any procedures will not bring any benefit and will simply be in vain. Today is a great time for challenging aerobic exercise. It’s still good to visit baths, saunas, and sign up for a massage.

Dangers and Risks : No.

Vulnerable: joints, eyes, legs, nervous system, skin, feet, toes, ligaments, lymphatic, endocrine and immune systems.

Best absorbed today : fats, carbohydrates. On this day it is good to include more carbohydrates in your diet, but only slow ones. Fast carbohydrates are allowed in minimal quantities.

♓ 26 MARCH, Sunday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 05:51.FISH

OPERATIONS ARE ALLOWED. This day is dangerous for various kinds of infections and allergies. Operations can be done, but some very simple, without the use of general anesthesia. Also be careful with anesthesia, as it can cause unexpected reactions. If the operation can be postponed, it is better to postpone it to a more favorable time. However, this is Sunday, so you may not be able to undergo planned operations that do not require urgency. Anything will be useful today water procedures.

Dangers and Risks : infections, poisoning (especially with chemically active liquids or drugs), allergies.

Vulnerable: skin, feet, toes, ligaments, lymphatic, endocrine and immune systems.

Best absorbed today : fats, carbohydrates. Today it is worth paying special attention to the choice of food products. Check your refrigerator and get rid of them all stale products. Now there is a high risk of poisoning and allergies, including food allergies. It's better to exclude today alcohol and any seafood.

♓♈ 27 MARCH, Monday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 06:15.FISH , ARIES from 17:11

Moon without course from 13:19 to 17:10

Unfavorable day: new moon is approaching, last day lunar month. Try to spend this day in calm and relaxing environment. It's good to take a bath, turn on scented candles. This will allow you to relax and relieve stress. You can’t especially overexert yourself physically on this day. It is better not to go to places with large crowds of people.

Dangers and Risks : colds, exacerbation of chronic diseases, loss of appetite, vague pain, headaches and migraines, general poor health.

Vulnerable: skin, feet, toes, ligaments, lymphatic, endocrine and immune systems,

Nutrition : post. Today, lean food will be beneficial without meat, fish, dairy, as this will relieve stress on the body.


♈ 28 MARCH, Tuesday, 29th, 1st lunar day from 05:57, 2nd lunar day from 06:39.ARIES

NEW MOON at 05:57

The ideal rest for your brain on this day would be physical activity . Don't spend this day passively. Today you can’t do operations, as the moon is starting to grow. In addition, this is the first day of the lunar month, when there is still very little energy to deal with such stress as surgery. This day is suitable for planning things for the next month.

Dangers and Risks : injuries due to negligence and due to failure to comply with safety precautions, burns, nervous breakdowns, dizziness, migraines, loss of strength, increased appetite (excess weight gain), increased blood pressure, electric shock.

Vulnerable: head, face, brain, teeth, upper jaw.

Best absorbed today : proteins. If you engage in sports or physical activity, your muscles will need proteins to recover, so today it's worth thinking about protein products.

♈♉ 29 MARCH, Wednesday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 07:03.ARIES , TAURUS from 18:48

Moon without course from 15:07 to 18:47

The moon begins to rise, so in the coming 2 weeks worth giving up planned operations. Today it is highly undesirable to visit the dentist. However, you can schedule a consultation with a doctor, but it is better to start dental treatment on days waning moon and not in the signs of Aries or Taurus. Today is a good time to start collecting information on various medical issues. Start new things after 15:00 It's better not worth it.

Dangers and Risks : No.

Vulnerable: head, face, brain, teeth, upper jaw.

Best absorbed today : proteins. Today, any foods that will have a positive effect on eye health will be especially useful: carrots, blueberries, spinach, broccoli. Protein foods are good to include in your diet fish.

♉ 30 MARCH, Thursday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 07:29.TAURUS

The day can be quite stressful, especially for those who are quite irritable and impulsive. It is better not to schedule surgery or start aggressive treatment methods on this day. Avoid conflicts and control your temper tantrums. Injuries due to carelessness are likely, so stay away from knives and other sharp objects.

ABOUT dangers and risks : cuts, burns, injections, exacerbation of chronic diseases (especially vulnerable organs), injuries, accidents.

Best absorbed today : salt. Today you may have a desire to eat something special, cook favorite dish. However, you should not drink alcohol or overly spicy foods. Be more attentive to your food, don't overeat.

♉♊ 31 MARCH, Friday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 07:59.TAURUS , TWINS from 19:41

Moon without course from 02:12 to 19:40

Calm and relaxed day. You cannot start anything new, since the Moon will be without a course all day. This is the time of the weak Moon, when you should continue things started in the past. Operations to do highly undesirable.

ABOUT dangers and risks : No.

Best absorbed today : salt, fats. Today you can treat yourself to sweets and something especially pleasant, but remember about moderation: after all, this is the time of the waxing Moon, so the risks of gaining excess weight increase significantly.

When to have surgery according to the lunar calendar in March 2017?

Organs, body parts, body systems: Not vulnerableVulnerable
Teeth13-17 1-4, 27-31
Head (eyes, nose, ears) 13-15 1, 2, 27-29
Throat, vocal cords and neck 16, 17 2-4, 30, 31
Thyroid gland 16-17 2-4, 30, 31
Lungs, bronchi, upper respiratory tract 18-20 4-6
Breast21, 22 6-8
Arms, shoulders, hands 18-20 4-6
Stomach, pancreas: 21, 22 6-8
Liver4-6 18-20
Gallbladder4-8 18-22
Lymphatic system 11-13 25-27
Heart, blood, circulatory system 23-25 9, 10
Back, diaphragm 23-25 9, 10
Nervous system9, 10, 18-20 4-6, 23-25
Intestines, digestive system 25-27 11-13
Abdomen25-27 11-13
Bladder and kidneys 1, 2, 27-29 13-15
Leather6-8, 11-13 21, 22, 25-27
Genitals2-4, 30, 31 16, 17
Hips4-6 18-20
Knees, joints, tendons 6-8 21, 22
Bones, spine 6-8 21, 22
Shin9, 10 23-25
Feet, toes 11-13 25-27
Unfavorable days for any complex procedures and operations: 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 20, 23, 27, 28, 30
The most successful days for operations: 13, 14, 16-19, 21, 22, 24-26

On what days should this or that operation be performed according to the lunar calendar.


God protects those who are careful. If you have to undergo any serious surgery, it is important to know which doctor will perform it, in which clinic and under what conditions. But for some this may not be enough, and in such cases it would be useful to turn to astrology. Now we will analyze in detail when to perform operations according to the lunar calendar.

I would immediately like to draw your attention to the fact that no matter how strong your faith in astrology is, you should not perceive the advice below as a panacea. If the situation is critical and requires urgent surgical intervention, and every day of delay can cost your life, then you need to listen to a competent doctor, and not the advice of astrologers. If the operation is planned and can wait, and it is important for you that the stars are on your side, then please use the lunar calendar. The main thing is that you feel calm. After all, at least thoughts are material - both good and bad.

Since ancient times, people have looked at the sky and admired what they saw there. The sun replaces the moon and stars and vice versa, and so on indefinitely. Over time, it turned out that the Moon is directly related to the ebb and flow of the tides; lunar eclipses and full moons have an almost magical effect on some things! It’s not for nothing that so many legends have been created and many films have been made about werewolves turning into animals during the full moon. Many rituals are called upon to be performed at this time in order to experience the maximum effect.

Over time, in the eyes of the ancients, the stars formed into constellations, and some constellations into Zodiacs. And it is very important for astrologers to know which planet, Sun and Moon and in what period controls this Zodiac, because this is reflected in many actions and actions committed by people born under one or another Zodiac sign.

Medicine of the distant past claims that the stars of the Zodiac control human organs:

This is important to know, because this is the first rule of astromedicine. There are quite a lot of them, but we will consider only the main seven.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule No. 1

When the Moon is in a certain zodiac sign, surgical interventions in those organs for which it is responsible are prohibited.

When the Moon leaves one Zodiac and moves to another, the adjacent influence of both signs is possible, which is important to consider when planning an operation.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule No. 2

Operations performed during the waning moon are easier to bear. It is no secret that the Moon causes the ebb and flow of the tides. It affects all the water that is on the globe. It turns out that the blood in our body is under its influence.

Operations performed during the period from the new moon to the full moon can be complicated by less blood clotting, and this, in turn, can easily lead to bleeding, poorly healing wounds and unsightly scars.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule No. 3

Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini are the four unstable signs of the Zodiac. The presence of the Moon in one of them complicates the course of the operation; its result is completely unpredictable.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule No. 4

The Moon does not move from sign to sign instantly; it takes a certain time for it to leave one Zodiac and enter another. The time when the Moon is not in any of the Zodiacs is called the idle period, during which no surgical interventions should be carried out.

Try to avoid any transactions during the periods indicated below.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule No. 5

Lunar and especially solar eclipses are quite rare phenomena, but, nevertheless, they periodically occur in our region. Try to plan your operation so that it does not fall during these periods.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule No. 6

There are so-called periods of retrograde planets. Astrologers claim that they have a bad effect on our health. Especially when planning an upcoming operation, you should pay attention to Mars and Mercury. The first is closely related to the field of surgery and dentistry, and the second affects the connections in the human body.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule No. 7

Surgical interventions should be avoided on the 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th of each month, as well as the day before the full moon or new moon.

The calendar below for 2017 does not take into account the rules described above: retrograde of planets, eclipses, influence of adjacent signs. But there will be enough information for you to compare all the available facts with each other and choose the most favorable day for the operation.

If it is said that all operations are undesirable, then the exception is always urgent surgical interventions.

Lunar calendar of operations for January 2017

January is the most festive month of every year. The majority of the population in Russia does not work for a good half of the month. In hospitals these days you can find mostly doctors on duty, and everyone else, like you and me, prefers to spend these days with family and loved ones. January is not the best time for operations, unless we are talking about emergencies, of course. Let's look in more detail at which days it is better not to carry out certain operations.

  • 13th - Old New Year is not the best day for carrying out all types of operations;
  • 14th - if the operation is directly or indirectly related to the heart, spine or back, it is better to postpone it to another day;
  • On the 15th and 16th - it is better not to touch the stomach;
  • The 17th and 19th are a favorable day for many operations, with the exception of kidneys and pancreas;
  • The 20th - the pelvic area and the genitourinary system, in a word, it is better not to touch the area below the waist on this day;
  • 21st - it is better to cancel all operations unless it is an emergency;
  • 22, 23 and 24 numbers - on these days, refuse to perform operations related to blood diseases; it is also not recommended to affect areas of the body such as the liver, hips and gall bladder;
  • On the 25th and 26th - it is still better not to touch the gallbladder, as well as the entire skeletal system;
  • The 27th is the most unfavorable day for surgery according to the lunar calendar in January 2017; you should not perform any surgeries!

Lunar calendar of operations for February 2017

February is the shortest month; in 2017 it has 28 days, exactly half of which are undesirable for operations on certain organs.

  • 12th and 13th - do not touch the abdominal area;
  • 14th and 15th - On Valentine's Day, it is better not to get sick at all, but to spend a romantic evening with your soulmate, and if possible, it is better not to have surgery on the kidneys and pancreas;
  • 16th, 17th and 18th - reschedule the upcoming surgery on the pelvis or genitourinary system to another day;
  • 19th - if possible, refuse to carry out any operation on this day;
  • 20th - on this day, refuse to perform operations related to blood diseases; it is also not recommended to affect areas of the body such as the liver, hips and gall bladder;
  • On the 21st, 22nd and 23rd - Defender of the Fatherland Day can be celebrated in a much more fun way! These days, operations on the skeletal system and gall bladder are not recommended;
  • 24th - if the operation is related to the legs, joints or affects any sense organ (eyes, ears, nose), it is better not to perform it on this day;
  • 25th - all operations are undesirable, this day is considered the most unfavorable.

Lunar calendar of operations for March 2017

March is the first month of spring, when severe frosts begin to recede, the air melts, and the snow reveals the asphalt underneath. The first rays of spring break through the clouds, we smile and bloom! It’s a pity that even in such a joyful month, illnesses can fall out of the blue. Again, about half of the month is prohibited by Astrologers for carrying out certain operations.

  • 13th - if possible, refuse to carry out any operations on this day;
  • 14th and 15th - do not interfere with the functioning of the kidneys and pancreas;
  • 16th and 17th - operations on the pelvis and genitourinary system are best postponed to another day;
  • 18th, 19th and 20th - on these days, refrain from performing operations related to blood diseases; it is also not recommended to affect areas of the body such as the liver, hips and gall bladder;
  • 21st - any operation should not be carried out on this day;
  • 22nd - do not touch the skeletal system and gall bladder;
  • 23rd and 24th - reschedule surgery related to sensory organs, joints, and legs to another day;
  • 25th and 26th - the legs, mainly the feet, sensory organs and liver are still in danger;

Lunar calendar of operations for April 2017

It’s getting sunny and warmer outside, the first grass is beginning to emerge, and my soul is rejoicing! In the second half of the month, many people open the summer season, if the weather is favorable. April also suggests some days that are undesirable for operations.

  • 12th - 13th - it is not worth operating on the pelvis and genitourinary system these days;
  • 14th - 16th - operations related to blood diseases, as well as those on the liver, hips, and gallbladder are best rescheduled;
  • 17th - 18th - it is still better not to touch the gallbladder, as well as the entire skeletal system;
  • 19th - on this day, beware of any surgical intervention;
  • On the 20th and 21st - you should not operate on the sense organs - eyes, ears and nose, and along with them, joints and legs;
  • On the 22nd and 23rd - the senses are still under threat, and with them the feet and liver;
  • 24th - you should not do plastic surgery, operations in the neck and head, as well as dental surgeries are best avoided;
  • 27th - all operations are undesirable, this day is considered the most unfavorable.

Lunar calendar of operations for May 2017

The last light month of spring, after which the long-awaited summer comes! The second holiday month after January - we all remember about the May holidays, many take vacation for those few working days that unexpectedly stuck between them. In May, it is better not to get sick, but to enjoy the warmth of the approaching summer, finally open the summer season or fly to the seas. But if the circumstances are such that you cannot do without surgery, try to take into account some unfavorable days for operations.

  • 11th - on this day you should not carry out operations of any type;
  • 12th and 13th - refuse operations on the liver, hips, gall bladder, as well as operations related to blood diseases;
  • 14th and 16th - the skeletal system and gall bladder are at risk;
  • 27th and 18th - do not touch sensory organs, joints, legs;
  • 19th - any, even simple operations are undesirable;
  • 20th and 23rd - feet, liver, sensory organs;
  • 21st and 23rd - you should not do plastic surgery, operations in the neck and head, as well as dental surgeries are also best avoided;
  • The 24th - the throat and neck are at risk, and you should not interfere with the work of the endocrine system.

Lunar calendar of operations for June 2017

And here it is, the long-awaited summer! The period of vacations and holidays has arrived, except that students are still painfully closing their sessions. The most annoying thing is to get sick in the summer, especially if it is warm and dry! About half of the month is prohibited by astrologers for operations.

  • 10th and 12th - the skeletal system and gall bladder are in danger;
  • 13th and 14th - do not touch sensory organs, joints, legs;
  • On the 15th and 16th - the feet, liver, and sensory organs are at risk;
  • 17th - any operation, even a minor one, can be risky on this day;
  • On the 18th and 19th - you should not do plastic surgery, operations in the neck and head, as well as dental surgeries are also best avoided;
  • On the 20th and 21st - throat and neck, and you should not interfere with the work of the endocrine system;
  • 22nd - take care of your arms, shoulders, lungs and bronchi;

Lunar calendar of operations for July 2017

Summer is in full swing, in the middle of the month we will cross its equator! The sun and heat are a reason to leave the city as soon as possible, if you haven’t already! And if surgery is on the horizon, don’t worry - July is an excellent period for recovery, because it is replete with a variety of vitamins! But try not to perform the operation on some July days.

  • 10th and 12th - take care of your senses, joints, legs;
  • 13th and 14th - do not operate on the feet, liver, or sensory organs;
  • On the 15th and 16th - you should not do plastic surgery, operations in the neck and head, as well as dental surgeries are also best avoided;
  • 17th - try to avoid any operation;
  • The 18th - the throat and neck are at risk, and you should not interfere with the work of the endocrine system;
  • 19th and 20th - reschedule operations on the arms, shoulders, lungs and bronchi to another day;
  • 21st and 22nd - the stomach and chest area are in danger;
  • 23rd - all operations are undesirable, this day is considered the most unfavorable.

Lunar calendar of operations for August 2017

The heat subsides, and thoughts about the approaching autumn willy-nilly creep into your head. I wouldn’t want to lose a single piece of summer, but since surgery is on the horizon, it’s for the best - the body is saturated with vitamins of natural origin, this is a good start for the hospital period. There are no completely unfavorable days in August for carrying out all operations, and this is good news! But it is better to be careful with interference in some organs.

  • 08th - do not operate on sensory organs, joints, legs;
  • 09 and 10 numbers - operations on the feet, liver, and sensory organs are best postponed to another day;
  • On the 11th and 12th - you should not do plastic surgery, operations in the neck and head, as well as dental surgeries are also best avoided;
  • 13th and 14th - take care of your throat, vocal cords and neck, and also do not interfere with the work of the endocrine system;
  • 15th - if possible, do not undergo any surgery on this day;
  • 16th and 17th - take care of your arms, shoulders, lungs and bronchi;
  • 18th and 19th - operations on the stomach and chest area are best postponed to another day;
  • 20th - take care of your spine, chest, back and heart.

Lunar calendar of operations for September 2017

Autumn has come, but I would like it to come without depression. Whatever health complaints you have, this is not a reason to be sad! Plan your upcoming operations according to the lunar calendar for September.

  • Number 07 - there is no need to carry out operations on this day, even remotely related to the feet, liver or sensory organs;
  • 08 and 09 numbers - you should not do plastic surgery, operations in the neck and head, as well as dental surgeries are also best avoided;
  • 10th and 11th - take care of your throat, vocal cords and neck, and also do not interfere with the work of the endocrine system;
  • 12th - arms, shoulders, lungs and bronchi are better to operate on some other day;
  • The 13th - although it’s not Friday, you still shouldn’t have surgery on this day at all;
  • On the 14th and 15th - it is better not to touch the stomach and chest area on these days;
  • 16th and 17th - take care of your spine, chest, back and heart;
  • 18th - it is better not to perform operations in the abdomen;
  • 19th - all operations are undesirable, this day is considered the most unfavorable.

Lunar calendar of operations for October 2017

The second month of autumn is a good time for operations. And there are not so many unfavorable days, and it is not so offensive to spend some time in a hospital ward - the dull view outside the window is unlikely to entice you to look outside. However, you shouldn’t carry out operations on some days; let’s take a closer look at them.

  • 06th - you should not do plastic surgery, operations in the neck and head, as well as dental surgeries are also best avoided;
  • 07th and 08th - throat, vocal cords and neck, and you should not interfere with the work of the endocrine system;
  • 09 and 10 numbers - arms, shoulders, lungs and bronchi should not be operated on these days;
  • 11th and 12th - take care of the stomach and chest area;
  • The 13th - this time it’s also Friday, absolutely all operations are undesirable;
  • 14th - it is better not to operate on the stomach and chest area;
  • On the 15th, 16th and 17th - it is better not to perform abdominal surgery;
  • The 18th - it is better not to touch the kidneys and pancreas on this day.

Lunar calendar of operations for November 2017

The final month of autumn is also not bad for operations. Winter is just around the corner, New Year is coming, we need to get things done quickly so that all illnesses remain in the old year! As always, there are days on which you should not operate on certain organs.

  • 05th and 06th - take care of your arms, shoulders, lungs and bronchi;
  • 07 and 09 numbers - it is better not to operate on the stomach and chest area;
  • 10th - operations on the spine, chest, back and heart will wait;
  • 11th - on this day it is better not to have surgery at all;
  • On the 12th and 13th - try not to touch your stomach at all if possible;
  • 14th and 15th - you should not perform operations related to the kidneys and pancreas;
  • 16th - the pelvis and genitourinary system will wait;
  • 17th - all operations are undesirable, this day is considered the most unfavorable.

Lunar calendar of operations for December 2017

December is the first winter month, full of New Year's anticipation and bustle. Snowfalls, traffic jams and queues for gifts! But how nice it is to give these very gifts and, of course, to receive them! If you have planned an operation, it is better to carry it out in the first half of the month so as not to celebrate the New Year in a hospital bed. Of course, situations are different, but we are simulating an ideal case! It will be quite difficult to choose a suitable day in the first half of December, because it is precisely this period that is teeming with prohibitions.

  • 05th and 06th - operations on the stomach and chest area are undesirable;
  • 07th and 08th - postpone operations on the spine, chest, back and heart to another day;
  • 09 and 10 numbers - the stomach should not be operated on these days;
  • 11th - avoid any surgery on this day;
  • 12th and 13th - kidneys and pancreas are under threat;
  • 14th and 15th - operations on the pelvis and genitourinary system are undesirable;
  • 16th - liver, hips, gall bladder, as well as operations related to blood disease are better to be rescheduled;
  • The 17th - all operations are undesirable - the most unfavorable day for surgery according to the lunar calendar in December 2017.

Let's sum it up

We have studied the lunar calendar of operations in some detail and talked about the basic rules in astromedicine. Now, having sorted out all this information in your head, you can plan this or that operation for the next year. Of course, if we are talking about emergency surgery, and the stars are aligned in such a way that the operation will take place on an unfavorable day according to the lunar calendar, then throw out everything you just studied. Astrology is an inexact science; you can only rely on it, using it as optional advice. But modern medicine dictates its own rules, and for your own health you should listen to it! The most important thing is to tune in for the best, and then everything will definitely be fine, no matter what the stars say!

Video « The influence of the moon on humans«

The moon has a powerful influence not only on human biometric rhythms, but also on financial situation. Many people claim that all types of financial transactions should be carried out in certain time. For this purpose, a lunar calendar of financial transactions for December was created. Thanks to it, you can successfully conclude a deal, take out a loan profitably, lend money without risk, make purchases or sales.

The most favorable days in December according to the lunar calendar for carrying out matters related to improving one’s financial condition are the 14th and 20th. Various purchases, currency transactions, sales, investing - all this can be safely done these days. But on December 3, 5, 12, 15 and 29, it is not advisable to carry out any actions related to finances. Also in these unfavorable days Astrologers recommend keeping an eye on your wallet. There is also an opinion that Sunday is the day of the week when it is not recommended to lend money, invest or borrow funds.

When is it better to take out debt and credit in December 2016

Many people ask this question. It is best to take out a loan during the waning moon. Remember that the loan taken will grow during the waxing moon and it will be difficult for you to repay it. It is better to borrow money on Tuesday. If you want to avoid problems with finances, always plan your financial transactions according to the lunar calendar, and good luck will always accompany you.

Accurate calendar for December for financial transactions

December 2 – you can conclude important contracts and invest in your business.
December 8 – feel free to hold social events, sign papers, you can engage in self-education.
December 11 is a favorable day for shopping. Before you go shopping, make a shopping list.
December 12 is a great time to improve your financial situation. You can throw a friendly party that will later change your life for the better.
December 13 – you can spend money on repairs.
December 14 is a favorable time to visit beauty salons, massage therapists, and fitness centers. In general, spend money on yourself on this day.
December 19 – Under no circumstances should you carry out financial transactions or start important matters.
December 26 is a wonderful period for signing important documents and concluding transactions.
December 28 – The moon is in its waning phase. Astrologers do not recommend signing papers or planning trips. It is better to take a rest from work on this day.
December 29 is the period of the new moon. On this day you can safely plan your future and build accordingly. financial plans aimed at improving their financial situation.
December 30 – postpone all financial matters.

We hope that our lunar calendar of financial transactions will make your life easier and make it brighter, happier and richer!

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All times are indicated according to winter Kyiv time.

To find out events: Moscow time: + 1.

Central European Time: - 1.

Waxing Moon: December 1-13, 30-31 Waning Moon: December 15-28
For each organism in the sublunar space, the energy potential begins to increase from the new moon and reaches its maximum at the full moon. This is the period when the external form of manifestation of the life activity of all organisms on Earth is most active. For example, plants at this time quickly reach towards the Sun, accelerating their growth, and are in a hurry to conquer as much open space as possible. Since the full moon external manifestation energy begins to drop. Each organism directs its efforts to maintain the positions it has gained on the growing moon. During this period, processes of internal redistribution of energy occur, adequately external changes. In plants, for example, the internal structure of the trunk and branches is strengthened, but during this period the tree pays the main “attention” to its root system.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:20-16:11 Sleeping Moon: 06:08–10:52

Sunrise-sunset: 07:21-16:11

4 l.d. "BALANCE" A favorable day to appreciate own strength, analyze and plan the prospects of what you can accomplish in the future. On this day, you should weigh your every step, compare all the pros and cons. The main thing is to maintain harmony in all areas of life.

Moon in Capricorn

Sunrise-sunset: 07:22-16:10 Sleeping Moon: 12:16–21:43

5 l.d. “ACTION” If you can do something significant in your life, then you should test your capabilities and lay the foundation today. This is the day of objective assessment and improvement of activities of any kind, and business qualities in a person.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:24-16:10

Main influence: 5 l.d.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:25-16:10 Sleeping Moon: 13:23–24:00

Main effect: 6 l.d.

6 pp. "DEVELOPMENT" If you want to develop your activities, then you should take the appropriate steps and lay the foundations on this day. You can see the real capabilities of partners, professional competence employees, evaluate other opportunities. Don’t take on something you’re not competent at!

Moon in Aquarius

Sunrise-sunset: 07:26-16:10 Sleeping Moon: 00:00–06:30

Main influence: 7 l.d.

7 l.d. "EMBODIMENT" One of the most important days - the foundations for obtaining results are laid. You will be able to realistically assess the future fruits of your labor and how much more effort you will have to put in to implement your plans. The space will conduct a viability test. So less fuss!

Sunrise-sunset: 07:27-16:09 Sleeping Moon: 16:05–24:00

Main effect: 8 l.d.

8 pp. "BIRTH" It is good to begin the implementation of any plans. The impulse that you give to your affairs on this day will support them throughout the month. Try to spend your energy purposefully. It is recommended to assign the main investments for this day - this will give the maximum effect.

Moon in Pisces

Psychologically difficult period. Our ideals are tested for strength, and the life lived in a month is tested for compliance with our moral principles. Intuition and parapsychological abilities become more acute. And sentimentality and spiritual dissatisfaction can push to extraordinary actions of noble origin, repentance and self-sacrifice. People become excitable and emotionally unstable. The unconscious and uncontrollable uncertainty characteristic of this period promotes emotional communication, but harms all major undertakings. During this period, it is very easy to lose your way, opening your soul to outside influences. It is recommended not to start disputes or sort things out at this time.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:28-16:09 Sleeping Moon: 00:00–12:15

Main influence: 9 l.d.

9 l.d. "ACCULLATION" If you manage to avoid scandals and unpleasant surprises, it is good to accumulate obligations. This is a day of reorganization and strengthening of existing capabilities. Eliminate scandals! It is advisable to bring plans into line with reality. Take care of your health!

Sunrise-sunset: 07:29-16:09

Main influence: 10 l.d.

10 l.d. "MANAGEMENT" This is a good day for developing partnerships, strengthening connections and contacts. Travel and negotiations will be productive, and contracts concluded on this day will have good prospects and, as a rule, bring the greatest profit.

Moon in Aries

This is a period of accumulation of mental strength. The surrounding space creates conditions for the manifestation of a person’s individual spiritual potential. At this time, the Moon increases our spiritual strength, and we are filled with energy and optimism. But you should not show enthusiasm in practical activities - it will quickly pass, and piled-up business undertakings will turn into “unfinished construction”. Sobriety of thinking under the pressure of the energy acquired during this period is replaced by the desire to use it up. Even the most brilliant ideas these days should be washed not with champagne, but with the sobriety of their assessment. It is best to think about new ideas and develop programs for their implementation, look for supporters and associates to implement your plans!

Sunrise-sunset: 07:30-16:09 Sleeping Moon: 03:06–14:40

Main influence: 11 l.d.

11 l.d. "BALANCE" The day will show how much the innovations and initiatives you introduced into your reality turned out to be natural and harmonious for you. A day of harmonious expansion of areas of activity and consolidation of established positions in the surrounding space.

Main influence: 12 l.d.

12 l.d. "ACTION" The day will test how much you business qualities correspond to reality. Action day! Cherished dreams come true, and plans take on real shape. It is good to overcome barriers of misunderstanding, find points of reconciliation, and test competence.

Moon in Taurus

Time of accumulation and regrouping vitality. The situations created at this time are of fundamental importance, and depending on individual characteristics, can cause irreversible changes in life. Intuitively sensing the significant influence of the Moon on the formation of their future, people show increased caution and pragmatism that is inexplicable at a rational level. The desire for stability and peace intensifies in people, as well as dependence on material wealth, the need for financial stability, the desire for material comfort and beauty. And, nevertheless, this is a favorable moment for performing responsible actions that are especially significant in your destiny and carrying out events that are important to you.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:31-16:09 Sleeping Moon: 06:04–14:41

Main influence: 13 l.d.

13 l.d. "DEVELOPMENT" The day will check how well you and your activities correspond to the actual accumulated experience, knowledge and other potential. It’s good to combine opportunities (money, strength, connections) and act actively. You should not take their word for it - you should verify the accuracy of the statements personally.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:32-16:09

Main influence: 14 l.d.

14 l.d. “EMBODIMENT” The day will show how much the efforts you made were sufficient to implement your plans and were directed in the right direction. A good day to free yourself from connections, responsibilities, and affairs that scatter your strength and resources, preventing you from concentrating on the main thing.

Moon in Gemini

The period of information processing associated with its accumulation and dissemination. A favorable time for understanding and assessing situations, and in general for mental activity in the field of systematization and analysis. People are talkative to the point of talkativeness, easily engage in conversation, and are highly communicative. During this period, it is good to conduct “reconnaissance of foreign territories.” But a person’s openness to perceive information of a diverse nature can do a disservice. Under the Moon in Gemini, new or unclear information can lead to incorrect conclusions and false conclusions. Before you join the conversation, think about how much you need this?

Sunrise-sunset: 07:33-16:10 Sleeping Moon: 07:57–14:08

Main influence: 15 l.d.

15 l.d. "BIRTH" This is one of the Critical days! It is good to make specific, but small investments of effort and resources to maintain internal activities(home, inner world, workplace, team). The day will require concretizing efforts and purposefully spending energy and resources.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:34-16:10 Sleeping moon: 23:37–24:00

Main influence: 16 l.d.

16 l.d. "ACCUMULATION" It is good to carry out actions aimed at processing the results of labor. The day provides an opportunity to make radical changes in Destiny! You just need to draw conclusions from the mistakes made. Day of gaining experience and wisdom! Less emotions.

Moon in the sign of Cancer

The period of accumulation of impressions. The sensory perception of the world is heightened, and emotions prevail in the motivation of actions. The emotional state is unstable, and its changes can fluctuate sharply without visible reasons. From tears and sentimentality, a person easily moves to anger and aggression. The Moon in Cancer shows people to be caring towards others, but you should not go too far, otherwise your good intentions will backfire on you. At this time in the business sphere, it is not recommended to start projects that are important to you, enter into major transactions and sign important contracts. You may be influenced by interested parties. Strive to objectively evaluate your own feelings!

Sleeping Moon: 00:00–15:14

Main influence: 17 l.d.

17 l.d. "MANAGEMENT" We recommend adjusting internal structural connections - this is a good day for personnel changes. Trips, negotiations and agreements aimed at strengthening life both in the work team and at home will be productive.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:35-16:10

Main influence: 18 l.d.

18 l.d. "BALANCE" The day will show how much the innovations and initiatives you introduced into your reality have had a harmonious impact. The day of harmonizing the internal structure and consolidating the established positions in the surrounding space. A good day to evaluate your obligations.

Moon in Leo

The period of accumulation of sensations. At this time, people pay more attention to the aesthetic sphere than usual. And when making decisions, they are guided more by their feelings than by logical conclusions. At this time, we strive to attract maximum attention to our person, we want recognition of our merits and would not mind listening to flattering speeches. This is a period of pleasure and intimate communication, but it is difficult to make true friends at this time. The Moon in Leo awakens adventurism and the need for adventure in people. We are more confident in ourselves, and therefore can demonstrate our best qualities.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:36-16:11 Sleeping Moon: 18:55–19:51

Main influence: 19 l.d.

19 l.d. "ACTION" Day of expanding professional capabilities and increasing value through improving the quality of activities and internal organization. This is the day when the results of activities can serve as a real incentive to improve skills. We recommend positive emotions.

Main influence: 20 l.d.

20 l.d. "ACTION" Day of expanding professional capabilities and increasing value through improving the quality of activities and internal organization. This is the day when the results of activities can serve as a real incentive to improve skills. We recommend positive emotions.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:37-16:11

Main influence: 21 l.d.

21 l.d. "EMBODIMENT" We recommend emotional detachment. Try not to get involved in situations that require active emotional reactions. It is good to distribute profits, assess the need for expenses, and get rid of objects that bring more expenses than benefits.

Moon in Virgo

The period when the relationship between the spiritual and the material intensifies, state of mind affects health. The sense of duty and responsibility increases, and the effectiveness of communication depends on specifics. This is a good time for work that requires close attention to detail. The desire for order awakens in us, and we can begin spring cleaning. Bringing cleanliness and order will have a positive and sometimes unexpected effect. It’s as if relationships in a family or professional team will improve by themselves, and unwanted people will forget the way to your home!

Sunrise-sunset: 07:39-16:14 Sleeping moon: 09:22–24:00

26 l.d. "ACTION" Day of expanding the possibilities of activity by harmonizing the internal space. Activities aimed at creating comfortable conditions are recommended. Favorable conditions for the correct redistribution of the load within the team.

Moon in the sign of Scorpio

During this period, attention should be directed to the state of vitality. Our well-being most actively affects emotional sphere, and the decisions made depend almost entirely on the state of health. In this regard, people, it seems to us, become harmful and irritable. Therefore, the period is very conflictual, but favorable for working with papers, getting a job and changing your place of residence. Good luck shopping for antiques, medicines and real estate. Try to avoid mass communication and heavy drinking of alcohol.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:40-16:18 Sleeping Moon: 10:07–24:00

2 l.d. "ACCUMULATION" On this day, a person, concretizing his desires and possibilities, creates his own Destiny. Therefore, it is important to do right choice: what you want to see in your Destiny and what you don’t. You should take documents, concluding contracts, dating, purchases and offers seriously.

Moon in Capricorn

Period of routine work. Days of productive thinking. A favorable time for comparing thoughts with reality. Plans developed at this time will be practical and will actively influence the situation. You should not contact your superiors or official institutions - resolving the issue may fall into the merciless millstones of routine. The position of the Moon in Capricorn is also unfavorable for financial activities, trade and barter transactions. It is not recommended to schedule engagements and marriages during this period, or to make acquaintances or business connections. The Moon in Capricorn is a period of good, sober advice. But it is better to contact specialists. This is a favorable time for agricultural work and the purchase and sale of land.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:41-16:19 Sleeping Moon: 00:00–03:28

3 l.d. "MANAGEMENT" This is the day active action in the field of improving structure and form. How you build your relationships, situation, affairs, etc. today, they will be like this throughout the lunar month. And if you want to fundamentally change something in your life, then this should be done on this day.

Moon in Aquarius

At this time, situations are perceived very acutely, and responsibility for one’s own actions increases. Careless steps can cause irreversible processes in our lives, causing irreparable harm. But at the same time, space helps a person change his destiny. Deliberate, balanced and targeted actions will help you change the attitude of others towards you personally and towards issues that interest you. At this time, it is enough to do a small, but expressive, specific, and most importantly sincere act and you will be able to evoke in any person goodwill and support in your affairs. This time is also favorable for all activities related to technology, and especially with its purchase and repair.

Of course, emergency surgical interventions are not amenable to any phases of the moon and must be performed immediately. If you have just such a case, then the best solution would be to contact a surgeon immediately. But if you are able to choose the date of the upcoming operation yourself, do not forget some advice from astrologers, for example, the most favorable operations pass during the passage of the Moon through the signs of the zodiac constellations Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces or Virgo. And the days lunar eclipse are unsuccessful for surgical intervention, since after them the sutures will take longer to heal, and excess lymph will be released more abundantly.

Winter lunar calendar of operations 2018

  • In January, operations on the kidneys, bladder and female reproductive system will be especially favorable. Select days 13 - 16 and 3 January for such interventions. The areas of the hips, knees and bones are operable on the 9th - 12th and 31st, but avoid operations on January 17th, 28th - 31st if possible.
  • February will bring many favorable days for operations, especially the period from the 9th to the 15th; on these days you will be lucky at all stages of healing of sutures and postoperative wounds. If you are going to have surgery on veins and blood vessels, then it should be done in the first week of the month, since the phase of the moon will be the most suitable. If possible, do not carry out operations on February 15 and 23 - 28.
  • At the very end of the year, in December, try to operate on the abdominal organs and chest from December 1 to 6 and from December 26 to 31. The 13th - 22nd are not recommended for any type of surgery, even the smallest and easiest, such as tooth extraction.

Spring lunar calendar of operations 2018

  • March is characterized by favorable astrological conditions, since Mars very often finds itself in the ecliptic field of the Moon. Any surgical interventions will be easy from March 1 to 18, especially for the hands and shoulder girdle. Cancel plans to visit the doctor and surgeon on the 20th - 25th, 31st.
  • All operations on the joints, blood vessels of the legs and feet will proceed without problems on April 1–4, 14 and 15, and the stomach and gall bladder will quickly recover in the period 1–15. Be especially careful on April 22 – 28 and 30, since the Moon on these days is unfavorable for operations.
  • May will be marked by operations on the liver, stomach, lungs and some other abdominal organs. All these areas will recover during May without any complications. On the 1st – 14th, 30th, 31st, plan any goals for going to the surgeon, and on the 15th – 19th and 29th it is better to abandon this.

Summer lunar calendar of operations 2018

  • It is better to operate the kidneys, bladder and reproductive system from June 1 to 12, 29 and 30. Complex procedures should be abandoned on the 13th, 18th – 24th of the month. The head, neck and blood vessels will quickly return to order on June 1 - 4, 12, 29 and 30, but it will take a very long time and is difficult after the operations performed on the 13th and 28th.
  • In July, veins, vessels and hips can be easily healed in the first two weeks of the month, and on 1–12, 29 it is better to schedule operations for top part bodies. All other types of intervention will only make it worse on July 13 – 18, 28.
  • In August, the Moon promises to operate on the abdominal organs during the periods 1–5, 27–31. The skeleton, bones and joints will recover faster on August 1 - 10, 27 - 31. Be careful on the full moon days of August 11 and 26, as these numbers are the most unfavorable in the entire summer astrological period.

Autumn lunar calendar of operations 2018

  • In September, operations on the lungs, gall bladder and ovaries will be fruitful in the period 1–8, 26–28. Reproductive system both sexes can be healed on September 1 - 8, 26 - 30, carry out the remaining operations on any other days except 9 - 16, 25.
  • Cardiac operations will proceed especially smoothly in October, on the 1st – 7th, 25th – 31st days of the month. The operated patient will be healthy and ready for surgery within a week. active life. However, two days are especially bad for operations on the heart, veins and vascular system - these are the days of October 9 and 24. The remaining days are completely neutral.
  • November promises good days for surgery on the skeleton, bones, joints and skin on November 1 - 8, 25 - 30. The digestive system will recover better after intervention on the 8th, 24th – 28th, and on the 9th, 21st and 23rd it is better to avoid operations altogether.

Please note that postponing the operation only because of the Moon’s schedule is strictly prohibited; take care of yourself and your health.