The noble profession of teacher. Material on the topic: Who is a teacher

Teacher... There are so many feelings, emotions, thoughts in this word. Who is this teacher?! This is first of all a person. A person who leads one into the world of knowledge, who understands the vulnerable child’s soul.

The teaching profession is one of the most respected, honorable and responsible. And these days it is also the most difficult. We can say that a teacher creates the future with his own hands, since the formation of beliefs, worldview, moral qualities the younger generation. Success pedagogical activity lies in the skill of a teacher, that is, in the high and constantly improving art of education and teaching, accessible to every teacher who works according to his vocation and loves children.

In the century modern technologies It is impossible to achieve success without the use of qualitatively new technologies, primarily a computer. “Don’t wait, but act!” - this motto has become the basis of reality for those teachers who realistically assess the task of the day, introducing the experience of computerizing the process of student education.

I can proudly say that our school has truly knowledgeable teachers. Their life does not stand still, they are constantly in creative search, because they have a perpetual motion machine - children. I was lucky to meet such a person.

I looked at her

She walked around the class in silence

And I was thinking something of my own,

And the whole class froze in anticipation...

My favorite teacher... I write these lines with bated breath. The image of a soft, kind-hearted, self-possessed woman comes to mind. When she entered the class, everyone froze, froze not from fear, but from respect and admiration. He is short, with smoothly combed back hair and a light gait. Nadezhda Nikolaevna Ilyicheva is a teacher with a capital T. She has her own unique trait, learning path, character and attitude towards people. For her, work is a calling. She gave us invaluable knowledge and taught us to have a different attitude towards everything that surrounds us.

I often see how home

Coming home from school in the evening

And as always, your briefcase

Carrying children's notebooks.

I often see the light in her window,

When she, bending over her notebooks,

Won't think about himself

And he will forget about awards.

In her mathematics lessons, students received valuable knowledge with pleasure, did not skip classes or act out mischief. And she managed to achieve all this with just one means - words. This is not possible for everyone and not always.

I am sure that all the students who have ever studied with her love, remember and respect this wonderful and sincere person. And I can only thank fate that I met just such a teacher on my way.

And today I am the teacher. But she is the role model. For me, she is the hero of the story by M. Gorky - Danko. who gave her heart to children. She lived by their successes and failures. She helped in difficult times both in word and in deed. And I would like my students to remember me with the same reverent feeling.

A teacher is not a profession, but a way of life. I am sure that the main thing in a teacher’s work is the development of the soul, the formation of character, and the education of a real Person. For a modern teacher, it is very important to never stop there, but to move forward, because the work of a teacher is an excellent source for limitless creativity.

Olga Yakovleva, mathematics teacher at the non-governmental educational institution “Stages”

In Islam, the teaching profession is very important, in fact, the mentor-student relationship lasts a lifetime and even longer. After all, it is precisely this profession that is associated with the dissemination of knowledge and the formation of connections between generations.

What should it be like? modern teacher? What requirements does the school and students place on him?

Teacher– one of the most honorable and at the same time very responsible professions on Earth. Lies on the teacher big circle responsibility for improving the younger generation and shaping the future of the country. The teaching profession is very important and valuable for each of us. After all, it was the teacher who taught us to write the first word and read books.

Many of us remember school with warmth and delight. However, different teachers left different marks on our soul. You want to meet some of them and even discuss your life plans, you can congratulate someone on a holiday or go see them for a cup of tea, and it also happens that you don’t even want to remember someone, and someone has simply disappeared from memory...

Today the demands placed on teachers are very high. professional requirements: universal education, erudition, awareness, progressiveness, ability to lead interesting lessons, give interesting tasks.

It is not enough for a teacher to know his subject well; he must have an excellent understanding of pedagogy and child psychology. There are many specialists in different fields, but not everyone can become good teachers.

It is not a fact that a great professional or scientist will be able to teach children, especially at school. This requires a special personality, unique qualities of the teacher.

Personal qualities required for a teacher :

a penchant for working with children;

the ability to interest oneself in one’s idea, to lead;

high degree personal responsibility;

self-control and balance;

tolerance, non-judgmental attitude towards people;

interest and respect for the other person;

desire for self-knowledge, self-development;

originality, resourcefulness, versatility;




demanding of oneself and others;

observation (the ability to see trends in a child’s development, in the formation of his abilities, skills, and the emergence of needs and interests).

However, this is not always why children love teachers. According to surveys of schoolchildren, a real teacher is determined by the following data:

1. Personal qualities : Kindness. Cheerfulness. Equilibrium. Friendly disposition. The ability to understand and trust. Respect for personality and human dignity. Tolerance. Tact. Honesty. Sense of humor.

2. Organizational qualities : Democratic. Collegiality and collaboration. Justice. Subsequence. The desire to help. Enthusiasm. Responsibility.

3. Business qualities : Knowledge of your subject. Ability to interest. Ability to explain clearly and interestingly.

4. Appearance : Ability to dress well. Nice voice. General attractiveness.

The teaching profession usually requires teacher education. It can currently be obtained in colleges (usually at the level of a teacher preschool institutions or teachers primary classes) or pedagogical or general universities (bachelor's degree - 4 years - with the right to teach certain academic disciplines at school, master's degree – 2–3 years – additional right occupy leadership positions and conduct research work, postgraduate study - 3 years - the right to teach in higher educational institutions).

However, a teacher’s education does not end there - every few years he is required to undergo retraining at special universities (advanced training), since science is constantly moving forward and the teacher must teach children using not only old practices, but also the latest techniques.

In addition, every teacher must constantly engage in self-education: read specialized literature, take part in various competitions, be prepared for advanced training and professional development. After all, in modern schools It is no longer uncommon for a student to be more informed on some issues (using the Internet, encyclopedias and other sources of information) than his teacher.

And you also need to remember that not only the teacher educates and teaches children, the students also influence him, teaching and educating the teacher in turn. The exchange of knowledge between generations at school occurs constantly, as if turning into a single balanced system of circulation. Not all adults can demonstrate a willingness to learn from a child, and without it it is unlikely that it will be possible to become a full-fledged teacher.

A teacher's responsibilities are varied. :

education various sciences ;

explanation of new material in an age-appropriate manner and individual characteristics means;

control of material assimilation;

carrying out educational work with children;

assistance in revealing the creative potential, abilities and capabilities of students;

identifying the interests and inclinations of students for an adequate selection of programs and teaching methods;

studying the individual characteristics of children and providing effective psychological and pedagogical influence on them;

building a training program based on knowledge of general age-related patterns of child development;

providing assistance in shaping the student’s personality;

promoting the development of students’ desire to master new knowledge;

organizing extracurricular group activities, conducting discussions, disputes, meetings;

explanation of current social events and phenomena;

participation in the development and implementation of educational, curricula ;

drawing up thematic and lesson plans;

preparation of documentation (magazines, reports).

The worst thing about the teaching profession is the lack of a true calling and indifference to children. It’s no secret that students of pedagogical universities, especially in the outback, are often children who were unable to enroll anywhere else, and they want to get at least some “crusts” about higher education. There are, of course, genuine enthusiastic teachers, but there are only a few of them.

But you won’t be able to deceive a child. He will respond to the teacher’s indifference with indifference to his subject, to the falsehood in his words - with his deception, to inattention - with restlessness and poor performance... A teacher in any situation must be honest with his students, be able to find relationships with them common language, understand children's problems and, where possible, solve them. He must love each of his students equally, without giving preference to anyone...

A modern teacher must be able to identify all the most best qualities, embedded in the soul of every child, to encourage children, not just teach them a subject, but prepare them for entering a new, mysterious, independent adult life.

Will there be school years memorable or they will pass by the child indifferently - largely, if not entirely, depends on the teacher.

Of course, the position of a teacher is now low-paid, not prestigious, not popular. But this is not a reason to educate a degenerate generation in schools. Living in a rapidly degrading society is somehow unattractive.

Of course, the state must provide for teachers and respect their work. They are the key to the future development of the nation; they have always been the conscience of Russia. Perhaps someday our society will need teachers as they are now needed in England, France, Germany, the USA, Canada... In these countries, the position of a teacher is very prestigious, and you can get a place in a school only after numerous exams and checks.

May Allah grant that we remember every person who taught us something, no matter how small, throughout our lives with warmth, love and respect.

The teaching profession is one of the most ancient professions on Earth. For every person, at any stage of his existence, a person is needed who could explain this or that problem, situation or just an event.

Historians believe that the first foundations of the teaching profession appeared at the time when man first began to hunt wild animals (), since it was at this time that the older generation began to teach the young all the techniques of this simple activity. At the same time, the person who taught teenagers and children was a highly respected member of the tribe, as a result of which he was always given certain privileges.

With the development and evolution of human life, the profession of a teacher became more and more necessary, especially when the division of labor occurred. If we pay attention to the later stages of human development, it is worth noting that very important personalities teachers were in Ancient Rome, as well as in Greece, accordingly, this is where the appearance of the large quantity philosophers and scientists from these regions.

About the teaching profession

The profession of a teacher is a unique profession. It is considered one of the oldest professions, but continues to be in demand today. Wikipedia even provided information about the importance of the teaching profession.

Data about it can be found using any search engine on the Internet. You just need to enter a request and you will be given comprehensive information, and also a teacher by profession, pictures with visual images of teachers. The teacher teaches students in schools, gymnasiums, and lyceums in general education subjects. There are many specializations of the teacher profession: profession primary school teacher, profession chemistry teacher, profession history teacher, profession physical education teacher, profession physics teacher, profession teacher English language and others. And they are all very honorable and noble.

The main tasks and main responsibilities of the teacher profession

The main tasks that the teacher solves are:

  • familiarizing students with state laws and the need to comply with them;
  • developing moral principles in students, as well as qualities such as respect, tolerance, kindness;
  • development self-esteem and self-esteem;
  • instilling hard work, responsibility and patriotism in students;
  • development of the need for maintenance healthy image life.

One more important task The goal that a teacher faces is to be a friend, an example and a mentor for his students, since at school a person’s future personality, moral principles, outlook on life are also formed, which mature age will affect their lives. The primary responsibility of every teacher is the ability to choose a personal approach to any student.

But there are other equally important responsibilities. The teacher must:

Requirements for the profession of a teacher

In order to become qualified specialist You must have certain qualities:

  • developed intellectual abilities,
  • high concentration,
  • good diction,
  • ability to switch and distribute attention,
  • excerpt,
  • sensitivity,
  • self-control
  • goodwill,
  • tact,
  • empathy,
  • energy,
  • performance,
  • the ability to attract interest in your subject.

Pros and cons of the teacher profession

The profession of a teacher has its pros and cons. The advantages include: communication with children, mental work, job stability, long vacations, recognition from the public. And the disadvantages are: great responsibility, low wages, psychological pressure and stressful situations.

This article will help you in working on your essay, preparing for a report, presentation, or class.

The profession of a teacher is perhaps one of the most famous and widespread professions. There are teachers in every city, town, and village. Every person has been studying and actively interacting with teachers for many years. Communication with them sometimes lasts a lifetime. Graduates willingly meet with many teachers even after graduation. As with any other specialty, there are pros and cons.

A little history

The description would not be complete without a brief historical overview. The roots of this profession go back to ancient times. At first it was not singled out separately. It’s just that the older generation passed on their knowledge and skills to the younger ones. Thanks to such continuity, primitive society developed.

The first mentions of teachers as representatives of a separate profession are found in Confucius. The sage wrote that teachers must pass on new knowledge. A big breakthrough in the development of the sphere is taking place in Ancient Greece. Here the first public educational institutions– schools and lyceums. Ancient Greek sages often act as teachers in their institutions. In the Middle Ages, education became mandatory for rulers and monks. Universities are emerging.

In the modern era, education becomes widespread. Learns to know almost everything. Girls can also receive education. Special ones are created for them closed institutes where they study foreign languages, music, rules good manners. Young people receive military specialties. At the same time, homeschooling became popular.

Later public and Sunday schools. Now commoners also have access to education. Education began to cover absolutely the entire population in Soviet times. Then schools opened in almost every village. During the same period, the teaching profession became one of the most widespread.

What does the teacher do?

We can talk about the teaching profession for a long time, since it is one of the most creative, it has many pros and cons. However, the work is not without routine elements, such as checking notebooks or drawing up plans. To be successful, a teacher must perform well all the tasks assigned to him. What are the responsibilities of a teacher?

  • Compilation work program And scheduling. Every year, teachers develop a plan for the entire school period. They describe the goals and objectives of the course, outline what results students should achieve, what knowledge and skills they should acquire.
  • Drawing up lesson plans. Every evening, preparing for tomorrow, the teacher describes in detail the course of the lesson, tries to predict the reaction of the students and their possible questions and answers.
  • Choice of the most effective methods work. The teacher decides how and in what form to conduct the lesson, how to present the material so that the children learn it as much as possible.
  • Checking notebooks. Another routine element. Teachers of mathematics and the Russian language have to do this almost every day: look for mistakes, read essays that are not always written in beautiful and legible handwriting, correct inaccuracies, etc.
  • Drawing up various official papers: letters of recommendation, descriptions, characteristics, etc.
  • Filling out the log. This work requires care and concentration, because you cannot make mistakes here.
  • Conducting lessons. Every day the teacher speaks in front of the audience, talks about something, etc.
  • Control. The teacher must monitor the children, their behavior, and be able to direct their energy.
  • Grading. The teacher must do this objectively and impartially.
  • Conducting hobby groups and sections.
  • Scientific activity. Many schools hold conferences where children present their reports and research. Teachers again direct this activity.
  • Self-education. This is a profession where learning lasts a lifetime, because everything around is constantly changing, new facts are discovered, research is conducted, etc. A teacher, in order to keep up with the times, must be aware of what is happening in the world. Also for quality lesson You need to know your subject area well.
  • Conducting parent meetings.
  • Organizing various events within the school or class.
  • Accompanying groups of schoolchildren when going to various events, exhibitions, hikes, etc.

Requirements for a teacher

As you can see, the teacher’s activities are varied. Therefore, high demands are placed on representatives of this profession. The teacher himself must know and be able to do a lot, constantly learn and develop. This is a definite plus. On the other hand, working with children requires constant nervous tension, which is a disadvantage of this profession. It is necessary to supplement the description with a list of qualities that a teacher should have. He is required to:

  • excellent knowledge of the subject;
  • the ability to get along and communicate with children of both primary and high school, to find a common language;
  • select an individual approach when presenting material;
  • mastery of oratory;
  • communication and organizational skills;
  • flexibility;
  • ability to make quick decisions;
  • love for children;
  • creative approach to teaching;
  • ability to rebuild educational process and, if necessary, deviate from the plan in order to achieve set goals;
  • quickly navigate the situation;
  • ability to solve pedagogical problems;
  • literacy, since someone who himself makes mistakes, including in spelling, cannot teach;
  • psychological approach;
  • the teacher must find a common language not only with each child, but also with the parents;
  • broad outlook, as a rule, children’s interests are rarely limited to one subject area;
  • be fair, impartial;
  • responsibility;
  • be stress-resistant, because working with children requires a lot of attention and stress;
  • attentiveness and good memory;
  • be a role model (often it is the behavior of teachers that children look up to);
  • patience (without this you will not be able to achieve results).

In the specialty of a teacher, you can always find a way for self-realization. Many of the pros and cons of this field of activity are subjective, for example, some people like to think through everything to the smallest detail when drawing up a plan, but for others it’s torture.

Working as a teacher is not always easy. This is, first of all, a great responsibility, because the future of the country is in the hands of teachers. It is during the school years that personality formation occurs. And teachers play not the least role in this!

Profession "Teacher"
Statements by thinkers and educators on the role of the teacher

Thinkers and educators of all times have emphasized the high social importance of the teacher. The library of statements by great thinkers, philosophers and educators about the teaching profession is huge, here is just a small selection...

“He who comprehends the new, cherishing the old, can be a teacher...”

"Teacher and student grow together..."

“Agreement between teacher and student, ease of learning and the opportunity for the student to think for himself constitute what is called skillful mentoring...”

“The most difficult thing in teaching is to learn to honor the teacher. But only by honoring your mentor can you adopt his truth. And only by adopting the truth, people are able to honor science. Therefore, according to the ritual, even a teacher called to the sovereign does not bow to him - this is how the ancients revered the teacher..."

“By teaching others, we learn ourselves...”
(L. Seneca)

“The students should seek the teacher’s approval, not the teacher the students’ approval...”
(M. Quintilian)

“What could be more honest and noble than teaching others what you yourself in the best possible way You know..."
(M. Quintilian)

“It is a great misfortune when the teacher’s methods discourage a child from any desire for knowledge before he can understand the rational reasons why he should love them. The first step on the path of education is attachment to your mentor..."
(Z. Rotterdam)

“It takes more intelligence to teach another than to learn yourself...”
(M. Montaigne)

“Let it be an eternal law: to teach and learn everything through examples, precepts and practical application...”
(N.A. Komensky)

“He is completely unreasonable who considers it necessary to teach children not to the extent that they can learn, but to the extent that he himself wishes...”
(N.A. Komensky)

“He who knows little can teach little...”
(N.A. Komensky)

“The greatest mistake in parenting is excessive haste...”
(J.-J. Rousseau)

“Education and only education is the goal of school...”
(I. Pestalozzi)

“The teacher, the way he thinks, is what is most important in any teaching and upbringing...”
(A. Disterweg)

“A bad teacher presents the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it...”
(A Diesterweg)

"Good teachers create good students..."
(M. Ostrogradsky)

“The teacher himself must be what he wants the pupil to become...”
(V. Dahl)

“Be yourself both a man and a child in order to teach a child...”
(V. Odoevsky)

“There is nothing insignificant in education...”
(N. Pirogov)

“All thinkers, I think, have come to the conclusion that education must begin from the cradle...”
(N. Pirogov)

“No mentor should forget that his main duty is to accustom his pupils to mental work and that this duty is more important than the transfer of the subject itself...”
(K. Ushinsky)

“If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then it must first get to know him in all respects...”
(K. Ushinsky)

“The teacher is not an official; and if he is an official, then he is not an educator...”
(K. Ushinsky)

“If a teacher has only love for his work, he will good teacher. If the teacher has only love for the student, like a father, mother, he will better than that a teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for either the work or the students. If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, he is a perfect teacher...”
(L. Tolstoy)

“The calling of a teacher is a high and noble calling. Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of a teacher, but the one who has the inner confidence that he is, must be and cannot be otherwise. This confidence is rare and can only be proven by the sacrifices a person makes to his calling...”
(L. Tolstoy)

“The easier it is for a teacher to teach, the more difficult for students study..."
(L. Tolstoy)

“All the pride of a teacher is in his students, in the growth of the seeds he sows...”
(D. Mendeleev)

“The teacher touches eternity: no one can say where his influence ends...”
(G. Adams)

“To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those to whom you teach...”
(V. Klyuchevsky)

“A teacher who can endow his students with the ability to find joy in work should be crowned with laurels...”
(E. Hubbard)

“If you only knew how much the Russian village needs a good, smart, educated teacher! In Russia, it needs to be placed in some special conditions, and this needs to be done quickly if we understand that without the broad education of the people, the state will fall apart, like a house built from poorly fired brick!”
(A. Chekhov)

"School teachers have power that prime ministers can only dream of..."
(W. Churchill)

“The lower the spiritual level of the teacher, the more colorless his moral character, the more he cares about his peace and comfort, the more orders and prohibitions he issues, allegedly dictated by concern for the welfare of the children...”
(J. Korczak)

“A teacher must be, first of all, a person. Love not the school, but the children who come to school; love not books about reality, but reality itself...”
(P. Blonsky)

“Everything you need to know cannot be taught; a teacher can only do one thing - show the way...”
(R. Aldington)

“Where there is a good teacher, there are well-mannered students...”
(D. Likhachev)

“The teacher is not the one who teaches; There are plenty of people like that in the world. The teacher is the one who feels how the student learns. Whose head is both light - because he is a teacher, and dark - because he is a student. Only by understanding, feeling this darkness, can you break through it and lead the child to the light - brighten his mind, enlighten him...”
(S. Soloveichik)

“The teacher is not a mediator between the world and the children, no, he is on the side of the children, he is with them and at their head. His goal is not children, as everyone thinks, but the world, which he improves together with children. The goal of education is not in education, not in “targeted influence,” but, in general, together with children, improving their overall life...”
(S. Soloveichik)

“Education is an art, and therefore without a free educator there is no art of education. Pedagogy is the science of the free art of educating a free person..."
(S. Soloveichik)

“Teacher, be the sun radiating human warmth, be the soil rich in enzymes human feelings, and this knowledge is not only in the memory and consciousness of your students, but also in their souls and hearts..."
(Sh. Amonashvili)

Poster: Jules Henri Jean Geoffroy. In the classroom.