Presentation in Russian on the topic “cat feeding.” Methodological material for working with the presentation of Cat's Foster 3

Information for parents: Bunnies - short and good fairy tale writer Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi. It talks about three little bunnies who settled in the camp and became friends with the children. Read this story to children aged 2 to 4 years old at night, and they will fall asleep quickly and soundly.

Read the fairy tale Little Bunnies

Before, I knew nothing about the life of hares. I only heard that they run fast, eat cabbage and are afraid of everything.

We have three little bunnies living in our pioneer camp. It turns out that hares are very cheerful people. From the very morning they start playing games with running and jumping. Tired after this “morning exercise,” they ask for breakfast: they scour all corners, stand on their hind legs, sniff with their noses, and poke into the bowl.

The bunnies became very attached to us. They seem to really like that we care about them so much.

But one day we didn’t pay attention, and our students ran away into the forest in a crowd. Of course, we were very upset: look for the wind in the field! The hares are gone, gone!

But we worried in vain: as soon as it was time to sleep, all the hares came home in full assembly! And we saw that our hares can be completely trusted: they are already accustomed to discipline!

I really fell in love with the bunnies. Now I know what a funny character they have.

Literature used N.N. Maksimuk “Collection of texts for presentation”

Textbooks from the Atamura publishing house, 2014.


Who's the boss?

A large black stray dog ​​went by the name Zhuk. The Beetle had a sore paw. Ilya and Vanya began to look after the unfortunate dog. Each of them wanted to be the owner of the Beetle.

One day in the fall, boys and a dog were walking through the forest. Suddenly there was a furious barking. Two shepherd dogs jumped out of the raspberry bushes and knocked down Zhuk.

Vanya instantly climbed the tree. Ilya grabbed a long stick and rushed to protect the Beetle. A local forester came running and drove away the brutal shepherd dogs.

The forester inquired about the owner of the Beetle. Ilya said that this was his dog. Vanya remained silent. (83)

(According to V. Oseeva.)

Questions to the text.

  1. Why did Ilya and Vanya look after Zhuk?
  2. What did each of the boys want?
  3. What happened one day in the forest?
  4. How did the boys behave?
  5. Why didn’t Vanya argue when Ilya called himself the owner of the dog?
  6. Which of the boys did what? real owner dogs?
  7. How will you now answer the question in the title of the text?

Rough plan

  1. Boys and Beetle.
  2. Sheepdogs and Beetle.
  3. Ilya protects Zhuk.
  4. The owner of the Beetle.

Vocabulary and spelling training

  • Name words that should be capitalized.
  • Explain the spelling of missing vowels in words:

wandering, sick, jumped out, grabbed, grabbed, defended, arrived, roared mad, remained silent.

  • Explain the spelling of missing consonants in the words: unhappy, furious, monthly, instantaneous, long, intense, small.
  • the owner of the shepherd dog inquired.

Presentation. "Who's the boss?"

1. Boys and Beetle.

2. Sheepdogs and Beetle.

3. Ilya protects Zhuk.

4. The owner of the Beetle.




Full name__________________________________________Date__________4 “_” class

Presentation. "Ashamed in front of the nightingale"

4th grade

I'm ashamed before the nightingale

Olya and Lida went into the forest. After long journey they sat down to have lunch. They took eggs, cucumbers, and bread and butter out of the bags.

Lunch had just ended when a nightingale began to sing in the branches of a birch tree. The girlfriends did not move, they listened to the beautiful song.

The nightingale finished singing. Olya collected the remains of her food and threw them under a bush. Lida wrapped the eggshells in paper and put them in her bag.

Olya asked Lida why she was taking out the trash. After all, no one sees them in the forest.

“I’m ashamed... in front of the nightingale,” answered Lida. (82 words)

(According to V. Sukhomlinsky)

Questions and tasks for the text:

  1. What were the girls doing in the forest?
  2. What made them listen?
  3. Tell us what each girl did after lunch.
  4. Which of the girls did you like best? Why?
  5. For the words neat, cultured, well-mannered, honest, protects nature, choose words with the opposite meaning.
  6. Which of them should be used when characterizing Lisa? Olya?
  7. How did Olya’s dishonesty and duplicity manifest itself?

Rough plan.

  1. During lunch.
  2. After the nightingale's song.
  3. Ashamed.
  4. Vocabulary and spelling work.
  5. Indicate familiar spellings in the words:

D_r_ga, by_deat, bread_, s_l_vey, wrapped, sk_rlu_ki, crumbs, sp_force.

  • Sort out the words according to their composition:

wrapped it up, great.

  • Remember how they are written.
  • Write down, opening parentheses:
    (not) moving_____________________, (not) seeing _________________________

By the way beautiful choose owl that is close in meaning.







Huge herds of reindeer roam the tundra. An amazing animal - reindeer; large, strong, tireless! The deer works all day, carrying people and cargo across the tundra. And if they unharness him, he gets his own food.

Reindeer food - bushy moss. This is a low plant with a light gray color. Under the moonlight, it seems as if deer are walking on silver.

In winter, the silver pasture will be covered with deep snow. Now, in order to get to his favorite moss, the reindeer must rake the dense snow with his hooves and dig deep holes.

By the long-awaited arrival of spring, his hooves are completely worn out. But the reindeer has no other shovel to get the necessary food. (91)

(According to I. Nadezhdina)

Questions and tasks for the text.

  1. Why does the author call the reindeer an amazing animal?
  2. What does a reindeer eat?
  3. Describe moss.
  4. What difficulties does a deer experience in winter?

Rough plan

  1. Amazing animal.
  2. Reindeer moss.
  3. Moss under the snow.
  4. Worn hooves.

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Select adjectives and explain the spelling of case endings: animal(which?) ________________, ______________; feed(Which?) ____________; reindeer moss(Which?)_______________; plant(which?)________________________; colors(which one?)_________________; light(which?)_________________; pasture(which?) __________________; snow(which?) _________________; moss(which one?)___________; snow(Which?)________________; arrival(which?) ________________.; stern(which one?) ______________________; deer(which one?)______________________ .

  1. Explain the meaning of the word tireless, choose words with the same root for it, remember the spelling of the root.
  2. What is the color of reindeer moss compared to?
  3. Remember how to write the words: silver, silver pasture.

Full name__________________________________________Date__________4 “_” class

Presentation. "Reindeer"

1. Amazing animal. ______________________________

2. Yagel. ______________________________________________

3. Resin moss under the snow. __________________________________

4. Worn hooves. __________________________________





PRONOUN 4th grade.

Wild apple tree

There lived an old wild apple tree in the forest. In the autumn, a small sour apple fell from her. Forest birds quickly pecked it. Only one seed was lucky enough to hide in the grass. A few years later a slender young apple tree grew out of it.

A gardener came to the forest. He carefully dug up the wildflower and planted it in the garden. The gardener cut off the green top of the wild apple tree and grafted onto it a fresh shoot from a good apple tree.

A wild apple tree has grown together with a foreign branch. Three years later, the tree bloomed with delicate fragrant flowers. By autumn, large sweet apples had ripened on it. (86)

(According to K. Ushinsky.)

Questions and tasks for the text.

  1. Tell us how a slender young apple tree appeared in the forest.
  2. Who discovered her in the forest?
  3. What is called wild in the story?
  4. Tell us how the gardener worked on the wildflower.
  5. What came out of a wild apple tree?

Rough plan

1. The apple tree has grown.

2. Gardener at work.

3. Sweet apples.

Layer-spelling preparation

Pronounce pronouns correctly and explain their spelling:

fell from it, pecked it, grew from it, planted it, grafted it onto it, matured on it.

  • Tell me why a letter is added to some pronouns n, but to others - no.
  • Choose the verbs to nouns, coordinate them correctly when writing: apple(what did?) ..., apple tree(what did you do?) ..., tree(what did?) ....
  • Highlight the root in the words:

grew up, grew together.

  • Remember how these words are written.
  • Pay attention to the spelling of the words:
  • I was lucky enough to hide.

Full name__________________________________________Date__________4 “_” class

Presentation. "Wild Apple Tree"

  1. The apple tree has grown.
  2. Gardener at work.
  3. Sweet apples.





Verb 4th grade.


Cat foster

Our cat had kittens in the spring, but they were taken away from her. Like gas that day we caught a little hare in the forest.

We took it and placed it on the cat. She had a lot of milk, and she willingly began to feed the little hare.

So the little hare grew up on her milk. They became very good friends; they even always slept together.

The funniest thing is that the cat taught the adopted bunny to fight with dogs. As soon as the dog runs into our yard, the cat rushes at it and scratches it furiously. And after her the hare runs up and drums his front paws so hard that the dog’s fur flies in clumps. All the dogs around are afraid of our cat and her fosterling, the hare.(106)

(According to V. Bianchi)

Questions to the text.

  1. Who was planted on the cat?
  2. How did the cat feel about the bunny?
  3. What did the cat teach her foster child?

Rough plan

  1. Cat's trouble.
  2. Baby hare.
  3. Friendship of animals.
  4. Thunderstorm of dogs.

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

  • Find words in the text with unstressed vowels being tested. Determine the tense and conjugation of verbs:

born, planted, made friends, rushes, runs up, drums, is afraid.

  • Why was the bunny called a fosterling?
  • Match the word furiously synonyms.

Furiously - __________________________________________


Full name__________________________________________Date__________4 “_” class

Presentation. "Cat's Foster"

  1. Cat's trouble.
  2. Baby hare.
  3. Friendship of animals.
  4. Thunderstorm of dogs.





Verb 4th grade.


Once upon a time there lived a rooster, a crested hen and their babies - fluffy chickens. A ferret and a sly fox were circling around the house, but the rooster vigilantly guarded his family.

One day the corydalis took the chicks out for a walk, and the ferret was right there. The corydalis cackled in fear and called the children to come to her.

All the chickens ran up and hid under their mother’s wing. Only the smallest one didn’t make it. The ferret grabbed him.

But then the rooster flew up. He screamed loudly, flapped his wings and began to peck at the ferret. The ferret got scared, threw the poor chicken, jumped into the bushes - and it was gone.

And the winning rooster proudly and joyfully shouted to the whole yard: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” (92)

Questions and tasks for the text.

  1. Why is the story called “Winner”?
  2. Tell us how the rooster protected the chicken.

Rough plan

  1. Chicken family.
  2. The ferret grabbed the chicken.
  3. The winning rooster.

We develop coherent speech based on the works of Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi

Workbook for teaching children to retell the texts “OUR EDGE”.

Retelling the text according to key words.

"That's the catch"

One day I went fishing. I chose a pond for fishing. There was a moose cow standing near the pond. The moose was trampling in the muddy mud. A moose calf got stuck in the mud. The elk calf himself could not get out onto land. I helped him get out onto land. I cautiously approached the shore. There was a moose cow standing on the shore. The moose looked around and stepped aside. I brought the elk calf to land. The elk calf licked my cheek and ran to its mother. The mother and calf quickly disappeared into the grove.

Supporting action words: went, chose, stood, trampled, got stuck, couldn’t get out, approached, looked around and moved away, carried it out, licked and ran, disappeared.

Consecutive retelling of the text based on questions.

“How a fox survived a badger from a hole.”

The fox had a problem: the ceiling in the hole collapsed and almost crushed the fox cubs. The fox sees things are bad, we need to move to another apartment.

I went to the badger. He has a noble hole - he dug it himself. Inputs-outputs reserves in case of a surprise attack. The fox asked to be a lodger, but the badger wouldn’t let him in. He is a strict owner, he loves order and cleanliness. Where can I let the kids go?

I chased the fox away.

And the fox hid behind a bush; sits and waits.

The badger looked out: there was no fox, he crawled out of the hole and went into the forest to look for snails.

And the fox snuck into the hole, turned everything over - and ran away. The badger returned, smelled someone else's scent, grunted in frustration and went off to dig another hole.

And that’s all the fox needs.

She carried the fox cubs and began to live in a comfortable badger hole.

Vocabulary work:

noble hole, hid, snuck into the hole, grunted with frustration.

Conversation about what you read.

Who's in trouble?

Who did the fox turn to for help?

What kind of hole does a badger have?

Why didn't the badger let the fox in?

How did the fox outsmart the badger?

Why didn't the badger leave the hole?

What features of the life of animals did the author notice?

Color the pictures.

Sequential retelling based on questions.

The story "Belkin's Drying House".

The squirrel took one of its round nests in the trees for storage. She has hazelnuts and cones stacked there.

In addition, the squirrel collected mushrooms - boletus and boletus.

She planted them on broken pine branches and dried them for future use.

In winter, she will wander through the branches of trees and eat dried mushrooms.

Vocabulary work: drying room (a place where you can dry something), pantry (a place where you can store items), for future use (for the future).

Where did the squirrel make its pantry?

What did the squirrel put in the pantry?

What mushrooms did the squirrel pick?

How did a squirrel dry mushrooms for future use?

What will a squirrel eat in winter?

Color the picture.

Selective retelling

The story "Bathing bear cubs."

A large brown bear came ashore from the thicket, with her two cheerful bear cubs and a nurse - her eldest son, who is one year old.

Pestun grabbed one bear cub by the collar with his teeth and started dipping it into the river. The little bear squealed and floundered, but the nurse did not let him go until he thoroughly rinsed him in the water.

Another bear cub was frightened by the cold bath and started to run away into the forest. Pestun caught up with him and spanked him. He rinsed and rinsed it and dropped it into the water. How the little bear will scream! Then the bear jumped up, pulled her little son to the shore, and gave the nurse so much pressure that he, poor thing, howled.

Finding themselves back on the ground, both cubs were satisfied with their swim: the day was hot and they were very hot in their thick, shaggy fur coats. The water refreshed them well.

Word for reference: pestun (eldest son of the bear).

Just tell us about how the nurse bathed the first bear cub.

Tell us about how the nurse bathed the second bear cub.

Show the pestun in the picture

Selective retelling of the text

The story "Cat's Foster"

Our cat had kittens in the spring, but they were taken away from her. Just on this day, the guys caught a small bunny in the forest and put it on the cat. The cat had a lot of milk. She willingly began to feed the kitten.

So the little bunny grew up on cat milk. The cat and the bunny became very good friends and even always slept together.

The funniest thing is that the cat taught the foster bunny to fight with dogs. As soon as the dog runs into the yard, the cat rushes at it and scratches it furiously. And then a little hare runs up behind her and drums her front paws so hard that the dog’s fur flies in clumps.

All the dogs around are afraid of this cat and her adopted hare.

Word for reference: fosterling.

Questions to the text.

Who was planted on the cat?

How did the cat feel about the bunny?

What did the cat teach her foster child?

1. Cat's trouble.

2. Baby hare.

3. Friendship of animals.

4. Thunderstorm of dogs.

Just tell us about how the little hare became a “thunderstorm” for dogs.

Color the pictures.

3rd grade Exposition “Cat's fosterling”

1.Read the text "Cat's Foster"

2. Answer the questions:

Did you like the text?

What did you find particularly interesting?

Who is this text talking about?

Why is the text so named? What do the words mean?fosterling, adopted?

What kind of text is this: narrative, reasoning or description?

3.How many parts are there in the text? Read and title each part. Write the plan in your notebook.

4. Retell the text in parts, then retell the text in its entirety.

5. Insert the missing letters into the supporting words.

In...dream,...they snooped, and found a little bunny

Planted, willingly began to give, grew up

Taught her to fight, fiercely...but scratches, follows her, kicks up, drums, shred...yami l...tit, b...beat

Write a summary of the text, use supporting words

Cat foster

According to V. Bianchi

Cat foster

Our cat had kittens in the spring, but they were taken away from her. Just on this day we found a little bunny in the forest.

We took it and placed it on the cat. She willingly began to feed the little bunny. So the little hare grew up on her milk. They became very good friends.

The cat taught the foster bunny to fight with dogs. As soon as the dog runs into our yard, the cat rushes at it and scratches it furiously. And then a hare runs up behind her and drums her front paws so hard that the dog’s fur flies in clumps. All the dogs around are afraid of our cat and her fosterling, the hare.

According to V. Bianchi

Cat foster

Our cat had kittens in the spring, but they were taken away from her. Just on this day we found a little bunny in the forest.

We took it and placed it on the cat. She willingly began to feed the little bunny. So the little hare grew up on her milk. They became very good friends.

The cat taught the foster bunny to fight with dogs. As soon as the dog runs into our yard, the cat rushes at it and scratches it furiously. And then a hare runs up behind her and drums her front paws so hard that the dog’s fur flies in clumps. All the dogs around are afraid of our cat and her fosterling, the hare.

Explanatory note.

In my work on presentations and essays, I use printed notebooks, which I make myself on the computer, on sheet A-4. Children really enjoy working with such notebooks, as they not only have time to write the work, but also color the drawing for the given story. I select illustrations for essays and presentations based on the topic of the text, which allows weak students to do a good job.

I take the texts of the presentations from books and textbooks.
Used literature N.N. Maksimuk "Collection of texts for presentation"

Textbooks from the Atamura publishing house, 2009.


Who's the boss?
A large black stray dog ​​went by the name Zhuk. The Beetle had a sore paw. Ilya and Vanya began to look after the unfortunate dog. Each of them wanted to be the owner of the Beetle.

One day in the fall, boys and a dog were walking through the forest. Suddenly there was a furious barking. Two shepherd dogs jumped out of the raspberry bushes and knocked down Zhuk.

Vanya instantly climbed the tree. Ilya grabbed a long stick and rushed to protect the Beetle. A local forester came running and drove away the brutal shepherd dogs.

The forester inquired about the owner of the Beetle. Ilya said that this was his dog. Vanya remained silent. (83) (According to V. Oseeva.)
Questions to the text.

Why did Ilya and Vanya look after Zhuk?

What did each of the boys want?

What happened one day in the forest?

How did the boys behave?

Why didn’t Vanya argue when Ilya called himself the owner of the dog?

Which boy acted like a real dog owner?

How will you now answer the question in the title of the text?
Rough plan

1. Boys and Beetle.

2. Sheepdogs and Beetle.

3. Ilya protects Zhuk.

4. The owner of the Beetle.
Vocabulary and spelling training

Name words that should be capitalized.
Explain the spelling of missing vowels in words:

wandering, sick, jumped out, grabbed, grabbed, defended, arrived, roared mad, remained silent.
Explain the spelling of missing consonants in the words: unhappy, furious, monthly, instantaneous, long, intense, small.
Pay attention to the spelling of the words: owner, shepherd dogs, poinI was wondering.


Who's the boss?


1. Boys and Beetle.

2. Sheepdogs and Beetle.

3. Ilya protects Zhuk.

4. The owner of the Beetle.


Full name__________________________________________Date__________4 “_” class


I am ashamed in front of the nightingale.





4th grade

I am ashamed in front of the nightingale.

Olya and Lida went into the forest. After a long journey, they sat down to have lunch. They took eggs, cucumbers, and bread and butter out of the bags.

Lunch had just ended when a nightingale began to sing in the branches of a birch tree. The girlfriends did not move, they listened to the beautiful song.

The nightingale finished singing. Olya collected the remains of her food and threw them under a bush. Lida wrapped the eggshells in paper and put them in her bag.

Olya asked Lida why she was taking out the trash. After all, no one sees them in the forest.

“I’m ashamed... in front of the nightingale,” answered Lida. (82 words)

(According to V. Sukhomlinsky)
Questions and tasks for the text:

What were the girls doing in the forest?

What made them listen?

Tell us what each girl did after lunch.

Which of the girls did you like best? Why?

For the words neat, cultured, well-mannered, honest, protects nature, choose words with the opposite meaning.

Which of them should be used when characterizing Lisa? Olya?

How did Olya’s dishonesty and duplicity manifest itself?
Rough plan.

  1. During lunch.

  2. After the nightingale's song.

  3. Ashamed.

Vocabulary and spelling work.
Indicate familiar spellings in words:
D_r_ga, by_deat, bread_, s_l_vey, wrapped, sk_rlu_ki, crumbs, sp_force.
Sort out the words according to their composition:
wrapped it up, great.
Remember how they are written.
Write down, opening parentheses:
(not) moving_____________________, (not) seeing _________________________
By the way beautiful choose owl that is close in meaning.

Presentation. 4th grade.


Huge herds of reindeer roam the tundra. An amazing animal - reindeer; large, strong, tireless! The deer works all day, carrying people and cargo across the tundra. And if they unharness him, he gets his own food.

Reindeer food - bushy moss. This is a low plant with a light gray color. Under the moonlight, it seems as if deer are walking on silver.

In winter, the silver pasture will be covered with deep snow. Now, in order to get to his favorite moss, the reindeer must rake the dense snow with his hooves and dig deep holes.

By the long-awaited arrival of spring, his hooves are completely worn out. But the reindeer have no other shovel to get the necessary food. (91) (According to I. Nadezhdina.)
Questions and tasks for the text.

What does a reindeer eat?

Describe moss.

What difficulties does a deer experience in winter?
Rough plan

1. Amazing animal.

3. Resin moss under the snow.

4. Worn hooves.
Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Select adjectives and explain the spelling of case endings: animal(which?) ________________, ______________; feed(Which?) ____________; reindeer moss(Which?)_______________; plant(which?)________________________; colors(which one?)_________________; light(which?)_________________; pasture(which?) __________________; snow(which?) _________________; moss(which one?)___________; snow(Which?)________________; arrival(which?) ________________.; stern(which one?) ______________________; deer(which one?)______________________ .
Explain the meaning of the word tireless , choose words with the same root, remember the spelling of the root.
What is the color of reindeer moss compared to?
Remember how to writewords: silver, silver pasture.

Full name__________________________________________Date__________4 “_” class




1. Amazing animal. __________________________________

2. Yagel. __________________________________

3. Resin moss under the snow. __________________________________

4. Worn hooves. __________________________________



PRONOUN 4th grade.

Wild apple tree

There lived an old wild apple tree in the forest. In the autumn, a small sour apple fell from her. Forest birds quickly pecked it. Only one seed was lucky enough to hide in the grass. A few years later a slender young apple tree grew out of it.

A gardener came to the forest. He carefully dug up the wildflower and planted it in the garden. The gardener cut off the green top of the wild apple and grafted onto it a fresh shoot from a good apple tree.

A wild apple tree has grown together with a foreign branch. Three years later, the tree bloomed with delicate fragrant flowers. By autumn, large sweet apples had ripened on it. (86) (According to K. Ushinsky.)
Questions and tasks for the text.

Tell us how a slender young apple tree appeared in the forest.

Who discovered her in the forest?

What is called wild in the story?

Tell us how the gardener worked on the wildflower.

What came out of a wild apple tree?
Rough plan

1. The apple tree has grown.

2. Gardener at work.

3. Sweet apples.
Layer-spelling preparation
Pronounce pronouns correctly and explain their spelling:
fell from it, pecked it, grew from it, planted it, grafted it onto it, matured on it.
Tell me why a letter is added to some pronouns n, but to others - no.
Match verbs to nouns, coordinate them correctly when writing: apple(what did?) ..., apple tree(what did you do?) ..., tree(what did?) ....
Highlight the root in the words:
grew up, grew together.

Remember how these words are written.

Pay attention to the spelling of the words:
I was lucky enough to hide.

Full name__________________________________________Date__________4 “_” class


Wild apple tree


1. The apple tree has grown.

2. Gardener at work.

3. Sweet apples.




Verb 4th grade.

Cat's fosterling.

Our cat had kittens in the spring, but they were taken away from her. Like gas that day we caught a little hare in the forest.

We took it and placed it on the cat. She had a lot of milk, and she willingly began to feed the little hare.

So the little hare grew up on her milk. They became very good friends; they even always slept together.

The funniest thing is that the cat taught the adopted bunny to fight with dogs. As soon as the dog runs into our yard, the cat rushes at it and scratches it furiously. And after her the hare runs up and drums his front paws so hard that the dog’s fur flies in clumps. All the dogs around are afraid of our cat and her fosterling, the hare. (106) (According to V. Bianchi.)
Questions to the text.

Who was planted on the cat?

How did the cat feel about the bunny?

What did the cat teach her foster child?
Rough plan

1. Cat's trouble.

2. Baby hare.

3. Friendship of animals.

4. Thunderstorm of dogs.

Find words in the text with unstressed vowels being tested. Determine the tense and conjugation of verbs:

born, planted, made friends, rushes, runs up, drums, is afraid.
Why was the bunny called a fosterling?
Match the word furiously synonyms.
Furiously - _________________________________________________________________


Full name__________________________________________Date__________4 “_” class


Cat's fosterling.

1. Cat's trouble.

2. Baby hare.

3. Friendship of animals.

4. Thunderstorm of dogs.




Verb 4th grade.
Once upon a time there lived a rooster, a crested hen and their babies - fluffy chickens. A ferret and a sly fox were circling around the house, but the rooster vigilantly guarded his family.

One day the corydalis took the chicks out for a walk, and the ferret was right there. The corydalis cackled in fear and called the children to come to her.

All the chickens ran up and hid under their mother’s wing. Only the smallest one didn’t make it. The ferret grabbed him.

But then the rooster flew up. He screamed loudly, flapped his wings and began to peck at the ferret. The ferret got scared, threw the poor chicken, jumped into the bushes - and it was gone.

And the winning rooster proudly and joyfully shouted to the whole yard: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” (92)
Questions and tasks for the text.
Why is the story called "The Winner"?

Tell us how the rooster protected the chicken.
Rough plan
1. Chicken family.

2. The ferret grabbed the chicken.

3. The winning rooster.
Vocabulary and spelling training
Insert the missing letters and explain their spelling:
h_lat-ka, guarded, wrested, h_rek, grabbed, screamed.
Replace the expression close in meaning to circling around the house.
1. Find expressions that describe the actions of the ferret (here it is, jump into the bushes - and he’s gone).

2. How do they characterize the habits of a ferret?
Full name__________________________________________Date__________4 “_” class




1. Chicken family.

2. The ferret grabbed the chicken.

3. The winning rooster.



