Orthodox board game. Sunday school "ark"

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I have selected 10 games that will help teachers educate a child spiritually - moral personality. They can be safely used on holidays and at any time. free time both indoors and outdoors fresh air. Children especially love to play these games at parties when their parents take part.

1. “Pick a color”

Objectives: create conditions for the child’s self-affirmation in a group of children and adults; expand your vocabulary of antonyms and learn to use them in certain situations.

Preparatory work. The teacher reads to the children V. Mayakovsky’s poem “What is good and what is bad.” Then he gives the children cards of 2 colors: white and black and asks them to choose the color of the card for the word “good” (white) and for the word “bad” (black).

The teacher names the words, and the children select and show the desired color for the antonym words.

Good - evil

grief - joy

good - bad

hard work - laziness

greed - generosity

cowardice - courage

love - hate

rudeness - politeness

peace - war

darkness - light

friendship - enmity

dirt - cleanliness, etc.

2. Ball with wishes

Objectives: expand vocabulary words and teach children to use them in certain situations.

Preparatory work. The teacher reminds the children that everyone is pleased to hear good wishes.

In a simple free environment you can play a game - a wish.

Inflate a small balloon and invite everyone present to toss it from one person to another so that the balloon does not fall on the floor or other objects. In this case, the presenter must turn on the tape recorder or play any musical instrument.

Through short time the host stops the music. The person who last touched the ball before the music stops must say a wish out loud to everyone present or to one person.

3. Five nuts.

Preparatory work. The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that every person has good qualities.

Invite the children to name the good qualities of a person. 2-3 children are called and take turns naming the words. For every correctly spoken word you get a nut. The one who collects 5 nuts wins. Qualities: good, kind, caring, hardworking, gentle, loyal, affectionate, loving, honest, hard-working, smart, generous, brave, purposeful, diligent, cheerful, friendly, sympathetic, modest, sociable, clean, etc.

4. “Help your grandparents.

Objectives: to cultivate in children hard work, a desire to help, mercy, compassion.

Preliminary work. The teacher reminds the children that in the family, children should take care of their grandparents, who at one time cared and are caring for their grandchildren. Then, after many years, you will get the relationship you were striving for. Your grandchildren will become interested in your health, mood, and will take care of you.

Game. Newspapers and books were stacked in disarray on the table, glasses “fell” on the floor. Nearby, near the chair, there is a basket. Balls of wool are scattered around her, and a “fallen” grandmother’s scarf lies near the chair.

Two children are called. Who will help faster? One child helps clean up the table for his grandfather. He puts books in a stack, separates them with a stack of newspapers, and picks up his glasses from the floor. And the other one collects balls of balls in a basket, picks up and hangs his grandmother’s scarf on a chair.

5. Easter cake

Objectives: to encourage children to want to know what products are used to make Easter cakes.

The flannelgraph contains chaotic pictures of products: flour, sugar, herbs, eggs, sausage, cucumbers, milk, tomatoes, yeast, potatoes, butter, carrots, salt.

Assignment: leave only those products from which you can make Easter cake. The remaining drawings should be removed.

6. “Treasured letters”

Objectives: teach children to choose the right ones among several letters.

Preliminary work: conduct a conversation about the celebration of Easter.

On the magnetic board there is a drawing with an image of an Easter egg. Nearby are letters from the magnetic alphabet. Children are invited to place on the Easter egg the two letters that are always written on easter eggs and Easter cakes.

7. "Rose-colored glasses"

Objectives: create conditions for the child’s self-affirmation in a group of children and adults; expand your vocabulary and learn to use them in certain situations.

Preparatory work. The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that every person is good. And you need to see only the good in him.

The teacher explains to the children what the expression “look through” means rose-colored glasses" After this he reads a poem.

You sigh sadly
Seeing a crocodile in a dachshund,
There is a peel in an orange,
In summer there is terrible heat,
Dust in the closet, spots in the sun...
It's probably a matter of vision.
So take this advice
Little old people -
Wear in winter and summer
WITH pink glass glasses.
Those glasses will suit you...
You will see - and soon
In a dachshund - my best friend,
There's a mug of juice in the orange,
In summer - river and sand,
And in the closet there are only outfits...
I know you will be happy!

And then he offers to try on the “rose-colored glasses” for the children themselves, and they, having chosen any child, say only good things about him.

8. "Magic Chair"

Objectives: create conditions for the child’s self-affirmation in a group of children and adults; expand your stock of polite words and learn to use them in certain situations.

Preparatory work. The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that each person is good in his own way: one sings beautifully; the other is friendly, kind to people, always ready to help; the third one is reliable in business, etc. He suggests organizing the game “Magic Chair”. Children are divided into groups of 4-5 people. One of them sits on the “magic” chair. The children only talk about his good deeds.

Children sit on the “magic” chair at will, as if passing the baton to each other.

The first stage - the game is played in micro groups.

The second stage - the game is played with the participation of all children in the group.

9. Candle

Objectives: expand the vocabulary of words, teach children to construct sentences correctly and try not to repeat what has been said.

Preliminary work. The teacher reads several wishes in poetic form, and then offers to play a game.

The teacher lights a candle and invites the children to stand in a circle. Passing a carefully lit candle, children say good wishes to each other.

10 Guardian Angel.

Objectives: to teach children to show love for others, mercy, compassion.

Preliminary work. The teacher reminds the children that God gives every Christian a Guardian Angel at baptism, who invisibly protects a person from all evil and warns against sins. He is our helper and patron. He leads us on the right path, leading us away from danger. But man does not see his angel.

Game. The teacher offers to play the game “Guardian Angel”. There are obstacles on the floor. Two children are called. One is blindfolded. Another is asked to carefully guide a blind child past obstacles, that is, to become his guardian angel.

Tips for organizers

1. If the children liked the game, play it repeatedly. Try to have every child participate in the game.

2. If there are children who do not express any particular desire to play, do not force them under any circumstances - they have the right to choose.

3. Pay special attention to the tone of the game you set. Therefore, be sure to participate in the game with your children on equal terms. Your help is especially needed where the child speaks little.

4. Don’t be afraid of pauses, silence, when children are silent and don’t find anything to say. Defuse the situation: calmly say that you won’t always find it so easily, without effort the right words. But you need to study and try. Your words will make you feel more comfortable, and the group will start talking.

219. Water Balloon Barbers Rules of the game: You will need balloons, razors, shaving cream or foam. Divide the group into pairs: girl + boy. Each boy inflates a balloon and sits facing the girl, holding the end of the balloon in his mouth. She applies foam to the ball. The funniest part is coming...

What has changed?

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Cheat sheets

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Ball in a basket
Place the basket in the middle of the room; Place 4 balls at one end of the room. Each player is given the opportunity to see how long it takes them to get all 4 balls across the room into a basket - using only their feet. Record each participant's time to determine the winner. Or count the number of hits it took for each player to get the balls into the basket. Or make the game a competition where each player only dribbles one ball.

Walking with peas
Select a few peas in advance so that they can be easily held at the end of the straw by sucking in air. Then divide into 2 or more teams of equal numbers. Give each participant a straw and the first person a pea, which he or she will attach to the end of the straw, holding it there without using their hands. At the signal, he turns and passes the pea to the next member of his team, who must take it by sucking air through his straw without touching it with his hands. If the pea falls, it must be placed again on the straw of the person who last held it. This continues until the pea reaches the end of the line. After which the last person in the line runs to the beginning. And so on until the last person in the line is the last again.
Blindfold throw
Give each competitor 10 potatoes and place them at a distance of 2.5-3 m from a bucket, box or basket. Let him take a couple practice shots. Then, blindfold him, and then have him try to throw as many potatoes into the box as possible.

Rip off your hat
Two guys can compete, or two teams can compete. A circle is drawn. Players enter the circle, each of them has his left arm tied to his body and a hat on his head.
The task is simple and difficult - to take off the enemy’s hat and not allow him to take off his own. For each cap removed, the team receives a point.

What's there behind you?
Clear pictures (drawings) and paper
circles with numbers, for example: 96, 105, etc. Players converge in a circle, stand on one leg, tuck the other under the knee and hold it with their hand. The task is to stand, jump on one leg, look behind the opponent’s back, see the number and see what is drawn in the picture. The one who is the first to “decipher” the enemy wins.

Hook for the ball
Place the hoop on the ground. Inside the hoop is a volleyball with a loop or ring. Two players stand opposite each other and, each taking a stick with a hook, try to pick up the ball by the ring and take it out of the hoop, while simultaneously preventing the opponent from doing this. Whoever gets the ball away first wins.

Dashing drivers
Children's cars are equipped with glasses and small buckets of water filled to the brim. Twine of the same length (10-15 meters) is tied to the cars. On command, you must quickly wind the string around the stick, pulling the machine towards you. If the water splashes, the presenter loudly calls the “driver’s” number, and he stops winding the string for a second. The winner is the one who pulled the car up the fastest without spilling the water. He is the one who receives the prize. You can play without water, just lengthen the rope.

Two players stand opposite each other at a distance of 0.5 meters, resting their palms, trying to force each other to take a step.

Pass by, don't touch me
On level ground, at a distance of a step from each other, 8-10 towns are placed on the same line (or pins). The two teams playing stand in front of the first town, they are blindfolded and asked to go back and forth between the towns. The one who knocks down the fewest towns wins. This person's team can help him. It’s also a lot of fun if all the obstacles are quietly removed.

Who is stronger?
Get a strong, thick rope 6 meters long. Tie the ends with a strong knot. You will end up with a large rope ring. Two competitors, being inside the rope ring, stretch it in different directions, placing the rope under the shoulder blades and grabbing it with both hands. A line is drawn between them. At the signal, both, backing away, try to pull each other over the line.

Broom racing
Running on a broomstick (zigzag) past 10 towns placed at a distance of 2-3 meters from one another. The winner is the one who runs through all the towns faster without knocking over a single one.

To the touch
8-10 small items are placed in a dark bag made of material: scissors, a fountain pen, a bottle cap, a meat grinder knife, a spool of thread, a thimble, a button, a spoon, etc. You need to feel through the fabric of the bag to guess what is in it. The bag fabric may be rough. The one who guesses all the items receives a prize. This game can be offered to team captains by first preparing two identical bags of things.

Get out the boxes
Another game for captains. Sit on a stool, cross your legs and, without touching the floor with your feet and hands, reach with your teeth the box of matches that is standing “on your butt” at one of the back legs of the stool. You can spin on a stool as you please. The audience will have some fun!

Who's faster
Place 2 chairs with their backs facing each other at a distance of approximately 2 meters. There is a rope stretched under the chairs, its ends are located between the feet of the children sitting on the chair. A bag of nuts (sweets, cookies, seeds) is tied in the middle of the rope. At the command of the presenter, those sitting on the chair must jump up, run around the chairs, sit on their own and, grabbing the rope, pull the prize towards themselves, which goes to the one who can do it first.

Without leaving the edge
A thick board is placed on its edge and secured in this position with pegs knocked into the ground near it. Five identical objects (for example, pencils) are placed on the ground on one side of the board, and five erasers are placed on the other side. The player must, walking along the edge of the board and without leaving it, transfer all the objects lying on the left to right side, and those lying on the right are on left side. If you fail, you need to start over and try again one more time, then give way to the next player on your team.

Defeat three
Two ropes of 2.5-3 meters, identical in size and thickness, are tied in the middle so that four identical ends are obtained. Four guys compete, each takes his own end of the rope, pulls it, it turns out to be a “cross”. About two meters from each player, a prize (toy, bag of nuts, candy, etc.) is placed on the floor (ground). On command, participants pull on their end of the rope, trying to be the first to grab the prize.
For this game you need to have three fishing rods 3 meters long. A wire ring with an internal hole of 25 millimeters is attached to the fishing rods on the fishing line. At a distance of 2 meters from the “shore” several bottles (skittles) are placed on the ground. Three players are invited. Needed for possible short term put a ring on the neck of the bottle and “hook” it, i.e., knock it down. The one who knocks down wins greatest number skittles or bottles in no time. You can hang a large nail on the fishing line. Then you need to lower the nail into the neck of the bottle.

Relay race with toothpicks
Divide people into 2 or more teams with an equal number of players. Let each team form a separate line. Each participant is given a toothpick, which he takes in his teeth. The first member of each team is given a ring to put on a toothpick. On a signal, the first person turns and tries to put the ring on the toothpick of the person behind him. Do not touch the ring with your hands, except if it falls on the floor. Then whoever held it last must pick it up, hang it on their toothpick, and try again to pass it to the next player. This continues until the ring reaches the end of the line. If you want, especially if you don't have a lot of people on your teams, you can have the ring go all the way to the end of the line and go back to the first player again.
Walking alphabet
Divide people into 2 or more teams and give each person on each team a letter of the alphabet. Give each team the same set of letters that you have selected so that there are enough of them to form the word that will be the answer to the question you asked. You are asking a biblical question that can be answered in one word. Then each team gathers in a group, determines the answer, then sends forward those team members whose letters make up this answer. They must stand in in the right order. The first team to get the answer correct wins one point. You can add variety by asking teams to write answers that contain more than one word. Then the participants will have to run back and forth to form each word - only one word can be formed at a time, and always in the correct order.

Participants sit in a circle. Everyone chooses the name of a fruit, an animal, or just a number... In the middle stands the presenter with a rolled-up newspaper. Players play as follows: call themselves - the name of a stranger. Example: lion-tiger, tiger-hedgehog, hedgehog-bear... Let's say, if the “bear” forgot and the leader managed to hit him on the head, the leader changes places with the “bear”. A very funny game, especially when they call someone who has a long name, like “orangutan”...

Monkey King
The number of players is not limited. Everyone sits in a circle, and the monkey king is chosen from the players. All players must repeat all the movements of the chosen king! After the king has been elected, a previously selected person is introduced into the room; his task is to understand who the participants in the game are following!

Schools of fish
Players are divided into 2-3 equal teams, and each player receives a paper fish (length 22-25 centimeters, width 6-7 centimeters), tied on a thread with the tail down (thread length 1-1.2 meters). The guys fasten the end of the thread to the back of their belt so that the tail of the fish freely touches the floor. Each team has different colored fish. At the leader’s signal, the players, running after each other, try to step on the tail of the “opponent’s” fish with their feet. Touching the threads and fish with your hands is not allowed. The player whose fish was picked leaves the game.
The winner is the team that remains more fish. It's really fun to use balloons instead of fish, you have to pop them.

Draw two circles on the starting line. Divide the guys equally into two groups, 15-20 people each, and place each group in a circle. Now tie both groups with ropes, you get two “spiders”. On the command “march!” both “spiders” begin to race to the finish line, where two other circles are drawn in which they must stand. “Spiders” stumble, do not run, but barely crawl; all players must be either completely barefoot or all wearing boots.

The players are divided into two or three teams of 10-20 people and line up behind each other. Each team receives a thick rope (rope), which all players grab with their right or left hand, evenly distributed on both sides of the rope. Then each of the participants in the attraction, depending on which side of the rope he is standing on, grabs the ankle of his right or left leg with his right or left hand. At the leader’s signal, the centipedes jump forward 10-12 meters, holding on to the rope, then turn around and jump back. You can simply run on two legs, but then the guys should be placed very close to each other. Victory is awarded to the team that was the first to reach the finish line, provided that none of its participants became unhooked from the rope while running or jumping.

Place the team players in a row. This game is a relay race. After the first player completes the task correctly, the next player can complete it. The task is as follows: right hand take yourself by the nose, left hand pass through the resulting loop, pull forward with the protruding thumb, saying at the same time: “Wow!” Then clap your hands and do the same, but quickly changing hands.

Water Carrier Relay
Several teams of 5 people each can participate in the competition. The team should have a small children's bucket, and if they don't have it, then a tin can with a wire handle. The volume of the buckets must be the same, otherwise it will not be possible to determine the winner. The attraction can be carried out on a platform whose length is 15-20 meters. Teams line up at the start. At the finish line there is a flag against each team. Those who stand first receive a bucket filled with water. At the signal of the judge chosen by the guys, the first numbers run to the flags, go around them and return to the starting line. The goal of the game is to run to the flag and back as quickly as possible, pass the bucket to a teammate without spilling the water. The team that spends less time and saves more water wins.

Cheerful cooks
For this attraction you will need two chef's hats, two jackets or two white coats, and two aprons. Items are laid out on stools located on the starting line, on opposite stools they are placed in a bowl filled with water, placed in a tablespoon, placed in empty bottle. The competition participants are divided into two teams. They line up at the starting line. At the presenter’s signal, the first numbers run up to the stool, put on a cap, jacket and apron and run to the opposite stools. Then they take spoons, scoop water from the bowl once and pour it into a bottle, after which they return to their team and undress, handing the second number an apron and cap. He quickly gets dressed and performs the same task, etc. The team that fills the bottle the fastest wins.

One-legged football players
The players keep both feet together at all times; the feet of the players can be tied; the ball is kicked with both feet at once. The court has been reduced to the size of a volleyball court; it is best to play on the sand. Each team has 5-7 players: a goalkeeper, 2-3 defenders, 2-3 forwards. Since the players move only by jumping, the half lasts 5 minutes, the break between halves is 3 minutes. More than three halves should not be played. The ball for the game is a medicine ball (a medicine ball weighing 1 kilogram). The rules are the same as for football.

Unusual volleyball
The rules of the game are the same as in volleyball. But the usual net is replaced by a solid cloth, through which the players of the other team cannot be seen. Playing blindly leads to fun surprises. The second version of this game is with a regular net, but instead of a volleyball they play with a child’s ball. balloon, inflated with air, the second option is possible only in calm weather.

Water carriers
Two parallel lines are drawn with chalk in a room at a distance of 10 meters from one another (or on the ground). Several guys get down on all fours at one of the features, and plastic bowls half filled with water are placed on their backs. They must quickly cross the other line on all fours, turn back and return to the start. Those who arrived first receive two points, and those who did not spill water at all receive three more. You should compete in the warm season or in a warm room.

Who will “sew” it faster?
Two teams of guys must quickly “seam” all team members to each other. Instead of a needle, a teaspoon is used, to which a thread or twine is tied. You can “sew” it through a strap, a strap, a loop on your trousers, in a word, through something that will not offend your partner’s dignity.

paper arrow
To play, you need a paper arrow like a dove, which any schoolchild can make. It is better to play in calm weather. The guys are divided into two equal teams. A straight line is drawn on the ground, onto which the first player throws the arrow stands. From the place where the arrow fell, the player of the second team throws in the opposite direction. And again, from this place where the arrow fell, the player of the first team throws it again in the opposite direction. So, one after another, players from different teams throw the arrow with all their might in two opposite directions. The team from whose side the last arrow falls will win.

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Orthodox calendar

St. Vasily Spanish (750). Sschmch. Arseny, Metropolitan Rostovsky (1772). St. Cassian the Roman (435) (memory moves from February 29).

Blzh. Nicholas, Christ for the Fool's Sake, Pskov (1576). Sschmch. Proterius, Patriarch of Alexandria (457). Sschmch. Nestor, bishop Magiddisky (250). Prpp. wives of Marina and Kira (c. 450). St. John, named Barsanuphius, bishop. Damascus (V); martyr Theoktirista (VIII) (memory moves from February 29).

Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.

At the 6th hour: Isa. II, 3–11. For eternity: Gen. I, 24 – II, 3. Proverbs. II, 1–22.

We congratulate the birthday people on Angel Day!

Icon of the day

Venerable Martyrius of Zelenetsky

Venerable Martyrius of Zelenetsky , in the world of Mina, came from the city of Velikiye Luki. His parents, Cosmas and Stefanida, died when he was not yet ten years old. He was raised by his spiritual father, the priest of the city Church of the Annunciation, and the boy became more and more attached to God with his soul.

Having been widowed, his mentor accepted monasticism with the name Bogolep at the Velikiye Luki Trinity-Sergius Monastery. Mina often visited him at the monastery, and then he himself took monastic vows there with the name Martyrius. For seven years, teacher and student worked tirelessly for the Lord in the same cell, competing with each other in feats of labor and prayer. Monk Martyriy carried out the obediences of a cellarer, treasurer and sexton.

At this time, the Mother of God for the first time showed Her special care for the Monk Martyria. At noon, he dozed off in the bell tower and saw the image of the Most Holy Theotokos Hodegetria on a pillar of fire. The monk reverently kissed it, hot from the pillar of fire, and when he woke up, he still felt this heat on his forehead.

On the spiritual advice of the Monk Martyrius, the seriously ill monk Avramiy went to venerate the miraculous Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God and received healing. The monk was imbued with ardent faith in the intercession of the Mother of God. He began to pray to the Queen of Heaven to show him where to hide in order to complete the feat of perfect silence, to which his soul aspired. The monk secretly withdrew to a deserted place 60 miles from Velikiye Luki. As the monk himself writes in his notes, “in that desert I took great fears from demons, but I prayed to God, and the demons were put to shame.” In a letter to Elder Bogolep, the monk asked for a blessing to live in the desert, but the confessor advised Martyrius to return to the hostel, where he was useful to the brethren. Not daring to disobey and not knowing what to do, Saint Martyrius went to Smolensk to venerate the miraculous icon of the Mother of God Hodegetria and the wonderworker Abraham (August 21). In Smolensk, the Saints Abraham and Ephraim appeared to the saint in a dream and reassured him with the announcement that the Lord had appointed him to live in the desert, “where God will bless and the Most Holy Theotokos will guide.”

Then the monk went to the Tikhvin monastery, hoping that there the Mother of God would finally resolve his perplexity. And indeed, the monk Abramy, who, in gratitude to the Mother of God for the healing, remained forever in that monastery, told him about the hidden desert, over which he had a vision of the shining Cross of the Lord. Having received the blessing of the elder this time, the Monk Martyrius took with him two small icons of the same size - the Life-Giving Trinity and the Most Holy Theotokos of Tikhvin - and went to the desert, called the Green, for it rose as a beautiful green island among a wooded swamp.

The life of the saint in this desert was cruel and painful, but neither cold, nor deprivation, nor wild animals, not the machinations of the enemy could shake his determination to endure the trials to the end. He erected a chapel in glorification and thanksgiving to the Lord and the Most Pure Mother of God, in which he was again honored to see in a dream the image of the Mother of God, this time floating on the sea. Archangel Gabriel appeared to the right of the icon and invited the monk to venerate the image. After hesitation, the Monk Martyrius entered the water, but the image began to sink into the sea. Then the monk prayed, and the wave immediately carried him and the icon to the shore.

The desert was sanctified by the life of the hermit, and many began to come to it, not only to be edified by the word and example of the monk, but also to live with him. The increasing brotherhood of disciples prompted the monk to build a church in the Name of the Life-Giving Trinity, where he placed his prayer icons. As a testimony to the grace of God that rested at the monastery of the Monk Martyrius, the monk Gury was honored to see the Cross shining in the sky above the church cross.

This was the beginning of the Trinity Zelenetsky Monastery - the “Green Martyrian Hermitage”. The Lord blessed the work of the monk, and the grace of God apparently shone on him. The fame of his insight and gift of healing spread far. Many eminent Novgorodians began to send offerings to the monastery. At the expense of the pious boyar Fyodor Syrkov, a warm church was built, consecrated in honor of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos in memory of that first church in Velikiye Luki, from where he began his path to God as a boy.

The monk continued to receive grace-filled reinforcements from the Most Pure Mother of God. One day, in a subtle dream, the Mother of God Herself appeared to him in his cell, on a bench, in a large corner where the icons stood. “I looked, without looking away, at Her holy face, at her eyes, filled with tears, ready to fall on Her most pure face. I got up from sleep and was terrified. I lit a candle from the lamp to see if the Most Pure Virgin was sitting still, where I saw Her in a dream. I approached the image of Hodegetria and became convinced that the Mother of God truly appeared to me in the same image as She is depicted in my icon,” the monk recalled.

Soon after this (about 1570), the Monk Martyry received the priesthood in Novgorod from the archbishop (Alexander or Leonid). It is known that in 1582 he was already abbot.

Later, the Lord gave the Green Desert an even richer benefactor. In 1595, in Tver, Saint Martyrius healed the dying son of the former Kasimov king Simeon Bekbulagovich, praying before his icons of the Life-Giving Trinity and the Tikhvin Mother of God and placing the image of the Most Holy Theotokos on the sick man’s chest. With the donations of the grateful Simeon, churches were built in honor of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God and St. John Chrysostom - Heavenly patron healed Tsarevich John.

In 1595, Tsar Theodore Ioannovich gave the monastery a charter, approving the monastery founded by the monk.

Having reached a very old age and preparing for death, the Monk Martyrius dug a grave for himself, placed a coffin made with his own hands in it, and cried a lot there. Feeling the imminent departure, the monk called the brethren and begged his children in the Lord to have unshakable hope in the Most Holy Life-giving Trinity and place his entire trust in the Mother of God, just as he always trusted in Her. Communion of the Saints Mysteries of Christ, he gave a blessing to the brethren and with the words: “Peace to all Orthodox,” he rested in spiritual joy in the Lord on March 1, 1603.

The monk was buried in a grave he himself had dug near the Church of Our Lady, and then his holy relics rested under cover in the church Holy Trinity, under the basement church in honor of St. John the Evangelist. The former monk of the Zelenetsky Monastery, Metropolitan of Kazan and Novgorod Korniliy (+ 1698), composed a service and wrote the life of the Monk Martyrius, using the personal notes and will of the saint.

Troparion to St. Martyrius of Zelenetsky

From your youth, O blessed God, you loved Christ,/ you left your fatherland/ and, escaping all worldly rebellions,/ you reached the quiet refuge of the most holy monastery of the Mother of God;/ having seen the impassable the new desert, / shown by the cross-shaped dawn, / you wished to find it, / and, dwelling in it,/ you gathered the monastics,/ and these with your teachings, like a ladder ascending to Heaven,/ you laboriously strove to lead them to God,/ to whom you prayed, the God-Mudder Martyria,// Great mercy to our souls.

Translation: From your youth, blissful in God, having loved Christ, you left the Fatherland and, having retired from all the bustle of the world, you found yourself in the quiet refuge of the venerable monastery of the Mother of God, from there you saw the impenetrable desert, indicated by the cross-shaped dawn, found it suitable, and having settled in it, gathered the monastics and With your teaching, like a ladder ascending to Heaven, in tireless work you tried to bring them to God. Pray to Him, God-wise Martyrius, to grant our souls great mercy.

Kontakion to St. Martyrius of Zelenetsky

You desired to evade the Fatherland, Reverend, and all worldly rebellion,/ and, having settled in the desert,/ there in the blissful silence you showed a cruel life,/ and children of obedience and humility in with him you grew./ For this reason, you have acquired boldness towards the Holy Trinity, / pray, O blessed one, for us, your children, whom you have gathered, / and for all the faithful, let us call you: Rejoice, Father Martyrie, lover of the silence of the desert.

Translation: You wished to leave the Fatherland, and all worldly vanity, and settled in the desert, there, in blissful silence, you showed a difficult life and raised children of obedience and humility [monks] in it. Because of this, I gained the boldness [courage, decisive aspiration] to pray to the Holy Trinity for us, your children whom you have gathered, and for all believers, we call on you: Rejoice, Father Martyrius, lover of desert silence.

Prayer to St. Martyrius of Zelenetsky

Oh, good shepherd, our mentor, Reverend Father Martyrie! Hear our prayer brought to you now. We know that you are with us in spirit. You, reverend, having boldness towards the Lady, Jesus Christ, our God, and towards the Most Honorable Mother of God, be an intercessor and a warm prayer for this monastery, even if you have rewarded about us, unworthy slaves living in it, even if you are an enlightener and chief, helper and intercessor to your God-gathered brotherhood, so that through your intercession and prayers we will remain unharmed in this place; We are not cursed by demons and evil people, and we will remain free from all troubles and misfortunes. To all who come from everywhere to your holy monastery and pray to you with faith and worship your relics, please hasten to be free from all sorrow, illness and misfortune, For the Orthodox, give peace, silence, prosperity and an abundance of earthly fruits; and for all of us, a warm representative to the Lord and a helper to our souls, even if we forgive our sins and through your prayers, holy ones, may we be delivered from eternal torment and be worthy of the kingdom with all saints, let us send glory, thanksgiving and worship to the one God, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and to the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Reading the Gospel with the Church

Hello, dear brothers and sisters.

In the last program we talked about the gospel of Zechariah in the Jerusalem Temple about the birth of John the Baptist.

Today we will look at the text of the same evangelist Luke, which tells about the Annunciation to the Virgin Mary.

1.26. In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee called Nazareth,

1.27. to a virgin betrothed to a husband named Joseph, from the house of David; The name of the Virgin is: Mary.

1.28. The angel, coming to Her, said: Rejoice, full of grace! The Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women.

1.29. She, seeing him, was embarrassed by his words and wondered what kind of greeting this would be.

1.30. And the Angel said to Her: Do not be afraid, Mary, for You have found favor with God;

1.31. and behold, you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a Son, and you will call His name Jesus.

1.32. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David;

1.33. and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.

1.34. Mary said to the Angel: How will this be when I don’t know my husband?

1.35. The angel answered Her: The Holy Spirit will come upon You, and the power of the Most High will overshadow You; therefore the Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.

1.36. Here is Elizabeth, your relative, who is called barren, and she conceived a son in her old age, and she is already in her sixth month,

1.37. for with God no word will be powerless.

1.38. Then Mary said: Behold, the Servant of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word. And the Angel departed from Her.

(Luke 1:26–38)

Both stories about the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel are built according to the same scheme: the appearance of an angel, his prediction about the miraculous birth of a child, a story about future greatness, the name with which he should be given; the doubt of the angel's interlocutor and the granting of a sign confirming the words of the messenger of Heaven. But still, there are also many differences in these narratives.

If Zechariah meets the messenger of God at the most majestic moment of his life and this happens in the house of God, in Jerusalem, during a divine service, then the scene of the appearance of the same angel to a young girl is emphatically simple and devoid of any external solemnity. It takes place in Nazareth, a run-down provincial town in Galilee.

And if the righteousness of Zechariah and Elizabeth is emphasized from the very beginning and the news of the birth of a son is given in response to intense prayers, then practically nothing is said about young Mary: neither about her moral qualities, nor about any kind of religious zeal.

However, all human stereotypes are turned upside down, for the one whose birth was announced in the clouds of incense will turn out to be just a forerunner, a herald of the coming of the One about whom it was told so modestly.

Evangelist Luke indicates that Elizabeth was six months pregnant when an angel appeared in Nazareth with good news to the Virgin Mary. In the case of Elizabeth, the obstacles to birth were her infertility and old age; for Mary, it was her virginity.

We know that Mary was betrothed to Joseph. According to Jewish marriage law, girls were betrothed to their future husbands very early, usually at the age of twelve or thirteen. The betrothal lasted about a year, but the bride and groom were considered husband and wife from the moment of their engagement. This year the bride remained in the house of her parents or guardians. In fact, the girl became a wife when her husband took her into his home.

Joseph, as we remember, came from the family of King David, which was extremely important, because through Joseph Jesus became legally a descendant of David. Indeed, in ancient times, legal kinship was considered more important than blood kinship.

With greetings: Rejoice, O Blessed One! The Lord is with you(Luke 1:28) - the angel addresses the Virgin Mary. The author writes in Greek. It is quite possible that the Greek word "hayre" ("rejoice") in Hebrew could sound like "shalom", that is, a wish for peace.

Like Zechariah, Mary is confused and full of confusion caused by both the appearance of the angel and his words. The messenger tries to explain to Mary and calm her down with the words: Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God(Luke 1:30). He then explains what is about to happen. And he does this through three main verbs: you will conceive, you will give birth, you will name.

Usually the father gave the child a name as a sign that he recognized him as his own, but here this honor belongs to the mother. Jesus is the Hellenized form of the Hebrew name Yeshua, which most likely translates as “Yahweh is salvation.”

As Mary listens to how great her Son will be from the angel, she asks a natural question: How will this happen when I don’t know my husband?(Luke 1:34).

This question, dear brothers and sisters, is both simple and difficult to understand. Mary cannot understand the angel’s words, since she is not yet married (in the actual sense, although in the legal sense she already had a husband). But Mary will soon enter into marital intercourse, why is she so surprised?

There are several attempts to explain this question, and they are built on the words “I don’t know my husband.” Thus, some believe that the verb “to know” should be understood in the past tense, that is, “I have not yet known my husband.” From which it follows that Mary understood the angel's words as announcing to her her actual state of pregnancy.

According to another point of view, the verb “to know” comes from the word “to know,” that is, to enter into marital communication. The patristic tradition tells us that the Virgin Mary took a vow of eternal virginity and her words should be understood only as “I will not know a husband.” But some scholars argue that this was impossible, since in the Jewish tradition of that time, marriage and childbearing were not only honorable, but also obligatory. And if there were communities where people led a virgin life, then these were mostly men. And such statements seem logical. But let’s not forget that God does not act according to human logic - He is above everything and can put a virtuous thought on the heart of a pure person and strengthen even a young girl in her godly desire to preserve her purity.

A clear confirmation that God does not act within the framework of the physical laws of nature is the answer of the angel to Mary: The Holy Spirit will come upon You, and the power of the Most High will overshadow You; therefore the Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God(Luke 1:35). Often one hears a distorted understanding at this moment gospel history. People try to explain virgin birth Virgin Mary, Son of God as literary device, taken from Greek myths, where the gods descended from Olympus and entered into relationships with women, from whom the so-called “sons of God” were born. But in this text we see nothing of the kind. And in the Holy Spirit there is no masculine principle, which is emphasized even by grammatical gender: the Hebrew “ruach” (“spirit”) - feminine, and the Greek “pneuma” means middle.

The Jewish Talmud also tries to challenge the purity of the Savior’s conception, claiming that Jesus was the illegitimate son of a fugitive soldier named Panther, hence the name of Christ in the Talmud - Ben Panther. But some scholars believe that “panther” is a corruption of the Greek word “parthenos,” which translates as “virgin,” and therefore the Talmudic expression should be understood as “Son of the Virgin.”

The Annunciation scene ends with Mary's response to Gabriel's message: Behold, the Servant of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word(Luke 1:38).

These words contain the great humility of a young girl, ready to fulfill any will of God. There is no slavish fear here, but only a sincere readiness to serve the Lord. No one has ever succeeded, and it is unlikely that anyone will be able to express their faith the way the Virgin Mary did. But we, dear brothers and sisters, need to strive for this.

Help us in this, Lord.

Hieromonk Pimen (Shevchenko),
monk of the Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra

Cartoon calendar

Orthodox educational courses

OLD BUT NOT ALONE WITH CHRIST: Word for the Presentation of the Lord

WITH Imeon and Anna - two old people - did not see themselves as lonely, because they lived by God and for God. We do not know what life sorrows and old age ailments they had, but for a person, loving God, grateful to God, such trials and temptations will never replace the most important thing - the joy of the Meeting of Christ....

(MP3 file. Duration 9:07 min. Size 8.34 Mb)

Hieromonk Nikon (Parimanchuk)

Preparation for the Sacrament of Holy Baptism

IN section " Preparation for Baptism" site "Sunday school: on-line courses " Archpriest Andrei Fedosov, head of the department of education and catechesis of the Kinel Diocese, information has been collected that will be useful to those who are going to receive Baptism themselves, or want to baptize their child or become a godparent.

R This section consists of five cataclysmic conversations in which the content of Orthodox dogma within the framework of the Creed is revealed, the sequence and meaning of the rites performed at Baptism are explained, and answers to common questions related to this Sacrament are given. Each conversation is accompanied by additional materials, links to sources, recommended literature and Internet resources.

ABOUT course conversations are presented in the form of texts, audio files and videos.

Course topics:

    • Conversation No. 1 Preliminary concepts
    • Conversation No. 2 Sacred Bible story
    • Conversation No. 3 Church of Christ
    • Conversation No. 4 Christian morality
    • Conversation No. 5 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism


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The need for play is inherent by God in the nature of a child, teenager, young man and persists even into adulthood.

Sport contributes to the development of a child’s character, teaches children to be loyal to their team, to act together, to learn to solve problems together, to be together in both joy and sorrow. Sports and games teach honesty, as the question is often: “Should I tell the truth or lie?”

There are many games that do various functions:

  1. Games to get to know each other. (develop memory, intelligence, relationships)
  2. Icebreaker games: “Find out the neighbor on the right”, “Where is your neighbor from?” (memory, speed, attention)
  3. Trust games: “blind people’s lunch”, “falls of trust” (trust in God, courage, coordination of movements
  4. Games with a problem task: “Leader”, “Blind Man’s Bluff” (attention, intelligence, leadership qualities).

Number of participants in games can also be different:

  1. Individual games (“Tetris”...)
  2. For two (chess, checkers...)
  3. For the group (“Leader”, “Rock, paper, scissors”...)
  4. For several groups (more than 10-20 people: football, volleyball, basketball, “zone”)
  5. Special games (trampoline, bows..)

In a children's Christian camp, 3-4 hours are devoted to games every day. Children love to play, they have a lot of energy, and it needs to be put somewhere. And games contribute to this.

The sports program provides an opportunity to instill in children:

  1. Love of sports and sports games.
  2. Master different types sports
  3. Be more physically healthy and strong.
  4. Studying the fundamentals of Christianity in practice.
  5. Develops self-confidence, organization, attention, patience, dexterity, memory, intelligence, collectivism, love of God.

Intergroup games and tournaments help:

  1. Unite the group into a single team.
  2. Strengthen relationships between team members.

General recommendations: Play in such a way that you enjoy the game and make each other happy. Don't get so involved in the game that you lose control of the situation and relationships. Your goal as a mentor is to use sports as a means and opportunity to create Christ's redemptive relationships. Plato said: “I learn more about a person in one hour of playing together than in one year of conversation together.”

Before playing, ask the following questions:

  1. Do I have people?
  2. Is there enough time?
  3. Is there a suitable place?
  4. Is inventory available?

Training in sports games:

  1. Learn the game yourself before teaching others.
  2. Don't play games that aren't fun for you (they won't be fun for others).
  3. Study the description of the game and play it according to the “description”.
  4. Choose a safe place (safety should come first).
  5. Give instructions verbally and make sure everyone understands you.
  6. Follow the path: from simple to complex.
  7. Stop unfriendly and dangerous behavior.
  8. Encourage and involve everyone in the game.
  9. Evaluate the situation constantly (ask yourself, “What is the response from the participants?”)
  10. Be attentive to children and their mood (don't force more on them than they can accept).
  11. After the game, sum up the results and let the participants express their impressions.

What to do if children don't want to play?

  1. Cheer them up. Give them special attention.
  2. "Play out" before the game starts.
  3. Children can be captivated by the sheer excitement of play.
  4. Use incentives (prizes, tokens, candy) to attract children.

What to do if children fight?

  1. Separate the fighters, do not leave fights unattended.
  2. Take a break from the game and discuss what happened.
  3. Use the help of the camp director or coordinator if necessary.
  4. Emphasize group cohesion before the game.
  5. It doesn’t matter who won or who lost, we play for fun (“…we’re not losing a cow”).
  6. 6.Use the “Penalty Bench” for violators of discipline.
  1. The game must be age appropriate.
  2. Consider in advance how many games you will play.
  3. Think about what time you will play the game.
  4. Prepare a place and props for games.
  5. Be mindful of your children's feelings and don't upset them. (encouragement prizes).
  6. Consider physical condition children (diseases, headaches)
  7. Reward losers too (solve the rivalry problem).
  8. Alternate mental games with physical ones.
  9. Let the more capable children help the less capable.
  10. Summarize the meaning of the game, discuss it with the children.

It is not at all necessary to include in the lesson plan all the games offered in the manuals; on the contrary, you should carefully select games based on the following criteria:

  • Are the goals of the competition consistent with the goals of biblical teaching? Does the competition have a learning purpose? Is the competition aligned with long-term goals?
  • Is it worth spending money, time and effort on this competition?
  • After the competition, the children are excited. Will this excitement interfere with the objectives of the lesson?
  • Do you have enough awards and prizes to encourage participation in the competition? What is the price of the prizes? Can you buy enough of them?
  • Will children get used to prizes? Won't they expect prizes and rewards every time they succeed in something?

Games help children study the Bible, learn each other's names, burn off excess energy, and learn to work as a team. Good age-appropriate games bring a lot of joy to children. Next time you're planning a classroom competition, think through all the factors and pray. Choose methods that meet the purpose of your lesson, motivate children's learning, and create an atmosphere of cooperation and joy.

Think about the philosophy behind some games. For example, a game like musical chairs teaches children that they need to be the first to take what others want to take. The game "janitor" teaches that you need to rake so much so that you have more than others.

“Enough playing, it’s time to get down to serious business!”

This is an absolutely wrong approach to children. Play is a serious matter for children. Game is self-expression and entertainment, it is the so-called combination of “pleasant with useful”, where the body and mind are involved at the same time. Through play, a child explores the world and learns relationships. Swiss psychologist Piaget said that through play, a child transforms the world in order to satisfy his needs.

Teachers can facilitate play by providing children with opportunities to play, space and materials. Why should a teacher facilitate play? Play is an activity in which the child's whole being is actively involved, and this is what learning should be. By organizing games, not forgetting about the goals of the lesson and inserting the right words at the right time, the teacher can direct the course of the game towards a specific goal.

Games can be used in all areas of children's ministry. For example, playing “hide and seek” with a teacher, a child learns to trust an adult, because he will still appear, even if he disappeared for a few seconds. Little ones can get to know God through sensory play, such as playing with objects from different materials, colors, shapes and sounds. When a child squeezes a rubber duck and hears it quack, the child is affirmed in his abilities.

Older children learn a lot by pretending to be adults.

To give children this opportunity, the classroom should be equipped with a “house”, which has beds for dolls, lockers and a table with chairs. .

If there is not enough space in the room, the teacher should reconsider the purpose of the space occupied by the piano, the teacher's desk, or find out if there are any free offices. The freed up space can be used to install a “house” for various activities: music, theater, painting, cubes, mosaics, etc. If you can spend time outdoors, the possibilities for games expand significantly.

Games quickly develop social skills. In such games, the teacher has the opportunity to attract a shy and unsociable child to the team. Later, children can learn to cooperate by playing with each other in small groups. Children old enough to cooperate with their classmates learn skills through play that they will carry with them throughout their lives: “Wait your turn,” “Play fairly,” “Follow the rules,” “Be able to lose gracefully.”

The greater abilities children have (long-term attention, literacy, communication skills), the wider the range of educational games that workers can use. A child can learn a Bible verse through individual play, but the meaning of that verse is easier to understand by applying it to life.

All items must be durable and washable, and must not have sharp edges, splinters, or doors or lids that close tightly to avoid injury to little fingers. All equipment can be bought or made with your own hands. But in any case, it must be safe and appropriate for the age of the children. You should be careful when using hats, combs and massage brushes for children to play with in order to avoid the spread of psoriasis. To maintain interest, you should constantly change the doll's clothes.

Expand your horizons role playing games and discover new ways to apply Bible truths to life situations You can, along with playing “houses”, teach children to play “shop”, “hospital”, “school”, “bank”, “post office”, “office”, “library”, “airport”, etc.

Teachers should avoid sexual content in these types of role-plays.

There are many different kinds of games. For example,

***Communication Games

1. "Acquaintance"

Depending on how familiar the gathered children are with each other, two options for the dating game are offered:

For children less familiar with each other. Progress of the game. You need to choose a game leader. Everyone stands facing each other. One minute is given to everyone to find out the name of the neighbor on the right and left. Then the leader begins to walk in a circle behind the players. To the person he chooses, he puts his hand on the shoulder and says: “right” or “left”, or “right - left”, or “left - right”. The selected child must name the names of his neighbors in correct sequence. If the specified child cannot do this, then his neighbors themselves say their names in the required sequence, and the loser becomes the leader. The former leader takes his place. You can change places in the circle each time (in this case the game becomes more complicated). Game option. A circle or several circles are made, depending on the number of children. The first child tells the group his name: “I am Katya.” The next one says: “Katya, and I am Vasya.” The next one says: “Katya, Vasya, and I am Larisa.” And this continues until the last child in the circle, who tries to name the names of everyone playing. If the child cannot repeat, then other children in the circle help him.

For children who are more familiar with each other. Required: pre-made “Getting Acquainted” manual. Game progress: choose a game leader. All children are divided into 2 teams. Each member of one team finds a partner from another team. At the signal, within 2-3 minutes, couples will find out from each other the answers to the questions that are written in the special “Getting to Know” manual (age, name, whether there is a pet, hobby, whether there is a close friend). After 3 minutes, everyone quickly returns to their teams. Then the presenter chooses anyone from any team. The selected player finds his partner in the neighboring team and talks about him on the questions proposed at the stand, then vice versa. And so on. It would be nice to keep everyone involved in the game occupied. If someone fails to answer the question, then the player about whom we're talking about, answers this question himself.

How to split teams:

  1. stand in a circle and, on command, put one foot forward. Those who put out their right leg will be one team, and those who put out left leg- another;
  2. On command you need to throw out several fingers on your hand. Everyone who has larger number, - one command, less - another; or an even number - one team, an odd number - another.

2. "Acquaintance"

Required: Ball, made by “Getting Acquainted” stand.

Progress of the game. The presenter puts the questionnaire on his chest and throws a ball to someone. The player catches the ball, looks at the presenter’s profile and answers questions, telling about himself. Then the presenter puts the questionnaire on the player with the ball and the game is repeated.

3. “Say a name”

Progress of the game. The players sit (stand) in a circle. Everyone claps three times on command: on their hands, on their knees, on their hands. One player loudly calls the name of the neighbor on the right and his own (“Lena - Slava”). There is clapping again, and the next person in clockwise order calls out names (“Slava - Tanya”). Until it passes full circle. Option. You can speed up, slow down the pace of the game, change the movement clockwise and counterclockwise, stop the game and swap players in any order.

4. "Trust"

Choose two guys as desired. Invite one of them to stand with his back to the leader: “You can fall with your back to me, and I will catch you.” The child trustingly falls into the hands of the leader. You can ask the children to split up into pairs and try to do the same with each other. Everyone's task is to be faithful in what they do - catch or fall. (If time is limited, do this option with only one child). After the game you need to ask: “How did you feel? Were you obedient and trusting?” We trust so many people in our lives: drivers when we travel in transport, doctors who serve us, etc. But the most important thing is to always trust God in our lives, in all circumstances. When we find ourselves in difficult circumstances, then our trust in God and our faithfulness are tested. And at this time, God looks at how we relate to the difficulties that we encounter. Are we always patient and obedient?

5. "I want to know"

Required: ball Everyone stands in a circle. The host starts the game: “I want to know what your name is?” and throws the ball to the person he asks. The child catches the ball and says: “Sasha” and returns the ball to the leader. The child then continues, “I want to know how old you are,” and throws the ball to another child, who answers and returns the ball to the leader. Once children have a good understanding of the rules of the game, they can begin to play with each other by asking and answering questions like these. Give every child the opportunity to participate in the game. If the children are at a loss as to what question to ask each other, the leader himself continues to play with the children. The questions can be very different, but are aimed at getting to know each other better and learning more about each other. We need to pay more attention to the children who came for the first time.

6. "Find the Treasure"

Required: paper box or small toy. The leader of the game is selected from among the children. He must leave the room. The leader hides a box from one of their children, after which the leader of the game returns. The presenter makes the following introduction: “Imagine that you are in a foreign country. You must find the treasure. It's hidden from a person you know, but you're given one clue: that person... and the host only tells him one clue. It could be some kind of distinctive feature a child who has a hidden box. It’s good if this feature is not noticeable and it will take some time to find it. For example, blue eyes, a mole on right cheek, birthmark on the arm, light brown hair, boots with black laces, etc. The player who is looking can be given 1 minute (count to 60) to guess. If he manages to guess, then the child who had the box becomes the new leader of the game and leaves the room. And the one who was the leader before hides the box. (As a treasury, you can use a small box containing pieces of paper with God’s promises written on them.)

Children sit (stand) in a circle. The task of each player is to clap their hands twice and quickly, in one sentence, say about a joyful moment in their life: “I was happy when...” or “I am happy because...” After that, everyone sitting in a circle at the same time clap their neighbors to the right and left and say “Hallelujah!” or “Thank God!” (Preliminarily, the presenter can talk about the meaning of the word “Hallelujah!” - the highest praise to God. “After every good news, we praise God, because all good things come from Him).

8. "Questions of Friendship"

Children join hands to form a circle; The leader stands in the center of the circle. At a signal, children begin to squeeze their neighbor’s hand in a chain (transmitting signals). The presenter must guess where and through which hands the signal passes and have time to put his hand on the one who received this signal. If the presenter manages to do this before the signal goes further, then he has the right to ask a question to this child. After this, the game continues. For variety, you can make sure that the child who was stopped by the leader himself asks a question to his neighbor (instead of transmitting a signal to his neighbor, he asks him a question). After the neighbor answers asked question, the game continues with this neighbor.

9. "Greeting"

An exchange of greetings is an exchange of human warmth. When we meet a person, we, first of all, meet his gaze and express in one form or another that we are glad that this person exists, we are glad that he is among us. Let's try different shapes greetings and determine the most effective ones for you. To do this, we divide into two groups and stand opposite each other at a distance of several steps in 2 lines. Please (gong). Now, at the leader’s signal, the partners approach each other and exchange various greetings. This can include handshakes, hugs, curtsies, pats, enthusiastic exclamations and quiet meaningful glances. After exchanging greetings, the partners change - they make a shawl to the right. Please exchange greetings! (Gong). And now in each line the participants must change partners. Please! (Gong) Well, now continue the greeting with a new partner, in new form. Consider the best way to greet your new partner so that the greeting is appropriate for that person. Please! (Gong) You can hold a competition for the longest greeting. Who will win? Take action! (Gong) Let's summarize and end the game.

10. "Smiles"

Ask each group member to smile and measure their smile with a ruler. Add up all the values. Then ask each person to think about how many times a day they smile. Calculate using a calculator by multiplying the values. What was the distance?

11. "Exception"(Open each other)

Ask everyone in the room to stand. Read the list slowly and ask people to sit down if this statement applies to them.

  • I'm squeezing out toothpaste from the middle of the tube
  • Scared by a big dog
  • I have friends in Australia
  • Caught for breaking the rules traffic
  • Talked to the trees
  • Read the newspaper at breakfast
  • I regularly watch TV after 11 pm
  • I'm on a diet
  • Dropping a towel on the bathroom floor
  • Was in Hawaii
  • Late for home group this week If anyone is left standing after reading everything, they should be given a prize for doing absolutely nothing.

12. "Back to Back"

Ask two people to stand back to back so that they cannot see their partner. Ask each: n what color is your partner's clothes? n what color is his hair? n is he wearing a T-shirt? n is he tall?

13. "Hand"

Prepare paper and pencils. Ask everyone to place their hand on a piece of paper and trace it. Then have five people write their names on each finger. During prayer, each person prays for those people whose names are written on his “hand.”

14. “How are you feeling?”

Ask each person to draw a face that reflects how they feel. If a person cannot draw, he can write a word. Place all the leaves in a basket. Then one person takes out the paper and comments on it or offers words of encouragement.

15. “We all come from childhood”

Tell or write about the most vivid memory of your childhood. Were you a member? A witness? Did they tell you about something? What feelings did you experience related to this? Joy, surprise, fear, resentment, etc.? Name your favorite toy. Who gave it to you? Do you have any favorite toys today? Is it a memory or an object of today's life?

16. “Relay of Genres”

Each of the participants does what he likes most, what he does best - reads poetry, stands on one leg, shows pantomime, etc. The order is set at the request of the presenter or the players themselves.

17. “Cinema of my childhood”

What episode of your life would you like to film? It will be popular science or feature film? What actors and directors would you invite to work in this film? Who would you assign to play you?

18. “Letter to myself”

Write the letter you would like to receive. Tip for the teacher: pay attention to what kind of letter it is - a request, advice, an outpouring of joy or sadness, agreement, etc.

19. “Drawing ourselves”

The child is asked to draw himself now and in the past. Discuss with him the details of the drawing, how are they different? Ask your child what he likes and dislikes about himself. To the teacher: this exercise is aimed at realizing oneself as an individual, realizing one’s various sides. This is useful for determining what has changed in the child compared to the past and what you would like to change.

20. “Who am I?”

Children take turns trying to name as many reports as possible to the question: “Who am I?” Characteristics, traits, interests, and feelings are used to describe oneself, and each sentence begins with the pronoun “I.” For example: “I am a girl”, “I am an athlete”, “I am good man"etc. The presenter makes sure that the children do not repeat what the previous children said, but describe themselves personally. To the teacher: this game gives children the opportunity to look at themselves from different sides, expand your self-image.

21. “Basket of Walnuts”

Children “throw” into the basket (say one after another, passing the basket or approaching it) painful insoluble situations or cases, relationships or desires, their own qualities or the traits of other people that are incomprehensible to them.

22. “Invitation to Tea”

The tea cup is passed from hand to hand. n Of all those present here, who would you like to invite to tea? n What would you like to talk about? n What will you tell him? n What would you like to hear in response?

Edited by V.I. Fedorova