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Breast diseases include acute and chronic inflammation(mastitis), mastalgia (pain in the mammary gland), cystic mastopathy and neoplasms, which can be benign and malignant. Ultrasound, mammography, cytological examination and palpation examination by an oncologist-mammologist are the main methods of examination and diagnosis possible diseases mammary gland. Depending on the suspected cause, one or another method is used.

Most frequent symptoms disadvantages are compaction, pain and discharge. However, it should be remembered that a number of diseases of the mammary glands, often oncological ones, occur without pronounced symptoms.

Diagnosis in women begins with a survey, clarification of complaints and identification of factors contributing to the development of the alleged problem. After this, the doctor carefully examines the organ, asks the patient to raise her hands and put them behind her head. Palpation is carried out in a standing and lying position. The doctor carefully probes all areas, zones of lymphatic drainage, and above all, the armpit and supraclavicular areas.

The most effective in mammology is comprehensive diagnostics mammary gland. It consists of clinical examination patients with palpation of the glands, mammography, ultrasound examination, taking discharges for cytological analysis, puncture of identified formations and taking a biopsy under the control of mammography or ultrasound.

If there is a suspicion of a connection between breast disease and the pathology of other organs and systems of the body, appropriate tests, ultrasound, consultations with an endocrinologist, gynecologist and other specialists may be prescribed.


Ultrasound of the mammary glands is a safe, painless and informative method of examination in mammology. In its process, cysts and other manifestations of mastopathy, benign (fibroadenoma, lipoma) and malignant tumors (cancer), can be detected. Under ultrasound control, the mammologist also punctures suspicious tumors that could not be identified by palpation. Ultrasound of the mammary glands remains one of the main methods for diagnosing diseases of the mammary glands, especially in the presence of soreness and discharge from the nipple.

Mammography is a painless x-ray technique. Application of some restrictions, since a certain radiation exposure has adverse influence on the body. And although modern technologies allow you to significantly reduce it, while improving the quality of detection of breast pathology; without harm, it is permissible to conduct only 1-2 examinations per year. You should think about mammography after age 40. Oncologists recommend doing it once at the age of 35 to 40 years. From 40 to 50 years old it is necessary to be examined once every two years, and after 50 years old - annually.

Puncture is a fence small quantity fabrics for microscopic examination. Taken with a fine needle or special tool the preparation is colored, after which a conclusion is given about the nature of the material. Despite the apparent infallibility, a biopsy only in combination with mammography and ultrasound makes it possible to make a diagnosis with an accuracy of up to 95%. Another analysis - cytology - is taken if there is discharge from the nipples. There is also an excisional biopsy - performed under local anesthesia sectoral resection mammary gland and examined under a microscope. The accuracy of the diagnosis in this case reaches 100%, although not without consequences for the patient.

Early diagnosis of cancer in mammology is very difficult, but now it is possible to timely detect breast disease using a special tumor marker analysis. Based on the identification of unique proteins produced in the blood cancer cells (tumor markers). At different types In malignant neoplasms, the set of these “marks” is different. What information do they provide? First of all, about the presence of a tumor - at a stage when it cannot be detected by any other methods. In oncology, this is vitally important: the earlier the disease is detected, the greater the chance of coping with it.

One of effective approaches, promoting early detection of these diseases is the molecular genetic determination of them hereditary forms, which are predominantly associated with inherited mutations in the tumor genes - BRCA1/2 in a blood test. The risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer in carriers of mutations in the BRCA 1 and 2 genes increases several times, therefore, detection of inherited mutations in the BRCA1/2 genes in a blood test makes it possible to confirm the presence hereditary predisposition to breast cancer and take preventive measures.

Other breast diagnostic methods

Currently, in addition to the above methods of examining the condition female breast, for certain indications, computer and magnetic resonance imaging are used. This makes it possible not only to determine the cause of the pathological process occurring in the gland, but also the condition of the liver and brain, which is of great importance in assessing the prevalence tumor process. Bone scintigraphy also contributes to this. One of the latest methods The examination of the mammary glands that mammology in Moscow can offer is mammoscintigraphy. With the help of certain radioactive substances, which tend to accumulate in cancerous tissue, it is possible to determine the nature nodular formation. Oddly enough, this research method is not as dangerous to the body as radiation exposure during mammography.


If you are concerned about discharge and pain in the mammary gland, lumps or other problems, our specialist oncologist will give qualified advice. In our clinic, breast screening is performed daily, by appointment.

Applicable as primary method examination of the mammary glands during preventive examinations by a mammologist and gynecologist in order to identify external and palpable signs of diseases. Indications for its implementation, as well as palpation, may be:

  • preventive examination;
  • complaints of chest pain;
  • the presence of compactions, retractions in the gland;
  • change in the color of the skin of the glands;
  • local increase in skin temperature;
  • discharge of fluid from the nipple;
  • the appearance of a pathological formation near the gland;
  • enlargement of mammary glands in males


To examine the mammary glands, the gynecologist and mammologist use various body positions: standing, with arms down; standing, with hands thrown back behind head; lying on your back, with your arms down or with your arms thrown back behind your head. At the same time, a comparative examination of the mammary glands is carried out in various positions, the color of the skin, the size and shape of the areola and the degree of expression of the nipple, the presence of hair growth, formations on the surface of the skin, retractions, the presence of the “lemon peel” symptom, the condition of the armpits, supra- and subclavian fossae. In men, if an enlarged mammary gland is detected, one should think about gynecomastia


Palpation is carried out first with the patient sitting or standing, while both mammary glands are palpated separately and compared simultaneously with both hands. Then the mammary gland is palpated in the supine position. The mobility and connection of the neoplasm with surrounding tissues can best be determined using the lungs rotational movements two or three fingers. Further examination involves palpation of the armpit. To do this, the doctor stands in front of the patient and takes her by the hand. Using the fingertips of the second hand, she feels the armpit, and at this time the patient relaxes her hand as much as possible. If lymph nodes are present, the latter are found in the gap between the large pectoral muscle and the latissimus dorsi muscle. Then, with two fingers, the supraclavicular, subclavian, parasternal and other lymph nodes are identified

If the patient complains of pain in the mammary gland, you should find out whether there is a relationship between its occurrence and the onset of menstruation. Pain in the mammary gland that occurs or intensifies during menstruation usually indicates mastopathy. Malignant tumors are often asymptomatic. The appearance of pain and at the same time lumps in the mammary gland should alert you. The cause of their occurrence may be a malignant tumor.

All formations found in the thickness of the gland, in order to clarify the disease, require the use of special methods diagnostics: breast ultrasound, mammography, cytological examination of gland discharge, puncture biopsy.

Our breast oncologist, based on examination, palpation, ultrasound of the mammary gland, histological, cytological examination, medical history, and the patient’s detailed story about complaints and sensations, will make a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment regimen. Our specialist can also advise a woman on breastfeeding issues.

According to obstetricians and gynecologists from around the world, the incidence of breast diseases is increasing. One of the reasons is the lack serious attitude to self-examination of the breast at home and later referral to specialists.

To protect yourself from cancer or other breast pathologies, you need to know how to palpate yourself and when to contact a mammologist.

Self-examination at home

Breast screening should be considered an ongoing hygiene procedure. Continue in a calm state for 5-12 days menstrual cycle.

The first stage of the examination should be done in front of a mirror. Pay attention to:

  • shape of the mammary glands;
  • their symmetry;
  • are they on the same line?

Next you need to make slow bends to the right and left, forward and backward, raise and lower your arms. At this time, observe the movement of the chest, whether there is a difference between them, whether any of them are fixed or other changes.

You need to palpate with three guns, keeping your fingers together. Make a spiral movement from the edge to the nipple. So in a circle examine the entire mammary gland. You need to pay attention to the elasticity of the skin of the breast. Are there folds, seals, tubercles, dimples?

Look at the color of the skin; redness may be noticeable in some area. Examine the nipple and areola separately to see if there are any cracks or lumps there. Gently squeeze the nipple with two fingers to see if there is any discharge. This can also be checked when removing it to see if there are any stains on it.

The final stage is palpation, lying on a hard surface. You need to place the hand behind your head on the side of which you are examining the chest. With your other hand, make the same circular movements as in front of the mirror. In this position, the entire structure of the mammary gland can be clearly felt. Research after some time is to determine if there is a difference between the previous result.

Signs of healthy breasts

To differentiate pathological formations, you need to know which mammary gland is normal. It should not cause pain. Not counting discomfort before and during menstruation. Then it is possible slight pain in the breast itself and in the nipple area, increased sensitivity.

It is worth remembering the structure of the breast: about 15 lobules, which are separated by fatty tissue and septa. The lobule itself consists of glandular tissue. Therefore, this particular relief can be felt.

In general, the breast should be free of lumps, elastic, with a healthy skin color, and without nipple discharge.

Examination by a doctor

When standing, the patient places both hands behind her head. The mammologist begins to examine with the pads of his fingers from the upper outer quadrant of the breast and moves towards the nipple in a spiral, and so on in a circle, clockwise. If there is a suspicion of some pathology, then they start with a healthy mammary gland.

This is how superficial palpation is carried out, and then they proceed to deep palpation. After this, the patient is placed on his back and on his side, repeating all stages of the study. The doctor also looks at the presence of discharge from the nipple. Looking around inner surface bra and presses on the nipple.

Then the mammologist palpates the axillary and subclavian lymph nodes to check their mobility, size, and tenderness. The woman is asked to relax and place her hands on her waist or on the doctor’s shoulders. When examining the supraclavicular lymph nodes, the specialist stands behind the patient. She is asked to slightly tilt her head in the direction where palpation is being performed. This is done in order to relax the muscles, and there was access to deep research.

At this point the palpation ends, the woman gets dressed. After this, the doctor explains about the patient’s condition. Suggests further examination by other means or prescribes treatment.

What does it show

During examination, the mammologist may suspect some pathological processes or education. In addition to obvious palpation of the seal, there are several signs that may indicate this:

  1. Symptom of lemon peel - the skin in some places of the mammary gland is similar to the surface of a citrus fruit. This happens due to the clear appearance of pores against the background of swelling of the organ.
  2. The symptom of the site is the formation of a flat tension surface in the area of ​​tumor formation. As a result, the normal contour of the mammary gland is disrupted. The reason is the tightening of tissue under the skin towards the tumor itself.
  3. A symptom of umbilification is the retraction of the skin itself in the area of ​​pathological formation.
  4. Enlarged lymph nodes indicate the development of a tumor in the mammary gland or an inflammatory process. Because lymphatic system reacts sharply to diseases of the body as a whole. The lymph nodes that are closest to the affected organ are the first to suffer.

The criteria by which a mammologist should describe the formation after palpation:

  1. Approximate size in centimeters.
  2. Shape: round or oblong. Formed, clear edges or not.
  3. Location relative to the areola and four quadrants of the breast.
  4. Consistency – how dense or soft the tumor is, mobile or not.
  5. Are there any painful sensations, how strong, are they associated with direct touching the mammary gland, is there a connection with the onset of menstruation.
  6. Has the pathological process spread to nearby tissues?
  7. The presence of swelling, redness of the skin, local increase temperature, retraction, formation of lemon crust.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the signs of a malignant tumor, which has long arisen and is developing progressively:

  1. Changes in the skin of the breast due to an ulcer. This indicates tumor growth into the skin.
  2. Breast enlargement, swelling. Occurs due to impaired lymphatic drainage in the mammary gland and inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes.
  3. Reddish color of the skin of the entire chest. This suggests that the pathological process has spread throughout the entire organ.

Benign tumors include:

  1. Cysts – have a fibrocystic structure, are mobile, soft and round in shape. As a rule, they increase during menstruation and decrease after it. Once women reach menopause, they regress. Since such cysts are hormone-dependent formations. They do not cause any complications on the body: no fever, no pain, no inflammation.
  2. Fibroadenoma – elastic, mobile, clearly defined limited education. They can be either round or oblong. Occurs after 20 and before menopause.

Inflammatory processes can also develop in the mammary gland. They are divided into local and diffuse. The first ones manifest themselves as acute formed breast abscess, swelling, painful sensations. Diffuse ones include inflammatory carcinoma and mastitis. Characterized by general weakness and malaise, fever.

Important diagnostic criterion are discharge from the nipple. If they are milky in color in a patient who was pregnant more than 3 years ago or has never been in this position, we need to look for the cause of galactorrhea. If the liquid is green or transparent, then this is characteristic of the development inflammatory processes. Yellow or brown - may be a sign of tumor formations.

In addition, when examining the nipple and areola, Paget's disease can be suspected. It is a malignant lesion of the pigment tissue of the mammary gland due to the spread of tumor cells along the milk ducts. It manifests itself as dermatitis with the formation of scales and crusts, sometimes erosion is visible. May be accompanied by itching. Over time, the progressive process develops, the disease can spread to the skin around the areola. To confirm the diagnosis, additional histological examination is necessary.

What changes and symptoms should you report to your doctor?

If you come for an appointment with a mammologist, you must tell about all the changes that, first of all, relate to the mammary gland. This includes:

  • pain not associated with menstruation (both in the breast area and lymph nodes);
  • change during self-palpation since the last time;
  • secretions;
  • increased general body temperature, weakness;
  • about cases of chest trauma (a blow, for example).

Don't forget that endocrine diseases can often lead to changes in the mammary gland. For example:

  • reduction in the amount of glandular tissue;
  • development of fatty involution of the mammary glands;
  • hyper- or hypopigmentation of the areolas;
  • total lack of breast development;
  • diabetic mastopathy.

Diseases that can lead to this:

  • diabetes mellitus 1st type;
  • Shereshevsky–Turner syndrome;
  • testicular feminization syndrome;
  • Itsenko-Cushing syndrome.

Therefore, in the presence of such pathologies endocrine system, you need to notify the specialist who performs the palpation about this. So that he knows the cause of the occurrence, and what to pay attention to special attention. This also includes disruptions in the menstrual cycle, non-age-related amenorrhea, transmission of diseases of other organ systems to lately what medications did the woman take during treatment, does she use hormonal appearance contraception.

Palpation of the mammary glands after childbirth

Women who have given birth have their breasts examined more frequently than usual. Because this organ undergoes changes during feeding.

After 4 hours after birth, the doctor examines the mammary glands of the mother who gave birth. Determines how ready they are to feed the baby. Consider the increase in breast size and whether there is redness, painful sensations, compactions, increased temperature in the mammary glands.

Throughout breastfeeding, a woman should pay attention to her condition, palpate herself or come for examination to a specialist. Milk stagnation is possible when the mother produces too much milk, or the baby does not eat enough. This condition is called lactostasis. Palpation is manifested by compaction and an increase in local temperature. Cracks in the area of ​​the nipple and areola are also possible. Can be seen or felt when running a finger over a surface.


To avoid the development of pathological processes and heavy treatment on late stages tumor formation, you should follow simple rules:

  1. Protect the mammary glands from injury: cover your breasts with your hands in large crowds of people, wear seat belts in the car (especially when driving). A small bruise may develop into a lump over time.
  2. Do not use the solarium. Or at least cover the chest area. And also, sunbathe on the beach only when the sun is not so dangerous (before 12 am and after 5 pm). Since direct rays provoke the formation of a tumor, especially in areas of increased pigmentation (areola, nipple).
  3. A healthy diet means healthy breasts. This is not just about refusing bad habits, a and o increased quantity consumption of vitamins A and C. They contribute to normal development mammary gland and maintaining its tone.
  4. At the birth of a child, natural feeding reduces the likelihood of breast tumor formation in the future several times. Therefore, you should not give up on this and transfer your child to artificial nutrition if this is not necessary.
  5. You need to choose the right bra. The size of the item must correspond to your bust size. It is advisable not to wear “” often, as they impede blood circulation in the mammary glands. Additional and no less important criterion is a wide strap, since this is how the weight of the breast is evenly distributed throughout the underwear.

And most importantly: systematically engage in self-examination and consult a doctor on time to avoid negative consequences.

A mammologist is an oncologist who deals with any pathological processes in mammary glands oh and problems malignant tumors in them.

Mammologist specializes in the treatment of breast diseases

Mammology is a field of medicine that studies the diagnosis, risk factors, treatment and prevention of mammary gland pathology: lactostasis, mastitis, mastopathy, fibroadenoma, cyst, cancer and sarcoma. Cancer occupies a leading place among oncological diseases; it is this circumstance that made it necessary to separate mammology into a separate medical specialization.

Mammologist services are available both in local clinics and in medical centers And specialized clinics. IN medical institutions Pre-registration is practiced, allowing you to see a doctor at a time convenient for the patient.

Doctor's competence

The services of a mammologist include therapy for glandular diseases of any nature. This:

  • benign and malignant neoplasms– mastopathy, cysts, lipoma, adenomas, fibroadenomas, intraductal papillomas, sarcoma, cancer;

The competence of a mammologist includes the treatment of intraductal papillomas

  • breast diseases associated with hormonal disorders, in women it is mastopathy, and in men it is gynecomastia;
  • congenital and hereditary anomalies;
  • inflammatory diseases (mastitis).


Mammologist conducts preventive examinations and detects breast diseases

  • A gynecologist-mammologist also treats diseases of the reproductive system associated with pathology of the mammary glands;
  • a breast surgeon performs operations to eliminate tumors and any pathological elements in the mammary glands that require removal;
  • a pediatric mammologist treats pathologies that arise in childhood and adolescence– these are: injuries, inflammatory pseudotumors, age-related mastopathy, hypertrophy, asymmetry, fibroadenoma.

The services of a mammologist are in such demand as a result of the fact that pathological processes in the mammary glands are becoming more common.

In what cases do you contact a mammologist?

No one better than the woman herself will notice even the most minor changes in the condition of the mammary glands. You should make an appointment with a specialist at the slightest suspicion of illness. A woman needs the services of a mammologist if she notices the following signs of pathology:

  • pain of varying intensity in the area of ​​the mammary glands and in armpits where the lymph nodes are located;

If you have chest pain various localizations you should contact a mammologist

  • discharge from the breast nipples, which can be of various types - in the form of colostrum, bloody, bloody, purulent;
  • compactions in the nipple area or in the thickness of the gland itself;
  • a sharp change in the size of one or both glands;
  • the breasts have become dense or asymmetrical;
  • change in color (cyanosis, hyperemia, pigmentation) of the mammary gland;
  • nipple retraction or retraction;
  • the appearance of a feeling of numbness, swelling or distension in the glands.

A consultation with a mammologist is necessary if:

Breast diseases can appear in the presence of a hereditary predisposition

  • any pathology during pregnancy;
  • the occurrence of concomitant pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • any injuries to the glands;
  • liver or kidney disorders;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • frequent stressful situations.

Mammologist appointment

A specialist oncologist-mammologist carefully listens to the patient’s complaints, gets acquainted with the records outpatient card regarding the latest examination and treatment of the genitourinary area.

At the appointment, the mammologist conducts an anamnesis of the patient

The doctor is interested in the regularity and characteristics of the menstrual cycle and asks questions regarding:

  • sexual life;
  • methods of contraception;
  • number of abortions;
  • number of full-term pregnancies;
  • the woman’s well-being during pregnancy;
  • presence of miscarriages;
  • How did childbirth and the postpartum period proceed?
  • time of menopause.

After collecting anamnesis, the mammologist examines the patient

  • visual comparison of the size and appearance of both glands;
  • thorough palpation (palpation) of both glands to identify all lumps - the doctor examines the breast using bimanual palpation;
  • study of the condition and appearance breast nipple and areola (pigmented area around it);
  • if there is discharge from the breast nipple, its character (color, consistency) is recorded;
  • The axillary lymph nodes are palpable.

In order to confirm the presumptive diagnosis, the doctor takes smears with secretions from each gland for cytological analysis. If you suspect oncological process a biopsy is performed (taking material from the pathological focus by excision or using a puncture needle).

A mandatory stage of examination by a mammologist is palpation of the mammary glands.

Additional diagnostics

To examine the glands, the doctor refers the patient to:

  1. Mammography – X-ray examination mammary glands.
  2. Ductography (x-ray examination of the network of milk ducts).
  3. Ultrasound (examines the breasts, thyroid gland, ovaries and adrenal glands).
  4. Dopplerography (ultrasound with simultaneous determination of blood flow velocity in the vessels of the gland).
  5. Microwave radiometry.
  6. Pneumocystography (image of cystic cavities in the gland).
  7. Laboratory analysis of hormonal levels.

Mammography is used to accurately diagnose a patient

The doctor makes the diagnosis primarily on the basis of ultrasound and radiography. To clarify the diagnosis, the mammologist may need consultations with other doctors: therapist, surgeon, gynecologist, endocrinologist.

Treatment methods

The services of a mammologist include comprehensive high-quality treatment using all diagnostic and surgical advances in medicine. To treat most benign diseases glands do not need a hospital, the doctor treats them on an outpatient basis with conservative methods:

After a certain period of time, tests are repeated to monitor the patient’s condition. If ineffective conservative methods or if a malignant process is detected, the mammologist proceeds to surgical methods, the nature and extent of which is determined by circumstances.

Having modern data on the causes and development of pathological processes in the mammary gland, mammologists give the following preventive recommendations for women:

  1. Carry out self-examination regularly, carefully and sequentially palpating each breast with both hands at the same time according to the following diagram:
  • first standing straight;

Self-examination of the mammary glands should be carried out regularly to prevent the development of dangerous diseases.

  • then - bending over;
  • leaning sideways to one side and then to the other.

What a mammologist treats and what methods the specialist uses when examining patients, you will learn from the video:

Mammology of the mammary glands studies them anatomical structure and the physiological and pathological processes occurring in them, improves diagnostic methods, chooses treatment tactics and develops measures to prevent diseases of the female breast.

Pathological processes in the mammary gland are usually divided into three main groups:

  • inflammatory - acute or chronic mastitis;
  • dishormonal - mastopathy, which combines more than fifty types benign tumors: breast cyst, fibroadenoma, fibrocystic disease, lipogranuloma, intraductal papilloma, etc.
  • oncological - malignant neoplasms.

All these pathologies are dealt with by a mammologist, and he is assisted by related specialists who examine the woman’s body - a gynecologist, oncologist, endocrinologist, and surgeon.

Mastitis is an infectious-inflammatory process, a consequence of the proliferation of pathogens in the tissues of the organ: microbes and bacilli (streptococci, coli, staphylococci), fungi, mycobacterium tuberculosis.

The cause of non-inflammatory diseases of the mammary glands - mastopathy - is the destruction of the balance of female sex hormones in the body, the amount of which determines the physiological changes associated with growing up, puberty, reproductive function and menopausal involution.

Reasons for imbalance hormonal status may be:

  • interference in the natural process of life - a woman’s reluctance to have offspring, breastfeed a baby, induced abortions, the use of hormonal contraception for a long time;
  • microbial and sexually transmitted infections of the ovary that disrupt its secretory ability;
  • illnesses thyroid gland, accompanied by a decrease in its hormonal function;
  • pathologies of the pituitary-adrenal system;
  • pancreatic diseases and metabolic disorders - diabetes mellitus in combination with obesity and hypertension triple the risk of tumors;
  • liver diseases, leading to the loss of its ability to utilize estrogens, as a result of which their amount increases.

The mammary glands in men are a rudiment. Therefore it is a pathology.

Read what an immunohistochemical study is for breast cancer and how it is performed.

Why does an abscess occur in the mammary gland and what is the prognosis for this condition, read.

Symptoms of breast disease

Local manifestations of acute purulent mastitis there is a lump in the chest, sharply painful, swollen and hot to the touch, the skin over it is reddened, the size of the gland may increase.

Local changes are accompanied severe symptoms general intoxication of the body: fever with temperature up to 40 ° C, severe weakness, headache, muscle and joint pain.

The condition of acute mastitis is urgent and requires immediate medical attention.

For mastopathy diffuse form the pain is predominantly periodic, occurs in the second half of the ovulatory cycle and intensifies a couple of days before the onset of menstruation, it is often accompanied by engorgement and enlargement of the breasts, cords and lumps can be felt.

Palpation for nodular mastopathy allows one or more nodular formations to be detected when they have already reached a large size (about the size of a pea). Seals, as a rule, are movable and not fused to tissues; changes are possible above them skin: increased vascular pattern or cyanosis.

It is not possible to detect the initial phase of nodule formation during examination, so doctors recommend periodic mammography.

Pain in nodular mastopathy is predominantly acyclic, not associated with menstruation, and constant. Axillary and supraclavicular lymph nodes tend to enlarge.

Diffuse mastopathy

Mixed form, fibrocystic mastopathy, is characterized by chest pain that occurs even when moving the arm and responds in the shoulder and scapula. Palpation is sharply painful; the presence of strands and nodes (cysts) is determined. Nearby lymph nodes react to processes in the gland.

With any form of mastopathy, discharge from the nipple may appear, watery or milk-like. There are no symptoms of body intoxication.

A malignant formation can manifest as a painless, tight lump in one breast that does not cause discomfort, then the condition worsens, followed by:

  • pain in the gland, regardless of menstruation;
  • change in breast shape;
  • deformation of the areola or retraction of the nipple;
  • the appearance of bloody discharge from the milk ducts, not associated with breastfeeding or pregnancy;
  • changes in the structure of the skin of the breast over the tumor, like an orange peel;
  • enlargement and pain of regional (thoracic, axillary, supraclavicular) lymph nodes On the one side.

The initial phases of the neoplasm are not detected by independent examination and palpation, but their appearance can be determined by mammography.

Provoking factors for breast diseases

The development of mastitis can be triggered by:

  • lactostasis (accumulation of secretion in the lobules of the gland), creating favorable conditions for the life of microorganisms;
  • the presence of foci of dormant infection (carious teeth, tonsillitis, sinusitis, cholecystitis, etc.);
  • failure to maintain proper breast hygiene;
  • exposure to unfavorable temperature factors against the background of reduced immune defense body.

Causes and mechanisms of development of mastopathy and cancerous tumors are basically similar, so the risk factors for their formation are the same:

  • family history - cases of tumors appearing in maternal relatives;
  • peculiarities reproductive system women - early start(at 9-10 years) menstruation, later (over 55 years) onset of menopause, unstable sex life;
  • mechanical chest injuries;
  • radiation exposure;
  • unfavorable microclimate, ecology, working conditions;
  • physical and psycho-emotional overload, chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • frequent drinking of alcohol, smoking, which creates a negative intoxication background;
  • excessive passion for solarium.

As a rule, the provoking factors of breast diseases are interrelated and affect the woman’s body together.

Mammology is nearby diagnostic methods allowing timely initial stages, identify a neoplasm:

  • mammography - x-ray examination of the mammary glands;
  • thermomammography - determination of the proliferative capacity (speed and boundaries of growth) of diseased tissues;
  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound);
  • computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • cytological (histological) study of the material.

Using this toolkit, the mammologist, together with related specialists, has the opportunity to determine the nature of the neoplasm and select a complete, adequate organ-preserving treatment.

All women who have reached the age of forty are recommended to undergo a preventive examination at least once a year.

An emergency consultation with a mammologist is necessary when pain in the mammary gland lasts more than a week, discharge from the nipple appears, and when a lump or nodule is detected in your breast.

Video on the topic