Treatment of ulnar nerve neuropathy. Ulnar nerve neuritis symptoms treatment

Neuritis, including ulnar nerve, are pathologies inflammatory in nature, involving the peripheral parts of the NS. The disease affects both one nerve fiber and many nerves. The severity of the damaging effect is interconnected with the root causes of the emerging pathological conditions.

There is a relationship between the location of the nerve and the negative conditions that cause neuritis, therefore they are distinguished:

  • damage to the ulnar nerve;
  • tibial;
  • radial;
  • femoral and many other nerves.

Regardless of which nerve is affected, there are basic symptoms characteristic of each neuritis. This:

  • pain symptoms in the area where the damaged nerve fiber is located;
  • altered sensory perception;
  • muscle weakness in certain areas.

Ulnar nerve neuropathy affects a large portion of the population. Among all inflammations of nerve tissue, this takes an honorable second place.

Various circumstances simultaneously predispose to inflammation localized in the ulnar nerve, so the cause is possible:

  • with general or local long-term exposure to cold on a specific area or the entire body;
  • because of various kinds infections: influenza, brucellosis, measles, herpes and many others;
  • from the traumatic effects of both the nerve fiber itself and the area bone tissue where it is localized. As a result, the nerve becomes pinched and inflammation develops. For example, if there is neuritis of the ulnar nerve fiber, damage to the joint, fractures of the internal condyle with the epicondyle of the humerus may be diagnosed;
  • when the vessels are affected, local microcirculation is disrupted, which leads to disruption of the trophism of the nervous tissue;
  • due to hypovitaminosis conditions, if the body lacks vitamin and microelement components;
  • from intoxicating effects, including alcohol, salt compounds of heavy metals;
  • at endocrine disorders: sugar type diabetes, thyroid dysfunction;
  • due to structural abnormalities of the bone and muscle canal, in the cavity part of which the nerve fiber runs. It is congenital or can be acquired;
  • due to the compressive effect of nerve bundles during sleep, improper sitting on a chair, when a person suddenly changes body position, or due to damage due to surgery. Pathology often manifests itself from long work with emphasis on the elbow;
  • due to osteochondrosis, hernial changes in the discs located between the vertebrae.

About symptoms

Ulnar nerve neuritis is characterized by the fact that the patient feels that the arm is numb, then convulsive manifestations are observed, which indicates inflammation of the ulnar nerve tissue. Pronounced carpal pathological processes, especially on the fingers. There is pronounced tension between the area of ​​the little finger and the ring finger; the fingers do not always move apart.

There is a direct connection between neuritis and its symptoms from the degree of functional overload affecting the ulnar nerve and its innervated zone.

Nerve neuritis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • altered sensory perception in the form of paresthesia manifestations (the patient feels as if his elbow is tingling) or numbness, pain, loss of touch is also possible;
  • movements of the affected upper limb are poorly expressed, and paralysis is possible. The patient has difficulty bending his fingers and cannot move them. Such symptoms occur not only due to the fact that innervation is reduced, but also due to impaired tissue nutrition;
  • due to impaired trophism skin the affected area is cyanotic, swollen, hair falls out locally, and nail fragility is increased.

A characteristic sign in a patient with ulnar nerve neuritis is that his hand hangs down and he cannot bend his fingers into a fist. Visually, the third and fourth fingers are in a bent position, and the lateral abduction of the little finger is pronounced.

When the patient's symptoms are based on painful sensations with impaired motor activity, but no autonomic type of disorders are observed, then this is ulnar nerve neuralgia. Soreness with numbness is typical for the ring and little fingers.

This is how this neuropathy manifests itself, before its treatment, diagnostic measures are necessary.

About diagnostics

Eat different methods, revealing this ulnar nerve. For example, the patient is asked to place the upper limbs on a hard surface with the palms straightened downwards and try to scratch this plane a little with the little finger. Naturally, he doesn't succeed.

In the areas where the ulnar nerve goes, there is a high probability destructive process with development. This zone is localized under the collateral type of ligament.

About treatment

Before treatment, you need to find out the main root cause that caused this neuropathy. When this is an infectious pathology, an antibacterial, antiviral type of drug is prescribed.

If the cause is a violation of microcirculatory processes in the vessels with their narrowing, then treatment of ulnar nerve neuritis is carried out with vasodilator drugs.

When neuritis occurs due to injury, treatment consists of fixing the upper limb. In order to eliminate the inflammatory process, therapy in the form of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed. If you experience severe pain, the doctor will prescribe analgesics.

For ulnar nerve neuropathy additional treatment carry out vitamin preparations Group B also uses anti-swelling agents.

With this disease, the patient is unable to hold various things in his hand; wrist drooping occurs with the development of atrophy. Therefore, the doctor places a splint on the straightened hand with bent fingers and forearm. The arm should be fixed at an angle of 80°. The upper limb remains in this form for a couple of days, then the patient is prescribed classic massage with therapeutic exercises.

  • sick upper limb you need to lower it into the water and press with the other hand on the finger phalanges, trying to straighten them;
  • lift each finger;
  • make bilateral movements of the fingers in a circle;
  • raise and lower straightened fingers (except the thumb);
  • do wrist rotation;
  • raise and lower the hand;
  • rest your fingers on the bottom surface; when pressing, you need to bend and straighten them;
  • Something soft is placed on the bottom surface; the patient must lift this object. It is advisable to change objects in size and shape.

After 14 days, the doctor will add physiotherapeutic procedures in the form of:

  • hydrocortisone ultraphonophoresis;
  • electrophoresis administration of novocaine, lidase;
  • pulse currents, UHF;
  • muscle electrical stimulation.

In order for the hand to recover faster, it is massaged, working on all the finger phalanges. The massage procedure will eliminate congestion. Circular movements and finger abductions will give excellent results.

When the inflammatory process develops due to a compression cause with the development of a tunnel type of syndrome, drugs are injected into the musculoskeletal region of the canal. To relieve swelling, pain, and inflammation, a hormonal type of medication with painkillers is prescribed.

If the nerve fiber is compressed, then it is possible surgery, in which the nervous tissue is sutured, individual cases corrected using the plastic method.

About the forecast

If the pathology is detected in a timely manner, the prognosis for the patient is favorable. The treatment course will be approximately 60 days.

After a person has recovered, one must be careful:

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • do not get injured;
  • If there is a concomitant pathology, then it must be treated.

Therapeutic measures for any inflammation should not be delayed, otherwise permanent remissions are possible.

IN lately All more people are faced with a pathology such as ulnar nerve neuritis. This disease is an inflammatory process that affects peripheral nerve fibers. And the ulnar nerve, which runs very close to the skin, is easily injured during normal activities. As a result, severe pain occurs, the performance of the arm and the sensitivity of the hand may be impaired. Treatment of neuritis should begin as early as possible, when the first symptoms appear.

General characteristics

Ulnar nerve neuritis is statistically the most common among similar diseases. After all, this nerve is the most vulnerable to external influences. Especially when modern image life when people spend a lot of time leaning on their elbows. The ulnar nerve runs shallow in this area, so it is easily damaged. After all, even slight pressure on it can lead to inflammation.

Office workers, programmers and other people whose professional activity associated with the need to rest your elbows on the table or armrests of a chair. In addition, neuritis is common in athletes who expose their hands to increased loads. But besides traumatic injury, the cause of inflammation may be hypothermia. Therefore, builders, loaders and other people who work in damp, cold conditions are susceptible to neuritis.


To properly treat this disease, it is necessary to determine why the inflammation occurred. Usually the cause of the pathology is immediately clear, especially if the neuritis is post-traumatic or occurs after hypothermia.

But there are other factors that can cause inflammation of the ulnar nerve:

The main signs of ulnar nerve neuritis are pain and numbness in the hand


The ulnar nerve is responsible for the innervation of the little finger and ring finger, for the work of the adductor muscles thumb flexing the wrist, adducting and abducting all fingers. Therefore, its defeat immediately affects the functioning of the hand. Manifestations of neuritis depend on the degree and location inflammatory process. But the main symptom is always pain. At first it is aching, then it can become sharp, even burning or shooting.

Other symptoms of ulnar nerve neuritis depend on which nerve fibers are most affected. The disease usually begins with a loss of sensitivity.

Damage to sensory fibers is manifested by numbness, a tingling or crawling sensation. Sometimes the sensitivity of the hand is completely impaired. But most often these sensations are localized in the palm of the hand, as well as the 4th and 5th fingers.

Then signs of damage to the motor fibers of the nerve develop. Convulsions may occur and finger movement functions may be impaired. It is especially difficult to bend your hand or clench your fingers into a fist. Tendon reflexes gradually disappear, and paresis or complete paralysis of the hand appears. Because of this, muscle atrophy develops after some time.

Without treatment, they gradually appear trophic disorders. Due to damage to the autonomic nerve fibers, swelling develops, the skin turns blue, hair may begin to fall out, and nails may crumble. In the most advanced cases appear trophic ulcers.


It is advisable to begin treatment of neuritis as early as possible, when the first signs of inflammation appear. Indeed, as the pathology progresses, atrophy of the hand muscles and total loss its functions. Usually, a specialist can immediately determine the presence of neuritis, since the hand has a characteristic shape - like a clawed paw. The little finger is moved to the side, the 3rd and 4th fingers are bent.

To diagnose the disease, there are several tests that will help make a preliminary diagnosis without examination. The patient is asked to place the hand on the table and move the little finger, and also try to spread the fingers to the side. If the ulnar nerve is damaged, this cannot be done. The patient also cannot hold a sheet of paper between his thumb and forefinger, or clench his hand into a fist.

But it is still necessary to conduct an examination to confirm the diagnosis. Most often, MRI, ultrasound and electromyography are prescribed, which help determine the extent of muscle damage.

When making a diagnosis, attention is paid to the characteristic position of the hand in the form of a “clawed paw”


Treatment of ulnar nerve neuritis should be comprehensive. First of all, the cause of the inflammatory process is determined, and measures are taken to eliminate it. If this infectious disease, antibacterial or antiviral drugs, in case of circulatory problems, vasodilators are needed, for example, Papaverine. In addition, immediately after diagnosis, the arm is immobilized using a splint. The hand should be in a straight position, fingers bent. And the hand is suspended on a scarf or a special bandage. This immobilization is needed for 2 days. Limiting the load helps to avoid severe pain and prevents muscle atrophy.

After this they appoint complex treatment, which includes the following methods:

  • reception medicines;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • massage;
  • physical therapy;
  • folk recipes.

Drug therapy

On initial stage The obligatory method of treatment is the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition to reducing inflammation, such medications help relieve pain, often very severe. Ketorol, Nimesulide, Indomethacin, Diclofenac are prescribed. If they do not help relieve pain, analgesics can be used, for example, Baralgin or corticosteroids - Prednisolone, Diprospan, Hydrocortisone. If neuritis is accompanied tunnel syndrome, hormonal drugs are used as injections directly into the canal.

To improve the nerve impulses"Proserin" or "Physostigmine" are used. And as a adjuvant therapy it is necessary to prescribe B vitamins. Diuretics may be required to relieve swelling. Potassium-sparing agents are mainly used, for example, Veroshpiron. In addition, medications are prescribed to improve blood circulation and metabolic processes. Biogenic stimulants, for example, Lidaza, are useful.

Physiotherapy helps relieve inflammation and restore muscle function


This treatment for ulnar nerve neuritis is the most effective method treatment. But physiotherapy is prescribed no earlier than a week after the first symptoms appear. To relieve pain and inflammation, electrophoresis with Novocaine or Lidase, ultraphonophoresis with Hydrocortisone, magnetic therapy, acupuncture, UHF, impulse currents, mud therapy. In addition, electrical myostimulation of the muscles innervated by the ulnar nerve is prescribed.

Therapeutic exercise

Application begins special exercises after removing the clamp. Both passive and active movements are used. Main goal gymnastics - prevent contractures and muscle atrophy, restore their function.

First, it is recommended to perform gymnastics in water. Most exercises focus on finger movements. The hand goes under the water, and with the healthy hand you need to take the fingers one at a time and bend the phalanges, lifting their top. In addition, circular movements and moving your fingers to the sides are useful. Do the same with the entire brush.

An important exercise aimed at developing the thumb and index fingers. You need to place your elbow on the table. Try to simultaneously lower your thumb down and raise your index finger up. Then the same must be done with the index and middle fingers.

After the hand regains the ability to grasp objects, occupational therapy is carried out. Modeling, drawing, rearranging small objects, such as beads, matches, and catching them from the water are useful.

Passive and active finger exercises help restore finger function

Traditional medicine

Such methods are used only as an auxiliary treatment. They are considered to be ineffective for neuritis. But they can relieve inflammation and reduce pain. Most often used various compresses, decoctions medicinal herbs:

  • tie to a sore spot fresh leaves horseradish, burdock or cabbage;
  • instead of ointment, you can use bear fat;
  • at night make a compress of red clay, diluted a small amount table vinegar;
  • drink 3 tablespoons of decoction of raspberry leaves and stems before meals.

If treatment is started on time, the prognosis is usually favorable. But full recovery comes only after a couple of months. And then you need to monitor your health to prevent relapse of the disease. To do this, you need to avoid hypothermia and prolonged monotonous hand movements. You should try not to keep your arm bent at the elbow for a long time. Regular self-massage and therapeutic exercises will also help prevent nerve damage.

Ulnar nerve neuritis is an inflammatory process of various etiologies that affects peripheral nerve fibers and is manifested by pain, numbness, loss of function of innervated muscles; — treatment is complex and includes medication and physiotherapeutic procedures.


The ulnar nerve arises from brachial plexus together with the radial one, descends down the medial side of the shoulder and through the posterior surface medial epicondyle goes to the forearm and hand. It carries nerve impulses to the deep flexor muscles of the hand and fingers, is responsible for the work of the muscles of the little finger and leads the index finger, ring fingers and little finger to middle finger. The most common diseases that affect this nerve are neuritis and neuralgia.

Ulnar neuritis is considered a disease of people who spend most of their time in the office. This is due to the fact that such workers are accustomed to leaning on their elbow and can over time injure the ulnar nerve, which runs shallow in this place.

The radial nerve passes next to the ulnar nerve, which can also be affected by long-term compression, for example, during sleep. That's why clinical picture may simultaneously resemble neuralgia of the radial and ulnar nerves.

Other causes include any infectious agent, hypothermia, damage to nervous tissue toxic substances, including chronic consumption of alcoholic beverages. A special place is occupied by post-traumatic neuritis.

Also some somatic diseases may cause neuritis. For example, diabetes mellitus, insufficient output thyroid hormone.


In ICD 10, neuritis and neuropathy are not distinguished separately. Both of these diseases are included in the definition of ulnar nerve damage.

Ulnar nerve neuritis is manifested by numbness of the arm in the part innervated by this nerve. This symptom is short-lived and may be followed by tingling or a burning sensation in the area. Numbness can be complete or partial and sometimes ends with convulsions.

Motor activity also decreases noticeably
in the injured arm, until paralysis occurs. It is difficult for the patient to bend his arm in the hand; it is difficult for him to bring his fingers towards each other. These symptoms are explained not only by a decrease in innervation, but also by a violation of tissue trophism. In the future, after adequate treatment, I may be residual effects in the form of decreased reflexes or muscle weakness.

Malnutrition is also manifested by swelling, bluish skin, local hair loss and increased brittleness of nails. This is due to impaired tissue nutrition and treatment of diseases of the ulnar nerve should include measures aimed at eliminating these symptoms.

A pathognomonic symptom is drooping of the hand, as well as the inability to bend the fingers into a fist. Upon examination, the hand has the following appearance: the fourth and third fingers are bent, the little finger is moved to the side.

If the patient's main symptom is pain and impaired movement, and there are no autonomic disorders, then we can talk about neuralgia of the ulnar nerve. Pain and numbness in most cases is present in the little finger and ring finger.


To make a diagnosis of ulnar neuritis
nerve and treat it, in addition to an external examination and history taking, you can ask the patient to perform a few simple steps.

  • The patient should press his palm with his fingers apart to the surface of the table and try to scratch it with his little finger. A person with inflammation of the ulnar nerve will not be able to do this;
  • Also, the patient cannot comply with the request to spread his fingers in different directions;
  • If the ulnar nerve is inflamed, you cannot bend your fist completely and squeeze a piece of paper with two fingers.

These simple tests can help pinpoint nerve damage. Differential diagnosis must be performed with damage to the radial nerve. If it is damaged, the patient's hand hangs down and cannot be straightened independently. Also, with neuralgia of the radial nerve, the thumb is brought to the index finger and there is a sensitivity disorder in the first three fingers of the hand.

Also as additional method diagnostics, electromyography can be performed to determine the degree of muscle damage.

Therapy methods

Treatment of ulnar nerve neuritis can begin with restoring fixation of the hand using a plaster splint, while the arm remains bent and suspended by the neck in a scarf.

Also, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause that caused the inflammation of the nerve. It is necessary to prescribe antiviral or antibacterial drugs for infectious diseases. In cases of circulatory and tissue trophism problems, papaverine is used.

As in the treatment of any disease of the nervous tissue, B vitamins and potassium-sparing diuretics are prescribed to relieve swelling.

A special place in the treatment of neuritis and neuralgia is given to physiotherapeutic restorative procedures. They are aimed at improving the trophism of nervous tissue and maintaining the tone of the muscles of the forearm and wrist.

From the second week drug treatment it is worth prescribing electrophoresis with medicinal substances, UHF and pulse currents.

The doctor should also teach the patient the technique of self-massage, which can be done independently at home. You need to start by rubbing the phalanges of the fingers, flexion and extension movements in the joints of the fingers and hand.

For preventive and general strengthening purposes, it is advisable to avoid hypothermia and repeated exposure to a traumatic agent. People who work in an office should try to conduct less sedentary image life and introduce active breaks into your life (short walk, office gymnastics).

Ulnar nerve neuritis – neurological disease peripheral nervous system, and the nerve on one arm or both can be affected. Symptoms will depend on what causes became the main ones for this pathology.

Why does it appear

The peculiarity of the disease is that several factors can take part in its development, although sometimes it is still possible to isolate separate reason. Most often, the inflammatory process in this area occurs due to:

  1. Hypothermia, both local and general. Moreover low temperatures must act on the body for a long time.
  2. Infections, and most often these are measles, influenza, diphtheria, herpes, or brucellosis.
  3. Injuries - post-traumatic neuritis of the ulnar nerve occurs, which is considered the most common diagnosis. In this case, not only inflammation, but also a fracture can be diagnosed.
  4. Blood supply disorders.
  5. Lack of vitamins.
  6. Intoxication, not only with alcohol, but also with salts of heavy metals.
  7. Diabetes mellitus.
  8. Disorders of the thyroid gland.
  9. Anatomical features of the part of the bone in which the nerve itself passes.
  10. External compression of the nerve during incorrect posture when sitting.
  11. Operations.
  12. Osteochondrosis.
  13. Disc herniation.

As for the symptoms of neuritis of this kind, they will primarily depend on the causes, although there are also manifestations that are characteristic of all variants.

How it manifests itself

Before starting treatment, you should establish the cause of the pathology, and also find out from the patient all existing complaints.

The first thing you should pay attention to is complaints of impaired skin sensitivity. This may include numbness, tingling, goosebumps, or complete loss of tactile sensations.

The second important sign is a change in motor activity of the hand. This can be complete paralysis, that is, the limb stops moving altogether, or paresis, in which there is a partial decrease in motor activity. This is due to the fact that muscle strength is significantly reduced, and atrophy may even occur. Tendon reflexes may also disappear completely.

As the condition worsens, trophic disorders of the tissues of the hand begin to develop. This is expressed in swelling, bluish skin, hair loss, and this happens only in one area or another, excessive sweating, brittle nails. In the most severe cases with complete absence treatment, real ulcers appear.

But still the most main symptom- This is pain that can be of varying intensity. In this case, paresthesia and decreased sensitivity appear in the palm area and in the area of ​​the 4th and 5th fingers.

Then the wasting of the muscles begins, which are responsible for the movements of the 5th finger, as well as those that help flex and extend the hand. Due to these processes, the palm becomes flat. With a long course of the disease, such a dangerous and unpleasant condition as carpal tunnel syndrome develops.


Symptoms of ulnar nerve neuritis are determined by the duration of the disease, so before starting treatment it is necessary to diagnostic measures. This is done using some tests.

In the first case, you should clench your hand into a fist, and fingers that cannot bend completely will show how severely the area is affected. In the second case, with the hand tightly pressed to the table, it is impossible to make movements with the little finger that resemble scratching.

In the same position, it will not be possible to spread and bring in the 4th and 5th fingers.

How to treat ulnar nerve neuritis? It all depends on the duration of the disease, as well as on the identified cause.

How to get rid

If the cause is infection, then the patient is advised to take appropriate medicines. If this is vascular damage, resulting in ischemia, you should use drugs that normalize blood circulation and expand the lumen of the vessel.

If this is an injury, then immobilization of the hand is necessary with further use of anti-inflammatory drugs, and in the most severe cases, surgical treatment may be required.

After complete fusion of the bone, as well as removal of the plaster, it is recommended to perform a massage. But the massage technique for post-traumatic ulnar nerve neuritis is individual and should only be carried out by a specialist.

Supportive therapy includes exercise therapy, which is also prescribed strictly individually and depends on general condition patient. But from traditional methods Treatment for elbow neuritis should be abandoned, since none of them can save a person from this serious disease.

If the diagnosis was made correctly and treatment was prescribed in a timely manner, then it is quite possible to get rid of this pathology.

Ulnar nerve neuritis

Recently, more and more people are faced with such a pathology as ulnar nerve neuritis. This disease is an inflammatory process that affects peripheral nerve fibers. And the ulnar nerve, which runs very close to the skin, is easily injured during normal activities. As a result, severe pain occurs, the performance of the arm and the sensitivity of the hand may be impaired. Treatment of neuritis should begin as early as possible, when the first symptoms appear.

General characteristics

Ulnar nerve neuritis is statistically the most common among similar diseases. After all, this nerve is the most vulnerable to external influences. Especially with the modern lifestyle, when people spend a lot of time leaning on their elbows. The ulnar nerve runs shallow in this area, so it is easily damaged. After all, even slight pressure on it can lead to inflammation.

Office workers, programmers and other people whose professional activities involve the need to rest their elbows on a table or chair armrests are most predisposed to the development of this pathology. In addition, neuritis is common in athletes who subject their hands to increased stress. But in addition to traumatic injury, the cause of inflammation can be hypothermia. Therefore, builders, loaders and other people who work in damp, cold conditions are susceptible to neuritis.


To properly treat this disease, it is necessary to determine why the inflammation occurred. Usually the cause of the pathology is immediately clear, especially if the neuritis is post-traumatic or occurs after hypothermia.

But there are other factors that can cause inflammation of the ulnar nerve:

  • serious infectious and inflammatory diseases - measles, diphtheria, influenza, herpes;
  • endocrine pathologies, especially dysfunction of the thyroid gland or diabetes mellitus;
  • osteochondrosis or herniated disc;
  • lack of minerals and vitamins in the body;
  • cardiovascular pathologies leading to circulatory disorders;
  • intoxication as a result of taking large amounts of certain drugs, poisoning with alcohol or salts of heavy metals;
  • arthritis, arthrosis and other diseases of the elbow joint.


The ulnar nerve is responsible for the innervation of the little and ring fingers, for the work of the muscles that adduct the pollicis, flex the wrist, and adduct and abductor all fingers. Therefore, its defeat immediately affects the functioning of the hand. Manifestations of neuritis depend on the degree and localization of the inflammatory process. But the main symptom is always pain. At first it is aching, then it can become sharp, even burning or shooting.

Other symptoms of ulnar nerve neuritis depend on which nerve fibers are most affected. The disease usually begins with a loss of sensitivity.

Damage to sensory fibers is manifested by numbness, a tingling or crawling sensation. Sometimes the sensitivity of the hand is completely impaired. But most often these sensations are localized in the palm of the hand, as well as the 4th and 5th fingers.

Then signs of damage to the motor fibers of the nerve develop. Convulsions may occur and finger movement functions may be impaired. It is especially difficult to bend your hand or clench your fingers into a fist. Tendon reflexes gradually disappear, and paresis or complete paralysis of the hand appears. Because of this, muscle atrophy develops after some time.

In the absence of treatment, trophic disorders gradually appear. Due to damage to the autonomic nerve fibers, swelling develops, the skin turns blue, hair may begin to fall out, and nails may crumble. In the most advanced cases, trophic ulcers appear.


It is advisable to begin treatment of neuritis as early as possible, when the first signs of inflammation appear. Indeed, as the pathology progresses, atrophy of the hand muscles and complete loss of its functions are possible. Usually, a specialist can immediately determine the presence of neuritis, since the hand has a characteristic shape - like a clawed paw. The little finger is moved to the side, the 3rd and 4th fingers are bent.

To diagnose the disease, there are several tests that will help make a preliminary diagnosis without examination. The patient is asked to place the hand on the table and move the little finger, and also try to spread the fingers to the side. If the ulnar nerve is damaged, this cannot be done. The patient also cannot hold a sheet of paper between his thumb and forefinger, or clench his hand into a fist.

But it is still necessary to conduct an examination to confirm the diagnosis. Most often, MRI, ultrasound and electromyography are prescribed, which help determine the extent of muscle damage.


Treatment of ulnar nerve neuritis should be comprehensive. First of all, the cause of the inflammatory process is determined, and measures are taken to eliminate it. If this is an infectious disease, antibacterial or antiviral drugs are prescribed; in case of circulatory problems, vasodilators are needed, for example, Papaverine. In addition, immediately after diagnosis, the arm is immobilized using a splint. The hand should be in a straight position, fingers bent. And the hand is suspended on a scarf or a special bandage. This immobilization is needed for 2 days. Limiting exercise helps avoid severe pain and prevents muscle atrophy.

After this, complex treatment is prescribed, which includes the following methods:

  • taking medications;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • massage;
  • physical therapy;
  • folk recipes.

Drug therapy

At the initial stage, the mandatory method of treatment is taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition to reducing inflammation, such medications help relieve pain, often very severe. Ketorol, Nimesulide, Indomethacin, Diclofenac are prescribed. If they do not help relieve pain, analgesics can be used, for example, Baralgin or corticosteroids - Prednisolone, Diprospan, Hydrocortisone. If neuritis is accompanied by tunnel syndrome, hormonal drugs are used as injections directly into the canal.

To improve the conduction of nerve impulses, Proserin or Physostigmine are used. And as an auxiliary therapy, it is necessary to prescribe B vitamins. Diuretics may be required to relieve swelling. Potassium-sparing agents are mainly used, for example, Veroshpiron. In addition, medications are prescribed that improve blood circulation and metabolic processes. Biogenic stimulants, for example, Lidaza, are useful.


This treatment for ulnar nerve neuritis is the most effective treatment method. But physiotherapy is prescribed no earlier than a week after the first symptoms appear. To relieve pain and inflammation, electrophoresis with Novocaine or Lidase, ultraphonophoresis with Hydrocortisone, magnetic therapy, acupuncture, UHF, pulsed currents, and mud therapy are indicated. In addition, electrical myostimulation of the muscles innervated by the ulnar nerve is prescribed.

Therapeutic exercise

The use of special exercises begins after the fixator is removed. Both passive and active movements are used. The main goal of gymnastics is to prevent contractures and muscle atrophy and restore their function.

First, it is recommended to perform gymnastics in water. Most exercises focus on finger movements. The hand goes under the water, and with the healthy hand you need to take the fingers one at a time and bend the phalanges, lifting their top. In addition, circular movements and moving your fingers to the sides are useful. Do the same with the entire brush.

An important exercise aimed at developing the thumb and index fingers. You need to place your elbow on the table. Try to simultaneously lower your thumb down and raise your index finger up. Then the same must be done with the index and middle fingers.

After the hand regains the ability to grasp objects, occupational therapy is carried out. Modeling, drawing, rearranging small objects, such as beads, matches, and catching them from the water are useful.

Traditional medicine

Such methods are used only as an auxiliary treatment. They are considered to be ineffective for neuritis. But they can relieve inflammation and reduce pain. Most often, various compresses and decoctions of medicinal herbs are used:

  • tie fresh leaves of horseradish, burdock or cabbage to the sore spot;
  • instead of ointment, you can use bear fat;
  • at night, make a compress of red clay diluted with a small amount of table vinegar;
  • drink 3 tablespoons of decoction of raspberry leaves and stems before meals.

If treatment is started on time, the prognosis is usually favorable. But full recovery occurs only after a couple of months. And then you need to monitor your health to prevent relapse of the disease. To do this, you need to avoid hypothermia and prolonged monotonous hand movements. You should try not to keep your arm bent at the elbow for a long time. Regular self-massage and therapeutic exercises will also help prevent nerve damage.

Damage to the ulnar nerve (ulnar nerve neuropathy) (G56.2) is pathological condition, in which the ulnar nerve is affected, manifested by disruption of the muscles of the hand responsible for the movements of the ring and little fingers, and numbness in this area.

Etiology of damage to the ulnar nerve: compression of the nerve in the area of ​​the elbow joint ( long work with support on the elbows); fracture of the internal condyle of the humerus or supracondylar fracture; compression in the wrist area; past infections.

Symptoms of ulnar nerve damage

Patients complain of pain in the little finger, tingling sensation, burning sensation in the hand. Gradually, numbness and weakness of the little finger appear, the impossibility of palmar flexion of the hand, and difficulty in adducting and extending the fingers of the hand.

An objective examination of the patient reveals paresthesia, hypoesthesia in the little finger, along the medial surface of the hand (70%). Weakness of the interosseous muscles, adductor pollicis, and hypothenar muscles (70%). Atrophy of the interosseous and hypothenar muscles (50%). Hyperextension in the metacarpophalangeal joints and flexion in interphalangeal joints(55%). When clenching the hand into a fist, the little and ring fingers do not bend completely (Fig. 3). Pitre's test (inability to bring the fourth and fifth fingers of the hand when the palm rests on a hard surface) - 60%. Flexion of the terminal phalanx of the fifth finger is impossible. In the area of ​​innervation of the ulnar nerve there may be autonomic disorders - cyanosis, impaired sweating, local increase temperature.


Differential diagnosis:

  • Damage to the lower part of the brachial plexus.

Treatment of ulnar nerve damage

Treatment is prescribed only after confirmation of the diagnosis by a medical specialist. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and vitamins are indicated. Physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy, novocaine and hydrocortisone blockades, and acupuncture are provided. Surgical treatment prescribed for compression of the ulnar nerve.

Essential drugs

There are contraindications. Specialist consultation is required.

  • (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). Dosage regimen: IM - 100 mg 1-2 times a day; after cupping pain syndrome prescribed orally in daily dose 300 mg in 2-3 doses, maintenance dose 150-200 mg/day.
  • (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). Dosage regimen: IM at a dose of 75 mg (contents of 1 ampoule) 1 time/day.
  • (vitamin B complex). Dosage regimen: therapy begins with 2 ml intramuscularly 1 time per day for 5-10 days. Maintenance therapy - 2 ml IM two or three times a week.