Earth snake man. Fire snake

Publication date: 11/13/2012

What does astrology say about people born in the year of the Snake? What qualities did the stars give them? Our horoscope will not only answer all these questions, but also tell you about areas of success and compatibility with other symbols eastern horoscope, and will also give an accurate description of the Snakes from the point of view of their zodiac sign.

Let me introduce: Snake

The snake is an impassive and cold creature. However, at a critical moment, she exhibits a lightning-fast reaction. With incredible speed, she makes a throw towards the intruder of her peace, and often this turns out to be fatal for him.

It is the snake - according to the Eastern and Western traditions too - that is the personification of wisdom and insight. Probably, this opinion was established because initially she is not aggressive and does not do evil without a reason.

There is also something devilish, but at the same time fascinating, about the snake. One only has to remember who exactly was Adam’s seducer, or imagine the notorious pair of boa constrictor and rabbit.

Well, the “bouquet” turns out to be extraordinary and unique. So what are they, these astrological Snakes? Let's try to figure it out...

Dates of birth

Next year, 2013, the Snake will come into its “rights” on February 10th. The Year of the Black Snake will end on January 31, 2014.

Those who were born in the years 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, as well as those who will be born in 2013 can consider themselves to be Snakes. -m.

Character traits of those born in the year of the Snake

Snakes are, above all, thinkers. They are attentive to themselves and sometimes do not notice the impressions and influences they have on others. They are taciturn and to a certain extent selfish. However, such a characteristic does not at all indicate that they are evil. Moreover, if the Snake finally understands that it has become the cause of someone’s problems, it will definitely help, in any case, in any way it can.

Snakes are thoughtful and appreciate beauty. They willingly visit exhibition halls, galleries, theaters, wanting the stream of high impressions from the outside to their hearts not to dry up for a minute. Yes and in everyday life they are aesthetes and like to surround themselves interesting people, good, expensive things, exquisite smells and the like. In addition, Snakes never fall “face in the dirt” in a conversation; they are always role models in clothing, manners, and speech. But, at the same time, the innate snake cunning makes itself felt, forcing them, when they suspect another person of simplicity, lack of taste, or his other “sins,” to immediately begin to treat him with contempt and arrogance.

Snakes are considered calculating creatures, for whom everything is always planned, thought out and who cannot be taken by surprise. They have an excellent sense of critical or difficult moments and quickly navigate in such circumstances.

Obviously unfavorable for Snakes are situations when they are placed in some strict framework of restrictions. In such conditions, they become highly fatigued, they are completely lost, this causes them to become irritated or angry, and their activities lose most of their possible effectiveness.

Areas of success

After everything that has been said about Snakes, it is not surprising that the optimal professional activity for them is the intellectual sphere. First of all, they are excellent organizers, and this more than satisfactorily explains why there are so many executives among the Snakes.

The snake will never mark time; it will certainly take advantage of the opportunity to improve its professional level and expand the area of ​​general knowledge. In addition, such a person is able to keep in mind a lot of useful and simple interesting information and successfully operate with it. As a result, Snakes make wonderful financiers, practical scientists, teachers, thinkers in philosophy and theology, and lawyers.

And the ability to subtly feel and analyze their impressions forces many Snakes to devote themselves to the world of art. Therefore, there are quite a few of them among artists, actors, singers, and critics.

Snake and love

In love, Snakes are romantic and know how to woo the person they have their eye on. Having achieved what they want, they sometimes show an extreme degree of jealousy and possessiveness.

Snakes approach the choice of a partner carefully; they are very demanding, even picky; as a rule, they always have a clear set of requirements and rules, the observance of which they demand from their lover or beloved in mandatory. However, they usually do not burden themselves with such conventions, reserving the right to be free in actions and words. And, naturally, it is precisely this system of double standards that often becomes a real stumbling block in the Snake’s relationship with its “half.”

But if, nevertheless, the Snake managed to reach a compromise in the family or love affair with a partner, then such an alliance will be stable and interesting for both.

Compatibility for Snake according to the Eastern horoscope

The best partners for the Snake are the Ox, Dragon, Monkey, and Rooster. The Ox is hardy and efficient, he is able to provide the Snake with the lifestyle that she would like, and this is usually for her key point. The Snake and Dragon will always be proud and admire each other. The Monkey and the Snake will “find” each other first as intellectual partners, and only then the resulting relationship will strengthen, and in such a way that this couple will be able to go hand in hand through any difficulties and adversity. It is difficult to find a more elegant and memorable couple than the Snake and the Rooster, in whom, moreover, any likelihood of disagreement is minimized.

More or less suitable for the Snake are Rat, Snake, Rabbit, Horse, Sheep and Dog. The Rat and the Snake are one of the illustrative examples of how people know how to adapt to each other; but whether they will want to and how long they will be able to adapt is a question that sometimes has no answer. Two Snakes can also live side by side for years, however, if even a hint of rivalry arises between them, this will mean complete collapse, and love and other tender feelings will be completely forgotten. The Snake and the Rabbit have a lot in common - patience, aesthetics, prudence; but the Rabbit often sins with indecision, and the Snake is very irritated by this quality. The Horse and the Snake will be quite happy with each other, but only if one day the Horse does not feel that it is ringed by the snake’s jealousy and total control. The Snake and the Sheep will have a seemingly ideal union, which in fact can fall apart overnight for one banal reason - due to low family income. The Dog is ready to put up with a lot in the Snake, but she will not be able to forgive her for betraying her, and the Snake is far from being a one-woman man.

If a Tiger or a Pig meets on the Snake’s path, then it is better for her to bypass them. The Tiger is impulsive, the Snake is prone to contemplation, they live at different paces and will not be able to keep up with life. The Snake will not be able to get along with the Pig due to the fact that it will be very angry at the simplicity and gullibility of such a partner.

Horoscope: Snake and Zodiac


Aries is very serious and thoughtful, and this to some extent softens the Snake's selfishness. As a rule, the Snake, born under the constellation Aries, is even more contemplative and attentive to details. Thanks to Aries, a certain amount of practicality is added to the aestheticism of the Snake. This affects everyday life and resonates in the professional sphere. That is, the Snake-Aries, for example, will no longer acquire a simply beautiful thing, but certainly one that it could also use. Such a person has stable taste preferences in terms of fashion, vacation spots, etc. The sign of Aries, among other things, makes the Snake less wasteful.


Snake-Taurus is even more elegance and even more developed intuition. In addition, Taurus adds conscientiousness to the Snake, and the Snake “gifts” Taurus financial success. These people are inquisitive, open to new ideas and knowledge, so their range of interests is extremely wide. And since Taurus is subordinate to the elements of the Earth, the Snake-Taurus has many chances to comprehend completely earthly beauty - the beauty of the body. And because of this, Snakes born under the sign of Taurus often become unsurpassed lovers.

Snake Gemini

The sign of Gemini enhances the Snake's charm. The Gemini Snake becomes inimitably attractive, but without the frightening mystery. These people, as a rule, have an excellent sense of humor, know how to speak convincingly and conquer their interlocutor with their charm. True, such Snakes become somewhat talkative, but many people with whom fate brings them together are ready to tolerate this lack in them.


Cancer is melancholic, absent-minded, and overly sensitive. But the Snake manages to perfectly adjust the personal qualities of the representatives of this sign. The Snake-Cancer appears before us as an original person in a good sense, with own style, with a considerable amount of self-confidence. The Snake even gives Cancer the ability to influence people, and the most pleasant thing is that, due to its own decency, Cancer will never use this ability to harm. In fact, Snake-Cancer is an excellent psychologist, reasonable and sincere.


Leos, who have the Snake as their symbol of the year, are, as a rule, self-sufficient, straightforward and deeply decent people. They feel comfortable in big companies, but they can do just fine without them, without being at all burdened by loneliness. These are wonderful friends who have enough strength to support and help in difficult times, they have the courage to tell the truth to your face, without hypocrisy or feeling false shame.


Virgo is a philosopher whose theory is based on mercy, hard work, and benevolence. The snake represents readiness for responsibility and speed of reaction. As a result, the world sees a person who is capable of quick adaptation in any conditions, resourceful, and deep-thinking. In a word, he is almost a universal personality, quickly “grabbing” everything new and capable of achieving success with a guarantee. Such people have everything in moderation - the desire for material wealth, the desire to surround their lives with comfort, attempts to realize their ambitions. Now, if only we were less critical of ourselves...


Snake-Libra is a type of person who is optimistic about life and quite benevolent. The Snake brings some stability to this character, Libra brings unpretentiousness in the field of professional fulfillment. That is, such people no longer suffer from the increased mood swings characteristic of “pure” Libra, and they know how to enjoy any activity or pastime. But to understand their true nature, you will have to spend some time with them first. Snake-Libra - not at all open book, moreover, to “read” it you will have to stock up on both attention and observation.


Scorpio Snakes are distinguished by pronounced charisma and ability to control themselves. They seem to have an answer ready for everything, and they will only say what they want to be heard from them. True, there, in the soul, everything is not so smooth, but an outsider would never guess about it. However, an outsider will not be allowed even to the threshold of this ambiguous and crafty soul, because the circle of people who could rightfully be called friends among the Scorpio Snakes is small and very clearly defined.


Snake-Sagittarius is a very interesting personality. Such a person is curious and inquisitive, he is always in search of new emotions and sensations. But thanks to the Snake, she develops a steady craving for material wealth. Therefore, the range of interests of such a Sagittarius often definitely shifts specifically to the sphere of earnings and profits. And it is being implemented quite successfully. In addition, Sagittarius Snakes believe in fate and, as a result, sometimes let the search for a life partner take its course. But if (in their opinion) such a meeting has taken place, then Sagittarius’ partner can be confident in his almost lifelong devotion.


Capricorn Snakes are intellectuals and pragmatists. Their personal space and professional (and, of course, material) success are still valuable to them. However, now they have become much more charming and sociable. Among other things, Capricorn-Snake is a fairly self-confident person. So confident that he approaches the search for a partner for family life very selectively and does not exchange for someone who intellectual level below his own level.


Snake-Aquarius is very lucky. This is expressed primarily in the business sphere. It is believed that such people are simply doomed to success in business. Indeed, they have everything they need for this - convincing motivation for their actions, energy, the ability to perceive and process information in any volume, and a willingness to bear responsibility. Among other things, Snakes-Aquarius feel themselves masters of the situation and in personal life. They are not afraid to be the first to express their feelings and demonstrate interest in developing relationships.


A snake born under the constellation Pisces becomes more gentle and impressionable. But Pisces, whose symbol is the Snake, is already a fairly insightful person, more self-confident, with high demands on life. Well, it’s a good symbiosis, especially since it imparts to the character of such people purposefulness, readiness for long-term relationships, high sociability and, as a result, success.

Famous Snakes

The eccentricity of Snakes can lead any of them to the most different areas activities. History knows Snake artists, actors, politicians, outstanding scientists and thinkers, etc. So…

Who doesn’t know the actors - Snake A. Abdulov, R. Bykov, Audrey Hepburn, O. Borisov, V. Solomin, Greta Garbo, O. Dahl, A. Mironov. Is it possible to forget about P. Picasso, J. Brahms, G. Heine, I.V., who were born in the year of the Snake? Goethe, N.V. Gogole, F.M. Dostoevsky, G. Flaubert, V. Mayakovsky, S. Zweige, J.P. Sartre!

What are A. Kerensky, J. Kennedy, G. Kotovsky, A. Nobel, V. Roentgen, Madame M. Tussaud, L. Yashin, K. Tsiolkovsky worth...

And it would be a sin not to mention our contemporary Snakes D.N. Medvedeva, A.N. Pakhmutov, V. Meladze, A. Makarevich, Y. Lyubimov, B. Grebenshchikov.

Presented in the following order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. Each sign is represented by a specific animal with its own characteristic features. Year of the Snake: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025.

  • Lucky colors: black, red, yellow
  • Lucky numbers: 2, 8, 9
  • Lucky Flowers: orchid and cactus

Were you born in the year of the Snake?

If you were born in next years, then your Chinese zodiac sign, more likely, Snake: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 or 2013. Why "most likely"? The fact is that, knowing only the year of birth, it is not always possible to determine the zodiac animal.

Chinese zodiac signs are determined by lunar calendar, with the onset Chinese New Year . New Year in China comes during the period between January 21 and February 20, and the date of the holiday changes from year to year.

Let's look at specific example. Let's take 2001:

2001 who?

Determine Your Zodiac Sign

Enter your date of birth and find out who you are by your zodiac sign

Chinese eastern calendar:

Your Zodiac:

  • Lucky numbers:
  • Lucky colors:

In 2001, the Year of the Snake began on January 24th. If you were born after January 24, then your zodiac sign is Snake. And if you were born before January 24, then your zodiac animal is the Dragon, the previous sign. Take advantage of our special calculator on the right to accurately determine your zodiac sign.

Chinese New Year Dates for the Snake:

Dates in different years

1929 February 10, 1929 – January 29, 1930 Earth Snake
1941 January 27, 1941 – February 14, 1942
1953 February 14, 1953 – February 3, 1954 Water snake
1965 February 2, 1965 – January 20, 1966 Wood Snake
1977 February 18, 1977 – February 6, 1978 Fire Snake
1989 February 6, 1989 – January 26, 1990 Earth Snake
2001 January 24, 2001 – February 11, 2002 Golden (Metal) Snake
2013 February 10, 2013 – January 30, 2014 Water snake
2025 January 29, 2025 – February 16, 2026 Wood Snake

What brings good luck to those born in the year of the Snake

  • Lucky numbers: 2, 8, 9 and numbers containing them (for example, 28 and 89)
  • Happy days: 1st and 23rd lunar month(interval from new moon to new moon)
  • Lucky colors: black, red, yellow
  • Lucky Flowers: orchid and cactus
  • Lucky directions: east, west and southwest
  • Happy months: 1st, 8th and 11th months of the lunar calendar

Brings bad luck

  • Unlucky colors: brown, gold, white
  • Unlucky numbers: 1, 6, and 7
  • Unlucky directions: northeast and northwest
  • Unlucky months: 3rd, 9th and 12th months of the lunar calendar

In Chinese culture, the Snake is the most mysterious animal of the Chinese zodiac. For people born in the year of the Snake, intuition is better developed than others.

Snakes tend to listen to their own opinions, they move decisively towards their goals and hate failure. Snakes are calculating and strive for personal gain. They like to surround themselves with the best, although they rarely have the patience for long shopping.

Snakes represent symbol of wisdom. They are smart and pleasant to talk to, but they speak little. Those born in the year of the Snake are usually perceived as great thinkers.

People of the Snake sign prefer to work alone, so they are easily stressed. If tension becomes more apparent, it is best to give them personal space and time to recover.


Snakes prefer peaceful and quiet life, they are not attracted to the noisy atmosphere. When there is a lack of peace in their lives or something is out of order, Snakes easily become stressed. Therefore, a measured workload will have a more beneficial effect on them than a busy schedule.

The snake needs a lot of time to rest. It is important to take vacation on time. It is worth paying increased attention to the health of the Snake, especially the older generation of the family.

The most suitable professions for Snakes

Those born in the year of the Snake are diligent, diligent, creative individuals. Although Snakes are hard-working, they often change jobs because they become bored with it. Snakes are resourceful and insightful. Complex tasks spur them on. And, of course, they cope well with problems and tight deadlines.

Most suitable professions for Snake: scientist, analyst, researcher, artist, potter, jeweler, astrologer, magician, nutritionist and sociologist.

How to build relationships with those born in the year of the Snake

People born in the year of the Snake do not have many friends. It is very difficult to get close to them, since Snakes try to keep their feelings to themselves and not share them with others. Snakes are very careful in choosing friends and will never forgive discord in friendship.

But with those whom the Snakes consider their friends, they are ready to share their grief and joy. Snakes keep friendship like a treasure, and they can easily appear jealous and even possessive.

Year of the Snake compatibility with other signs

In the Chinese zodiac, each animal sign has its own characteristics. The coincidences and differences of these features determine the compatibility of signs in love.

  • Best Compatibility: Dragon, Rooster
  • Least successful: Tiger, Rabbit, Goat

Famous people born in the year of the Snake:

  • Fyodor Dostoevsky, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Nikolai Nekrasov, Andrei Mironov, Valery Meladze, Georgy Vitsin, Elena Berezhnaya, Lev Leshchenko, Leonid Yarmolnik, Lev Yashin.
  • Mao Zedong, Goethe, Alfred Nobel, Pablo Picasso, Brad Pitt, Franz Schubert, Audrey Hepburn, Stephen Hawking, Muhammad Ali, Bruce Lee, Abraham Lincoln.

Types of Snakes according to the eastern calendar – 5 elements/elements

According to the Chinese theory of 5 elements (elements), each zodiac sign is influenced by one of the 5 elements (elements): gold (metal), wood, water, fire and earth. For example, Year of the Wood Snake, which will occur in 2025, happens once every 60 years. Do you know What is the difference between the Chinese and Western zodiacs ?

In China, they believe that a person’s character is determined not only by the sign of the animal in whose year he was born, but also by the element/element. And in the Chinese zodiac There are 5 types of Snake, each with its own specific characteristic:

2019 will not be a very lucky year for the Snake. That is why it is important to remember that as soon as it seems that the clouds have gathered, know that the time has come for change, and everything will get better. In 2019, Snakes will be able to take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves.

Snake's career in 2019

In 2019, it will not be easy for Snakes to get a promotion or the opportunity to participate in large projects. But if the first half of the year is a difficult time for the Snake, then at the end of the year luck will be favorable again.

Although 2019 is not the most successful year for those Snakes who strive to advance career ladder, but representatives of this sign will have plenty of opportunities for personal growth and development of professional skills.

Snake Love in 2019

Snake men in 2019 will not be very lucky in love, especially due to the fact that rivals will constantly appear in their path. But Snake women in 2019 will be very popular with the opposite sex and with high probability will be able to find their chosen one.

Snake finances in 2019

In 2019, the Snake should prepare for the fact that it will be a difficult year from a financial point of view. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to make efforts to achieve your goals and make a profit.

Snake health in 2019

The Snake's health in 2019 will be normal, without serious ailments. However, those born in the year of the Snake are recommended balanced diet, vitamins and regular exercise.

Year of Destiny 2025 for those born in the year of the Snake

In China there is such a thing as Benmingnian - this is the so-called Year of Destiny, i.e. the zodiac animal in whose year you were born. In 2025, Benmingnian will occur for people born in the year of the Snake.

The Chinese believe that this is a special year, but those people whose year has arrived will face challenges and unexpected changes. Find out What will bring good luck to your year? and what special awaits you!

Find out more about the Chinese Zodiac:

  • The Legend of the Chinese Zodiac – From the many legends about the Chinese Zodiac, we have chosen the most famous one in China
  • 10 Facts About the Chinese Zodiac You Probably Haven't Heard About
  • 12 Animals of the Zodiac – Why these particular animals were chosen and in this order

Years of birth of a person according to the sign of the Snake: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

In the East, the Snake is a symbol of miraculous powers, levitation, telepathy and clairvoyance. It is also a symbol of renewal, the opportunity to conquer space and time.

General characteristics of the sign of the year of the Snake

Those born in the year of the Snake will be pleased to know that the Snake is incredibly lucky. It is believed that men born this year are sentimental, and women are flirtatiously beautiful.

The Snake is one of the most mysterious and extraordinary signs of the Eastern horoscope.

The Japanese have long treated the Snake with respect, but at the same time, with caution, since this creature has eternal life. The expression “to change the skin of a snake” means to start a new life. Most families perceive the snake as a deity, the guardian of rice fields, mountains and the hearth. The snake also signifies fertility and healing power.

The snake is the personification of wisdom and beauty. Therefore, people born in the year of the Snake adopt its character traits: natural wisdom, insight, high demands not only on themselves, but also on others. In society, the Snake demonstrates impeccable taste and ability to behave. She is usually dressed to the nines, knows how to skillfully maintain small talk, and with her diplomatic remarks is able to defuse the situation or extinguish an impending conflict. She has a gloss and an inner core, which makes others treat her with respect and some caution. Despite all this, for the real " socialite“She has a too serious view of the world and does not like empty chatter. People born in the year of the Snake are laconic even with their loved ones. Because of this character trait, it is difficult for people to guess what is going on in her soul. The Snake has excellent control over his emotions and can experience both intense joys and deep sorrows deep in his heart.

People born in the year of the Snake have an increased thirst for knowledge, determination along with restraint, tactfulness and the ability to keep other people's secrets. It is worth noting that the Snake approaches knowledge pragmatically. She deeply analyzes every smallest situation and detail. Ultimately, her accuracy and insight simply amazes the imagination of those around her. Those close to her often believe that she has a very developed sixth sense. Many Snakes have a tendency towards demonstrative behavior, which they justify by their integrity and spiritual purity.

People born in the year of the Snake live at their own rhythm. They often take much longer than others to achieve their goals. In addition, such people can be lazy and slow, overly philosophical and self-critical. In other people he looks for motivation and an incentive to action, but often at the same time feels the need for calm and discipline.

If a person born in the year of the Snake finds his niche in life, he will easily be ahead of all competitors. He is often called the quiet leader. By the way, it should be said that the affairs of the Snake are not always clean. She knows how to skillfully and quietly take advantage of the situation, people, their feelings, in order to achieve her goals.

Throughout its life, the Snake trusts its intuition more than logic. And, as a rule, it doesn’t let her down. Often the Snake’s abilities border on extrasensory. In addition, she has a clear, sober, analytical mind and has the gift of persuasion. The Snake is valued as an employee in responsible leadership positions, as well as in areas where extreme precision, organization and attention are required. For example: science, medicine, banking, etc.

A person born in the year of the Snake is infinitely faithful to his ideals. He goes towards the intended goal, but at the same time he can show extraordinary flexibility. Sooner or later, he will still achieve his goal. And from the outside it may seem that money itself sticks to the lucky Snake, so easy is it usually for her to find a well-paid job. However, only the Snake itself knows how much work and sleepless nights are behind this apparent ease.

In love, the Snake chooses its own life partner. Almost always shows impatience and jealousy, even if the feelings have already faded. Has a tendency to wrap itself around a partner, shackle him and leave him no freedom. This especially applies to men born in the year of the Snake.

The Year of the Snake corresponds to Western classical astrology.

Metal Snake: 1941

People born in the year of the Metal Snake extremely rarely allow someone into their souls. They prefer to work alone. They are quiet and inconspicuous and independent. But they are excellent at navigating any situation and easily find a way out. difficult situations. They attract lucrative offers like a magnet and get down to business with enviable determination. They have the ability to invest money successfully. The Metal Snake loves luxury and comfort, appreciates art and good music. As a rule, she has a small circle of loyal and devoted friends, and is very generous and magnanimous towards her loved ones.

Water Snake: 1953

The Water Snake has a great understanding of people and knows how to control them. Has a wide range of interests and continues to study throughout his life. He has an excellent memory and is well versed in business and financial matters. Unlike other Snakes, the Water Snake is very attached to family and close people, although he does not show it. People born in the year of the Water Snake have a mystical mindset and are highly susceptible to emotions. Sometimes they are difficult to understand, since words and actions are not subject to ordinary everyday logic.

Wooden Snake: 1905, 1965

People born in the year of the Wood Snake have a good character, are harmonious and thorough. She does not have such qualities as vanity and suspicion, characteristic of other Snakes. The Wood Snake is sociable, witty, intelligent and ambitious. She usually has many friends and a variety of hobbies. She easily comes up with new ways to have fun. He prefers a quiet, stable life and work. Appreciates art and loves collecting antiques and paintings. Her advice, particularly of a personal nature, is greatly appreciated and taken into account. People born in the year of the Wood Snake can become talented engineers, as well as excellent administrators and officials who defend the interests of their business no matter what the circumstances.

Fire Snake: 1917, 1977

People born in the year of the Fire Snake are different complex character. The Fire Snake is the least harmonious of all types of Snakes. She is vain and aggressive, but at the same time, energetic and active. She wants to fly, not crawl. She is ambitious, self-confident, and the role of an inconspicuous intellectual does not suit her. Of course, she has all the qualities of a leader and outstanding oratorical talent. The Fire Snake has the ability to convince the most stubborn and unshakable opponents. She is often very harsh with those she dislikes. However, despite her difficult character, she evokes respect and admiration from many. The Fire Snake usually has a good sense of humor and many friends. She loves active social life and travel.

Earth Snake: 1929, 1989

People born in the year of the Earth Snake are harmonious, honest, sincere and friendly. She takes her work responsibly, but she is not characterized by ambition, so she can easily cancel urgent matters in order to talk with friends or go for a walk.

People born in the year of the Earth Snake do not like to take risks, and believe that only honest work and prudence will bring happiness and material well-being. Earth Snakes are great workers and intellectuals. They make excellent scientists, researchers, philosophers and analysts. Also, Earth Snakes are good financiers. They accurately calculate, analyze and invest their money profitably.

Year of the Snake - advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the Snake personality

The snake is not afraid of any work, of course, with the exception of that which involves risk. Responsible, wise, demanding of herself and the people around her, always ready to help.

Negative aspects of the Snake personality

When turning to the Snake for help, you should take into account the fact that it can go to extremes. Helping others captures her completely. And already she is becoming more obsessed than useful. Instinctively, she wraps herself around the person who owes her and tries to strangle him. Snakes are also characterized by a desire to deceive, stubbornness, and a hot temperament that explodes over little things.

Career and money of the Snake sign

People born in the year of the Snake achieve professional success in almost any field of activity with relative ease. They can do whatever their heart desires. This could be weaving flowers from beads, big business, or even politics. If she has found a job she likes, she will never leave it, will not turn away from the path, but will only climb higher and higher on the career ladder. In this she is helped by her natural flair, insight and diplomatic talent.

A snake can take on anything hard work if it pays well. She knows her worth very well and will not work for pennies. In general, when it comes to money, the Snake is lucky. She practically doesn't worry about money, she will always find it as soon as she needs it. He rarely experiences need, as he knows how to use finances wisely. She spends a lot, but still earns. Therefore, as a rule, he always has a solid bank account. The snake is very rational and practical. If she spends a large amount money for a beauty salon and fashionable clothes from boutiques, only because he knows: people are greeted by their clothes, especially if they have to conduct business negotiations.

Life periods of the Snake

The life of a Snake largely depends on when it was born: in summer or winter, day or night, and even on what the weather was like at that time. If it was summer and warm, then life will be more fortunate, and if it is winter, and even a blizzard, bad weather, squally wind, then life circumstances will be appropriate. Very happy are those Snakes who were born in hot tropical countries. If there is a storm on the day the Snake was born, then her whole life will be full of dangers.

In general, the first two phases of the Snake’s life will be relatively calm. But the third phase should be given special attention. It was during this period that her sentimental and passionate character, her taste for adventure, could play a cruel joke, instead of providing her with a calm old age.

Snake stones: hematite, emerald, bloodstone, malachite, opal, jade, peridot, topaz, jasper.

Plants: heather, fern, thistle and other plants growing among the stones.

Time of day: from 10 to 11 am.

Time of year: spring (May).

Colors: green, red

Snake - sixth sign eastern calendar. Western culture associates it with cunning and meanness, while the Chinese, on the contrary, consider it a symbol of wisdom and calm.

Year of the Snake sign characteristics

In the European calendar, the Snake corresponds to the sign Taurus. Peopleborn in the year of the Snake have a set of lucky red and green colors. All flowers growing among stones, as well as ferns, thistles and heather, will bring good luck.

Positive qualities of the sign

The creature is endowed with extreme determination. Temperament allows you to achieve any goals you set. Among the positive features are:

  • Pickiness. She will hone her skills and demand the same from others until she achieves the perfect result. Excellent handling labor collective, successfully brings the team to the desired result.
  • Observation. He subtly senses people’s moods and desires, notices any changes in behavior, making him an excellent psychoanalyst.
  • Wisdom. The Year of the Snake brings leisurely decision-making, forcing you to think long and hard about the pros and cons. Together with observation, it forms the backbone of behavior.
  • Cunning. Deftly avoids all obstacles, using mindfulness to use individuals in his ideas.
  • Determination. The meaning of life is to set a goal (love or mercantile) and go towards it, despite the circumstances. Other areas of life remain out of sight.
  • Grace. At social events, it’s hard not to notice the Snake: the ability to present oneself and look “brand new” is its strong point.

Negative qualities of the sign.

For those born in the year of the Snake, the characteristics also contain negative aspects. The person is cold, secretive, withdrawn, difficult to understand: he hides his true feelings and intentions. It is revealed only to a few, but if this has already happened, then the lucky one understands that the reptile is a reliable comrade.

Negative features:

Prudence. Quality helps in the implementation of plans, but in what way: eliminates competitors, looking for weaknesses, uses prohibited techniques, methodically waits for his enemies to make mistakes.

Greed. He always hoards money, often to the detriment of himself and his family.

Coolness. Having great will, he longs to see it in others. He does not know the feeling of compassion and participation, but he feels a special affection for his relatives and sympathizes with their failures.

Closedness. Upon contact, society characterizes her as an uncommunicative person. In fact, he prefers to keep his thoughts and plans to himself.

Best birth dates, months and times

The most fortunate numbers of the sign are two, eight, nine and numbers containing these numbers (for example, 28 or 29), but the real Snake is said to be born on the first and 23rd of the lunar month. These months are January, August and November. The favorite season is spring, it brings good luck in everything, and the peak of luck occurs in May. Period active actions– from 9 to 11 am.

Most suitable professions

The choice of vocation is based on the main traits - intelligence, pragmatism and leisurelyness. Dislikes areas with increased danger. More often he acts with restraint, without haste, but when the situation requires it, he can quickly deal with important problems and find the right solutions to complex problems.

Snake cunning manifests itself in the work team: gossip and intrigue become a pleasant pastime. In the race for success in personal or financial sector risks losing friends. Those born in the year of the Snake are ready for any prohibited methods when it comes to their career.

A flexible mind provides the opportunity to integrate into any field. The work in philosophy, psychology and psychiatry is particularly successful. Success in astrology, fortune telling, and working as a psychic is possible.

Coolness and discipline help to bear military service, work in law enforcement agencies or play sports. Determination and passion for sports help to achieve recognition in any field.

Thanks to his insight and observation, he is perfect for the role of a leader. By observing the team, they can identify the weaknesses and strengths of each person and click on the necessary “points”. They are natural educators (teachers and trainers).

Love and relationships

People born in the years of the Snake can seduce anyone. Because of laziness, they often leave their partner if they do not feel the same return in love. The snake is very jealous and requires a lot of attention, because the center of the universe is concentrated in it. Neither work nor friends should distract your loved one from her. If the requirements are met, the reptile remains close to the partner, enjoying attention and care.

She is not very faithful, especially to men. Flirting for them is a kind of norm. But there is no need to make a scene, it will offend subtle nature. Having met a person with whom they share common interests, they blossom and begin to wrap themselves around their partner. Despite the love of looking to the side, they are extremely jealous in nature. Those representatives who meet the ideal and create long-term connections will find spiritual harmony.

Children born in the year of the snake

The Snake child has a strong personality. He will not cry and beg his parents, but will sit down and slowly think about the situation. Developed intuition and caution will allow you to come to the optimal solution. The influence of the reptile gives them anger and vindictiveness in preference to calmness and balance.

Children are disciplined, know how to plan their day, know how to approach people using their intelligence and a great sense of humor. With such virtues, they cannot tolerate noisy companies, sharing their company only with loved ones. There are few of them because of mistrust and caution. At first glance they are cold and withdrawn, but caring parents will open and become a great gift.

Baby snakes prefer silence and spend their leisure time behind books or an easel. Meticulous and slow, they love logical tasks. They can easily be entrusted with a responsible task.


Children born in the year of the Snake are susceptible colds. It’s worth watching carefully because they keep all their problems to themselves. The child gets tired quickly and often suffers from headaches. Exercise will be a preventive measure.


When the Year of the Snake begins, a multifaceted personality appears in the family. A sharp mind, logical thinking, and perseverance allow them to express themselves in intellectual activity. They love to read, especially collecting gift copies.

Safety comes first, so children are attached to the house, even setting up their own place in the apartment. They can make excellent designers. They do not like sports, but have good physical fitness.


Smart little snakes easily master school curriculum, the only obstacle is laziness. They are especially successful in the humanities. They amaze literature teachers with their answers in class, and can even write poetry.

Thanks to their responsibility, organizational skills and talent for understanding people, the children of the Snake are chosen as class leaders. Despite intelligence and perseverance, they rarely become excellent students.

Which of the five species of Snake is yours?

IN Chinese horoscope There are not only 12 signs of the Zodiac, but also 5 elements: fire, air, water, earth and metal. A person is influenced not only by the year of his birth, but also by the elements that control the coming year.

People who don’t know for sure are interested in whether they were born in the years of the Snake, which years belong to this reptile. If we start counting from the beginning of the 20th century, then they will be: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1953, 1977, 1989, 2001 and 2013. Let's look at the types of snakes over which various elements rule.

The Wooden Snake goes first (1905, 1965). The patronage of the tree gives a desire to communicate, the ability to properly structure a conversation, achieving one’s goals. Character is characterized by intelligence and vanity, honesty and directness. The creeping creature has plenty of friends and admirers, because with their qualities they evoke a desire in society to communicate. For tree reptiles, early spring with strong gusts of wind is ideal weather. Stone on the outside, inside she has a subtle spiritual organization, values ​​​​peace and comfort.

Fire Snake (1917 and 1977). He quenches his passion by traveling. She directly expresses her opinion to those who do not like her. She knows how to joke, which can bring her victory in this field. Born in the year of the Snake They are active and energetic, have the habits of leaders and well-spoken speech, but at the same time they are distrustful and suspicious. A passionate desire for power accompanies the achievement of a plan.

Comfortable climate – hot summers. An emotional fire reptile should not lose her temper, since her heart is her weak point.

Earth snake (1929, 1989). The most balanced type. The reptile is wise and reasonable, unhurried and calm. More than all other types, he opens up to others and tries to see only the good. This allows you to be faithful and honest with loved ones and friends. Knows how to handle money, saving and increasing it.

They love their home and try to spend more time there. But you can’t constantly leave the reptile at home, otherwise going into depression is inevitable. A comfortable time for this species is the end of summer with prevailing wet weather. A connection with the earth will ensure a harmonious existence, so the earth snake needs to get out into nature more often.

The Metal Snake (1941 and 2001) is a sleepy creature who loves solitude. She is smart, but too vulnerable, nevertheless, the lion's share of ambitions allows her to take a leading position. Feeling the situation well, she takes decisive actions that bring her wealth and comfort. The reptile rarely makes mistakes, but if this happens, it will fight until its last breath.

She is always tense and therefore worries, without showing it, from the lack of emotions that can be experienced by letting go of the situation a little. Dry autumn weather has a beneficial effect on her well-being.

The water Snake (1953, 2013) closes the top five - the most naive and generous of the representatives of the elements. She loves to learn the unknown and agrees to learn throughout her life. At the same time, he has a phenomenal memory and effortlessly processes large amounts of complex information. Such people are ideal for the role of scientists or researchers.

Reflecting the nature of its element, the water Snake easily endures all failures, maintaining composure. Staying true to herself uses everyone for her own purposes.

Compatibility of the Snake with other signs

It is important for those born in the year of the Snake to know which years are best for building a family. Let's look at the prospects for relationships with other animals.

Women are wise and purposeful, they always achieve what they want. But they will not create strong long-term relationships without strong love. If she is lucky to find a sensual partner and a favorite activity, then she can fully realize herself in life. Family will always coexist with a career, otherwise it will wither in household chores.

Due to sexuality and attractiveness, a partner must always pay attention to his chosen one, otherwise she will prefer someone else. She is practical, but always bestows love on her chosen one. The need for personal space does not affect the mutual understanding that makes a long marriage successful.

Common interests will arise in alliance with the Dragon and. Romance and love will become the basis of interaction with or. and are not suitable for a picky creature, the union will take place only with a large age difference. Stable and penetrating connections will be obtained upon contact with, or a representative of your sign.

Balance and calmness are inherent in a man. Golden hands will do any housework, and assertiveness will support passion in all matters. Thanks to rationality logical thinking and slowness, it is easy for the Snake to achieve recognition in business or in the military field.

For a man born in the year of the Snake, some kind of praise for his actions is simply necessary. The wife must channel the irrepressible energy of her Snake husband, otherwise she will evaporate in petty matters.


The snake is wise and persistent. Like other animals of the Zodiac, the reptile is multifaceted: rancor and vindictiveness coexist in it with love for loved ones. Some people consciously choose this sign for the birth of their children. When is the next year of the Snake? If last time it crawled out in 2013, which means the next time we should expect it in 2025.

Year of the Snake

Start Date End Date Related Element Heavenly Branch

02/10/ 1929 01/29/1930 Yin Earth Ji Xi
01/27/ 1941 02/14/1942 Yin Metal Xin Xi
02/14/ 1953 02/02/1954 Yin water Gui Xi
02/02/1965 01/20/1966 Yin Wood Yai Xi
02/18/ 1 977 02/06/1978 Yin Fire Ding Xi
06/02/1989 01/26/1990 Yin Earth Ji Xi
01/24/2001 02/11/2002 Yin Metal Xin Xi
02/10/2013 01/30/2014 Yin water Gui Xi
01/29/2025 02/16/2026 Yin Wood Yai Xi

Business work is a hobby for a snake

People under the Snake sign have favorable luck for career, wealth and interpersonal relationships. However, you should say less and do more to avoid arguments. People under the sign of the Snake are suitable for those professions in which they can fully show their talent. Tasks that are stressful, difficult, meaningless and repetitive should not be for Snakes; such professions should be strictly avoided. In the fields of art, culture, aesthetics and literature they could develop their full abilities. Snake people usually have a strong sixth sense and keen intuition. Thus in the field of religion they can work happily. Additionally, suitable jobs for them include TV presenter, model, athlete, designer and more.

> Year of the Snake

Those people born in the year of the Snake are characterized by innate wisdom, observation and foresight. Such people are quite persistent, persistent, patient, demanding both of themselves and of those around them. Even without taking into account the fact that Snakes are greedy, vain and love themselves very much, they are also characterized by the ability to sympathize with their not very successful comrades.

The Snake has the confidence that it is destined for a greater purpose. She believes that she can conquer this goal. In order not to be distracted by petty matters, she strives to devote herself entirely to just one cause, one person or one belief. As a result, the Snake devotes itself only to what it has an inclination to, i.e. oh what is destined for her.

Most Snakes are distinguished by the presence of a sixth sense. Often they can prophesy events that will happen in the future, upcoming or in the distant future. The snake has the ability to “be in the shoes” of another person, his interlocutor, and predict all his aspirations and impulses.

The snake always exercises caution and prudence. She moves towards her life's goal at a slow pace and with a certain sequence, because I am sure that as a result he will achieve it. They cannot be seen on the open trail. Snakes are always on the sidelines, which is what defines them strong qualities, as in the fact that at first their abilities are downplayed. Snakes do not tend to trust other people. They tend to rely on their intuition and their own intelligence. They have developed deep thinking, they solve cases in a long and deliberate manner, adhering to thoroughness. The Snake is a true intellectual, a philosopher, prone to foresight. Having made mistakes that cannot be avoided, Snakes take them very intensely and seriously. However, the Snake is never in a state of despair.

Snakes have the ability to adapt to people and events. They try to get around people if necessary, or they may turn off an overly bright street in order to avoid being noticed. Snakes are not characterized by haste, coercion or violence. They just store and share own strength, renew them in a timely manner, and do not waste money on trifles. They tend to take care not to become the envy of others and not to acquire unnecessary enemies. However, when the Snakes show hostile interest or uncompromisingness, then they begin to create a plan for liberation from the enemy or come up with ways to neutralize his actions. The worst option is to develop a devastating plan.

The most the best way Snake's learning is perception and impression with early age. If the Snake child suspects that he is being treated incorrectly and unfairly, he will hide his anger, which is very difficult to get rid of. They always demand to be cheered up when they are offended, to be pitied when they have the blues. At the same time, it is imperative to find out the reasons for what happened and ways to overcome these circumstances.

Quite early on, Snakes show their penchant for primacy, prosperity, and some even show a passion for adventure. In childhood and adolescence, almost all Snakes have a certain attractiveness and charm, which is very difficult to resist. And in adulthood, Snakes begin to show a cold, sober mind, firmness and tempered character.

In love relationships, the Snake is very jealous. She chooses a partner for a long time and scrupulously. But, in any situation, the Snake will wrap itself around its betrothed, not giving him the least bit of freedom in action. Most vulnerable place The serpent is the family and the hearth. Snakes can have many children or not have any at all. One thing is clear - the Snake will always keep a tight rein on its chosen one in a love relationship, in marriage or in a common matter.

Snakes who love to socialize are very sociable and sexy. Such a Snake has great power over relatives. A snake that keeps to itself is very shy and timid. The most comfortable place for her it is her home, her hiding place. This is the place where she feels safe. It is very difficult for such a Snake to form close friendships. However, if they start, she will carry them throughout her life, until death. The Snake has high demands on friends. She has strong attachment to them.

Snakes have excellent organizational skills and are not afraid of responsibility during difficult periods. The snake has keen eye, they are visionary. However, their pride prevents them from seeing reality. Snakes do not see their mistakes and do not admit them.

The first two thirds of the Snake's life pass in a mode of relative calm. More attention should be paid to the last third. During this period, there is a possibility of various complications arising at work, at home, and in the family. The happiest will be Snakes who were born on a hot day, as they cannot tolerate cold and bad weather. If there was a storm on their birthday or natural disasters, then the Snake is in danger of danger for the rest of its life.

Compatibility of the Snake with other signs

Snake and Rat

This alliance is quite problematic, not taking into account the presence of common interests. The Rat has the ability to become attached to the Snake, which puts itself at risk. There are contradictions that can be smoothed out in the sexual sphere. They can form wonderful friendships. However, in most cases, they are connected by simple chatter, intrigue, and gossip. The development of business relations is influenced by the activity and level of efficiency of both partners and common interests.

Snake and Ox

This union has prospects, especially if family and life interests coincide. If they create a family and the Bull has power, then “the wolves will be satisfied, and the sheep will remain whole.” In this case, the Snake will feel happy because it has the opportunity to work calmly and conduct its business. Friendly relations are possible between them if they understand each other well, although they have different natures. They have no prospects in business relations. Don't even start them.

Snake and Tiger

In this case, marriage should be avoided. This will cause complete and hopeless misunderstanding between them. The Tiger simply does not perceive the wisdom of the Snake. An unlikely friendship between a snake and a tiger. They are unable to hear each other. There is no point in developing business relationships, since there is no understanding and agreement between them.

Snake and Rabbit

There is a possibility of creating a great marriage. They have a strong attraction to each other from the first sight, the first meeting. In order to avoid the transformation of such spontaneous sympathy into antipathy, they need to keep their feelings and emotions under control. Friendships can be strong and lasting. Both the Snake and the Rabbit love to have passionate conversations, mostly philosophical ones. They need to avoid cunning and unnecessary flattery. In business relations, they will prosper if both cooperate on the basis of good faith and maintain a common income.

Snake and Dragon

This union is full of problems. It is very difficult for the Dragon to be under control, in the shackles of the Snake. The Dragon loves to be looked after and adored, but the Snake does not have time for this, it must work. Friendship between these signs is possible. There is an excellent understanding between them. They complement each other without requiring anything special. Can develop and business relations if both work.

Snake and Snake

The union is complex, since there are two extremes - either heady, faithful love, or open hatred, which grows over time. There is a possibility of problems arising, since both strive to flirt, have a penchant for adventure in love, and constantly try to neutralize each other. Friendships can be long-lasting and strong. There is a meeting between two philosophers, between whom there is an understanding. The development of a business relationship is not very possible, since both are lovers of meditation, reflection, planning, and not work. Such an attitude can negatively affect their common business, or even lead to its collapse.

Snake and Horse

Such a tandem is very doubtful, since the Horse remains faithful until the moment it is in a state of love. And if love passes, then the Horse prefers to leave... And the Snake is in the area love relationship and marriage is the same. They can form strong friendships. The Horse shows sympathy for the Snake’s sociability, agility and satisfaction with everything. And if the Horse gets angry or shows whims, then the Snake simply ignores them. Business relationships can begin, and they will be productive if the Horse realizes the Snake’s ideas and thoughts.

Snake and Goat

Union is possible under certain conditions: The Snake must be rich, or at least prosperous. And even this will not allow you to avoid various incidents. Friendship is possible if the Snake helps the Goat. Business relationships will be problematic, but possible. The snake is wise, but it does not know how to lead, only to give plans and ideas. And the Goat is capable of doing stupid things.

Snake and Monkey

This kind of marriage is problematic. Only prudence and common interests in life will help. They can only be friends in the sphere of secular relations, since there is no warmth and sincerity between them. Business relationships will also be problematic, mainly on the part of the Snake. Everything can work out if the Monkey gets to work. And the Snake can always give ideas and plans.

Snake and Rooster

An excellent union with perspective. There is excellent mutual understanding, a desire for a common goal. The basis of their friendship is a wealth of feelings and the need to be together. Business relationships are questionable, as there is a lot of unnecessary talk.

Snake and Dog

It will be quite problematic family life in such a union, since it is difficult to get along with a Dog. Prospects in friendly relations no either. There is no sincerity, therefore only secular relationships are possible. Business relationships are possible, but the Dog is not attracted to them, because only “menial” work will fall on its shoulders.