Plastic surgery and Photoshop: bloggers declassified Internet stars. Marina Mayer - photos of a socialite after plastic surgery Marina Mayer personal life

Marina Mayer is a popular Instagram model. A luxurious lifestyle and beautiful expensive clothes are what arouse the interest of hundreds of thousands of Marina’s subscribers. The girl has undergone several plastic surgeries. Comparing photos before and after plastic surgery, you can see how much work was done to change the appearance. The result is excellent, Marina looks like a real star and is an example to follow. A beautiful and well-groomed girl on her Instagram channel shares her recipes for a luxurious appearance with subscribers. And what changes exactly has Marina Mayer’s appearance undergone?


Marina was born on January 3, 1984. Some sources write that Marina’s year of birth is 1988, but this information is incorrect. Marina was born and raised in the city of Rostov-on-Don, the girl has a brother. Taking care of your own body has been a favorite pastime since my youth. She always loved visiting solariums and never missed the opportunity to visit a noisy disco or party. There is no more information about the girl on the Internet; all other information is hidden.

Participation in DOM2, career as an Instagram model

Marina gained her first popularity by taking part in the television project “Dom-2”. The girl came to the TV project with the last name Shchetinina (this is her real last name). But a real wave of popularity hit her after she got married. Her first husband was restaurateur Dmitry Nechaev. Marina's husband gave her full, unlimited access to his money. Her popularity on Instagram began to grow exponentially. Her subscribers read with great pleasure her microblog, in which she gives advice on communicating with doctors and how to bring your appearance to perfection. She especially emphasizes her recommendations for those who are only planning to contact plastic surgeons. Subscribers watch her luxurious life with interest, and Marina, in turn, actively demonstrates it. Her account is constantly updated with new photos. On them, Marina does not hesitate to show branded clothing, cosmetics, luxury cars, lunches and dinners in the most prestigious restaurants in Moscow.

Personal life

Marina Mayer’s first marriage took place with the owner of a restaurant chain and co-owner of the Nechaev Group of companies, Dmitry Nechaev, in 2013. Dmitry has four children, Marina became their stepmother. She also tried to help her husband in business. But two years later, their marriage cracked, as they say in the press, due to Nechaev’s infidelities, and they divorced. A year after this, Marina’s fans learned that she was building a relationship with a Moscow businessman of Chechen origin, Dzhabrail. It is unknown in what area the young man is building his business; there is only information that he received his education in America, and that one of his main hobbies is exclusive expensive cars. After the news about the girl’s new relationship spread online, fans learned another piece of news - in the summer of 2016, Marina gave birth to a son. She named the baby Adam. Marina’s fans were never able to find out who the baby’s father is.

Appearance correction

Most of all, Marina Mayer’s subscribers were surprised by the photographs of the girl before the wedding. In the photo you can see a fiery brunette with stunning eyes, but this is far from the image that fans see on Instagram now. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether the girl’s appearance was corrected was beyond doubt. Before Marina resorted to the services of plastic surgeons, she was a thin, attractive girl, but her lips were not so plump, her waist was not so aspen, her cheekbones were not so pronounced, her nose was not so thin. In old photographs it is difficult to discern the current socialite. After the wedding, the girl actively began improving her appearance.

She began to actively engage in sports, after which her silhouette became more toned and she grew her hair long. Her wardrobe has become simpler, but at the same time more sophisticated. Having gained access to her husband’s money, the girl actively began to remake what nature had given her. Marina turned to the best surgeons in Moscow, she got rid of the imperfections of her nose, had a breast augmentation, achieved a snow-white Hollywood smile with the help of dental veneers, and pumped Botox into her lips and cheekbones. Almost every part of her body has been adjusted. With her new appearance, Marina began to often participate in commercial filming, attend social events, and her army of fans increased hundreds of times.

Marina Aleksandrovna Shchetinina, was born in January, eighty-four. Zodiac sign: Capricorn. Mayer, this is Marina's pseudonym. Occupation: model, blogger, socialite.
Little is known about her life before her popularity on Instagram. Personal life is closed behind seven seals.

The girl's life changed a lot after marriage. Her chosen one was Dmitry Nechaev, co-owner of a large restaurant business. Marina got money, with the help of which she began to actively change her appearance.

A small part of Marina’s biography in numbers:

August 2012. The girl registers her blog on the social network Instagram, the popularity of which is growing every day;
July 2013. Marina marries D. Nechaev, but already in 2015 the couple divorces due to her husband’s infidelity;
2016 Pictures of Marina’s new boyfriend, a businessman from Chechnya, Dzhabrail, appear on the Internet. In June of the same year, son Adam is born. The girl keeps it a secret who the father of the child is.

Life before plastic surgery

Photos of Marina before the wedding that leaked online shocked her fans. A brunette with beautiful eyes looked out from the photographs, but in this girl it was difficult to recognize a famous socialite.

Fans quickly concluded that the girl’s beautiful, graceful appearance was a great merit of plastic surgeons.
Before plastic surgery, she was a small, thin and graceful girl who did not have voluminous lips, a thin waist, clearly defined cheekbones and a graceful nose.

After the wedding, Marina began to take care of herself: she began to visit gyms, where she got a chiseled silhouette, got hair extensions, and changed her clothing style to a simpler, but at the same time sophisticated one.

After plastic surgery

However, in order to look harmonious and meet the standards of female beauty, she began to radically change her life.
Marina’s husband did not interfere with her desire for the ideals of beauty, but rather supported and sponsored this desire. First, the socialite had rhinoplasty and her large, slightly rough nose was transformed into a thin, graceful nose, with a diligent back and a small tip.

The girl constantly pumps up her lips with injections. After plastic surgery, Marina received aristocratic cheekbones, which she emphasizes with the right makeup. She has already become a professional in the field of plastic surgery and is happy to give consultations and advice on her Internet pages to everyone in need.

Rhinoplasty was followed by breast augmentation surgery. Marina does not advise girls with small breasts to immediately get large implants. Everything in the body should be harmonious, like hers: ample breasts and a thin waist, with perfectly chiseled hips.

Her new perfect figure allowed her to become a successful fashion model and opened the doors to numerous social parties. Her photographs on the Internet attract millions of fans.

On her social media pages you can see many pictures of her rich life. There are beautiful outfits from leading couturiers, jewelry made in a single copy, expensive cars and much more interesting things. On her pages you can chat with the diva and even get advice from her.


In order to become a famous and recognizable person, this girl did not work as a singer or act in films or TV series. Thus, Marina Mayer managed to become recognizable and quite popular on Instagram.

Thanks to his external data, he has a very beautiful appearance, which attracts a large number of subscribers.

Childhood and school years

Several years ago, having heard about this brunette, many were interested in the answer to the question: “Marina Mayer, who is she and what type of creative activity is known?” But today many already recognize this beauty, who became a model on one of the social networks.

The girl was born in 1984, namely on January 3. In the biographical data you can find other information about her year of birth - 1988, but this data is completely incorrect.

The baby in the Shchetinin family was not the only child. As they say about Marina Mayer in her biography, she has a younger brother. The girl spent her childhood in Rostov-on-Don.

This spectacular brunette carefully hides the details of her childhood and youth.

All that the media managed to find out about her was the information that Marina has been very careful about her body and appearance from the very beginning. She did not miss any parties, noisy parties in a nightclub and also often visits solariums and beauty salons.

Beginning of popularity

The first stage of this socialite’s popularity was her participation in a scandalous show. Marina Mayer participated in “House – 2” under her real name, which was Shchetinina.

Soon the girl married the famous businessman Dmitry Nechaev, who was a famous restaurateur.

When she was able to freely manage all of her husband’s finances, it was then that she began to actively work on changing her appearance.

Having great opportunities, the brunette began to change everything that she did not like about her own appearance. The best plastic surgeons from all over the world performed her operations. And she was able to achieve her goal.

First, the participant in the scandalous show changed the imperfections of her nose, then she enlarged her breasts and installed veneers on her teeth, with the help of which she acquired a real snow-white Hollywood smile.

There is also information that Mayer slightly corrected her cheekbones and lips using Botox. Thus, she was transformed beyond recognition.

In August 2012, the girl registered on the social network Instagram. She starts her own blog, which becomes very popular in a fairly short time.

Here a woman helps the fair sex choose the right plastic surgery technique. So, Marina recommends the following actions to her subscribers:

  1. Girls with small breast sizes do not need to get implants of large shapes at once, because then the breasts will seem unnatural, and large shapes will stand out very much against the background of an elegant body.
  2. The appearance of each girl should be harmoniously combined. Thus, the ideal shape is considered to be large breasts with a thin waist. The hips should match the shape of the bust, so they should also be a little curvy.
  3. In order for a girl to not sweat and spend a long time in the fresh air in the summer, you just need to treat your muscles with Botox.

She often describes medications that need to be used to maintain a beautiful appearance. The girl also often advises how to change things in your appearance that a woman doesn’t like.

Thanks to this activity, the spectacular brunette blogger became widely known to many people. So, in a search engine, when you enter the question: “Who is Marina Mayer and what is she known for,” you can find the answer that this girl is an “Instagram Star.”

Subscribers love to watch videos with a socialite and ask her questions, which the woman answers.

She often uploads photos from her vacation here, where it is noticeable that the girl is dressed in expensive, trendy things. Marina loves to show her fans her “rich life.”

Many people admire the lifestyle that the girl lives. And she continues to maintain her blog, thanks to which the woman gained such enormous popularity.

Girl's personal life

The socialite married a famous restaurant owner in 2013. But their marriage did not last long. Marina Mayer and her husband lived together for only two years.

Before marrying the beauty, Dmitry Nechaev was already married and had four children. So, his wife became a stepmother for these kids.

During their life together, Marina helped her husband in business. It was at this time that the woman’s fans could admire the photographs that Mayer added to her pages on social networks.

Many admired how this sizzling brunette dined at expensive restaurants and wore things from famous brands. Often such images could be seen both on Marina Mayer VK and on other social networks.

But, nevertheless, in 2015 their marriage broke up. But the woman did not grieve for a long time. And a year later, information appeared in the media that the beauty was dating a famous Russian businessman of Chechen origin.

What exactly this person does is unknown. There is only information that he studied in the USA. And in 2016, fans of this blogger learned another interesting news about her - the woman became the mother of a boy whom she named Adam.

Girl now

Now the beauty owns a branded clothing store in the very center of Moscow. One businessman, whose name the woman does not name, helps her to do this business.

And in 2018, Marina Mayer became a participant in a program on the STS channel called “Supermoms.” In this show, mothers compete for the title of best, according to the psychologist of this project.

The morning of these girls has long begun not with breakfast, but with the click of a mobile phone camera. All their lives, seductive beauties have been accustomed to flaunting themselves, demonstrating where they vacationed, how many flowers they received, and what outfit they wore to dinner. Thanks to both natural and significantly enhanced spectacular appearance, these young ladies not only arranged their personal lives, but also gained hundreds of thousands of fans on social networks.

Olesya Malinskaya, 25 years old (376,000 subscribers)

Olesya Sidorchik came to Moscow from provincial Volgodonsk in 2006 and almost immediately found her happiness in the person of a young lawyer Anton Malinsky. However, this union did not last long. Retaining her husband’s sonorous surname, the girl chose a modeling career over the family nest. It was then that the lifestyle of this fiery brunette began to be discussed in online communities. Malinskaya's seductive forms and bright facial features did not leave even the most indifferent users indifferent. Photos from the most expensive clubs in the capital and world resorts, with which Olesya generously filled her accounts, also aroused great interest. Girls from all over the country with VKontakte pages tried to imitate her and routinely wrapped black-dyed strands into curls. However, Malinskaya has enough ill-wishers, whom the girl herself calls envious. Despite the fact that Olesya freely shared her experience of breast and lip enlargement with her fans, the social network star was constantly being credited with more and more plastic surgeries. Tired of defending herself from attacks and slander, the former model concentrated on creating her own clothing collection, which she has been successful in for the past two years.

Alena Shishkova, 21 years old (1,300,000 subscribers)

The door to making a dream come true for the pretty blonde from Tyumen was opened by the Miss Russia competition, where in 2012 Alena won the title of Vice-Miss Russia. It was there, during the qualifying rounds, that Shishkova was noticed by the director of a metropolitan modeling agency and later entered into a contract with her. The ideal facial features of the owner of the prestigious title quickly fell to the taste of regulars on social networks, who quite predictably were divided into two camps - those who consider Alena’s beauty to be natural and their opponents. Finally, Shishkova’s place in the top glamor chronicles was secured by her meeting with “Mr. Black Star” rapper Timati. Despite the fact that the singer never fell on one knee in front of his beloved, in March 2014 Alena gave birth to her lover’s first child, daughter Alice.

Svetlana Bilyalova, 22 years old (1,400,000 subscribers)

Thanks to her spectacular appearance, the girl made a career as a model. Svetlana posted her photographs online with enviable regularity and, skimping on castings, received enviable offers from glossy publications. "It seemed to me before that I would hardly ever become a model in my life. I thought this profession was for tall people,” the curvy girl said about herself. The beauty's plans include filming on central channels and a full-length audition.

Marina Mayer, 26 years old (196,000 subscribers)

The success story of the Rostovite Mayer on social networks is not much different from the previous three girls, with the exception of one point. First, Marina met the man of her dreams - the owner of the Assorti restaurant chain, Dmitry Nechaev, and he, in turn, did everything to make his beloved even more beautiful and attractive. Breast and lip augmentation, installation of dental veneers and several hundred photographs from different parts of the world, restaurants and dozens of luxurious bouquets seriously cemented the girls' interest in Mayer. A year ago, Marina finally received a long-awaited marriage proposal from Dmitry. The girl’s consent brought her not only the status of a happy wife, but also the newly-made stepmother of Nechaev’s four children from a previous marriage.

Marina Mayer - who is she? What do we know about her? And we know the most interesting thing. Marina Mayer became famous thanks to the popular Instagram network.

Marina Mayer

On Instagram, Marina Mayer won 1 million subscribers. On her page, she demonstrates a luxurious life, publishing photos from expensive resorts, restaurants and with expensive cars in the background. Naturally, the girl does not forget about her beloved, showing her beautiful body in all its glory.

Few people know that Mayer owes her beautiful appearance to plastic surgeons and numerous operations.

Marina Mayer before plastic surgery

We have several photos at our disposal showing Marina Mayer before plastic surgery. Of course, before plastic surgery, Marina Mayer had beautiful facial features, but not ideal as they are now.

Marina Mayer before and after plastic surgery

Marina Mayer was married to Russian businessman Dmitry Nechaev, but the marriage quickly broke up due to the entrepreneur’s numerous infidelities. After her divorce from Dmitry, Mayer did not grieve for a long time and got married again. This time, the husband of Marina Mayer was a native of Chechnya, businessman Dzhabrail.

Marina's appearance began to change when she married Chechen businessman Dzhabrail, who spared no expense in improving the beauty of his betrothed.

If you look at the photo of Marina Mayer before and after plastic surgery, you can see how much her husband had to invest in Marina’s beauty.

Before plastic surgery, Marina Mayer looked like an ordinary girl, but after, her facial features became more pronounced, there was rhinoplasty, skin tightening and breast augmentation.

Figure of Marina Mayer

In the photo of Marina Mayer, where she is posing in a swimsuit, her breasts are visible, or rather almost invisible. But after the magical procedures, Mayer’s breasts became lush, toned and elastic.

Thanks to plastic surgery, Marina Mayer is now a real star, she appears in advertising campaigns, participates in various events, where she shows herself in all her glory.

Now we have revealed to you the secret of the popularity of the Russian beauty on the social network Instagram.

Marina Mayer after plastic surgery