Alexander Shpak without panties. Freak bodybuilder shpak before and after plastic surgery

The shocking figure of Sasha Shpak makes a splash even in the well-worn 21st century. The man’s non-standard image sets him apart from others from the first seconds. Most of the body is covered with colorful tattoos, except on the face, palms, hands and feet.

The design of tattoos is mystical, even demonic in nature, referring to the times of the Vikings, demons and genies. The area of ​​the nipples on Alexander’s body also underwent changes; with the help of paint of the same tone, they turned into oblong and almond-shaped.

Alexander Shpak - biography

Shpak’s appearance also deserves a special mention. After a series of plastic surgeries, the hero’s cheekbones became high and noticeable, his nose became the correct elongated shape, and his lips became pouty to the limit. Lips make up ¼ of the face. Shpak wears his hair in a permanent high ponytail at the back of his head; Alexander is naturally blonde. The tail is always crowned with a bright thick elastic band of red tones.

The mandatory manicure in the same red tones completes the look.

Alexander Shpak before surgery

This is what Alexander Shpak looked like before surgery

When such freaks appear on the horizon, as such people are usually called, the first thought of those around them, after the shock has passed, is what prompted them to change their appearance so radically and undergo a series of operations.

Let's start with birth, the hero's mother is a teacher, and his father, a military man, is to whom Alexander owes his excellent physical characteristics.

Sasha grew up as a boy no different from other children, except that as he grew older he looked somewhat larger than his peers. His love for sports exercises helped him in this.

After graduating from school, Sasha managed to receive two higher educations. This fact of his biography is perhaps the most surprising for people who are in a state of shock from meeting him. Thus, Alexander acquired the specialty of a financial manager and securities specialist.

Over time, the man realized that he dreams of a bright appearance that will shock those he meets.

Let us note that Sasha had something to be proud of even before his first operations. The love for sports did the trick: the developed abs and large physique did not go unnoticed. Spectacular abs on his stomach added to the man's glamor.

According to Sasha, he was upset by his appearance, which he considered faded: blond hair and “Ryazan” facial features made him look like a village guy.

Alexander Shpak: tattoos, plastic surgery

Sasha got his initial tattoo as a teenager, and year after year he completed the picture until he filled 90% of his body with the design. Alexander’s budget suffered five million rubles, that’s how much the tattoos alone cost him.

The freak's body underwent fifteen plastic surgeries; Alexander also had silicone implants in the chest and buttocks. However, the man considered this to be too much and soon got rid of the artificial overlays.

A separate budget item was made up of vampire fangs on the teeth.

In addition, Sasha is a regular at salons, where she regularly renews her eyebrow tattoo, does her hair, and orders bright makeup with an emphasis on her lips and eyes.

According to the freak, the purpose of the reincarnation was to get rid of fake friends and those people who evaluate a person only by his appearance.

Alexander Shpak: profession

Sasha is a popular bodybuilder, professionally engaged in shaping the muscles and body contours he needs.

He is in demand as a trainer and has a significant clientele among people who want to properly shape their body.

In addition to bodybuilding, Sasha manages to maintain a blog and a YouTube channel, and his Instagram page is also popular.

Almost every day, Shpak posts stories calling for sports and demonstrating simple and accessible exercises.

Alexander is a sought-after guest on various programs and talk shows. Such programs are popular; the turning point is interesting when, after shocking with his image, Alexander amazes with his erudition, correct speech and ability to easily carry on any conversation. Sasha's friends speak of him as a sympathetic and kind person.

There was also a negative moment in Shpak’s career when he was given a suspended sentence for distributing anabolic steroids.

Alexander Shpak: personal life, wife

Alexander is very popular among beautiful ladies. Freak is characterized not only by love, but also by a serious attitude towards the chosen one. So, Shpak was married five times.

Each of his weddings was a bright show, to which the groom appeared only in a thong, with the exception of the fifth wedding, where he wore a translucent white cotton suit.

Shpak's real wife is Irina Meshchanskaya, better known as Masya. According to the couple, they see eye to eye on everything, complementing each other.

Masya has a slender model figure with an outstanding bust of the fourth size and long blond hair.

It is interesting that the couple does not think about an heir, believing that it is necessary to live for themselves. The family does not plan to have children in the future.

Alexander Shpak Instagram

Shpak's fans follow the hero's life through Instagram. On the popular network, Shpak uploads a new video every day; the culinary direction that he and Masya lead is especially popular.

In addition to preparing dishes, Shpak also publishes instructions for physical exercises, according to which his followers shape their physique in the image of their idol.

Today Shpak has more than a million subscribers.

Shpak's Instagram:

Alexander Shpak in contact

If you are interested in Shpak’s official VKontakte page, here it is:

Alexander Shpak's body is almost entirely covered with piercings and tattoos. He went under the plastic surgeon’s knife more than once and had implants inserted into his buttocks and chest. He grew fangs and became like a vampire. It was his shocking appearance that allowed Shpak to become an Instagram star, although the hero himself has repeatedly stated that he prefers that the audience evaluate not his appearance, but his rich and complex inner world.


Alexander Shpak was born in 1979 in the city on the Neva. Some believe that his behavior is directly related to childhood trauma. The bodybuilder claims that until a certain time he did not think about the peculiarities of his childhood upbringing. He was a very ordinary child, although he did not think like his peers. His parents are a military man and a teacher. The peculiarities of the profession did not allow the father to take an active part in raising his son. The boy grew up under the supervision of his grandmother and mother.

The military family changed their place of residence more than once. Alexander and his parents lived in the North for a long time. Alexander went to school at the age of five, and already at the age of 15 he became a university student. Alexander was successful at school and university. Literature, chemistry and biology were especially easy for him.

The bodybuilder chose the University of Economics in St. Petersburg as the place to receive his higher education. He has two higher education degrees under his belt. He is a specialist in financial management and securities. At an early age, Shpak became addicted to sports. His father managed to instill in Alexander a passion for physical activity. From the age of 12, the boy attended the gym. Shpak began actively building his body in 2002.

Later, Shpak developed a love for tattoos. The cost of all the drawings on his heroic body is estimated at several million rubles. But Alexander did not stop there. He began to strive to transform his appearance and as a result found himself on the plastic surgeon's table. According to the bodybuilder himself, he began to experiment on his body in order to weed out people who value only appearance. The abundance of friends and admirers allowed him to undergo a total of 15 operations, many of which did not cost him a penny.

Shpak decided to connect his life with coaching, fitness and sports. Alexander works in the gym, developing training plans and nutrition regimens for those who intend to get their body in shape. He owns his own sporting goods store, which once found itself at the center of a scandal: Shpak was found to be in possession of steroids, for the illegal distribution of which he received a suspended sentence.

Shpak on the Internet

For some time now, Shpak has been publishing his photos online. His photographs spread all over the world and became the subject of active discussion in the blogosphere. This only added to the bodybuilder’s popularity. Of particular interest were the photographs from Alexander’s extravagant wedding, which took place in 2010. Alexander felt the taste of fame and popularity. He tries his best to maintain his reputation as a shocking personality. His YouTube channel is popular due to the attention of those who are looking for advice from an experienced trainer. Shpak shares short videos with his Instagram subscribers almost every day.

Personal life

Shpak’s unusual appearance and figure ensured Shpak’s popularity among the better half of humanity. He was married six times. The bodybuilder had his first wedding in 2010. However, Shpak hardly talks about his many lovers. This side of his life is shrouded in darkness. Alexander himself admitted that for now, creating a full-fledged family and children are not part of his plans.

In 2017, his wife was Irina Meshchanskaya, whom Alexander affectionately calls Masya. Together they promote the image of a freak on the Internet and fly on vacation outside of Russia. Together with his wife, Shpak records funny stories from training and answers numerous questions from subscribers. On the air of the “Let Them Talk” program, Irina admitted that she was not going to share her husband with anyone, even with children. She explained their absence from the family with her selfishness.

Alexander still lives in St. Petersburg, but he has been seen more than once in Kyiv and Moscow. A bodybuilder continues to work in sports, training people. From time to time, his peculiar appearance can be seen on television and on the Internet.

Alexander Granatovich Shpak is a freak personality who waited for his time. He calls himself a bodybuilder, but in pursuit of outrageousness he has long lost touch with the real world. Looking at him, people “wring their necks.” The cultured ones grin, and those who are simpler cannot refrain from making sarcastic comments. So, what is this internet star all about?

Biography of Sasha Shpak

Alex's life path is known only from the words of the man himself. According to information, he was born 37 years ago in St. Petersburg in a very ordinary family. The date of birth is symbolic, because it is April Fool's Day - April 1st. His father was an ordinary engineer, and his mother worked as a foreign language teacher all her life. Sasha (according to the freak himself) received two higher educations, worked as a security guard and bodyguard. The big fellow was already painfully lamenting that with an ordinary face he could only have a career as a “bouncer” and nothing more. With the realization of my insignificance came the desire to stand out from the crowd. And since he couldn’t stand out with his brains (despite a couple of dubious “towers”), he decided to completely reshape his body.

Full facial plastic surgery

Looking at the photographs showing Alexander Shpak before and after facial surgery, you are amazed at how distorted a person’s idea of ​​beauty can be. At some points he began to resemble the famous man with a cat's face.

  • Frontoplasty. So that the reader can imagine the level of horror, we note: Sasha underwent frontoplasty. This means that they cut his face along the hairline from ear to ear, and then corrected the shape of his forehead and brow ridges by placing special plates. In some places on the forehead, bone bridges were removed to level the surface. After the operation, Alexander Shpak received a more defined face, but it’s hard to call him beautiful.

  • Blepharoplasty. Standing out in the long list of his interventions is eye surgery. It is this organ that the bodybuilder places special emphasis on. After frontal surgery, excess skin was removed from the eyelids, but the man decided to lift their outer corners “a la catwoman.” Let us note that less than five years have passed since such a painful operation, but folds of skin have already treacherously floated onto his thickly made-up eyes.

  • Rhinoplasty. By nature, Sasha had a magnificent masculine nose, but the peculiarities of his taste became a driving factor on the path of self-improvement. Alexander Shpak after plastic surgery changed only in the direction of “effeminacy”. The disgustingly elongated nose eventually turns into an ugly vulture beak. The nostrils are asymmetrical, flattened and do not flatter their owner in any way.

  • Change in cheekbones. Before plastic surgery, Alexander Shpak looked like a confident, quite attractive man. Cheekbone plastic surgery initially turned out to be a failure. Implants introduced into this area began to emphasize his “unisex” image. Sharp cheekbones look out of place against the backdrop of a constantly flabby face.

  • Lip augmentation. Photos showing Alexander Shpak before and after plastic surgery raise only one question: what moral trauma prompted the previously handsome guy to disfigure himself in such a way? There seems to be a shelf above his upper lip (from injections, presumably), a strange asymmetry and impaired facial expressions. The whistle, swollen from fillers, became the cause of the burr that the unfortunate jock has. The man is not shy about the overgrown dumplings; on the contrary, he is proud of the weighty, fleshy dumplings.

  • Botox injections. In every new video presented by the channel of the miracle trainer-cook, the depressing condition of his skin is noticeable. The bubbling face, which is “decorated” by scars from plastic surgery, every now and then spews out from its depths advice on a healthy lifestyle. It sounds strange, because according to the videos that Shurik and his wife produce and post on their Instagram and YouTube channel, the couple loves to drink a lot and eat mayonnaise. The question remains, where do the strange potholes and swelling on the freak’s strange face come from?

The man spent (from no one knows where it came from) 1 million rubles on plastic surgery on his face alone.

Body plastic surgery of Alexander Shpak

The body of the so-called jock deserves special attention. The modifications are so obvious that they just catch your eye. And Shurik has nothing to hide. He loves to walk around in pink bikinis, sticking his butt in the faces of others.

  • "The mistake of youth." This is what Alexander mysteriously calls breast augmentation surgery. Initially, sagging breasts were attributed to a side effect (gynecomastia) from a “lifelong course” of steroids, which the trainer practically fed on.

Early photos of Alexander Shpak leave viewers in a stupor. Hypertrophied “cans”, complete with a woman’s bust of almost the third size, look very lonely and ridiculous. With age, Shura removed the sewn-in breasts, which pleasantly surprised his few fans. There were obscene scars left, as if Shurik had been butchered like a laboratory toad.

  • Liposuction. Age and lifestyle factors affect the tired appearance of the YouTube star. Apparently, in the gym, the great swollen athlete is gaining “mayonnaise” mass. In 2007, the first pumping of fat from a man’s heavy body was carried out. Before the operation, Alexander Shpak positioned himself as a talented trainer, but he did not even try to lose weight on his own.

Pumping out the fat emptied Sasha's abdomen and sides, but over time the fat again filled his body. Paired folds hang at the fat builder’s waist, but this fact does not prevent him from selling his help in building an athletic body for 40,000 rubles.

  • Gluteoplasty. Most often Alexander can be seen from this back side. Body modifications have reached her too. The size of the ass was immediately doubled. Challenge? Hardly... There is an opinion that a huge butt is a means of attracting men.

It is still not clear whether Shpak is bisexual, but Brazilian buttocks protruding from under pink women’s panties, tight outfits and vile sucking of fingers on camera suggests certain thoughts.

  • Another sensational news was the information that Alexander Shpak had his eggs removed. Indeed, the genital organ of a veteran of the freak movement is so modest that it cannot but cause jokes and questions about its location. Shpak himself, on his Instagram, began to justify himself to the camera that his organ had not disappeared anywhere, and that he himself was not gay. According to him, the reason for the disappearance of the genital organ is that Sasha “carries” it, holding it between his legs. Whether this is true or not, he invites everyone to check, but he does this very reluctantly.

Alexander Shpak’s body modifications made him a mixture of Volochkova, Turchinsky and Azis with the song “Mrazish”. And many people notice the striking similarities between him and.

Touches to the portrait of a false athlete

  • Brows. Like a real fashionista, Shpak jealously monitors her eyebrows. Initially, the hairs were thick black, because the man used permanent makeup to save time. Over the years, “Marfushi”’s eyebrows were completely bleached using a laser. Now the man's face looks more than disgusting.
  • The panda's eyes have become the calling card of the flabby athlete. Initially, you might think that this is simple makeup, but the black circles are tattoos. Smeared on the eyelids, with an oily sheen and redness, tattooed eyelids have become every stylist’s worst nightmare. The coal-black eyes of the miner accompanied Alexander after his shift even on his wedding day.

  • Lips. Lipstick has become an integral part of a man's makeup bag. Ombre style in red and black version, berry shades and gloss are generously smeared on the lips of the would-be athlete.
  • Manicure. The special mass that Sasha Shpak applies to her nails allows her to forget about manicure for a month. He loves rich colors, competing in color schemes with many women.
  • Underpants. He is often called a hermaphrodite, because his pink underpants leave no room for flight of fancy. Looking at the photo of a man in swimming trunks, his complexes and desires for universal enlargement become clear. Enemies slander that the wife of Alexander Shpak has much more content in her swimming trunks.

  • Hairstyle. “Vegetable saleswoman” - this is exactly the association that arises when you look at a thin, bleached ponytail. Multi-colored elastic bands make him look like an overgrown girl from the dashing 90s.

  • Tattoo. Almost 2/3 of Alexander’s body is covered with tattoos. Note that this is one continuous tattoo, which took 22,000 hours to complete. The idea of ​​the tattoo is a skeleton grown into the human body. Most of the drawings cover Sasha's legs and back.

  • Fangs. The extended fangs were supposed to cost about $2,500, but the man insists that all the procedures were performed on him “as an acquaintance.”

Social and personal life of Sasha Shpak

Wikipedia talks about the facts that replete the past of the famous freak. But there are also cases that are little known to the public.

  • Thanks to his passion for “improving”, the man was repeatedly invited to such TV shows as “Let Them Talk” and “We Speak and Show,” and in the show Male and Female, Alexander Shpak tried to wiggle, as if in a frying pan, with overly provocative questions.

  • The athlete was detained for selling prohibited steroid drugs. The arrest and search took place in a sports establishment. Law enforcement officers discovered about one and a half thousand anabolic steroids and Alexander himself, invariably dressed in a thong. The man was sentenced to three years probation.

  • Despite his repulsive appearance, Sasha listened to the Mendelssohn march six times. The last wife fully supports her husband. She has already enlarged her breasts, pumped up her buttocks, removed fat everywhere and stitched her face with mesothreads.

  • In 2016, it became known that due to long-term use of steroids, Shpak remained infertile. Examination of the semen showed that the sperm in it were dead. Note that the couple is only happy that the children will not distract them from each other.

  • The couple sells T-shirts, advice, workouts and training online.

In her life, Sasha Shpak tries to show herself as a philosopher with a claim to freedom of life choice. Often there is no content in his phrases. The once handsome athlete turned down a crooked path in search of greater fame and recognition. And now Alexander Shpak goes to train clients, wiping his greasy mouth and gesturing his butt in a sexy way.

Video: Alexander Shpak in the “We Talk and Show” program

Freak personality Alexander Granatovich Shpak, in pursuit of outrageousness, has long lost touch with the real world

Alexander Granatovich Shpak is a freak personality who waited for his time. He calls himself a bodybuilder, but in pursuit of outrageousness he has long lost touch with the real world. Looking at him, people “wring their necks.” The cultured ones grin, and those who are simpler cannot refrain from making sarcastic comments. So, what is this Internet star?

In her life, Sasha Shpak tries to show herself as a philosopher with a claim to freedom of life choice. Often there is no content in his phrases. The once handsome athlete turned down a crooked path in search of greater fame and recognition. And now Alexander Shpak goes to train clients, wiping his greasy mouth and gesturing his butt in a sexy way.

Alexander developed a love for tattoos a long time ago. The total cost of all drawings is 5 million rubles. But after a few tattoos, he wanted more. Thus he ended up on the surgical table. If you compare photos of Shpak before and after the operation, you will notice that he used to be a handsome and handsome young man. According to the bodybuilder himself, he began to pervert his body in order to immediately weed out people who pay attention only to appearance.

He has performed about 15 operations, ranging from liposuction to frontoplasty (complete face change). In addition, the man inserted implants into his chest and buttocks, but eventually got rid of them. He also grew fangs. According to Alexander, he has many friends, including surgeons, dentists and other necessary acquaintances, so many of his operations cost him free.

Frontoplasty. So that the reader can imagine the level of horror, we note: Sasha underwent frontoplasty. This means that they cut his face along the hairline from ear to ear, and then corrected the shape of his forehead and brow ridges by placing special plates. In some places on the forehead, bone bridges were removed to level the surface. After the operation, Alexander Shpak received a more defined face, but it’s hard to call him beautiful.

Blepharoplasty. Standing out in the long list of his interventions is eye surgery. It is this organ that the bodybuilder places special emphasis on. After frontal surgery, excess skin was removed from the eyelids, but the man decided to lift their outer corners “a la catwoman.” Let us note that less than five years have passed since such a painful operation, but folds of skin have already treacherously floated onto his thickly made-up eyes.

Rhinoplasty. By nature, Sasha had a magnificent masculine nose, but the peculiarities of his taste became a driving factor on the path of self-improvement. Alexander Shpak after plastic surgery changed only in the direction of “effeminacy”. The disgustingly elongated nose eventually turns into an ugly vulture beak. The nostrils are asymmetrical, flattened and do not flatter their owner in any way.

Alexander Shpak is a Russian bodybuilder and Instagram star. He managed to become famous thanks to his shocking appearance. The man not only filled almost his entire body with tattoos and piercings, he also went under the surgeon's knife, inserting implants into his chest and buttocks. In addition, he grew fangs to look like a vampire. Of course, the public refuses to accept a person who looks like a freak, but his popularity only grows from this.

Alexander was born on April 1, 1979 in St. Petersburg. Many believe that all his current actions are related to childhood trauma. The bodybuilder himself claims that he did not think about the problems of his upbringing until he was 25 years old. From birth, he was only outwardly an ordinary boy, but even then he did not think like his peers. Alexander was born into the family of a teacher and a military man. Due to his profession, the father devoted little time to raising his son, so the boy grew up in the company of his mother and grandmother.

Because of dad, the family often changed their place of residence. For a long time they lived beyond the Arctic Circle. Alexander went to school at the age of five, and already at 15 he entered university. He received two higher education degrees in the specialties of financial manager and securities specialist. He also became acquainted with sports as a child. His father instilled in him a love of physical activity. It was he who forced the guy to run, do push-ups and pull-ups. At the age of 12, Alexander already went to the gym and set new records every time.

Personal life

Despite his unusual appearance, the bodybuilder is popular with women. He was officially married six times. The first wedding took place in 2010. Little is known about his passions. Alexander claims that family is far from the most important thing for him, and children are not yet part of his plans.

As of 2017, his wife is model Irina Meshchanskaya. The bodybuilder always calls his wife simply Masya. Together they promote their accounts on Instagram and fly abroad on vacation.

What measures do bloggers go to in order to popularize their channel or pages on social networks? They shoot scandalous videos, write provocative posts and stage performances. But the surest way to attract attention is still the use of extravagant images. It was the role of a freak that largely helped Alexander Shpak stand out among a large number of bloggers promoting a healthy lifestyle. I wonder if he could repeat his success with a standard appearance?

What Alexander Shpak looked like before plastic surgery

Alexander grew up in an ordinary family. At the age of 14, he became a regular at gyms, and at 23, he became seriously interested in bodybuilding.

In his youth, Alexander was quite a handsome guy, but his own appearance seemed too ordinary to him. In a frank interview, Shpak admitted that he experienced a strong psychological desire for change. According to the athlete, 10 years ago he seemed “faceless” to himself, so he began his transformation with the use of decorative cosmetics. At the same time, the young man thought through sketches of his tattoos and brought them to life.

After the first experiments, Alexander was unstoppable. Numerous transformations led to a result that will shock even his loyal fans and subscribers.

All plastic surgeries of Alexander Shpak

According to rumors, the popular blogger had about 15 plastic surgeries, including even the unpopular frontoplasty. The essence of this type of surgery is to correct the shape of the forehead and brow ridges. By comparing before and after photos, you can notice characteristic changes in this area.

To make the look more open, Shpak also performed blepharoplasty and canthoplasty. The bodybuilder deliberately sought to create the effect of cat's eyes.

The lower part of Alexander's face underwent dramatic changes. The young man had fashionable contouring of his cheekbones, enlarged his fangs, enlarged his lips and experimented with botulinum toxin injections. As a result, he began to look swollen, with puffy fullness and problems with facial expressions.

There was also the popular rhinoplasty. The fitness trainer decided that his nose was not graceful enough and did not match his new appearance. It is unknown how many corrections Alexander Shpak’s face has undergone, but he clearly has no intention of stopping.

It’s easy to guess that the blogger has repeatedly resorted to body modification. In a conversation with a journalist, he admitted that during training he severely damaged his shoulder joint. To maintain the symmetry of the pectoral muscles, he had to insert implants in this area. The plastic is exposed to two semicircular surgical sutures (see photo below).

Pumped up buttocks are also the result of the work of plastic surgeons. It is not clear why Alexander enlarged the back so much, but he really likes to show it off in photographs.