A light kiss on the lips in a dream. Passionate kiss on the lips

What we sometimes have to do in our dreams!

Sometimes, when you wake up, you wonder where such dreams come from, and most importantly, what do they portend? It is especially difficult to ignore dreams in which we kiss someone.

A kiss is a special, symbolic act, filled with the deepest meaning. What does he mean in dreams? Often it symbolizes feelings, emotional experiences, relationships with people.

Before interpreting what a kiss means in a dream, it is worth soberly assessing the situation. If a girl thinks about her lover both day and night, it is clear that in a dream she is kissing him, because dreams are a continuation of her fantasies.

However, there are dreams in which the kiss is completely unexpected and incomprehensible. For example, you have to kiss not only your beloved loved one, but even just a friend, classmate, ex-lover or stranger!

How to understand such actions in dreams that you could not expect from yourself? Such dreams may not be literal at all, and may indicate something important, symbolic.

It is worth remembering all the details of these dreams in order to figure out why the kiss is dreamed of - and then find out the truth from the dream book. Scenarios for such dreams can be different:

  • You just saw people kissing from the outside.
  • We saw children kissing each other.
  • Kissed an acquaintance or friend on the cheek.
  • Kissing on the lips with a friend, classmate or stranger.
  • Kissing the man you love or just someone you like.
  • You kiss a girl in your dreams.
  • You see your loved one kissing a certain girl on the cheek or lips.
  • Kissing someone on the forehead.
  • Kiss a child, relative, brother or sister, mother.
  • You kiss not a person, but the earth, a stone, an object.
  • Kiss the enemy.
  • Kissing your ex.
  • Kissing a dead person.

“Kissing” dreams can be pleasant or not, piquant or mysterious. What will the dream book say - does a kiss promise good luck or love, enmity or separation?

Nothing personal

There are dreams in which you either saw a kiss from the outside, or you had to kiss something, but not a person. Such dreams are very symbolic, and it is important to know what they portend.

1. If you contemplated someone else’s kiss in a dream - you saw how strangers, strangers, passionately or carefully kiss each other on the cheek or lips, kiss each other passionately or tenderly - this portends you sad days filled with loneliness and sadness.

You will be watching someone else's happiness instead of building your own. It may take effort for you to actively fight for your happiness.

2. If children kiss each other in a dream, this is a bright and kind sign that promises you joy and harmony in your own family. Your life will be filled with pleasant surprises and love.

3. If you saw a man persistently kissing a girl in a dream, perhaps you will experience irritation and anger towards some person. This may be directly related to the fact that someone is not showing you the attention you are looking for.

4. A rather unpleasant and painful dream for a girl, in which her loved one kisses another. It can be a kiss on the lips, or on the cheek, even on the forehead - it doesn’t matter. It indicates the infidelity of this person or only your suspicions.

You may have intuitively sensed this, and you are having such a significant dream. Don't wait until the situation gets worse - it's better to sort it out before it's too late, and before anyone hurts each other.

5. If for some reason you had to kiss a stone in a dream, this promises shame. Watch your actions in reality, because they can bring you trouble, and you will regret it. Don't do anything bad.

6. If you kiss iron, something metallic, it unpleasant dream- it foretells trouble, not pleasant surprise or bad news that will break you. Be stronger, don’t be afraid of problems - you will cope.

7. Kissing in a dream someone’s portrait or photograph with a stranger, acquaintance or relative, lover or ex, friend or child - means that you will feel annoyance, resentment towards this person, maybe even envy or a desire for revenge.

8. And kissing the ground in a dream promises separation from a friend or beloved man. Maybe this can be prevented? Think in advance, it’s not for nothing that a dream warns you about such a possibility.

Sweet kisses

More often than not, we have to kiss people in our dreams. With whom exactly? There are no restrictions, this is a dream - a kiss can happen either desired and pleasant, or unexpected, with a person who is indifferent or unpleasant to you in reality. Why do you dream about this?

1. Of course, it’s nice to kiss passionately in a dream with your beloved, dear, beloved person. And how pleasant it is in reality! But you should understand why you dream of a kiss with a guy, especially if it is passionate.

  • If you kissed him in the dark, be careful - such a dream warns of debauchery, which can harm you and make you regret. Be discreet.
  • If you kissed a guy in the light, then don’t be afraid - your relationship with your loved one is pure, bright, and happiness awaits you. Don't be afraid of anything, you are loved.

2. And if you dream of a kiss with a friend, classmate or just an acquaintance, a friendly kiss on the cheek or forehead, this, on the contrary, promises troubles in communication. It is not a fact that troubles will be associated with this very person, but in any case, be careful in your communication, watch your words and especially your deeds.

3. If you are not the one kissing a friend, but he kisses you on the forehead, expect resentment or betrayal from this person.

4. Kissing a girlfriend when meeting in a dream - good sign, it promises carefree fun, joyful days and happiness in simple everyday life.

5. Kissing your mother in dreams means that everything will work out for you in business and work, and a period of success and achievements will begin.

6. Kissing a stranger in your dreams is a warning. You risk soon committing an immoral act, or leading a dishonest, dissolute life.

Be careful! If you dreamed that you were kissing a stranger, this is a direct hint - you are living wrong, reconsider your behavior in reality.

7. As the dream book says, a kiss on the lips with your ex-spouse or partner directly hints that you are tormented by the past. Let it go - it has already passed, no matter what. Thoughts about the past are holding you back now, you can't live in to the fullest happily.

8. It’s curious why you dream of a kiss on the neck from your loved one or spouse. This is a good dream, it portends harmony and warmth in your couple.

9. If you kissed a child in your dreams - your own or someone else's, even a stranger - they may laugh at you because of some action.

10. Illness may promise a dream in which you had to kiss an old man or woman.

11. If in your dreams you happen to kiss an enemy, a competitor, or a person you dislike, then in reality you will be reconciled with him.

12. Dead man kissing in a dream is a dangerous sign, watch your health, it is vulnerable now.

13. But kissing someone’s hands in a dream is a sign that you are too proud, arrogant, and this may harm you. Keep it simple.

“Kissing” dreams can be so different, and there are a great many meanings. Please note wise advice interpreter, and if trouble is foreshadowed for you, think about how to avoid it.

This is what dreams are for, even strange or unpleasant ones. Well, if your dream is happy and promises joy, know that it will be so! Author: Vasilina Serova

One of the most pleasant actions a person is capable of is undoubtedly a kiss. What if you kissed someone in your dream? What to expect from such a vision? We suggest turning to several of the most famous and complete dream books, available today.

Modern on the lips

According to the interpretation of this source, a dream in which you kiss your lover or beloved in the dark promises dissolute behavior, and in the light - decency in actions. If you kissed a stranger, then be careful, as you risk committing some immoral act. A dream in which you kiss your spouse on the lips predicts harmony and mutual understanding in your relationship. Children also promise a person success in business.

Medieval dream book: kisses on the lips

A dream in which you are kissed by a king, emperor, king, president or other head of state promises the acquisition of wealth. If you yourself peck someone on the lips, then such a vision is a harbinger of losses and failures. If someone kisses you, then get ready for joyful events.

Old English dream book: kissing on the lips

According to the compilers of this collection of interpretations of night visions, if in a dream you kissed someone and realized that you should not have done this, then real life you risk facing hypocrisy and betrayal from a close friend or lover. A dream in which your significant other kisses a stranger promises the appearance of a rival or rival, as well as possible betrayal. If you passionately kiss your chosen one, then you can be sure that his intentions are pure and sincere, and he will always remain faithful to you.

Esoteric dream book: kisses on the lips

If you dream of kissing other people, then such a dream is a reflection of your dissatisfaction with your personal life and longing for affection and close relationships. A dream in which you kiss yourself promises you strong union with your loved one.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z: kisses in a dream - why?

According to information from this source, if a representative of the fairer sex dreams that her husband’s tipsy friend is trying to kiss her, then in real life she will very soon be disappointed in this person. A kiss with a lover in a dream promises a young girl an early marriage. Seeing your husband kissing another woman is a sign of betrayal on his part in real life. Kissing men in a dream promise a person a series of failures and problems, while women foretell a great time in the company of friends. The interpretation of a dream in which a kiss occurs between children is considered by the compilers of this source as a symbol of happiness in family life. If a woman dreams that ugly people or old men kiss her, then she will be able to achieve what she wants in real life only through patience and endurance. Kisses with nice man predict the representative of the fair half of humanity increased attention from the opposite sex.

Since ancient times, people have believed that dreams show us our future and warn us against dangers. In this article we will look at what a dream in which we kiss a person tells us.

Why do you dream of a kiss on the lips - interpretation of dream books

Miller's Dream Book

If you kiss a woman, then such a dream warns you that you will commit bad deeds in the future. A kiss with an enemy means a future renewal of relations with ex-friend. If you dream that your passion is being kissed, then beware of actions that could worsen her attitude towards you.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

If in a dream you kiss a dead man, then such a dream prophesies to you emergency illness or even death. And if you give a kiss to a celebrity, then in reality your acquaintances and friends will begin to treat you with great respect.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

A kiss in a dream means future big changes in life. Moreover, pay attention to the details of the kiss. If the kiss was full of passion, then this means your dissatisfaction with your spouse. If you dreamed of a kiss on the corner of your lips, then in reality you will experience events that will pleasantly surprise you. If you kiss a stranger, then such a dream tells you about the insincerity of the relationship between you and your passion and the possibility of a quarrel or even separation. If you kiss your friend, then in reality you will have a conflict with someone. Kissing a friend on the lips means achieving the desired goal. Kissing a dead person means improving the quality of your life in financially. A kiss with your boss predicts possible dismissal for you.

Vanga's Dream Book

A kiss with your spouse predicts a happy family life for you. But if in your dream someone noticed you while kissing, then it is preparing you for betrayal by a friend.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

A long kiss with your husband/wife in your dreams means that he/she will always be faithful to you and will never cheat on you. If in your dream your partner is kissing someone else, then in reality he/she does not feel love for you. A dream in which you kiss a person who is not your partner advises you to reconsider your relationship (friendship or love) with someone: it is likely that it is based on falsehood, and not on sincerity.

Freud's Dream Book

If a woman kisses a stranger in her dreams, then in reality she will be disappointed in her lover. If you see a guy and a girl kissing, then in reality you will become a participant in a situation that will spoil your reputation. If a man kisses a friend in his dream, then such a dream signals his lack of attention to his partner.

Azar's Dream Book

Kissing in a dream means ending love relationship with your partner or your partner. If you kiss a member of the same sex, you will soon have enemies.

Why do you dream of a kiss on the lips - interpretation from a psychological point of view

Also, a dream in which you kiss someone can be interpreted from a psychological perspective. If you saw such a dream, then probably in reality you lack tenderness from your partner. In addition, kissing someone you know may mean that you have fallen in love with them.

Do not rush to make hasty conclusions about your future, focusing only on dream books. After all, they have not yet been recognized as accurate interpretations of dreams (especially considering that one dream in each dream book is interpreted differently). Also, do not make quick conclusions about your present based on the interpretation of a dream from a psychological point of view. Listen to your heart, sort out your feelings - and only then will you be able to figure out why you had this dream.

Ekaterina Vyatskikh

Specialization: Esoterics
Education: Professional

Articles written

I dream of thick, ugly lips to possible emotional experiences and anxiety. This may be a reminder that it's time to think about your health. Too full lips in a dream they predict a successful resolution of old disputes and getting rid of problems. See thin lips means trouble. Beautiful, well-defined, but alien- talk about the disposition of those around you, special attention from colleagues and friends.

Russian dream book

In the old Russian dream book, lips are interpreted as follows:

  • scarlet, lush - health of friends and loved ones;
  • large, swollen, cracked, bloody- illnesses, serious problems with the well-being of children and relatives.

See your swollen lips:

  • on Monday foreshadows a choice that must be made from several proposals of a dubious nature;
  • on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - to unnecessary offense from others;
  • on Saturday or Sunday - a friend will become ill.

Spring dream book

Lips - satiety, contentment, treat.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Lips are bright, attractive - capriciousness, the occurrence of a quarrel, a frivolous act; pale - illness; subtle - envy, revenge.

Dream Interpretation by E. Tsvetkova

Bright, sensual lips - separation, quarrel, divorce from a sexual partner; beautiful, with a clearly defined contour - for reciprocity, recognition; too subtle - leads to hasty conclusions, often erroneous.

Dream interpretation eastern

  • Thick and ugly lips dream of unpleasant meetings, haste in making important decisions, problems in the family, with relatives.
  • Full pink lips with a bow are a sign of abundance, harmony, peace.
  • Subtle - means perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal.
  • Swollen, sick, wounded - predict imminent deprivation, meaningless desires.

Islamic dream book

This dream book contains an interpretation of dreams about people with cut off lips. For a sleeping person to see himself without lips means his tendency to slander, deception, and empty talk. If deleted upper lip, he will be left alone, without support, without true friend. Some Islamic dream interpreters associate a man's dream of a man's lips with his thoughts about a woman.

Autumn dream book

If you dream of a kiss, this means the approach of long-awaited good news. Kissing a man on the lips in a dream and experiencing unpleasant feelings - for a woman, such a vision can result in disappointment and the emergence of hostility towards her partner.

Passionate kiss For a girl, a loved one symbolizes a marriage proposal and imminent marriage. If in a dream she did not feel much joy from such a kiss, she should be ready for betrayal or betrayal.

Summer dream book

In this dream book kissing on the lips portends mutual love.

If a girl dreams that she is kissing her ex-lover, a meeting with him is possible in reality. Or he still thinks about her and feels sexual attraction. Such a dream may mean hidden longing, sadness for a dear but lost person.

Kiss on the lips with by a stranger means for a woman a meeting with a gigolo. A man kissing a stranger in a dream will experience a lot of joy in the near future; good news and luck.

If in visions a person experiences pain during a kiss, problems with loved ones await him.

What will Mr. Miller say?

In a dream, did you witness a stranger passionately kissing your beloved? In this case, Miller warns: your girlfriend trusts you less and less. So take action. In order not to completely lose the respect and affection of a friend.

Why did a married woman dream of being kissed on the lips by an unknown admirer? The American psychologist does not exclude the possibility that a lady will succumb to fleeting passion and have an affair on the side, which will negatively affect her future future.

Dr. Freud's "Diagnosis"

Without a doubt, a dream with kisses, according to Freud, is associated with the dreamer’s sexual fantasies. If she is familiar with the hero of the dream in reality, then she thinks about how good he is in bed.

But for a young lady, this dream has a completely different meaning. Freud warns that the current gentleman has long been dreaming of taking possession of her body and is ready for very decisive actions.

From the Erotic Collection of Interpretations

Oddly enough, but in the Erotic Dream Interpreter, kissing a man on the lips is alarm signal , suggesting that a loved one in a difficult situation will betray or behave unworthily or ugly.

Vanga's Dream Book

A famous clairvoyant claims that kissing a man on the lips in a dream is a positive sign. Vanga compares the kiss to relationships between close people. The dream foreshadows peace in the house, a calm state of mind.

A dream can be a harbinger of news. You will have to make your own decisions and change your life. The result can be either positive or negative. There is no need to rush, you should think everything over carefully.

A dream with kisses can be interpreted in different ways. If a man kisses a woman, they will have a happy life together. If a girl kisses her man, it will be impossible to avoid quarrels.

A dream in which you have to kiss a dead person is a warning. Troubles and misfortunes may arise in the family.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

According to Hasse's dream book, a dream with a passionate kiss is a warning sign. If a woman kisses her partner, this means a quick separation. The spouse has a mistress, he simply cannot admit it. However, a serious conversation cannot be avoided.

If a man sees a dream, then he will soon cheat on his woman. Remorse will torment him until he tells his companion about everything. It will be very difficult to save the family in this case.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

The dream book interprets the dream in its own way. Depending on who the main character of the dream is, its meaning also changes.

  1. If you kiss a dead person in a dream, negative events will fill your life. The dreamer will face sudden death, illnesses and misfortunes are possible.
  2. It’s a good sign if you kiss a famous man on the lips in a dream. Soon you will be able to increase your authority in society and achieve incredible success. As a result, you will gain financial independence, cash flows they will come into their own hands.
  3. A kiss with the man of your dreams speaks of positive changes in life. It is necessary to establish relationships with the people around you and the world will sparkle bright colors. You'll have to be patient a little personal life will also become brighter and more saturated.
  4. Kissing a stranger is a bad sign. You will have to do rash things.
  5. A kiss with an ex-lover warns of unexpected encounters, serious conversations. The girl will have to for a long time deceive your partner. As a result, relationships will become strained.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

According to this dream book, kissing in a dream can be both a positive and negative sign.

  1. If the kiss happens to a fictional character- this means living conditions will change. Such changes will be associated with the dreamer’s rash actions, and he knows about it. It will be very difficult to change the situation. It is advisable to ask loved ones for help.
  2. The appearance of a dead person in a dream speaks of success, promotion career ladder. You will be able to find business partners and conclude profitable deals. good time for negotiations, any new acquaintances will prove fateful. Events will be unexpected, but positive.
  3. If you kiss a male relative on the lips in a dream- it means a long-awaited meeting with a loved one awaits. You will be able to resolve financial issues and gain financial independence.
  4. Kissing in a public place means that the dreamer open man. A woman easily talks about her relationship to people around her. However, such actions are thoughtless. To find family happiness, it is advisable to keep secrets from strangers.


Loff’s dream book says that a dream about a kiss is just the realization of sexual attraction to some person.


If in a dream you kiss someone with whom you shouldn’t do this in reality, your friend and lover is being a hypocrite. If your loved one gives tender and passionate kisses, he is devoted to you and has crystal clear intentions towards you. When you kiss your spouse in a dream, in life he may turn out to be a treacherous person.


In French dream book Dreams about kisses foretell good luck in all endeavors. And if you feel that someone is kissing you, unexpected joy awaits you.


The modern dream book warns that: If you dream of a kiss on the night of Wednesday, Friday or Sunday, all sorts of troubles await you. At other times, it may simply be a reflection of your secret desires and thoughts.

If the kiss was with a stranger, then your frankness and frivolous behavior will cause trouble.

New family

The new family interpreter claims that if you kissed your enemy in a dream, then in reality your relationship with your friend will improve. A marital kiss is a sign of harmony in a relationship.


In Gypsy, a kiss with a lover portends a quarrel with him, and a kiss with a stranger portends a fight.

Eastern female

According to this dream book, kissing someone means that soon your relationship will fizzle out and your paths will diverge.

Dream book of health

Interpretation according to Aesop

According to Aesop's dream interpreter, a dream in which a girl kissed her husband's best friend warns the dreamer about a rash act for which she will be very ashamed. Another interpretation promises a valuable find. The dreamer should be more attentive and circumspect.

Psychologists' opinion

Psychologists say that you should trust only those dreams that are intense in nature.

  1. If the dreamer experiences passion, it means he does not have enough attention from loved ones .
  2. If during a kiss there are discomfort– the dreamer closes himself from his happiness. Making important decisions requires careful thought. There is no need to push away loved ones; sometimes only they can come to the rescue.

Why do you dream about a man's kiss?

It all depends on what kind of man is kissing, for what purpose and what gender the dreamer is. It is important where exactly he kisses. For example, a kiss on the lips is a bad sign.

  1. If you kiss on the lips in a dream with a close man, then such a dream will occur before omissions arise. A quarrel is possible.
  2. If the kiss is on the neck, this is a manifestation of tender feelings, sincere love, care, concern.
  3. A kiss on the cheek speaks of goodwill, friendly support, and trust.
  4. If a man dreams that he is kissing a close man (brother, father, uncle), then it all depends on where the kiss fell.
  5. If you kiss on the cheek, there is mutual understanding and support between people. If on the lips, there will soon be a loss of respect and a serious quarrel.
  6. If you kiss on the neck, this dream suggests that close person urgently needs you, your help and support.
  7. If a woman dreams of a kiss with a man, then everything is somewhat more complicated. Much depends on who this man is for a woman.


If we exclude the possibility that the dream simply reveals your secret desires, then such a dream can have many interpretations.

Past relationships are a whole segment of life. At the time when you were with this particular man, something important was happening in the economy, art and politics. Some events in your life, besides your personal one, worried and touched you. Kissing a man from the past takes you back in time. You have to mentally return to the period of time in which you were with this particular man and remember something that can affect real life in the present.

Another interpretation of the dream may be related to those feelings that are still alive today.

If after sleep you are still nervous, then maybe the breakup was a mistake?

Unfamiliar man

A stranger showing feelings in a dream is a surprise. All that remains is to understand what kind of surprise should be expected. If a stranger kisses you forcibly, then such a dream may mean that you have a passionate admirer who wants to conquer you. Again, it is important where exactly he kisses you.

  1. If in the neck, then the stranger’s feelings are romantic and tender.
  2. If on the lips, then the intentions of your secret admirer may be cause for concern.
  3. If there is a kiss on the cheek, they just want to help you and it is possible that the attitude towards you has no romantic overtones, but only friendly support.
  4. If while kissing a stranger you respond passionately, then you are ready to dramatically and recklessly change your life. It is possible that the voice of the subconscious speaks in this dream. Kissing a stranger can be fraught with desire.
  5. If a married woman has a dream, then she is consumed by a feeling of dissatisfaction and is ready to cheat.
  6. If you have a dream for a lonely girl - the wait for the prince was prolonged and became painful.
  7. If a stranger's kiss is disgusting to you, an unexpected event will throw you out of your rut. Someone will try to make you look bad, and most likely they will succeed.


Contrary to expectations, this dream can promise trouble, but not always. Kissing your husband on the lips in a dream means a big family scandal.

  1. If you dream that your your husband kisses you on the neck, then rapprochement and moments of real tenderness await you. It is even possible that a second honeymoon awaits you.
  2. If your your husband kisses you on the cheek - this dream can predict separation. Moreover, the separation can be either for a short period due to a business trip or forever.
  3. If you also kiss your husband on the cheek in response, your marriage has outlived its usefulness., the best thing you can do for each other is to remain friends.
  4. If kissing your husband on the cheek makes you sad- your separation will be short-lived and for reasons beyond your control.

The best interpretation of this dream would be if the dream occurred under the pressure of feelings. It is possible that you are now in forced separation, and you are dreaming as an indication that you miss your husband very much and would like to be there to enjoy kisses.

Kiss with your loved one

This dream may speak of the tenderness that exists between partners. Even after parting until the morning, lovers continue to kiss each other in their sleep. But the dream can also have other meanings.

  • If in a dream your beloved man kissed you on the cheek, your feelings have cooled, at least his feelings for you have cooled.
  • If the kiss was passionate, but not long, that’s how your relationship will turn out.
  • If during a kiss there is a bouquet of flowers next to the couple, then such a dream foreshadows a wedding.
  • If a kiss leaves unpleasant emotions, your loved one is deceiving you. It is possible that he is not faithful to you.

With a woman

A kiss with a woman, if a woman dreams of it, almost always means debauchery or moral decline. Such a dream warns of consequences - if you suddenly want to relax and spend the evening with friends at a disco, then you should control yourself. The consequences can be unpleasant and can damage your reputation and relationships.

  1. If a man dreams of kissing a woman, then such a dream can mean simple attraction, or it can predict a soon desired acquaintance. Especially when a man is kissed by a stranger.
  2. If a familiar woman appears in a dream– she may have feelings for you, take a closer look at her.
    Kissing your girlfriend in a dream means a long-term romantic relationship and, possibly, an imminent wedding.
  3. If kissing a woman leaves an unpleasant feeling- they want to harm you through deception.

Kissing a friend in a dream

The interpretation of a dream should begin with an assessment of one’s own feelings. It is possible that your relationship with your friend has outgrown friendship, and you would like to move on to a closer relationship. If you reject this interpretation of the dream, then you can try to decipher the dream differently.

  1. If your friend kisses you on the lips- an event will soon happen between you, after which you will lose his respect. Such a dream can predict the end of a friendship.
  2. If your friend kisses your neck– with a high degree of probability we can say that your friend is in love with you. This dream speaks of the reverent and tender feelings that a man experiences for you.
  3. If you kiss on the cheek- such a dream does not threaten your friendship. On the contrary, it says that your friend still values ​​your friendship and is ready to support you.
  4. If your friend kisses you forcibly in a dream– this dream may symbolize betrayal. Your friend will turn out to be completely different from the person you imagine him to be now.

Alien young man

When interpreting why you dream of kissing a guy on the lips, a modern dream interpreter advises paying attention to the personality of the character:

  • licking your sister’s boyfriend in a dream means a lack of communication and understanding with your relative;
  • passionately kissing a friend’s lover speaks of his secret sympathy;
  • hooking up with a friend's boyfriend promises new love adventures;
  • touching lips with a stranger means you will have to fight temptation.

Kisses with a loved one on the lips with the tongue This dream means nothing if the woman who had such a dream did not feel disgust. Unpleasant feelings in a dream foreshadow major troubles in reality.

The meaning of sleeping with several men

Kissing one man on the lips in a dream means joyful or pleasant events. If you dream of group sex or a dance in which the dreamer kisses several partners, the dream predicts unexpected events or falling in love.

If the kisses were equally pleasant or unpleasant, then not a single acquaintance will change the dreamer’s life, but if she singled out a man from the crowd, it means that a new acquaintance or meeting will change her life completely. If all the partners were unpleasant, the dream represents tears and worries.

Kissing a dead man in a dream

The interpretation of the dream depends on what kind of relationship the woman had with this man, whether he was alive or not, and what her feelings were. Here are the main interpretations of such a dream:

  • a passionate kiss with your partner, who is alive and who died in your sleep, predicts a breakdown in relationships and love affairs, unpromising relationships;
  • kissing a man who is no longer alive, but in a dream he is alive - to meeting a person similar to him, meeting his relatives or a new business;
  • kiss passionately in a dream with a man who is dying and decaying– to illness and great experiences;
  • a kiss with a disfigured dead man portends illness or new stage in the life of a woman who had such a dream;
  • a friendly kiss with a dead person dreams of a secret or some secret;
  • a farewell kiss with him foreshadows a new stage in life or an unexpected meeting;
  • if the deceased rose from the coffin and began to kiss, the relationship that the dreamer considered complete will take an unexpected turn.

If the kiss with a man in a dream was short

This dream foretells a secret or unusual relationship.

  1. If the kiss was furtive and briefly passionate, the dream symbolizes a secret romance or relationship that the woman will be forced to constantly hide. In other cases, the dream symbolizes short-lived feelings and disappointment in a man.
  2. If he secretly kissed and looked back, it means his feelings are insincere.
  3. A kiss with a male relative in a dream; a passionate kiss in a dream signifies new plans And joint activities; if the partner was unpleasant, the woman who had the dream will be drawn into dubious story; a friendly kiss symbolizes good news; farewell predicts resentment or quarrel.

Interpretation of a kiss with a man depending on the place

The location of the kiss tells you whether the dream refers to the past or the future. This is how the dream book interprets different places and the circumstances of the kisses:

  • kissing in familiar places, seeing kisses that happened in real life - to separation or vivid memories. If lovers are in a quarrel or separation, the vision compensates for the lack of affection and erotic impressions in a dream;
  • kissing in familiar places, but with a different partner - to a break in relations or surprise;
  • Kisses in unfamiliar or non-existent places dream of false hopes or surprise;
  • kissing in bed, having sex - sometimes a literal prediction. It is important to remember the partner and the meeting place;
  • a kiss in a cafe, in dim lighting without witnesses, dreams of a new and promising acquaintance or a secret romance;
  • kissing in a dream in front of witnesses in a restaurant or at own wedding- To important event or that the secret will become apparent;
  • a kiss on the seashore, at a resort, dreams of mutual love;
  • kissing in the garden under the trees - to new plans for the future;
  • a kiss in the house of friends and acquaintances dreams of new events or plans; kissing educational institution or the library - to changes in your personal life;
  • a kiss in any type of transport dreams of temporary and passing relationships;
  • on rented apartment- to a secret and short romance;
  • kisses anywhere secret place dream of changes in personal experiences, in public - of scandals or unpleasant surprises.

Interesting interpretations of dreams

Sometimes you can kiss in a dream with the most unexpected people.

  1. If a person dreamed of kissing the president, this promises praise from superiors, receiving a bonus or promotion. Such a night vision indicates that the dreamer is deeply excited political situation in your own country.
  2. Kisses with your favorite actor are positive sign , which portends success in all endeavors, especially in matters relating to professional activity dreamer If you dreamed of kissing with famous person, then your cherished dream will soon come true.
  3. If a girl dreamed of kissing a boy- soon she will have a new romantic acquaintance, which will develop into serious feelings. Kisses with a girl promise deterioration in financial matters.
  4. Hugging and kissing with a priest- to a rash act, which the dreamer will regret for a long time. Another meaning of such a dream is the vile act of one of your friends.
  5. Kissing the general suggests the dreamer that she spends too much energy for the benefit of other people. You should worry about own health and rest.
  6. If a girl dreamed of kissing an African-American man- she doesn’t have enough in her life thrills, change of scenery. If nothing is done, depression may develop.

Kissing a lover: what does it mean?

Expert opinion

Dream Interpreter


A kiss with your beloved man is a good sign, promising to overcome all obstacles in your path, a bright and happy future. Kissing a young girl in a dream with her lover predicts a quick marriage, strong feelings from her young man.

Married woman similar dream indicates that it will soon open dark secret , including extramarital intimate relations. Also, such a dream indicates “problems” in family life, cooling of feelings between spouses.

In addition, a passionate kiss with a lover indicates an imminent separation from a loved one, a great moral loss. If another woman kisses a lover in a dream, this foreshadows an unpleasant situation, a love triangle in reality.

If a stranger kisses you, this portends a passionate but short relationship. For married people, such a dream speaks of the possibility of temptation and deceit on the part of a rival.

You're watching from the sidelines

You are an observer, you see someone else kissing. It is important to remember one detail, how do these people kiss? It doesn’t really matter who it was: a person you know or a person you don’t know. General value dreams promise minor troubles and troubles. Eat high probability that you will be drawn into some dubious or even “dirty” business.

If a woman dreams of her man being kissed by a lady she doesn’t know, she should be a little vigilant. Such a dream promises some business behind her back or betrayal and deception of people close to her.

Nice kiss

If you are very pleased to kiss a man, then this symbolizes the onset of a calm period in life. Most likely, you should expect changes in life that will fill it with peace and joy. When you dream of kissing a man, it means that you will be able to build a harmonious relationship with him. And if you are not married yet, then you can prepare for an imminent wedding.

But if, when trying to kiss your loved one, you try to distance yourself from him according to the plot of the dream, then this indicates that you are not confident in your own feelings. Therefore, do not rush to give an answer to the person who offers you a romantic relationship, first understand yourself.

Kissing a child - interpretation of sleep

Another frequently asked question is why you dream of kissing a child. As a rule, after such a dream there are no discomfort. This dream predicts a joyful time with friends or relatives. In accordance with the interpretation of Miller's dream book, one dreams of kissing a child before a period of prosperity and tranquility in life.

Passionate kiss

If, according to the plot of your dream, you had to kiss, then try to remember how you did it. So a passionate kiss in a dream with a loved one is a very good sign. It means that your chosen one loves you deeply and sincerely, so you can rest assured of his devotion in reality.

N o sometimes a passionate kiss in dream books is interpreted as a harbinger of a conflict with a loved one. But if you show wisdom and patience, you will be able to smooth out sharp corners, and, therefore, avoid a quarrel in reality.

Forced kissing

If in a dream someone forced you to kiss by force, then this means that in real life you are accustomed to obeying. But such a dream focuses attention on the fact that you no longer like this role and you will soon take steps in reality to achieve the ability to make decisions on your own.

But remember that you need to gradually develop leadership qualities in yourself and learn to take responsibility.

tender kiss

If you kissed in a dream with special tenderness, then in real life you will experience tremendous success with representatives of the opposite sex. Most likely, you will have a lot of fans.

Dream tip: Don’t be too scattered, but try to choose the only man with whom you will feel comfortable.

French kiss

A French kiss in a dream is considered a harbinger of adultery. Moreover, it will be from the woman’s side, and the man in this case will try not to notice anything. But you should be careful, because the patience of even the most loving husband always has its limit.

First kiss

If you dream about your first kiss very often, it means that you do not want to let go of the past. You need to understand that you cannot compare events of the past and the future. You just need to learn to live happily in the real world.

Interpretation of sleep by day of the week

  • Monday: the partner remembers the dreamer, the dream predicts a new meeting or surprise;
  • Tuesday: to separation and troubles;
  • Wednesday: to news or an unexpected change of circumstances;
  • Thursday: illness or loss of strength;
  • Friday: for a new novel or a gift from a loved one;
  • Saturday: empty dream;
  • resurrection: to good news or guests in the house.

Dreams with a kiss always have meaning. Therefore, if the dreamer had to kiss a handsome or unpleasant man on the lips in a dream, this is always a sign. Well exact interpretation depends on the circumstances of the dream and impressions.

Dreams about kissing can be interpreted in different ways. To correctly interpret night vision, you should remember all the smallest details: who the dreamer kissed, whether he knew this person, under what circumstances everything happened. Important role The feeling with which the dreamer woke up after such a vision also plays.

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    What do kisses with a man you know well portend?

    Passionate kisses with a man you know well foreshadow his imminent departure or change of residence. According to another interpretation, this young man is in some kind of danger.

    Seeing an acquaintance kissing a woman is a sign of an adventurous proposal from strangers. You should be wary of such offers. This will help you avoid an unpleasant scam or deception.

    Kissing a man on the lips in a dream means separation or a major scandal. The reason for this will be betrayal. Such a dream promises a long separation. Another option for interpreting night dreams about kisses for a girl is a marriage proposal.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

    Kisses with your spouse

    Nice kisses the spouse is promised a quick separation. This could be a long trip away on a business trip or even a break in a relationship. Another interpretation foreshadows her husband’s betrayal or big disappointment in life. The dreamer needs to be prepared for unpleasant turns of fate and withstand all tests with honor.

    To see in your night dreams how a husband kisses his wife best friend- to treason. Kissing your ex-spouse symbolizes the incompleteness of the relationship. Between ex-spouses There are a lot of understatements that do not allow you to live in peace. The best solution in this situation there will be a frank conversation.

    Interpretation according to Aesop

    According to Aesop's dream interpreter, a dream in which a girl kissed her husband's best friend warns the dreamer about a rash act for which she will be very ashamed. Another interpretation promises a valuable find. The dreamer should be more attentive and circumspect.

    According to Miller

    Gustav Miller claims that kissing a spouse in complete darkness indicates the debauchery of one of the couple. Passionately kissing your husband's best friend means a big scandal with your lover over a trifle. If the husband witnesses such kisses, in reality there may be a loss of respect in the eyes of friends or colleagues. If you dreamed of your husband’s drunken friend falling asleep with kisses, the dreamer will be disappointed by her husband’s behavior.

    What does kissing your best friend mean?

    Tender kisses with your best friend mark joyful events in the dreamer’s life. For a girl, such night dreams promise the development of friendship into more tender feelings. If a girl in love dreams of kissing an acquaintance, this threatens separation from her other half. Kissing a friend in public is a sign of a big festive feast.

    Secretly kissing your best friend is a warning sign that this person is in danger. Secret kisses with your best friend can warn that this person will soon disappear from the dreamer’s life.

    If a girl is secretly in love with her best friend and she dreams of passionate kisses with tongue, you should not look secret meaning in such a dream, it is simply a reflection of the dreamer’s subconscious desires.

    If a man dreamed that he was showering kisses on the wife of his good friend, there may be a misunderstanding that will soon be clarified. Another meaning of this dream is unexpected good news from afar.

    For a man, night visions in which his beloved kisses an unfamiliar young man are a warning sign that he is paying little attention to her.

    What do kissing your ex-boyfriend promise?

    Night dreams in which a girl kissed her ex-lover have different interpretations. If she woke up in confusion and surprise, this suggests that her feelings for him have not yet cooled down. She is ready to forgive him everything in order to be together again. If the dreamer woke up in a great mood, this signals her readiness to start a new romantic relationship.

    If a girl in love dreamed of kissing ex-boyfriend, this is a sign that in a real relationship not everything is as smooth as we would like. The dreamer's lover lacks attention from her. You must change your attitude, otherwise it will end in a break in the relationship. If kissing a young man happened spontaneously, but in reality everyone has already new life, such a dream should be ignored. It is possible to meet this person in reality, but it will not end in anything serious.

    If the guy you like has rejected all the girl’s attempts to kiss him, you should stop imposing yourself and find a worthy young man whose love will be mutual.

    Sometimes a dream about kissing an ex-boyfriend indicates his uncooled feelings for the dreamer. Tender kisses and hugs foreshadow an unexpected meeting with a young man. Perhaps feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.

    If in her night dreams a married woman showers her husband with kisses ex-man, then in reality we should expect a major family scandal. It will arise due to the unfounded nagging of the spouse. A kiss that ended in sex with an ex-boyfriend foreshadows serious complications in a real relationship.

    Kissing a stranger

    Night dreams of kissing a stranger promise a meeting with people with a dark past.

    You should beware of such acquaintances, as this will negatively affect the dreamer’s reputation.

    Another meaning of the dream is meeting an interesting young man. However, the girl will be disappointed, since the man will show himself as a narcissistic person and a lover of living luxuriously at the expense of his girlfriend.

    Interpretation of Vanga

    According to dream interpreter Vanga, sympathy for a stranger with whom a girl kissed in a dream foreshadows a romantic acquaintance. It will develop into a serious and strong relationship.

    Passionate kisses with a man you like promise amazing events or pleasant surprises. If the young man caused antipathy in a dream, the dreamer will expect bad news from afar. Does a man have any physical disabilities foreshadows the betrayal of your best friend.

    Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

    Freud's dream book contains a different interpretation. Kissing a stranger is an unfavorable symbol. The dream foretells a girl psychological trauma or an unplanned pregnancy if she does not control her sexual desires.

    If kisses with a stranger ended in something more serious, in reality the girl is dissatisfied with her intimate life with a young man.

    According to an English dream interpreter, dreams of kissing a stranger warn the dreamer that she will soon learn an unpleasant secret that concerns her best friend. If he had a beard, one should expect a deterioration in health and an exacerbation of chronic ailments.

    What do night visions promise about kissing a woman?

    If a girl dreams that she is kissing a woman, the relationship with her may deteriorate. best friend. Another explanation for this dream is minor quarrels and troubles at work.

    If a man dreamed that he was kissing beautiful girl, a pleasant surprise or monetary profit awaits him, to obtain which he will have to resort to cunning. Passionate kisses with a friend - to good news from afar, with your woman - the transition of a couple’s relationship to new level. The dreamer decides to propose marriage to his beloved. The family union of a young couple will be filled with love, care and mutual respect.

    If a crowd was watching the kissers, one should expect the appearance of gossips and envious people in the dreamer’s immediate circle. Kissing a girl in complete darkness means that a man values ​​his relationship and is afraid of losing her.

    If a man really wanted to kiss a girl, but he didn’t succeed, meet a good woman. In order to achieve her location, you will have to work hard.

    Kissing a friend's girlfriend in a dream is a symbol of the fact that the dreamer has complexes and withdraws into himself. You should do everything possible to get rid of self-doubt. This will help you meet a worthy woman. Kissing a married woman promises a big scandal with your family.

    Kisses with unmarried woman, well known in reality - to a possible romance between young people. To do this, the initiative must come from the young man. If a young man dreamed that he was kissing a very pretty girl, possible imminent wedding. Another meaning of this dream is a significant improvement in financial situation. Kisses with a stranger portend many things for a man random connections.

    Interesting interpretations of dreams

    Sometimes you can kiss in a dream with the most unexpected people.

    1. 1. If a person dreams of kissing the president, this promises praise from his superiors, receiving a bonus or promotion. Such a night vision indicates that the dreamer is deeply worried about the political situation in his country.
    2. 2. Kisses with your favorite actor are a positive sign that portends success in all endeavors, especially in matters related to the dreamer’s professional activities. If you dreamed of kissing a famous person, then your cherished dream will soon come true.
    3. 3. If a girl dreams of kissing a boy, a new romantic acquaintance awaits her soon, which will develop into serious feelings. Kisses with a girl promise deterioration in financial matters.
    4. 4. Hugging and kissing a priest is a rash act that the dreamer will regret for a long time. Another meaning of such a dream is the vile act of one of your friends.
    5. 5. Kissing the general tells the dreamer that she is spending too much energy for the benefit of other people. You should worry about your own health and rest.
    6. 6. If a girl dreams of kissing an African-American man, she lacks thrills and a change of scenery in her life. If nothing is done, depression may develop.

    Other meanings of night dreams

    Sigmund Freud claims that if a person dreams of kissing himself, this indicates his narcissistic tendencies. If a girl dreamed that she was kissing her friend’s husband, a fleeting relationship filled with passion is possible. The couple's feelings will quickly fade away, and the separation will be painless. For a married lady, such a dream foreshadows betrayal of her husband, which she will greatly regret.

    Kisses with a neighbor or colleague indicate that the dreamer is seriously lacking thrills and emotions in life. If the dreamer does not remember who she kissed in a dream, this is a symbol of the beginning of new things. romantic relationships.

    Kisses in night dreams can have both a positive interpretation and warn of unpleasant situations.