Why do you dream about a refrigerator being stolen? Dream interpretation refrigerator full of food

Look into the depths of the subconscious and find out what your dream is about. It will tell you what you see means. And it will help to understand what you dreamed even more accurately.

Why do you dream about the Refrigerator: interpretation by 100 authors

Danilova's children's dream book

Seeing a Refrigerator in a dream, what does it mean?

Refrigerator - You like some wonderful person who responds to all your advances with complete indifference and inattention - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about a refrigerator?

Refrigerator - Seeing a refrigerator in your dream means that with your selfish judgments you are painfully hurting a person who is trying to earn an honest living.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Refrigerators from your dream

Refrigerator – Family Alienation; bad habit (eating at night).

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a refrigerator in a dream?

Refrigerator - If you dream of a refrigerator, it means. Your selfishness hurts and will harm those who are trying to earn an honest living.

Culinary dream book

Features of the dream about the refrigerator compartment

Refrigerator - If in a dream you put food in the refrigerator, it means you will be very successful in your business. If you took food out of the refrigerator, then you are expecting a dear guest, whose meeting involves numerous troubles.

Esoteric dream book

Refrigerator in night dreams

Refrigerator - To possible natural anomalies leading to crop failure: drought, flood, early frosts (those closer to the season). X. empty, new, bought, the dream advises you to stock up.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of a refrigerator

Refrigerator - If in a dream you dreamed of a refrigerator - an indispensable attribute of a modern home - this does not mean at all that it is time for you to buy a new, more advanced model of this miracle of technology. But in life everything is possible, and there is no need to be surprised at anything. You must prepare yourself for this blow of fate and try to make sure that it does not break your spirit.

Great modern dream book / Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Refrigerator

I dreamed of a Refrigerator, what does it mean, what does it mean in a dream Refrigerator - You saw a refrigerator in a dream - the dream calls on you to suppress your ever-increasing selfishness; one of the manifestations of your egoism is the desire to step in the way of another - active, talented, honest; you become more and more like a dog in a manger.

Dream book for the whole family / E. Danilova

Refrigerator in a dream

Refrigerator - cool relationship. An empty refrigerator means fear of need.

The meaning of a dream about a Freezer (Jewish dream book)

I dreamed of a Refrigerator, what is it for, what does it mean in a dream Refrigerator - Putting food in the refrigerator means postponing making an important decision. Taking food out of the refrigerator means experiencing a feeling of satiety; suddenly feel complete indifference to what fascinated you just yesterday. A damaged refrigerator means the loss of a very necessary item. CHORUS Listening to the singing of a choir on Monday night means that you will be diligently persuaded to do something; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to rumors and gossip; a dream on Saturday or Sunday night says that you will want to be alone for some time.

Dream Interpretation Taylor Joules

Interpretation of dreams. Interpretation of more than 1000 characters: Refrigerator

Refrigerator - It is designed to keep food cold, and the ice in it is homemade, controlled cold, unlike wild natural glaciers. Is your subconscious telling you to cool down in a situation where it's easy to get angry? Do you need to freeze something, such as an old grudge or feeling? See also Glaciers.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see a refrigerator in a dream?

I dreamed of a Refrigerator, what does it mean, what does it mean in a dream Refrigerator - see also Pantry 1. The refrigerator is a symbol of safety. In dreams, it embraces self-preservation and suggests that we may become emotionally or sexually cold. If you dreamed about spoiled food in the refrigerator, it means that we feel that we are not being taken care of as much as we would like. 2. Dreaming about leftover food in the refrigerator means that we are accumulating resentment and resentment. This in turn will freeze our response to love and affection. 3. Religious asceticism is designated as a refrigerator.

The refrigerator is a symbol of coldness in relationships with people.

As you know, this “cabinet” is designed to produce cold air. This allows you to keep the products in their original condition. In the same way, people, locking their feelings and emotions inside, try to protect them from the hostile outside world.

What if you dream about a refrigerator?

Why do you dream about a refrigerator? Think about it: most likely, in an attempt to preserve your feelings, to hide them from strangers, you are depriving emotional coloring your communication with people. This can hurt them, even if you don't notice. Excessive coldness is selfish and unjustified unless there are good reasons for it.

Make attempts to correct your behavior style. Change your communication style, practice in front of a mirror to feel confident in a real situation. You will definitely be able to make new friends and restore relationships with old ones that you already considered lost.

What does it portend?

Try not to put your interests above the interests of everyone else. Selfishness may provide some temporary benefit, but soon you will realize that people are turning away from you.

A refrigerator in a dream, if you open it, can mean disappointment and betrayal of a close friend. Such disappointment can be a serious blow, but try to accept it with dignity. Happen different situations and circumstances, and you cannot judge someone without even knowing what prompted the person to take such a step.

Why do you dream about a refrigerator? The dream book explains this vision, taking into account the accompanying details. If it was full of food, it auspicious sign, especially when there was fish or meat. But an empty one in a dream warns of possible disappointments or useless worries. It is important to remember exactly how you dreamed about it in order to know what to expect in reality.

General value

Seeing a refrigerator in a dream means: the selfishness of the sleeper creates problems for his loved ones. Therefore, sometimes you can sacrifice your interests a little.

Why do you dream of an empty or new refrigerator? The dream book warns: it's time to stock up.

Putting meat in it means you can benefit from some unpleasant situation. Did you dream about frozen fish in your refrigerator? Expect pleasant gifts and surprises from fate.

Why do you dream that it is broken? The dreamer needs to understand the true motives of his actions in order to foresee their consequences. Thanks to this, you can understand what future awaits him.

Did you dream of defrosting a refrigeration unit? The dream book interprets the vision as a harbinger of unexpected blows of fate, disappointment, and betrayal of the dreamer by friends. Urgent measures must also be taken to prevent complete ruin.

Business sphere

A large refrigerator in a dream foreshadows great opportunities in reality. Full, with products - to come good deal, profit, prosperity.

The dream book interprets a dream about an empty refrigeration unit as empty troubles. Therefore, you should not start any important business in order to avoid disappointment.

If it came with the products you put there, it means success in your own business. Taking them out from there in a dream means that a dear guest will visit you, whose reception promises many troubles.

Why dream of buying a new refrigerator or receiving it as a gift? The dream book explains: favorable life changes and business success lie ahead. Large acquisitions are also possible.


The dream book can give the following interpretation: a refrigerator is a structure where you can store something. For example, your own well-being. When you take something out of it, there are financial expenses ahead. Therefore, carefully consider whether they are necessary. Did you dream of putting food there? This is a manifestation of economy and frugality. Perhaps you will soon be able to replenish your bank account.

Why do you dream about choosing it for a gift for a long time, and then giving it at a wedding, housewarming, or other celebration? The dream foreshadows some large, and unjustified, expenses in the event of a difficult financial situation. Therefore, it is worth thinking several times if you want to purchase something.

Buying a refrigerator in a dream means: unplanned expenses are coming that could undermine family budget dreamer However, these costs are necessary and cannot be avoided.

Love, relationships

In general, seeing a refrigerator in a dream is a sign that cooling will occur between loved ones. Empty - according to the dream book, to a cold, devastated soul: someone can use the dreamer for their own purposes. It is important, despite the disappointment, the “squeezed lemon” state, not to give in to despair. You should learn a lesson from the situation and continue on your way.

Why do you dream of a refrigerator with food standing where it shouldn’t be? The dream book indicates: friends and acquaintances will disappoint you with their behavior or attitude. However, a person will appear who will provide selfless help, support, and become a reliable friend.

Cleaning a refrigerator in a dream means in reality experiencing sympathy for a person of the opposite sex. To get his attention, you need to express your feelings openly.

Getting sweets and ice cream out of it means a romantic acquaintance awaits.


Did you dream about an old unit that doesn’t work? The dream book states: a person often has problems with education and career. Perhaps there are some obstacles to this. This vision signals a worsening problem.

A refrigerator full of food is a fairly common dream for girls on a diet: it is difficult for them to control their appetite. But when a similar plot is repeated several times, perhaps these restrictions are excessive for the body and the diet should be stopped until there are worse consequences.

If in a dream you had to wash or clean it, try to exclude it from your diet junk food, as it may have a negative impact on your health.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • Be careful with food, you may get poisoned!

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • Fridge- be careful with food, you can get poisoned.

New family dream book

  • If you dream about a refrigerator- because of your selfishness, honest and respectable people may suffer.

New family dream book

  • If you dream of a refrigerator, honest and respectable people may suffer because of your selfishness.

Modern dream book

  • A dream in which you see a refrigerator means that sometimes you should sacrifice your interests for the sake of your loved ones, since your selfishness creates a lot of problems for other people. Putting ice in the refrigerator is a sign of bad luck.

Esoteric dream book

  • Fridge- to possible natural anomalies leading to crop failure: drought, flood, early frosts (those closer to the season).
  • Refrigerator empty, new, to be purchased- the dream advises you to stock up.

Children's dream book

  • Fridge- you like some wonderful person who responds to all your advances with complete indifference and inattention.

Children's dream book

  • Refrigerator - you like some wonderful person who responds to all your advances with complete indifference and inattention.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

  • Do you feel emotionally isolated from others? Are you emotionally cold and lacking warmth in your life? Declare to yourself: “I easily share feelings and emotions with other people.”

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

  • You feel emotionally closed off from others. Lack of heat.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

  • If you dreamed of a refrigerator - an indispensable attribute of a modern home - this does not mean at all that it is time for you to buy a new, more advanced model of this miracle of technology. This dream lets you know that your spiritual generosity can play a cruel joke on you. You are an emotional person, and it is difficult for you to restrain your passions, but you should not so readily demonstrate your best spiritual qualities to everyone, because there are many unworthy people in the world who will not fail to take advantage of the breadth of your soul for selfish purposes. If you open the refrigerator, then in reality there is a big disappointment- you will be betrayed by a close friend whom you trusted as yourself, and you could not even imagine such an outcome of events. But in life everything is possible, and there is no need to be surprised at anything. You must prepare yourself for this blow of fate and try to make sure that it does not break your spirit.

Women's dream book

  • The refrigerator you dreamed about- may mean that with your selfish judgments you hurt a person who is trying to earn an honest living.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • Fridge- alienation in the family; bad habit (eating at night).

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • Refrigerator - alienation in the family; bad habit (eating at night).

Culinary dream book

  • If in a dream you put food in the refrigerator, it means you will be very successful in your business. If you took food out of the refrigerator, then you are expecting a dear guest, whose meeting involves numerous troubles.

Culinary dream book

  • If in a dream you put food in the refrigerator- it means you will be very successful in your business.
  • If you have taken food out of the refrigerator- this means you are expecting a dear guest, whose meeting involves numerous troubles.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

  • Refrigerator in a dream- symbolizes restraint. Often such dreams suggest that you should be calmer about issues of your well-being, otherwise excessive worries and worries will have a bad effect on your affairs and will not allow you to succeed.
  • At the same time, if the food in the refrigerator is frozen and looks unpleasant- this dream encourages you to be more active and caring in your business.

Modern combined dream book

  • A dream in which you saw a refrigerator- warns that with your selfishness you can inflict mental wounds on someone who strives to earn an honest living.
  • Place ice in the refrigerator- a sign of failure.

Buying a new refrigerator in a dream is a harbinger of unexpected expenses that will significantly undermine the family budget.

To discover in a dream that your refrigerator is faulty is to receive a completely fair reproach for coldness and inattention.

A refrigerator in your room is a sign that you will unfairly offend your friend or one of your close relatives.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

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Seeing a refrigerator in a dream

If you dream of a refrigerator, it means. Your selfishness hurts and will harm those who are trying to earn an honest living.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does the dream Refrigerator mean?

Refrigerator - To possible natural anomalies leading to crop failure: drought, flood, early frosts (those closer to the season). X. empty, new, bought - the dream advises you to stock up.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Seeing a Refrigerator in a dream

If you dreamed of a refrigerator (an indispensable attribute of a modern home): this does not mean at all that it is time for you to buy a new, more advanced model of this miracle of technology.

This dream lets you know that your spiritual generosity can play a cruel joke on you.

You are an emotional person, and it is difficult for you to restrain your passions, but you should not so readily demonstrate your best spiritual qualities to everyone, because there are many unworthy people in the world who will not fail to take advantage of the breadth of your soul for selfish purposes.

If you open the refrigerator: in reality you will be greatly disappointed, you will be betrayed by a close friend whom you trusted as yourself, and you could not even imagine such an outcome of events.

But in life everything is possible, and there is no need to be surprised at anything.

You must prepare yourself for this blow of fate and try to make sure that it does not break your spirit.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

What do dreams about Refrigerator mean?

If in a dream you put food in the refrigerator, it means you will be very successful in your business. If you took food out of the refrigerator, then you are expecting a dear guest, whose meeting involves numerous troubles.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation "Food"

Dream about a refrigerator

Refrigerator - you like some wonderful person who responds to all your advances with complete indifference and inattention.

Interpretation of dreams from the Children's Dream Book

What does a refrigerator mean in a dream?

A dream about a refrigerator may mean that with your selfish judgments you are hurting a person who is trying to earn an honest living.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What does a refrigerator mean in a dream?

Symbolizes restraint. Often such dreams suggest that you should be calmer about issues of your well-being, otherwise excessive worries and worries will have a bad effect on your affairs and will not allow you to succeed.

At the same time, if the food in the refrigerator is frozen and looks unpleasant: this dream encourages you to be more active and caring in your business.

Interpretation of dreams from

If you are overcome by a dream in which you carry huge bags of groceries home, put them in the refrigerator, but it does not fill up, it means that guests will soon come to you.

If you dream that your refrigerator constantly breaks down, despite the fact that it was purchased recently, that the technician is already refusing to repair it, then be careful when purchasing household appliances in the near future.

If you dream that your refrigerator was stolen, but this did not upset you at all, it means that possible property losses will give you strength and renew your creative potential.

If in a dream you take a long time to choose a refrigerator as a gift, and then when large quantity present it to guests at a wedding, housewarming, birthday, then such a dream means an unreasonably large waste of money under cramped material circumstances.

Refrigerator - you like some wonderful person who responds to all your advances with complete indifference and inattention. If in a dream you put food in the refrigerator, it means you will be very successful in your business. If you took food out of the refrigerator, it means you are expecting a dear guest, whose meeting involves numerous troubles.

Refrigerator - be careful with food, you can get poisoned. If you dream of a refrigerator, honest and respectable people may suffer because of your selfishness. The dream in which you saw a refrigerator warns that with your selfishness you can inflict mental wounds on someone who strives to earn an honest living. Putting ice in the refrigerator is a sign of bad luck.

A refrigerator in a dream is a reflection of conservatism and selfishness. If you dreamed of a refrigerator (an indispensable attribute of a modern home), this does not mean at all that it is time for you to buy a new, more advanced model of this miracle of technology. This dream lets you know that your spiritual generosity can play a cruel joke on you. You are an emotional person, and it is difficult for you to restrain your passions, but you should not so readily demonstrate your best spiritual qualities to everyone, because there are many unworthy people in the world who will not fail to take advantage of the breadth of your soul for selfish purposes. If you open the refrigerator, in reality you will be greatly disappointed, you will be betrayed by a close friend whom you trusted as yourself, and you could not even imagine such an outcome of events. But in life everything is possible, and there is no need to be surprised at anything. You must prepare yourself for this blow of fate and try to make sure that it does not break your spirit.

Fridge - Do you feel emotionally isolated from others? Are you emotionally cold and lacking warmth in your life? Declare to yourself: “I easily share feelings and emotions with other people.” Refrigerator - show more concern for others.

A refrigerator in a dream symbolizes restraint. Often such dreams suggest that you should be calmer about issues of your well-being, otherwise excessive worries and worries will have a bad effect on your affairs and will not allow you to succeed. At the same time, if the food in the refrigerator is frozen and looks unpleasant, this dream encourages you to be more active and caring in your business.

If you dream of a refrigerator, it means that your selfishness will hurt and harm someone who is trying to earn an honest living. If you dreamed of a refrigerator, it may mean that with your selfish judgments you are painfully hurting a person who is trying to earn an honest living.

Refrigerator - alienation in the family; bad habit (eating at night). Refrigerator - to possible natural anomalies leading to crop failure: drought, flood, early frosts (those closer to the season).

The refrigerator is empty, new, bought - the dream advises you to stock up.

Dream Interpretation Refrigerator

A refrigerator in a dream represents your attitude towards the world around you. If it was empty, then useless worries and disappointments await you. See full - good sign, especially if the food included fish and meat.

Why do you dream about a refrigerator?

IN real life such a device was invented so that when cold temperature extend the shelf life of food. In a dream this symbol means your coldness, selfishness and narcissism, because of which, first of all, your loved ones suffer.

If you dreamed of a refrigerator

I dreamed about a refrigerator, the opinions of dream books

An ordinary thing, a refrigerator can take on many bizarre images in a dream. In order to choose your scenario, open the dream book.

Miller's dream book

Miller had quite a bit of thought on this matter. The refrigerator is dreamed of by a person who, because of his selfishness, hurts his loved ones. There are no other references to this symbol in Miller’s dream book.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a refrigerator in a dream means you emotional person who finds it difficult to control his emotions. In addition, your soul is generous and you see good in every person. Be careful, as some people shamelessly take advantage of this.

Why do you dream of a refrigerator that you open - to the betrayal of a close friend.

Esoteric dream book

This source sees a threat in such dreams natural disasters eg drought, flood. If you see a new, empty refrigerator, or buy one, take action and stock up on food and drinking water.

What kind of refrigerator was it?

Refrigerator, according to other experts

Psychologist Sigmund Freud believed that a freezer can be a dream for those people who are not satisfied with their relationship with their sexual partner. Your other half is too cold towards you sexually, and you are looking for a replacement for her, more generous in showing love and affection.

If the contents of the refrigerator were frozen, and you actually saw only ice - your search ideal partner will drag on for a long time.

The seer Vanga said that the refrigerator is a dream about the cooling of the relationship between two loving people, but did not give like a dream attention. But a refrigerator in which there is no food indicates that someone “drank” all the juices from you and left you. There is emptiness and coldness in your soul.

Buying or receiving a refrigerator as a gift, according to the seer, to big changes in life, in better side. And large and filled with products, you have many opportunities to improve your life.

Why dream of cleaning the refrigerator?

There is an opinion that washing a white friend in a dream means that you are not eating properly, clogging your body junk food. Review your diet, eat right, and then your health will be restored.

If you cleaned the refrigerator

In general, washing and defrosting a refrigerator in a dream means that you yourself understand that your diet is far from ideal, and you have even begun to take steps in the right direction.

But, if you decided to wash it because of spoiled food that you took out, a serious scandal is brewing in your family. Your relationship has long been in need of revision; if nothing is done, a storm will break out.

What foods were in the refrigerator?

Looking at frozen meat or fish in the refrigerator means you are interfering with your own happiness.

A refrigerator with no food in it means it's time to think about the future.

what was inside

If in the refrigerator fresh food, fish, meat, fruits, vegetables, delicacies - your home is full, mutual understanding and prosperity, permanent residents of your home. If the food is spoiled, rotten meat or fish, everything is frozen - you do not know how to create comfort in your family, and money is slipping through your fingers. Try to pay more attention to household chores and your loved ones, as their patience is not ironclad.

By the way, if frozen fish occupied the main part of your dream, worry about your health, you are clearly not doing well.

A refrigerator full of various foods is often dreamed of by people who, for certain reasons, are on a diet. In this case, there is only one interpretation - try not to go to bed on empty stomach, especially if the dream becomes chronic.

Other interpretations

  • If in a dream the refrigerator is in in the wrong place– you will be disappointed with your loved ones.
  • Taking out pastries, ice cream, and desserts from it is a romantic date.
  • Buying a refrigerator means you will incur unplanned expenses from the family budget.
  • Putting food in it means you are a thrifty person and will soon be able to save it for a rainy day.
  • Keeping the door wide open means you are wasting your mental strength on an unworthy object.