How to learn to be an interesting person. How to always be interesting to a man

Why does a man lose interest in a woman?

Let's consider this situation. You have been together for a long time, you know and understand each other well, and you feel that a man’s interest in you is decreasing. The relationship somehow fades, gradually fades away, loses its former liveliness and passion. A man no longer looks at you with admiration and does not lust after you as before.

At the same time, you do everything for him, please him, and dodge this way and that, but he doesn’t seem to appreciate it and shows less and less reciprocity. What should I do? Is it possible to regain and maintain his interest?

The good news is yes, it is entirely possible. To do this, you will have to stop doing what you were doing, namely dodging for him this way and that.

Sounds strange, right? Let's figure it out.

A little science. Let's remember about the Coolidge effect, about the attractiveness of new women ready for fertilization. What happens to men at this moment? They see a possible reward in front of them (the opportunity to reproduce and pass on their genes), but at the same time there is high level uncertainty (it is not a fact that this woman will choose him). When a man knows that a reward may be waiting for him ahead, but it is not a fact that he will receive it, he begins to produce a very important neurotransmitter - dopamine. Dopamine causes motivation, encourages men to act in exchange for a possible reward, gives an incentive to develop events, to continue moving forward and trying.

Gambling is attractive to men for about the same reason: in them he can get a reward, but this is not certain, there is uncertainty. Therefore, dopamine is produced, which makes you try again and again.

And for the same reason, men are attracted to women who promise a reward with their appearance or behavior, but which they do not possess or do not fully possess.

From this we can conclude: if a man knows you inside and out, if he knows that you will not get away from him, that you are completely dependent and subordinate, that he will always have delicious lunch and royal sex at the click of his finger - he becomes uninterested with you. Because everything is too predictable and he will get his reward anyway.

That is why in a relationship with a man it is worth maintaining a certain level of uncertainty in order to fuel his interest and maintain dopamine levels.

How to always remain a mystery to a man

So, you are a woman, he is a man. You have something feminine that is not interesting to him. He has something masculine of his own that is not interesting to you. In addition, there are some common topics that are interesting to both of you. So the recipe is quite simple:

  1. Have and keep yours own interests and hobbies;
  2. Touch on general topics that interest you;
  3. And disagree on topics that are not interesting to you.

On the one hand, he is not interested in your hobbies, but on the other hand, he is curious that you have something of your own and you are not completely known to him in some way. He doesn’t know about you in your area of ​​interest, he doesn’t know what’s going on there. This is the very degree of uncertainty and mystery.

How to stay interesting while on maternity leave

And for many women, first of all, it is necessary to learn to respect their own interests. Yes, sometimes it can be complicated and difficult, especially for mothers during maternity period, but it is still vitally important to free up time for some of your own hobbies or some communities or companies. The same fitness, dancing, and even Tuvan throat singing is a huge positive factor; it will fill and revitalize both you and your relationship.

Stay beautiful and interesting

It also makes great sense to maintain at least some kind of social activity, to maintain some kind of social interaction. If you are locked in some kind of squirrel wheel of your own, if your interests are primitive and from your personal you have only one girlfriend and TV series, then most likely you will not be interesting to a man - you will not be interesting to yourself.

Create interests for yourself as an individual, be proactive, do not completely dissolve in everyday life and relationships, have your own hobbies, look for places where you can realize your interests, study information on exciting topics, get acquainted and exchange experiences.

At the same time, you should not drag each other into your own interests. Let these be your personal sets of experiences and development, let these be your own victories and your personal growth. In this way, you will be able to fill each other - you will remain a little unknown and unexplored to each other. That’s when that male gaze, full of admiration and interest, will begin to return.

Yes, victories can and should be shared, but it is not necessary to dive into details and the process. You can be happy for your man that he won some kind of cup in sports, he can be happy for you that you finished embroidering a picture with beads. And you don’t have to love his sport or your embroidery.

Instead of an afterword:

Balance is important for relationships so as not to go to the other extreme. If you only have your own values, your own life, if you don’t overlap anywhere or in anything, then the question arises - why are you together at all? Why do you need this relationship?

Therefore, balance is important: on the one hand, your interests, your own life are important, on the other hand, come into contact and intersect with your man. There must be a mutual desire to be together, common interests and goals are necessary in order for the relationship to develop and be needed by both partners.

To be interesting to other people, you need constant self-improvement and development. Constantly learn something new, study, travel, expand your horizons. With an erudite person there is always something to talk about, he is always interesting. Find a passion for yourself. It doesn't matter what it is: painting or diving, dancing or gardening. At a minimum, you will always be interesting to those who share your passion. In addition, a passionate person who devotes himself entirely to his hobby often becomes successful and receives recognition and respect in society. And success will make you interesting to huge amount people. Be versatile developed person. Being deeply passionate about one thing should not make you a one-sided person. Be interested in art, sports, music, astronomy, literature, etc. You need to learn something new throughout your life; this is the only way to avoid personality degradation. Share your knowledge with others - this is the point of communicating with interesting people! Bernard Shaw said it best: “If we exchange apples, then you and I will have one apple each. If we exchange ideas, you and I will each have two ideas.” The desire for new knowledge is inherent in people. And if you are the source of this knowledge, interest in you will not dry up. Learn to express your thoughts beautifully, present information competently, and you will provide yourself with an audience of grateful listeners who listen to your every word and consider you very interesting person. Accept and love yourself as you are. Each personality is interesting in its own way, “the whole Universe is hidden in every person.” Look at yourself from the outside, identify your strengths and develop them. Don't hide your talents and achievements from people. And some flaws can be made part of your unique image. Don’t be afraid to have your own opinion on everything and defend it if necessary. Many people are afraid to stand out and prefer to be part of the crowd all their lives. Take risks, find your way, fall and rise again. The richer your life experience, the more interesting you are to others. Use your sense of humor. Wit and ease of communication are the most reliable way gain fans and friends. Anyone who knows how to make a joke at the right time and defuse the situation never gets bored alone. Smile, make others smile, and you will always be the center of attention!

An interesting personality is attractive to others. It’s a pleasure to communicate with a bright, extraordinary, versatile person. Such an individual knows how to listen and carry on a conversation, he amazes with his charisma and love of life, has an excellent sense of humor and attracts other people. If you want to become such a person, study the basic qualities of interesting people.


To be an interesting conversationalist, you need to constantly learn something new. Be curious, study issues that interest you, expand your horizons. Just think how many objects in the world are worthy of attention, and at the same time how often you can meet boring, narrow-minded people. Don’t be like them, study, travel, engage in self-development.

Find your calling. A charismatic personality strives for self-realization. You can express yourself through work or hobbies. If you find a professional field in which your talents are useful, or become interested in some activity in free time, which means you can infect other people with your own enthusiasm.

Interesting people are those who love their work and are happy to immerse themselves in it.

Try to be a well-rounded person. Pay attention to all your talents and abilities. Limited people They are not of as much interest to others as addicted people.

The art of conversation

Learn to share your knowledge and experience. Become a great conversationalist. To do this, you need to improve your storytelling and listening skills.

To become a good storyteller, you need to learn to express your own thoughts beautifully, correctly and accurately. Reading good literature and constant practice in writing and writing will help you master this talent. oral speech.

In addition, you should learn to notice interesting details and become more attentive.

Eye contact with the interlocutor and, again, attentiveness, as well as demonstrating that you understand the person, will help you in your listening skills. Of course, there is no need to interrupt the speaker.


A person who, first of all, accepts himself becomes attractive to others. Try to see the virtues in yourself first and foremost. It’s better to forget about shortcomings that you cannot correct.

Self-respect, sincere self-love, self-acceptance makes a person worthy of love from others. Be a self-sufficient person, and people will be drawn to you. Strong people who are not looking for approval, but simple communication, are truly interesting to others.

Under any circumstances, try to remain yourself. Don't betray your principles by blindly following the crowd. Know how to defend your own point of view. Learn to resist unwanted influence and manipulation, maintain your originality. A charismatic person lives in harmony with himself and is not afraid to follow his chosen path.

To stay interesting to my husband, always watch your appearance

How to stay interesting to your husband

When a woman wins the love of a man, she tries to look her best: she takes care of her appearance, dresses beautifully. However, living together is not in the best possible way affects the external attractiveness of women. Any man loves first of all with his eyes, so there should be no place in your home wardrobe for shapeless robes, washed-out T-shirts and stretched out sweatpants. Update your wardrobe regularly, try to look attractive even in home environment, and then the chances of remaining interesting to your husband will be higher.

Take advantage of the advice of psychologists to help stir up your loved one’s interest.

  • Do you want your marriage to be strong and happy? Try to become for your man best friend. Always listen to him to the end, do not interrupt, ask for his opinion. Remember that representatives of the stronger sex react extremely painfully to even minor criticism addressed to them.
  • My husband is my hero. On a subconscious level, all men want to be knights and protectors. Admire the actions of your significant other more often, praise him for his successes, thank him for his help with the housework. This behavior will help improve communication and will give much more results than criticism.
  • Delight your spouse with new culinary masterpieces; he will surely appreciate your efforts.
  • Have your own privacy and individual interests. This could be a creative hobby or sport. Favorite activities provide a field for self-realization; your success and passion will support your husband, his respect and interest.

If there is sincere love and affection in your family, you can remain interesting to each other until old age. The main thing is to learn how to behave correctly with your soulmate, to find the right approach to each other.

After several years of marriage, we again win the attention of our husband

  • More details

How to remain interesting to your husband in bed?

Men want to see next to them not only a good housewife, a loving mother of their children and an understanding girlfriend, but also a passionate lover. Intimate life in family relationships very important. To ensure that your husband’s interest does not fade over time, be sure to listen to the following tips.

  • Love your body with all its strengths and weaknesses. Stop being ashamed of your natural desires and needs.
  • At least once a month, arrange a romantic date alone for your loved one. Light some candles, play some slow music, put on some nice lingerie. Believe me, no man can resist such a temptation.
  • Take initiative in intimate relationships. Invite your husband to try something new and unusual.

Even if you have children, do not forget that spouses sometimes need to be alone. Give the kids to their grandmothers for 1-2 days and spend this time together. Such a romantic weekend will refresh your relationship.


Don't show that you are afraid of losing him. The stronger sex are hunters by nature, they prefer to conquer prey, they are not interested in being chased. Your husband should under no circumstances think that he is the center of your life. Realizing this, he quickly loses interest in you, because he has no one else to conquer.

Love yourself. As soon as you begin to value your personality, satisfy your desires and live your life (and not the life of your husband), he will begin to perceive you in a different format. Learn to admire yourself and be a constant mystery. This is what makes me strive for you every day.

Develop constantly, don't stop there. This is especially true for those who are successful in their careers. The development of both spouses should be simultaneous, so they will always find something to talk about. Even if you are sitting at home with, try to learn as many new things as possible. It's never too late to learn.

Be independent. To a man you will never get tired of being self-sufficient, having your own point of view and living life to the fullest. Find a hobby that brings you pleasure, visit fitness centers, sports clubs, museums, libraries, meet friends. A man should see that not all your attention is focused on him, this will attract him to you. It is not beauty that binds the male sex, but individuality.

Watch your appearance. Take care of your hair, nails and skin, use decorative cosmetics, watch your figure. An attractive woman always looks impressive. Update your wardrobe - it will not only improve your mood, but will also make a man admire you.

Be calm and balanced. Men are put off by frequent domestic squabbles. If you are constantly in a bad mood and looking for a reason to argue, this will sooner or later push him away. In order for your husband to go home happily, it is necessary to maintain a calm environment. More humor in everyday life is great advice for a couple. In all controversial situations, compromises can be found without shouting and quarrels.

Be sexy. It is very important that a man continues to desire you even after ten years of life. To do this, you can diversify intimate life: new poses, role playing games, change of scenery. Don’t be afraid to seduce a man and succumb to his seductions yourself.

Look at the world with optimism. Men love cheerful women who enjoy the smallest little things. These are the ones who are pleasant to be around. Make jokes, tell stories about yourself and give good emotions, then it will be interesting and pleasant to spend time with you.


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  • how to always be interesting to your loved one

To create long and strong relationships it's not enough to get to know good man. So that his interest in you does not fade away after a few years, you need to remain the most attractive, desirable for him and at the same time not completely solved.

Referring to the fact that men love with their eyes, many women focus on their own appearance. They regularly visit fitness centers, go on diets, and watch their health. fashion trends and train gait from the hip. Yes, all this significantly increases the chances of meeting and falling in love with a man, but you should not make toy lovers out of the opposite sex. In addition to external beauty, internal beauty is also important. Remain interesting to a man throughout many years- a whole science.

“If you want to change the world, change yourself.” According to this principle, you should not change for the sake of a man. Do it for yourself. Periodically update your wardrobe, hairstyle, and makeup technique. Don't be afraid to try something new. For example, if you mostly wear jeans and neutral makeup, buy yourself a dress and red lipstick. Go on a date or to a cafe with your friends.

Take a sober look at your self-esteem. A confident woman is immediately visible; she is self-sufficient. Think about what you need to feel complete. Maybe you don't have any hobby? Take classes in cooking, photography, makeup, etc. Maybe you are unhappy with your position? Change your job. Do not call a man every half hour, asking when he will arrive. Take care of yourself during this time.

Develop your skills, horizons, increase your level of intelligence. You will feel proud that you were able to achieve something or learn something new, and the people around you will become more interested in communicating with you.

Men love to be listened to and heard. Be interested in his affairs and hobbies, sincerely try to understand the essence of the matter. This does not mean that you necessarily need to know all the players on his favorite team. But sometimes you can keep him company while watching the match, keeping up the conversation.

Come up with an activity that will be interesting to both of you. For example, cycling or cinema on weekends. This is a good opportunity to get closer together and find new topics for conversation.

Sex plays a role in a man's life important role. Therefore, you cannot relax here. Look for a new position in a magazine and invite your partner to try it out. Buy beautiful set in a style different from yours. Seduce and surprise a man, then you will reveal a new side in his eyes.

One famous phrase reads: " Ideal woman“This is a mistress in bed, a mistress in the kitchen and a lady at a party.” Be different for a man, and he will definitely appreciate it.

Modern ladies have a lot of misconceptions about what kind of women are interesting to men. This is partly due to upbringing, partly to images glamorous girls, flashing from TV screens and covers of glossy magazines. In some ways, prejudices are implanted in their souls by friends with their advice, and in some ways by their own sad experience. And they, unfortunate ones, are chasing an unattainable ideal, trying to lose weight to size forty, style their hair perfectly and have flawless skin. Many are very close to ideal. They are almost ideal. For now they are silent. Because if they open their mouths, then the unfortunate men have nothing to talk about with these dolls. Not because they are stupid, no. But, simply, many do not know what to talk about with a man. They know how to be attractive, but how to be interesting? Let's find out how to become interesting to a man.

  • Firstly, an interesting woman is easy to communicate with. An interesting woman is not afraid to say something stupid. If you are attractive, men will not notice any mistakes on your part. Girls often put on a stern and cutesy appearance. They put on a serious face, try to seem well-mannered, smart and mysterious. As a result, the man goes out of his way to keep the conversation going, talks about the weather, asks standard questions, to which he receives not very common answers. The conversation doesn’t go well, impressions of each other are blurry. The man doesn’t call anymore, and the girl wonders what she did wrong - either she held the fork in the wrong hand, or did her hair the wrong way.

Yes, a man first of all evaluates a woman visually. But then he starts a conversation. And here everything depends on the woman. If she becomes interesting to him, then she can count on long-term courtship; if not, then they won’t invite her further “come to my place, let’s watch a movie.”

  • Secondly, an interesting woman lives interesting life. It is hardly worth explaining that housewives do not live interesting lives.

Interesting woman:

  1. studies or works (while not being obsessed with her activities);
  2. plays sports (constantly, not occasionally);
  3. reads books (pulp novels are not books);
  4. watches movies, especially new ones);
  5. doesn’t watch TV (and if he does, he’ll never admit it);
  6. has a hobby (for example, photography, dancing, horse riding. You need to have a hobby so that a man understands you. Unfortunately, very few men know how to knit and weave macramé).
  • Thirdly, to become interesting to a man, a woman’s day must be filled. Home - work, work - home - not about her. She fits dates with a man into her busy schedule.

But at the same time, in a conversation, an interesting woman will never conduct a monologue about her colorful life. Her task is to bring the man into a dialogue in which her gentleman will understand that in front of him is a self-sufficient, versatile, bright person with clear life priorities. You shouldn’t agree with a man on everything in a conversation; sometimes you need to contradict him. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity love to prove that they are right; in addition, an argument enlivens the conversation.

An interesting woman can count not only on admiration, but also on respect, and these are feelings that often develop...into love)))