The strongest man in the world in the entire history of mankind. Top most powerful people on the planet

The strongest people, or strongmen as they are also called, are not only role models for many athletes, but also the pride of the whole world. Each athlete presented in this article is a legend, and many of them were able to combine sports with family, work and other hobbies. Recognition from the whole world in strength sports is not so easy to achieve. Behind every athlete there are 1000 hours spent in the gym, liters of blood and sweat, as well as great willpower.

Undoubtedly, open the list of the most strong people world must "Baby Dundee". This man is not only known throughout the world for his achievements in strength sports, but also as one of the longest living people in the world. However, everything is in order. Little Dundee or Joe Rollino took the title of the world's strongest man after lifting a 500kg weight. Another important achievement is the fact that this man could lift 300 kg just with a few fingers. And all these achievements were with a weight of 68 kg and a height of only 1.65. As the titled strongman himself said, the reason for this was complete failure from meat products and alcohol. Plus, Joe Rollino did not die a natural death - he was hit by a car. Who knows how many years this one could have lived? amazing person, if not for this fatal incident.

The most famous Lithuanian strongman, Zydrunas Savickas, has become an idol for many in the world. He became interested in strength sports from a young age, which is why he achieved dizzying results. For the first time he installed personal best squatting with a 400 kg barbell while gaining 1000 kg in triathlon. However, already in 2000 at the World Championships he improved his result to 1020 kg. Another important result of this athlete is throwing a 25 kg weight in height with one hand almost 5.5 m. After such dizzying victories, Savickas received a serious knee injury. Nobody believed in his return to the sport. However, he not only returned, but also won the Lithuanian eventing championship. Moreover, just a few years after the injury, he received the title of the strongest man on the planet, and also won the Arnold Schwarzenegger tournament 2 times in a row.

Perhaps everyone knows this name. This eminent athlete became the best strongman in Russia and beyond. However, his stellar career began with defeat, for sure, and spurred him on to achieve all those countless victories and results that the athlete achieved. Interesting fact– Poddubny’s sports career lasted for 40 years, and he lost only once. In addition, Ivan completely abandoned nicotine, alcohol and other bad habits.

He approached his training with special attention, sparing neither effort nor time; lifting weights weighing almost 40 kg and barbells weighing more than 100 kg was his daily norm. In addition, Ivan also performed in the circus, as a weight lifter and wrestler. Poddubny was feared not only in Russia, but also abroad. Just look at the comments of eyewitnesses after the fights with the great Roald de Boucher. He enjoyed it not only in Europe, but also in America, where he filled the halls. Ivan is a six-time world champion in Greco-Roman wrestling, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and Honored Master of Sports of the USSR.

Arnold Shyvrznegger is a legendary star of Hollywood films, the governor of California and, of course, the “Terminator” with the seven-time Mr. Olympia title. He began his career at the age of 15 with a passion for bodybuilding. After only 5 years, Arnold received the title “Mr. Olympia”, and this despite the fact that other athletes achieve this much longer. However, he never denied that he used chemical additives. Thanks to his success in sports, Arnold received the title “Mr. Universe” in 1967 of the last century. A year later he won all possible bodybuilding awards in Europe, and soon began to participate in championships in America. However, in 1980, the athlete changed his profession to actor. However, as we know, it is also very successful. Several decades have already passed, and Arnold Schwarzenegger is known to every person, and not only as hollywood star, but also as one of the strongest athletes on the planet.

Vasily Alekseev was born in 42 in the Ryazan region. He graduated from the Arkhangelsk Forestry Engineering Institute, where his stellar sports career began, because it was there that he met his first coach.

The world-famous weightlifter Vasily has become a legend thanks to his countless victories and records. To this day, there has not yet been a person on the planet who could repeat his record. 645 kg in powerlifting. Over the years of training, Alexey set as many as 80 world records and 81 in his country (USSR). From 1989 to 1992 he was the head coach of the USSR national weightlifting team. Unofficially he was recognized as the strongest man on the planet.

As you know, a woman is born to break rules and destroy stereotypes. One such famous and great woman is Becca Stevenson. She received the title of the strongest woman on the planet. In addition to her title, she is a record holder for lifting a barbell weighing 387 kg from a sitting position. Even men cannot break this record. In addition, Becca is the only representative of the fairer sex who managed to take 270 kg from the prone position and 310 in the deadlift. Today, Becca continues to play sports, but special attention devotes to his family.

Alexander Zass or Iron Samson, a native of England, became a legend in 1938 after a funny incident. The fact is that this fearless man lay down under a loaded truck. However, he did not have any special characteristics at all; his height was 1.67 and his weight was 80 kg. The thing is that Alexander Zass performed in circus performances almost all his life. At the same time, each of his numbers was on the verge of fantasy - catching a cannonball, hammering nails with his bare palm - Zass performed all this and much more without difficulty. When Alexander broke the chains with his hands, the audience froze in surprise. In addition, Zass participated in the First World War, where he saved the lives of many comrades. Of course, Alexander achieved all these achievements thanks to long training, enormous willpower and enormous work. Iron Samson did not calm down and after the war, he decided to bring his old idea to life. He took an iron beam in his teeth and, using a crane, carried it to the top of the building. Who knows what would have happened to the eyewitnesses of this amazing spectacle if Zass had not held the beam.

Representatives different nations since ancient times they have worshiped outstanding physical strength. Ever since the legends of Hercules and the first Olympic Games, people have been looking for ways to determine the true champion, who is superior in strength to all others. As centuries passed, strength sports became more and more diverse - from strict weightlifting to the exciting “Highland games”.

Since 1977, every athlete who wanted to compete for the title of “The Strongest Man on the Planet” has participated in the show of the same name (World’s Strongest Man). Similar competitions were also held by the International Federation of Strength Athletes (IFSA) and at the Arnold Sports Festival.

But still, due to the diversity of species, it is not possible to determine a single champion; fans everywhere recognize only the winner of their direction or organization. For example, powerlifting fans consider Ed Cohen the strongest person in the world, who set maximum records relative to his own weight; or the much larger Andy Bolton - maximum in the absolute. Fans of strongman competitions will name three-time world champion Bill Kazmaier or five-time world champion Mariusz Pudzianowski (pictured above).

All the athletes listed here, of course, deserve to be called the strongest, but only one should remain. To determine the champion, we turned to the man who knows more about strength competitions than anyone: Dr. Terry Todd. Not only was he the winner of America's first national eventing competitions (in 1964 and 1965), but he was also a powerlifter who achieved first-time record totals of 1600 lb (726 kg), 1700 (771 kg), 1800 (817 kg) and 1900 (862 kg). He is also one of the organizers of the Arnold Strongman Classic tournament and the director of the world's largest museum physical culture and sports (Stark Center for Physical Culture and Sports) at the University of Texas. We turned to his extensive collection and examined documented strength records of all time.

Of course, it is not so easy to compare the achievements of athletes from different eras: firstly, today they use pharmaceuticals, which were clearly not available to the French "Apollo" Louis Uni. Secondly, as Todd notes, in late XIX and at the beginning of the 20th century, strongmen did not have the opportunity to constantly train, but only showed their achievements at infrequent performances. Although the spectators were amazed at the unprecedented power, it only developed through these rare demonstrations - there were no preparation systems. So we not only looked at recorded records, but also took into account some potential. Okay, enough introductions, let’s find out the name of the most powerful man on the planet!

No. 10 among the most powerful people on the planet

Brian Shaw, strongman.

Year and place of birth: 1982, USA.

Height: 203 cm.

Weight: 197 kg.

Shaw, who started sports career in basketball, was among the top three finalists of the World’s Strongest Man seven times and won there four times (2011, 2013, 2015, 2016). His competition records include a deadlift of 441 kg and a deadlift with Hummer wheels of 521.5 kg (with straps). The best results in the gym are squat 410.5 kg, bench press 242.5 and deadlift 447 (in straps).

No. 9 among the most powerful people on the planet

Leonid Taranenko, weightlifter.

Year and place of birth: 1956, USSR.

Height: 180 cm.

Weight: 118 kg.

Taranenko set a world record in clean and jerk (266 kg) and double-event total (475 kg) back in 1988. Due to the revision of weight categories by the International Weightlifting Federation, Taranenko’s achievements have now been replaced by others, but he is still respected by any weightlifter. Do you think it’s easy to bench press a bar that has 6 twenties on each side? Imagine lifting that much above your head - that’s power!

No. 8 among the most powerful people on the planet

Andy Bolton, powerlifter.

Year and place of birth: 1970, England.

Height: 183 cm.

Weight: 159 kg.

Briton Bolton was the first in history to deadlift 1,000 pounds (454 kg). Then he broke his competition record twice: 455 and 457 kg. He is also ranked 4th in the world in squat (550.5 kg) and 3rd in total (1273 kg). Andy said that he dreams of raising a record amount of 3,000 pounds (1,361 kg), which no one in the world has yet achieved.

No. 7 among the most powerful people on the planet

Brian Siders, powerlifter.

Year and place of birth: 1978, USA.

Height: 188 cm.

Weight: 157 kg.

Siders excelled in all competitive lifts of powerlifting: a max squat of 462 kg, a bench press of 362 kg, a deadlift of 392 kg and a best total of 1202 kg. Speaking in bare-knuckle competitions, he bench pressed 295 kg and deadlifted 381. These records were set without the use of aids, thanks to outstanding genetics and brutal work in the gym.

No. 6 among the most powerful people on the planet

Louis Uni, strongman.

Time and place of residence: 1862-1928, France.

Height: 191 cm.

Weight: 118 kg.

The achievements of the French strongman, nicknamed by his contemporaries the Mighty Apollo, are difficult to compare with today's records; There were no professional judges then; power tricks were more often described by ordinary spectators. Louis was known for his outstanding grip strength, lifting and pushing a railroad axle with a pair of wheels weighing 118 kg ("Apollo Axle"). Also - unlike modern giants - Louis Uni was in excellent physical shape and was engaged in wrestling.

No. 5 among the most powerful people on the planet

Vasil Virastyuk, strongman.

Year and place of birth: 1974, USSR (Ukraine).

Height: 191 cm.

Weight: 145 kg.

Virastyuk became the first winner in two competitions - World’s Strongest Man (2004) and the IFSA World Championship (2007). In addition, the Ukrainian strongman took second place three times at the Arnold Strongman Classic tournament (2005-2007). Currently, forty-year-old Virastyuk is taking a break from competitions, but his records are still inspiring.

No. 4 among the most powerful people on the planet

Paul Anderson, weightlifter, powerlifter.

Time and place of residence: 1932-1994, USA.

Height: 175 cm.

Weight: 159 kg.

Paul Anderson's name is the most controversial on this list; Although some people consider him the world's greatest strongman, others are skeptical. There is still some debate as to whether he actually squatted 1,200 pounds (544 kg), but Dr. Todd saw Paul squat 700 (317 kg) 8 times with his own eyes. And this at a time when the official world record (1RM) was a little higher! In weightlifting, Anderson won gold medal at the 1956 Olympics in Melbourne.

No. 3 among the most powerful people on the planet

Bill Kazmaier, powerlifter, strongman .

Year and place of birth: 1953, USA.

Height: 191 cm.

Weight: 150 kg.

Bill is considered by many to be the strongest of the strong, and it's hard to argue with that. Having become a three-time WSM champion (1980, 1981, 1982), he was removed by the organizers from the 1983 championship - with his participation, no one else had a chance. Bill was the first in history to lift all five McGlashan stones (from 90 to 160 kg). No one could beat his 300-kilogram bench press for many years. If not for a subsequent pectoral muscle tear, Bill might have surpassed this record himself. And his eventing total of 1100 kg (collected in 1981) remains unsurpassed in raw powerlifting - without a bench shirt and squat suit.

No. 2 among the most powerful people on the planet

Mark Henry, weightlifter, powerlifter, strongman, wrestler.

Year and place of birth: 1971, USA.

Height: 193 cm.

Weight: 187 kg.

Mark is a unique athlete who simultaneously became the US champion in weightlifting and powerlifting. But Dr. Todd believes that Mark Henry had incredible potential and could have amazed us even more if he had not switched to wrestling (WWE). So he could very well lay claim to the title of the strongest man of all time. If not for the next one...

No. 1 among the most powerful people on the planet

Zydrunas Savickas, powerlifter, strongman.

Year and place of birth: 1975, USSR (Lithuania).

Height: 191 cm.

Weight: 181 kg.

In our opinion, he is the most powerful athlete of all time. Savickas was the champion of the Arnold Strongman Classic tournament 8 times (2003-2008, 2014, 2016), where strength records are recorded more strictly than at WSM. In 2005, he broke three world records when winning the IFSA World Championships. In 2002, 2004 and 2005, Savickas placed second in the WSM, usually superior in pure strength and inferior in tasks that required speed and agility. In 2009, he managed to win, which he repeated several more times (2010, 2012, 2014). In 2015, Savickas set a world record in the log press - 228 kg, in addition to his collection: raw squat 399 kg, deadlift 430 kg, bench press 286 kg.

It is not possible to definitely name the strongest person – after all, in almost every country there were and are worthy athletes who show stunning results.

These strongmen adhered to different lifestyles, were long-livers or lived relatively few years, but they were all united by the will to win and new sports results. In different historical periods, different heroes find themselves on the podium, whose achievements will forever remain in people's memory and they are included in the generally recognized ranking of strongmen.

1 Long-lived and vegetarian Joe Rollino

He was the oldest strongman on the planet. At the age of 104 he was able to bend a coin with his fingers! Since the age of 20, Joe has not eaten meat or drunk alcoholic drinks, did not smoke and had a sporty lifestyle. Despite the fact that Joe did not differ in athletic parameters (height 165 cm, weight 68 kg), his strength was truly incredible. "Baby Dandy" remained unbeaten in his weight class in boxing matches. In 1920 he lifted 1454 kg. Joe was not only a strongman, but also a boxer, a war veteran, an athlete and a Brooklyn legend. Having survived II World War, he could lift weights of 215 kg with his teeth, and with just one finger - a weight of 290 kg.

2 Alexander Zassa

It’s not for nothing that he was dubbed Iron Samson - after all, he fell under a truck, but remained alive! A native of Lithuania also could not boast of outstanding physical skills. parameters: height 167.5 cm, and maximum weight - 75 kg. In order to strengthen the tendons, Zass developed his own training method. Fame came to Alexander during World War I war. Having escaped from captivity, he managed to carry a wounded horse on himself. Later he performed with the Hungarian circus, demonstrating extraordinary tricks: he carried a horse or a piano around the arena with two girls; caught a cannonball weighing 90 kilograms fired from a cannon from a distance of 8 m; held on his body a cobblestone weighing 0.5 tons, which they hit with sledgehammers, while Alexander lay on nails driven into the board.

Strong photo of Alexander

3 Yakub Chekhovskaya

The name of the famous hero and circus weightlifter is now almost forgotten. Yakub Chekhovskaya is already in adolescence He entertained his friends by holding an iron beam on his shoulders with two guys holding on to its ends and spinning them around as if on a carousel. Helped him become famous case: in the Warsaw circus, Ciniselli announced: if one of the spectators lasts at least 5 minutes in sparring with a wrestler, he will receive a substantial prize. To the amazement of the audience, it took the unknown guy less than 3 minutes to defeat the professional wrestler, putting him on his shoulder blades. The next morning, all the newspapers in Warsaw trumpeted about such a sensation, and Yakuba received offers from circus entrepreneurs. Subsequently, Chekhovskoy was awarded a gold belt for carrying six strong men in a circle with one hand.

Photo of a strong wrestler

4 Arnold Schwarzenegger

Started strength training at the age of 15. Schwarzenegger became Mr. Olympia in 5 years, although other athletes took an average of 10 years to achieve this. Arnold is the youngest Mr. Universe, and the title of Mr. Olympia belonged to Arnold 7 times. Since the 70s, he has starred in spectacular films that are so popular with all viewers.

Photo in strong youth

5 Zydrunas Savickas

Lithuanian Zydrunas Savickas is the strongest on the planet (according to 2009). The weight of this weightlifter is 180 kg with a height of 191 cm. 523 kg - this is how much the barbell weighed that the athlete lifted in 2014 at the Arnold Strongman Classic. Zydrunas continues to work out now, and not only in the gym: he ties ropes to cars and rolls them around the yard. One of his cars, the Nissan Pathfinder, weighs 2.2 tons.

See photo

6 Vasily Virastyuk

A native of Ivano-Frankivsk, Vasily Virastyuk has been involved in weightlifting since he was 10 years old. In 2004, he became officially the strongest in the world.

In addition, he holds a number of Ukrainian records:

  • he independently pulled a train weighing 101.5 tons;
  • in a minute he moved a couple of 10 cars by 18.5 meters;
  • in 60 seconds he managed to lift and install 4 ice cubes weighing 0.6 tons to a height of 1.3 meters.

It should be noted that no one had worked with ice before Virastyuk.

Strong record in the photo

7 Vasily Alekseev

An outstanding weightlifter of the Soviet period. Double Olympic champion, has 81 records to his name Soviet Union and 80 world records. The Russian Bear spent his childhood in Arkhangelsk region. Helping to raft wood during school holidays, Vasily lifted heavy logs and so gradually moved on to weightlifting. Interesting fact: long time Vasily trained completely independently. At the age of nineteen, he already became a master of sports, lifting a total weight of 315 kilograms. Vasily is the “eternal” holder of the world record for three exercises - 645 kg (such competitions are not held now). It was Alekseev who became the first “six hundred”, conquering the peak of 600 kg.

Photo by Vasily Alekseev

8 Pole Mariusz Zbigniew Pudzianowski

Five-time winner of the World’s Strongest Man competition, the strongest man in the world in 2006 – 2007.

See photo

9 Bruce Wilhelm

He is also a twice-titled world strongman: the first time in 1977, and the second time exactly one year later. Then he contributed in every possible way to organizing the Strongman competitions and wrote a lot of books and articles on weightlifting.


10 Raivis Vidzis

The strongman rightfully held the title of the strongest man in Latvia (2000 - 2003). He was a Strongman Cub winner in 2004 and 2005. Physical data (Raivis's height is 184 cm, weight - 133 kilograms) allow the athlete to move heavy trucks, lift cobblestones weighing about 180 kg, move 400 kg tires and even heavier barrels.

The strongest man in the whole world

For fights without rules

Brazilian Anderson de Silva is the strongest MMA fighter on the planet. His career, which began in 1997, is not over yet. In 2012, Anderson was recognized as the strongest fighter in the middleweight division. The MMA community recognized him as one of the strongest fighters in the history of the sport. Silva has been repeatedly recognized as the best fighter, and Men’s Health included him in the list of the 15 strongest men on the planet.

In boxing

The animal aggression of Michael (Mike) Gerard Tyson, lightning speed combined with destructive power contributed to the fact that throughout his entire sports career, Michael won 50 out of 58 fights, 44 of which he completed with a complete knockout. Mike is the absolute world champion (1987 - 1990). At the 49th WBC Convention, it was decided to include Tyson in the Guinness Book of Records: for the fastest knockouts and for being the youngest heavyweight boxer on the planet.

In the bar

Soviet weightlifter Leonid Taranenko lifted the heaviest weight in the history of mankind back in the last century. His record has never been achieved by anyone else. Author of 19 world records, 2 of which remain unsurpassed today. The life story of the greatest strongman shows that there are no limits to human capabilities.

The most powerful - the strongest kick in football

The strongest football kick belongs to an excellent football player and one of the most beautiful men in the world to David Beckham. Back in 1997, the ball flew into the Chelsea goal at a speed of about 156 km per hour, and the goalkeeper, after such a powerful blow, could only throw up his hands. The famous football player ended his sports career on May 16, 2013.

The most powerful boy in the world

In 2001, the name of a Russian boy with an unusual fate, Bruce Khlebnikov, was included in the Guinness Book of Records. His mother watched TV shows with Bruce Lee throughout her pregnancy and then named her son after him. Trying to imitate his idol since childhood, at the age of five Bruce became the champion of the Russian Federation in wushu and stronger than all the guys in the yard. At the age of six he pulled a Volga, and at the age of 8 he lifted a weight weighing 8 kilograms 300 times. Bruce tore up 400-page calendars and 700-page books. When Bruce was just eleven, he lifted a weight of 240 tons and moved a crane that weighed 38 tons using 10 cm of hanging twine, tying it to his long hair. In addition, the boy conquered many records. At the age of 23, Bruce Klebnikov had already achieved 23 records.

Strength has been revered among men since ancient times. Strong people led armies and entire nations. Modern strongmen are also popular. They set records and write their names in history. But who is the most strong man in the world? Who now holds the palm? Read on: it will be interesting.

The strongest man on the planet

This title has been awarded based on the World's Strongest Man competition since 1977. Now the British athlete Eddie Hall, nicknamed the Beast, is considered the strongest man on the planet. And this is well deserved.

All strongmen are big guys, and Eddie is no exception. With a height of 190 cm, the athlete weighs 170–180 kg. As they say: no mass - no force. This is true, because it is impossible to lift a ball weighing 170 kg to a height of one and a half meters in any other way.

Eddie Hall could have become the strongest in the world before, but his attitude to training let him down. Amazingly, the Briton became the strongest in the country four times without touching extreme strength equipment. He trained according to the pattern that bodybuilders use.

However, despite this, at the World’s Strongest Man in 2012, he was only able to win in the squat and standing press. The defeat forced him to change his approach to training, but not as much as expected. Hall only added one strongman exercise to the standard training.

His concept is as follows. The main thing is to gain strength, and only then work on technique, because the first one takes years, and the second one takes months.

Eddie Hall Records:

  • Squats with a barbell on the shoulders - 405 kg
  • Barbell chest press - 300 kg
  • Leg press - 1t for 10 reps
  • Deadlift - 500 kg (absolute world record)

Eddie Hall has an appetite that matches his nickname. As the strongman states, he does not have a specific meal schedule. He eats all the time, but in small portions. His diet is rich in carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats.

"If ordinary people They eat half a cup of rice a day, then I eat half a bucket. They take one slice of fruit, and I take five,” is how the Beast describes his attitude to nutrition.

How does the strongest man on the planet train? Hall exercises never exceed six repetitions on all basic exercises. Working weight - 90% of the one-repetition maximum. If you manage to complete six repetitions, then the weight on the apparatus is increased.

Eddie trains five times a week. The program includes swimming, stretching, classical training and extreme strength training.

Monday starts with swimming. Before noon, the athlete spends an hour in the pool. The following is a leg workout:

  • classic squats;
  • bench press;
  • straight leg deadlift;
  • "farmer's walk"

Tuesday is reserved for training pectoral muscles and assistant muscles:

  • horizontal barbell press;
  • Angle press;
  • dumbbell press;
  • close grip bench press;
  • log chest press.

Eddie devotes Wednesday to extreme strength exercises:

  • wheel flipping;
  • sled pulling;
  • hitting the wheel with a sledgehammer.

After training, the Briton takes an ice bath, and then goes for a massage and to a physiotherapist.

Thursday is deadlift day. One week he trains strength, and the next week he works on technique and speed. Once he's done with deadlifts, Hall works on his back and biceps. Once every two weeks he throws “Atlas Stones” onto the cabinets.

Friday - shoulder workout:

  • bench press while sitting overhead;
  • swing dumbbells to the sides;
  • bent over dumbbell fly.

After lunch, Eddie practices his speed. Several sprint races with heavy bags or barrels help him in this.

Eddie Hall is very strong, but this does not negate the merits of other athletes whose achievements are recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. Let's remember some iconic strong people.

Guinness Records: The Strongest People

  1. Givanildo Vieira de Souza.

Player football team Porto, the Brazilian known as the Hulk, scored one of the most powerful heads in history. In 2012, in a match against Shakhtar, he sent the ball into the goal at a speed of 214 km/h.

  1. Brian Shaw.

American strongman who became the strongest man on the planet four times. The main competitor for Eddie Hall, who took the title from Shaw in 2017. Brian deadlifts 420kg without straps. At the 2017 Arnold Classic competition, he threw a ball weighing 254 kg over a 1.4 m high stand.

  1. Bruce Khlebnikov.

He is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the strongest boy. Back in preschool age Bruce handed over the Volga, and at the age of eight he lifted an 8-kilogram weight 300 times. In my youth, my arm strength was enough to tear a book with 700 pages. At the age of eleven, he dragged a 38-ton crane tied to his hair 10 cm.

  1. Zydrunas Savickas.

The Lithuanian strongman also became the strongest on Earth four times. At the 2014 Arnold Classic, he pulled a barbell weighing 523 kg. The vulture could barely withstand such weight, and Savickas only greeted the crowd.

Note: on the bar, instead of plates, there were wheels, which shortens the amplitude of movement. Therefore, this record does not cover the achievement of Eddie Hall.

  1. Marat Zhylanbaev.

The strongest man in Kazakhstan. However, not in physical strength, but fortitude. He is a consummate marathon runner. If we calculate the total length of the journey that he covered, the figure will exceed 160,000 km.

He holds six world records that have not yet been broken. In 24 days he crossed the Sahara, running 1,700 km. Also in 1994, Marat managed to run 1,218 km through the desert in Nevada without stopping for 17 days.

  1. Hafthor Bjornsson.

The strongest man in Iceland has not yet managed to win the main title of his life. However, Hafthor, known for his role as The Mountain in the Game of Thrones series, managed to break a record that had stood for a thousand years.

He took five steps with a 600 kg log on his shoulders. According to legend, the record belonged to the Viking Orma Storulfsson, who took three steps and then broke his spine.

  1. Vlad Alkhazov.

In 2017, at a powerlifting tournament in Israel, the athlete set a new bar in squats. In bandages alone, without additional equipment, Alkhazov lifted 500 kg. He crouched deeply, and it seems he still has some strength left.

Any person can develop strength indicators. It's a matter of time and training. However, those who set records are the only ones gifted by nature. But even with natural talent, to become the strongest man in history, you need will and an iron character. It’s a pity that the scope of the article does not allow us to cover all the worthy ones. Perhaps we will talk about them in future materials.

Physically strong people have always attracted everyone's attention and aroused admiration. For girls - this is the ideal of a real and unique man, for guys - an object for worthy imitation, for older people - indispensable assistant and defender. In our article we will try to figure out who is the strongest person in the world.

We present to your attention the TOP 10 strongest people on the planet.

10th place. Becca Swanson

It’s hard to classify this woman as one of the weaker sex of humanity, because she can easily cope with several adults and strong men. The American athlete has long held the proud title of “the most strong woman planets." She holds many powerlifting records, including world ones. It’s quite hard to believe that she was able to handle a weight that many men cannot lift. However, more about everything.

In 1996, Becca began bodybuilding, and later realized that she wanted to devote herself to powerlifting. As subsequent events showed, this choice turned out to be more than correct. In 2002, the girl already demonstrated her abilities with might and main at the “strongest woman” competition.

Weighing 110 kg and height 1 meter 78 cm, Becca broke the record. After all, she managed to lift a barbell weighing 387 kg in the squat, 310 kg in the deadlift, and 270 kg in the bench press.

Now the woman is well over 30, but she actively continues to do her favorite thing.

9th place. Mark Henry

This man is also worthy of the title of “the strongest man in the world.” Mark Henry is a powerlifter, weightlifter, wrestler, Olympic competitor and film actor. He continues to do what he loves to this day - conquering previously unattainable peaks.

In 1992, Mark took 10th place in Olympic Games in weightlifting competitions. Four years later he tried his hand again, but only reached 14th place. The weightlifter won a silver medal in the Pan American Games.

In 2002, Mark defeated Randy Orton to become the new heavyweight champion. The World's Strongest Man would later defend his title several times against Big Show. Their last fight ended with Henry being disqualified for hitting his opponent in the groin. After some time, Daniel Bryan challenged him to a fight, but Mark again proved unshakable and won the title. In 2011, Henry lost in a fight with Big Show, and the championship title went to his opponent.

8th place. Jon Paul Sigmarsson

Jon Paul Sigmarsson has been awarded the title of "World's Strongest Man" four times. The photo of this hero proves how long he had to train to achieve such a result.

At the beginning, Sigmarsson devoted himself to powerlifting and bodybuilding, and already in 1984 he became the Icelandic bodybuilding champion. The strongman won several European competitions. His records: bench press - 222.5 kg, squat - 357.5 kg.

In 1983, the already famous bodybuilder was invited to participate in the World’s Strongest Man competition. Sigmarsson agreed and immediately took second place. The next participation brought him the desired and more than deserved victory. After several defeats in 1986, Sigmarsson again won the title of “strongest man in the world” by lifting a 495 kg weight.

7th place. Bruce Wilhelm

In addition to the title of “the world's strongest man ever,” Bruce is the author of numerous books on weightlifting. Wilhelm also won the World's Strongest Man tournament twice, was on the Anti-Doping Committee, the Athlete Advisory Council, and was also a member of the executive board of the US Olympic Committee.

Bruce studied at the Freemont School, where he studied seriously athletics. While still a teenager, he became a shot put champion. Bruce then studied at Stanford University, where he trained in wrestling, discus throwing and shot put.

In 1975, Wilhelm became the US weightlifting champion and also won a silver medal at the Pan American Games. In 1976 he took 5th place at the Montreal Olympics.

In 1977 and 1978, Bruce became the deserved World's Strongest Man champion.

6th place. Yuko Ahola

Yuko holds world records in Hercules hold - 197 kg, 45.7 s and in "Atlas Stones" - 215 kg. Also in 1998 and 1999, he was recognized as Europe's Strongest Man.

Yuko won the World's Strongest Man for the first time in 1997. After this, he was able to defend the championship title in 1998.

Now Yuko can sometimes be found among members of the World’s Strongest Man judges’ commission and in films.

5th place. Benedikt Magnusson

The strongest man in the world, whose photo we will provide below, set an incredible record in the deadlift in 2011 - 460 kg. Benedict is pretty for a long time dreamed of breaking the record of the famous strongman Andy Balton, and finally his dream came true.

The future record holder started in a regular gym at the age of 16. Even then, his coach saw in him the ability to deadlift. Benedict started with a weight of 120 kg, and after a couple of days he reached the mark of 180 kg with his own weight of 140 kg.

In 2003, Benedict took 10th place at the World Powerlifting Championships. In 2005 he finished sixth at the WPO European Semi-Finals in Finland.

4th place. Brian Shaw

The most powerful people in the world, pictures of which we provided in our article, as a rule, began to show great promise back in childhood. This also applies to the famous Ryan Shaw, a native of the United States of America.

The boy grew up quite strong, and by the end of school his weight reached 110 kg and height - 2 meters. At the same time, he loved to play water sports and basketball.

Later, the young man realized that he had a craving for lifting heavy objects, which is why he decided to devote his entire life to this hobby.

In 2009, he took 3rd place in World's Strongest Man, and in 2010, Brian became second. Exactly a year later, Show defeated Savickas himself and took the champion title from him. In 2012, Brian lost ground, but to In 2013, he again won the coveted title.

3rd place. Vasily Virastyuk

Vasily is a native of Ukraine. He studied at the College of Physical Education in Ivano-Frankivsk. Having finished educational institution, the future record holder became an athletics coach.

Until 2000, he was engaged in shot put. During this time, Vasily was awarded the title “Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine.”

In 2004 and 2007, he became the strongest man on the planet, breaking all world records.

2nd place. Mariusz Pudzianowski

Our TOP of the most powerful people in the world continues with Mariusz Pudzianowski. This the only person, who became a five-time winner of World's Strongest Man. Mariusz is 4th dan in karate, enjoys powerlifting, rugby, and is also a fairly successful MMA fighter.

Mariusz started with karate, and at the age of 13 he became seriously interested in powerlifting. By the age of 15, the interests of the future record holder changed, and he devoted himself to boxing.

In 1999, Mariusz took first place in a competition called “Strongman”, and in 2012 he received the title “the strongest man in the world”, which he then managed to defend 4 more times in a row.

In 2010, Mariusz challenged Žydrunas Savickas himself, but lost to him by a small margin.

1st place. Zydrunas Savickas

The first and well-deserved place in our ranking is occupied by Zydrunas Savickas. This man became the winner of the Arnold Classic Strongest Man competition twice in a row, and the strongman won the World’s Strongest Man several times. Savickas has broken more than 20 world records in powerlifting and extreme strength.

Zydrunas became interested in sports at the age of 14. In 1992, he took part in Strongest Man for the first time and took 10th place. In 1998, he earned the right to participate in the World Power Extreme Championship. There he received serious injury knee, but recovered fairly quickly and returned to competition.

In 2002, 2003, 2008 Zydrunas became second in the World’s Strongest Man. During the same period, he became champion several times in the Arnold Classic Strongest Man and extreme strength competitions.

2009, 2010, 2012 become happy years for Savickas, because he is the champion at World’s Strongest Man.

The strongest man in the world in history - Masutatsu Oyama

The most prominent representative of martial arts that has ever existed on the planet, Masutatsu Oyama, who possessed the 10th dan of the Kyokushinkai style.

He was born in 1923 in Korea. Masutatsu started playing sports when he was still early childhood- from the age of nine. By the age of 13, the young man had already become a well-deserved holder of a black belt in Chinese Kempo.

After 2 years, Oyama headed to Japan, where he became a military pilot. For all the time that he spent in the Country rising sun, the young man achieved great success in studying samurai traditions. For the sake of this hobby, he even later quit his service. In addition, Oyama decided to go as a hermit on a mountain called Shinobu. This step was not easy for him, but the desire to bring his fighting skills to perfection overcame all doubts.

The man trained tirelessly for almost a whole year. It took him 12 hours a day to hone his skills. Upon returning to your hometown Oyama felt invincible and invincible.

He called for fights the best masters martial arts But no one could resist Oyama. Some fighters gave up immediately after the first blow, which the master delivered so deftly that no one was able to block it.

Oyam could break 17 layers of tiles and 4 bricks, split cobblestones in half, demolish the necks of bottles with his clear blow, and also fight with fifty bulls.

To prove his incredible power, Masutatsu challenged the strongest animals on the planet, but the government forbade him from killing animals for the sake of a general demonstration of his strength.

In 1964, Oyama opened a martial arts school called Kyokushinkai, which eventually became a member of 12 million people.

The great fighter and strongman died in 1994. Thousands of people attended his funeral. Films such as "Warrior of the Wind" and "Doomed to Solitude" were made in Oyama's honor.

As you can see, heroes exist not only in epics, but also in real life. The strongest people in the world, whose photos we provided in our article, are real strongmen who have proven their true strength at all kinds of international competitions. Whether it is worth imitating such people is up to you to decide. But it's much better than dedicating your life bad habits and unnecessary entertainment.