Pros and cons of athletics. The influence of athletics exercises on the state of the body The influence of athletics and other types of exercises on improving health

ATHLETICS- one of the main and most popular sports, combining various exercises in running, race walking, jumping and throwing. In the sports classification there are St. 60 types of athletics exercises. The Olympic Games program includes 24 types of athletics exercises for men and 16 for women.

Run- the main exercise in LA, which has the most versatile effect on the body, since almost all the muscles of the body are involved in the work and the activity of physiology is activated. systems The intensity and duration of the impact of running exercises on the body is determined by the length of the distance. The shorter it is, the more intense the work. Sprinting (60 to 400 m) and hurdles are performed at maximum intensity and are typical speed exercises. Middle distance running (800-1500 m) is submaximal intensity work. Long (3-10 thousand m) and ultra-long distance running (up to 42 km 195 m) and obstacle course running are performed with high and moderate intensity and, by the nature of the impact on the body, are endurance exercises. The longer the running distance, the physiol, the changes in the body (increased heart rate and respiration, increased systolic and minute blood volume, increased blood pressure, etc.) are more pronounced and the recovery period is longer (see Running).

Race walking- an exercise in which the movements are cyclical; differs from running in the absence of the so-called. flight phases, and from normal walking - with more energetic movements with greater amplitude. The main distances in the competition for men are 20 and 50 km, for boys - 3-10 km. Race walking develops endurance. During intense training and competitions, large functional changes are observed in the body: oxygen consumption reaches 1.5-2.5 l/min, pulmonary ventilation - 15-25 l/min, heart rate - 180-200 beats per minute, systolic blood pressure - up to 180-200 mm Hg. Art. or more, weight loss - up to 3-4 kg. The recovery period after training and competitions is sometimes up to 1 - 2 days. and more; its duration depends on the degree of training of the athlete.

Jumping(long, high, triple and pole) - speed-strength exercises with acyclic movements, combining elements of short-distance running (run-up) and including a complex coordination act associated with repulsion, flight and landing. They place great demands on the nervous and muscular systems, vestibular, visual, and tactile analyzers. Shifts in blood circulation and breathing are relatively small due to the short duration of the load: the heart rate usually does not exceed 140-160 beats per minute, systolic blood pressure is 150-160 mm Hg. Art., systolic blood volume 80-100 ml, weight loss - 0.2-0.5 kg. The recovery period is within 20-30 minutes, but since exercises are repeated many times in training and competitions, changes can reach significantly greater values ​​and the recovery period sometimes lasts up to several hours.

Throwing- exercises in throwing various projectiles at a distance. They are divided into several types: throwing a discus, hammer, javelin, grenade, ball, shot put, etc. Throwing is an exercise with an acyclic type of movement of a speed-strength nature, requiring a high level of development of muscle strength, speed and coordination of movements. The greatest fiziol, shifts during throwing are observed from the muscular, nervous system and vestibular analyzer. Shifts in circulatory and respiratory functions are relatively small. But since competitions (as in jumping) last for a long time (up to several hours), the overall energy expenditure is high and the recovery period can lengthen to 2-3 hours.

All-around- complex type of LA - a combination of various types of running, jumping and throwing. Classic all-around events for adults - decathlon for men (100, 400, 1500 m and 110 m hurdles, long, high and pole jumps, javelin and discus throw, shot put) and pentathlon for women (200 m run and 80m hurdles, long jump, high jump, shot put). All-around training places the greatest demands on the body and contributes to a well-rounded physical fitness. development, since the conditions of training and competition require a change in various physical. exercises. Physiol, changes after each exercise are determined by its nature, the total energy consumption and changes in the activity of various systems reach significant values. The competition is held over two days. The recovery period lasts up to 24 hours. and more.

The effect of athletics on the body

Regular, systematic exercises in LA. contribute to harmonious physical development, health promotion, formation of a variety of vital motor skills, development of speed, strength, agility, endurance, expansion of the functions and capabilities of the body, increasing its resistance and resistance to adverse weather conditions. The degree of impact of certain types of athletics exercises on the body is determined by their nature, intensity and duration. In track and field athletes, muscle mass increases, the ability for maximum tension and relaxation increases, muscle strength increases (especially in sprinters, throwers and jumpers), coordination of movements improves, and the speed and accuracy of motor reactions increases. Sprinters, jumpers and throwers have the fastest reactions. The function of analyzers (especially visual and vestibular) is most improved in jumpers and throwers. Regularly training track and field athletes improve the functions of the respiratory system, increase the vital capacity of the lungs (up to 5-6 thousand ml or more) and maximum pulmonary ventilation (up to 150-200 l/min), and also increase the diffusion capacity of the lungs and tissue respiration. Resistance to hypoxia increases. The functions and capabilities of the cardiovascular system are significantly expanded. The volume of the heart increases to 800-1000 cm3 or more, moderate myocardial hypertrophy develops, the work of the cardiovascular system becomes more economical: the pulse decreases to 40-64 beats per minute, systolic blood pressure decreases to 100-115 mm Hg. Art., systolic volume increases, blood flow slows down somewhat, diastole lengthens, myocardial contractility increases, and peripheral blood resistance decreases. Increasing the functions and capabilities of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems in the process of regular exercises. the higher the proportion of exercises that contribute to the development of endurance, i.e., when doing jogging, race walking, and all-around events, the higher the proportion of exercises in it. Changes in the nervous, muscular systems and analyzers are most pronounced in athletes involved in hurdling, throwing and all-around.

Track and field athletes typically have a proportional build. Athletes specializing in different types of LA have some characteristic morphofunctional features that contribute to the achievement of high athletic results. Thus, long-distance runners are often of average height with a relatively low body weight and a large tidal volume of the lungs. Athletes specializing in hurdles and jumpers, as a rule, are tall, have relatively low body weight, long legs with well-developed muscles; throwers - tall, heavy body weight, broad shoulders, powerful muscles, great physical strength. by force.

Medical supervision

In the process of selecting athletes for L. a. and during the training process, qualified medical supervision is very important. Its task is to promote the maximum health-improving effect of exercises, the prevention of diseases and injuries, etc. Contraindications for exercises. coincide with general contraindications for sports (see Medical supervision). Sports training in short-distance running, long and high jumps can begin in children from 10-12 years old, in hurdles and throwing - from 13-14 years old, in pole vaulting - from 15-16 years old. Athletes are allowed to compete after 1 - 1.5 years of systematic training. Competitions and training are held in the following age groups: teenage (11 - 12 years), junior youth (13-16 years), senior youth (16 - 17 years), youth (18-19 years), youth (20 years - 21 years ). The length of the distance, the weight of the equipment, the height of the barriers are determined taking into account the age and gender characteristics of the athletes. Thus, for children and women, competitions in long and ultra-long distance running and race walking, hammer throwing, pole vaulting, triple jump (for women), and decathlon are excluded.

Among the most common injuries among track and field athletes, one should note myositis and damage to the muscle fibers of the quadriceps femoris muscle, sprains of the ankle joints in short-distance runners and jumpers (the latter, in addition, have bruises in the heel area and damage to the calcaneus); inflammation and damage to the heel (Achilles) tendon, periostitis of the tibia, damage to the bursal-ligamentous formations of the ankle joints in middle and long-distance runners; damage to the bursal-ligamentous formations of the shoulder, elbow joints and hand, as well as the muscles of the shoulder girdle in throwers. With irrational training and physical. overexertion, dystrophic changes in the myocardium can be observed (mainly in athletes involved in types of exercise that develop endurance), spinal osteochondrosis and radiculitis (mainly in throwers).

Bibliography: Medical observations of athletes during training, ed. N. D. Graevskaya and S. P. Letunova, M., 1966; GraevskayaN. D. The influence of sport on the cardiovascular system, M., 1975, bibliogr.; Athletics, ed. N. G. Ozolina and D. P. Markova, M., 1972; Fundamentals of Athletics, comp. A. F. Boyko, M., 1976; Human Physiology, ed. N.V. Zimkina, M., 1975.

N. D. Graevskaya, N. G. Ozolin.

Athletes of different specializations have certain differences in physique, functional capabilities of various organs and systems of the body, development of motor function, which affects the manifestation of strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, adaptation to various environmental conditions, performance, recovery. lation, as well as on sporting achievements. These differences are determined, on the one hand, by the selection system in the chosen sport, and on the other, by the specific influence of each type of athletics exercise on the body of women.

Women who specialize in sprinting usually have average height and body weight, and good muscle development. Middle-distance runners differ from female sprinters in that they have relatively short stature, narrower shoulders and pelvis, long limbs, and good external respiration. Long and height jumpers are characterized by high growth with low body weight, relatively short thighs and long lower legs.

Javelin throwers, discus throwers and shot putters are distinguished by their tall stature, significant body weight and more prominent muscles. As a rule, the differences between anthropometric indicators in women and men in each type of athletics are quite large. For example, in the 100 m race the difference in body weight is on average 22.2 kg, in height - 13.3 cm, and for shot putters the difference is 37.2 kg and 18.6 cm, respectively.

Depending on the specialization, there are differences among female athletes in a number of physiological indicators. Thus, short-distance running in women is characterized by high work power against the background of a sharp increase in oxygen debt, and middle- and long-distance running is characterized by a maximum increase in oxygen consumption. In sprinting, women's energy consumption is 15-20% lower than men's. In middle- and long-distance runners, the maximum oxygen consumption is usually 20-30% lower than in men.

Morphological and functional differences between men and women in the same type of athletics ultimately affect sports results. Comparing the world records for women and men makes it possible to establish how far female athletes are inferior to men in some disciplines, and, consequently, in the level of development of speed, strength, endurance and other physical qualities. In table 14 shows the world records of women and men in certain types of athletics and their differences.

In sprint running (100, 200, 400 and 400 m s/b), where the leading factor in achieving sports results is speed and speed endurance, women in terms of their level of development lag behind men by an average of 10%. Significantly large differences are observed in running with a predominant manifestation of special endurance (12-13%), significant differences are observed in speed-strength types of athletics (from 14 to 18%), smaller differences in ultra-marathon disciplines - about 5%.

Table 14

Kind of easy World records
athletics Women Men Differences, min, s %
Run: 100 m 10,49 9,69 0,8 8,26
200 m 21,34 19,30 2,04 10,5
400 m 47,60 41,18 4,42 10,2
800 m 1.53,28 1.41,11 12,17 12,0
1500 m 3.50,46 3.26,0 24,46 11,8
5000 m 14.16,63 12.37,35 99,28 13,1
10000 m 29.31,78 26.17,53 194,25 12,3
3000 m s/n 9.01,59 7.53,63 67,96 14,3
42195 m 2:15.25 2:04.26 8,8
100 km 6:33.11 6:13.33 4,9
High jump 14,6
Long jump 15,9
Triple jump 15,2
Pole vaulting 17,7

Each type of athletics has its own impact on the body of women and contributes to the development of the necessary qualities. When conducting training sessions in all types of athletics, we must not forget about the characteristics of the female body and the physical capabilities of women, depending on their specialization.

Each type of athletics imposes specific requirements on the level of development of women’s motor abilities, which determine the achievement of high athletic results in this sport. For example, the result in short-distance running depends on the ability to perform running movements as quickly as possible for 11–22 seconds. In addition to the qualities of a sprinter, hurdlers need to have high mobility in the hip joints and freedom of movement when performing them with maximum speed. Achieving high results in a “long” sprint requires athletes to maintain a speed close to maximum for a longer time (up to 50 s). As the distance increases, the requirements for the level of development of speed qualities decrease, but the ability to maintain the highest possible average speed for a long time increases (running at 800, 1500, 3000, 5000, 10,000 m and 42.195 km). Thanks to their mental and physiological characteristics, women can more easily endure the loads in these types of athletics and in recent years have progressed faster than men. Results in jumping and throwing depend on the level of development of speed-strength qualities. If in high jumps speed and strength qualities must provide significant vertical speed during take-off, then in long jumps – high horizontal speed.

In the shot put, the result depends on the instantaneous manifestation of maximum force during acceleration and ejection of the projectile. In discus and javelin throwers, these abilities are manifested in the quick, whip-like completion of the arm movement in the final effort. And finally, female all-around athletes must have an optimal balance in the development of all these abilities and qualities.

When developing and improving physical qualities and motor skills in training female athletes, as well as sportsmen, various methods are used: uniform, variable, repeated, interval, competitive, etc. The peculiarity of their use in classes with women is determined by the different characteristics of the components load: intensity of exercise, duration, intervals and nature of rest.

The growth of sports results in women, as well as in men, largely depends on the effective regulation of training and competitive loads in the chosen type of athletics at various stages of long-term training. At the same time, the most difficult moment in normalizing and planning loads is ensuring continuity of loads in training girls, young women, juniors and women.

When planning loads during classes with women, you need to be guided by the general principles adopted in training. In particular, such as gradualism, undulation of load dynamics, and cyclicity. However, due to the specifics of the female body, their use has its own distinctive features. The loads must be, on the one hand, adequate to the physical capabilities of women, and on the other hand, they must ensure a continuous increase in results and sportsmanship.

The main thing is that women in classes do not perform physical activities that are beyond their strength. Sometimes this most important provision is accidentally or mistakenly violated in training with men, but this is less dangerous than in training with women. The training load, which reaches a significant value in sports exercises, is fraught with negative effects for an unprepared woman, primarily on internal organs. It is important to protect beginning track and field athletes from sudden shocks, instant tensions and efforts during landings, jerks, lifting a load or their body weight onto apparatus, etc.

When training beginner track and field athletes, exercises must be selected so that the objective difficulties in individual exercises and the overall load in the exercises increase gradually over a long time. This gradualness will prevent unwanted effects and ensure strengthening of the intrapelvic muscles, ligaments and internal organs.

A large place in the annual training of female sprinters is given to running and jumping exercises. For girls, their total volume reaches on average about 15 km, for girls – 30 km, for juniors and women – 40 km.

Performing a large number of running and jumping exercises requires close attention to strengthening and developing the muscles of the legs, and primarily the foot. Significant load on the feet of beginners and young athletes whose foot muscles are not sufficiently strengthened leads to flattening of the foot and the appearance of flat feet. In addition, it should be borne in mind that leg exercises develop the intrapelvic muscles located on the inner walls of the pelvis.

Women need to perform various jumping exercises on soft ground (mats, sand, sponge, etc.), as they cause slight movement of the pelvic organs and, therefore, help strengthen the muscles and ligaments that hold them.

In middle distance running (800-1500 m), mixed loads (aerobic-anaerobic) predominate in women. The annual total load for girls is 900-1000 km, for girls - 1200-2000 km, for juniors - 2000-2600 km and for women - 3000-3500 km. In this type of athletics, the main increase in running volume in women in the annual cycle occurs at the age of 14-15 years. At the border of 15-16 years it stabilizes. This is especially typical for girls who experience a significant increase in somatic signs: body length and weight, chest circumference, etc.

In high jumps, long jumps from a running start, in javelin, discus and shot put, the direction of loads is of a different nature. The classes are dominated by speed-strength loads. For example, the annual volume of power load in the shot put for girls can reach 300-350 tons, for girls - 350-450 tons, for juniors - up to 600 tons and for women - 750 tons. The number of pushes of the main, light and weighted projectile in each age group, respectively, 1500-2000, 2600-3000, 4000-4700 and 7000-9000 times. To perform such loads, throwers must have very strong muscles of the shoulder girdle, arms, legs, and torso; they must have speed of movement and high coordination. In this regard, as a rule, the training includes a large number of exercises with a barbell and weights to develop the necessary muscle groups. They should be used carefully in classes with girls, young women and women, taking into account their age and preparedness.

The use of exercises with excessive weights can lead to prolapse of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs, flattening of the arches of the feet, injuries to the lumbar spine and other changes that negatively affect the health of a woman.

Strength training for women should be carried out using accessible means that do not cause physical strain. To develop strength, it is useful to perform exercises with medicine balls, weight plates, paired exercises with resistance, and various jumping exercises. Exercises with a barbell can be included in training only when the level of physical fitness of the trainees is high enough. Exercises with weights should be alternated with relaxation exercises in order to quickly relieve fatigue.

In order for women to achieve high athletic results in selected types of athletics, long-term year-round training is necessary, built taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body and carried out in collaboration with a doctor.

Human health is a very fragile system that requires constant monitoring and support. But how to properly take care of it? Will only proper nutrition and strengthening the immune system help with this? How to choose optimal physical activity and is it necessary at all? Similar questions often arise among sedentary people. Speaking about the benefits of physical activity, it should be noted that their intensity, frequency, and work on the muscles and skeleton are important.

The importance of physical exercise for human health

Moderate loads are necessary for a person. The more effective they are, the higher the potential that the body is capable of.

At the initial stage of running, covering distances of 3-5 km every few days, it will be difficult to maintain the pace, breathing and rhythm, and not switch to walking. However, in the future the muscles will adapt, become stronger, and the blood supply to the lungs will improve.

In the future, a person will be able to run the same distances much faster, maintaining even breathing and without overwork. A positive result will affect not only the muscle group that was subjected to stress during training.

The positive effect of physical exercise on human health will only be if you adhere to a number of rules:

  • Moderation. The benefits will only come from loads that are correctly calculated in intensity and frequency. They will increase muscle strength, body appearance, keep the body in good shape, and delay its aging. With too frequent training and regular extreme stress, on the contrary, it wears out, which leads to the opposite consequences. For example, a cardiologist is advised not to run every day, but to walk - the pace and rhythm of running are too much stress on the heart, and walking maintains its tone. This does not mean that running is dangerous, you just need to do it 2-3 times a week;
  • Physical activity should be combined with proper nutrition. Only this lifestyle guarantees the absence of health problems. Hard work is accompanied by a loss of calories, which are energy. Therefore, to play sports you need food rich in vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. For example, calcium deficiency leads to weak bones, which means training will be harder;
  • It is necessary to study comprehensively. It is necessary to distribute the load evenly across all parts of the body. This will eliminate injuries and deformations of muscles/bones;
  • Consider your health status. For example, in sports sections this parameter is controlled. In order not to harm yourself, it is recommended to visit an orthopedist who will assess the condition of the skeletal system and recommend the optimal intensity of exercise. If you have a history of wounds or injuries, you need to undergo a series of diagnostic procedures to exclude contraindications to sports. If you have heart problems, you need to consult a cardiologist. People with poor vision should also visit a doctor. Therefore, before actively starting to exercise, you need to assess the state of your health, and even better, entrust this to specialists;
  • In the absence of contraindications, it is not only possible, but also necessary to be physically active. The benefits of sports will be noticeable after just a few months. In addition, switching activities from mental to physical relieves stress, helps fight depression, and strengthens the immune system.

Kegel exercises for women's health

More than half a century ago, Arnold Kegel developed a special complex that helps women who have difficulty urinating after childbirth. Previously, this problem was solved only with the help of surgery, but it was not always successful. Ladies who practiced this complex noted that their sex life had improved: the sensations during sexual intercourse became much brighter. Some of them claimed that they experienced the body for the first time only after doing Kegel exercises.

The benefits of intimate gymnastics are simply undeniable.

A similar complex affects the pubococcygeus muscle. Such activities allow you to increase control over sexual reactions and, accordingly, increase sexual pleasure, moreover, for both partners. Blood circulation in the pelvic organs is significantly improved.

Pregnant women can use them to prepare the body for the birth process and restore vaginal muscle tone after the birth of the baby.

Kegel exercises help overcome sexual disorders, such as vaginismus (involuntary contraction of the vaginal muscles) and dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse).

It also helps combat urinary incontinence when coughing, running, or sneezing. In addition, this complex can also be used by men. It allows you to strengthen the muscles responsible for ejaculation (ejaculation) and prolong the pleasure of sexual intercourse.

The benefits of exercise and various sports for children's health

The school program includes physical education classes from the very first grades. They are based on athletics and gymnastics complexes, outdoor games, and in a number of schools the program includes swimming. These exercises have something in common, but there are also some features that are necessary for physical education.

Children of primary school age need gymnastic exercises. They develop coordination abilities, flexibility, focus on acquiring new motor reflexes, strength and speed.

The gymnastics program for children includes dance and drill, general strengthening, acrobatic exercises (using inertial forces), and complexes for developing balance. Climbing, climbing, and skipping rope classes are also performed.

The impact of athletics exercises on children's health is also very significant. They allow you to develop endurance, speed, abilities, speed and strength qualities. Athletics complexes involve almost all muscle groups, affect the activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and stimulate metabolism. The basis of athletics exercises is running, high and long jumps, throwing small and medicine balls at a distance.

Physical education lessons are a compulsory form of physical education. Children receive the necessary minimum skills, knowledge and skills that the school curriculum includes, and also increase the level of their physical development.

The impact of athletics and other types of exercise on health promotion

Regular exercise reduces the risk of developing chronic pathologies, increases life expectancy and improves its quality. When exercise becomes part of your daily routine, it becomes easier to perform everyday tasks, such as climbing stairs, going to the store, or working in the garden or house. In addition to physical well-being, mental well-being improves.

People who lead a sedentary lifestyle are at risk of developing a heart attack and coronary artery disease. Exercise for health and longevity involves regular exercise throughout your life. If you are only active in your youth, there is no guarantee that exercise will benefit you in old age.

Introduction………………………………………………………………………. 3
    The influence of running on the human body……………………………………………………... 4
    The influence of walking on the human body…………………………………………………….. 6
    The influence of physical exercise on mental development…………………. 7
Conclusion…………………………………………………… ……………………. 9
List of references……………………………………………………………… 10

Athletics is the “queen of sports”, combining five disciplines - running; race walking; jumps (long, high, triple, pole); throwing (discus, javelin, hammer), shot put; athletics all-around. This is one of the main and most popular sports. Athletics competitions have their origins in England, where it began to develop in the 17th-18th centuries, mainly in the form of running and race walking. Since then, it has come a long way, becoming one of the popular sports.
Nowadays, athletics can act as a “lifeline.” Modern progress and civilization, on the one hand, improve the life of mankind, and on the other, alienate it from nature. Physical activity has decreased, which, combined with negative ecology, causes significant harm to the human body. The number of diseases is increasing, the activity of the immune system is decreasing, many diseases that previously affected mainly older people have become “younger” and, as a result, lead to a reduction in human life expectancy. Decreased physical activity is one of many negative factors that impede normal productive human life.
Athletics is the most popular sport that promotes the comprehensive physical development of a person. Systematic training in athletics exercises develops strength, speed, endurance and other qualities necessary for a person in everyday life.
Let's look at how some types of athletics affect the human body.

1. The effect of running on the human body
Running is not a pleasant activity for many people. But as practice shows, it is the most optimal, cheapest way to monitor your health. Everyone is running: children, adults, old people with their dogs...
Running can be used to achieve a variety of goals - from spiritual self-improvement to weight loss. Each person, if desired, will find the answer to his question with the help of running. But there are several basic processes that are stimulated during running - both beginners and experienced athletes need to know about this.
1. During and after running, the process of hematopoiesis is activated - “young”, healthy blood is formed.
2. Breathing is activated, the body's absorption of free electrons from the air is stimulated. This process occurs in the lungs due to the activation of gas exchange and through the skin. An increase in the number of free electrons increases performance (physical and mental) and stimulates all human functions and systems.
3. While running, the body’s production of carbon dioxide is activated, which has a very beneficial effect on all biochemical processes occurring in cells. In particular, the amount of oxygen in the tissues increases, which helps improve metabolism in the body.
4. During a run of average duration (30–60 minutes), cell breakdown is activated in the body, which, in turn, after a running workout stimulates the synthesis of new young and healthy cells. First of all, old diseased cells are destroyed, and new ones are synthesized in their place. With the help of running, the whole body is rejuvenated and renewed.
5. The adult body contains approximately 35 liters of fluid (5 liters of blood, 2 liters of lymph and 28 liters of intracellular fluid). With a sedentary lifestyle, all this fluid stagnates. During running, fluid begins to actively circulate, eliminating stagnant zones in the body.
6. The supply of nutrients and oxygen to cells occurs according to this scheme. At the first stage, the necessary substances move from the blood into the intercellular fluid by diffusion through the walls of the capillaries. At the second stage, oxygen and nutrients are transferred from the intercellular fluid through the membrane into the cell. At the third stage, the distribution of nutrients and oxygen inside the cell occurs. In the same way, but in reverse order, waste products are removed from the cells. During and after running, all these processes occur at high speed, which increases the vitality of the body and activates self-healing. During running, the body's cells get rid of their own waste products, which eliminates the possibility of self-poisoning.
7. Every moment millions of cells die in the human body. To utilize all this yourself, you need a low-intensity load of medium duration. Slow running is best for this. Otherwise, the dead cells of the body begin to decompose with the formation of poisons, which are carried through the bloodstream throughout the body, causing poisoning and, for example, a condition such as chronic fatigue.
8. During running, the hormone serotonin is released, which is known to everyone as the hormone of happiness, which improves mood, relieves symptoms of depression, and relieves tension.
The cardiovascular system is the first to receive a health boost when jogging. According to experts, the heart and blood vessels react very positively to leisurely exercise of medium (30–60 minutes) duration. Exercises on weight machines or with a barbell (dumbbells) develop skeletal muscles well, while absolutely not stimulating the development of the heart muscle and blood vessels. In contrast, running is considered one of the best ways to restore and maintain the cardiovascular system at the proper level.
This positive impact is due to several reasons.
1. Periodic tension and relaxation of the leg muscles. During training, it is very important for the cardiovascular system to alternate tension and relaxation of the leg muscles. For example, when working out with a barbell (squats, lunges), a person does not receive even a tenth of the healing effect for blood vessels that can be obtained while jogging. This happens because during normal training, the muscles first experience strong tension (squats with a barbell), and then rest. This training regimen often leads to congestion in the legs with the possibility of varicose veins. In contrast, running puts gentle, natural stress on your leg muscles.
2. While running, the human body performs periodic oscillatory movements up and down. When moving upward, gravity is overcome, and this happens many hundreds of times during training. This oscillatory movement has a very positive effect on all fluids (lymph, blood, intracellular fluid) of the body, causing oscillatory movements in the smallest vessels.
3. While running, breathing becomes deep and frequent, which leads to active movement of the diaphragm up and down, which in itself is an excellent massage for all abdominal organs. This massage activates blood circulation in these organs with all the ensuing positive consequences. Active movement of the diaphragm promotes the outflow of venous blood from the legs up to the heart.
Even, long running, the speed of which is not much higher than the speed of walking, according to Gilmore, author of the book “Running for Life,” can give an additional 10-12 years of life.
To many, this activity seems to be a very monotonous and boring exercise. In fact, this is not so. By running, you can “throw out” your temperament in a sprint and test the full measure of your patience, measuring kilometer after kilometer in a marathon. You can train for the sake of an ambitious desire to become a world record holder or an Olympic champion, or simply run out of a desire to maintain health, performance and normal psychology. Finally, you can continue running until you are very old, and in all your years running will fully satisfy the moral and physical needs of the sport.
This exercise also has a healing effect on the immune system. With regular running, a person becomes active, focused, and purposeful, which allows him to increase his self-esteem.

2. The effect of walking on the human body
Walking is the easiest of all sports. It does not require a lot of energy, and the effect is quite high. Walking has a healing effect on the body, increases muscle tone, strengthens bone tissue, develops coordination of movements, and stimulates metabolism.
First of all, it stimulates the work of the heart muscle (myocardium). Doctors have proven that if a person walks daily, at least for an hour, the risk of this type of disease is reduced by 70%. Walking promotes weight loss and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. In addition, with it, lactic acid does not accumulate in the body.
Walking exercises can be divided into two types: fast and calm. Calm is more suitable for older people; it will simply keep the body in good shape. In addition, you can increase the training time to two hours. Fast walking will put stress on the muscles and develop bone tissue. By combining two types of walking, you can adjust the load according to your desire and well-being. After all, first of all, this is necessary to improve tone, to lift your mood and improve your health.
Walking can be either an independent sport or a general developmental, preparatory exercise before engaging in other sports. In this case, you need to spend less time on it.
This type of physical activity can be considered the safest type of physical activity. Almost everyone can do it - from a teenager to an elderly person. Now it has gained incredible popularity in European countries and America as a means to combat physical inactivity and related problems. A few years ago, an Irish health organization began a health trail project, the goal of which is to involve as much of the population as possible in walking. Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Canada and Germany have already joined this project. In Germany, on certain days, mass walking walks are organized in which thousands of people participate.
Fast walking is also good for low emotional background, depressed, depressed mood. In the process of walking, just like during other activities (running, swimming, etc.), the body produces endorphins - hormones that have a positive effect on the psyche. It is also useful over short distances. However, to strengthen the cardiovascular system, exercise should be continuous with a high tempo of movement.
Over time, the habit of walking quickly can become a motor automaticity, especially if you use known routes.
There are no contraindications for walking; even hypertensive patients can do it. Practicing it is recommended for many diseases of the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems, for nervous strains, and even during rehabilitation periods. It has a strengthening effect on literally the entire body.

3. The effect of physical exercise on mental development
The positive influence of physical development on mental development was known in China, back in the time of Confucius, in ancient Greece, India, and Japan. In the monasteries of Tibet and Shaolin, physical exercises and labor were taught at the same level as theoretical disciplines. Also in Ancient Greece: Plato was a two-time Olympic champion in pankration (mixed martial arts), Pythagoras was a champion in fist fighting, and this did not prevent them from being and remaining refined intellectuals.
How and why physical activity improves mental health is currently not fully understood. Some theories, for example, look at the effects of exercise on various hormones and other chemicals in our body.
Our body has an amazing hormonal system containing chemicals similar to morphine, called endogenous opioids. These hormones are of particular interest because their receptors are found in areas of the brain responsible for emotions, pain and human behavior. During exercise, the pituitary gland increases the synthesis of beta-endorphins, a type of endogenous opioid, resulting in an increase in their concentration in the blood. At the same time, the level of beta-endorphins in the human brain increases, thereby creating a feeling of a general comfortable state.
Physical activity can also activate the action of special brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. Dr. Charles Ransford, representing Hillsdale College, Michigan, reviewed the scientific literature on this issue and suggested that although there is a need for further research work, it can be concluded that exercise can change the concentrations of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin in the brain and, as a result, reduce depression.
Dr. James Weese from the Alberta Hospital and a team of researchers from Arizona State University independently concluded that during periods of physical activity, there is an increased emission of alpha waves by the brain. The result of the influence of these electronic waves is the onset of a calmer and more peaceful state in a person. Their effect usually begins to appear after the twentieth minute of training and can be recorded with the help of instruments some time after the cessation of active exercise. Researchers suggest that the influence of an increased number of alpha waves is one of the positive factors of the impact of physical activity on the general psychological state of a person, including that expressed in a decrease in mental excitability and a decrease in depression.
Other researchers have suggested that exercise reduces electrical tension in muscles. Some also believe that physical activity helps increase oxygen transport to the brain. In addition, during certain physical exercises, body temperature rises, causing a decrease in muscle tension and affecting certain neurotransmitters in the brain.
The American College of Sports Medicine recommends regular exercise for 30 to 60 minutes a day, several times a week, as an important factor in promoting health, mental alertness, and overall well-being.
Reducing the level of mental excitability and depression and improving the general condition that come as a result of a physically active life will certainly have a positive impact on the performance of their professional duties by those whose work is mainly related to mental activity. For many students and knowledge workers, this primarily means that time spent on physical education will never be wasted. On the contrary, even a thirty-minute workout will enhance your mental abilities and make more efficient use of time. Incorporating physical exercise breaks into the work and study schedules of sedentary workers and students can improve productivity and academic performance.

Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

1. The influence of running on the human body……………………………………………………... 4

2. The influence of walking on the human body……………………………………….. 6

3. The influence of physical exercise on mental development…………………. 7

Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………. 9

List of references……………………………………………………………10


Athletics is the “queen of sports”, combining five disciplines - running; race walking; jumps (long, high, triple, pole); throwing (discus, javelin, hammer), shot put; athletics all-around. This is one of the main and most popular sports. Athletics competitions have their origins in England, where it began to develop in the 17th-18th centuries, mainly in the form of running and race walking. Since then, it has come a long way, becoming one of the popular sports.

Nowadays, athletics can act as a “lifeline.” Modern progress and civilization, on the one hand, improve the life of mankind, and on the other, alienate it from nature. Physical activity has decreased, which, combined with negative ecology, causes significant harm to the human body. The number of diseases is increasing, the activity of the immune system is decreasing, many diseases that previously affected mainly older people have become “younger” and, as a result, lead to a reduction in human life expectancy. Decreased physical activity is one of many negative factors that impede normal productive human life.

Athletics is the most popular sport that promotes the comprehensive physical development of a person. Systematic training in athletics exercises develops strength, speed, endurance and other qualities necessary for a person in everyday life.

Let's look at how some types of athletics affect the human body.

1. The effect of running on the human body

Running is not a pleasant activity for many people. But as practice shows, it is the most optimal, cheapest way to monitor your health. Everyone is running: children, adults, old people with their dogs...

Running can be used to achieve a variety of goals - from spiritual self-improvement to weight loss. Each person, if desired, will find the answer to his question with the help of running. But there are several basic processes that are stimulated during running - both beginners and experienced athletes need to know about this.

1. During and after running, the process of hematopoiesis is activated - “young”, healthy blood is formed.

2. Breathing is activated, the body's absorption of free electrons from the air is stimulated. This process occurs in the lungs due to the activation of gas exchange and through the skin. An increase in the number of free electrons increases performance (physical and mental) and stimulates all human functions and systems.

3. While running, the body’s production of carbon dioxide is activated, which has a very beneficial effect on all biochemical processes occurring in cells. In particular, the amount of oxygen in the tissues increases, which helps improve metabolism in the body.

4. During a run of average duration (30–60 minutes), cell breakdown is activated in the body, which, in turn, after a running workout stimulates the synthesis of new young and healthy cells. First of all, old diseased cells are destroyed, and new ones are synthesized in their place. With the help of running, the whole body is rejuvenated and renewed.

5. The adult body contains approximately 35 liters of fluid (5 liters of blood, 2 liters of lymph and 28 liters of intracellular fluid). With a sedentary lifestyle, all this fluid stagnates. During running, fluid begins to actively circulate, eliminating stagnant zones in the body.

6. The supply of nutrients and oxygen to cells occurs according to this scheme. At the first stage, the necessary substances move from the blood into the intercellular fluid by diffusion through the walls of the capillaries. At the second stage, oxygen and nutrients are transferred from the intercellular fluid through the membrane into the cell. At the third stage, the distribution of nutrients and oxygen inside the cell occurs. In the same way, but in reverse order, waste products are removed from the cells. During and after running, all these processes occur at high speed, which increases the vitality of the body and activates self-healing. During running, the body's cells get rid of their own waste products, which eliminates the possibility of self-poisoning.

7. Every moment millions of cells die in the human body. To utilize all this yourself, you need a low-intensity load of medium duration. Slow running is best for this. Otherwise, the dead cells of the body begin to decompose with the formation of poisons, which are carried through the bloodstream throughout the body, causing poisoning and, for example, a condition such as chronic fatigue.

8. During running, the hormone serotonin is released, which is known to everyone as the hormone of happiness, which improves mood, relieves symptoms of depression, and relieves tension.

The cardiovascular system is the first to receive a health boost when jogging. According to experts, the heart and blood vessels react very positively to leisurely exercise of medium (30–60 minutes) duration. Exercises on weight machines or with a barbell (dumbbells) develop skeletal muscles well, while absolutely not stimulating the development of the heart muscle and blood vessels. In contrast, running is considered one of the best ways to restore and maintain the cardiovascular system at the proper level.

This positive impact is due to several reasons.

1. Periodic tension and relaxation of the leg muscles. During training, it is very important for the cardiovascular system to alternate between tension and relaxation of the leg muscles. For example, when working out with a barbell (squats, lunges), a person does not receive even a tenth of the healing effect for blood vessels that can be obtained while jogging. This happens because during normal training, the muscles first experience strong tension (squats with a barbell), and then rest. This training regimen often leads to congestion in the legs with the possibility of varicose veins. In contrast, running puts gentle, natural stress on your leg muscles.

2. While running, the human body performs periodic oscillatory movements up and down. When moving upward, gravity is overcome, and this happens many hundreds of times during training. This oscillatory movement has a very positive effect on all fluids (lymph, blood, intracellular fluid) of the body, causing oscillatory movements in the smallest vessels.

3. While running, breathing becomes deep and frequent, which leads to active movement of the diaphragm up and down, which in itself is an excellent massage for all abdominal organs. This massage activates blood circulation in these organs with all the ensuing positive consequences. Active movement of the diaphragm promotes the outflow of venous blood from the legs up to the heart.

Even, long running, the speed of which is not much higher than the speed of walking, according to Gilmore, author of the book “Running for Life,” can give an additional 10-12 years of life.

To many, this activity seems to be a very monotonous and boring exercise. In fact, this is not so. By running, you can “throw out” your temperament in a sprint and test the full measure of your patience, measuring kilometer after kilometer in a marathon. You can train for the sake of an ambitious desire to become a world record holder or an Olympic champion, or simply run out of a desire to maintain health, performance and normal psychology. Finally, you can continue running until you are very old, and in all your years running will fully satisfy the moral and physical needs of the sport.

This exercise also has a healing effect on the immune system. With regular running, a person becomes active, focused, and purposeful, which allows him to increase his self-esteem.

2. The effect of walking on the human body

Walking is the easiest of all sports. It does not require a lot of energy, and the effect is quite high. Walking has a healing effect on the body, increases muscle tone, strengthens bone tissue, develops coordination of movements, and stimulates metabolism.

First of all, it stimulates the work of the heart muscle (myocardium). Doctors have proven that if a person walks daily, at least for an hour, the risk of this type of disease is reduced by 70%. Walking promotes weight loss and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. In addition, with it, lactic acid does not accumulate in the body.

Walking exercises can be divided into two types: fast and calm. Calm is more suitable for older people; it will simply keep the body in good shape. In addition, you can increase the training time to two hours. Fast walking will put stress on the muscles and develop bone tissue. By combining two types of walking, you can adjust the load according to your desire and well-being. After all, first of all, this is necessary to improve tone, to lift your mood and improve your health.

Walking can be either an independent sport or a general developmental, preparatory exercise before engaging in other sports. In this case, you need to spend less time on it.

This type of physical activity can be considered the safest type of physical activity. Almost everyone can do it - from a teenager to an elderly person. Now it has gained incredible popularity in European countries and America as a means to combat physical inactivity and related problems. A few years ago, an Irish health organization began a health trail project, the goal of which is to involve as much of the population as possible in walking. Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Canada and Germany have already joined this project. In Germany, on certain days, mass walking walks are organized in which thousands of people participate.

Fast walking is also good for low emotional background, depressed, depressed mood. In the process of walking, just like during other activities (running, swimming, etc.), the body produces endorphins - hormones that have a positive effect on the psyche. It is also useful over short distances. However, to strengthen the cardiovascular system, exercise should be continuous with a high tempo of movement.

Over time, the habit of walking quickly can become a motor automaticity, especially if you use known routes.

There are no contraindications for walking; even hypertensive patients can do it. Practicing it is recommended for many diseases of the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems, for nervous strains, and even during rehabilitation periods. It has a strengthening effect on literally the entire body.

3. The effect of physical exercise on mental development

The positive influence of physical development on mental development was known in China, back in the time of Confucius, in ancient Greece, India, and Japan. In the monasteries of Tibet and Shaolin, physical exercises and labor were taught at the same level as theoretical disciplines. Also in Ancient Greece: Plato was a two-time Olympic champion in pankration (mixed martial arts), Pythagoras was a champion in fist fighting, and this did not prevent them from being and remaining refined intellectuals.

How and why physical activity improves mental health is currently not fully understood. Some theories, for example, look at the effects of exercise on various hormones and other chemicals in our body.

Our body has an amazing hormonal system containing chemicals similar to morphine, called endogenous opioids. These hormones are of particular interest because their receptors are found in areas of the brain responsible for emotions, pain and human behavior. During exercise, the pituitary gland increases the synthesis of beta-endorphins, a type of endogenous opioid, resulting in an increase in their concentration in the blood. At the same time, the level of beta-endorphins in the human brain increases, thereby creating a feeling of a general comfortable state.

Physical activity can also activate the action of special brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. Dr. Charles Ransford, representing Hillsdale College, Michigan, reviewed the scientific literature on this issue and suggested that although there is a need for further research work, it can be concluded that exercise can change the concentrations of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin in the brain and, as a result, reduce depression.

Dr. James Weese from the Alberta Hospital and a team of researchers from Arizona State University independently concluded that during periods of physical activity, there is an increased emission of alpha waves by the brain. The result of the influence of these electronic waves is the onset of a calmer and more peaceful state in a person. Their effect usually begins to appear after the twentieth minute of training and can be recorded with the help of instruments some time after the cessation of active exercise. Researchers suggest that the influence of an increased number of alpha waves is one of the positive factors of the impact of physical activity on the general psychological state of a person, including that expressed in a decrease in mental excitability and a decrease in depression.

Other researchers have suggested that exercise reduces electrical tension in muscles. Some also believe that physical activity helps increase oxygen transport to the brain. In addition, during certain physical exercises, body temperature rises, causing a decrease in muscle tension and affecting certain neurotransmitters in the brain.

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends regular exercise for 30 to 60 minutes a day, several times a week, as an important factor in promoting health, mental alertness, and overall well-being.

Reducing the level of mental excitability and depression and improving the general condition that come as a result of a physically active life will certainly have a positive impact on the performance of their professional duties by those whose work is mainly related to mental activity. For many students and knowledge workers, this primarily means that time spent on physical education will never be wasted. On the contrary, even a thirty-minute workout will enhance your mental abilities and make more efficient use of time. Incorporating physical exercise breaks into the work and study schedules of sedentary workers and students can improve productivity and academic performance.


The abstract examined several examples of the influence of athletics exercises on the human body. According to the data provided, it is enough for a person to perform basic physical activity to improve his health and always stay in shape. With the help of regular exercise, you can counteract the endless stream of stress, anxiety and depression that is so characteristic of this age. Physical activity can play the role of a kind of protective buffer, reducing the tension and stress of everyday life, as well as having a positive effect on improving a person’s mood and general physical and psychological state.

A person only needs 30 to 60 minutes of light jogging or walking at an average pace to improve his health. Nowadays, the physical and psychological state of each of us can become a positive fact for the country as a whole. This indicator is the calling card of the state. The health of the nation is determined by the health of every resident of the country. Unfortunately, now we cannot say that Russia is a state consisting of physically healthy and psychologically balanced people. But there is a noticeable trend towards an increase in those who began to engage in one or another sport. Now running and walking are becoming very popular in Russia, because they are the most accessible physical activities, and the benefits from them are no less than from working out in the gym. I would like to believe that in a few years we will be able to proudly say that Russia is a country with healthy citizens, and the whole world consists of physically strong people who do not know any diseases. Athletics can be a major help in achieving this goal.


1. Zhilkin A.I. Athletics - textbook - M.: ACADEMA, 2003. - 461 p.






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The influence of athletics exercises on human health. Kosteltseva Elizaveta 6A class. Athletics is an Olympic sport that includes running, walking, jumping and throwing. One of the main and popular sports. It is believed that the history of athletics began in ancient Greece with running competitions. The development of modern athletics is associated with the revival of the Olympic Games in 1896. Competitions, warm-ups and training are held outdoors and indoors. The winner is the team or athlete who shows the best result. Here are the most rewards. Modern progress improves life, but alienates man from nature. Physical activity has decreased, which leads to illness and mortality. Athletics contributes to a person’s physical development: it develops strength, speed, endurance and other qualities needed in everyday life. Running activates the process of hematopoiesis - the blood “rejuvenates”; metabolism improves due to the production of carbon dioxide; excess fluid and dead cells are removed; the hormone of happiness – serotonin – is produced. Walking does not require a lot of energy, it heals the body, increases muscle tone, strengthens bone tissue, develops coordination of movement, stimulates metabolism and the work of the heart muscle. To improve your health and always stay in shape, a person only needs 30-60 minutes of easy running or walking at an average pace. Jumping stimulates the outflow of fluid from tissues, heart function, improves coordination of movement, brain activity, and improves mood. Throwing - develops dexterity, strength, flexibility and mobility of joints, improves the eye and helps solve motor problems - stimulates the functioning of the spinal cord. Physical activity can play the role of a kind of shield, reducing the tension and stress of modern life, and also influencing the improvement of a person’s mood and general physical and psychological state.

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Athletics is considered to be one of the safest sports that you can do any age. Both children and elderly people can master it. Therefore, it is the most popular and widespread sport. Athletics includes disciplines such as running, walking, jumping and many others. This species began its development back in 776 BC. And it is customary to consider the homeland Ancient Greece. The first running competitions took place in 1837 in the town of Wreckby. Today, athletics is called the queen of sports, as it is known for its rich history and a huge number of disciplines.

Effect on the body

During physical activity in the human body various processes are launched, coordinated by the central nervous system. The work includes the motor apparatus and internal organs that provide the basic needs of the body. Moreover, scientists are confident that the function of the motor system mainly depends on the condition of internal organs. And the activity of the body’s internal systems closely interacts with the motor system. Therefore, athletics is a necessary requirement for the stable functioning of the body.

Moreover, even in ancient China and Greece they believed that various physical activities have a positive effect on mental abilities. For example, Pythagoras was a champion in fist fighting and at the same time was a famous philosopher. Or another fairly famous philosopher - Plato. He was also a two-time mixed martial arts champion.


  • Jogging has a good effect and strengthens the cardiovascular system, as there is constant tension and relaxation of the leg muscles.
  • Capillaries get a good workout, their number increases several times. They become more flexible and spacious, so they can deliver more oxygen and nutrients to different parts of the body. During sports, the body's metabolism increases, blood circulation improves, so excess calories are actively consumed.
  • It is a proven fact that absolutely all types of running have a positive effect on work of the endocrine system And strengthen the immune system.
  • And athletics also perfectly develop skills such as dexterity, endurance And speed reaction.
  • During physical activity, breathing becomes more in-depth and frequent, as a result of this, the supply of oxygen in the tissues increases. Thanks to this, physical and mental performance increases.
  • Run for 30 minutes to 1 hour activates cell breakdown, and therefore it begins development of new. Due to the fact that sick and old cells are destroyed first, the body is renewed and rejuvenated.
  • Doesn't stand aside hormone serotonin or whatever they call it hormone of happiness. This makes a person feel happy and rested after a run.
  • Happening great workout for all muscle groups– abs, legs, back, buttocks. Therefore, people who constantly engage in athletics have good posture and a toned body.
  • Average statistics show that people who run live 5 years longer.
  • Short evening classes will also help improve sleep quality.
  • Thanks to morning jogging, the body will be able to wake up faster and recharge your batteries for the whole day, and it will also help get rid of lack of appetite.
  • There is a reduction in the risk of hypertension and hypotension.
  • The likelihood of a stroke or heart attack is halved.
  • Running when the sun is shining outside will be doubly useful, because from it a person gets vitamin D.
  • Sports are great for developing self-confidence and increases self-esteem.
  • Regular jogging will help solve problems with chronic fatigue.
  • Jogging in winter can bring more benefits than in summer, since during the cold season, work more muscles are activated due to slippery surface.
  • Running will help develop a person's determination, willpower and self-control.


  • It is worth abstaining or conducting classes under the supervision of a specialist for the following diseases: visual impairment, high or low blood pressure, brain injuries, chronic diseases, bone structure disorders, diabetes.
  • Wrong shoes can cause damage to both the calf muscle and the knees because the leg area receives shock when running. And therefore it is necessary to give preference to shoes with shock-absorbing properties.
  • Before starting training, you must a little warm-up, otherwise there is a high chance of getting injured during exercise.
  • Excessive loads do not strengthen the body, but, on the contrary, wear it out.
  • Happening significant effect on the spine and leg joints, because of this, the risk of microtrauma to cartilage and intervertebral discs increases. This can lead to arthritis and arthrosis. Therefore, it is necessary to observe technique while running.
  • Before starting training, you should choose area with clean air, since running along roads, near plants or factories can cause irreparable damage to health, because polluted air can easily penetrate into the lungs.
  • With significant loads, men begin to release of cortisol(stress hormone), which lowers testosterone levels.
  • When exercising outdoors in winter incorrectly chosen clothes can only bring harm.


Athletics exercises have comprehensive influence on the development of the body. By following the recommendations and taking into account your health status, you can not think about the harm from running, but instead be content with the positive results. And also don’t give up on warming up and proper technique. Therefore, before making a decision, it is worth undergoing an examination to identify diseases, if any. Well, so that classes are not boring, you can invite friends or choose suitable music.

Athletics is divided into five sections (walking, running, jumping, throwing and all-around), which, in turn, are divided into many types and varieties.

Athletics exercises have a very diverse effect on the human body. They develop strength, speed, endurance, improve mobility in joints, allow you to acquire a wide range of motor skills, and contribute to the development of strong-willed qualities. Such versatile physical training is especially necessary at a young age. The widespread use of athletics exercises in classes helps to increase the functional capabilities of the body and ensures high performance.

Walking- a common way of experiencing a person, a wonderful physical exercise for people of all ages. With prolonged and rhythmic walking, almost all the muscles of the body are involved in the work, the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other body systems is enhanced, metabolism increases, which has health benefits. Race walking is used in competitions - it is complex in technique, but at the same time the most effective.

Its speed is more than twice the speed of normal walking. It requires a higher intensity of work than in normal walking, and, consequently, increased energy expenditure. In this regard, race walking exercises have a significant impact on the athlete’s body, strengthen his internal organs and systems, improve their performance, have a positive effect on the development of strength and especially endurance, and cultivate strong-willed qualities.

Walking competitions are held on the stadium track and on ordinary roads (highway, city, country, etc.) at a distance of 3 to 50 km.

Participants in a walking competition are required to observe the peculiarities of walking technique - not to lose contact with the track for a moment (the flight phase indicates the transition to running). For violation of this rule, the judges remove the athlete from the competition.

Run- a natural way of transportation. This is the most common type of physical exercise, which is included in many sports (football, basketball, handball, etc.), as well as in the GTO complex. A significant number of running varieties are an organic part of various types of athletics. When running, to a greater extent than when walking, high demands are placed on the performance of the entire body, since almost all muscle groups of the body are involved in the work, the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems is enhanced, and metabolism increases significantly.

By changing the distance length and running speed, you can dose the load, influence the development of endurance, speed and other qualities of those exercising in accordance with their capabilities. For example, long running at low speed, especially in a forest or park, is of great hygienic importance and is one of the best means of healing. Running at higher speeds places greater demands on the exerciser, especially on their cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and is an excellent means of developing endurance. Running at very high speeds is included in training to develop strength and speed.

In the process of running, strong-willed qualities are developed, the ability to calculate one’s strength, overcome obstacles, and navigate the terrain is acquired.

Of all types of athletics, running is the most accessible physical exercise. In athletics competitions, various types of running and relay races occupy a leading place. They always arouse great interest among viewers and therefore are one of the best means of promoting physical culture.

In athletics there are smooth running, steeplechase, relay and natural running.

Smooth running It is carried out on a treadmill in a circle (counterclockwise) for a certain distance or time. Running up to and including 400 m is carried out on separate tracks for each runner. Running for individual distances is carried out on a common track. The time spent covering the set distance is recorded with a stopwatch. In one-hour and two-hour runs, the duration of the run is limited by time, and the result is determined by the length of the distance (in m) covered during this time.

Running with obstacles has two varieties: 1) hurdle running, carried out on a treadmill at distances from 50 to 400 m with the same type of obstacles spaced evenly along the distance (each athlete moves along a separate track); 2) 3000m steeplechase race, carried out on a running track with firmly installed barriers and a water pit in one of the sectors of the stadium.

Relay race- team running, in which the distance is divided into stages. The goal of the relay race is to carry the baton from start to finish as quickly as possible, passing it to each other. The length of the stages can be the same (short and medium distances) or different (mixed distances). More often, the relay race is held on the track of the stadium, less often - along the streets of the city (ring or star relay).

Running in natural conditions cross-country cross-country racing is carried out at a distance of up to 15 km, and for longer distances - on roads (highways and country roads). The longest distance in athletics is the marathon (42 km 195 m). Traditional runs between settlements are also held.

Jumping, as a way to overcome obstacles, are characterized by short-term but maximum neuromuscular efforts. During athletics jumping classes, the ability to control your body and concentrate your efforts is improved; Strength, speed, agility and courage develop. Jumping is one of the best exercises for strengthening the muscles of the legs and torso and for acquiring the so-called jumping ability, which is necessary not only for all track and field athletes, but also for representatives of other sports, especially basketball players, volleyball players, football players, and weightlifters.

Athletics jumps are divided into two types:

1) over vertical obstacles, where the goal is to jump as high as possible - high jump and pole vault;

2) over horizontal obstacles, where they try to jump as far as possible - long jump and triple jump. Jumping achievements are measured in meters and centimeters. In addition to running jumps, the training uses standing high, long and triple jumps.

Throwing- exercises in pushing and throwing special projectiles at a distance. The results are measured in meters and centimeters. Throwing is characterized by short-term, but maximum efforts not only by the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle, torso, but also by the legs. To throw athletics equipment far, you need a high level of development of strength, speed, agility and the ability to concentrate your efforts. Throwing classes contribute not only to the development of these important qualities, but also to the harmonious development of the muscles of the whole body.

Depending on the method of execution, athletics throwing is divided into three types:

1) throw from behind the head (spear, grenade);

2) with turns (disc, hammer);

3) push (core).

The difference in throwing methods is related to the shape and weight of the projectiles. Light projectiles can be thrown further from behind the head with a straight run-up. Heavier projectiles are more convenient to throw with turns, and a heavy projectile like a cannonball, which does not have a special handle, is more convenient to push.

All-around include various types of running, jumping and throwing.

All-around events place very high demands on those involved. In addition to high technical skill, they need the speed of a sprinter, the strength of a thrower, the jumping ability and agility of a jumper, the courage of a hurdler and pole vaulter, and the endurance of a middle-distance runner. And the implementation of the all-around program as a whole requires excellent general endurance and highly developed volitional qualities.

All-around training is an excellent way of versatile physical development for beginner track and field athletes. From mastering the norms of the GTO complex. And also built on the principle of all-around, a young athlete can move on to special training in track and field all-around. All-around training also creates a good basis for special training in certain types of athletics.

Athletics is one of the main sports in the physical education system.

A variety of athletics exercises and ample opportunities to vary the load in walking and running, jumping and throwing allow them to be successfully used in the activities of people of different ages, gender and different degrees of physical fitness. Many of these exercises can be performed on simple platforms and terrain.

The positive impact of athletics exercises predetermined their widespread inclusion in physical education programs for schoolchildren and youth, in training plans for various sports, in all levels of the GTO complex and physical education classes for older people. In physical culture groups, in voluntary sports societies, in higher and secondary educational institutions and in other organizations, the leading place is occupied by athletics sections.

To assess the achievements of preparedness in athletics, stimulate the practice of this sport and better organize competitions, a division of athletes into categories has been established. In connection with the development of mass athletics and the continuous growth of achievements, the standards are periodically revised.