Everything you need to know about fasting day on watermelon. Rules for watermelon unloading

A fasting day on watermelon is a godsend for those with a sweet tooth. Among effective diets For weight loss, experts identify a mono-diet, when the diet consists of one product. Juicy berries will help you lose hated kilograms and free the body from toxins, waste, food debris.

Ripe watermelon - source useful substances necessary for the proper functioning of the human body:

  • vitamins (A, C, PP, B1, B2);
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • lycopene;
  • folic acid;
  • organic acids.

The watermelon diet consists of 90% water and has a diuretic effect.

Removing toxins with excess moisture relieves intoxication, cleanses the intestines of undigested food residues, and normalizes metabolism, which promotes weight loss. The liver and kidneys are cleansed and the blood is renewed. In 100 gr. Watermelon pulp contains 38 Kcal, you don’t have to bother with calculations and menu development, but simply enjoy the taste and proven benefits.

A fasting day will be harmful if the purchased product contains nitrates and carcinogens. They can lead to severe poisoning. During the period of exacerbation chronic diseases stomach, urinary system, it is strictly forbidden to experiment with the diet. The lycopene contained in the composition causes allergic reaction, you need to make sure there is no sensitivity to the microelement. Inconvenience may arise due to frequent visits toilet, if unloading occurs during work.

Frequency and rules

Watermelon fasting day should be carried out during the melon and melon harvest season, which occurs at the end of August - September. When purchasing, tap on the surface - ringing sound indicates ripeness, and deaf occurs if the watermelon is spoiled. The peel should be a juicy green color, without spots or dents. A yellow mark on the side indicates that the fruit is ready to eat. You should not cut the watermelon to check the inside - pathogenic bacteria may enter. At home, wash the berries thoroughly with running water, then wipe with a dry towel. The cut half should be closed cling film, then put it in the refrigerator.

Nutritionists advise cleansing the body once a week to achieve effectiveness. Unloading within one day is allowed without preliminary preparation. The fruit is cut into 5-7 servings, they should be consumed every 2 hours. It is necessary to determine in advance the optimal amount of pulp consumed per day. Minimum quantity– 2 kg, and the maximum is calculated depending on body weight: 10 kg of weight – 1 kg of pulp. You shouldn’t force yourself to eat portions; overeating will lead to heaviness in your stomach. Reduce the volume and enjoy the unloading.

Diet options for fasting

If you periodically repeat the fasting day, the result will be consolidated and you will be able to lose excess weight. For those who find it difficult to eat one product, you can combine it with other ingredients.


The first option is to eat only watermelon pulp. Water is excluded, but those who cannot live without it are allowed to drink cool mineral water without gas. The fruit must be cut, peeled, measured out in equal portions, and consumed every two hours. The usefulness of the weight loss method lies in the targeted cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to improved metabolism.

And kefir

A fasting day on kefir and watermelon combines the use of healthy fermented milk product and saturation with microelements contained in large berries. In the morning you should drink a glass of kefir, only about 1 liter per day. You cannot combine products. Unloading the body with a kefir diet is very effective, thanks to this you can reduce the size of your waist and hips in just one day.

And black bread

A fasting day is very useful on watermelon and black bread, and you will not feel hungry. Take 150 gr. coarsely ground black bread, divide into equal parts, eat in the first half of the day, alternating with sweet pulp. Bread acts as a natural sorbent that releases nutrients, absorbing toxins.

And cucumbers

A fasting day spent on watermelon and cucumbers has an enhanced diuretic effect. From thoroughly washed cucumbers you should prepare a salad without salt, but with the addition of a few drops olive oil. You should not eat the pulp of the berry and the cucumber together; it is better to alternate servings of the same size. Low-calorie cucumber salad contains many vitamins, which increases the effectiveness of one-day fasting.

Alternating two melons will allow you to diversify the menu during a mono-diet. It is not recommended to use together so as not to increase gas formation. The melon is thoroughly washed and the portions to be eaten throughout the day are measured. Additional drinks are allowed plain water to remove sweetness in the mouth.

There are many options for a variety of diets, described in stages. You should realistically evaluate the possibilities and be aware of the existing contraindications to cleansing the body.

Contraindications to unloading on watermelon

One-day cleansing is prohibited during pregnancy due to the heavy load on the urinary system. A pregnant woman should eat a varied and balanced diet to meet the nutritional needs of the baby.

The main contraindications include:

  • childhood;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • liver diseases;
  • kidney stones;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • high sensitivity to lycopene;
  • decreased immunity after illness;
  • upcoming mental or physical stress.

Before cleaning, you should consult a specialist to make sure that there are no contraindications, otherwise the usual procedure may cause negative consequences.

The next day after cleansing, you should follow several rules: drink more fluids and do not eat junk food large quantities. According to women, one day was so easy that they extended the diet for several days to get the desired result.

It is useful to periodically carry out a comprehensive cleansing of the body, which can easily be done at home with the help of tasty and vitamin-rich berries. If you follow the rules, your well-being improves, and your figure is brought to the desired state. When the body gets used to the diet, you can try new mono-diet options.

Fasting day on watermelon - effective method cleansing the body. Even if there are no extra pounds, toxins accumulate in cells and tissues due to poor ecology, consumption low quality products, irregularities in work internal organs. Fasting days promote the removal of substances that can cause new problems. One option is a one-day watermelon diet.

Unloading Features

This amazing berry consists of 90% water, which allows you to simply flush out toxins and waste from the body's cells. Low calorie content makes this product especially useful for weight loss. But the time when such fasting days can be spent is limited to the period of fruit ripening in summer and early autumn.

A fasting day on watermelon has undoubted advantages:

  • the benefits of the berry are priceless: it contains vitamins B, D, PP, as well as microelements necessary for the adequate functioning of internal organs;
  • There is absolutely no need to prepare for a one-day diet of this kind;
  • You can eat watermelons with almost no restrictions;
  • this fruit helps improve digestion and intestinal motility;
  • the berry has a pronounced diuretic effect, which relieves a person of edema, excess fluid, toxins and other harmful substances;
  • metabolism is normalized, which helps achieve better effect losing weight.

Reviews from those who have tried this type of unloading note some of the disadvantages of such weight loss and cleansing:

  • the diuretic effect prevents you from taking advantage of the fruits of a fasting day outside the home;
  • high glycemic index(about 75) is a contraindication for use in cases of significant obesity and diabetes mellitus.

Fasting days can be carried out not only on one watermelon, but also with the addition of other products. The berry goes well with cottage cheese and other fermented milk food, With sour fruits. It is not recommended to eat such fruits immediately after eating protein foods, mushrooms and legumes, as well as starchy foods. In this case, abdominal discomfort and increased gas formation may occur.

Fasting day rules

Despite the fact that the benefits of watermelon are beyond doubt, fasting days can only be carried out for a limited time. However, other rules must be observed.

  • This type of unloading can be carried out no more than three days in a row. Otherwise, significant damage to the kidneys will be caused.
  • It is not recommended to consume sweet and starchy, fatty and salty foods at the same time as berries. It is optimal to eat only watermelon, then the results will be more noticeable.
  • If you feel hungry, you can combine the fruit with other foods. Days spent on melon with watermelon will be effective.
  • To preserve the benefits of the berry, it must be covered with film after cutting and put in the refrigerator.
  • It is optimal to choose a watermelon without nitrates and absolutely ripe, otherwise there will be no benefit from it. You can tell how ripe the fruit is by looking at its tail: it should be dry.

Unloading options

The strictest option is fasting days, when you can only eat watermelons. The number of such days should not exceed 3. The volume of the berry is usually calculated as follows: 1 kg of pulp per 10 kg of your body weight. Daily norm divided into several steps. At the same time, you can only drink non-carbonated drinks and tea without sugar. An additional measure to secure achieved result is to replace dinners for one week with the same product. During such a meal you need to eat about 1 kg of pulp. If quantity excess weight quite large, the volume of the berry is approximately 0.5 kg per 30 kg of weight.

A fasting day on watermelon can also be done in softer ways.

Option 1

On such days, in addition to berries, you can eat a slice of black bread, 30 g of cheese, 100 g of beef and brown rice, as well as 100 g of cottage cheese. The quantity of watermelon reaches 1.5 kg.

Option 2

The menu of this option is designed for 3 days. These days it is acceptable to eat lean fish, vegetables cooked in the oven, you can make a salad of apples with raisins, honey and cinnamon. Cottage cheese will also be useful, but it is better to spend the evenings on kefir.


A fasting day on watermelon is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance, especially if there are diseases in which this berry must be consumed carefully and clearly control how much of its pulp you have eaten. Such problems include:

  • kidney stones;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • intestinal and stomach ulcers;
  • allergy to lycopene.

In the presence of such diseases, the harm from unloading and the berries themselves can be quite great. Then it is better to do fasting days on kefir, after consulting with a doctor.

Kefir-watermelon day

Buy a watermelon the day before. It is clear that this fasting day cannot be spent except in August or at the end of July. Start your morning by cutting a watermelon and finding out how good and ripe it is. If the seller cheated you, then quickly reorient yourself and replace the watermelon-kefir day with one of the other ones suggested above. If the watermelon is wonderful, then divide it mentally or graphically from the rind side into three parts and eat the first one at breakfast. Next, after 3 hours, drink a glass of bifidokefir. For lunch, enjoy the second half of the watermelon. In the afternoon - a glass of kefir. Dinner with watermelon, if you are tormented by stones or sand in the kidneys, you can spend it in a warm bath (with a third of the watermelon). Eat it while in it. This procedure can help remove excess substances from the body. Before going to bed, drink a glass of kefir..

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Watermelon fasting day Watermelon day is the most delicious and easily tolerated fasting day, since the pulp, containing a large amount of water, simulates saturation well. Watermelon is an excellent diuretic that helps get rid of swelling

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Watermelon day Will it take 1? –2 kg of watermelon pulp – 300–400 g for 5 doses. Additional liquid should not be added to the diet. fasting diet used not only for diseases of the joints aggravated by obesity, but also for arterial hypertension,

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Watermelon fasting day All day you need to eat only watermelons. You can eat as many of them as you like. This vegetable is 90-95% water, so you won't harm your body. great harm, on the contrary, remove from it all harmful, toxic

A fasting day with watermelon is an ideal choice for those with a sweet tooth. Juicy pulp fills the stomach, removes excess liquid and eliminates excess weight. Well, the pleasant taste of this melon culture can hardly leave anyone indifferent.

What are the benefits of a fasting day on watermelon?

The world's largest berry pleases balanced composition- V folk medicine all its parts (seeds, crusts and pulp) were used. Watermelon pulp contains sugars, pectin and fiber. Watermelon is rich in carotenoids (lycopene, phytheon, phytofluten, ?-, ?-, ?-carotene), as well as ascorbic, folic and nicotinic acids. The pulp contains potassium and iron salts, as well as essential amino acids.

Watermelon menu

useful for anemia and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Watermelons are recommended for use for gout, liver and urinary tract diseases.

A fasting day on watermelon stimulates the intestines and helps eliminate bad cholesterol. Doctors recommend watermelon fasting for hypertension, gastritis with increased acidity gastric juice and in case of circulatory disorders. It goes without saying that such unloading also promotes active weight loss.

Watermelon fasting day

It can be carried out daily, but only during the natural ripening season of this melon crop (at other times, watermelons can cause nitrate poisoning). The duration of unloading is 1-3 days.

Option No. 1 (fasting day on watermelon pulp)

The first option involves consuming one and a half kilograms of watermelon pulp. This portion is divided into 5-6 parts. You can drink while on a diet, but the range of drinks is limited still water and unsweetened tea.

Option No. 2 (“dry” day on watermelon pulp)

In fact, it’s difficult to call this unloading option “dry” - watermelon pulp consists of 90% water. IN in this case throughout the day you only need to eat watermelon (for every 10 kg of body weight - 1 kg of pulp). Liquids are prohibited.

Option No. 3 (on watermelon pulp and bran bread)

Such unloading is tolerated much better - there is practically no feeling of hunger. Throughout the day you need to eat 1.5-2 kg of watermelon pulp and 2-3 slices of bran bread. You can drink non-carbonated mineral or table water.

Option number 4 (fasting day on watermelon and melon)

This option is designed for lovers of melons. Throughout the day you should eat watermelon (1 kg) and melon (500 g), alternating them (not combining them in one meal).


Watermelon fasting day has certain contraindications. It should not be done if you have the following problems:
- reduced immunity (after illness, poisoning);
- diabetes mellitus;
serious illnesses kidney

A fasting day on watermelon takes away about a kilogram of “live weight,” but the cleansing effect that this procedure has is worth any “dietary” sacrifice.

Women in Russia dream of looking very beautiful, slim and attracting the attention of representatives of the opposite sex. at different ages. To do this, they often go on all kinds of diets or arrange a special rest for the body - unloading. We invite you to find out what results a watermelon fasting day gives.

Unloading on a watermelon - benefits and harm

Each diet and even fasting days have both their advantages and disadvantages. Watermelon fasting day is no exception. Nutritionists do not recommend it:

  1. Anyone who has kidney problems. Otherwise, exacerbations of the disease may occur.
  2. To those suffering diabetes mellitus. Such unloading will bring more harm than benefit a person.
  3. At .
  4. For those who do not tolerate mono-diets well, they will have to eat only watermelon throughout the day.

However, such unloading also has benefits:

  1. Removing waste and toxins from the body.
  2. Cleansing gastrointestinal tract using the fiber contained in the watermelon pulp.
  3. The content of watermelon is B, C, iron, potassium and magnesium.

Fasting days on watermelon for weight loss

Many nutritionists say that fasting with watermelon is one of the most effective for anyone who wants to lose weight. A very tasty and also healthy berry contains folic acid, which speeds up metabolic processes in the body, which helps to achieve beautiful slim figure. However, if you want to lose weight, then it is important to take into account that apart from watermelon you cannot eat anything else during the day and it is better not to drink.

To unload on a tasty berry, you will need 1.5 kilograms of watermelon pulp. They need to be divided into 5 or 6 parts and consumed throughout the day. At the same time, you don’t need to expect that the weight will come off immediately after such a day. This process is long but effective. It is recommended to carry out such unloading in the fall, when watermelon is guaranteed to be not only tasty, but also healthy.

Fasting day on watermelon and melon

A watermelon-melon fasting day will help make the process of losing weight really tasty. After it, an unprecedented feeling of lightness will certainly appear. Anyone who wants to unload in this way should not combine two delicious berries. Every two hours you need to eat melon or watermelon. It is allowed to eat watermelon with unsweetened yogurt. You can only drink mineral water.

Fasting day on kefir and watermelon

A kefir-watermelon fasting day is also called effective. The day before you need to buy a watermelon and divide it into three equal parts. The first of them can be consumed already during breakfast. After three hours you need to drink a glass of bifidokefir. For lunch you need to eat the second part of the delicious ripe berries. In the afternoon you need to drink a glass of kefir. Nutritionists recommend that everyone who has stones or sand in their kidneys spend dinner with watermelon in a warm bath. Thanks to this procedure, it will be possible to remove excess substances from the body. Before going to bed, you need to drink a glass of kefir.

Fasting day on watermelon and cottage cheese

If you diversify the fasting day on watermelon with others no less healthy products nutrition, the process of losing weight will become much easier. One of effective options unloading - eating watermelon and cottage cheese. At the same time, it is important to know how much watermelon there is on the fasting day. Nutritionists recommend consuming 1 kg per day. delicious berries. Such a menu should also include low-fat cottage cheese - 400 g per day. You are allowed to drink water and unsweetened drinks. Watermelon can be consumed separately from cottage cheese or together with it. Is recommended in small portions when it occurs .

Fasting day on buckwheat and watermelon

Sometimes mono unloading is delicious healthy berry not very well tolerated. In such cases, it is worthwhile to diversify the watermelon fasting day menu with additional healthy products. One of the most effective is the combination of watermelon and buckwheat. The porridge beloved by many should be unsalted and it is better to use unfried cereals when cooking. In total, you need to consume 200-300 g of porridge throughout the day. You are allowed to eat 0.5-1 kg of watermelon. On this day you need to drink up to 2 liters of water. Such a fasting day on watermelon, when repeated regularly, is considered effective.