Why do you gain weight during your period? Reasons why weight gain occurs before menstruation and ways to get rid of the hated kilos

Why does this happen, and how to prevent extra pounds?

Some unpleasant symptoms, as a rule, appear several days before the start of menstruation. Pain sensations appear in the abdomen, dizziness, attacks of nausea, swelling of the legs, arms, joints, swelling of the chest and abdomen are possible.

Due to changes occurring in a woman’s hormonal background, appetite awakens during menstruation - this is inherent in nature. From about the middle of the cycle, the amount of the hormone progesterone increases in the body. This hormone is responsible for pregnancy, and a woman’s body naturally stores it for future use to produce healthy offspring.

A normal phenomenon is an increase in weight of no more than 900 grams, which goes away after menstruation. However, many women, due to their greater appetite during this period, increase their weight by more than a kilogram. And, naturally, extra calories settle on the figure. Since this happens monthly, excess fat gradually accumulates.

In order to protect your figure during critical days, listen to the advice of the site.

1. Don’t be led by desire

If during your period you have a difficult desire to eat something forbidden, hang a sign in your kitchen with the words: “PMS will go away, but the weight will remain.” She will help you refrain from "junk" food.

2. Have an educational conversation with your man

Men also contribute to the gain of excess weight in their other half. After all, they have to deal with such unpleasant manifestations of premenstrual syndrome in their beloved, such as tears, hysterics, and bad mood.

And in order to somehow protect themselves from such manifestations, they are forced to pamper us with sweets, some are willing to run to the store for chocolate even at night. During the premenstrual period, women all over the world eat tons of chocolate products. Talk to your partner about this if you don't want these tiles to settle on your hips and waist.

3. Get ready to exercise!

Light physical activity can help reduce appetite. It could be like 15-minute exercise in the morning, as well as dancing. It is very important that the training brings emotional pleasure, leaves a pleasant feeling of warmth in the body, and does not take all your strength.

Scientific studies have shown that exercise reduces appetite. This is due to an increase in the level of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the blood due to muscle work. In addition to the fact that these hormones help break down fats, they also help increase the tone of the brain, reducing the depressive mood of the body. Accordingly, the body ceases to feel the need for food as an antidepressant.

4. Monitor your weight

Weight changes during critical days / shutterstock.com

During the premenstrual period, the uterus swells and its weight increases by 1-1.5 kg, and during critical days the weight increases by another 1 kg. There is also an increase in breast size by 1.5-2 sizes, and the stomach may look like in the third month of pregnancy. In order not to spoil your mood, you do not need to weigh yourself these days.

During menstruation, excess fluid accumulates in the body, causing such unpleasant symptoms as heaviness, nausea, vomiting, and irritation of the digestive tract. And fluid in the brain tissue provokes such nervous manifestations as nervousness, irritability, depression. And the extra pounds may be just this liquid that will disappear after the critical days.

Weigh yourself at least once a month, but after your period. It is better to do this on the same day of the menstrual calendar and record the result. If there is no weight change, this indicates that you can control your “menstrual” appetite.

Nutrition on critical days

5. Pay attention to your diet

Do not eat fatty foods these days: lard, pork, all kinds of sausages and high-fat cheeses. Forget about fried potatoes, chicken skin and universal mayonnaise sauce. Limit your consumption of pickles, alcohol, beer and especially sweets (confectionery, baked goods, sweet fruits, chocolate).

6. Diet for a good mood

If you are in a state of significant psychological stress, in other words, experiencing premenstrual syndrome, then we advise you to adhere to carbohydrate diet, which promotes the production of serotonin - the hormone of pleasure, and at the same time helps you not gain extra pounds.

A few days before menstruation and throughout all the “red” days, your diet should consist of various cereals, grain bread, vegetables and fruits. It is worth including lettuce, cabbage, apples, and broccoli in the menu as often as possible.

And instead of sweets, you can treat yourself to bananas, dried apricots, watermelons, sunflower seeds and nuts. If you cannot do without meat, give preference to poultry fillet. Avoid salty foods, sweets and caffeine-containing drinks.

In fact, such a harbinger of menstruation as weight gain is due to internal processes occurring in the body, its preparation for days that are not without reason called “critical”.

A woman’s menstrual cycle, repeating every month, prepares her body for future pregnancy: hormonal levels and metabolism change.

The increase in body weight during this period is caused by a combination of several factors:

  • Fluid retention in tissues.

Menstruation, especially heavy periods, is primarily a loss of fluid. If the pattern repeats monthly, the stressed body begins to perceive bleeding as a threat of dehydration, a signal to store moisture. In such cases, ladies often complain of swelling of the arms, legs, and face. This phenomenon goes away with menstruation, but if the swelling increases or is observed for a long time, you can drink diuretic herbal mixtures, and if there is no result, consult a doctor;

  • Digestive disorders.

On the eve of menstruation, women's levels of progesterone, which relaxes the muscles of the uterus, rise sharply. The reproductive organ puts pressure on the intestines, where gases begin to accumulate. This is why the tummy begins to enlarge. In addition, constipation is a common sign of approaching menstruation: feces accumulate in the intestines, which can significantly change the number on the scale. One thing is good - the weight increases only until the first critical day, then digestive problems usually go away quickly;

  • Raid the refrigerator.

Even mild premenstrual syndrome creates a psychological imbalance, which ladies eat up with harmful carbohydrates - buns, chocolate. Rising progesterone aggravates the situation, hunger attacks become more frequent, and breakdowns bordering on gluttony occur. Of course, weight increases during menstruation because of this, and then it won’t go away. You can’t relax, justifying yourself with the body’s needs: extra pounds will stick on every month, which threatens rapid obesity;

  • Anemia.

She is a companion of martyrs who are constantly on strict, unbalanced diets that cause a decrease in hemoglobin. During menstruation, 30 mg of iron is lost along with the blood daily, which completely undermines a woman’s health: attacks of hunger are accompanied by nausea and dizziness. If you feel a growing appetite, you should satisfy it with fish, liver, eggs - such food will not cause a weight gain;

It’s difficult to argue with nature, but it’s worth taking this information into account; it will help you control your eating behavior at critical moments and avoid weight gain.

Psychological factors

Weight gain that occurs before menstruation cannot be blamed solely on physiology. Premenstrual syndrome, expressed by instability of the psychological state, affects 90% of the fairer sex. The mood changes dramatically in a matter of minutes, everything is annoying - these symptoms are familiar to many. And if you constantly think about how to lose weight, observing such unwanted weight gain, you can bring yourself to serious stress. So, psychological reasons:

Subconscious fear of pain. For some women, periodic pain reaches such intensity that the mere thought of a quick repetition of the nightmare is terrifying. Superimposed on the lack of self-control, a bad mood causes a craving to treat yourself to something tasty and high in calories. Those around her add fuel to the fire, noticing the lady’s condition, they often present chocolate and other sweets as gifts - then weight gain is inevitable;

There is also the other side of the coin: having learned about the naturalness of changes occurring with weight, a woman deliberately begins to overeat so as not to force her body. The problem is that the period of such relaxation often drags on for a couple of weeks, and then a completely sincere question arises: “Why am I gaining weight?”

Of course, you can come to an agreement with your loved ones, ask them not to bring flour and sweets, and not to provoke breakdowns. But coping with prolonged overeating is much more difficult: perhaps menstruation is only an external cause of eating disorders, which risk increasing over time and leading to excess weight. If necessary, to solve the problem, it is better to contact a good psychotherapist.

Sweets and weight gain

No matter how much you want, losing weight during your period is quite difficult. Not only does your appetite increase, but you are also drawn to the most harmful things - all kinds of sweets, especially chocolate. Many, due to their illiteracy, explain this craving by a decrease in hemoglobin and try to compensate the body for the lack of a couple of tasty tiles. Few people remember that it is better to support hemoglobin with iron-containing drugs.

In fact, hormonal swings are to blame: with the onset of menstruation, the significantly increased progesterone suddenly begins to fall, but prostaglandins are intensively produced. The purpose of these substances is to ensure detachment of the mucous membranes of the uterus. The amount of female hormones estrogen, which supports the release of serotonin, the hormone of happiness, also decreases rapidly. Against the backdrop of such metamorphoses, the mood inevitably deteriorates. In an effort to replenish the serotonin deficiency through sweets, the body pushes the woman to the next candy. It’s very easy to give in to temptation and forget about gaining weight and gain a couple of kilograms.

Limiting yourself completely is not the best solution. You will want more and more sweets. A couple of slices of dark chocolate won’t cause any significant damage, but it will curb the obsessive desire. Otherwise, fast carbohydrates should be replaced with slow ones: cereals, vegetables.

Diet during menstruation

For girls who are prone to obesity, the struggle with excess weight sometimes drags on for many months of sports efforts and diets. However, doctors strongly do not recommend reducing caloric intake during pregnancy. I don’t want to interrupt the process - what can I do, is it possible to lose weight during menstruation?

The answer is simple: losing weight and menstruation are quite compatible, you just need to eat a balanced diet.

Here are some simple tips to help you plan your diet:

  • A week before your period, you should increase your fiber intake, it will relieve puffiness. Source - legumes, vegetables, apples;
  • Do not drink water for an hour after eating, so as not to stretch the stomach, adjust it to small portions;
  • Increase serotonin with the right foods: bananas, tomatoes, corn;
  • Separate fermented milk and iron-containing products: together they are poorly absorbed, causing a loss of strength and a desire to break the diet.

Losing weight during menstruation should be comfortable, bring pleasure, not suffering. It is no secret that those who are losing weight are painfully aware of both weight gain and weight loss, the plateau effect.

Therefore, you need to set yourself a strict rule - do not weigh yourself during menstruation.

Regardless of why the weight increases the day before or during menstruation, the rules for reducing it are the same:

  • Temporarily remove everything fatty, fried, salty and mayonnaise from the menu. Minimize the dose of vegetable oil. And forget about alcohol, canned vegetables, and baked goods. All this retains water, which means it increases weight;
  • Replace excluded foods with healthier ones: vegetables, grain bread, fish;
  • Limit fluid intake, especially in the evening. Drinking tea, coffee, or just mineral water after lunch risks turning into edema;
  • It has been noticed that appetite increases noticeably due to a lack of nutrients. Calcium and magnesium significantly alleviate the symptoms of PMS; taking medications containing them reduces puffiness, swelling of the chest and abdomen. The pharmacy chain offers special vitamin and mineral complexes that help normalize the functioning of all body systems and reduce weight: do not neglect the doctor’s advice to drink one of them;
  • Do not forget that weight loss occurs faster in the first half of the cycle, slowing down or stopping in the second. A decrease in performance is not a reason to quit what you started; the task simply changes: now the main goal is not to gain weight;
  • Don't forget about physical activity. There is no need to perform impossible feats; it is better to leave marathon races for later. But gymnastics, swimming, dancing during menstruation will bring a lot of pleasant sensations and relieve stress. Moderate exercise increases adrenaline, which is involved in the breakdown of fat, and reduces appetite. If your health does not allow even light exercise, you can simply take a walk in the park;
  • It will be useful to discuss the diet with your beloved man: let him give apples and dried fruits instead of chocolates. Such a sign of attention will not be deposited on the hips;

Efforts aimed at health and weight control must be constant, then menstruation will cease to be a critical period, and it will become much easier to endure them.

  1. Accumulation of fluid in the body. Girls with heavy periods suffer especially badly; significant loss of fluid is stressful for the body. Often just a couple of episodes are enough for the body to begin to accumulate moisture before the onset of menstruation. Fluid retention provokes swelling; excess moisture can be distributed throughout the body, and on the limbs, in specific places, on the face, for example. Usually the condition returns to normal soon after the end of menstruation completely, but in some cases it is worth drinking diuretics. If the situation is worrying, you should also contact a nephrologist.
  2. Changes in digestion. Before menstruation, the amount of progesterone in the blood increases sharply, which provokes relaxation of the uterus. The latter entails pressure on the intestines, due to which gases begin to accumulate, and constipation is not uncommon. Usually the situation changes literally on the first day of the onset of menstruation, the volume of the abdomen noticeably decreases.
  3. Increased appetite. Premenstrual syndrome is a fairly strong stress for many girls, which women often try to eat with chocolate and a lot of flour. In addition, an increase in progesterone affects the body quite noticeably; acute severe attacks of hunger can happen even in the middle of the night. This appetite should be controlled: the body actually does not need additional food. This can be compared to an illusion, only in this case it is created by hormones. Please note: if you constantly eat extra pounds and do not lose them, the weight will gradually increase unnoticed by the woman.

Additional factors

Anemia. Naturally, in itself it does not lead to weight gain, but many women who have brought their bodies to this state with endless diets begin to feel extremely unwell during menstruation due to anemia. After all, thanks to blood loss, the body also loses 30 mg of iron every day. Women may begin to experience severe hunger, but to satisfy it due to anemia, first of all, it is necessary to eat a large amount of iron-containing preparations: fish, red meat, quail eggs, liver. Sweets and starchy foods will only help you shed unnecessary pounds.

Psychosomatics. Many women are afraid of pain, menstruation, their mood deteriorates due to PMS, and if the listed problems are superimposed on poor self-control, then causeless tears, hysteria, and nervous breakdowns may begin. Therefore, they try to allow themselves things that are often prohibited at other times: chocolate, sweets, delicious pastries. At times, people around them give their loved ones chocolate and candy to calm them down. The natural result is weight gain.

How to avoid weight gain

There is no point in fighting periodic weight gain: it will interfere with the natural processes of the body, and there is a risk of causing harm and disrupting the natural hormonal balance. If the weight gradually accumulates, then you can start weighing yourself on the days, during and after, in order to monitor how many grams are added and how many are lost. Doctors suggest doing an experiment and, if desired, weighing yourself throughout the entire menstrual cycle in order to track fluctuations. However, bringing this data collection to fruition requires a systematic approach and persistence.

In general, if there is an increase in total weight, you can try to control yourself when an acute appetite occurs. It is necessary to strictly control the total amount of food consumed. Will help with this:

  • ordinary floor scales;
  • special computer programs;
  • stickers;
  • notebook;
  • We ask those around us not to feed you sweets.

Psychological moment

Often, women, having learned about the naturalness of weight gain during menstruation, begin to allow themselves to eat a lot during this particular period.

This strange attempt at self-deception will lead to weight gain, while many women are subsequently able to be sincerely surprised by the kilograms that appear.

It is also worth considering the conversation with others: often loved ones do not take seriously the request to exclude sweets from the list of gifts, especially from those with a sweet tooth. Flirty women, who are perceived as frivolous and superficial, can sometimes encounter the fact that even their loved ones do not take individual requests seriously. You should deal with interpersonal relationships not with a gynecologist or nutritionist, but with a psychologist, and in general this is a topic for a separate discussion.

During menstruation, many of us face problems such as bloating, constipation, swelling and weight gain. Why does this happen, and how to prevent extra pounds?

During menstruation, many of us face problems such as bloating, swelling, etc. Why does this happen, and how to prevent extra pounds?

Some unpleasant symptoms usually appear already. Pain sensations appear in the abdomen, dizziness, attacks of nausea, hands, joints, swelling of the chest and abdomen are possible.

Due to changes occurring in a woman’s hormonal background, appetite awakens during menstruation - this is inherent in nature. From about the middle of the cycle, the amount of the hormone progesterone increases in the body. This hormone is responsible for pregnancy, and a woman’s body naturally stores it for future use to produce healthy offspring.

A normal phenomenon is an increase in weight of no more than 900 grams, which goes away. However, many women, due to their greater appetite during this period, increase their weight by more than a kilogram. And, naturally, they settle on the figure. Since this happens monthly, it gradually accumulates.

In order to protect your figure, listen to the advice of the site.

1. Don’t be led by desire

If during your period you have a difficult desire to eat something forbidden, hang a sign in your kitchen with the words: “PMS will go away, but the weight will remain.” She will help you refrain from

2. Have an educational conversation with your man

Men also help their other half gain weight. After all, they have to deal with such unpleasant manifestations of premenstrual syndrome in their beloved, such as tears, hysterics, and bad mood.

And in order to somehow protect themselves from such manifestations, they are forced, some agree to run to the store for chocolate even at night. During the premenstrual period, women all over the world eat tons of chocolate products. Talk to your partner about this if you don't want those tiles to settle on your thighs and.

3. Get ready to exercise!

Light physical activity can help reduce appetite. This could be a dance class. It is very important that the training brings emotional pleasure, leaves a pleasant feeling of warmth in the body, and does not take all your strength.

Scientific studies have shown that exercise reduces appetite. This is due to an increase in the level of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the blood due to muscle work. In addition to the fact that these hormones, they also help to increase the tone of the brain, reducing the depressive mood of the body. Accordingly, the body ceases to feel the need for food as an antidepressant.

4. Monitor your weight

During the premenstrual period, the uterus swells and its weight increases by 1-1.5 kg, and during critical days the weight increases by another 1 kg. It also occurs at 1.5-2 sizes, and the belly may look like it is in the third month of pregnancy. In order not to spoil your mood, you do not need to weigh yourself these days.

During menstruation, excess fluid accumulates in the body, causing such unpleasant symptoms as heaviness, nausea, vomiting, and irritation of the digestive tract. And the fluid in the brain tissue provokes such nervous manifestations as nervousness, irritability, and extra pounds can be just this fluid, which will disappear after the critical days.

Weigh yourself at least once a month, but after your period. It is better to do this on the same day of the menstrual calendar and record the result. If there is no weight change, this indicates that you can control your “menstrual” appetite.

Nutrition on critical days

5. Pay attention to your diet

Do not eat fatty foods these days: lard, pork, all kinds of sausages and high-fat cheeses. Forget about fried potatoes, chicken skin and universal mayonnaise sauce. Limit your consumption of pickles, beer and especially sweets (confectionery, baked goods, sweet fruits, chocolate).

6. Diet for a good mood

If you are in a state of significant psychological stress, in other words, experiencing premenstrual syndrome, then we advise you to adhere to carbohydrate diet, which promotes the production of serotonin - the hormone of pleasure, and at the same time helps you not gain extra pounds.

A few days before menstruation and throughout all the “red” days, your diet should consist of various cereals, grain bread,. It is worth including lettuce, cabbage, apples, and broccoli in the menu as often as possible.

And instead of sweets, you can treat yourself to bananas, dried apricots, watermelons, sunflower seeds and nuts. If you cannot do without meat, give preference to poultry fillet. Avoid salty foods, sweets and caffeine-containing drinks.

7. Don't forget about iron

Weight changes during critical days / shutterstock.com

Every month during the menstrual cycle, a woman loses about 100 ml of blood, and with it about 30 mg of iron. For some women this does not go unnoticed. During this period, they may feel weakness and decreased performance. Attacks of headaches, dizziness and even fainting are also possible. After all, blood is not water at all! Both the well-being and appearance of a woman depend on this red liquid, or rather on its composition. Unfortunately, statistics show that about half of women have problems with blood, especially young girls who, following fashion, exhaust themselves by fasting and dieting.

As a result of improper nutrition, (anemia) occurs. In order to compensate for the loss of iron and restore their strength during this period, women, instead of intensively absorbing their favorite flour and sweet dishes, need to pay attention to foods high in gland– brewer’s yeast, boiled shellfish, wheat bran, seaweed, cocoa, pork liver, molasses. Remember that 20-30% of iron is absorbed from meat products, and 3-5% from plant products. Vitamins C and B12 promote iron absorption.

By following our advice, you will not only avoid gaining weight during your menstrual period, but also improve your well-being.

She pouted like a toad. I throw myself at everyone like... It doesn’t matter. I'm hungry - it's terrible. Everything hurts and aches. Is the condition familiar? Now I’m asking the female half of the population. Although male readers will probably recognize their beloved on certain days. Before the onset of menstruation. All the signs are there. Why do I gain weight before my period? Let's follow the whole cycle.

Remember what weight depends on? Oh, it is influenced by many factors, some positive, some negative. This

  • genetics (damn it);
  • nutrition (well, we can influence this);
  • physical activity (this is also within our control);
  • metabolism, or metabolism (you can also activate it);
  • hormonal background.

Stop. Let’s talk about hormones in more detail. They are not only to blame for women’s monthly suffering, but can also “explain” the appearance of a couple of extra pounds before menstruation. So, what awaits unhappy women at different periods of the menstrual cycle.


From their first day we count down the days of the cycle. The entire genital area is cleansed and renewed. A woman’s body is preparing to accept a new life, for pregnancy. During this period, there is very little estrogen and progesterone. That's why…

Firstly, fluid is retained in the body. Women even begin to go to the toilet less often. Excess fluid means an extra one and a half to two kilograms. Try weighing yourself on the first day of your period or a couple of days before it starts. Get upset.

Secondly, the lack of female hormones deprives you of a feeling of happiness and peace. “We need to make up for this somehow,” the body tells the brain. And he gives the command: “Yes!” Eat, that is. That’s why you crave sweets or fried potatoes so much. In addition, the woman begins to “eat up” stress (I said: menstruation is stress).

Fortunately, all these phenomena are temporary. Everything will pass along with the “business”.

Follicular phase

After menstruation, the body begins to intensively prepare for conception (whether you are planning a pregnancy or not). During this phase, a follicle is produced (later an egg will be released from it). Estrogen levels rise rapidly. Unfortunately, this hormone requires adipose tissue. If there is not enough of it, the brain will force it to replenish the supply.


A mature egg leaves the follicle and begins to move towards the uterus through the fallopian tubes. The amount of sex hormones is off the charts. The woman is in a good mood, she is full of energy and bright thoughts. There may be slight swelling and enlargement of the mammary glands. This will cause your weight to increase, but only slightly.

Corpus luteum phase

As a gynecologist once explained to me, this is some kind of fetus (outwardly). It appears after ovulation in the ovary. This is a temporary gland that produces progesterone. Thanks to this hormone, the lining of the uterus prepares for implantation of the fetus. The body also produces estrogen in small quantities.

The luteal phase continues until menstruation. In terms of weight, this is the most favorable period for a woman. Diets and sports exercises become more effective, weight does not increase. But a few days before menstruation everything stops.

Some kind of shaking begins inside all systems. The body understands that pregnancy has not occurred. It was all in vain. The yellow body bursts. The level of female hormones drops. Oh, how bad it feels because we failed Mother Nature’s expectations.

Unreasonable hunger appears (it would be more appropriate to say “zhor”). I want something fatty, something salty, something sweet. And everything, and more.

Menstruation begins. And everything repeats itself again.

Weight and age

While we are young, the body works at full capacity. The metabolic rate is quite high. The ratio between progesterone and estrogen is optimal. In middle-aged women, metabolism decreases slightly. Hormonal balance is disrupted. That is, the amount of estrogen, compared to progesterone, becomes greater. And estrogen needs fat.

Women with an irregular cycle or a cycle without ovulation may face this problem. And their number increases by the age of forty. Scanty brown discharge - and those become rare guests. During such periods there is more estrogen. Therefore, fat accumulates more intensely and faster.

It's no secret that women often overeat and stop following diets at the end or at the very beginning of the menstrual cycle. A few simple tips will help ladies who tend to be overweight to keep their weight under control during this period. Today we will tell you the main nuances of losing weight, and talk about the topic “How much weight increases during menstruation.”

Increased appetite, sometimes even hunger that attacks in the middle of the night, constant thirst and uncontrollable mood swings - familiar symptoms? Then you are one of those who are familiar with premenstrual syndrome - PMS - personally. And although most girls do not feel it, the picture changes with age: according to statistics, more than 90% of women suffer from one or another manifestation of PMS. It has a particularly negative effect on women who are prone to obesity. Changes in hormonal levels awaken a voracious appetite in them. 3-12 days before the onset of menstruation, the level of the hormone progesterone in the body increases significantly. He is responsible for pregnancy, and a woman expecting offspring must eat well in order to bear a child. This means that during this period the body of the expectant mother must make reserves for future use.

Hence such temporary troubles that appear before menstruation, such as swelling, constipation, bloating and weight gain. However, some ladies follow the body's lead, letting go of the reins during PMS and, as a result, gradually gaining fat. Ideally, before menstruation, weight should increase by only 900 g, which will go away after menstruation. However, for most women, fluctuations occur within 1-1.5 kg. Now think about it: your ravenous appetite forced you to eat 3 kg, after which, at best, you lost 2.7. (By the way, if the weight “walks” within large limits, do not be surprised by the appearance of stretch marks and stretch marks.) This means that 300 g has settled on the sides. This mechanism works every month, gradually accumulating excess fat. In order not to grow wider during PMS, you should follow simple rules.

Control your weight

Step on the scale at least once a month - after your period, preferably on the same day according to your menstrual calendar - and write down the result. If the indicators do not change, then you know how to cope with your “menstrual” appetite.

Don't be led by your mood

All women know about those dangerous days when an overwhelming desire to eat something forbidden arises and many ask the question: “How much does weight increase during menstruation?” Hang a sign in your kitchen with a simple truth: “PMS will pass, but the weight will remain.” She will block your way to the refrigerator and will not allow you to throw everything in your mouth.

Pay attention to nutrition

Avoid fatty foods - lard, pork, all kinds of sausages and high-fat cheeses. Forget that potatoes can be fried, and chicken has skin, and that there is a universal sauce in the world - mayonnaise. Measure vegetable oil with a teaspoon, count nuts and seeds individually. In addition, pickles, alcohol, beer and, of course, sweets (this concept includes confectionery, baked goods, sickly sweet fruits, chocolate) should be limited as much as possible. Have an educational conversation with your other half, as well as with yourself. Analyze your behavior during “critical” ailments. It is men who unknowingly help women gain excess weight during difficult times. A strong person is afraid like fire of manifestations of premenstrual syndrome in his loved ones, especially tears, hysterics, and quarrels. Trying in every possible way to alleviate the lady’s suffering, to show care and understanding, they buy and prepare all those dishes that on ordinary days a woman does not allow herself. What a disservice?! Please note: as a rule, men spoil their loved ones with chocolate. Millions of tons of products made from cocoa beans are eaten by women around the world during PMS. Some ladies send their other half to the store for a chocolate treat even at night. But all these tiles easily settle on the hips and waist!

Not the iron lady

It would seem that with the advent of menstruation, the dangerous period should end. But this doesn't happen. Every month during menstruation, a woman loses an average of half a glass (about 100 ml) of blood. Is it a lot or a little? Some ladies do not feel unwell at all during this period. But others clearly feel weakness, constant drowsiness, and note a noticeable decrease in performance. Sometimes they experience headaches, attacks of dizziness, even fainting. After all, blood is not water! The red liquid, or rather its composition, affects the appearance and well-being of a woman. And during menstruation, the blood formula changes: the level of hemoglobin and platelets decreases, the level of leukocytes increases. If the diet is balanced, such changes disappear without a trace for women. But, unfortunately, according to statistics, almost 50% of the fairer sex have problems with blood - especially young girls who, for the sake of fashion and super slimness, torture themselves with fasting and diets. The most common consequence of poor nutrition is anemia (anemia), which worsens during menstruation. After all, approximately 30 mg of iron is lost during menstruation. Trying to compensate for losses and restore strength, women begin to eat heavily, giving preference to their favorite flour and sweet dishes, although the proportion of iron-containing foods in the diet needs to be increased.

Feeding the blood

So how should women eat before and during menstrual periods? Choose edibles that can “feed” the blood: lean meat (veal), beef, chicken, lamb liver, liver pate, all kinds of boiled shellfish - treat yourself to delicacies like mussels, oysters, snails. Of the fish, salmon is the richest in the necessary metal. In addition, iron is found in poultry meat, eggs (more in quail than in chicken), cocoa, sesame, nuts (pine, walnuts, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts), dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins), dark chocolate, beans, peas , lentils, broccoli and plums. Wheat bran can be called a champion in iron content. To increase hemoglobin levels, it is enough to add 1-2 tbsp to food. l. bran daily.

Many women feel the onset of “critical days” by changes in the general condition of the body and some other signs. Some people experience heaviness in the lower abdomen, nausea and dizziness, others feel swelling in the chest, limbs or suffer from constipation. Each body reacts differently to the approaching period. But many women notice that their weight increases during their menstrual cycle.

In most cases, this situation is completely normal, which is explained by the physiological processes occurring in a woman’s body before menstruation. But there are also cases when weight gain is considered in the context of a certain pathology. Therefore, the question of why this happens can be answered after differential diagnosis.

All women are sensitive to their figure, and serious weight changes in a larger direction become a cause for real grief.


The origin of weight gain during menstruation and immediately before it must first of all be sought in physiological processes. Everyone understands that a woman’s body undergoes changes every month that are aimed at making it possible to become pregnant. They are caused by hormonal changes, and weight gain depends on the influence of such factors:

  • Premenstrual syndrome.
  • Dietary errors.
  • Heredity.

The issue of genetic predisposition is discussed for many conditions, and in the situation under consideration is also of tentative importance. It is also impossible to deny problems with a woman’s diet, which can be present at any time, becoming more acute with the arrival of menstruation.

In addition, it is necessary to consider the factors that cause pathological weight gain before menstruation. These should be kept in mind when conducting a clinical examination, since exclusion of physiological causes requires the search for other answers. Thus, weight gain can provoke disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system due to the following conditions:

  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Pathology of the adrenal glands.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction.

Such diseases, of course, have no connection with menstruation, and the time of their appearance can be completely different. But such conditions should not be discounted.

You can find out why weight changes before the onset of menstruation based on the results of a comprehensive examination.

Development mechanism

As you know, the menstrual cycle is controlled by hormones. At different periods there is a change in the concentration of the main regulatory substances - estrogens and progesterone. They influence various metabolic processes and the function of internal organs. Before the onset of menstruation, progesterone levels remain high in the body. Its biological role is to ensure the onset and normal course of pregnancy. But other effects cannot be ignored. In particular, fluid retention occurs in the body, which can reach up to 900 grams.

It should also be remembered that a few days before menstruation, the body requires more nutrients, rightly expecting that pregnancy may still occur. This encourages a woman to eat more, which cannot but affect her figure. In addition, hormonal changes can cause constipation due to decreased intestinal motility. Decreasing frequency of bowel movements also contributes to weight gain. In total, all factors can provoke the appearance of an additional 2–3 kg.

During and before menstruation, completely physiological processes occur that can cause some weight gain.


The appearance of extra pounds is certainly not a very pleasant sign for every woman. However, this will not become critical, since with the end of menstruation the weight will return to its usual numbers. If this does not happen, you need to pay close attention to your body and think about why the expected did not come true. If it is quite difficult to answer a question on your own, then it is much easier for a doctor to understand the situation.

During the clinical examination, the emphasis is on signs that concern the patient. If she does not present any complaints other than weight gain, then she has to actively identify and confirm them. Often, this situation is considered within the framework of premenstrual syndrome, which develops in a large number of women. In addition to weight changes, other manifestations may be present:

  • Breast tenderness.
  • Pain in the abdomen.
  • Increased appetite and thirst.
  • Swelling of the limbs and face.
  • Headaches and dizziness.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Feeling of heat in the face.
  • Changes in mood.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Nausea.
  • Constipation.

It is not at all necessary that all of these signs will be present, but, as a rule, a combination of them is observed. For some, the symptoms are pronounced, causing significant trouble, while for others they are almost invisible. It all depends on the sensitivity of the woman’s body to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle.

In order to determine why a woman has gained several kilograms in a short time, it is necessary to turn to differential diagnosis with other conditions that also require exclusion.


In cases where a woman gains weight regardless of her period, it is worth thinking about the possibility of reasons other than physiological. Maybe there is reason to believe that there are some problems with the endocrine system. Then you need to connect additional diagnostic tools. These include the following methods of laboratory and instrumental confirmation:

  • Blood test for glucose.
  • Carbohydrate tolerance test.
  • Biochemical blood test (hormonal spectrum, electrolytes, etc.).
  • Ultrasound examination (thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries).
  • Computed tomography.

An examination by a gynecologist will need to be supplemented by a consultation with an endocrinologist. Based on the results of a comprehensive examination, it is already possible to make a final conclusion about the causes of excess weight during menstruation.

When a pathology is identified, specific treatment is prescribed, the essence of which is to normalize metabolic and endocrine processes in the body.

Treatment and preventive measures

To avoid serious weight changes during menstruation, you should listen to your doctor's advice. Many activities are not only therapeutic, but also preventive. When a woman notices the appearance of such problems, she should pay close attention to her health, taking into account the characteristics of the menstrual cycle.

Undesirable changes that occur in the body during menstruation can be minimized through fairly simple recommendations. It only requires desire and organization, and the effect will not take long to arrive. First of all, you should consider the following rules regarding nutrition during the period of “critical days”:

  • Do not overeat, at the same time, the diet should be complete.
  • Limit fatty and flour products, sweets.
  • Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs.
  • Minimize intake of coffee, chocolate and hard cheeses.
  • Eat food more often - up to 5-6 times a day.
  • Quit alcohol and smoking.
  • Monitor your weight regularly.

In addition to diet, you need to pay attention to adequate physical activity. Now no one doubts the usefulness of morning exercises, walks in the fresh air and swimming. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. If you have problems with insomnia, it is recommended to take a warm bath or use other relaxation methods, such as breathing exercises, aromatherapy or relaxing music.

Drug therapy

If a woman is seriously concerned about her condition and experiences significant discomfort from severe premenstrual syndrome, medications will help. Your doctor may recommend certain medications to relieve unpleasant symptoms. These include the following:

  • Sedatives.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Diuretics.
  • Hormonal agents.
  • Vitamins (B6, C) and microelements (magnesium, calcium, iron).

Any medications must be taken in accordance with medical prescriptions. Under no circumstances should you interfere with the functioning of the body yourself, as this is fraught with many undesirable phenomena.

Other methods

To improve the general condition of the body and reduce the impact of adverse factors on it, you can additionally use other therapeutic agents. Physiotherapy procedures do not lose their relevance, among which it is worth noting electrorelaxation, reflexology and balneotherapy. In addition, psychotherapeutic methods are widely popular. This helps improve the nervous regulation of processes and normalize the emotional background.

When wondering why weight is gained before menstruation, it is necessary to consider all the factors. This is mainly a consequence of physiological changes. Then you can use simple methods that allow you to maintain good shape at any time. If some pathology is identified, then there should be no doubt about the need for specific treatment.

Almost all women of reproductive age notice weight gain during menstruation. Similar changes are observed in the female body for a number of reasons: due to hormonal imbalance, slowdown of metabolism, the occurrence of PMS, water retention in the body. To prevent the formation of extra pounds, you need to know why weight increases before menstruation.

There is a relationship between periods and weight. In the second phase of the cycle, body weight may increase by a couple of kilograms. Your weight before your period may change due to several reasons. One of them is, or PMS, which makes a woman irritable and thirsty. To normalize her emotional state, she begins to eat sweet and high-calorie foods, which promote the production of dopamine in the brain. But an improvement in mood is observed only at the time of eating such food. Therefore, before menstruation, weight will increase while the woman tries to normalize her condition with the help of such products.

The next reason for weight gain during menstruation are age-related changes. Young girls have an accelerated metabolism. With age, this process slows down, and extra pounds accumulate more actively. At the same time, it is difficult to get rid of the weight gained during menstruation. If a woman does not learn to control her appetite, her weight will increase monthly and will soon become significant.

When PMS and pain occur, many women refuse any physical activity and spend most of their time in a static position. At the same time, calories are not wasted, but weight grows.

It can be brought back to normal if, after the end of menstrual flow, you do exercises that help you lose excess fat mass.

Hormonal imbalance in the body can lead to weight gain. Some women suffer on the face, legs, and abdomen. The reason for this manifestation of PMS is the production of an increased amount of aldosterone, which leads to a failure of water-salt metabolism.

The “progesterone + water” mechanism

One of the main reasons for weight gain before menstruation is water retention in the body. It is important to know how many days before menstruation the weight begins to increase. This process is activated in the second phase of the cycle due to the production of a large volume of progesterone, responsible for preparing the girl for pregnancy. This hormone contributes not only to the retention of fluid in the body, but also to the deposition of fatty elements in the subcutaneous layer, which is why weight increases during menstruation.

Most often, during this period, women gain 1.5–2 kilograms. This change is considered normal, and if a woman does not eat a lot of sweets during this period, the weight gain will go away after menstruation.

Progesterone produced before menstruation also contributes to weight gain indirectly. An increase in the level of this hormone in the body leads to the fact that the immune system begins to gradually weaken. This process explains the frequent exacerbations of chronic diseases in women just before their critical days. Some developed pathologies affect hormonal levels.

Read more about what happens with in a separate article on our website.

With a strong hormonal imbalance, metabolic processes in the body slow down, which is why the woman begins to gain weight. In some cases, if hormonal changes are not stabilized, weight increases to a critical level.

If the hormonal background has changed slightly, premenstrual syndrome may occur: the production of estrogen and serotonin decreases, the woman becomes irritable, and she develops a craving for sweet and high-calorie foods. In this case, how much weight will increase during menstruation will depend only on the strength of the craving for poor nutrition. Most often, due to such addiction, 1.5–3 kilograms are added to the initial body weight.

Treatment and preventive measures

In order not to gain weight before your period, you need to change your lifestyle during this period. Dietary restrictions and physical activity will help you cope with extra pounds. If a woman has problems with willpower or well-being, she can, on the recommendation of a doctor, take medications.

To avoid gaining weight before menstruation, a woman needs to watch what she eats. During this period you should refuse:

  • from coffee;
  • smoked products;
  • salty food;
  • sodas and energy drinks;
  • spicy dishes;
  • spices;
  • chocolate and other sweets.

This limitation is due to the fact that the listed products contribute to fluid retention in the body, which causes edema. Failure of water-salt balance leads to deterioration of digestive function: flatulence and constipation occur.

To prevent such consequences, during menstruation you should give preference to the following foods:

  • low-fat yogurt;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables, with the exception of legumes and white cabbage;
  • cottage cheese mixed with cinnamon-honey dressing;
  • porridges made from whole grain cereals containing a large amount of fiber.

Desserts made with yogurt and cottage cheese will help regulate your appetite before your period and at the same time prevent the appearance of extra pounds. It is recommended to use unsweetened fruits and berries as additional ingredients. If a woman experiences severe premenstrual syndrome, it is recommended to drink sedatives, chamomile, tea, infusions of lemon balm, and valerian.

Although many women experience discomfort during their periods, During this period, you cannot completely give up physical activity. Heavy activities that require muscle tension should be replaced by light workouts or moderate activity. During menstruation, weight can be adjusted by walking in the fresh air, meditation, and yoga.

Drug therapy

Medications can help cope with weight gain during menstruation:

  1. Vitamin complexes, which include vitamins C, A, E, B, as well as zinc (Cyclovita, Cyclodinone, Supradin, Time Factor).
  2. Contraceptives. Regular use can reduce the likelihood of gaining extra pounds during menstruation. Only a gynecologist should select such drugs.
  3. Diuretic medications. They can help cope with the accumulation of fluid in the body. However, they can only be used in the absence of renal pathologies.

Before using any drug, you should consult a doctor.

Other methods

To combat weight gain during menstruation, you can use folk recipes:

  1. Take 3 tablespoons of calendula and lemon balm flowers, mix and pour half a liter of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and leave for 10 hours. It is necessary to take the infusion for 7–14 days in the second phase of the cycle, 0.5 cups twice a day. This remedy normalizes metabolism, which helps reduce the activity of gaining excess weight before menstruation.
  2. 100 grams of a mixture prepared from the same volume of cornflower, chamomile, and valerian flowers are poured with 0.5 liters of vodka. The liquid is infused for 12 days, and then taken 3 tablespoons 2-3 times a day for a week. This infusion helps the body cope with stress more easily, makes PMS less pronounced, which is why a woman’s craving for sweets decreases. It also has a moderate diuretic effect, which eliminates the risk of edema or fluid retention in the body.
  3. Crushed calamus root, doused with alcohol in a ratio of 1:20, is infused for 20 days. Take 1 tablespoon before meals. It improves metabolism, which results in the formation of less fat tissue. It is worth considering that calamus root can increase appetite, so you can use the tincture only before meals. At the same time, you should eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly. This will allow you to reach saturation with a small amount.

The use of traditional recipes during and before the onset of menstruation should be carried out only after consulting a doctor in the absence of contraindications to taking the selected infusion. During treatment, it is necessary to observe dietary restrictions and not forget about physical activity. With this approach, a woman will not suffer from the appearance of extra pounds in the second phase of the menstrual cycle.